Tactical Urbanism: Diversity of Useful Spaces

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Tactical Urbanism: Diversity of Useful Spaces

Tactical Urbanism

and the diversity of useful spaces

Meeting bowls, Times Square, NYC

New York, USA

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sky Umbrellas - Aqueda, Portugal

Águeda, Portugal.

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Park(ing) Day, Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, USA

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Pop-up Cafe, Downtown, NYC

New York, USA

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“God made us walking animals, pedestrians. As a fish needs to swim, a bird to fly, a deer to run, we need to walk, not in order to survive, but to be happy.” Enrique Peñalosa