TABLE OF CONTENTS - Archdiocese of Cincinnati · Table of Contents 15. 11 ... Implementation –...

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Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS - Archdiocese of Cincinnati · Table of Contents 15. 11 ... Implementation –...


A Call to Create Learning Communities 1 Ohio Standards for Professional Development 2-3 Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession 4-6 Local Professional Development Committees 7-9 LPDC Plan of Operation 9-13 Responsibilities 14 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS OSTP Self Assessment 15-18 IPDP Form 19-20 IPDP: Role of the LPDC 21-23 CEUS Moving to Educator ID 24 Continuing Education Units 25 CEUs: Role of the LPDC 25 CEU Fact Sheet 26 CEU Request Form 27 Conversion Chart 28 Approved Professional Development Options – Doc. A 29-32 Application for CEUs Not Meeting Current Guidelines – Doc. C 33 RENEWALS Renewals: Role of the LPDC 34 Notes on the 5-year Application 35 Portfolio Form/LPDC Application for Licensure 36-38 Educator Profile 39 Aligning Licenses to Reduce Fees 40 MARCH REPORT/EDUCATOR LEAVING March Report: Role of the LPDC 41-42 Educator Leaving: Role of the LPDC 43 Procedure for Educators Leaving 44-46 LICENSURE STANDARDS Teacher Certification Standards 47-49 Archdiocese of Cincinnati Certification 50-51 Summary of Fingerprinting Requirements 52 Ohio Continuum of Teacher Development 53-54 Four-Tier Teacher Licensure Structure 55 Archdiocese of Cincinnati Master Teacher Program 56-57

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Understanding and Using the Standards

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Using the Standards for the Teaching Profession for Self-Assessment Ohio’s Standards for the Teaching Profession were not written as evaluation instruments. They can and should, however, be used for self-assessment and to identify areas for growth and further professional development.

Teacher Self-Assessment Tool: Standards-Based Guiding QuestionsOne way to consider your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher is to respond to focused, guiding questions related to effective instructional practices. Any questions to which you respond at levels 1, 2 or 3 may be areas for growth. Remember that this tool is confidential – it is not intended as an external tool for evaluation. This is an opportunity to be personal and honest in your assessment for self-improvement. You may wish to do this activity with a trusted peer or colleague to allow for additional discussion and reflection.

Standard 1: Students Teachers understand student learning and development, and respect the diversity of the students they teach. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you understand your students’ backgrounds and learning styles and needs, and expect that all of your students can achieve? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I understand how students learn and I know the developmental characteristics ofdifferent age groups of students.I use my knowledge of what students know and are able to do to meet the needs of allof my students.

I expect that all students will achieve to their full potential.

I demonstrate respect for my students’ diverse cultures, language skills and experiences.

I assist in the appropriate identification, instruction and intervention for giftedstudents, students with disabilities and at-risk students.


























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Understanding and Using the Standards

Standard 2: Content Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you have a deep understanding of the content you teach? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I use my knowledge of content-specific concepts, assumptions and skills to planeffective instruction.I use my knowledge of content-specific instructional strategies to effectively teach thecentral concepts and skills of my discipline.

I understand and use the Ohio academic content standards.

I connect my discipline with other content areas to plan and deliver effective instruction.

I connect content to relevant life experiences and career opportunities.


























Standard 3: Assessment Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you understand and effectively use varied assessments? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I understand varied types of assessments, their purposes and the data they generate.

I select, develop and use a variety of diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.

I analyze data to monitor students progress and learning, and to plan,differentiate and modify instruction.

I collaborate and communicate student progress with students, parents and colleagues.

I involve learners in self-assessment and goal setting to address gaps between performanceand potential.


























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Understanding and Using the Standards

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Standard 4: Instruction Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I align my instructional goals and activities with school and district priorities and withOhio’s academic content standards.I use information about students’ learning and performance to plan and deliverinstruction designed to close the achievement gap.

I communicate clear learning goals and link learning activities to those goals.

I apply my knowledge of how students think and learn to my planning and instruction.

I differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students, including gifted students,students with disabilities and at-risk students.

I create and select activities that are designed to help students become independentlearners and complex problem-solvers.

I use resources effectively, including technology, to enhance student learning.




































Standard 5: Learning Environment Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students.ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Have you created a learning environment that promotes learning and high achievement? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I treat all students fairly and I have established a classroom environment that isrespectful, supportive and caring.

I have created a classroom environment that is physically and emotionally safe.

I motivate my students to work productively and take responsibility for their ownlearning.
















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Understanding and Using the Standards

Standard 6: Collaboration and Communication Teachers collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators, parents and the community to support student learning. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you collaborate and communicate effectively with your colleagues, administrators, parents and the community? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I communicate clearly and effectively.

I share responsibility with parents and caregivers to support student learning,emotional and physical development and mental health.

I collaborate effectively with other teachers, administrators and school district staff.

I collaborate effectively with the local community and community agencies, whenappropriate, to promote student learning.





















Standard 7: Professional Responsibility and Growth Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance, and involvement as an individual and as a member of a learning community. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you assume responsibility for your professional performance and development? Consider each of the statements below. Choose the response that most accurately represents your performance.

I understand, uphold and follow professional ethics, policies and legal codes ofprofessional conduct.

I take responsibility for engaging in continuous, purposeful professional development.

I seek opportunities to impact the quality of my teaching, make school improvementsand increase student achievement.
















I create learning situations in which students work independently, collaborativelyand/or as a whole class.

I maintain an environment that is conducive to learning for all students.











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YEAR NAME: SCHOOL: CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: LICENSE: Issue Date: Expiration Date: LICENSE: Issue Date: Expiration Date: LICENSE: Issue Date: Expiration Date:

DUE DATES: To Administrator: September 15

To LPDC: October 15

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Action Plan Implementation – Professional Development Reflection What will you do to achieve this goal?

Date Actual In-service/Workshop/Activity

# of college credits/CEUS

How have the activities listed for this goal enhanced your teaching or administration? ( Sentences required)

FALL SPRING Administrator’s Review of IPDP _____________________________Date: ____________ Administrator’s Review of Implementation________________________ LPDC Chair Approval of IPDP _______________________________Date: ____________ Date: _________________

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All educators are required to develop an IPDP that describes his/her goals and anticipated strategies for accomplishing those goals. The plan shall be based on the needs of the edu-cator, and be congruent with the school and district plan for professional development and the needs of the students. (ORC 3301-24-08 2b) In addition to being consistent with established professional goals, the professional development activities chosen should be high quality as defined by the Ohio Standards for Professional Development. (See pages 2-3) Individual Development Plans, IPDPs, are to be based on the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession for teachers; the Ohio Standards for Principals for administrators and the school’s Ohio Catholic School Accreditation Association (OCSAA) plan. Using the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession The standards guide educators to reflect on their teaching by considering their strengths and weaknesses, school goals, departmental and grade level focus areas, and student data and standardized testing scores. The Self Assessment Tool is a confidential tool in which the teacher responds to focused, guiding questions related to effective instructional practices. Responses of 1, 2, or 3 may be areas for growth. Educators will develop SMART goals that match the related Ohio Standard for the Teaching Profession. Educators may share this information with colleagues and should keep this tool in their portfolio for the next goal writing. The Ohio Standards and Assessment Tool can be found on the website under Educator Resources > Professional Development. Goal Writing Educators will review areas of strength and areas for growth and prioritize their needs. Goals should be related to licensure, current assignment, future plans and school goals. Collaboration with colleagues is encouraged. Goals are to be written using the SMART goals rubric below: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-Bound State an intention to learn (Action Verb)

Describe an area of focus

Include the relevance

Add the activities to your IPDP under the Action Plan

Predict a completion date – (optional)

I will incorporate

the use of more varied instructional strategies into my teaching practice

to help students become independent learners and problem solvers

by using multiple intelligences and cooperative learning themes and lessons

January 2011 – May 2011

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I will acquire multiple strategies and methods

to improve classroom discipline

by participating in a PLC with my department

Spring 2012

I will explore alternative assessment models

to help improve math achievement

by going to workshops on alternative assessment

May 2013

I will enhance my ability in teaching

special needs students

to enhance student learning

by attending ASCD Conf. and other PD opportunities

Fall 2013

IPDP Goals All IPDPs must have a Catholic Identity or faith-based goal and must align with at least one OCSAA goal or one Ohio Standard for the Teaching Profession. Educators are encouraged to have 2-5 goals. Goals may be used over several years. Educators may add a goal to the IPDP at any point. The goals must be signed by the principal and then submitted to the LPDC. Implementation – Professional Development This section is a list of the professional development activities that you completed toward the goal. List the d ates of the activity, the name of the activity and the number of CEUS or semester/quarter hours of college work. Reflection The reflection tells about what you have learned and how this learning has enhanced your teaching or administrative work in the school. This section requires sentences. The Approved Professional Developm ent Options for educators in th e Archdioces e of Cincinnati are found on the website under Educator Resources > Professional Developm ent. These are the only activities, approved at this tim e, which m ay be used to renew certificates or licens es. The Approved Professional Develo pment Options can als o be found in the CEUs section of this manual. IPDP: ROLE OF THE LPDC Who Writes an IPDP? All teachers and princip als, including those on renewable licenses, perm anent, non-tax, alternative educator and 2- or 4-year licenses must complete an IPDP. School counselors and librarians who hold renewable certificates must write an IPDP. Those not required to write an IP DP include business m anagers, athl etic d irectors, cafeteria s taff, aides, substitutes. Schools are encouraged to write IP DPs togeth er at a faculty m eeting. The Individual Professional Developm ent Plan for m (IPDP) is available on the website under Educator Resources > Professional Devel opment and also in th e educator’s Educator Data Center account.

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Parts of the IPDP The first is a cover page (name, school, assignment, certificate info). The second is

the IPDP goal page. Use one (1) page for each goal. The IPDP requires that you state the OCSAA goal or Ohio Standard for the Teaching

Profession from which the IPDP goal flows. If one of the goals does not align with the OCSAA or OSTP goals, then type “Not applicable” in the SCHOOL GOAL space.

Which IPDPs are Reviewed by the LPDC? IPDPs of educators who hold renewable certificates are review ed by the LPDC. This includes ed ucators on 8-year certificates an d 5-year licenses. Principals who hold renewable c ertificates must send their IP DP to the Ad ministrator LPDC. IP DPs not reviewed by the LPDC are those on permanent, non-tax, alternative educator and 2- or 4-year licenses. These are reviewed by the principal only. IPDP Review IPDPs must: Have a Catholic Identity goal Align with one OCSAA goal or one Ohio Standard for the Teaching Profession Be written in terms of teacher outcomes Be relevant to the current position or future licensure Each LPDC member brings a copy of the current OCSAA goals to the meeting for LPDC files. Ohio Standards for the Teaching Pr ofession are posted in this m anual. The committee will divid e into team s of 2 and revi ew IPDPs. Concerns or questions about IPDPs that may need revision can be brought to the group or reviewed by another tea m. Required revisions should be noted on LPDC stationery attached to the IPDP. The school representative serves as a consultant for questions concerning IPDPs from his/her school. The LPDC chair c annot sign his/her own IPDP. It m ust be subm itted to ano ther committee or to the Archdiocesan L PDC Coordinator. The Princip al’s IPDP goes to the Administrator LPDC. The prin cipal sends his/her IPDP to the school consultant who forwards it to the Archdiocesan LPDC Coordinator for the Administrator LPDC. Completing the IPDP Process Once the LPDC signs the IPDP, the original go es to the educator and a copy goes in the school file. Please continue to save 5 years of IPDPs in the school file. If an educator loses an IPDP, he/she must recreate it. Administrator’s Spring Review and Signature The Adm inistrator’s Spring Review is used by the principal to review an educator’s professional developm ent for contractual purpo ses. The presence or absence of the principal’s signature does not affect the work of the LPDC or the renewal of the portfolio. Professional Service IPDPs Professional Service IPDPs are u sed to include activities s uch as cooperating teacher, professional committees, and mentoring that do not fit an IP DP goal. Use a blank IPDP goal sh eet e ntitled “Prof essional Service” and list a ctivities there. Prof essional Serv ice activities must be listed in Document A.


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ALL College Courses Online College Courses – college credit Online Courses – CEU credit

Unlimited Unlimited


1 semester hour =3 CEUs1 quarter hour =2 CEUs2 quarter hours =4 CEUs2 sem/3 qtr hrs. =6 CEUs

1 semester hour =3 CEUs1 quarter hour =2 CEUs2 quarter hours =4 CEUs2 sem/3 qtr hrs. =6 CEUs1 clock hour = .1CEU

Official Transcript - must be submitted to the LPDC

Official Transcript - must be submitted to the LPDC The course must yield a certificate of completion with the # of hours completed. This certificate of completion must accompany the CEU request form submitted to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Must be taken through a two- or four-year accredited college or other approved post secondary edu cational institution. Must be taken for credit with a grade of “ C” or better, a “ P” in pass/fail course. Coursework must be in education, religion or in a content area directly related to the individual’s teaching assignm ent or future licensure. Online coursework taken for college credit must be from an accredited college. See the Accredited College Search on the website under Educator Resources < Certification/Licensure CEU credit for online courses from colleges or other providers must be pre-approved by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Submit Document C – Application for CEUs Not Meeting Current Guidelines on the website under Educator Resources > Professional Development. If the course is approved for CEUs, the form will be signed by the Archdiocesan LPDC coordinator and returned to the educator. The signed pre-approval form and Certificate of Completion must be submitted with the CEU request form.

Auditing college courses for CEU credit

Unlimited Counts only the time in class 1 semester hour = 1.5 CEUS 1 quarter hour = 1.0 CEUS

Official transcript of audited class

Coursework not taken for credit (audited) can count only the hours in class. Ex: 1 sem. hr = 15 hours or 1.5 CEUS

Professional Workshop Unlimited 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of the workshop agenda/outline

Must include only time spent in those portions of the workshop that contribute to the participant’s knowledge, competence, performance, or effectiveness in education. Does not include lunch or breaks.

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Professional Conference/ Institute/Academy

6 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of a conference program/agenda

Must include only time spent in those portions of the conference program that contribute to the participant’s knowledge, competence, performance, or effectiveness in education

Professional Learning Community

12 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of the final product or report of the project

Prior approval by the principal is required. The group must keep a log of time spent. Must contribute to the education profession or add to the body of knowledge in the individual’s specific field.

Professional Presentation to Educators

6 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of presentation or outline

Applies to first presentation to educators for each licensure cycle; include preparation time and presentation time; does not apply to presentations to students.

Professional Videos 2 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Written reflection

Must be a professional education video. Educator must submit one page written reflection per video. Count the time watching video and writing the report.

Educational Project or Action Research

3 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of final product or report of the project

Prior approval by the principal is required. Must contribute to the education profession or body of knowledge in the individual’s specific field.

Educational Inquiry 2 CEUS 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Log of clock hours and documentation of information gained

Information researched must directly relate to current teaching position. Documentation must include how the information gained can be implemented into individual’s specific field.

Curriculum Development 3 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of the final document(s)

Must be service on a formal committee organized by Archdiocesan, state, national or international education agency or organization

Professional Committees 6 CEUs Maximum for local school committee work is 3

1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of the final document(s)/product Log of clock hours or meeting minutes

Must be service on a formal committee organized by the local school, Archdiocese, state, national or international educational agency or organization. Must contribute to the profession or add to the body of knowledge in the individual's specific field. Documented clock hours of committee work must be submitted.

National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification

18 CEUs 9 CEUs for completing the process but not getting the NBPTS certificate 18 CEUs for completing the process and earning the NBPTS certificate

Official copy of the NBPTS Certificate or documentation of not completing the certificate to the Archdiocese LPDC Coordinator.

Certificate must be completed or participation as candidate must be verified by the expiration date of the Ohio certificate/license.

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Master Teacher 3.5 1 clock hour = .1 CEU CEUs will be issued by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Master Teacher Committee Chairperson.

Attendance at the Support Sessions (.5) and the com pleted portfolio submitted to the Master Teacher Committee 3.0.

Mentoring Must be the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Resident Educator Program

12 CEUs (Both participants are eligible)

Full year = 4 CEUs

CEUs will be issued by the Archdiocese Resident Educator Coordinator.

Must be mentoring of teacher, administrator or specialist in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Resident Educator Program. These CEUs will be issued by the Archdiocese when the Final Report and RE Program Assessment Forms are submitted.

Peer Observation Peer Coaching (Includes informal mentoring at the local school that is not part of the official Resident Educator Program)

8 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Log of dates/times of meetings, observations and pre/post conferences. Must include statement of approval from principal

Each observation must include pre-observation discussion, observation, and post-observation conference. Written documentation of the lesson plan, notes from pre- and post- conferences, observation notes, summaries and suggestions must be submitted to the principal.

Cooperating Teacher 12 CEUs Quarter = 3 CEUs Semester = 4 CEUs

Letter from the Teacher Education Department of the College in which the student is enrolled

Must be supervisor of undergraduate student, graduate student or undergraduate intern or student teacher. CEUs for work with block students and pre-service teachers are not on an hourly basis. The number of CEUS for working with block or short term student teachers is pro-rated based on one semester at 4 CEUs. 90 hours = 1.5 CEUs; 40 hours = .8 CEUs.

Teaching a College Course/ Seminar

6 CEUs 1 hr semester course = 1 CEU 2 hr semester course = 2 CEU 3 hr semester course = 3 CEU

Course announcement and course syllabus

Applies only to the first tim e teaching the course each license/certificate cycle; includes post secondary option in which students receive college credit; does not include AP classes.

Grant Writing 3 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of grant proposal, documentation of clock hours for planning and preparation

CEU’s not dependent on awarding of grant

Publication of Original Work in a Professional Journal, Book or Software

6 CEUs

Variable depending on the product

Copy of book, article, software package, report

Must contribute to the education profession or add to the body of knowledge in the individual’s specific field. Must be a commercially published book or article.

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Professional Reading Group

2 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Group is defined as 5 or more educators. List of meeting dates and written reflection on how the information gained relates to teaching

Must be a faculty discussion group of an educational or religious book that matches the school goals. There must be a chairperson, dates, and written reflection. Count the time reading: 60 pages = 1 hour, the discussion time, and the time writing the reflection.

OCSAA 4 CEUs (.5 - 2.0 per year of initial 2-year process)

1 clock hour = .1 CEU Copy of final document Over the 2-year cycle you may apply for up to 2.0 CEUs for members of school committees; up to 4.0 for members of the school steering committee at the discretion of the principal.

Educational Travel 3 CEUs 1 clock hour = .1 CEU Approved plan signed by the principal and written summary of the project

The travel must result in a written report related to the area of licensure; report must state how the goals and objectives of the trip were accomplished and how knowledge gained will be used in teaching; does not include taking classes of students on trips. Count only the time visiting the learning site and writing the report.

Local Professional Development Committee

6 CEUs Full Year = 1 CEU

These CEUS will be issued by the Archdiocese LPDC Coordinator.

These CEUs will be issued based upon Fall meeting and local meeting attendance and completion of duties.

*Within Certificate or Licensure Period

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Before submitting your portfolio to the LPDC, check the boxes to make sure the following items are included and that the materials in your portfolio are organized in this order:

Archdiocese of Cincinnati LPDC Application for Certification/Licensure Form - PART I, including chart, completed by you

Completed State Certification/Licensure Application Form with your signature. The updated licensure application forms must be used.

Ohio HB1 fingerprinting changes were effective January 1, 2010. Under these requirements, applicants for Ohio licensure must establish whether they have lived continuously in Ohio for the past five years. The answer to this residency question will determine what background checks educators must complete as they renew licenses or apply for additional licenses. See the license application for details.

Copy of Certificate/License - Include copies of all certificates/licenses being renewed. Copy of signed IPDP for every year since your last renewal. College classes/CEUs must

be listed on IPDP and must align with IPDP goals. Titles of professional development work listed on CEUs and college transcripts must match titles on IPDPs. Reflections must be completed.

Official College Transcripts

List of CEUs printed from the Educator Data Center. If you choose to send original CEU certificates, each year’s CEU certificates must be paper clipped to the corresponding IPDP.

Check or money order payable to Treasurer State of Ohio for appropriate amount Place this completed form as the first item in your portfolio. NAME: SCHOOL:

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LPDC APPLICATION FOR LICENSURE PART I: THIS PAGE TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT Name: ___________________________________ Educator ID: (no SSNs) ____________________

School: __________________________________ Current Assignment: ____________________

License Held: ____________________________ Expiration Date: _________________

I wish to: (Check one):

____Renew/transition to a 5-year professional license ____ Align with existing 5-year license Fingerprints: Date of BCI/FBI webcheck: _____________________ Note: Fingerprints are not required when aligning a license with a currently running 5-year license. My current certificate/license was issued on _________. Since that time, I have earned: _____ Semester Hours _____ Quarter Hours _____ CEUs

For the CEUs that you are using to renew your certificate/license, please give the total number submitted in each category. See Document A - Approved Professional Development Options

Professional Development Option Maximum CEUs allowed Total # of CEUs submitted Workshops Unlimited Professional Conference/Institute/Academy 6 Professional Learning Communities 12 Professional Presentation to Educators 6 Professional Videos 2 Educational Project/Action Research 3 Educational Inquiry (includes Internet Research) 2 Curriculum Development 3 Professional Committees 6 (local limit is 3) Master Teacher 3.5 National Board Certification 18 Mentoring (must be Entry Year Program) 12 Cooperating Teacher 12 Teaching a College Course 6 Grant Writing 3 Peer Observation/Peer Coaching 8 Publication of an Original Work 6 Professional Reading Group 2 OCSAA 4 Educational Travel 3 Service on the LPDC 6

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Name: ____________________________________ Educator ID: __________________________ School: ___________________________________ Issue Date: ____________________________

______ Semester Hours ______ Quarter Hours ______ CEUs ______ Webcheck Date: ______________ Location: ________________________________ ______ Archdiocesan LPDC Application for Licensure, State Application Form and check, and copy of

certificate(s) to be renewed are included in the portfolio. ______ The IPDP goals have been approved by the LPDC.

______ The professional development work submitted is listed on the IPDP, aligns with IPDP goals, and the reflections are complete. ______ The professional development work is verified by official transcripts, CEU list from the Educator Data Center or CEU certificates clipped to the IPDP.

______ The applicant has not exceeded the maximum credits/CEUs in any category on Document A.

______ The applicant has earned the required hours for licensure.

Portfolio Submitted: (Date) _________________ Date Reviewed: _______________

_____ Approved – A copy of PART II of the LPDC Application Form, State Licensure Application Form, and check/money order payable to Treasurer State of Ohio has been submitted to the Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools for authorization and will be forwarded to the Ohio Department of Education. _____ Revisions Needed LPDC CHAIRPERSON SIGNATURE: __________________________________ Date: _________ Both parts of this form and portfolio are to be returned to Applicant. A copy of PART II is to be retained in Secretary’s file and a copy sent with licensure application to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

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TEACHER EDUCATION STANDARDS (ORC 3301-24-08) Professional or associate license renewal. The following requirements for renewal and conversion of the Ohio Department of Education certificates/licenses apply to a certificated personnel with the exception of those holding non-tax certificates, permanent certificates, educational aide permits, and treasurer or school business manager licenses. License Renewal For Employed Educators (A) The professional or associate educator license is valid for five years and may be renewed by individuals currently employed in a school or school district upon verification that the requirements listed in paragraph (A)(1) or (A)(2) of this rule have been completed since the issuance of the license to be renewed.

(1) Six semester hours of coursework related to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure as approved by the local professional development committee of the employing school or school district; or

(2) Eighteen continuing education units (one hundred and eighty contact hours) or other equivalent activities related to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure as approved by the local professional development committee of the employing school or school district.

Local Professional Development Committee (a) Each public school district and chartered nonpublic school shall appoint a local professional development committee to oversee and review professional development plans for coursework, continuing education units, or other equivalent activities. The local professional development committee shall be composed of teachers, administrators and other educational personnel, and a majority of the members of the local professional development committee shall be practicing classroom teachers. School districts shall have the option of collaborating with other districts or educational service centers in establishing and completing the work of the local professional development committee. Chartered nonpublic schools shall also have the option of collaborating with other schools in establishing and completing the work of the local professional development committee.

Individual Professional Development Plan (c) Each educator wishing to fulfill the license renewal requirements is responsible for the design of an individual professional development plan, subject to approval of the local professional development committee. The plan shall be based on the needs of the educator, the students, the school, and the school district, and shall be aligned with the professional educator standards adopted by the state board of education (available on the educator standards board’s website at Professional development may then be completed in accordance with this plan.

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(d) Each school district shall establish a local appeal process for educators who wish to appeal the decision of the local professional development committee.

(e) Coursework or continuing education units or other equivalent activities may be combined.

Educators Not Currently Employed in an Ohio School District (C) Educators not employed in Ohio schools may apply directly to the Ohio department of education for renewal with evidence of six semester hours of coursework related to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure. Educators not employed in Ohio schools wishing to fulfill the licensure renewal requirements of six semester hours of coursework, eighteen continuing education units (one hundred eighty contact hours), or other equivalent activities, shall be responsible for the design of an individual professional development plan subject to review and approval of a regional provider with an Ohio department of education approved local professional development committee. The local professional development committee so approved shall review, approve, and recommend the licensure renewal subject to the Ohio department of education guidelines for all local professional development committees.

Expired Licenses (D) A professional or associate license that has lapsed for up to five years due to not meeting the professional development requirements may be reinstated upon completion of nine semester hours of coursework relevant to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure since the issuance of the license to be renewed. If, during the lapsed period of the license, the license holder is continuously employed under another valid Ohio certificate or license, or as an educator in another state under a currently valid certificate or license, then the renewal provisions in paragraphs (A) to (C) of this rule shall apply.

(E) A professional or associate license that has lapsed for more than five years due to not meeting the professional development requirements may be reinstated upon completion of twelve semester hours of coursework relevant to classroom teaching and/or the area of licensure since the issuance of the license to be renewed. If, during the lapsed period of the license, the license holder is continuously employed under another valid Ohio certificate or license, or as an educator in another state under a currently valid certificate or license, then the renewal provisions in paragraphs (A) to (C) of this rule shall apply.

Non Teaching License Renewal (F) The school audiologist, school social worker, school speech-language pathologist, school nurse, occupational therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapy assistant, and physical therapy assistant licenses shall be renewed upon evidence of a currently valid license issued by the respective Ohio licensure board. The school counselor and school psychologist licenses may be renewed upon evidence of a currently valid license issued by the respective Ohio licensure board, if a board license is held. If a board license is not held then the school counselor and school psychologist licenses shall be renewed in accordance with the requirements specified in paragraph (A) and paragraph (C) of this rule.

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Coursework (G) Coursework for the renewal of a license shall be completed at an accredited institution of higher education, defined in rule 3301-24-01 of the Administrative Code as a degree granting institution accredited at the college level by an accrediting agency that is recognized by the United States secretary of education. All coursework should lead to new knowledge in the classroom and be related to student achievement.

Timeline (H) The increased amount of coursework associated with lapsed licenses will not apply provided that the license holder completes the required six semester hours by September first of the year that the professional license expires.

National Board Certified Teachers (I) Educators who have earned national board certification during the life of a professional license are deemed to have met the additional professional development requirements for the next renewal cycle.

Effective: 09/25/2010

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Summary of Fingerprinting Requirements – State of Ohio (HB79, HB190 and HB1) – and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati – 2010

Under the policies of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, anytime there is a change in location of service, the person must be re-fingerprinted (does not apply to substitutes). This is the case even if a person is current with State licensure requirements.

Group Requirement Results: Teacher Certification?

Who checks for compliance?

Educators seeking their First Ohio License, certificate or permit

When an individual submits an application for their very first license, certificate or permit issued by the Ohio Department of Education, a BCI and FBI background check report, completed within 365 days of the date the application is received, must be on file at the Ohio Department of Education.

Yes Ohio Department of Education

Educators with Renewals or Additional Licenses, Certificates or Permits including substitutes, educational aides, cafeteria monitors, playground monitors and coaches with pupil activity supervisor permits.

Under the requirements, applicants for Ohio licensure must establish whether they have lived continuously in Ohio for the past five years. The answer to this residency question will determine what background checks (if any) educators must complete as they renew licenses or apply for additional licenses. Residency Answer is YES - Educator has been a Resident of Ohio for the past 5 years: An FBI background check is required if the report on file with ODE is more than 5 years old on the date the application is received. A BCI background check is required if you do not have one on file with ODE. Residency Answer is NO - Educator has NOT been a Resident of Ohio for the past 5 years: Both the BCI and FBI background checks are required if the reports on file with ODE are more than five years old on the date the application is received. Note: Educators can find their background check dates using ODE’s Educator Profile

Yes Ohio Department of Education

Educators holding permanent or non-tax certificates are still required to submit the required background checks once every five years to keep the certificate active.

Permanent or non-tax certificate holders who have lived continuously in Ohio for the those five years, and have a BCI background check on file with ODE, will only need to submit the FBI background check. Permanent or non-tax certificate holders who have not lived continuously in Ohio for those five years will need to submit the BCI and FBI background checks.

Yes Ohio Department of Education


Updated January 11, 2010 Table of Contents


Ohio Continuum of Teacher Development:  A Resource Tool for Educators   The Ohio Continuum of Teacher Development supports Ohio’s educators as they develop the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the highest quality education to Ohio students.  Based on the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, the Continuum describes teachers’ progress throughout the course of their careers.   Organization of the Continuum The Continuum describes five cumulative levels of development, which correspond to the Proficient, Accomplished and Distinguished indicators in the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and to the categories used in Ohio’s Race to the Top application. These five levels of teacher development are: 

Emerging  Developing  Proficient  Accomplished  Distinguished  

 Uses of the Continuum While the content of the Continuum can inform the design of performance weighting rubrics, the Continuum itself is not intended to be evaluative. The philosophy behind the Continuum is that teachers will continue to grow over the course of their careers with the assistance of a system that supports their growth and development.   In addition to serving as a tool for teachers, it is anticipated that the Continuum will do the following.  

assist higher education programs in developing the content and requirements of pre‐service training and development;  focus the goals and objectives of districts and schools as they support educators and seek to improve the profession;  be used to plan and guide goal setting and professional development;  serve as a tool in developing coaching and mentoring programs; and  inform teacher residency programs and evaluation efforts at the state, district and local levels. 

 What the Continuum Means for Ohio’s Teachers Progress across the levels of the Continuum may not always occur at the same rate for all teachers; therefore, mastery of each level does not necessarily correlate with time on the job. Some teachers may progress through the levels of certain standards more quickly than others. Some teachers’ mastery may decline on specific Continuum levels when they take on a new teaching responsibility or content area. With Ohio’s support systems in place, however, all teachers can reach a level in their careers at which they effectively meet students’ needs and provide high quality instruction for Ohio’s students. Table of Contents



Overview of Continuum Levels    




This level describes the expected knowledge and skills of teacher education candidates who are completing their student teaching requirement and clinical experiences.   These candidates are gaining the content knowledge and skills to become professional educators. They rely on other teachers for assistance and are learning to apply the knowledge from their coursework to classroom situations.  Ohio License Alignment: This level describes educators at the pre‐licensure stage.  

This level describes teachers whose skills are emerging.   These skills and levels of knowledge likely describe resident educators at the beginning of their residency and in their first years of teaching. These teachers may still rely on more experienced colleagues for support but are moving towards independence and self‐direction.  Ohio License Alignment: This level aligns with Ohio’s Resident Educator License (previously called the provisional license).   

This level describes expectations for teachers who are applying their knowledge and skills independently in the classroom.   These teachers are able to teach independently and consistently apply what they know about teaching to daily practice as their learning continues to evolve.   Ohio License Alignment: Licensed teachers are expected to meet or exceed this level; teachers will have reached this level by the end of their residency program. This level aligns with Ohio’s Five‐Year Professional License. (Note that even though a teacher may maintain this license throughout his or her career, all teachers are expected to continue to grow across the Continuum.) 

This level describes teachers who are fully skilled and able to integrate knowledge and experience in instruction, curriculum and professional development into practice.   Ohio License Alignment: Teachers at this level may choose to pursue Ohio’s Senior Professional Educator License. 

This level describes teachers who are leaders. They consistently innovate in teaching and professional development. They contribute to their school, district and local communities through staff development, mentoring and classroom‐based research. They may be National Board certified.   Ohio License Alignment: Teachers at this level may choose to pursue Ohio’s Lead Professional Educator License.   


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Published 1/18/2011

Four-Tier Teacher Licensure Structure – January 2011

Resident Educator License / Alternative Resident Educator License – 4 yr nonrenewable (may be extended on a case by case basis)

Resident Educator License Requirements Alternative Resident Educator License Requirements

Bachelors degree

An approved program of teacher preparation Examinations prescribed by State Board of Education (licensure exams)

12 semester hours of reading for early childhood, middle childhood, intervention specialist and early childhood intervention specialist licenses

Bachelors degree

Major in the subject to be taught or extensive work experience Completion of an Intensive Pedagogical Training Institute (IPTI)

Content area examination

This license will also be issued for career-technical workforce development areas utilizing existing processes for licensing these teachers and including an IPTI

Professional Educator License – 5 yr renewable


Bachelors degree (except career-technical workforce development) Successfully completed the Ohio Resident Educator Program

Alternative License holders successfully complete additional requirements to obtain Professional license

Senior Professional Educator License - 5 yr renewable

A + B +C


Degree Requirement Experience Demonstration of Practice at the Accomplished/Distinguished Level:

Master’s degree or higher from an institution of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting organization

Nine years under a standard teaching license with 120 days of service as defined by ORC, of which

At least five years are under a professional/permanent license/certificate

Successful completion of the Master Teacher Portfolio

Lead Professional Educator License - 5 yr renewable

A + B +C


Degree Requirement Experience Demonstration of Practice at the Distinguished Level:

Master’s degree or higher from an institution of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting organization

Nine years under a standard teaching license with 120 days of service as defined by ORC, of which

At least five years are under a professional/permanent license/certificate or a Senior Professional Educator License

Earn the Teacher Leader Endorsement AND successful completion of the Master Teacher Portfolio OR;

Hold active NBC (National Board Certification (NBPTS)

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Archdiocese of Cincinnati Master Teacher Program The Archdiocese of Cincinnati invites veteran teachers to reflect on their teaching and accomplishments and join with colleagues in a discussion of the practice of teaching through participation in the Master Teacher Program. Ohio Senate Bill 2 directed the Educator Standards Board (ESB) to define a master teacher in a manner that can be used uniformly by all districts and to adopt criteria to use in determining whether a candidate meets the qualifications for master teacher status. Effective July 1, 2011, the MT Program will become part of the new licensure structure. Successful completion of the Master Teacher (MT) program is one requirement in the pathway for an advanced teaching license. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will use the forms, guidelines and processes as outlined by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). See the Ohio Department of Education website keyword: Master Teacher. Master Teacher Defined A master teacher demonstrates excellence inside and outside of the classroom through consistent leadership and focused collaboration to maximize student learning. A master teacher strives for distinguished teaching and continued professional growth as specified by The Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. Criteria for the Master Teacher Designation: To be designated as a Master Teacher in Ohio, eligible educators must clearly demonstrate each of the following criteria as described in the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession . Master Teachers will achieve exemplary scores in four of five areas on the scoring guide. A. Consistent Leadership: Master Teachers ensure student learning and well being by participating in decision-making and initiating innovations and improvements for school change. They are leaders who empower and influence others. They engage in a variety of leadership roles and perform thoughtful stewardship responsibilities for the school community and the profession. B. Focused Collaboration: Master Teachers work with educators, students, families and communities to create relationships, share knowledge, practice and responsibility, communicate effectively and support student learning. They respond to the needs of their colleagues and students in a timely and competent manner. C. Distinguished Teaching - Focus on Students and Environment: Master Teachers analyze individual and group student development to connect instruction to students’ needs, interests and prior knowledge. They strive to create an environment that engages learners in inquiry, promotes high levels of learning for all students and creates a culture of civility and success.

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D. Distinguished Teaching - Focus on Content, Instruction and Assessment: Master Teachers have a deep and reflective understanding of the academic content they teach. They use multiple assessments to evaluate student learning and inform instruction. They continually reflect on student outcomes and make decisions to promote high levels of learning for all students. E. Continued Professional Growth: Master Teachers engage in continuous professional development and reflection. They use multiple resources to shape the focus and goals of their professional development including student learning, assessment data, researched best practices and school and district goals. They evaluate their personal growth, understanding and application of knowledge and develop an appropriate professional plan. Candidates Eligibility Candidates who are currently teaching at least one class on a current standard teaching license are eligible to apply for Master Teacher. Candidates who hold permanent teaching licenses are eligible. Candidates who hold only a non-tax certificate are not eligible for the Master Teacher (MT) Program. Expired license holders cannot apply for Master Teacher. Teachers and other instructional personnel working outside of traditional classroom roles and core academic areas are eligible to apply. Candidate Responsibilities Candidates must meet eligibility requirements as defined by ODE and the timeline established by the Archdiocesan Master Teacher (MT) Program:

o Hold a current Professional teaching license or certificate o Have taught a minimum of seven years (currently in eighth year of

teaching) o Work a minimum of 120 days during the current school year o Work under a teaching contract/employed as a teacher o Acquire two recommendations using the ODE Master Teacher Form G o Complete the narrative and submit supporting evidence as outlined by

the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Master Teacher Program. Information in the narrative and supporting evidence must be current within 5 years.

o $50 application and materials fee Master Teacher Timeline April – Information Sessions for interested candidates July – Master Teacher Support Session 1 September 1 – Master Teacher Application (ODE Master Teacher Form C) due to the Catholic School Office October – Master Teacher Support Session 2 February 1 – Portfolios due to the Catholic School Office March – Score Reports returned to Master Teacher applicants For more information on the Master Teacher Program, see > Educator Resources > Certification and Licensure > Master Teacher

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