Taboo Opinions 23

Post on 19-Nov-2015

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Taboo Opinions

Transcript of Taboo Opinions 23

  • TABOO OPINIONS #23 By Richard E. Geis Copyright 2004 by Richard E. Geis For Adults Only! Quoting in whole or in part is encouraged With a credit line, please.

    10-14-04 Desperation City is where George W. Bush is now living, as the polls show he lost the third debate with Kerry. Further, (O the horror!) the election is now lost as Kerry will build momentum, having found the issues and arguments which work. The daily bad news from Iraq---more American soldiers killed, more bold, seemingly unstoppable bombings---is also killing Bush. The only resort Bush&HisMasters have seems to be to try to steal the election, but to do that the polls must show a very close contest, and to achieve a dead heat election will require new smear ads in amazing volumes. Perhaps even scandalous new news revelations about Kerry at the last minute. Brace yourselves. END TABOO OPINIONS #22