Table of Contents-1-31-21 Annual Meeting & Report

Post on 01-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Table of Contents-1-31-21 Annual Meeting & Report




Table of Contents-1-31-21 Annual Meeting & Report

Page 4 Agenda

Page 5 January 26, 2020 minutes

Page 6 2020 Council & Committees

Page 7 Pastoral Acts and Statistical Report

Page 8 Council President Report

Page 9 Year in Review

Page 9 Adult & Family

Page 9 Call Committee

Page 10 Children, Youth & Family

Page 11 Greenfield Quilters and Circles

Page 11 Historical Committee

Page 11-12 Mission Endowment

Page 12 Property

Page 13 Stewardship

Page 14 Worship & Music

Page 13-15 Financials

Page 16 Southeastern Minnesota Synod

Page 17 Lutheran Campus Center

Page 18-19-20 Good Earth Village

Page 21 ELCA Bishop Eaton

Page 22 Closing Prayer

Ballot (separate hand out)


156th Annual Meeting of Greenfield Lutheran Church

Harmony Minnesota Agenda

Sunday, January 31, 2021 10:00 am

1. Call to Order – Council President, Stephanie Silvers 2. Prayer and Devotions 3. Review and Approval of Agenda 4. Review and Approval of 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes 5. Review of Council, Ministry and Financial Summaries 6. Motion to receive and file these reports in permanent Greenfield Lutheran Church Records 7. Review of the 2021 Budget 8. Motion to approve the 2021 Budget 9. Leadership Recognition and Ballot Election – Nominating Committee

10. Other Business a. Old Business b. New Business 11. Closing Prayer

12. Motion to Adjourn

(The new council will meet briefly following this meeting in the library to set meeting dates and times)


Greenfield Lutheran Church

155th Annual Meeting Minutes

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 10:20 am by Council President Stuart Morem. There were 47 members in


Pastor Rolf Svanoe led prayers and devotions as printed in the ELCA report cover.

Motion by Peter Olafsen and seconded by Tim Ostrom to approve the agenda as presented. Carried. Unanimous.

Motion by Ron Stevens and seconded by Bernie Hurley to approve the minutes of the 2019 annual meeting from January

27, 2019. Carried. Unanimous.

The printed reports were reviewed. The 2019 financial report was presented by Treasurer David Kiehne.

Motion by Tim Ostrom and seconded by Cliff Johannessen to approve the Council, Ministry, and Financial Summaries

and to file these in the permanent Greenfield Lutheran Church records. Carried. Unanimous.

Treasurer Dave Kiehne explained the 2020 Proposed Budget. Motion by Ralph Beastrom and seconded by Veda Elston

to approve the 2020 proposed budget as presented. Carried. Unanimous.

Motion by Jim Taubert and seconded by Janet Ewalt to cast a unanimous ballot for Kris Torgerson (3 year), Jim

Cassmann (3 year), and Tim Ostrom (1 year) for new council members. Carried. Unanimous.

Mary Beth Ostrom gave a call committee update. The assistant Bishop has reported to the committee that 3-5 packets

of applicants will be given to the committee to schedule interviews in the next two weeks.

Ken Gunderson presented the stain glass proposal for repair for 2020 from O’Brien Stained Glass. The council and

property committee are recommending three south windows be repaired for a cost of $37,776.00. Motion by Joanne

Burmeister and seconded by Stephanie Silvers to approve the bid and use the undesignated legacy funds for the

expense. Carried. Unanimous.

The other property committee items; water intrusion repair and main street front steps and church sign repair were

discussed. The committee and council will continue to work on these issues during the 2020 year. There is a designated

donation of $10,000.00 to be used for the main street front steps and church sign.

Discussion was held on the status of the parsonage if a new pastor does not choose to live there. Motion by Joanne

Burmeister and seconded by Cliff Johannesen to direct the 2020 council to research the possibility of selling the

parsonage if the new pastor does not choose to live there and the authority to sell the parsonage if that happens. The

motion carried by majority.

Pastor Rolf Svanoe led closing prayers.

The outgoing council was recognized and thanked for their service- Annette Evenson, Rich Burmeister, Stuart Morem,

and Laurie Magnus.

It was also noted that this is Pastor Rolf Svanoe’s last annual meeting with us as he will retire June 30, 2020. His last

Sunday preaching will be June 28, 2020 and a reception held at that time.

Motion by Ron Stevens and seconded by Tim Ostrom to adjourn at 11:10 am.

Laurie Magnus



2020 Greenfield Lutheran Church Council 2020 Schoepski Maggie 2022 Torgerson Kris 2020 Kiehne Dave Secretary-Treas. 2022 Cassmann Jim 2020 Olafsen Peter 2020 Ostrom Tim Vice President 2021 Silvers Stephanie President 2020 Schoepski Addison Youth 2021 Hurley Bernie 2021 Donney Steve

Property Comm. Mission Endowment Comm. (meets as needed) (meets quarterly-Jan-Apr-Aug-Oct) Stevens Ron Johnson Kandace Buchholz Roger Stevens Ron Burmeister Rich Burkholder Phil Gunderson Ken Morem Tara Morem Stuart Tribon Vicky Harstad Jim Kiehne Dave Council Olafsen Peter Council Donney Steve Advisor Evenson Scott Auditing Jan-21 Hurley Bernie Council Kiehne Sharyn Donney Steve Council Johnson Kandace

Slindee Lori Nominating Comm. Dec. 2020

(council that terms expire)

Adult and Family Comm. 2020 Schoepski Maggie (meets monthly-3rd Tuesday 4 pm) 2020 Kiehne Dave Johannessen Cliff 2020 Olafsen Peter Harstad Jim 2020 Ostrom Tim Torgerson Kris Council Worship and Music Comm. Ostrom Tim Council (meets monthly, 1st Sunday 10 am) Todd Charlie Olafsen Becky Sub Historical Kiehne Dave council Evenson Scott Schansberg Eileen Svanoe Rolf Torgerson Kris council

Svanoe Kimberly Slindee Eric Silvers Stephanie Council Cassmann Jim council

Johannessen Cliff Svanoe Rolf Svanoe Kimberly

Children/Family & Youth/Family Stewardship Comm.

(meets 1st Sunday 11 am) (meets monthly, 1st Thursday 9 am) Torgerson Kris council Michel Teresa Burmeister Richard Ostrom Mary Beth Gunderson Ken Magnus Laurie Johannessen Ann Ostrom Tim Council Johnson Kandace

Stevens Sam Call Comm. Ostrom MaryBeth

Timmerman Amy Stevens Sam Schoepski Addison Michel Teresa Schoepski Maggie Council Slindee Lori Hurley Sandy Anderson Matt Schoepski Doc


Note: The data base was updated in 2019 to current membership.

Average In-Person Worship in 2020 was for

18 times (Sunday & Wednesday Lent) due to COVID-19.

Pastoral Acts 2020

Confirmands Confirmation Date

Confirmation was postponed due to Covid-19

Weddings Wedding Date

Stephanie Silvers & Roger Morse 4/19/2020


Brooklyn Simon 3/4/2020

Madison Simon 3/4/2020 Mason Mingo Kingsley 9/19/2020 Deaths Date of Death Joyce Jacobson 1/4/2020 Myra Colleen Fishbaugher 1/8/2020 Brett “Harry” Jarland 1/19/2020 Todd Himlie 2/17/2020 Carl R. Fischer 3/6/2020 Wally Storhoff 5/20/2020 Rachel Skaalen 9/28/2020 Robert Bakken 6/9/2020

Barbara Jane Torgerson 12/1/2020 Barbara Johnson 12/6/2020 Richard Dean Scrabeck 12/8/2020 Loren Milne 12/30/2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 220 Total Baptized Members: 771 768 766 542 547

Total Confirmed Members: 653 656 661 471 471

Average Sunday Worship Attendance: 105 103 90 92



President's Report 2020 Greetings Greenfield Lutheran Church,

What a year 2020 was. God never promised an easy life, but He did promise that through all things He will be with us. As I look back now on 2020, I am reminded of the suffering Jesus Christ endured for us. Yes, we have been inconvenienced by the COVID 19 virus, having to stay home and wear masks when entering buildings, not meeting for Sunday services, etc. But it is a mere scratch compared to the suffering Jesus Christ endured for us the last few days of His life here on earth. He endured ridicule, trials, beatings, and finally a painful few hours on a cross. I am of the mind that any suffering or inconvenience I endure here on earth is worth the salvation I have at the end of my life here. As I look forward into 2021, I continue to hold on to the hope I have found in Jesus Christ. I pray that we as a church can also hold on to that same hope and move forward, serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I want to share with you these verses from John 16: 16-33 - 16 Jesus went on to say, “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.”17 At this, some of his disciples said to one another, “What does he mean by saying, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me,’ and ‘Because I am going to the Father’?” 18 They kept asking, “What does he mean by ‘a little while’? We don’t understand what he is saying.”19 Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this, so he said to them, “Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me’? 20 Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. 21 A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. 22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. 23 In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.25 “Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father. 26 In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. 27 No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God. 28 I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.”29 Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. 30 Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.”31 “Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. 32 “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Christ’s Blessing to You, Stephanie Silvers Morse Greenfield Lutheran Church Council President


Greenfield Lutheran Church 2020 In Review Sandy Strozyk, Office Administrator

January: Our annual meeting was held. February: Our confirmation students that plan a mission trip in June, served a wonderful fundraising dinner and presented a program to a full dining room. Our Lent theme was the Lion, Witch & Wardrobe, so we started the series by showing the movie at Jem Theater the end of the month before celebrating Ash Wednesday with a delicious meal before the service and beginning the journey to Narnia. March: The month started out with all planned activities, but was quickly stalled as the COVID-19 outbreak began. We had our last in-person service on March 8, 2020 and began virtual services. April – June: We held virtual services during this time. July-August: We said goodbye to Pastor Rolf & Kimberly at the July 5, 2020 service in Selvig Park. It was the first time our members were together in person and it was a very memorable service. Pastors Timmerman provided virtual services the rest of the month and through August. We also said good-bye to our long-time organist- Marsha Johnson who retired and moved to Chatfield. September-December: Pastor Darby join us as an interim Pastor and we continued virtual services to begin with but we held 4 outdoor services the end of September and beginning of October which were well attended and appreciated by the congregation. We used pre-packaged communion packets at these services. For two Sundays, October 25th and November 1st we again gathered in-person following the COVID-19 protocols, but due to the increase in COVID levels went back to virtual services the remainder of the year. Many thanks to all those that volunteered in our church through the unique time in our world. A handful of readers, video tech’s, song leaders came forward to help during recordings and assisted at the few services we were able to have in person. We held a total of 18 in-person services in 2020.

Adult and Family Committee Report 2020

Due to COVID-19, the committee did not meet in 2020. The committee usually would meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm in the youth room. The main activities that adult and family would handle are organizing the Lent Meals, the Sunday School Kick Off & Potluck, VBS Kick off and Pot Luck, Sending cards for our members 90th birthdays. Also, any other social gathering normally starts from this committee. Our current members include: Cliff Johannessen, Jim Harstad, Charlie Todd, and council members Tim Ostrom and Kris Torgerson.

Call Committee Report 2020

Members: Samantha Stevens – Chair; Marybeth Ostrom – Secretary; Matt Anderson, Sandy Hurley, Teresa Michel, Doc Schoepski, Lori Slindee

Throughout 2020 the Call Committee met with Synod assistants to begin the call process. As a committee, we completed the call profile/paperwork, refined our interview process and vetted questions that would be used for first interviews and second interviews. Once our process and questions were vetted the Synod sent us candidates, periodically, to interview. All 7 candidates received a first interview and 4 candidates received a second interview. We recommended 2 candidates for call. The first candidate recommended for call rescinded their acceptance. The second candidate for call accepted and moved through the final call process and will begin as our new Pastor in 2021. New Greenfield Lutheran Church Pastor will be Pastor Kurt Bockoven.


Children, Youth and Family Committee 2020 Report January started off with having to cancel our Family sledding party, scheduled at Iron Wood Spring camp, due to not enough snow. Faith Factory classes resumed with Spark Rotation as the curriculum. Preschool through 4th grades learned stories from the New Testaments, focusing on the Parables. Our lessons leaders and guides: Sandy Strozyk, Amy & Ian Timmerman, Teresa Michel, Addison Schoepski, and Owen Schoepski. Music was led by MaryBeth Ostrom. 5th & 6th grades used the Connect Lessons on Freedom – following Moses, the Exodus, wondering in the wilderness, receiving the law and arriving in the promised land. Doc & Maggie Schoepski taught this DVD based curriculum. Confirmation classes resumed with Pastor Rolf leading the “Here We Stand” curriculum on Luther’s Small Catechism February classes ran smoothly. Several families participated in the Family Bowling Sunday at the B & B Bowl in Preston. Confirmation students were planning to make a meal at the Ronald McDonald House in Rochester. However, that was cancelled due to the icy roads. Ten students and their families hosted a Pasta Bar, fundraising dinner for the Mission Trip to Rapid City, South Dakota which was planned for June 2020. Door prizes and entertainment added to the fun of the successful evening. Laurie Magnus coordinated the making of Confirmation stoles followed by a social outing to Air Insanity in Rochester MN. March started off with the Faith Factory students singing during the service. The students were also preparing a musical production for Palm Sunday. Students planning for the Mission Trip were planning Palm Sunday Breakfast. Due to Covid-19, in person classes and activities were suspended, resulting in a different way of providing classes. The Family Game night scheduled for March 15 was canceled. Laurie provided at home lesson plans for families to provide Christian education to their children. Confirmation classes were held virtually over Zoom. April activities continued to be canceled. Faith Factory students did make Easter Cards for members of the congregation and for residents at Harmony Care Center. Laurie continued to provide at home Faith Factory lessons. Pastor Rolf, Laurie, & Eric Slindee continued to provide confirmation instruction via Zoom. May continued with cancelation of the Confirmation Ceremony for Madelyn Bergey, Chloe Morem, Madison Simon, Kaylee Whitehill, Blake Bahl, and Dawson Swartzentruber. Plans for Bible Camps, the Mission Trip, and traditional Vacation Bible School were put on hold. Summer meant a different way to present VBS. Rocky Railway was the theme chosen because the focus was that Jesus’ power in them and how to trust Jesus to pull us through life’s challenges. This topic seemed to be especially relevant. In home VBS was offered with 10 families participating. Laurie put together a scripted curriculum and activity package. September was the start of Faith Factory classes which were held outside on the lawn. Families had the choice between meeting on Wednesday evening or Sunday morning. Wednesday night teacher is MaryBeth Ostrom. Teresa Michal and Olivia Whalen lead the Sunday morning classes. This option gave the opportunity to hold smaller groups. A new curriculum titled Dig In: Foundations in Faith was used. Confirmation classes started with a parent orientation and meal catered by Estelle’s. Pastor Darby’s confirmation lesson was taught in the sanctuary. October Faith Factory and Confirmation classes continued to be in person with social distancing protocols observed. The Annual Blessing of the Backpacks and presentation of bibles to 3rd grade students and 3-year olds happened during on Outdoor Worship service. Confirmation students provided cleanup for our miles of Adopted Highway clean up. Laurie represented Greenfield Lutheran Church in the community Trunk or Treat held on Halloween. November meant the cancelation of our annual Air Insanity outing for 4th – 6th grades and the end of our in-person instruction. Confirmation classes are meeting via Zoom taught by Pastor Darby, with the assistance of Josh Krage, Eric Slindee, and Laurie. An appeal for donations for Christmas in Fillmore County went out to the Faith Factory families. In the past, the proceeds from our Cookie Sale has gone to purchase gifts. This year a donation of $400 was given to the Rural Concerns Task Force. December continued to be virtual education for the Confirmation Students. The annual Christmas Program does not happen in 2020. Laurie along with teachers MaryBeth Ostrom and Teresa Michal have an exciting Faith Factory program starting in January 2021


Greenfield Lutheran Church Quilters and Circles 2020 Quilters: 135 quilts completed in 2020 (and 32 left from 2019) 43 school kits - Lutheran World Relief 152 quilts distributed as follows: 12 – Local recipients 20 – Hope Lodge – Rochester, MN 10 – Dorothy Day House – Rochester, MN 20 – Ronald McDonald House – Rochester, MN 10 – Harmony Healthcare 4 – Sunrise Recovery Center - Spring Grove, MN 70 – Lutheran World Relief 6 – New members of Greenfield Church Rachel Rebecca Circle: 6 health kits - Lutheran World Relief Baptismal quilts Rachel Rebecca Circle: 27 health kits - Lutheran World Relief Cap and Mitten Tree Miriam Circle: 4 Senior Quilts

Historical Committee Report 2020 The Historical Committee did not meet in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Historical Room is set up and welcomes members and visitors to view the history of our church. Members of this committee were Scott Evenson, Pastor Rolf, Kimberly Svanoe, Cliff Johannessen, and council representative- Stephanie Silvers. The committee is a sub-committee.

Mission Endowment Fund Committee 2020 Report The Mission Endowment Fund Committee meets four times during the year and receives detailed reports from Steve Donney, the volunteer financial advisor of the Endowment funds. Most of these meetings were virtual. In January of 2020, the Committee recommended to the Church Council that the following distributions totaling $32,500 be made from the Mission Endowment Fund in 2020. GREENFIELD CHURCH: Renovation: $5,300 Youth Bibles: $ 700 Youth Director: $8,000 HARMONY AREA: Harmony Area Community Foundation: $1,000 Healthcare Foundation: $3,000 Fillmore County Food shelf: $4,500 Salvation Army: $ 800 Radio ministry: $ 700 Fillmore Central Milk Fund: $ 500 Pastor’s Discretionary: $ 500


MISSIONS OF THE ELCA: Good Earth Village: $2,500 Bible School: $2,000 ELCA Global Missions: $1,000 Campus Ministries (Winona) $1,000 Campus Ministries (Luther) $1,000 The Committee also recommended that the following distributions totaling $12,046 be made from the Ruth T. Benson Trust in 2020: Greenfield Operating· $2,144 Youth/Camping - $341 LSS MN· $847 Home/Local Missions (Harmony Fire Department) $ 753 Home/Local Missions (Harmony Ambulance) $ 800 Foreign Missions (ELCA Global Missions) - $2,523 Hunger Relief (Fillmore County Food Shelf) · $1,813 Radio & Broadcast - $1,129 Greenfield Renovation - $1,696 Committee Members: Phil Burkholder, Tara Morem, Kandace Johnson, Ron Stevens, and Vicky Tribon (Dave Kiehne, Council rep).

Property Committee Report 2020 Members of the Greenfield Lutheran Church Property Committee are Stuart Morem, Jim Harstad, Ron Stevens, Ken Gunderson, Bernie Hurley, Steve Donney, Peter Olafsen, Richard Burmeister, Lori Slindee and Scott Evenson. The property committee was unable to meet

Stewardship Committee Report 2020 The committee meet the first Thursday of the month at 9 am. The members of the committee are: Ken Gunderson, Ann Johannessen, Kandace Johnson, (Council), Maggie Schoepski (Council). They were able to meet in the first month of the year to continue work on the member directory. Their work was also put on hold due to the pandemic.

Worship and Music Committee Report 2020 Organist: Marsha Johnson, retired August of 2020 Sr. Choir Director: Kimberly Svanoe, retired July of 2020 Sr. Choir Accompanist: Marsha Johnson, retired August of 2020 Children’s Choir Director: Marybeth Ostrom Members of the Committee: Eric Slindee, Chairman, Pastor Rolf Svanoe, Kimberly Svanoe, Marsha Johnson, David Kiehne, Steve Donney, Becky Olafsen and Eileen Schansberg. The committee typically met monthly on Wednesday evenings. They were unable to meet due to the pandemic.