TAFE SA and Global Trends in Education

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Presentation to TAFE SA Educational Leadership Forum (May 24th, 2013)

Transcript of TAFE SA and Global Trends in Education


Michael CoghlanTAFE SAMay 24th, 2013




• We have changed from being an organisation primarily concerned with LEARNING, to an organisation whose primary concern is ASSESSMENT.

GLOBAL TRENDS (NMC sponsored retreat on

The Future of Education)

• Work is increasingly Global and Collaborative

• People learn anywhere, anytime (BYOD – bring your own device)

• Mobile

• Openness — content, resources, courses, research, attitudes


• Ownership (copyright) and privacy

• Access, and Scale are redefining what we mean by quality and success (MOOCS)

• Notion of literacy is being redefined (multi- or transliteracy)

• Rise of Informal Learning

• New Business Models

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) People learn anywhere anytime

• this we're doing reasonably well; policies have been adjusted so students bear own responsibility; wireless network throughout TAFE

• overarching principle – it is no longer one size fits all

MOBILE• more than 50% of the world now

access the Internet via a mobile device

• teaching staff are beginning to create materials for epublishing formats (but need to be wary of adopting any one product/platform)

• Moodle 2.0 will assist as it reformats automatically for the mobile screen; also apps available for all smartphones

• again, we're doing reasonably well in this area but it will change constantly and rapidly

• use and production of educational apps – ideally we would have a team of staff monitoring this constantly


• resources• courses• attitude• communication

OPENNESS - Resources

• will be helped by the implementation of Alfresco - will give staff at least the option of sharing across TAFE, and even beyond;

• need to have some resources free for public perusal (a la Open University UK - http://www.open.edu/openlearn/); outdated modes of copyright need to be set aside - ie all content is owned by the Minister (????)

• these kinds of rules/regulations were introduced in a time of content scarcity. This is not the case anymore – we live in an age of content abundance.

• see https://www.coursera.org/ http://ed.ted.com/abouthttps://www.khanacademy.org/

OPENNESS - Courses

• same as above re resources; MIT, Stanford, Otago Polytechnic, etc have made many and in some cases all the content of their courses publicly available

• some TAFESA Moodle courses could/should be made public

OPENNESS – Attitude/Communication

• shared decision making; give staff real rights to participation; encourage robust and public discussion using online asynchronous forums; (we already have Yammer, and could easily be done in Moodle)

• management could model and lead this process - blogging?(see Greg Whitby (NSW school principal)

http://bluyonder.wordpress.com/)• privacy covers up weaknesses; publicness reveals

weaknesses and encourages people to find solutions ('crowd-sourcing')

The defining competency...

“...the ability to integrate the talents of dispersed individuals and organisations is becoming the defining competency for managers and firms.”


Collective wisdom?

Stupidity of the masses?


• we could be offering short non-accredited courses, (eg Regency Gastronomic Adventures); even just discrete units of competence

• this harks back to something TAFE used to do very well – classes for the community - it's how many people prefer to learn and it builds bridges with the community > future customers; creates trust in the brand

NEW LITERACIES• literacy is no longer just about reading and writing; there is now the

concept of multiliteracies (also called transliteracy); these wider concepts encompass digital, critical, techno, video, media literacies to name a few

• the acquisition of multiliteracy skills is highlighting the new digital divide - the divide that separates people according to how they discover, process, and share information/learning

• should we offer a course in Multiliteracy as a pre-requisite? or as an enrichment class for TAFE and wider community?

• Box Hill TAFE does this via a compulsory induction unit for students

MOOCS (Access and Scale)

• Massive Open Online Courses have already be-come part of accepted delivery for many main-stream higher ed organisations; someone will do it in VET; we don't know if it will work, but why not lead and try it? free unless assessment and qualifications required

• Mark Keough first proposed this model at least 10 yrs ago

• See https://www.coursera.org/


• MOOCs?• open resources/courses?• short informal courses?• Skills for All is an opportunity to do things

differentlyFurther Reading:1. Wikinomics (Don Tapscott, Anthony Williams)2. Public Parts (Jeff Jarvis)


• promote individual specialist lecturers and use them to help the public identify with the brand of TAFE

Examples: http://ed.ted.com/about; https://www.khanacademy.org/)


• linked with discussion on openness; could be modelled by leadership/management via public communication and debate (eg UniSA’s unijam)

• collaboration could be emphasised as a principal form of assessment (design for cheating) - an alternative to testing/Moodle quizzes done alone in isolation

• this is not what happens in the real world; collaborative assessment more accurately mirrors workplace practice

• more PD needed on other models of delivery - problem based learning (PBL), scenario based, Assessment for Learning (A4L); Flipped Learning - http://flipped-learning.com/

• strong links here with Employability Skills - they are the skills graduates will need to function in a more global and collaborative workplace


• Communication • Teamwork • Problem Solving • Initiative and Enterprise • Planning and Organising • Self-management • Learning • Technology

“Soft skills are the hard skills of industry.”(Jeremy Blain - Cegos Asia Pacific)


• Who owns materials? new systems of copyright should be embraced eg Creative Commons licensing - Federal Govt and Department of Health in SA are already backing this approach



• the copyright issue really is a circuit breaker; giving away free content is how you become known (I am a case in point)

• content will not generate repeat business – the support and services we offer around that content will if we do that well

• we can sell some premium content, but it needs to be a mixed approach - some for sale; some for free

“Smart firms are treating intellectual property like a mutual fund – they manage a balanced portfolio of IP assets, some protected and some shared.”



• to do this effectively you need to be active and transparent on the open web; a minimum is a Facebook site; other complementary sites:

• YouTube (TAFE SA already has its own channel) but individuals need to be free to publish to own sites and tag content 'TAFESA'

• Twitter (corporate and individual accounts)• Flickr (for photos; corporate and individual accounts)• Blog (corporate and individual accounts)• Podcast (TAFE SA has the Podzone; http://podzone.tafesa.edu.au/)

SOCIAL MEDIA• In a nutshell, you publish often and widely. If you write a

blog post, publish a photo or video telling your network about it on Twitter and Facebook. It's about shameless self-promotion, or put another way, it's about being open, honest and public.

• enable and encourage individuals (staff and

students) to contribute to social networks and the open web without reprisal TO PUBLICISE THE GOOD THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN TAFE

• publish student testimonials

2013 Australian Horizon ReportNear-Term Horizon: One Year or Less

• Learning Analytics• Mobile Learning• Massively Open Online Courses• Social Media

Mid-Term Horizon: Two to Three years

• 3D Printing• Information Visualization• Location-Based Services• Open Badges

Long-Term Horizon: Four to Five years

• Flexible Displays• The Internet of Things• Virtual and Remote Laboratories• Wearable Technology


1. Make more TAFE SA courses available for public perusal on the open web

2. Set aside outdated modes of copyright3. Adopt Creative Commons licensing4. Emphasise collaboration as a principal form of assessment5. Encourage robust and public discussion using online

asynchronous tools6. Enable and encourage individuals (staff and students) to

contribute to social media7. Promote specialist lecturers on social media8. Offer a course in Multiliteracy/compulsory induction unit9. Provide more Professional Development on alternative models of

delivery10. Launch a MOOC?