Taking Your Social Media Pulse

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Taking Your Social Media Pulse

ROI and Insights

Learn to take your Social Media Pulse

What is Preventing Success?

Lack of Knowledge Inability to Measure your Return on Investment Lack of Budget (Money) Management Technical Complexity Not Understanding Your Market

Business Key Concepts & Action Steps

Key Concept: Developing a social media strategy and plan. Understanding your business structure, resources and capabilities to manage social media.

Action Steps: Do an analysis of your business. Hire Orlando Web Wizard if you need more help.

Customer Key Concepts & Action Steps

Key Concept: Customers follow a process when making purchasing decisions. Customers follow specific patterns based on product or service exposure.

Action Steps: Map out your customers decision making process. Understand how you can influence this process. Understand how involved your customers are with your product or service. Understand how your product or service differentiates from your competition.

Facebook Insights

There are two types:

1. User Insights: Total page Likes, or a number of fans, daily active users, new Likes/Unlikes, Like sources, demographics, page views and unique page views, tab views, external referrers, media consumption.

2. Interactions Insights: Daily story feedback (post Likes, post comments, per post impressions), daily page activity (mentions, discussions, reviews, wall posts, video posts).

Click “See All”

Total Likes, Friends of Fans, Talking About, Total Reached

Post Types are a Story

The ways people can interact with your Facebookpage.

Reached, Engaged, Talking, Virality

Total Reached

The number of people who saw your post.

Engaged Users

People who have clicked anywhere on one of your Facebook Page posts.They may:* Liked* Commented* or Shared it.

Talking About This

The number of unique individuals who have created a “story” about your Facebook Page.

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