Take a few minutes to answer the quiz on your desk...

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Grade 10 EnglishJune Exam Review

Exam Part 1: Critical Consumerism

• Be able to identify when logos, pathos, and ethos is being used in a written scenario and in a print/video advertisement

• Be able to identify the 10 specific persuasive techniques advertisers often use in ads

• Be able to view a advertisement, summarize the above information, and specifically explain how the advertiser is using the techniques to persuade you in a written informal paragraph

Critical Consumerism

English 10

Critical Consumerism Vocabulary


the belief that it is good for people to spend a lot of money on goods and services.


something that is trying to influence a person to “buy” (or adopt) a product, service, or idea.

Persuasive Techniques

The ancient Greeks, who developed our basic concepts of logic (sensible thought), isolated 3 factors that make a good argument: logos, pathos, and ethos.


• an appeal to logic or reason.

• An advertisement using logos will give you the evidence and statistics you need to understand what the product does.

• The logos of an advertisement will be the "straight facts" about the product

• Example:

One glass of Florida orange juice contains 75% of your daily Vitamin C needs.







• an appeal to emotion.

• An advertisement using pathos will attempt to evoke an emotional response in the consumer. Sometimes, it is a positive emotion such as happiness. Other times, advertisers will use negative emotions such as pain. Pathos can also include emotions such as fear and guilt.

• Examples:

An image of people enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi; a person having back problems after buying the “wrong” mattress; images of a starving child persuade you to send money.







• an appeal to credibility or character

• An advertisement using ethos will try to convince you that the company is more reliable, honest, and credible; therefore, you should buy its product.

• Ethos often involves statistics from reliable experts, or a celebrity endorsement of a product to lend it more credibility.

• Examples:Nine out of ten dentists agree that Crest is the better than any other brand; Americas dieters choose Lean Cuisine; Catherine Zeta-Jones makes us want to switch to T-Mobile.

Persuasive Techniques






Name That Persuasive Appeal

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to ethos by emphasizing the established reputation and credibility of the brand.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos, or emotion, by evoking a fear of social exclusion.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos by using a graph to show that Silcom outperforms the competition.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos by using a chart to compare the quality of Vistle cat food to that of a competitor.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by associating the air freshener with positive feelings.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos by citing data that proves the face wash's effectiveness.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by associating the advertised product with feelings of belonging and familial love.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos, or emotion, by reminding readers of how important their dogs are to them.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by associating the chocolate with indulgence and luxury.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos by arguing that purchasing paper from the advertised retailer is a better financial decision.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by evoking feelings of parental love and concern.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to ethos by emphasizing that the brand shares their customers' values.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by evoking a fear of illness.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by associating the advertised product with positive social interactions.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos, or emotion, by associating the car with feelings of adventure and independence.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos by drawing on the reader's desire to stand out.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos, or reason, by citing research to show that the advertised toothpaste is highly effective.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to ethos by emphasizing the long history of the credit union and implying its reliability.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to ethos by emphasizing the quality standards that are part of the brand's identity.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos, or emotion, by associating the clothing line with fun and adventure.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos, or logic, by citing evidence that proves the vacuum's effectiveness.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to ethos, or character, by emphasizing the clinic's established reputation.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos, or reason, by highlighting the specific nutrients that the dog food provides.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to logos, or reason, by emphasizing the practical benefits users can expect from the car.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to pathos, or emotion, by evoking pity and compassion.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

The ad appeals to ethos by referring to real users who endorse the headphones.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

This ad appeals to ethos.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

This ad appeals to ethos.

Which persuasive appeal is primarily used in this ad?

This ad appeals to logos.

Logos, Ethos, Pathos?

1. A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug spray.

2. Tiger Woods endorses Nike.

3. Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free.

4. A 32-oz. bottle of Tide holds enough to wash 32 loads.

5. A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in a Corvette.

6. Cardiologists recommend Ecotrin more than any other brand of aspirin.

7. Advil Liqui-Gels provide up to 8 hours of continuous pain relief.

8. Miley Cyrus appears in Oreo advertisements.

9. People who need more energy drink Red Bull Energy Drink.

10. A magazine ad shows people smiling while smoking cigarettes.

Logos, Pathos, Ethos?

1. A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug spray.

2. Tiger Woods endorses Nike.

3. Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free.

4. A 32-oz. bottle of Tide holds enough to wash 32 loads.

5. A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in a Corvette.

6. Cardiologists recommend Ecotrin more than any other brand of aspirin.

7. Advil Liqui-Gels provide up to 8 hours of continuous pain relief.

8. Miley Cyrus appears in Oreo advertisements.

9. People who need more energy drink Red Bull Energy Drink.

10. A magazine ad shows people smiling while smoking cigarettes.

More Specific Persuasive Techniques


The suggestion that you should join the crowd or be on the winning side by using product – you don’t want to be the only person without it!




Using the words of a person about their experience to persuade the viewer





Positive words, images, and ideas that are used to suggest that the product is also positive. Celebrities are also used here because if the product is good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.





The product name is often repeated. This is usually done by a lesser-known or newer company.




Ads that try to make you feel strongly about someone or something. They appeal to your emotions (anything from sadness to belonging to laughter) while almost ignoring the actual product it is advertising.





Emotional Appeal:

Plain Folks:

A suggestion that the product is a practical one of good value for ordinary people. It implies that the product connects to people who are down to earth and hardworking.




Snob Appeal:

The suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle.




Facts and Figures:

Using facts or numbers to persuade people that this product is better than others




Magic Ingredient:

The implication that some almost miraculous discovery makes the product effective, or that this product has done something no other one has.




Hidden Fears:

The exploitation of an individual's fears and insecurities (basically: buy this to avoid being ugly, stupid, or unpopular).




Persuasive Techniques

1. View the ad - Duracell

2. With a partner, discuss the effectiveness of the advertisement in a well written paragraph. Identify and describe three advertising techniques that are used and explain in detail how the companies are using those techniques to market their products to consumers.

*The summary should be written as a formal paragraph. Be sure to include the product and advertiser in the topic sentence.