TAIWAN (new improved version)

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of TAIWAN (new improved version)

We are in Taiwan, and we are on HanZhongstreet.I would be your guide,Juliet .

This is where all the stores are !Hours of non-stop shopping!

This is one of the famous shops ,they sell a lot of delicious stuff!

Look!there’s a buddah!Thereshould be a temple near-by!

There is the temple,There are many things come to the temple to explore more!

Let’s take the train to the restraunt!

Look!we’rehere !

We’re here!Look at all the delicious food!

Look a show set-up!Interesting!

Look!Actors and one even LOOKING at me! HI !HI!

Oh it is dark!ohwhat do I see a shopping mall!Let’sgo in!

Ohh…that looks like a flyer is it?yesI think there is a flyer here I should go check it out !

LOOK !There is even a friend that can company u on the ride itself!

Look at the view so beautiful!

Okay now that is the end of the tour!Comevisit Taiwan soon!