TAB 6N£.V ’SPAPER m m m Wm ,LS COUNTY t h e S'tAVri:N...

Post on 10-Jul-2018

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Transcript of TAB 6N£.V ’SPAPER m m m Wm ,LS COUNTY t h e S'tAVri:N...

^ ^ A r H .E i i i i i o n .......

t h e.VUL. 13.~T^U. I b9 ' •—

i i S i i E s■iimiii '

_________,■■■ — ■ DE

C a b in e l O lflcers Consider vi

I P roposa ls , o f ThreB-day

1 W eek .to Prov ide Meal T ic- ^

' , k o r fo r Job less P e rsons “ J

______ ^ lw in i . ju io t l i l« l .a to ) ___ S S

W ASHINGTON, Oct. 21 S -r-A national o rgan lia- to i t io n tb deal w ith unom- f d r

p loy raen t problem s bcgnn to ! l]^ ^ take > h .p5 W n y ivlicn PrM i- I L den t H oover, a fte r a confcr- loui

\ encc w ith a spcciai g roup o f “ on c ab in e t m em bers, announced ®"':

I designation o f Colonel A rth u r W oods, a fo rm er N e w Y ork bMk

poUn Goomlnlonte, tb b n d It. Be Ah teunwUite -muiltr ol ptans thou

■nd'pcnonntl under hli d l ^ o n n T U roTMut, thouih tho preildent In

. « wu Indlated ths tdmlnlrtntJon oWehoped to brinj Inlo coopenUon ill of uthe nM cm ir unlU of loetl com n- iI»U

. ment »nd pri«t« indiatiy to mlU-S tle Indlridutl w K erbv .- f i n

WHUo the pretldent.ti u id to re< Mlw rttbeiltu»tlonM ieriou».p»rUc- | Uulwly u unemploxment h u a .dromht problem nmnUa p*«Uel f l to :« whleh »nt*lU tHort* both to

• d ty i ^ . ^ cullurtl

la diKuiiloDi.ot Ihe tubject.SMO^ r tn ttu M 1e« )jja

?rom d tU now tn the h tndi ot the-federU goremment. I jw ly | eompUed- by the eensa tn d Ubor te*nche*, lhe number of unm - | ployed wotken w u pUetd t t COO «id It w u pointed out l « 0» p penoni t n »l«ir* *o unemployed.

Theeeniuilmiulry.wueoiiUdered • 0( u demonitnUnt that ttiere w u on fln i the t n n t t In euh funlly one tnd

•••thre#-qu»rtenperion^n«ultrlyem. U*t ployed ind Uut tn the pre«nl ilt- ere 1 uiUon there i « i leaer number ot "

------ fimlllet completely devoid of-bread W, ]wlnhm th in b u uwilty.been to nim rew ded. , of r

12, .There w u Ihe luuil reports to the The W effect th lt the nert tUp In the fed- trM

• o r lV ' would bo lummoned' to^n. th t ■' ellhtr by the f m

raponilbllltr.'^'knowledce w bw dep< opinion WlU pilds the roilo dlrec- erei Uon of action. tcai

' TWi expedition w u eonfldenUy • TK held by ft oumber of lodWduiU u - dw locUted with- Ih# pretldent who «#7 pftrUelpatod in ■unemployment o r jir of i iu iu o n whlcli ho hauled In IWl. Uut

Anione the pUni. ilreidy dlt- » . cuucd by the ciblnct commltlee, n j Secreluy Hurley Iwllciltd, tod«r «’?

_:__«onilderillon hid been'^ren^OM hit undw which em p ta jm en i^ id w

, 'divided tmong » targer number of icrv ■ iRdlTiduiU working, r thorter lime.

Adept ru n •-!The plm ilreidy. h u been.iued »lon

b y th e w ttd ep irtm en f ln f lo o d ^ . ^• trol work, he u id . • “" J

"Hremploylnj 3000 men fer three hivi . . . d i ^ f t ^ k l S i e i d ofiooo fir ^ fd

d a n ft week ft meiltleket would bo. prorlded t l lewt .for lU of them." U»

Whlto pUni were being formulit- prw ed for the ijnemployment group, the J preildent ftnnousced the -rftUrMdi « « h id ftCT^ to continue their cooper- ind

____ ftUonJowftnLrelletlng-drought-dlSr 5“treu by extending unlll December otc

— M h t-M per-cent decreftit-ln-met At upon llreitock ta d feed moTed out of and Inlo drought Urlcken a re ^ ^ r t Tho preildent n ld although the December dit« h id been let rillroid «ft‘

■. aid would not necetarUy end then.Ah addlllonal Inquiry toto the , , ,

natdi of drought itrtcken firm en U l l 7 . io ib t uDdertaken by both rallroidi UU / and the federal government lo re- ■■

^ ,^■lM reUetmeawrei. . . • • • • n


8T.J3EOROE,.mah. Oct. 21 m - Ml Ott Judd, 39. w u acddenlally ihot artd M t o n rifle today whUe he w u lying on hli ttomich drinking from • iprlng.

TTie accldenl oecurred Hz oUei ' from hen while Judd utd hU blder

brother. Joieph Judd. Jr.,. w in ' _ hunilrw deer, “m e elder brother « ld _ f ho' heard a ihot and ttUed to Ott (0 Inquire if he had killed a'deer. 5“J When there w u no reiponte he In-

. veitlgated and found hU brother “ dead, ft buUet through h it back.' ^

Joteph^Judd u id he bellevM hU. brother ^ad reited Ihe gun agalnit ft nearby tree and htd knocked It " F over whllt-'drinking from tho ^



------- Df 1.CONCORD, K a , Oct. at VPt- dUk

pinto. Jl. Ludlow. U iiuchu- hel| ; WtU. and “mornu Kajet, M. PltU- mai

. nald. New Kimpthire, wero-buried of t allvi b a n today tn a 100-foot iand mit

-tUdt'C Q lhen<V CXnoord-Dorer to.l J '•^Ug^xw»^.8o^l■8odltt•T£^e-^eeoTtr. th#

' ' U«rlo Pia. tutmiborel operator, dltcw u alM borlAl. but managed to dig Billhlmtelftoufety.Themenafereem- togi

S ' a lUrtford. Conaccileut F^ cca itnc tbn oompany. buUdlni Uu hav

r o ^ . ; . " by I

S 'tA V.......

G e r m a n M i n e C i

“ S n u f f ^ O u t i j i

M e n A n d E n t


ON.UNUSUAL PRACTICE ^roO K TO N . w i bet. Jl IIra. .Ida Pleldi w u active m thex li! life of Edgerton.butihe n^vr received vlilton i t home.P e o p le -w o n d e re d -w h y .- '^ . -

»med today. M n ^ • ^ ^ n S u e A ^ e n u 's h e bequathed her oU te ) Muonle lodgea i t Douiman and d ^ n . AdmlnUtrator^ poking of llo muity roomi u n o p e ^ for dyita n , today found theie thlngi: 2 s'A roll of bUU.ln the buemen

>UUn2 IU70. other package* ot .o n w ira W rlm B M U Ijm lii IW ul-of-the-way placei. riCiThouuDdt ot packagti containing J 3] ire anllqvei and chlnaware, dat^__ w k lo the lerenleenth century. Bondi.and lecurtlla worth many N' louiandi o f dollan. ^Five hundred palre 'of ihoeS Jv»n In aome nom i. the merchandise the aa, plied almoit lo • Uie etillng. the .tnnntrin chlnaware and dellute conlW ^ l f - J r t h m « «f unuied.ragi. poceriea that had ai jwUed, and countleu Un cam. . pan

i T i i i e iOlfDAHOFIKr


daho Commi ioncr; Points Ourwholesonieness of Conditions in Gem 'Slate —

OOIBC Oct. 31 mi - Idahoani Rfl lesred up nearly tSSXCfiOO In Vxal UU » n i from itale banka during the « u t year In iplle of Uie fact fann- re liare not yet lold much of th tlr • I iheat and certain other cropi. t . v„ Porter. tUlc commWoMr.or H; unce. reported today In an analyiU f relumi from Uie Ust bank call. W i lieseOoani and dlmunU decreued .In I rom CS.4T3.011 (0 C3M21S. tiu Demand depoilU decreased <3.- ^

a m during Uie year ending wlU» ^ baaiU .o(6epU m ber2 iad tcR ita w

iiiiiiiiiliiliwit In lifl h t ' depmied grain market and Uter maikeU whleh have caused .

reatedMn iUl« tanU from SK.- -^< O S iM to in ^ m n e a r lJ r .U O O ^ . „ neseri'e, coniUUng of euh and

lue from oUier.bankt, Increaied « 167.1M during Ua year to .a loUl f a .m x n . “When It li noUced hat the total volume of builneis .li Ptr n s w u I t Uie coseipond- We. ne'period of Uie-prevloui year." Pe*! he commluloner commented' on a f lUa ittm. “tlie wholeiomeneii of notn iT T it ia t t in rw T » r ^ r e i in ir ® iP ^

strong UtoldCendlllen - 7 '*Taken' a i a whole, the eommls- loner said. -It wlll be otocrred that aah and due ftom banks, and bonds **- nd lecuritlei. In which Uie bankt live their fiihdi Inveited. amount- •<1 to m itJSm . whUe loaiu and UscounU, Ute U rgot ilngto Item of he banks* Investment. Is lubitan- UUy less .than . Uiat amount. Thlt m e n u m lUongly liquid condition. ' -T lu banks are not orerloaned. .

re not an extended-condlUon, nd wllh proper conUnued'eareful- ie« Ihould be iMe towlUuUnd an^ _ merrency eren remotely poultiTe. ti_Foducti_are jord._whlch_Uuy, „ nust be arnhiettme to Uie near fu- ‘ ure, new money wUI be brought nto Uie stale to augment U ut al- tady In Uie banks."

M iiiliiissi.iimiiTiii

Miss Jennie Bishop, 50, Hold for Slaying Man, Prepares to Enler Plea fo Charje

■ HT. ANTHOKY. Idiho, Oct SI (fl Jaw U BUbop, U . TUt cnIN >

plea nkxt Uondiy lo a charge of mur­der to eohnecUon with Uie deaUi of David RaaUn, 90. whoie.body w u found In a canal a mooUi aficr he Uuppeared Ust Korember IS.-The wootan h u been held In Jill tien itoee l u t December and filing Jf chargu 'w u not eompIeled-unUl rosterday. because' of Uie reli/clanee . of wltneuek to offer. Uielr leitlmony ind Uie difficulty ef obUlnIng evl-

Olen Jenkliu, nepheir ef U» mur­dered man, pletded luOtf to a charge I )f being t a aeoeoory.ihorUy afler tUoovery of Uie body and told of ! Itelplnc u u t BUhop and Uie detd naa'tbreUier.Johii Rankin, dUp«e < jfUiebody. JohDRinklnUteroom- , s l t ^ tu ld d e . UUtBUhop'wksiald I lo.have been llrtng a t bta heme atUi#-Uo#.-r-V— --------:------------

I t U c h a i ^ the murder followed 1 Useotery to Dave Banklo that MUi; SUhop anC John-Rinkta were living 1 »teUier. » ' ‘ 1 ■

FoRy-itT(npetwns.1tUprominent.; . nave been subpoenaed «s w llou ia | sy Ult lUte. •_ I

TAB 6N£.Vj1SS(

ri:N It w in Tx a i

C a t a s t r o p h e A

i t o m b s S c o r e s z

Explosion taJOT-Fojit Le- ™ " vei/Brings Orief'to 10,-

000 iniialiilants aad Oes- troys Nearby Structures ™

____ K. I................... lain

,„ (B y The AuocUled P re * iL -_ 10:3 k LSOORF. G c r m a n y.

-A-(Wedncsdny -Morning)^ Oct. 22-The death-tol Jot those kitted Nvhen& ton o (r dynamite exploded in number — 2 shaft of the Anna mine yes- urday rolled up ateadUy early Uthis morning. The totals va­ried from estimates of 96 to . 181 and the final number mity be even greater. •

Wo OM kiww how ininS ot SM on Ihe ihlft escaped wl^out Mnn. or how msny yet remain In Qd( Ihe mine *heiher dead or alive, but the Jiumber grew hourly t t w U | mnUnued all lu t night and carriedihrwtti-tlils-momlng.'— ------ -----------j

At midnight oftlctata of t te com- tuny told The Auodited Press Ihit M bodies lud been found-30 of _•ass'sis K™ illnc»-and M were In.the hoepMl ,nI isllh talaU i; • lods

•me ecrrespomlent of the Wolff Ing.News Agency u id a t 1:30 i t M. Ulll •«<i\li check ihavi-ed m d e i d ^ al- oready In the mortuariea wlUi 3S b Ii I non detd In the debris-filled mine thafu not yet brought to the w r- rice. He'esllmiWd tha l »t» othen, s tnpresumably alive, were ■still In a {U( lower Ihalt awaiting reicue..

At l-.i\ A. M. ttw Telettttphw J J ,

(Conllnued On P a g e fp o U f uU

l l l F f f l T S I l l B . iJ F S P i l S l O B B l ”!

_____ '■ InM-MADRID. Oct.-31-W J-l^s lli«> —.40 persons todiy wllneued Uie burlilIn Bin U « t i» ctmetirj o t Viletl* „p, inoWeylcr.epiln'ataitcipUlngen- *nei na l of lil# old-ichool and her W t ot taunirtoifigureofavlrtdciupierol t

aCTBM Uie l e u UiaV ^ faded Jri'lh Uie present cenUi^.'Ni'crDwdi'llfiedUiertlnyUreeU Ingi

u Uie body ol liie aged wirrior w u zruUied in an aulom^He h n ts e jo mIl4 talt resUng ptace. ^

Jtoiiaee*««ptl»wfamlly.aMisU BUgroup of triends and a few newpa- «'«permen who had been watching the .W tjltr house Wew w hat« « h ip- Aoenlns.'The family held Uie funenl Ing a full two houra betore the Ume in - « d noM^ tor me punw e ot avoiding VU

Close I

' ' N

( / t S S S K u T i T '^ ^ ®

•' r , ,


F A L LA . m e r i c a n A s t r o i

■ ; 4 t 'P h o t o 'g r a p 'h ;■ mUAPOU ISLAND, .(Wedneiday ecllp Mornlnil.O<t.Mfcl^-We« fuL

lln^Uland in Uie SouUi Picltlc wer# re- grapl a-ird(d loday when 41 pholognphi pedll »f a .io !sa-edlpje.oL U iejvnj«re phot- taken jueeeMfully. oui i

The ecllpje and » tith s r were ex- l o ^

The ecllw began a t 7;SJ A. M. “Tin (lj;3« P. V Tuesday. MounUin ly n; Blandird time), became tolal a t »:w tanta A. M. <l:Sl P. M , Tueaday, Moun- bMri lain Standvd'Ume). and ended a t ot ll J0:3l.A.-M.J3;U-P.-M..TUe#diy, wwli MowiUlnBUndardtlmel.DuniUon Ible. st.Ui«.loialecllpie.was.nJ4.«Wl)dii _ no

The.New Zealand expedllkm an- maJ nounced Ita obewillons of Uie inot


Odd Fellows at Idalio Falls Dea Sessions Confer High Horn J

-srOn-Ttomar-J-tloyd -o

-IDA-HO^PALW, Oct; II (/n - DJ AhlnirT.Oombi. Kellogg, w u elect- two Nl gnnd m uU r of Ul# Idiho gnnd gnu lodge of Odd Pcilowi a t Uie open- tope Ing. grand lodge session here Uils poiM illemoon. ofix

OilierotricenelecUdwere:SartiE. om Blilne.BoUe, deputy gnnd master: nte'mu J. Uoyd. Twirj n iU , grand »“ 0 I'arden; Pmley P. Home, Caldwell, * “ SecreUry: W. A.’ Coughinour. Pay- tUe. treuurer.

U,0 .n]ller,Ashlon,reUrlnggnmd fithi miller, *-u elecled grand represen- u,eoUUve to Uie loyerelgn lodge fw Uie in a one-yeir term: ind 'Pren moor, orgi: BoUe; « u re-elected sovereign grand tej)

I S . a ' I S i S S S ’S ' i Smeet In Winnipeg, Canada, ne rt Sep- lember. . . ' ,TI'

oyicen of the gnnd*lodge wUl bo InmlM Thunday.JnomlEC.- ^------------nebeksbi-Meet----------;— -oulj

InitilUtkin ot new oJlleen arid reporUofrellringheadsofUiegiand Ml" eneimpmmt conclude*? Uw tealoni ot U ut body U ita:m ut^g...„.,

Tll# gnnd eiiampment adopted * tM0luU0n.epdcalt« Uis.obieeraw In IBJJ o f ^ e tTO hundreds 4MU1I- . ,po l enaiyofUie'blrUi of Otorge wash- gum ingion. , . ■ . . peril

ExempUflcaUon ot Uie p i t r ^ militant degree by Canton Colum- ^ bta. BoUf. preienlaUon ot-Uie Re- lon« bekah degree by W e u .w w m lily , » BUckfoot, and Uie annuil ball held mU the aUentlon of the delegit« to- night. ^ . . . ..'A long gnnd lodge p a r^ .to d u d -

Ing four:bandi. lloata. city eJfleUIs ^ t aad lodge memben U Uw t« ture ol n„ j, the propim tor lomorrow alter-

! Harmony in .PennBylvan

' r ^ A ' K ' J T ^ .

'f . ' ■ ,


’■ pjpjnghi, JOIti. til

’SPA PER m m m f a l uWmMQUMING.

snomers Get [(]|

rlifw auo were eoUrtly aucceis- «

The New ZeaUnd e x^lU on con- f n fd jw if prlnclPiIlT IO the iptet- » rapmcwkwhlleiheAmerteane*-' - rdJilon' work ranged from cenmal hologn^iy wth cameru ot viri- Uy ui'slcs (o iDeclognphlc and pho- )me(rie obterrillons. rThU Utand. commonly' known u I

n n Can UUnd." beci me JhemenOi- t mill U delivered lo lu .lnh ib l- a uita in teaied lin earn dropped over- oard tay piuing iteam en, w u one h t'lh e only two land spots In llie ' ■'wldl.wherp.ttr.ipecMcle.wu.vU: _ lie. ,_Noob«rvallomot Uie eclipse were ladeTroBrilirolh-ciT^rNaraUu: - T ^ noUier lonely South Pacific Ule.

1LIS8 GETS P L A C E ' Scnn

)ealb of Two Animal Pets S i Adds Impelo! to Probe S'"


OEKVER, Oct. SI OPHDaUi of prom wo anlmil peu trom cffects of muel round gtau added Impetus tonight »police InvesUgaUon of a wholesale. T^ oUwipliitoe*leroili»ieUje/amUy warn fUoOXouihlln.eltydetectlve.Le- the oa O'Lougtilln. 10,.daughlerof Uie tent lelecilie, v u beaten and her body turih hrown Inlo a city parlclake where It cool. ,-u found Usl PrJdjy. ' ' tempDUcorery six weeks ago of ground flurr

lu s In Uie sugar a t the home ot wlUi hnnU O'Loughlln. Uta detecUve's j aUier, tet police on Ihe murder plot in beorr. - n u laTuUsatlm resaJted — - n dUeovery ot ground glau to Uie . d rgans.ol the dead girl, Jn the slom- ch of her taUier and. In Uit two f i n cts, a dog and a cal. • | j m

• Dtilh Ctalma C it F ln t .Tlie cat died Wednuday, the day flQk beO'LougminglrldUappmed.The <ini iog Ihe next diy. Uie'aanie day Uie itec lllF iruu tenM etraipJu lseri' . . . nilr»l.~Food-fn)m-the-Tne*|-had lfe:t<d both the man and Uie dog, iMinorUei Mid. Tlis anlmata had {I?” «en red u n m frem tbe Otiouihlln f f “ iWe. W e IKU were owned by Mn. Itrybelle ehannon. aister-oI-Mn. KMghlln, and. were burled In a a e u t lo l adjscent l& her home. .- g " tPoUce dUInltrred the anlmata l u l '•f)? londty. Remits of (abontory eir« lerlmenUwhlchruuliedtothetlnd- V*” og ot ground g lu t In the anlmata’ rgans were not made known unUI onlght.DetectfveO’LOBglillnqult hliliQi- •i*''*'

ilUI bed Isle today deietmlned to mpUry.of the murder ot lU 10?jt4r.old child..Leona, whote fo” ' iOdywu found In Berkeley lake here i"® , week ago..AtalmoMlliesamehourOXouKh: <!'«> n lett for hU home bta.wlfe. Mn.

_tConlloued.On.Pate.}.XoL B) In t(

I baijn ia ••

----- --------------- ^ KI

' 1 / z . • b se Woft

i t t S t l h • h*d

I - o f l ! — d l - l ® ./ had.

M r n x j with

HAW : Cl

. KW v / ' 'V

1 . ^ / - I prod

H i S r a J B • teedl

IT hay T • . W -ji '

■ a" I w ' k S

’ V - • ■ • bnn'' •— aU«

, I t’Oi. by'JUt'Mev'Xork Tribune, inc. Qok


A IL Y1 ^

l E S f l T E f i l S e


:y-S'peolrcj:iain!s_ Heavy___Toii Before Leaving, Ex- i acting S500.000 From I Narth Daiiota Potato Men J

. BT^iTAModaled'PreSr 1r;r -A N S A S -C IT iV p c t .a i-----------K Old m an w in le r’s pre-

m a tu re r e n d i t i o n of bullon up y o u r ovcrconl”;a.i due (o end to n ig h t in the Ilddle W est, its cclioes ling- ^ ring in O k lnhonu a n d Texas nd in sta tc .i ea s t o f th e Mis- ■ iMlppi. . H

W ilh th e d u s tin g o f snow H imoitd by rising Umpenturei H Ild lunihlne. ArUst Jaek Proit w u H 'adyito take the stage and com- iele the tnnitormaUon of wood- — 1 hllUldes lo crimson.and sold lady for Ih# frolic ot a promUedidlan-summtt________________ -Relief for the blluard-iwept and _ ilvering E utem sUtes w u thui y l •omUed Irom Uie land In which I f .ueli ot Ul# E u tem weather U I I rewed. _T^e Pacific slope w u modentely I arm loday and Uio country e « t of I le Rockies experienced Intermit- nt sunshine 'and clouds wlUi no iriher ilorm llireaL Colondo had . lol. fair weather. Wyoming rising U;.* mperalures and lingering snow urriei and Montaw w u warmer i, lUi more warmUj predicted, ''

Nertb DakeU Folia Shiver • c In ptace ot •temperatures which «

(ConUnued On Page 9. CoL ft)

e i H l l H i E i i i i l

____ ' her :BALTlMOitE. Oct. ,21 MV^ t ta ringo, DemocntJe .member ot the DUie ot repreienUUvei from 'Ar- inus, died tonight a t Johna Ilop- « ins hoipllaJ.-where he had'been Bdergolng treaUnent for a fort- Ight. HMpltal ottiaaU 'uW he un- ■ ® ;rwent ft gan-bUddtr op^Uoq,

H rw u bom In 1877 and Is tur- ved by hta' f ldow ..a ton and

BepresenUUve W nio w u elect- L"‘ ' i from Uie fourth dUtrlet ot.Ar- inus. He w u a member of every. . . . ingreu alnce the aUly-lhlrd. ' • « , In congress he oppowd to o much inmment'' and In 1933 advoaled r I# repeal of.’40.000-laws to, Uul he processes ot life would be mon w n t and orderly." . • Su He w u a 1a«rer by proleaslon and u admitted to the A rkaniu bar I IBM- __________ :------- ;-----



' > . . oneKIUKIAflO. China, (Wedjusday Burl Irenlog) Oct. 33 WV-AuUiortUUve « ' •porta frem Pengtse, KUngsl p rov « ice, which CommunUU captured »»« londay. today suted Uie bandIU ad aUto PaUier VoniU,.* Prenetf rieat, . aji*A refugee lUlIan CaUiolle bUhop KIA nd one Chlneie prlert whom "nit" . ■ I KUn, KlangH. captured along > lUi J4’oUier Chlnete and foreign ' aUiollo'mUslonariea arrived-hen 8V >day_wllh_theJnfermiUon_Uiey jWei ad'been rieleaiefl by the bandlU Inc ith ImtrucUoni lo obUln ransom Engl * Uie othen held. ■ Uiaii

Chai(AT RAISERS PLAN FOR . S CALOWEL^NFERENCE .BOISE. OcL 31 CT)-A meeting of H I ay growen of louUiem Idaho and iktem Oregon to determine Uie mount of hay turplui In Uie chtat roduetog dUtricU and to Intereit restock men of oUier. lUtcs lo tilpptog In Ultle and aheep for tedlng h u been called for Batur- ay a t CaldweU. Idaho. W. C. Bales, T[n ay producer, announced tonight,TTie mteUng ta a step toward for- • i

taUon of ft regional hay pool to eo- ' pente wlUt th# fedenl farm board, , lalea said. Uvestoek men'ouulde > lia region already have contracted X hay, he u id . 'OUier meeUngs of smaUee groups . B<

f Botae n iley hay growen wUI be hlgli Itld prior lo^abinUy a t Notus and wen lomedale. he aald. bun

;------------------ :— . . wiui


in attempt to Shoot Uienplds Of Uw kuj touge river proved taUl to Duets etfr iloQdfU, 30, Agncu eatUeman. wbo mile Irowned l u t night when a.boaMo p t r fhlch.h# w u riding wlUi CharUa ^ juungs, brertumed. BiUlnga awam . . j i istoe but BlendeUwucarrieal down au iUtim; .Beireblng parUta bad not brid ocated Blondell'a body today. .

liABBAOE-KILLS WOMAN S i'bSHVER, Oct. 31 -lA — C n i ^ BoiS leiMftUi-ft ten of cabbage when t lu wltti Uempted'to leap from’-ft.truck u Uu I’ovirtumed Mn. Maty Pair, ( i; Brid }olden,’w u killed bere lonlght. -. to d


o r CIBOOLATIOI'B=-■ -L - —

l e n a t o r W i l l i a m

A :d 'd T C S s e s " 3 6 6 i

' O n ' I n t e r n a t i '

. WIillamE. Borah-

iom8ii.|DHmPiEEfiirs, jiome Adams, 40, Born ^ in Cassia County, .Olcs ™ Soon After Child's Oealb g"

• gOVi

OAKLiEY, OcL 31 .(Spectal to ThV:*s)-M n.'. Bara- -Worthington iit(Isms, bom In/CassU county. In „onH. and ft resident of Oakley all thai r life, died a t lier.homehere.Uita)mlng, only ft few.days after tyr ggoi isid fever hftd ako proven ftUI tor youngest child, two j t a n old. «cs. Adams, wbo w u Uie moUier ot uuii-young-ehildren, ronxne Adams, councilor to UiebUhop K itthe Oikley Uilrd ward U tte r Oay .eomllnu church, w u III wlth.typbold gruout two weeks before her dtaUi. neiShe wu the dtughier ot Mr,-and a t!

uriey. 'Tlw" faiolly rame to ;u» ^ wlh Idaho dtatrlet:betoro-.lrrlga. tot mand modeni roidwajs made Uv- trol g eoDdlllona enjoyable. In Uioie ,tfti lys.the surrounding cfiuntry.wu rthtog but uge bnish and und , j, Id few towns h td bten built- ' uu, Mr. Adtms ta now Ul wlUi typhoid ver a t thetr home one mile norih s , .

Oakley,, but none ot UifoMher oy. lUdren of th e 7 ia i ly t iO f « n - S ' icted Uie dUeue.Surviving reliUvcs of Mrs. Adams aides her husbind ire : BU child- ^ n. Helen. 14. Ernest, I I BeUv 10, « h r 8.-M lrihl. «. DORn*-RMr«f rjQjs •rlaUierandmoUier.Mr.andMrs.H. WorUilngton; Uiree broUien, 1

iwrence Worthington, Paul, ^ ,,U ’orlhlngton. Springdale, and War- n Worthington, W Sle sUter, AiwUa' WorUuagto. , 5 Utley. — — ' j fnMrs. Adams w u an acUvt member' ^’ the LatUr Dsy SalnU church hen g,aIherllfe. ■ ouKo funeral am nrm en ta were■ade today. . • . ■ ; ru

;ingsford sm ithsets. S.NEW TIME-FOR FLIGHT «

I —---i . . . briiSYDSEy, N ew '.sou lh .W ales, tn

harles Klngiford • BmlUi Unded .Uit ffe tt3 ;S JP .M .to^yafler> :<M - «l< llie hop 'from Bftahiae, Queeitand »

l E l l I i r i ililEUf’lS i

. . ■ ten. ’ ■ al*

Imbcr Culverts and Bridges S ■ in Twin Falls and Jerome ^ Counties Appear On List m.

Un. . .. me

BOISE. Oct. 3t »T)-Bldl on f m ^Ighway job!, an In louUiem Idilio ” m opened by the aUleJilgW iy ureiu today but contracU WerelUiheld pending, appronl ot:Uw ^jmmUsloner of public works.. ^AlUock and Pond. Orace. I d i ^ . H

'e re lo w o n g n d ln g 4 /m llis o tt^ g 'Iny's lake hUhway, between Henrf „nd Wayan In Caribou counly wlUi ^II ofter ot I14.7J3.' Morrison ^ .J?, :nudson. Botae. wire low wlUi an ~ Iter of n e w for g rad ^ ^ tw o ” lUes ot Uie EmmeU bnneh gf-Uw ^ ayicte highway between Emmett , ndBtack canyon dam; /jic k Sharp. ?otae. »V low'Wd*er on constnieUngMwo'Vmber „ridges and dx -Umber'-eulvirti on wie 8swbMtti'part:’:hlgttwiy 'aad K dil-CuUeford liighway .in JercBWDd Twin FaUs cmuiUes. 'Hta Ud > , « » » M . J 'Tlw Idaho ContncUnf^eompW, BeOise, w u Jow.JOddw.-'on Mtoetag « | 1tt>:crush#d rock ot 10.1 nU a.o fu .Raft,'river, h lg h ^ /b e tw w ofridge and the Vuh.U at.:otIeriot u . ) ^ the work for

. ' r o O A Y r . - F a i n t ' l l

W i i i8 PA G ES — 6 CEN TS - -

m E . B o r a h -

O G ^ t l i s t e n ' e f f f ^ —

t i o n a l A f f a i r s . '

F rcq ilen t A pplause Inter* ' ■

.. .ru p l8 -V e n era b ie .- -S ta t« » -----------

m an During Course o f *

Speech a t ' Higli School

S ENATOR W illiam E ,'B o r-ah .-speaking In th e In ter-----------

-osla -o f-hU -cand idacy .Jo r— -------re-election for a seven th con­secutive te rm in th e U nited S ta te s senate , addressed an audience of a p p ro x im a te ly 3000 persons- in Tw in : ,F ^ U high school’s new auditorium - gj-mnaslum here laa t evening. HealuRdtfieptatformwlUiUoor* ■ . . ]eague.8enatorJohnThomu,Dood-.v.. . . . log, by whom he w u Introduetd. and wlUi Oovemor H. O. Baldridge and John McMuiray.-RepubUean ' eindldate for governor of Idaho. Re­publican county eandUatet for legta- . laUve and county otneea oecuplid . ' : seau on thb plaUorm and ipeaken WBrelnltoduoedbyll.P,PanT,Be- V. pubHean-connty-chalrmaB. ,

Senalor Borah c»nftotd-hta re­marks elotely le hU announced sub­ject,.“IntemaUonal ItetaUoos. '. snd' he dUeussed parUcutarly develop- ' menu to Uiat sphere duriog Uit tU - year period he h u aerved u chair-, man of Uw tenale foreign'nlaUons.: commlUee. < . . . ,

Aadlenet Bbewt A ;prent ’The "audience apjiauded and'. ’

cheered and Uien rote en maai Ui ^ lU feet when Senator Bonh w u to- troduced, and. punctuated'.hta ad- . . dnas wllh frequent; apptauie. I t ap- ptauded'Mr. Parry's referenc* to 'John MeMumy u Idahot -next governor," and -manifetled .lU. ap­proval again when- Mr, McMunv concluded brief temartu-.-wUJi Uie ■ sUUment U ut he bad aecepM Uie nomlnaUon'-for governor.'ksowlog . : that 11 meant hard work'for'him- •: self U Heeled, and wlUi hta pU* for .' coopenUon for a te tte r , richer and? • > more .wonderful Idaho."

WIUl boUi ienalon.,U>«:goreraor andUi#“De*t|ov*mor"ooU»ptat*---,. fo rm heraJutnenliv .lte:Pan7 Ur.': . . j . : seited, Uie ocessloa would have been . - eomplelebuVtorUieabtcMeotOon-., . pesSnanAddUoaT,Smllh..wbotasf;,- evenUig w u addretsUic ft meeUng. ; a t Idtho _____

o U ie r tk te n e n ii^ B c ^ S o n li 'a . . '- . . ' address brotdeast 'by. rradU < ;» - ' • trolUiwughK(JlQ.TrtaFaltaradlp • ... itatloxL"

' ' ''BecHftlltan fe r 'S n aU 'lv .'- ' Replying to U w -ttog ta.m io^a ' , U ut came In retponu t o ^ in r l ' ' f Uu eIet# of bU addreea. . Senator. Borah declared wlUmit'. guallflulloa for recognlUen .of Mr* ’. .;

T a m 'f to t alrald o t'bom m iitat ' I prepagaoda." he asserted, m e r e J t ' noUitog-Uw'peopta of .Uie.'UDUed-.'SUUI rejectmorequlcHly,whecLa>ey —T a s B rro in n irtB iin w rw x o B p -------- 7muntat d«lrlae«.. •T T f.1 had'my way I would Jrade.i wlU\-every eountay In Uu, world," >'8enator:Bonh aald. ^f'know,Uut ; to due Ume’we ,wUl reeofnto 'the - government of R u i a U . 'd o a t ,do . , linowbecauseUutwooldberegard-.. ed.ln some q;aarten u ao endoree- ^. ment of-Oommun|sUe'docUUK.'Ko . . od# h u leu use for' ComimintaUe l dMirinet Uun I, but I beJIeve'Uut _ . RussU, In't»inuli« IU. preaent pel—Icy -wllI work out tomeUiIng to'U)t. . nature o fa u n e democracy.'

"Th»United SUtet, by recognlUon '. ' of ihe govemment of-RustU, can, ' brine about uUUUhnent of;Sanet eondlUons In RussU..mot«..qulckly'.j^-_: ttun by standing asM t"-'..-:.'- , - ■ •

er’S f m w ^ w S e U o ^Uey-^ o n . . ' ‘ ; Uie part,ot Uie UnlUd SUtet with; nlaUontoCenlnlandSeuUtAmerF . . taao'ntUont. uid predlcUd-lmprov-

: ed retaWns groirtng outof I t.'..V s, •: He pelnUd out beneflU reiultfng •' trom dUarmameoteonfertticei tlnce - ; «30. and prophetled wotSwide a c - ' • . , eeptance of treatlM for ouUawiy « -war would'come lo be regarded u Uie greaust peaee since Ul# birth of Uie Savior. '. H t dectared .poiIUvely tor' main­

tenance "now and for all Umt ot tne , abtoluU todependenet "Of Uie D aittd '. - SUUa to determine lu coune to.any ; , . crista whleh shall.arUe."

Thta Indeixndenee. wlUi'IU.'tre*-' domfrom’anyencumbnneesofem- banum int ot any prevleua cDtigi- mtht," had madt It possible f<r Uie.‘ • ■ • UnlUd BUles to serve ilgntUy and m u t ettecUrely.on sevenl ooea-- slona since Uie close ot U ie;W «^,. , -. war. and notably to.eonneeUon wlUr. ... selUement ef Oemian reparaUonfc;;: : dUanntment and oultawry of war..’ ' ;/Thtre a re 'tro tundamenUl Uie-,'. orioaorphllMophluUiT»gardlof«* : . . . elgil attain. Seailor Bonh tald Jn - • tatroducUon of hU addrets..Tht f ln t • v, ta U ut Uien can be no P«M P>« - , - . wlUwul'foree.behind It. Tlut.

:S u ^ . 'o f

m o ^ 'tw c ti ahd> jb lU op taJ«^A v ;> :.^

f W i w c » Of Trade Aim al

Sales Regiiiati------------S e c r e t a r y P r o B o s e s T o

S p e c u l a t o r s ’ P r i y i l e j

' • - " M i j n i p u l a t i v 6 - 0 p e r a t

■ t i v e M e a s u r e s T o B e

S f F8ANK. . . (AuocUled Pru

W ASHINGTON. Oct. 2 1 - iso-of "an o th e r sto ry " if board.oC .tradc.Q fflciaIa.

correction o f trsd in ir r e p la t io• consTCM broadening th e power

ifltration. '' T he sccrc tary has no quarrel of th e trade , some of w hich he d u r in ? periods of lieavy^ mary

• prac tices w hich a rc considercj mHIers:.

I t .I s h b purpose to mini* a iz « a b ases o f th e sp e ca la* '

' to r ’s p rivileges and to e lim * ', in a te pu re ly m anfpulatlvc:

operaUons.Cum ot nttoUtUoM tr t. In pu t,

'U l ccho of lonncr 8«cnt«ry-JiT>1 dlnt’f three>;eu>oId experience with

— the-ChlaiBOTiTOp.—— • - ------Durinc tb t airicullunl d litn u ol

’ : 1R7 mcmboi ot th t Ctilcwo board ; of tndo rtpRunUd to Jirdbe Uiu Iu>« epm ton,. usvUUnjr lo tn d t : undercondltlotuwlilchrequlrtdthelr '< opw«llon»tob8rtpo«K!iothefOT* : emneBt,«ouldcaterUie«heatmir> '

' ket In a Us wiy u btiyer* uid «d> i vuee Ui« pileo level II h t would U{( •

' thereitrleUnt. i■me rule required ■ report on averr ]

tnnueUon IotoItIss SOOjdOO b^theU i ’ ,of inU i or more. J ts 'punitM « u i

to pni'eflt i n ; tnder ugulrUu more i .thia-5.000MO bu:heU net la ' any i one,potlUon lu t (he td n n U p ot i

. lu te holdlnp lead to .a oomtr or i tiDdnly mnueoM tho muket. .

. . . KoTCTcr, to t u t vaUdity ot Uie .traden' elalnu Uu rtporu tn' quo- Uon were eaipended.ttfecttrereW •

' . ary S#. JB7. aod Iiy.Wo»embtr 1.. IRT, eondlUoQt becune to bad that

.IheVettrieUoorareliutated. . ’ i Mupen^ ]

aien w b^'leterdbur te 'e lalai et < - repm tnU U m of.Uie train «*• • ,

------ :^^cltaBrea..(pec8lal«n.« i' Uie'm aittt and ralM wheat prlca r

;h (« a h l|b lerel, prieee in Chlcaco t _ . (erbeUi caah wheat and vheat ta>' c

ta ra r ^ ^ 'U i r i o v c t l 'f l t w c t ' "• - . . .rteorded In m en thaa thne. yian. ..

' 'A t tbo lov point (or;D<«mbtr . ’Kheit 00 Oclober 34 the ipread be* li t»eq> Chltato Pileea and Uttrpool •' -prlee*.«wtaili-:ec&ta:M.-ai«lMi-a r

aprtad ot only BM.eenU on nbru*■ ary » .,th e day betore Ibe rtporu .

Here autpended.The upahot ot Uie whole UiUit 1

» u m at Uio blj’traderfc Initead ot < , . buylnc. MU ahort In tremendoua 1

>olume,'raTerlnc Ihclr u i u wltb t Wheat boattil eich time Ule muket c

' dropped under Uw p r ic e :v h le h e Uiey had aold. ■ - .

. . . 'DivlncUveMriod.UutUiereport' i Inc rtqulrtmenU ' were" luipendtd c

' thtre weweeten epeeulatora^ho-at t one Ume or anoUitr had each a net r

' potlUon In a tingle Chlcaco wheaV o . luuire amomiUnc'to' .OOe.OM buih* -

eit or m ort.-six of. Uie teren were . already in Uie mukel betore Uw re* atrleUon vai lUled,

IniUad ef lapportlnc (be nar*'' . ket, boTeTtr,.eath a t Uum bad a

ihert petlUen la wheat fs ln e t a l Uie Ume Ult reperU were raipend* cd and had beea thort fer leme F Ume. Ooe ef tlio Mrea ta a e into i tbe natket lattr. ea Uie Ion; (rade, bBtvaanetKnewtrader. iTvo of Uie teren were out of Uie t

market belore Uw reporting require* d ■' menu were relntUted. eonildered t

. . . .. collecUrcly. (he ro u p ot lercn had a- - a thort potlUon in Uie m uket dur* q

Inrtlx-of Uie dchtmontha-Uw r t- tportt were autpendtd. - ii

The. group of big tpeculaton did not become buyen and did not t l u l coTcrlnc Uielr ahort potlUon unUl

■ wet wuUwr and deUyed aeedlng In the NorUiweitiprlnc whjat area. In*

- cludlnc Canada, had. terloutty lm* Paired new crop protpecU and .

^ chanted Uie muket altuatloh com- -

Slim too laU toenhaaeep rice t f Ttry »Bch, for. (rae (o fe ta , wbta Uie Urge ipeeslaton u a claM be* caa U ulrthert cortrlnc Ue waU epceatolen aa a eUit ceamtaced

, . - UisUaUnc Uielr leac heldfairi Again Uw tpeculaton .are bom*

bardlnc Uw report requirement, but ■

Political E K G

• T O D i

H O N . C . W . '-.I ■ ■ .Botl,

■ 1, ' . ' J Z ; ! !

■ : - . c v . ' # O N H

. H O N . A R J H U

■■ R cpubU ag'SU It C<

, , PflffC IV o ;

a f y H y d• / l l ? ___*T) J

a t C orrection of

itions V o lu n t a r i l y

Co Minimize Misuses of eges and To Eliminate atioris Througli-Correc- Be Made By Ejtclianges

K i WEUEtt - / t e u Farm Editor) '

Scc rc tary H yde 's te rse prom* if h ls confcrcncea with_ChicaRo

ila.:do-not_rc8ult'ih a voliiritary tions, h a s ra ised tlic question of k'crs o f th o g ra in fu tures admin>

re l w ith tho speculative foalurea hc 'cons idera a s shock absorbers s rk e t in ? . no r w ith the hcilKinK red .c s se n t la t, to the ,w elfare o f

; T h ' e W e a t h e r

ronECAsT r o n today and. TOHOBnOVr-Fllr; aodtrate um*

t. ptratart.

h MlnlmumtemperaiurelntheTa'ln < FalU -rlolnlty-w-U-detrtuln.Uis

Jt*liou». period prcecdlnt 6 P. M.- yetUrdar. accordlnt to the leport ot (lie goTemment weiUier oteerrer here. .Maximum tor.Uie tame period

'vaa U.dcgTM. The d ^ .v a i (air.

Becrelary^Hyde it adamint. -- bxtheenmntnesoUiUoMBecre* Ury Ityde h u IntUiM Uit( Iw be* llevtt ll beUer for Uie grain tride- to eontroMU ovn meraben Uun tor- Uw goTemment’to Uke an arbitrary . pulUoA. and atldr Snm tdrhlng o n ' Uw matter he liaa IMl comcth-e meaturei entirety to Uie InltlaUve ot.ihe Chicago board o( trade.'- Hyde tayi he btllerei mett of (be dtffltnlHu caii be wired wlUi* eat letUUUeD and Uut l( may nel be nfoetuir'{o'bring othtr es* chantet Into Ibe eenterence. ..Aaked what he vould do It alept

win j» l wJunUfred Jo m rtt hU rievf. Uie ttc r tU rr ttld ,' "Uien i Uiere wOlbeanoUierttory.V- ' •

wl moTcmenl already It under way ,

Uio grain tuUiru admlnUtratlon a rt < conTlneed Uiat additional legUUtlon'WlU be patted.------------ ----------------.. In.lbe.aeanU m e Uie bwlneu i

condoeteommlUeeotUieboardor • UadebatpropoeedtoHbmUaref* :

' ereadUB (o IU 1(09 m enbm lltt- ^chB aca tltb iU eT tiacceiiu7 (« ‘ ^ t aome of Uie demtod ef lu crtUci.' . "The comniUee w u created a t the

Intlance of lonntr Bwretuj Ju* dlneaoUietralntrademlghl.^'ipank , lUovn^bad boya” WlUiout Uie SOT* ' emment retorUnc to Uie a u tm e meatun ot elotlng tbo eachaoge be* , a u to of flagrant Irregularlly^ - |

Among oUicr Uilngt Uie ttteren* dum propoKt to aboUth deUrety Ui u r a on tracka to tUI luturai con* (racU and Kduce trom 17 (o # the number of vhett gradea dellrerable oneonuact. • . . ..

The leeretary, hovertr. U In- .Itm led chiefly In whal Uie bMi4 ef tnde prepoeea (e de to. pre* rent manlpnUUon. ArtaMe loe • IrregalariUte are aUaetl Inaamer* able, aad Uw gertnm cnt J t Tlrtar ally vtUiOBt-powcr to eleeo Uieo., A cate In point It made ol ‘Uie Ruulan gOTtmmenl teumg vhetl e tionalC hlugo.' '

DUIleulty In chccklng on Uie amount actiiaUy Inrolved retuUcd from Uw uneonUoUed practice' ot dlrerUnc both w iu and. purehtKt Uirough widely teparaUd ehanneU and U» tact Uiat Uw goremment re- qulru a report only on nel posi* tlona and Uitn geU (hem only when 11 gou atter them. '

A (tadtr nuy thev a n t( PmI* tien on the leaf tide et Uie Itdter aad.a( Uie.iame Ume be'bid ahert to an almeit tq u j ameont vlUi* _ oat reporUng It.Some Iraden h ire tald Uut 1,«



BroadcastU Q\)A Y r

^ THOMASrfe y:s45- ■

IGHTU R C . DUNN'M ' - ' v . ■

i^ n s o r e d 'b y ,

C e n tn l Com m ittee

:le Urge

€ — ■ .1 1

1- § g F‘---------------------

— T tiis -ch aft-8 h d w » h o ir7 p en n . co v erln tro f contractis w h u a

cd p rices in 1927 w hen gorem : ^ trouM b i;y h e a r ily nad adnne ra = a = = s = = s s = = s i = s = =

000.000 buihelt In any one poitUon, }f raUwr Uun 8.000;000, u aultlclenl to ~ Jniureahtrgalnlnf power. Atpru*

ent Uiere u no auUwrtty In Uu grate P luluret act tor any llmluUoD.upon

ipeculaUro llnea.Through InlonnaUoa auppU^ by

O Uie cn ln lu turu admlnUtrailoo to ] . the butlneu conducl commltteu-of

Uio exchangu Uie euhangea Uiem* aelrea can exerclie tome meuure ol

in conlroloTertuchmattera.>" — Thegerrram tntheldaU ialbrte- 'V llaea are a petcaUal nunaee U >t irtdlac lo Uiat Uitlr niddtn ll«sl*^ datlon.lf lone, er Uielr loddea cer*■d ertaf,)r«beri,nnUm>ir'Uifnar.

ke lja le lb aU ate . 5.- There"are.iMUacu on.reeord.Ui.

which futuru prlcei. mortng la Uw nnw direcUon u iradlnc. haro Ilue* UiaUd u mueh a t 14 ecnU In a tin*

ifl ^ d i y .1. J l hai been auccuterl Uut.fluctu*. aUon be limited to 3 cenU,:up or ^ : down, tn one day'a tradlnc, bul there ^ U no preient Uv to enforce lUe , , .


MoolNews» I ■ '

'J o Y Club m e a ^ m r t - i t . l >> o'clock In UlB Blue-TUangla room.

T)ia memben were noUlled. ol Uie 7 comlns'fall conferehce; Mltt'(}lara

't. elub.lor.k'tev.tnlnutei on Uu tub*O' JeaotUuoonferenee.'FoUowlncUiU- taUC'UiB'Cbabinen'of’TiTtont com*, mltteu n v e reporta on Uulr work.> ;V(er U» butlooM M ukn, a alwrt ,• program- vat enjoyed by Uw mem.. h tn . ThU prognm centtited' ot a


„ The nmim club' mteUng wblcb !! n a tcheduled lo r yeaterday erening k vaa pottponed for tvo veeki by Uir

c lu b ip o ^ .J o b n P .& U i;

:! A ineeUnt ot Uie Hl-Y club v u held yeiUrday-ennlnC'lB.Uu high' eehoot auditorium. H u mala Itabire

' ol m u prognm w u Uie InlUaUonot the nev membert.'-

j! O n l /W T o e f S i i * ^ 0 5 T W r t^U . rheae t4I. Dr. foeUr. Ad>

i ' ' n

: RADIOTRICUN1 am eqalpped tor letTlclnii yos

,e ndlo, IteUng (abet aad b t tn " ll Ita, tsralili a s ; ivppUet ler t>^ pain. iUl vwh gianuteed.

5 MARION HAMMONS't J u t Phene 510.J.: aad I U'l)'^ • CaU• T An Kel flaUtlkd Oaleta Yri - ------------— Airei'-n- ------------------------------ ------------

I ■ — I ,

G 0 \

E ig h tDemocrat


man, KGIQ. 3ATUBpAY,:.8

Chapman, i M ON D AY -.W

Chapman, 1 M O N D A Y -G

• Wilson, Buh

'■ ■ n n , j . '

T W lN F A U S 'p A H

S S B u f f i

- f i . - - ^WHEAT r - -

lemistent-ahort-saleflrMcept-for m p prospects weakened, affect*, imment was promised specolators toee R isrkenere ls .^

siiNLiSIN. -- ■ P i D N I l M i Sby ' _____^ Tlie Builneti and Protcaalonal ^ Women'i club, pretided orer by;Mlia ? ; lieUa McCoy, following a butUwu “ teetkm. beard 'an In to tiU ni pro*

gram on an early movement forprls^ e - o n ntonn, wblcb. v u Inaagurated liL 4 XngUnd 180 yean ago.byAlr8..Btx* i. abeUi Frye, a voman ol Quaker ile*

Kent. The frulU of her efforU bare •i llred. alter; he r,'and 'bare tatplrtd . oUicrwomentoemuMdJwrexample , and exUiid her w o r l t ^ Frye.'u* la- tabHSud-iehooU Intldo'of-pruens; » fumlihed tewtng 'to vonup prUon* ^ o n a n d ^ o U ie rw k y a lm ^ e d ^ lr

l; VOTERS CASTBAUOTSi .« ihcastlefordchuroh;

CA6TLE70R0. .Oct. >1 ( ^ l a l i . to Ttw M evD-CuUatordt poUlnt '

pUoe lor the coming Norembef elec* I Uon vlll be Uie MeUwdltl .oUurch, 1 UiiUad bt Uio high school, as prt* ■ rlouily detlcnalett'by>memben ot i tte-tlecUonboud.' :

-*, .4 mit(e« a t i to r * luneh-to voten n. uiroughout Uie day, membera o t^ e le commltl^ reported today.ta — ' - ' ' ' , —ct _Juak_dealen and lee c ftao mak- w en hare been added tb AUbama tax> lliu ter .Increated rercpuu.' •

> ~OaIy*eoe-tool-fpeetallH-to'4»lo k. raUt rboot H8. Dr. r o t te r .A d r ,r t --------:--------------- I*r : IV! . .

h . :: ^ B r>g ~ ' JT j Li r f i S f

T /& K iW in t

A D b n ’t S l i i v a ! -IT — -------

. . . Doit cheaply,^f r m f t l j ^ t b i

Ttautonu, il a to i fliicjr, rial, tioplv poured.trom t

'■ 'attic fliorfouuandlcTelec................, w h a v t i t . F m li tm y tk

Ic'i a United Sutc* G ra u •o,youknowit'ifi{Si//Juit «bos(^Cffoi7mr. •

■o s t r a n d e !b :

v E m' % i l

. t f r ’

; o’clock, Tatic Campaign CaU[. A lexw der, H. S. Aud. 8 Oct.23, 9:1S.9:45 - W . 'a8 P .M .-W .W . Spiers ai , M nrtaugh.M. Reese H attabaugh ai ,I .'0 ,0 .P .:H aU .C. Ben Robs, W. P, 'AIwo uhl. Cozy Theatre, 8 P. M.


i i i i S iBMiromiES I 1 B 1 H

- 4 )em D C u U ll$ U x p ciu lU u ccs-

A m ounting to $ 2 2 ,0 8 5 Iii

■ ■■■ M onlh a n d H alf, R ^ o r t to

C lerk of H ouse Intllcales

(By The A u o ^ d P r tu ) ' WASHmOTOK. Oct 91 - • Ttw

RepubUoan naUonal oommlUeo rt* poried"e»paaitiiftr6r-»5‘n 4 n - u i

or the campaign-UiUjrear op to Odo- ( . berM ln ltadeUUedtUUmtnlmb* „ ' mitted U w ^ ^ ol Uw..

The Demeentlo teuUorUt can*- p i i^ rommltteo, In lU report lUt* “ td ezpendlturetiol g s j u between

BepUmber 1 and October N.-Ber* ntrd M. Baruch. Maw York fUiaa* d tr. .vaa chlaf cosMbutor'to UiU

tl commltue vlUi a 'g U l-o f- ilo m , iS iieporU lor UiU p e ^ vhlcti ire

required by tav-bare not been re*; celred to f u from Uie nepubllean al wnaUrUl campalm commltteo pot ta Irom Uw DtmocraUo.naUonal com* t t mlttee.0* Of Uw *WO,090 RepubUcan cam* fi- palgn ehett. tlMMO haa beea iL* I- greuki'nal commlUee vhleh U ,ln :• rhante of the drive for RepubUeaa « memben qf Uie houie: and $UMO d haa-been j lr tn for Uw RepubUcan lo tenatorlal campaign comoilltee.'-'' - Ijl --.-.....rW rittc C ta tr iW e rrp i t^ r >* Tbe heavy contrUmlon to Uwne*^ publlcaix ntUonal'commlUee."fuod

wre-WUUam J. Wrigley, Chicago.'- and'JuUut Pontmann. Panale. Kew

. Jeney, wlUi donaiioai.of HOMO

TJw n e p u b J le a l j Tepdfe^alio (liowed payment'of OCM l^ ia la ty

It to David Ulnihaw. Uio editor of I WaihUigton, a tabloid i^evtpaper.* belng luued'td.leU Uie Itory o t .Uw, i, Uoorer tdmblttnUon." ahd a pay*:* ment of tlSOO lo Hbubav lor poit*- >f Ige.'

. Tlie DemocnUo tenitotUl.cem*I* • • **'a __ I—

* a l f a l f a SEEDwe aro-ln-Uw-market-forhigh-

- iiuaUty alfalfa-teed. See'ua before X ^leUlng .

C . L. GUNNa _____ Ja .iU i ATe.,KerUi:___ _" Pbena 1041 - Iw la rallt. Idahe

iter . ..^ ji^ U L A T E ^ Ii ^ d c l y , easily , '_____ 'r iW E M O P tttc y i f i r e t t o o f , n t k W , D O T i i a . j w . ; . dcdo ff.0 1 d o rn e w h o u ie» .. - t!m im U :tH di}j^lirU . pium Company Kodiie&- u itc e lc fb o a c u tu rc e ttil i

* L u m b e r G O .

m mill Speak 1]

f O N l[win FallsJendar . 8 P .M .' . O r r C h a p - '

a n d W. O r r

a n d .W. O r r . , . j

i f o r t i i , A . R ; . . •


V ' ■ ■ T ' -l;.fmltUe'reported U» toUowbg alloU

’ IIOOO; IL I t .Sclivarta. Wyomtoc! r g i^ r^ M v a rd rp .'C o iU g i^ - Coto-

[ .WhUe nmlrlbuling to uie eandl*

SA la b a ^ Uw D e m o i^ l u tea t no H |>^ to OUbert U. B lt^ - cock. DcmocraUo^ nomlnie Ui Neb- n tk a oppotlng kn a to r .Qeorie W. Norrl^ lotofgent Repdhuoui,, . *

i l t l U liit u u l nlUDLtl

r i i S i i i» D. A. L'Herlsson'.' D)lails “ ' " C M i r o f ^ P t o p m f P r a -

Bram ol. Slreel ;RppaIfs

t . i m m m . i i c a iw u io .tmyj K evil^erom * Chamber of com* r . BertojeadonatUwOlTle'elubnomt ) . h e n la tt night waa deroted to a J , (UKUMoa of a.propolM d'ttnet oU*

' lag program for Jerome. B..W. C tr- . ri penUr, preildent ol. Uw'chamber. i. turned Uw nwetUir erer to D. A. Jl' L’BerUton.vho gare a nmmary of. 9 cotti e l Uw Impronairata.- ' iI. , ,lt.,Uw propoied • program, t* « • I

eepUd. apprtolmaUly 4SQ tovn loU I bordering tbe ItreeU wUl .be a t t ^

Q an'arerafo of tia each to coreir Uu i. cotU. Mr. LHerliwa Itated. H u o* a Um atiTorex^dllU fO 'wB-baa a oUed grarel and.clnde«5 la 8(-fB0t. | m atrlpi. IJ, The tpieaker lUted 'UiaCUiA cott . ofoUlngprobaWjr.wouldb^-no-.mon

luture If Uie program U a d o ^ ' . d ..A '^UUon, .’requlrinr.Uw 2 ju * '

tu ra ol a t U u t SO per eent of Hhi| 1 V aff<cted-property..own^-wiH‘.be.

„ • 'Tlio .'counell firorod by a liixa; j. maJ«tly amotfwrofacoepUnce o l|lif Ur. L’Hertuon’a ^ r^ o o U , u id 'th e i

? , I;] ' .


l a l e :in T w m F sI G H TI High SchCOMEANDG


DEMOCRATIC CptlOT j a e a d q o a r t e r s l P e r t s

. ; ; ■ \ ' v P h ?

tJG. OCTOBER 22.1930

1.' peUUon' wUl^b* cirodaied dutini the next few.'dayi; by-memben ol

^ RetreahmgiiB of Twt <logal,and ^ colfee wen terred a t Uw clcee of

iheneeUnf.'vbSch-.wu'ln Uiefann of a tm otor.. - • ' _________

i r __ ' . I ' ' - ■ ■;I- . . . • . .


. .. 120LASIPSHADi

Very Special^ — JK------‘to.-buy'the^ price. Wo -i— —I t i \ \ . pnas the sn

r V loraers;, TJ

a ^oralandrn— • -ThnsB'riiI • 9rt4ohyilI ■ Xhese-shadesiiraTeg

Our Spec;

I On Sale WEDNESD . 9 A . :

^ ' .Be here, early as th< See Our Fron


X A N Ialls

lo o l A u d itGET THE FAC


'O T C EN T R A L;C 0 M M r

ine Hotel Bldg,, Twin Fl li(me.-1631 •

Tradingins .SO>lErPLANtflViDIO CHAIN

• MOSCOW (<V-ConitrueUco!ot(* i s i n n o rT ia n rK i? J w r w T 5 iw “

md Uw entire Urrllory ol BoMet.ItuP ' of tla 'li plaimed b / U ifgorcnaiist a i ' mn a p trt o l lu nrUed llre-je tr pro* _ gram for communieaUon._________

LDSm k .


al Eow jPrweere veo’'Yortumilo IT K ^ ir such-a-Iow- - i o arc nloro than plcjisetf to- i savins on to our many CUB* ;i ' TOTshaaaTarr-wadd'-of- i mt, twautlfu^y dccorst«d la idtnodemlsUc'dMlgna,'

Ho choosc.froro; 8x12,; dl3xl8, '' ' :egularwaywould’cost- - 151.95 • ,

■dal Price

9c ;SDAYMOBNINGat'V.M.they won’t la st lone '

ont Windows i

^ A L L : : |• ' • ■IB


to r iu m.CTS 'IE


Fails ' ■■■•. ■

i i l i S I F t t > FEIIiriBilE!

" “ S o c ia l" A b ti i l l ie s ^ ; Im ludc

______ _ _ J J 4 c l i e o n s M i lB j l j a o P f ! I i

t i t s *35 flifg 'T I/ee l< -E nd

BURLEY, Oct. 31,(flpecW to -n e!{en]-we«x>cnd loeUI acUrlUes la

K ««u Club, the Uflon .AuxlIJiry. tlie Don Heur club, ttid letertl din-

--------- jjtr tad brid«* w U ta . .................^n e U d ltfU k ri iy club met Fri-

' dijr I t the home ot Mn. V ^R. U t i f lolj,'WlU> t good Mtenduct. 7He l ^ n w u glrni br Mn. Lorin Uwls. Uiuie w u furelDiMtib; M l»U tr- (U t t HUL At tha clott cf tbe butl* new KUlon light itfttillmenli wete

. ___r 'P»u P)ik d inci' tncptrtjrUU Ftldirerenlngforthe

, b u u flU t the Butler Publlo llbrair.I T ie h«a «M deeonled In IWlow'tn

colcn. 'Pimeh v u terrcil. 'Kmiu ' BloBt'd orchestn fumUhed Ihe mu>

The Bon Ueur club w tt dellghtruUy < entertalnwl Siturdir attCTOoon.' Mn. £. NIcboU uted u hotteu i t :.lier home oa MUler t tm b Bridge > ii-u pUjred I t three itblet. eut

> • p ri« *eut to Mn. K. 0. Biiloir tnd ‘ soeat cut U iw m dravn-bjr K n., A.U.BoIomon. otherfuetU etilM ' club ven Mrt. B.■rP. swdtley. ind M n.Frederlcfc

‘nwm[iion..Atth#cloeeo»tlw*tmtt • ' *deUetous.lune|jwiterrwl^brlbo : hfitteu. lU xnt n r e decorated vlth

----- •■tol-nowtn.-T— ^r' ' A olimberot'fiurlejr couplei were

■ * ta^ilteadinee'ifthe'brldge' partyBJrfaBtlurdtyBlghtbr^tr.aodMn.

'■ n « n Etmu. E ll*;' A'dinner «w . ..:..Hnedit7o'e]ockatrour(malltab^

. , lec.7 in .flbvcn .w re uitd u c ta-■ I u n fee, etch'table.’. High teore for ;*^woien Wa-R.-, t;P eaee .: TOgbavardforneniraiitflnbrOlla

U' B ifo . OueeU(romBurlC7,« re M r.' . L .and Mn..R. L Pence, Mr, and Mn-

a K unu, A. M. Bolomoo. Mr..aad . ' Mrt. S. Lee D(ver’aDd.Un. Bea

Spngue. Ur. and-Mri Olln Btker. OiUer, vers tbo In attendance. '

Mn. j : 0. OtiUll was hcstctt to . . a fevofhcrfrlendtitaSuncheontt

het- home tu t Fild tr afternoon.< ' . coren were Uld (or 18 penoni Pltee< cardt and favon vete In Btllowt'en

...eotort. Art<rt’deI{>:fiita’(h ^c o cu wluncheon » u terved the guetU tpent the afUmoon vlth a kendngton and a (ev Ruettlng garnet.: Taron for

' the guculng nunet vent to Mn. P.-------------£-fiwanton,-Un.-Oeorga-Patterion

. and Mr*.!. H. Hutlon.--------------- Amerlcaa.L**ion_Auxmat7-met

Saturday evening a l the home ot Mn. •lli, K- P. Sluaer on Miller »t«et. He-

_ W — • of ihe convention held a t j ^ - J - ho Pallt ie re ' glven. 'Mn.' Joteph'

PremtUd, pretldenl. ptttlded dutli)g< the butlneu meeting, - vhen plant

^. vere outlined (or .the..i(lt)t(r’i ’vdrk.'

' turet «UI be a membenhip drlrerin ■ - charge o(l>In. George Schroeder. A(<

:------------Urtho-bttitae«-honr-the-hoatoalerred dalntjr refrcthmenU and a to- elal hour * u enjoyed.

KWDLINO WOOD '' At Tvin PalU Peed and-Ice 00.

‘ Phone 191. Adv.

6alsmu«re but you Ull'em. Adv. Kunt deer and goat vlth my ooUU'

• on E u t Salmon. Leave can'on'------------i)ortli-(ork.Wood.^lver,

K*tchum. Nrd FotUr, gulde.-Adr,

M. r. MILIUCK Plano.tuner (rom Salt Uke. a l

' Fertlne HoUl (or tborl time, yidr,

i. S c h o o l P r i z e C o n t e s t

i ^ W h o I s T h i s O l d ■

I S) F e l l o w a n d W h a t D o e s

l \ l H e S e e k ?

^ ' '» AU I knov ll Ju t vbat 1 hear oa « the Badlo.

k Z "iDlemaliotuI Itelttlenr prered C ftnUher a dry laftject a t thlt'ilm e

c vbcR v« ara nore nn c m ed vtU>;; keeping tha pot baUlng a l homa. 2se<°etbln( mon diverting vobU b«

[ * e n the order et a Jeb l debate be- I tveca Senator Borah and CongrtM- A AddWa r . SaiUt «n On

J'fineot.HavleyTarUforlbeDebenr B * tare Plan tor aiding AgrieultBre at S ■* (be Senator and Cengretpnan took 'M ' HepPMlie •Uc* » Ihete Uiues In i m ^Congren. Wo venld probably leam ^ jinetUnc b tt It ibenld (smith cn- r l « t i t^ ln m e n t . In Ibtic liylBf timet ‘

'-‘ V i 'm U ralhcr be baffled (han .•31 ^iBorabed. VoU (he DenocnUe'Uck-

r . ^ i r t aad M a tbe Merry Ih re B f.- t i m .;"y««TI (tad aome tuppy people, Jtut i^ v a e m e o rd la a iy M b .-

f l t t l ' _ P P C O m TIO COPKTY

4 : — — -

“ “ DYNAMITE" A P P E A R S ..,, ^ AT IDAHO SHOWHQUSEr* :— ■ ■ • '•— -o w e « C e in jT r t t t t r fA (r« » n » id CecU-B, De MUle.- if tp p e an that

IhB produeer-dlreclor U tbout IA re­claim thal UUe In *Oyaaffllte,' vUeb

^ comet todty to the Idah»-th itt« I® (ora runodw ida jioa ly . llU W t ^ (Irtt ulklog.'picture.

^ to preient llrtl. govM and gayety^ 7 : the (rlvoloui Mtt. although hit early

r tp uuuonvu mtde vllb.this type— ot mtUrltl.rl- “Oyntmlie* U ttld t#*haw (oodlg- (or the eye In tvo particular lequen- ue cft. one at a country clubi Ua o t ^:U. lnthehome.o(CynUiU.tbe(«mlnln«,ir- Htd., Hie (ountiy .clob -tiquenee tl- (mdt M iu o a aad'Iutla Paye!te nclnglnlhstentaUoaal’n e v '^ ro - '

. vheeU" to detenaint vhtttfT'MUt

7: *^lSpr!«lle’the dramtUd'lea’Tenlaj “ tor thi* highly modem’Ulttatlon. Do “ Mia* th e n C lariti BWrfflrt W Df “• eondemned to deatn. and, UUr. a

marriage ot OlcUord to UUi Jtbu- jy ton on tiie tveo ot b ll exeeuUoo. m. How BlcUord cteapc«'detth.:aod I t vhat happent attvvard, a l a party IS In C ^ lh la 't hone, aod In the cot( ul mine or vblch tha lead U g a n f b ^ Id ooapleut'lhs dn»iiUs.(ranieinik ra. or Jeanle UacPbenoal laUtt 0 ^ - he naL ■

--ifliiiiiiE-iiiftre _ ■ I ..

n! .. HAESVii O c t T h 'e p i ^ t t f .^ e ta Kevt)^PuMnl.terTlcei,forO«ort« ffi Brookt.'*bodledliiBUltyonTIiot*>a i day/and r«T.'A .'J<iiilyn;UC*»y;or vhoiedttHJoeourredooW 4M,iit» ». held-Susday trumoco. n t a In liid U T n tla B ltfD e e o ia ^ ro ra ^

& ^ ^ I c a tor i m I»;dId alth«.Bn)oktbomftunder'.U>*,^-a iplpealor (be lodge,a( X P. ■r. M. Rer. Jtm et Opla, putor or the'

EpUooptl church, ottletated.. ' ta R lU tforM r.Jo tilynvenbeldat I t theOddPellovahaUunderthe'dlrte.!, Ikm o( the Modem Woodmea* Mr, » Jottlyn.htd bero Ul nany monUit. " wlUi ctccer before.hlfdealh. ’ tent I ■ ‘ IId . .j r - H O W M U C H

i W d n ld l t C e r Y i i t f :

^ I P YOUR B O IL E R • '

I EXPLODED-S ;In' ---------------- :----------

a i - j - l io - ln B p ^ o i i - e c r v lM -“■ alono' ia w orth th e - p r ^

tn lum paid fo r

u. S T E A M B O IL E R ., INSU RA N CE ■ .

V. ■' , ' ' ■If

« J n i g a t e d . k n d 8 - C o . iJaba.B. B o l ^ a . Hanager

lom aaee Sepvtaeal Tbemat »L Itobertieo. See.

t............. ......................

B :

a ' ■ ’ ■ '

d ‘ V



. . . . .

i "k . • ■n - .1 * ■• r O R goo d coofa , w h o lik e ,

a l i t t le b it n l ^ ; tb e W esson 'O il

. 5 tio w id tiit P iu ^ t t i M a M

* d r i f t i» c t t t i n ^ / lO T .a o o il

d e licious s a l id o i l . .> e i^ tto .

. . . “ T H E S Q U E A li iL N O W _ IE APPEARS A T ORPHEUM

rr» rJ«Jrilj}rfiaai«-Jflto*U ora-to-*- lat big vay In - ^ e 6quealer--Co2um- t - bta tall-u iung drama o(Ne* York cb underworld lUe a t Iha Orpbeum the- M f in today. A dathlnc pertooalliy Hit tbd an abDlty to do ’‘h e -n u " roles

Ibat gelt over wllb men aa veU u ua. inwirn ate ihe gitallUM th it .llift, ot average movie (u i ha t learned to aj. tly tocUUvUhllolt. 11 therefore cams ’pe aa a ddlghUul turprUe Ui iee him

prore lilmwU an t^tor o( luperlt- od Ure_uiemt.. T tuougbout'tht'dve n- reeUo(lhtoaUrTlncplclure.l(oltlteld ier convtnelngly to hla eharacUrUttlon a e .and .achieved h it cUqiaxes with a >oe qulel power thal (airly electrUled hll >ye audlencti.. - ' '

i BilETiwini- g llELEilllllESlLllUfi i f V . _____ . , • •

* BURLEY, o e t JKSpecUl to The Keva)-Ths-6unday <chool o( Uie

T: n h t PrubyUrtaa cliurch o( Burley S ielebnUd BaUy day on Sunday. Oc- [H to b tr» , vllh a(lltln rp it)gT ta.o (2 : tongt, recltauou. vocal and lu tn i-^ mental muile. Every .clu* In Uie? tebool Unk part. Tbe paitor. Itcr.^ o.o.ArTu,gaveaibortUlk^(orUie

. Tbe.chureh wubeauUfully deeot- ated vlth autumn leavet, floven and con lUlka. Tbe p ro ftu i v u ar-

‘ ranged by U n.Cbarlea'i{avkt.Un. [H KenntDawn aad M U t P ^ Core.

.''Oaly.oaa foot ip t jUli<~la*twin ‘ ru ii. r b u e UO. Dr. Fetter. ’ Adv.

be i _ - .. - < . t * r -------------:------------— :— :—

I : The GreatestI TransportatII , tfie PDEl* f l S B E Y O U R F O R I

= - ; I T F1929 M o a e lA F o rd C oupo '.-..~ ~ .— .~

• 1329 Ford--.

' 1 329 'F ordor 3 window

1029 F o r f T u d o r’’

J PickMp ------------> lW W n ie Y r o le t T ruck, g

good condition, run C70i• J929 Chevrolet-Coach, — lO -m onths-old--------------

I . . .1 9 2 7 W hippetC o a c h '- ...- ......... ..—1927 0aklandSedan--- ------- -Several cars,

■ your,cho(co ...__ ______

4 p n i o n _ l

; 'Y o u r F O I: T ^ In Fa

V ^ T w S s s o n f e as swj0 <

ce . t b i n ^ | i m s , I t Is c re an e d

bU pw plfc m a k e . a il^ 'c a ^ -^ o -b^ s i ^ e d ’p a i l l i

oU -as fii^ -.a s a . A U its r ic fa f rnothing 1 ^ o f tlie 0


p B H F.U FH U V E

■^URLBV. O e t a i ISpeclal to The— ’Rtwr=M r«rtt*l-0«tmnndten-ha*-— I>wn rhalm 'in «f « mm-|M put ov^r the annual-fted

Crou roll call o tthe local chapur ot Uilt organisation. She announced to-

|•*-<Ity:•UIi tft«■:l^e(^&e«Wp:dr^«•vJll■■ be atarted In‘Burley the day a(Ur ArmUUceday.andvliiUitaboultvo

le- iljyg. . . . .{‘y OUdya U Badger. i (leld repn-1

icnuu reo t the American Red C t« j,‘ “ ipent a fev daya In Butley rectnUy, b£. eon(«nlng-KlUUacatKpteaenlaUm- u* o( Ute orgtnUaUon and dUcuulng

problem# o( the vork. lm Of (undt collected. It vaa lUUd. • - O T ,.bW .fflr>J»th«njU raU hi,J- ■'< qutrUnandUiebalancewUlremaln ''d here (or local relle( a-ork and other

tcllvlUet. I t U expected that a d a u ,,» In Ufe taring and twlmmlng will

be held here again tho coming turn-. nier, u b u betn the cuitom In.Uiep«U ___ • I

------ OtUy 'cne root-ipMltUit la ' Tvla *FaUt.fhenaJM>-DrJEoitcr> ^ i ! i -

Sy -OITY FUEL COMPANY. Phone J8 Old FalUiIul t u ^ t a s Initalled aao lti* . .Adv.

be I • ■ —>e •• ' '


S Experienced. ;K- Salesman fo r “ CloHiing Store

A ddrtM Box 30, c» rc o t , a j — ------- T h i N o .» := --------dV. '

it Value In Usedition Today IsEL A ford­e d DEALER FIRST 'PAYS

..................$ 3 9 5

! . ........... ^ _ 1 4 9 . 5 _

S ^ 6 5

Z Z Z Z Z " $ 2 4 5 "

; V § S S S »

L _ _ 1 1 1 4 2 5 ^

________ _ . . . $ 2 5 0 ;

M oloH lo^ORD D ealerFalls. Idaho

1'____________- ' • ' ■


nos e t as p u r e

led fo r 'y o a to a n even, spoon-

o-U eod m o o th n e s i A q air-tight

I r i o g s a l l its . g o odness t o you.

freshness cotnes to y o u r table as .

: olc«. tilin g s ypM btke a n d (rf.


M K lM lfiSE PITESlT m Cllllllle DURLEY, Oct. 3K8i>oclal to. The

jjT-ln'UierPrtabyUrUn chureh..D»c;o. Wednetday, (or loU BeUe UuU.-#*, wKe of John O. lIuU. (armer co Uit

" Betldfi her hiaband. .the U tur-



i ^ P r ic e s I= So

■ r ^CCH i g l i w

S w e e t S u g a r C

■ _i5jfciiis_.

F L (. • ■ I d a

A f a m i l y ’f l o u r

4 8 I b . t

C T LL a r g e C r i s p

- ^ — ------------ — B l e i

-Bunch V

^ - " P E A lF r e s h R o a i

2 q u a r t i

, W E :

. . f



■ J neii• '• '.s . ■ )

Gi OCTOBER 22, 1930

I~ vived by a ton. fSlW t e w HuU. aaii:■ tvo brothen and tvo lUiert.; •‘ The body Uea In U;e unilertaUng

H pulor of D. E. Johnion hete. and vlU be taken to Dtclo Wedneiday (or InUrment In Uie Deelo cemeUty,

c m FUELCOMPANYTphone M M Old FalUKul ttokeri. ta S irjialled

0. -■------4. I( your groccr re(utu to tell you It Salomea go to Uie apple itore or ^ phone your otder to W,-Adv.____

f Oel ealomct and be utUfled. Adv,

Effrte-Wedrlomething Savec

3 R Nw a y B r a n d

• C o r n i n N o . 2 t i n s ___


.OURi a h o m e

u r f o r a l l p u r p o s e s

bag . 9 8 c

LERYp B u n d l e s W e l i ^ ~

l e a c i i e d ----------— 7 -----------------

;*TrXTI^.P“ --

lN U T S ~ ■last^ 'Peanu ts

ts . . 2 5 cb ' r E S E R V E ™ R I G H l

1 r iL c re a m

d jre s k as

iQ la id eggs

F a l l O p e :

Kimberly ST U E S .0Olggetl event of Uie leaun The

band In Um iUte-o( Idahi Daneing (ram

. , AdmUtUa 11.00.-■■■ — I,E E-L 0C A N ’8-I

IpdajLand-TIid on Everythii

P E .H l g i i w a j '

E a r l y J u n e P e a s

_ 4 tins .

SUGF i n e G r a n u l a t e c

C l o t i i l

Bag . . ;

S w e e t IiSoutherh Swe

----- ^Sm ooth-Fin i

■ 5 p o u n d s

J ~ c h e :F u l l C r e a n

- P o u n d .


f t' ' ' '

---------------------- -— - ■■p e n i n g o f • i J

Shadowiand ?') C T .2 8 th ._The Utgetl ballroom and bett dance laho. Don'l mUt tbis daaceem >rW to IsM " _ ' ■ ■ ___1.0« ~ UdIce Frte’S -P A N C B -P A N P :— : . . . . : " z z

mFhursday-= ::ling

k s ' , ' ' ’ I ’a y B r a n d

f a s i n N o . 2 t i n s 1

. . 4 3 c _

5 A Rt e d . i n 2 5 - p o u n d

» B a g s

$ 1 .5 3

:S pudsv e e t P o t a t o e i i ^ ; “

i n e - Q u a l i t j — — ---------—

ls-r?23c: “ ”

SESEa m C h e e s e ,

. . 19c: i T I E S '

u - ■

. • • V . - • . : r 'm : . » T l ; l v ( » i 5 * B

. ’ Paib T brei ir*


i’P . T twTn f a l l s w il V nei1 M m ~I 0 » ftnutUABftM

\ ' OatWoBtt . . - I ' ■— <KDtM«d u Mcend au* miu mu

! a « « r r . W i i 4'•__ - '- .......... - - - _____■•

! • ' -----taiM •'trt «mpt Uo»

— DUMittrt iw t—^

u n m u o r t t i o c u n o rKUl ' n « mocnna m a u ttciunmr; ' UUM 10 IM UM («r PUHICIUSO ti1 n m UfpstebM cndiud le tb or

I, r a s s a ^ s j s i ' t a rI • pucbt tana t in rMnM.

I _ tn Bwni mw.I ~~’n>VMm~ii'>'BtaMT »f tat *tI I ■ Bumti ct areujaueat. fraa «bea• u S f f w « * * w S S o o l* * (^ r t

: I {enuUsa ranllM tocallr a m ttqu<

i > tu tc t uoMiaud BWOKHPU. PM: 551?,r.rS,.T.“lS'?.»S

< g i i ; g r 7 .. 'i ,r r^ a s '---------- ppter<jr o w w i w n l laUmC-Aw

yooin maaUDlMiloai ct UtOM iiu i '. J v or dMiDi la pmeoiliUM «ui (

NiTioKtL u ra u m A T ttm Ti FAVOOO. UNO AKS MIDDOI,j

Is su u iE !ti.v STcre o u t .'j Klmbetlr Independent ScfiMUK'1 ' trlet. durlns the pait nine > » n . hi I'l ' ' drsioiulntcd In '■ lUlklQg minn

Ihe eoormoiu »dr»nt#je of piyft one's deW u i t diteountiflf one

II. tuu.-— L— CowliUnUy.pur»ufnxja(2!(fj-j!a

i) e d i t np id rtducUon of ihe prlneipi ' j snd u sTUt ft corrupondUif mtIh lit or Interut u pcaible, tantO or (fat r r lo t (uod lu p lu M tln ’tbf DUtrlct I ovnlxiodi,andtaUnKtdTinU(e<

CTei7 opUon for rfdempUnn 0/ tend j la ftdruM of actual dui datu. th ' . . DlHrlcl.durinHhUnln*-ytarperlo<

l iu reduced <ii tonded <ndeti{<do<J hundred and aUtecn'thua

. and, (Ire hundi^ dollan to Bprtun I total «f oalf el(ht<en UmttaRd. (lr f . hundrM dollan- H lli reducUon h is bwn <((kUi I trm sUlctco r e u s In * d r « » o

actual dua datet.I in some Jnatanoea the Dlitrlet hs

• • ■ psM s prfOTfuoi e a iU tn m bcmlitu t th t rtovd ahQirs thal t t l dutrle slashed n n r lr (ottr tbouunddolian

';«// iU iQKreit'bUJ, e r a »)Urpi/]J)i '■ tliat premlunii , ■

During the nln«.year period, too,___th* DUtrict has mada tiro-njducUoni

' . la Its tsx levies, one ot th m mtUaand another, thU Ttv> ol I 'n

• .-Jt n iB triublt, uiiJtis «leiialy» rt-palrs or tdproretneiits are found U

' b« n e c ^ ^ r ' t h l t ' th i .DUtriel'i J ' sound Jinsoelal pollQr vlU be rt-

(lected In still turthe'r tax ttdu& tlons.

Tlie'Kluberljr DUtrlct'i record lc tills retard Uset (orth tn the report

, . 00 in aiiditUlcljr completed bjr Ed* »ln A^Wlbon^TKln FiUi pubUc-M-

, B e es lttlfA im ark ib leeum pJe

, lonfcontowdandconLtentpolicy of ecsatoy, int«lU|tn( tnm taen t and rtdueUon o( upensu by tha re* denpttw o( the principal oT the bonded indebttdnoa." Kimberly Ols^

.trlct’s.nnanclal.profrm'.JMlMyK is “0&IQUS tn M uthBm'U she'ind

■ pechapa In tlie Stale." ••In (urther comment the iudltcr

aayi:' ’■PC* stop to eoulder the'obTloui

(act lhat a_bond Issue »hlch is per­mitted to run (or iTenly'.years, the

------- utual Ute o( the old style.bondi, c « tthetaxpayenJuatdoubliUieoritln- al amount borroKed, 1( the lnlm at

- . rita Is rire per ctnU I(«ii.lnU rw trite is hither, the coat to the tax pay- endoubles In lets than tventy yean"

Obviously It would be a good thing U more publle idmlnlstntlTe bodlu

. were (o conalder thU obrious fact / ' mor«serloutly.thoughUli.tobesald

to tha credit of moat o( Twin Falb Counly's taxing units — County. Cities, School DlatilcU and H Ithny D litrlcls-lhat they are pretty ded- nltelycommlUcd to the policy o( pay­ing their debts u npldly as poeslble.

-----------------nEicusTAQ notniiEBGermany la loalng Its "gemuetllch-

keJt" or soRirthljig since tbe wan• ProbabJy never In the history o( the• countiy hare there betn sueh sccnu

iu wtre stsgrd is the nelehilsr a t■ lu f in t met'Ung, the olher day, a(ler

the iutlooa) election. -n » eo tllm . brown-ahlrted F u -

i ’ cuts'under.BlllertwirBtit'into the ! chamberlUcsaciowdotTowdyeoUeit

''s ta d ttU w m jsc b e e rl ttd tr , S roy { time tbey.imt 00 ■ demoostnUoni ---------- lhey~»tf«_iBm red-by^»-slmilarI crowd olC eofflunliti The toU call

. ol iambtTg v u p u n ^ iM ^ a J .. ' liwleas chorus Irom fln t OM mob ; / then Oil othir. Leaden'bam « wen I ' ■ stteled by roan of rHBngtr’DWa- r : tor.'--8tHte-Brtaker.f - a ta w - «t

.....'Mode9»« «te. r*Tei7 J«»Uh m in e. teoi^iJjt * great |t c tn 'o f "01. «l.

; - ^•ol^-•.lww■ihf•PMeilU;■ B m r f . . ' m lo tite i'tb itonnw hlrt chetr lead- 1 : . ■- .en imild r u d to* tba 'roatnim M d j : ; - ' - ,IkUo« in n l i to u » ter*r^.,,/,eniainlV U }iO dBannBtot'pct3f. AL _ . i i i ^ . g M .o >tTeirly'>wMid; ' .___

21 b « - R ir lr a U ttn |. lh iik lE n n

IEW S PotlUnl tnorements lii Europe r determined lo refonn and save •orld are most tlren lo bsd mam

— " a T y o r u t A c s " E liiS : -3 a-ro rtlin d -» n d -P irtd cr» - 1 ^ (amous (or (heir rues. I ^ iln . 0

aould be'(amoua (or lu lilacs. Ttili (ooai,. (Ite elvlo groups are co*oi«fauni

a mw make. Ihtlr li — known. lljrouthout” ihe inUon JJJ** "the clly o( lllses." They are c t i» « . IrlbuUng monry lo purchase qu

11“ “ of Ihe shrula (or planUni the city's parkf rrlvalecUtons'

l u S i ThBll* 1)1 become tlit clly emblem.

____ I l l s I'charmlng idea.'I.((acs.■7 ^ , Icvtly.lii d a c lty«> e a w hardly liare too manyot Uicm. i t M ?n. beauty ouglit (0 encouxis« a eo

munily to ktep ItseK spruced up II erally,wllhcleanitrtelsandpleasi

0 ^ gardens, toraln-hai' iolned a men “ J ig ment which olher clllrs may » « o w tsiie up, "perli*i« olher (loners M»S' ihn/IU'flraW 4'Ifl-p«c«'oriflfO

^ •

; ■_ ilACK’SKAT DHIVSIIS “ y,_ The lu u l ridtr In an automoU B, u * it under no la a l nmput'lon to lu

i?aelr-Mat M rcr. Sudi U iiir enc« drairn /n m Oie. Court'sdtcUlon In ivoaecldtnlcas

J f u , The court simply Io «vl( ; h u ^ delendanU' conlenllon that tJ ,„n«r oulomotillo pautnter Is equally r lyfni sponslWewJUjthfiWver, one's ScimethlDi might hare btcn ta

foreachilde. IlUIothepaaengci ijn ,, OS'S ioterutiovBici) tba road torn

wii'ai; arid certainly 11U to hU m in t io tpeak out 1( he sees real dans ahead whJcb the driver teems nol

rlet'a obatm. V«t the pasccngtr vho ■g o{ continually calllnt out dlttcUont 'jfiit the drlTir miy preclplUto an aee , th t < ln t instead o( troldlng one. DL rlod, crt Uod and Judtment are u geldi Ml,' gualltles in an automobile patsens< Ijtu. u In any other penm. aent - - m i — n lira


h u u n . i . l . w u i u n

(an'iJV M».Rl.AtosialrrandMi*.r- . aJoaetptaldeiLoT££.a<Dne.o'eloC _ bridge lunehton oC charming ap

potntments Tueiday a t ona o'eloc « » Jn, tlM btaqiut nom s t th# 'T »i itUa Holel. BaskeU'atH] Jardlnlerts 0 Hjfc French Marigolds and calenduU ar ^ tUtlcally arranged decked tlie reoit ^ T>MtweIr«<miUuti{«,nclt«Mt(o1 lo (our. h id cenlcrplecta ot llihted or let's anga^Upen surroundad «ltts non

Hallowi'endolUlnonntoandblac ~ Vhicft .wvn pruented (he gueats a oc< (svora. Plaee canU and olher decor

' ally* diUUs v e n In the Hallowe'ei , iQ colon and design. MUs Ellabeti ^ emlth won flrat prlte, teoond ,ven

to Mn. Howard J. Head andM n. II Bd* ivKeumann received low. .

Mtetet M art*JriftnnK jy.-A 4n e tu Oroome, Fem Zorowakl am

>P)« Clan Uae Bowlea v e n InlUaledinU f a the Trt*0 Club SslunUr eranlni [!=• The-moelMtremenywu n i(dat-th 3 home ot Mtis VlvUn need and serf

oua Inlllatlon was held a t the hom re* of MUs Catherine Bacon Vhere aup Dit per vas senM a(t*rvard.

The Iniernational Relations Oroui W ol.ihe Aaerlcan Association o l Uni ind Tenlty.WoaenirlUmectatUtebomi

of U n . E. M. Svttley -Wedneida: . evening a t.eltht o'clock. ThU vU ^ be tha tin t mealing ol the year thi





■1 CUAN , a t . W IM U« lO O tW M M , ki] Ik

-h . « * < V « N ^ - * e .

s .Ev« AUIOMATK.. In e w tl ar ^ B iH o ra•a ' ^ ....a ■ Thim

Jb 'l A n w a

» « i t ' ■ ■ ( ■ ■ ■ I

J C O «B U S T IQ H E fR

? .Brizee Je‘ 22T.2rid Ave. E ast

E iE ii i iL“iJE[ISlL«Ni

—JCROMErOrt..?! «ptctoi a , onic, Ne«t)-^ercme notary club’a T

' <Iay luncheon ae/slon prognm al n ijn j- North side Ino here, w u udder tint 111 d(nct(t>n of'(he Tocatl6nal''a i r (own con^ltee , o( whlclt II. 6mll

y The program topic wts ’Ar! c con- oiitirnuu, B„,m,quin. memben(oriceounlso((ormeri

Unt in catlont. ner. 0 . L.' K<ndalt.*p« „ , . i , ol the UeUudUl church here, 1

' an account o( liU-experltnces i g ii^tauaui

l a t r t Jflf W y « » ap»nt in > mining I , irlet. Jamca WheaUrott rt^pon

vllban»cco«nt.{ife*ptrlene»w: .Ttitlr entaged In the tenilemenVcloUi

com* buflnrupien- Following the progranC a petit ewant ImproTtnKn^or Je^ e ^

mcri’e-prwm{«d*to(Jj«-troup. y wril 0 . T . Waugh. Caiu; Virginia; 1 m or CJ«rltaOtto.-M«dentrepreMnUI

.tram.Jerome hIth schoo lm re vt

, ANNOUNCEMENTThe Salmon SocUl elub will m

o lum vlth Mrs. Kitty BeUevlDe on Ihv li)/rr* dsy a(lem»on.

The Mcedle CwfTclub w(« m vith ' Mn. Ida Sweet, Waahlngl

tvlcw street, Friday, October U. at WO it tiie M. An unusual .p ro tnm la belJ Pl»nn«l by Iho t ia tw .

11)0 Lend-S'Kand Olub will mi , u ld with Mrt. Cylde Foe, Friday a(U titer'a noon, October M. lomc* .1 i' i^ .,1 ~iwcst iludy for which vlll be tlie Far Ea uigtr On Wednetday evenmg Mlts E41 Mt UJ D yt«^ «nd MUa Jessie Fruer » ” dUeuta Turkey. The group la op no a to any one who may ean to attei n sto whetherUnlTcrtityvomenornot.

Mr. in d MraToTlI. Untcteai announce the marriage o( thi

olden ddughUr. MUa lUiUi Untalman enter Pooaleilo, to Fnnk 0 . Flier, ton " Mr, and Mn. F. t . Flfcr, Twta fW

Oetoher tvenUeili. The marriage v pierlormed at the chamben o( t

_ dUlrlotJudtelnlheoourlhouae.vl Judgo W. A. Babcock omcJatIn

r Mr„and Mrt. Filer vlll be a t hos ' In Tvln F»1U atU r Korembf f (In

W hen.lorttt (IM dereloped. Wlsoontln, Oortnwr Waller J. Kol Ier madi an Intpeetloo trip fo an at plane tntt the bUtlng region.

a of ar- ^ B T / /

dack 1 fI■CM' / 1

ro'en ^ tbeUirent / t ■ A


E (pneethe KMMdktsum.

= ...... ..." The CASW-ELL COFFEE MAN

' i b : : ' •

i r o i i ’ v e .

t h o u g h t

a b o u t

AUTOMATICHEAT,»P.01.W , m j’v t b m » . « . i Iw lh .; }o m e dovm wiUl >w r hoeic can iiirijfen ik U to .w in h t tn w ik - '

C offlbuS ttD nN r F u m ip to k ir

b'. Evety hoRc ftrciaan k o w t %hit that ni,— snd e«>ery gpod liowclreepcr

loot which only autoaMtlcBrins u n give; FUSiNOKERliiKtiMtmeiMd.

i i- iH B K A S T O K E R

etallVorks' . P hone 10


IB 7 fiuiding 'Vbui M i . Child-W-Ww- P r Mtis. AGNM I-YNE

alent In coercion brtnp one aet evib, and dlsdpllne by a domlnat

S J lore brinn anoUmith U Occulonally one aeta'chlldi ' «ho»,entire bthttlor dovn to l -ArSar imillest-delaU-is-dletaled-by lied on <"o‘her r/imn ‘tter Kion yrlth ier aro. unquestioning and uncritical lore, -pattor I( tliU mother happens to be • v.gare uw «]lulov lag .shetn lnaherc^ u as a lo hablu and altitudes o ai Frank Tlceab^ a nature, lhal he gUi

ng dlt- Toulh wllh llltle difficulty. - pondM He ,„ tun lly geU An weU w »*WJ« Ihose 111 auUtoriy. ileUcourUo lolhiflj ihdwtUlous'iiid lrieiidly.-Tla U p

lisps appanaU/,.wM sdjusted ' «tlUon tlioM o(hlsow nite. streets : But vllh hU enlnnce upon ad ™ We he U confronted with ptobU

. i(hleh demand ol him (niUitlre 'a ta;and InSependent action. He. U n t a li nlaUri He U not equlppM lor uU dlrectl9 vbll- or tiie nunult o( his ovn oblectlv T ~ 'KfTlofs”nofki»V6ow'to-earTy

sa n under tbe leaderahlp o l bem jrp Q oleniawhorlty.' ,

Toleaeii'aclUldtolollowloosi , „ . mUalrely « e n Uie wUest and m

kirlng fiuldance b no kindnesa. iTiun- Tiie parent U one who ui

' liU child's la lU ib him u a ateppi I tlone 10 Kl( itlUnc«. lleU carel

not to p e ril t hta own wjshei ai prejudices to'exerclw loo great i Jnflurneson-hltcWM'sgTowtogldlvlduailty.

Do not brlnu up your cliUd ao'th 1 niM>t your approval or dUapproral a ' mattcM or Ule amf desth <o hli

‘ Ouardaialnttthedevutallnge((e< or the Heed (0 stand wpli with r

= : = a t all coAis. Make your a itldsr •East.

EmplissUe Uie objecllvo cons OOM Quencu of wrong doing n u ie r thi

your own hurt and dUappolnlmei athlsmUbehavlor. ’ . ,

m.nrf --Wentvorth aeadem yollttingtb Mltsourl, oldest mllttarT achooi; 1

yjuL themldweaUwUlohicn'etheiUUel . . annlrerury o( lU loundlng Nores fWla, ‘• r ’- ' . .. ' ■o v u ~


< /

lOe <«e ,

I t e - IOo

U .1 . u

B ' Inv th ls . hlB flirat TalkinK'l=-----------tu rertho -trroaU Jc-M U Io .i

p u t, a ll o f h is d irector w lia rd ry .

' D aring . lav ish , A(artlfn{ [ \ sp e cta cu lar — th is pic

\ tu r e h a s A ery th in g • - V - , -------with--------------


;BIOKFOaO------ / -AN \ JUUA FATE r

K Y p n ^ u m n - ] / ^

; :| ' ' H a i BOISE LOSEi

^ pMAKE.\ raG A IN S ...

Z I n i '' I l n in v e stm e n t bo do

, l l j n o t'Jo se «IJ yoa hav

| y ' - ^ / {n v » tln ff umvlsci

■ : [ I , inV cslincoU a rc iroJi

H f f l fu r th e r g a in s by co

SI,' . [ J l a n d d irec to rs o f th ta

I IH ■ you m an y , worlh-w h

J l l i t i h a t - v r f i l p a y . you i

i ® y»r- lit M —

J I I Hie Twin Falls"■ | d .Capital and S i

ful ^

I I I • |b 1 I |




iaBwan«n,aetrcaitUrdsult(or third dlvDite todty an inst her tl

S haOwiJ. the M arq^

•e to f ed wilful, and millcloutdesrTtioinatlng in one hrU( paragnpU the act) Mlher. alleged ber husband -wltftSUy 1illdren maliciously abandoned and deaetta the b 'r penUtod In tald detert• b , . . , andabtndonqiept.igalPttherwlU

HIGUSCHOOLATHLETE *cw SUCCUMBS TO'INJUl9 aer- -------sudea i iE P m n . .Oregon, Oct. 31 IA

football player, died today IromvI with Juries received In a (ootball ga; rUoua. la*l per* -Hoke.-who-wM married fc-w( !d (0 sto . Pliyed only part 4 U u ga

wllh Hmnlsloo. AJtervarda idiiti complained of a aeven headache;.

aiT m tmcrtmcy openllon retealed- wss luWerJnf Imm hem orhap

a Icea bnln.

r r s A BIO w o n to . t b o ’ TT'on -C01jVhmA.^nn.-U>-A^-Knev> Cooper. W, and J a ^ 'I t^ .C o e i:

" tJ, couilM, vBo-|i»liIIrt?!»4be ta n'*ub: Coniedefal#'brigade, m ^ lor -I ! mcSt

’J S S WABittST NEAB EQUATOR. r a U JO tM , Can/; «V-Tbe W|

esttempenUiresolthePacUleoce *,~® tend northward.' They ara lound ^ oetaiiognphers a t or north ol I


>'tbat .II a n _ _______Wm. , ,


fg N ow U nder K ew M anagem ent

thann ^ t Vou a re c o rtlM y inv ited <<

, a clean place of am iueiiieni

" I ' i S N ^ s j i o K i s ' " *

S £ ‘ . F . B . M ANN, O iree r'

r i N S A T U R D A Y iJM

r a

- DE AIILLE’S : prw lncllon ’

i g W J --jnrMABTOTCH--! o .h a a _ /_____ A ^a ra ae m l B « e ntoria l / 8entw lihJM -X . .

/ Slngtnf .ia Dialect;'. / Komi ^ ' t e aoAflUif

S ' / »AitAM0l/><T- |6 tlt? b 'I / wnw

i ^ A L L U L i a H G p . a i u »

E S S A T U K D A Y iiliB


! saved eiiough to m ako | | n

doubly su re th a t you d o ] | |

tave s t.rc t^ led (0 ob ta in 11}

Isely. B6 su re th ii t y o |ir l | |

roing tu r n o u t; io b e , [J i

consu lllng tho- o f f i c ^ . m

ita bank . T hey c an o ffe r

w hile , safo investm ents

u t positive . in to -e sy a -..

_____ - ■ ■ ■ ■ -1' V . n

U s N a i i o i i a l H

Suiplus $167,000 II

[DAH 0 , WEDNESDAY lio n N li« N G , O CTOBER 22^1930 , . ■ '

. E S - A T T H E H O T E L S DRCE ■ - —

. ' I^B R fiO N W ohn Berry. Ja -O lor. 8en r. John 3. U om ; 'S ta A u

e o :Jt nuther(ord,Pr«»5 8 . 'j . l

^ R L Menlausen. ^ E. : ^ t

D e i o T w S v e i ,^

E O d o m . & I . t lE D o in « . . i. , ' y Robeits. BoUe;.R«td'Jt. :8 a m t IIIRY B .ttw lor.B .M . R obertl.rM t«

Mr. aad U rt. WiUlaa F t t o ^ Oowan, Denver: oiannoe- Nea

g u n i V. Jereena; Mr. and M ii, Oeo W, tftadlnr, n . Woeth. T w u ; A.

-week Bingir. DiUai. T i n i , . . .

^AHWdgaa built In the fu'tun ie;An Okliheoia a n to be a t least a I td- be wide and wlU bear the vtlgbt i p 01 loaded »Mon trucks.'

'a !« • .'if f l

w ■, . ’ ^ 'rrT T s.


i s

'A L SO .C O ipi


jsiinpi. . . .

E i:o ]¥

. . ‘'T¥.I BlaaSmCL , ' ( U mI i7 . K U iMC hlhmdrnCmf t ■ , ,

■ B S B a M B s s B a s a i

. . . oBaANizAnok OROwe-------- -JUBTFOPD, Conn. C«-l

new member a l l i e s l a i r Jamea added to Ibe^ lntentatlsasl<>

teur nd lo union, hilnilar tlw membenhip to M. tU heidqoa

I:™** locUty. tbe Ameriean Radio 1 ieatue, announeea. The new or

>nu-red rfpreaeat Pol Sweden, Bwltniland aod-lSatC

wvfts K m W O N TOt8Ai) 7RANCWCO (fl - Fa

SB uaden are bMmlcg-tlme 1l<> t i nt thuTf , A .J

-buy •i tt iH 11 they tre latei for-rehnni LteOo; eotUthemlOctnlt.UpeocUorfi V-A iilorgo iua25(cstsJf (oUeetoL realty, chewing gum a trae ts M cenU, S m i le a^ (wm ttw

FMcn’ aopuvird th» lino m lta to T a d m tardlnesi aod absept-mln^

nets; and iecoad, it lom s uw'b . : ~ o fa ruBdwhlch ibeitgathertni w in onMtpIoyfd aoslcJtaa - ) leet ■ -h t ot FaVini blocka of rubber h a n b

' used In O nat Britain slnot 1911.

iExccHent C a s t in New H d l t M c h i r e


| ] \ftCOlIIHBIA'|)|Cn)K^

E D y ' I P F ^ . P E O R I A "

l U S J G M A S i B R N flV p


p S - T H E -

fO M Y < | F

I Iton of Utah Ca 1 0 0 0 f e e t o f g l

1 lo i i o f c o r f , 27y

I j f i g w r e i

for you■

I Oi?

a 7 - ” ' f o t



I A n d re m e m b e r 1

. • ‘c o a l fu m a e e s a « ' ' d e n t a s th e j '

f tf l C 4e West’s Unequalled*cmio». * . • ■ JRc M C m IU , UeoCealCe^ S(d(itCa M CielC a. »mltlCM lC». Suadar^ :«IltCifceC».-N«ioaalCoalO*. V a e trM C a . M w C a a lC e . U obl

m POB»^qUDE* O T O : _PV-FDur _PABI8 (jh-^."Trmb,.:'yri)

har'iklhrtJolUafllaittaHioimany euidirtajee 'gUdin

Iquarien are nnewlag la te e tt to flying wBli lo R«I»y oul motors. SUty chiba hare bet vortan* organlwd In rw ioM -^ctlons, < ^ d . the countor to Uach lUdlng.

A total a « r .1« motor reWdi V an regUlettd in Worth caroUi:

nifK 00 Oetober I. . . .. Faellle = = s = : s = s = = s me eon* ' ■ ■ ■

anal It I ' ^ » W in d 0 W - G l8 8 8

« I AUTO GLASS“A ti* I Compan Oor PricM “» S f I —■’IGUJBB-fBAUING- S t t I TWIN FAIXS

“ I — G U S S AND - I .PAINT CO.


Today anS Tomoirow . H i l . W u i ' 3 ^ ETe.«|!,30fm (I4«(!.' .

ew Jack


H M E T i e



Co4cMti 8.Z5*gaf'costs ,65* ........ — ” 7

!7,0b0f<*tofgai ’ .

r if outourself " ■ i

•C O A L I ' ■:r t G A S l '^ . ■ ■ ■

a x LAKH c i t y ) .

BCH BAPflST I CAN U SB . :V too, modem I atejtuta^effi-, tri ecoflomictl

Q A Le d F i ^ ' ,

d ar4C ^C s .' U aM S u tn a M C a . , * . .

I'l i i ' r n . 'ir

I '

I '

Greal (

In Halb of Famt-------- J t o i i l e i v l U a W t e U t o

• . land, Ohio Universlfv ^Texai Chrlsllaif and Fort'

ham' Coiiilnuo Onslaiiglili: n o T08BUB0U

(ApweUM m w SporU WrIIrr)- YO RK , 0 « l . 21 -

f o o t b a l l team s Ih i * 'w t n l (h rough l a s t seaaor

w ithou l d e fe a t have fallen a] J x n i f In th e c 'o t i r f f e o f - i

f t slrennoua cam paign 1i u t _ j . ^ i i a n d f n l headed by N o t r i

' P a m e go m arch ing on tu thoogh possessed o f charm ed

rtL- Ufes. •.I f ScTsnl l e ^ nUeiM U n.nt^n loit ft (CUM to m on than • j n u -

Nuii* Dww; o w i. w « « B Mtty- U ai, Oblo uU m tlty . Ti)uw Obrii*

. . .tUo and ntd&UL In ( u t tbe n n t U im Dined tu rgnot.b tennm ueti M tied. .

• Vtrtiully tu ot these le n n we---------- iehetfuW -ia-defeiid'tlM tmeonli

■O tsit formldibW roei'.tUi Situr. dMf. Kotn D ta# p u n HUHwnh. u u h B « u Denrer. aod fon lhaa oofflei to m p i vlU) IU metropoUUn riral. 'n tw York unlm iltr.- tn a n n u UuVbai tha,U ( t o p lUrred

. M U ol^T exuT «li.tiw p«etlw lir. K aab Roekae> a m wIU earry •

itriof ot 12 K nltht'trtelorlet Into

■ ' -Saturday. Kot since Boulhem OaU?

-1' ten it tomi ttu s i’/o r « m i te a

r s.'s k .k . 'S ’m ;en or heW to a drai^.; - r -

DUh, lh« Uat-pln of.the. nodqr

. SENATOR BORAH qIvES : f -ADDRESS Before 300(7

'iCoBllnutd Ptom 0M)_ ,

' dkiared.'a ichlD ffr b a n ie f iiW * '• • vlded “lo lettj# all oonlrorertlw U

Uure U a Mil to settle tbem.”

mlad •»b«rt the appTMch to settle. 1 D in t is madt not In the atUtude ] •of war but et peace."

<Rm Mnator recalled that In De. cember. l t » . he had Introducal a

! rteoluUon that led a jrttr .laler to- ' ths:Washlo|ton dliainaneot.eoo.

fwenoe vhlch breueht about cesu.' •tlODotuvalcocnpeUUoQ.atUbUsii.

I ment of a ratio for naral building ; and the tiHt sUsts ot dertlopnent

-!---------of an atUtude j t mind liLrtilch “Haf>,fuiplelon aod anxletfi Uwee thlAfs whlw erTstallis in var. Qease.”

The senator Uid a t the door o(. Oreat Bittaln, rbecauio the oould

not for»«t the had onee been mU. tiesi ef the teas,” the rtepoDSlblUty for faUure of the Oeoen dlsarma. nentednfereoce.' U te London dlsamament oonfer- ence, vWch Bentor Borah said, vw caOid W Pm ldent Koorcr “a t i m t hau rd of etralnid reltUowhlps be> tn e n nations," canUnotd the voile of'Uie Wathlns(on confenmce and ‘raooeeded in obialnlns a a ttm > mei)t I n r tn rd to au loslnimenull.

______ .Uti e( naial warfare."_____ ;■m senator traced from t]jg|nbo>

ducUm of bis retohitlon for ouUav.V 17 c{ var, denloptnent ’ot a n«e.

- jrear.perlRl culmlnatln«-ln worl^, vM eadopUonofUieKelloiBPiaS

■£s'ialanatlonal dUpulea." Ue credlM

, V hft« sn ta /7X sU onr‘i«7STMtiUp- T Mnalloshrevdneis^tnnttoUaUons,. .’peitlstilarl7 vlth the Preneh pre.] nler.Srtand.letdln(toihliachleTe>

• ^ vend.-, einator Borah de.

I cUred, *Me naUone o t the world a u .. and am «d amoni UiemMUe*. lU e tfiT f w Uiat they vere vimn« t» ceoe to U ut cooeluiJea .sHif. tralM Uie pover ol publlo opinion, became vUhout tha drirtnt fo ro o( pqbUo opinion behind t ^ t ^ ”

, em nenu of Uie n ^ would not I , hare d tnd io enter Into w r ludi** . ajreement. Only throujh th S tame i

pm andtiinueoeeca:a>vaibepro. <

Anivertns critlcltm that U m Is > I , aoOOagMiiaiUaeaUtwrrotnf >

. . tnaU es.tbeftnatordecU t«l: i I \ " n e r t U w ib ln i bdilnd any i

treaty but the hooor ot the nation < .that t lc a a J t Zn my opinion, U»re ' U mitoh/oree beUod a treaty not to BO to var, aa Uiere U behind c a treaty to to lo var." i

Iteterrinc to funatUons orl|lnat« d- to r in toU oounUT fer implement, t

toi^thepMcepact,(he«eaaCofUM t dovn |iU dictum, vhlli .Uie audl- o

. I e n » i ^ e d . - n M .UnlUd sute* a V ' v e n t a r t e to fomUh lU end ij

navy to adranca of any crtiis. and v i u p e m m t o t n r a l u a n a y a ^ t nary ortr to aay an tra l pever to ii any eoune other than thst vU eh itt 0 ovn Itason dleutea." p' T u r ^ t to Uie World court, Sen* n

' . alw Borah charaeUrtied It a* “the -eotmialler end the attotsiy teneral b ' of the teacue of I ^ n a . " q;

■Innsetar u tt U a eomt," he d j. b ; cured, >lii a y judsment I tb eot ob- I

_ Jectien^bleibui Were U pever be. o • ^ hind It to diUrmhie oonlroTerele*. a

A a iy lU U ie c o n tU tu U d u . lo te m\toaqadTtf«(7eepacitytoUietcefat n

College, iH o u M s y ^ w ftY w f iu , s ie i l

ne■ l i B < ^ V A T B R ^ w rfw

1 |1 q » ___^

* h.W Im M

On Sacrifice Flieir . g .... ..

«- J —

” Natl6nal'’Lea(Ui'Preslden' Itj elate Olher. Hulls lleei ^ 'Moreniiiporlant'Rovlilor

------- -.WOT TOBK, b r t. I I ( n - T lm

mt ats.’l u non . ImporUnt rerUou

ih ; -rAiUuush refuslnc to eommenl.<a am (he suowtion of S. fl..Banunl ol ■Mtt the A m tr l^ le a iu e th a t Ihe sa w .

a flee binnad. ProddentrHeyd- red ler predicted there '.vould" be a ^ Utormgh rerUlon.of tbe’n le s 'a t i n t t i e ^ j e e ^ , c t two

if;Jta BOd a hit. TtiB BBUiods of fHurtn* ^ p i u ^ * records a l» are In ncM of

”,^rulM b u l 't-m n o t tay

5^ toolbiU'seasenUoTtr.-.saldHej'd-;_■ ■ . ■ . ■

o /? faU eiu laia!r< ll^te ."-............RccsmQs.RjeeUon.of Uie senaU

^ resmallon to Uie DnlUd fiUtes’ ad>' y j hirenee'to the World court, which

• resenaUonpnTldedthemrtehould

If of, the .United fluu*," and polnu Ins out U ut similar Htht already Is

n r enjoyed by membera of (he leane, Of Uie senalor biouibtanoUier round et le. appUuse vlUi his deslaraUon: . lie ‘■ikm’unequltMallyoppoted.ln. ^ dlvldually; to Uie United fiUtes ea* * : terlni Uie World eourt on any lets > terms Uiui.Ume of absolute equal, w Ity with any ether naUon la Uie

vorW."---- ------- — _h* . Heltnioi to reeent turtrultoee Jn „ Central and SouUt Amerka, Benator ^ Borah remarked, “Our egUreforelfn „ policy so far ' aa 'Uioef naUou u " | r conceroe<his -auppeeed-lo-be.|>awd ” eatJ»afonroedootrtno.Durin* the . ( sa lt 31 years, Uiouih. Uiere hare j i been -tomr addlUons to Uie policy. 2 aa announced by James Monroe, and t , K U to consUued as to fire ut au>

rW e'oujht to pay most dellcale re. u speei to Uie nations of Booth and I t Central Amerlea,’' Senator Oorah tr oonifnued. *Tbey .Iook on us aa a rlc eolostui, and Uiey retard our mo\-*. Kl menu In Uielr dlrecUon under hlsh ( . nerwuj tension.- • ‘J. I t U liieir buslnea,'thelr eoun.

try aod. UHlr sorenunent, asd «e }• oufhtto'm pectltuU K K O uilityai r. ve respect Ot«at B rtta^^ ~ “i am e p ^ to ’Uie obcu^Uon f ot m r South or Cenlral Amerfeu n naUonby(orce.JtolirootanyAmer.

kan boy ought to be spent lo pt«. tect Interesu ot an Inmtment in

^ mshosany in mearafua. I t our cap. >■ (UU st.are'aot vUUnr (o Ulte a *• chanceunderUieioTemmentofNle.^ arafua. let Uiem Inreit Uielr caplu]>• In Uie nmied su tes.- ' :_ Senator Bonh turned Uicn lo U»‘ Inao iu ra tlono fan tv lirtad trand ^ more spipatheUo poUcf ’wlUi re- 7 speet to BouUi tnd Ceptnl' America t and referred to recent wlUidniirtI * ot « u ^ <ron Nlcaratua. HUU ^ and San D o m in i^^ RUlncacahi'U i^keTnoleof hll I, own Tiewi ot proper polley for this A country to lUfottltnrclUions, Sen. h ator Bonh decUred a t Uw corcIu* a alon of hU address. 1 shall eonltout « to s u ; ^ every tm ty and agree.' a e n t tor peace so loog as It does 4 no t commit Uie OnUed SUtes to po. r JUMaflUiKibtriiaUnem'consent

io iTtrctty U ut Inrolvei tbe Unlled t BUtes biUiepollUeal affairs of Eur.1 ope. i t i a t bas been my coune, acd - t vlU be." ■; - • •

Acbuvfadctor to t r o d a i^ br hJf eelleaiue to u e seaale,-6enator Bor. ab paM ■ trlbyu to Benator n iom ai.. d t e l ^ U ut Senttor ‘nom as to i short time to.Uu senaU h u ‘‘won the coufMenoe (nd tenwet ot hk eoUtacosa to aa extent that oa ooe alse has dttftofUu time I hare been / to Uw leaate.* f

AnerUnr UMt senator Beiab to t e n t i i te d to t t e j^ n ip p g r te f tU i i sl«te. Benler Itieoas, to recard to li certain nteleeUoaof Senator Benh, t pntpoeM; *XeV» mike it tmaal. a

•me pTopam at'-'Iast e ita fn tt f m eeU nfvu optntd b y a . veo tQ i . qulnUt'stoflni tvo ntoibta. U e a . e ben of'U it quteUt vere W i. J.'H. si Barnes, Ura. a 'P . Duvall. Ura. O. a< O ^ .U iB L e H ta e B m k e u id n <i and U n. r : K. Nnntaaker. U n. 0 . h U Alexander played Ule accoopsnl., B tn t« U » p la n f t ' • ' I *

i Grid I| - ^ o a r i o n J R a n l d n g

i O f N e t S t a r s o l

a A — ■ - . . y , ‘ n , ■ I OHfl KArmi7»~ l«i(»l liOllU DCHlIld Idblrw 3 • ,

. I Change In C lym plonsh tp o ~ ' U nited S la te f f - ta w n T en

f , . J , n i s J s s o c ra t lo n ^ C c m m it

S te c R esu lts in Hardshl]

1(9 ■ , — - *= . (By The AuotUted Pre«), XTEW YORK. Od. 21 -

l l S i N Tho prbWcin o f maltini

, . n t e Hat fo r 1030^w ltI iQA th e lsc ram b led r M u lts 'o f ' th iW aeiaon’B to u m sm ejit'.p U y li

■ traric on, has , p ro tfp Je i rank ing commiKee o f t h i

lent U nited S t a te s .U w n T ennl .. A ssocialion (o ' R lart I ts worl

Bed neefts eaWfcr th a n tison/., ■• ' - .Tlie task has not been le»ene< on ^ :a .ehange la ih»;chalnn«uhlp.?

Ula'raaktoccommlttt^.pUc[nt;.ttIl . •^’ refpondblUty iipon *.-P lilU p B i n , fWii, vho already' U-chXlnnin oi ^ Uie menl . n a t l ^ :ehamplOMhli '“r eom m ltue'o t the Onlted.,-8talo U 'l U w n ItaiiU aawcUUon amtclialr. i te man’of Uio lounumenfs commltui Uer, ef the .West Side elub. Forest llUU— T hrfotm o'thU raiilT briltrH nSi: ■ on tos.comnltUe.^WlJlJamM.P«*eher

resigned'In mid-summer upon Uk- jr ti Jar ap leonlj Jostrart/cft '

A BsUona] commUtee'oa'or.aboutiKo- tve vember 17. to MeW> to rfc ' tvo

. nuinUu'ia sdraooa'ef.Uie aoBuil • '. . metUnt-of the assedaUon. to order

to whlp-the rink tan Into Uiape. m Meanwhile, he hat called for the ^ rankings.ot Uu U.secUena] u u - J " elaUona of the muted SUUs aoo- M cUUonia a'buU.foHtw'mBln Job. Tor the tin t . Ume since his wi- ' ; pension nearly.pnhed him t n n tlie MJ lop o t Ute Ust a few yeard ago. 'D lj ifo BUr Tllden Is. In danger of being lust,deposed, trom Uu number t poiltlon ndi be haa occupied for ten succuilve : ol yean. Taking tote coastdenUon hli Ihe pity abroad.-where he.'von 'Uie rt-. Wimbledon Hovn and teored Amer-

.. lea's only T>avU cup triumph. TU- _ den well mlght_be kept a t the top— but he slumped on homo courts,'lo».- ..... in f to ^ rink SbleJds at.BouUitfflp- i«A ton. defaulting to Ollff Sutter at ul.' Rye and losing to Johnny Does, the lch'nev..natlonaL- champion. In Uie ulditerol'tloals ot Uw national ebam-

.O nU itoU ierhand,Uielncouitl. j Mency emong youriker.rlrata ot "Big ?«5l8lir mitigated against Uie selection

let any one of Uiem to dUpUoe him. Doeg, by winning Uie national

In. doubles wllh Oeorae Lott and Uieu

S i *'SuS’*lonsw’ f lew **d T tlng^ W * “‘• i d e n ^ P r ^ Bhlilds'toUie teml* *e fihalt and-flnala.-compiled Uie meit ~'toipre*s» home.Jn| Wllmer AlUsoo defeated Bend

Irtf • ' ■f a \ - ------- r — ------------ ^ ^ — -

s - U t e s r f i o c k y l o i i n i i

•3 F o r F o u r Y e a r‘Dt y - _______


l y

( sAirT l A i a o r r r , Oct. : i u> - 0 a AlUiough UU'DUlA oog U mlulng •

from Ult foottall isachlne which r a brought b lrV U i Uiktr.Uiird Rocky 1 I ifvaUin oBBfemut ehsmplcntiiJp « 9 to foar yesn, ooeeh Ikt J. Arm*; h I, atrtin|.^t^tm U)tohaQ eettonpeat ij• a t Utah a n “f a i r t t o nsr- ^

n e H im tUrted out vim aa easy v I 13*d.Tleo#yeTerW>emlni’.I To replace tbe Ovt msn generally B• crwllUdvtUi’Uie red sweep Uinugh £ . aUrccbs^Uneolitncscegim esU it U . m * o ,;U ie VUt must dertlop t«o\ t o ^ ^ f t f ^ . q o a r t e r and fuU- ti

.Ihe.Uaai tsi'buil^around sU K l.- Jl le n a ti in iB U iB C ^ N ^ string


F e a i t i s C iI f f ’D i l l o n W i n s O v e r

^ B u r n s _ o n P q i n t s

f l l Iftv n a r. w l ly Dlllon. Winnipeg light heavy.

wight, out^toted nums.

iC lf b D ^ ^ " » o U t here tonliht. DUlon [o a wm B majority of Uie

. . I Uioutih knocked down In tbe tecond ' aod tenUi reundi. Duriis cltlRied hp

. broke Ills hand In.Uie lin t round;I 01 H onrd Mltehkll. Clnclnnaa tlgliU

'e fj. Clilcjgo, In tU w ^ .

" J , ^ " C a r n e r a ’s R i v a l ^ "

D e f e a t s H e f f n e r

NEW YORK. Oct. 31 Ifl - Joet I _ SsDta, Pertuguew rlr tl ef. Prlmo

f n S e n n ? k n « iM ^ a - W ttPifl-n«rryftKarfc;phU..lnJht;iat,rg»aj. vUh ot thelr acheduled Irround bouTiC Ihe Uie Qnedvay arena tonlelit.'SanU

, j ' w fljhea 'W 'poundi, and neltner

- The Portugoes* are« froni a see- h e end tr ip to Uie floor to deliver Uie

kneckout blow alter only 3 Minutes

" In anoUier lO-nundw, Uio veter., anrwfadefphUti.*'ff«<CKnc"r«'to-

rned xkr.lM.knockedoutJoeBlmms,aH. p.9f St. LouU Negro, to llie UiM frame .the afier^endlng him to Uie floor three . B. Htnei. w.1 of I -------------------- —


Olllclals tor liUiletlc eontcsU In I'er- BouUi Idalw will meet with lilgh lek; Khool eoschw -MdsuperinUndtnU

' Itfreionleftttothfchambrrofcom- rork merei rooms, beglnlnj a t 1130 P. M., Uie Andy caffey, chairmen e t Uie o«l- Ko- cuts' organuatloh announced here tvo i» t tilsht. .luil The purpose of the meellnyJs lo ■der make up a, standard scale lor olM* »pe. tUUng at^lootbaU.and b a sk e t^ , the .prnej In Uie district, Caffey uid. SIO- - ■


Z ■ W IN S FROM CANADIANn i l ' ------- . . . ' ? ■Ins 6A.V .FRANCISCO. Oct. 21 t t> - ;lon Jeu comlnguet. claimant of -Uie live )<eaTywcteht wreiUlng champion- his ship ol Mexico, defeated “Uoose- Uie Norbeek, chsmplon ot Canada, to ier- two straight falls a t DreamUnd au. ni- rtltorlum tonight ' top Eomlneuex, once a ipanlns part­ies* ner ot 'L uis'' FlrpoT 'heavyvelght ap- ilshter, kcJf beU)'falls wlUi head- s t -eeks; the fln t In 90 minutes end

Ihe''.he teeond » minutes UUr.

Cochet aod ’lT m st tVJmtilectei^t. lost to sidtiv^VTood at 8 o ^ th a t^ !

^ibn and to Shields a t Forest KtllC Jt- Wood beat Shleldi a t Southampton QIg but lart lo Uie U tur to Uit naUen- I lon als. . . ■ «lm. Other rising .jtiang lU n whp vOl . u l be caadldaus for posllUns we^ up leu to the “fln t 10" Include EUnrorOi t nal Vines, Pasadciia, tensaUon ot. Uu tII. early tournament season: Bryan nl- Qrant, Atlanta, Uie nallonal cUy. r « t court champion! and Ollfferd But.*/

ter, TuUne, Uie nev totercollegUU f nri UUeholder. ■ . - j r

J . . '~ . i I J t<

i f a i n r i i a t n n l f i n e . _______

ars, Lose Fiv*> Stars'

V c

>A ii'


’ ca olI <0

/ ■I'

/ / In //

/ / lU/ / <«

- cf lia ia a d a goodly asaortfflial' ef I sophetadics 'v ho shovtd vtU to I tr tsh a in foetben.r> Utm bcn of. Uie ebamplooiup> «lBa<lin;'Cspt«loRsrPrt(9e,rUa»•; half: O eerp W atklu tnd Chub Ut.I ters, ettds; Preston Summerhays,

half: Ray Lybbert, guard, and Ma^' vto Jouu , bard hitung eenUr. ^

.’TO*frtio<w'’ ’Pam«tor. OspUla ■■ ' FeU Dovi D tta Oltoo. pI ba lneiapU iuaitdU onJen tsaT e■ Uu Irtd se tt wbo v ir t graduatrd.> CoQiBf to m a h ttc n D n k e U n l.

T trtity-sM riy.fln yean ego, A ra .■ iU m bunt'vtoalag Uama In igM.- in s aad I t n and one Uiat f latbed , l a t i r i ^ t e p t o u n . Vm

C on tinue^fiagnonlinife s; O’Kelly in Bostonms. _____________ .

S victory Over Former Irish . ti Champion Enlltlos.Bo^n iv lan lo Flghl Slrijn ;

ribarON, Octi a t m - jK k a . ^- no(i.-Boiajtt-heavyveiehl..outeIag..

ged agireaslte -Con“ OlCelly. lormer ItUh champion, liera tonight In.a

B r turlous 10-nund batUe. •The victory enUtled Osgnon to a batUe vlth 'young- 8lrll>llng here on October

^ SI. OagnonvtlghedinandO'Selly

Doto batUen'm atnUlned'a-ttst

. - r Iriihman’a head and body give him Ihe edge In scTm rounds. He clearly eutpunched O-Kelly.durlng ttie fln t

„ three rounds.S?, • O-Kdly improved.ln Uie teurUi ^ and lilt Mralght left found'Otgwm'l

hetd often. Hto best work.’came to ^ tlie MvinUi when he ahook Oagnon.

' nltli n hsrd right flush to Uie Jaw. S Otqnon rfcavered ImmedUUly and

swept O’Kelly to Uie ropes wlUi a „ savige rmh.^ Thg tlnal bell tound Uiem to tlie .• center of the ring, wichanjlnf liea«y

, b leu in the head..Big Btu llartven, K anw Oily.

Negro heav}-vclglit, bnko Mack 16 Howe’sjiwatUiecloteofUitfourlh,

round »Jih Ihe Im Aneeiu jlsiit.. . . ThtCsmoroUnfal!ed.lomp9ati«r. in the- mill of what w u to have been |h Uie elehth round scmt-flnal and lU Marlaell v u credited wlUi a Uch- " • alMl knoekoul.

U; ECHOES OF WINTER .„ LINGER IN REGIONS J; in-south AND.EAST' (Contlnued.f^PBge.Oiiej .

ran from a new seasonal loir of S degrees at Max. North DakoU. to s

U Illgh ot 55 u tar toulh as Okla- I*. homai Clly. llw -w heefand com

■ ^tates-west of tlie<Mlsstoslppl were- -phffiilied a milder night toaght and » m axim um ' lempenturea vhlcli a. might resell Into Uio alztlet. That' e“ vas Uie Interpretallon put upon the to Ueonle -sashlly warmer" forecast 1- for Uie DakoUi. Nebraska. Kansas. ] ’ O^ahoma, Missouri. Iowa and Mln- i t- nesoU by Uie veather observen. I I t -preeting ' tempentuns- were-to I 1- conUnue tonight, however, to Kan- '■ id tas and Missouri----------------------- I: The .freea vhlch rIPPed Uie i

. Middle W nt over Uie week-end and i- jeetwday did more good than dam. i it a ^ RWt'agTleultural tUUs. to -

a SnSuKo-eonterve moisture already I ,. toTBii-|retmd while Uie enovand c

sleet ■ aogmetied It. .U ..BtttTto Uie Red river valley ot ' p NorUi'DekoU l» o carleadt ot po- a h Utoes,were reported fro«n. the lots a to.RtnrertcstlBaUdBlUOo.oo9. h n T1id";anev and tteet, which . reached .aa far touUi as OUahomt, e .^ A tk u ta i and Tennessee dUrupUd C0 flying tehedulet, partlcuUrly In Uu 1

[Rocky mountato «untry. and to » -f&nteeUooi brought appeaU fer help ^- to chartUble otvanlsatloos. d

On UuoUier hand. Uie promise of b ducka to eouUiward night gUddened ^

- Uie hearU-of-hunten/— ------------

. GERMAN MINE blast” ” ” S1 CLAIMS 131 LIVES J

■ '(ConUnued Prom rage One)’ o

Union repretenUtlvo naUtled Ms * lageney U ut l u dead alnady had beta pjaeed te mortusrtei aod^Uist.g 131 men were sUll entombed. • r

Th# explosion.'which "occurred 12D0;foit-belov the surface. d ia l f ° (leaUi and deitructlen for miles 1 arouod. and bnoght frfef lo. Uter.?' 10,000 tobabiuau ot UUs mlnlngL town. T b n u ^ t U u day and nlgbt £ wreplnj W m aad-ehlldren walled ••“ outside the pit mouUt. . . u

ApparenUy Uiere vers three « . “ plosions. The tin t , t gai b^st. au std Uie dynamlU stored *’ ol Uu shtfU to tkplede. Tbe great ^ forceof UiU4iphtavtl bUv tip gaso.;£ line Unka to a bulldlns oq Ine sur-1 face and the build- UtIng a lu eoIUpttd. UiU Utter tonict. tog a tcore of reanIlUt, »

Mint otndato aald part ot th t la difficulty to esUmaUni the easuaif ' ties Uy to Uie fact U ut many of Uu tai ee< mtoen vho 'vent down en Uu m< day ihlft eteaped taftly to Ne frJfhtened U u/'dJd not check out ef wlUi Ult eompany. ; . - I

Tho JmprUoned men are at a pu depUi of lUO fett aod oeateUu tf- cei f(«u are l)eto> made to reach Uitm. Ue Dsnuged veotJJetJoa puapJos a machinery b u beenlcpatred to fa- ~ clUUle Uu work. . I

Whtn -.Uw bUst oceurred flnt


D A N C E ' {. O l d T i m e

. E v e r y

. W e d n e s d a y

. I . p . a ' P . H a i l


S H A P O W L A N DI / .T O fA c ija .

t l i o , WEDNESDAY MOMriNG,

March \f C o u g a r s P r e p a r e

- - T o P l ^ o n t a n a

IH PULUtAN. Wash, Oct. 31 m ~ 'U “fl*be- HoUlagbery U whelUng Ute

cUvt of hU Wathhigton BUU Cou-

. t n l with Oregon eute,. but Uut sn docent mean he U oterlooklar the

MonUna game Saturday, he said to- n - «lay..

'L a jt year Montana looked soil. \n bul uay msde nine flrtt dovns to ' ' our lU. ouualned us ali allemoon

aniTve Krelucky lo come out hlUi a 13-to-O vtctory," obten-ed Uie coach,

' f “WelooktoranyUitogbufabrtaUi.S' "•’--------------------- -

g Q u i n t e r o P r e p a r e s

% T o B a t t ^ e e m a h

ist BALT LAKr"oSy, Oct. 31-lffH « . MsnuH.QulnUro, Tampa, Plerlda. '

to welterwelihl champion. -In a non- I tly tIUe t ^ t a t .'lew Oitewu Uie Utler < rst Hart bf December. Owrge Braun, i . QuInUra’s manager, amiouneed hrre

Ul lodty. • .VI BnunssWhe.hascompletedne. to loUtltonawllb JiUrtto Burke. New ' on. Otletns promoter, for Uie boul and w. QulnlenwUlgotoUieSouUierncliy id (liotily to b«Bin (nlnliig for tlm a match.

Qulnt«ooulpo!intd“8purMycfe, 1 lie PocatcUe.Idaho.toalO-toundbout I *y hereUslnljhl. ' ' ' , I


fl — 'tOenllnucd F?OTPtgt pno’»— .,

P u rl O’Loughlto. held by police for I '*rlnm llgallon.wu’dcnled'bond afler \

her alWrneys appKed. in west side | court lor a w it of habeu corpus. ' SheUthealepm oU ierotU iedetd ,

• chilli. . I. “M y fin td u ly U to s lre ,Ieo n a a 5

r pnperburtaf»oloughlin«Wwhen / reporten bUrvUwed him u h« lelt I UithospluL "After Uial U m going I ” to take an actlr« to Uie Investl.-

- ■ gaUon of Leona's death. I want to .f S set Justice don# regardless ef wheae «* toetareuampledupon,'' . ' ^ WIUl his faUier. Dtnnlt O'Lough-n lln.liewenltothemortuaryand50b-

ll I t Fort Cellini, colondo, by the aide ?ot her moUier who died a yetr aiio.

e . U n.O loushllnm sdehertlntap. tl pearane* In court u th# .writ of I. habeucorpuawuibuglitbyheraU 1'

temeys. She vas uken Uiere by de. UcUvca. District Judgt J tm u O.

9 StarkweaUieraet-FrldayaMOArMi;- u Uie Uma fer 'a formal heartog on “- Uu appUcatlOD.-He warned to ad- .I vanee. hovevtr. that the will not'bei released "peniUns a reasonable to*- wstIgaUco,6f-UiU.UttlbIe.UUBj.'!_ S ) ' peiiM .;su ..’'.todty.'. took u n . »

r to h tr kneu and prayed. A ttheend ” I of her prayer'ahe anue ta d Uirust .>

boU} hands abore Jitr hesd imd cried “SO help me Ood, I know notbtov about thto deaui." .

Mn. Oloughlln wu returned to her ceU to Uie dty Jail.

UbonteryloiUhsrsindlMUdtlie. child tod . h tr father,'DeUetive oxouidiUa..wtre. ted ground sUii< Hie t iu ^ r became Ul Tuetday n l ^ u d .m a Ukea to a hospital, ' . r ^

m ohUd'i dlsappetraooe w uoA dtoeovered untU Wednuday. Ber body w u found toe n u t day' Jn BeHitleyUke. .-A J H tJ tn iU otU ucase v u glvm to tfay.thrtogoW EvSH fltU inifr^ alcty told by Uie dtUeUvt'a faUur. DenoUOIoughltoJi HetoJdpoUeo Uiat alx week! tgo tae tound ground sU u to sugar 'a t bto home a t F ttt. colllna. a e tald be made toe dU* oovetytshertUmeafUradtoiUrai ' whleh hto son, Lee and Leona u vel

> u Ura. O’LoughlU'a ion by t f tn marrUse, Douglu Ullllean: M n

jOXeugbUn'i' Utter, Mn. Uaybti:; , ’.Shannon and inoUier son, Ptank !Oloughlto,wereritiU. T heiugir . w u not eaten by any memben of ttw ‘

.dinner-party. ..........-!'• PoUee-btUevrd'fiom'Uie.faUjer’i,-• atery Uiere mey havi bieo a plot to^ rkUIUwenUreO’LenghUn'fsfflUy.' .

, OUur developmeau loday v tte ;Ibe dtoeoveiy U ut OXoughlto Te>etnUy had made Uona benef uU iy of

" t n Ufe tosttnnce mllclet and Uie QueiUoatBf ot Frank O’LougbUa by

I* " '" ' • -'Uiought ef Uu eouDlrytlda w u of an earthquake, wlUi petde-itrlcken country folk for miles around fUe. tog toto Ibt opan.

TbU v u Uie iccond largt Oer- man n iiu dUasUr vlUito. four monUia.:Uw previous one belni a t Neurode. SUesU. vlto a deaUi loQ ofmoTBUunlw.

CxperU said Uie ause of.Uw « • plotUa could not be lUted wllb certatoty.unUI a compliU tovetUgt- Uea b a g j^ .m a d e . .


Apply Anacauda Ittb le Super PhotphaU to your AUalfa tn d Clover Und NOW for mort prof*' liable-.retiimt next year. Buy. roar aupply now at Uie Trl-stato Scaa CerpenUbo. localed et.337. HhAve.flouUi. Phfflit«a.

j . U, QLANDON, putrtbutor

'•■If o r s a l e ''A uto D «3r' Glass « . . w tndsh idds and window' glass. N o ^ a r g e f6 r set*

' -, • . tJ n j '- ''

MOON’S ■■ P a i n t a n d

; J V n i f i w e ^ S t o t e

:G, OCTOBER ?2, « ? 0

m m‘Tod*’ Morgan’s

t -F is tic Prowess- . Drubs McDonalde —• -_L0g_AN 0E U 8. O ct.,3 l-(n--7

M igh t*b« lrS ^lum ^nI ''< ^^° Hector.UcDonald, Vancouver, BriU ' Uh ColumbU. hen tonight In a'(att , 10-round boxing natch. Each baU lier suffered a cut jibove hto left

... ......... . . .^ r o u w i went to and '■ oiio v u iven. ’ ’* 77» batU* sUrted.fait wllh Uie “ su tU o 'b o a r working; in-tbe old.

time Ityle Uiat once mtde him the king of. Uie countn's 130.poundcn. McDonald made.a k e l rally to Uie

I ™ M o iM ^ h M 134!S and Me* ijonald t n .poundi.

- - PauUe !iValkef. New York welter.. welghtj made en auspicious dc> t In

' knockout over Sammy ASuK^aS- : cnn, Loa'.Ansoiet Meslean, In on- , oilief.J^rmtnd.lwut.J " '

; Rosenbloom Meets- ! New Jersey Boxer

Njn7 YOIUC. Oct. )1 («VMaxle . nosenbloom, rln* clown. Btowjway , playboy and light hetvratlgbtcliam.

pton, will ttep around ,Uie corner (rom tlto fa^-orKe (honughfare Into Madtooh Square Oarden tomorrov night to battle IS numU wlto an < Blmost 'unknown uutf challenger. i AbloBalu, Newark. New Jeney, ,

Bctrehing Uirough Uie records, the I •oxperU are nIcknamlng-Able.2Whero. i lUvl You BaUi," (or toe Newark I >-oungtUr never h u appeared ta a mtln bout befon |n Ui« Garden or 1 In oUier leading fistu cenun. ' i

nosenbloom has had tnuble nnd- i Ins tulUbl# Utle oppoiiuon ta a < clan.UUt '^ u gone slUibtly to seed. < A short Uma age h t toured toexoutr. .1

.try In t aeriee ot non-tlUs appear* i


iZorrilJa Kghts^to Draiv With Taylor j

BEWTU!. Oct 31 WVtBiuI ilor, . Tette lUuto. Indiana, Junior illghlaelght. and BaolUgo Zorrilla, . fUShy Panama boxer, fought a dnwIn an. .eight-round, bw thC T ,to -. |

' I t w u the fourUi metUng of tot two toappen and Uielr flnt. dnw.

'fhe Pxnsfflaa landed the major, h ky.bfUioblowsbutUie'TerTeUouU u vtUrtn made toe most telUng p punches. Taylor In the fourUi and •B flfUrrtiundt conneeled-wlth-teveral r

ent. ■ , , b

Twin F a lls Coui

C en tra l & Recomi


■ ■'"''""FOAuditor iij]

A resident, and-ife 'T'alis Cbiihly.f

.; He is exceptionaliy■ erly handling the a:

portant I

■ He has successfully ! _ ficed f trust he l

The auditor’s office] important in the.coii

; to properly fill i t cai ty to su ffe rf


D e f e a t s, TroutDartAiHmt

in Rearing Eonds_I Twin Falls Hatohsry Hauls l£ Threa Track Loads of Fish—

■ (o Spring Creek OWriol .nd ^ -------- ’

BURLEY, Oct. 31 (SpecUl to Tlto he New)-rllireetnirkJe*diefr»toboir d . bouthavabeenhauledfioaUieRflt t " he cretk hetchcry, to Twto FaUt coun- n . ty, and planUd ta toe Sprtof creek he teartog ponds, above Barley. ulU-

m aul/ to ftod their way toto toe bif resenolr .backed up, Uu Mltatr

. dam In snake river. , ' • rr. These lltUo llch.-.eem#'«S,000 of - - In them, vero looeedln Uulr nev botoo..Ild under sponsonhlii of Um OsjsU Rod '

snd-otoreiub.'M eniben'of^eclub— n- put Uio .ponds'lo rIghU and^fhced

guanU to prerent btsgir ftob from • liitnidlnB tnll.luucblngon-UiellUle

. feilom. Thervm^aUo,«oiideJfwr B. and otoer meat for food' '• •° The Urcer of Ihcse tmaS fish w«,M now about 4K Inchcs lo length, ta d .I Ulty liavo mado a good grevto aad

brrn remarkabiy Jiealthy; acootalap le to local memben'Of Uie club. .“ , ; n . , u . F « j er The Spring creek poods are pUnU.[g fuUy suppim 'wlto r ile re n u acd .m Otoer vlldvegeUUfln Whlcb a speclea of small shrimp and to . 'T, Mcu that Uie yotlngsUn feed cn.

in tlie.catly ring, toe trout vU! beIt petmlUed to drift down Into Soslre . re rit^ .ju jd WlU then be tome s tochea

It " s ^ l fish reach toe Spring ereik X potids,from.Rocktre<k,tafoodcoa. _

ditlon. aeeordlng W^Bea Spracue, secretary Of the local dob. n u y n o -

a «artcd ln,leed walw, t o p i ^ wlto i. oxysen during,toe journey,'and a re ’ i. k tsliiat;a:tem penton vltoln one '•. 'degreao ilfieK atenotS^g .eralr. .

aUcb'are very cold. When pUnUd here, they Uke kindly w toefr new quutcra and't(tm 'to'sutUto,IllUo ,

-I or no lots to numbcn. - • '■ ..: ' I n addlUon to Uw.6prta«'emfe

n planUnga, toe Rock ereck haldtery I tiiretohed t truck load of Uxmt fcr . Trapper creek, where they vere turn.U ed loote a U b e requett of 'Oakley tr vaUeysportaaea1. , I '

' Stribling ; Trabon on Points' ■~TOH!K)(rDcC-3nffI=<Nt.boriBr.-----* hls opponent, HttberJOMby) Strib- a ling. M acw tkorgUi w u s lv e a - t— / - r mwepaper decMonom Joe Trabon; .1 •S nniu OUy welterwHgbt, ta a ,. i w w Bd-bouttbi».tonlght.-l*cktas - --r,

i r S ® ^ ( f i i ' i S S « i d J 5 r ' '. tog UghUUi«-l[k9_poaebMT '

unty Republican Coraraittee._:__._: __ nmends

3. JONESI Candidate OR

1(1 R w d e ri w p i f f e r . o f T w i n '

r . f o r l 9 y e a r s '

i y c a p a b l e o f - p r o p -

a f f a i r s o t - t h i s i m - ;

i t o f f i c e ,

Uy t i l l e d e W o f - e h a s e v e r h e l d : '

» i s o n e o f t h e m o s t

o i i n t y a n d a f a i l u r e V

a n c a u s e t h e c o u n - >

r g r e a t l o s s ■ - f - s , *

i^ '- I f f l ^

======H ^

. PajePIvtf - ■

HiTfiSMSratigued by Exertion of Am-

" I bllions KaIIy^(~tasl MondBy, Market Declines

“ Markels at a-tjianoeNEW YOIIK. Oel. 21 fcT>~ • Slocb: W e ik : WMUiicbouie

------------.nd Oeneral H k UIc a t new lp30

Dondj: IiTtpjUr; mosl ln r« t. nen t !uuu Itmt.

Curb: Heav>-; I<w« range Irani 1 to 3 poUiU.

- - — — PBrtUnexclunstaiPlfwl^^® Mid lUltari llm etronir. •• . -

CoIIoh: SU»dy; Wsliw mM«— «n/( tr«rtw hntlnp _ ,

Sue«: Stmdf; hletier ipol m*rliet. . .

Cof(ee: SMady; DrasllUn « • mind. , _____

c iacA oo : . . _WJjftU; BU)'; p » d ,t» a a m,

K in»u and lars# Increai# In worWa vUlble »upplr., ,

Com: Ea»y: predlcUoiu largtrrecripl*aDdhM6e«lllnB.

CalUe: Steady to weak. .H op: lioctr, - ^

By JOHN U COOLCT ' (A»ocUt«l PrtM Financial WtUct)

NEW YOIUC. Oct. 31-FaUgurt by Ul* exertion ot Monday* a m ^ u J rally, tho slock

~ bed. -Alter only monetary heiltallon at

the openlni, prlees.icenl Into aalowalump Utal erated alt but a thade ot ye#t«nlay» recovery. Net 1obk» ran from 3 (0 fl pomu ln a

'over ot 143I.M0 ihares, nol a larse . — ToIume of b u ito c 4 i._ :..^ „ ^

W»akne« wai geneiil. althousli • . It w moel coniplnwua In lh« elet*

trlcal equlpmenl, olt and cojper ihan*. The dftUno met UUle rtaui- tancs unill la it Salurday'i lo«'i were

, appmaehed; Uiero « » Uien a pal- ' Ud rally Uiatim*d.Un market mod-

m U ly to m It* mlnlmumi. Oenenu Elsctrle, WeiUncbouie. Standard Cll of New Jersey. T e m corpora, tion. Anaconda, Kennecott, jtmeri* can WalenkWks. Publlo Servic* of New Jeney. IntcnaUonai Harvn- ter, Na«h Motors, Hud»n, Stude. baker and tevenl Invutmenl ralli went to new low for Uifl year or

, THe’drop pointedly ihowed lhal M oiidwrl r»lty h'ad bem quite lecli.

- - — .nieal. Newa of Uia day hardly liad B iwarlth cu t, except for rumors of

' furUier cuU In crude oU prlcca tn_ ____Ui« nld<onUnent petroleum Held

and- Uio generally uniattofutory cliaracter ot Uig caralnit uaIo. menu. iWeh. ot eouTMr^iad been

'anticipated. However, U)0 WaUnt- liouie Uilrd.<iuaner report rerealtd Uiat Uis company (aUed to earn Iti

------ -— dW deod-ln-U»-UjW-Ujr»jmUi*period and Uis beavy offerlns of Uis atock had a dliUncUy unutUli^ ef- i tc t on Ute enUre Uik Of coune, boUi companies «t« itronily forU* fled wlUi caib, aad TVaU atreet con*

’ • I—' .





IM T*U MU dUUICt (n ttit l 'r tf Urtty « u u rnll««i!


HufS* ■ ----. CllTtt UMUttM

B famuy , ^

Olu m u ....... - V

Clovrfl'ttd ~ ' -- —Utlmm. niu* TifO ttaa. ItM l i t )Cu i _____ ------------------ :-----M.14

'D ftt -_________ _ .> reUlea

S^tHSS&hzSSStlS Io * f m a « _ __________ i i « w u « f

■ litilU iiiniu_________ m ito U M (etrmU bnm doUm or lh«'T«1n htiu

tlelnllr <lU0l»d prtfM mnrlm Irom «,1J 10 t< on.Ome Norintnu. tiunbtr I <i

■ rvSr. ynlftitr aTMmoen.-OUitr OoJ. tin SKiunl l^rr '"f’t out oX ina mu* * k tt taUnlr. nra Wtxlan qusuUsqi '

' tir lr t Ireni fa.lj to o . Onl* oat Onler »:S S !!Coi‘S . °f f .W ;. ’S I;r trH U e n u id ap n td file l unnruin. V If ID Uii 9 iln of outnMr l> tnd im i Iho* 'QuoUuoni repmrat onlr *li(l till local dnUtn to Tbi Tvib

. ■ Stock ro^. MO.|b. lou H.1QDIcUd*. Ho.3orb«it«r_________HeMdcnUoB. Ko 3 or Mlwr______ il«

Poucotf*^'’ ” "* teK*w roRib hoorro.— — — IM ClulUIowtr - - -----ii>

pouB(L_ 1 I « 1

CpwhwIi»h .!* 1LOBon*. do u a__ . _______«ec ■o ru m . «Qua jutwc«- PfT b n d ......................... w .

......... ^ ,o . ;

tfrwii It.CM U tjou

' t osA u s *u > ^

Pago Six .

I I s to c k M a rk e t A verages

( i j - s r i f P r T

^ • S i f E S | - s | i3St^

ies ? ; s . n s— ______■

—1 f||)flnllr-4^V.f f''' tnalnlfnince.ol Ui8..rt«ular dividend pameiiu, «i MpertaUon of Improvement next year.

le Seme KoUee^ . .10 - n itre *-M»me»olife.liiU:c con?

dlUon aUlemtnt cf'.ltie Jtdrral ra- t . »er\'e member banks Ior the »«k

ended October 18. “AH oUifr".loani, Tl In wIiWi eommerclal borroslnr* aro

elaullled. wared ISI.oCn.OOO makinc to Uie sain Illi.OOO.OOO In Uie l»it Uireo

- witka; T licrt,*M > »">*”ts Uie aame period la il )'eir. ,

seuins pressure os»tn« m?cU car- It ri«l m tnroi the'Xasonte? Uyeitly

lower. Oenerarncctrle dropped 4 to ;• M. bul reccvertd • point, elodng 3t.

loaxr. SUndard Oil ot New Jeney loil 3 U> M!t belore wmtns t o k fracUonally. American Can filled to

n, receive much lupport unUl it had n tumbled 5 potnU. I ti net to i w u <.

WeiUnghouie. dotm 8U a t Uie bol- ■r tom, rwovertd 3 polnU and iUnerl-

can Tclepliono resalntd a jwlnf of a 4.polnl lou. Allied Cliemlcal, which

. hid been O'i lower. flnlJlied«!4 be- rtw Wie-Afondiy c lw .

. ' flOVEBNMENT DONDS'? ' NEW YORK. Ocl. J l U»-Unll«l

Statei Bi»'eniment bond quolaUons . elfwd:

U b e r ty f ln t4 « i3 3 -U _ — $103.14 is. LtbertMourUi-4UaJWI— IHI3J5. . Liberty fourUi 4 'ia res M-3S »10JJ)

»t T rea«n f4 i;i 47-33--------- IIUJB)W Treuiiry 4j 44-54 ....— 4I0»30d« Treuury 3*is 4«-M-----------H09.1B« Titaiury 3H i 1940i4J-------- 1101 JOn* i^ isu ry s«» c -< 7 ______ JJW.J2te --------

NEwToiuC. Oct. 21 *’ money: Steady: high 3; low 3; nil- V Ins rate 3;. clow 3 per cent.Z Time kwu: Eaaki: W da/a 3 lo ? 3« i threo and four monUu 3rt' toI,'* 3)i: lire and ilx monUia 3H to 3.

Prime oommerclal paper 3K Ip 3. ^ Oanken' acceptancei:.Unchansed.

5; . METALSof NEW YORK. Ocl. 21 (ff)-Copper: «. Quiet; elntrolyllc. ipol and futuro . . 10c. •II, Iron: Quiel; unchansed.or Tin: Firm: ipot and nearby 137.13;

futuro 137^0... Lead: Quiet; ipot New York U.IO; . . E u t SU LouU »U 5-'- - . Zinc: Quiet: Bail St. Louis ipolrf and fuUire MiS U) $i.— ............In .AnUmony ) -------- •J -------------BAB-SrtVEB- —S NEW YORK. OCI. 31 WV-Bar 111* tn ver U lie . ' ,

fd ' SUGAa ■ • u NEW VORK. Oct. 31 (7) — Raw “ jusaradMDe«l-I,03«/n-«at4odJiy. IS but Uie demand waa not very acUre I- and came principally Irom opera. *1 ton, wllh reHnm ihowlns no Inler- !• m above *333. Tho only iale report- >• ed Was 30.000 bass ol Cuban/or late _ November ahlpment to an opentor ~ a t t u s delivered.

AlUioush slMdler. n w f ulurei fall*• ed to hold all Uie early uplurns and

1 closed w lU inetsalhsol.lto3potnU. )• Approximate, aales 3B>Xl Ions. IU Nwnber 3 eontracU cloaed 1 {Mint .V higher a t f3J3-lcr December.with IE no la le i Cloilns pricea lor number Ji iro c lo E e n ta u ro e c rn ib e r- lM fc A January il3». March ll.4«. May 15 HA3, July tliO , Seplember tl-Gi.t . In refined Uis wlUidnwat demand Jt was asalaof fair proportions but no 1 new butlneu was reported and prlcca •a were unchansed a t tis ;i for line rj sranulaWd. ...... ........... __

t. ' BAN rOANCISCO PBODCCE SAN 7RANC18C0, Oct. 31 (iT) -

,, Btrt{<r,«ti«K lrfie««; Unchanged. S -:Bul;wfat39liC.-.IS Onloni: Jobbltis tacked yelk)ws a 600 lo 7Ic. Urse.Me to 11; n d slobei S 90o to t l ; Australian browni I t lon I 1.1S. ------------n Potaloei: Jobblns Stockton, Ions* whites » l « to t m ewtj W a^lnj- l« ton Netted Oemi US lo I 1.C0.u Poultry: DroUera Sfc to 4Sc: heu [J 17e to Ste; turkeys 3». to 30c.


duce exchanse'renlpti: Butler 7P,700 lc poundi; clieese 37.900 pounds: esss ,, none.i . Bulter In bulk 37c. . . . . . . . .0 £ss<: Extras 41c; fln t fresli 37e;

esse count 333c; medium aoc; imalli 31!ie. . • '

Poultry: Unchansed.


Recclpu 7St3; iteady; creamery ex* tr«i 39c: lUndardi 3SKe; extn llt*U3fl',toto37Hc; flnU 3hto34c; (econdi 29o to 30c.'£sss; RecelpU 4479 cwci; eteady;

unchanstd.Live poultry: nefelpU^Uiree cari.

30 trucks; finn; fowls l 8c to 3Je; tprlngs 18e lo SOc: roosUn 15c; iprlns turkeys SSe; iprins ducks ISc t o i9c;se«w J8c.

niuED F B u rr 'NEW YORK. OCU 31 (,I>-DrIM

fniti: Steady, •

[’’p l T l i i rIDAUO ftURXET ■

IDAHO I'ALLS. Oct. Zl (A>(U S DA) — PoUloei: D cm sd tlov, market atuetUed; BumU Na. 1 S12S (0 IL35! No. 1 7S».U 9«c. motlly <0e lo Ue: BunOs No. 1 to $1.10. -

TH'IN PALL&-Uetnand ilowtr: market BWeUledt BoMtU No. 1‘ l l .» lo $1JS. motUy ILU; No. :7Se to »»c. noiUy lOe (o Ue; B w aliNA L /c w fU a - .■ '

' cmCAOO 9UBKET a iic A o o . o c t - i i w v -iu 8 b

A l-PoU toei: Receipts US tar./. losdi; en Iraelc 390; (etxl United -6lt(M«UpaealMU)<(<i^>tnid«

i , r~ ~ ~ , ^

^ \ H A P P E U B D ^ ^ SiS : i r ? » - 5 B B - 6 H E B Z » K - ® SiS p l ^ o w M C o u r ^ t iS B eH lW D T H Sli|S K & C A ^ G E T O O A .x y

lojo ^ I

'.o f _ / X •5:n i i • ~lext I f )

I 7 / Aon- J . r C D - , . . . . ' i . v t 'J - / ------

tek 1 W ,

r t o U i - ' / / / ^iree K C X B B / / iW '

( to . — i j w f II! , m _ 3ti

i . ■„ “N E W

^ ■ i j f f l-of^ . CLOSI

(Dr n o . Oltddm CcAmociiim rnMl oois Duit

saK"^s . s s i - r i s ^ ' s ' ' s s i e ;

2.14 Am flffltit tt lur__ u tnt Ctmin- M f s e a s u - M S ?I.2S A m w i U n r ^ ^ n KennKott i J30 AMwniU Copper _ « U K o U l.t^IIJO lu ii * obio,— . MJ J.J2 BtnudJJl A — — W

muiithnn BtMl — n ! S J

^ ,S H S £ |Js lS S & s l f f S f f i S t T E I S r| S & u . r : « j 5

er: ouniiS'wtT«ht—Bnijflns n ' "P*nuKntaiHfrn — W.,

S » ;g s lr t^ a r E S-nrn ratxh — noe6U(

?0l o iu M o to i------- M!» 0«N »U on

Snr lair; Wlsconiln lackrd rsnnd- irWi«*$lJJloK.beslj»o«Uy.|l.90

ai. to $t! MlnnesoU sacked round whites $1.» to $1.71: North DakoU satked Red B im Obl9a lI.9S ta

■ $1101 Idaho satked nosseta |3 to JJ, $US, mostly arotmd |U 1 ,ay.-

II iSTOGllillSIte I —tor

CIirCAGO LIVESTOCK ‘JJ: ClIICAOO, OcU Sl ^ ^ ‘U S D A> r » o » : RecelpU 3 3 m Includlns 2000

direct; closed active alter slow mid. S sesiion; mosUy 3So to 40e below yes- f l Urdiy-i average; exUeme top 49.70; ^ bulk IBO to 300 poundi 19 JS to I9.S0;'

paclilns UWI SIM to tS-2S; imooth lgHF^e^iJ^t5-lff-t*JO-^d-mbOTe^

sood and choice 140 to IM poundi .rf tS.M to.19.25; ICO to 300'poundr$9

to '19.40; 3C0 to UO pounda )9J5 to la 3M pounds I J J i 'to

n, M-«; packlne lowi. medium and EOOdS75 to SOO pounds |7M to tt«0;

■<- slaughter plgt, .sood and choice 100 to m pounds |8 i0 to $9.

- CitUe; RecelpU 9000, calves 3000; kL eenersllrsdemofUriteadybutcloie

on Iteen and yearllnsa ilow. n a k ; ws lupply companUtnly icarce; olhen >es very tlow; steady lo m k ; ilie stock to unevenly steady to fSo lower; built

itrons;-beit yearllnga I1I7S:. Urge- ns ly steer run; slaui^ler eatUe and S- vealen. steen, good and eholee' 600

to 900 pounda tIO.75 to >1315: SOO u toJloo pounds $9.7S to II3.3S; 1100 ' to 1300 pounds $9.33 to $I3M; 1300

to ISOO pounds tHJS to tlU S : hell- ■ en. good and cliolee. SSfl to $50

0- pounds «.T i to H IM ; c o « . rood00 and choice $U0 to $$; cutter* $)J} P lo 14.3$: bulil. yetrllngs excluded.

sood and choice jK tl. $9.7S to >6.75; -< vealera. milk fed. sood and clwlce e; ti0.S0 to $13.50: itocker and leederIII cauie; sleen. cood and choice MO

tolOiO i ^ d i l7tott.7S.Sheep: RecelpU 19M0: KUte. lul-

ly steady; f i t UmtM closing acUre. ,. lully Iteady: nsllve ewb and wether I: iambi nioiUy $«.7S to >9; (op pKk. ^ c» ; m e n l loads P.IO to 19^ ; tot> f. (9JS; medium ransen >$.»;. beit • held toward ttJO; «hlte.fsc«| leed-

:. enl6.7Sto$7;lambi»asoundsdo«ti. ” good and clwlce $1^ u mJO; me.

dlum t7JS to $<.35: e«rs 90 to 1S« poutxli medium to dwlce $135 to (4; letdlng Iambi gg to 7) poundi

ie — . »

1 J U S T K I D S

, WM»\T VsiC OO J' i S a 'lT M\SS /> '

. «. WEODIM'rC'-'; ■ »p r e 5 e n t J > -' 'A


^ L i x i u A c ig ie -^UP ^ _ R E ^ L r m E RASCAL? I


y Y O R K

t m i K i r r3 S IN C U IDI Co lO'i Bixtl Unionr » > — s i ! i s i ”c ? o . t = Bi:

s ^ l ' i s S s E i i r‘T1 t n ^ l O t t r . . » !

ll Toll___>•*< T n n i - A m t r l e i i l 'iU jm n b 0 isii Undtrvood Blloii_ n

1 rieilie 4:|> VnlWd Aircraft ^ a ' i

hn««A__ :i I Virf Cara Chun__ s>,lrr .............Wnt m n Bk A ...1M!>vr ti 1st n Wcium Voloo Trl lU |

s s d i ; :« Co — 1- n n —

— i u CWIB 1«*IIKCT- S ’S S S f f i - J S .

n . «^t: r t:u n c - » j s i r r — - U'*

I II Bm na a flim* _ snio'r) or *■" ■ :i*i BM Sd tt Biiu* pf loj

nd sood and choice IS.7S to $7.50. |« ____________ __ •

• W S ANOELES UVESTOCK i* LOS ANOELES. Oct. 31 yr)- 'U 8 . D A)—CaUle: R ^ p u -4 0 0 ; active, ” Iteady; load S39-pound U tah'steen; , . >aJ5; helfen unsold; load-.ieeder.

heifers $6.7S; best cowi $S.7S- lo $6; i- 7 bunrcomaien-to'Tnedium‘ i4r;5-lot

$5M; aU cutlen $3i0 to KM; Ari­iona cowa t3.W; bulU >12}. down. ‘ Calves: RccelpU 700: motUy SouUi-: weitems; acUve. fully steady; few’ llshl welshU $ lt: bulk la to $0.75.• Sheep; fleeeJpU 300; Itiny itetiy: ■

.. deck medium to sood, 77-pouod Ulah. ^ limbS'$7.60, w lU ilSoulatM ;deck "O S3 pounds >435, with 15 per centi “ • a t $4: few ewes $3J 0.^ Rogi: ReeelpU 300; 10c to ISc'

lower; top$lU0ontwoloadideilr-1 able' wetshl Eutema; load iss!

>tn pound! $11, wlUi W-nound> out a t '


nd KANSAS CITY, Oel. 21 <U. B.a A.)-Uogs: RKelpU >000; ilow

[M and uneren, mostly 15 to 3So lower-: Uian Mondays-close; top >9.ia on '

„ cholco 340 poundtra: beUer: X>: srsdsn0to3SOpoundi>3Mto$9.)O:: w heavy- butchen searce; Ilifit llgftU ;

dull, 35 to 400 lower; HO to 160 : » poundi $tJS to $(.73; packing sows < ^ $7J0 to M.U; Itock p ip 3Sc lower, I .«* $7.75 to $ l3 . • . I■t’ . a w e : -Reeelpu tifm. c lm ... M lUO; packers gBlns rrry itow on ; ^ beef ateen and yearlinp; eirly bids w wtak to ipwer: '|ood s ^ quota na*W Uve BTtIn (ida oflered; ahs tlock W opentnt <try slow, sbout aUsdy: •

buUs unehanged; v u lm fully ftO« i w lower: stocken and feeden n«U y ;

sUady; early lop fed ynrilm ss iw ti i « $1145: seveniioub offered o ( n h » i < U aeU arotmd<lt.7)'to$l3iO;bttlk I *> fed ateen qqoubis around to i n 111: butcher c o ts $ t3S to $3» ; low | ^ n t t t n tnd eutten n iO to 14: ned l' i ^ 8 a M lit9 w » « to « > ;isM e fiJ (r* i

110 down: teUk stockrn and fndera i ,l. $ t to ItM ; BMSt leede<i $] aodj re down: stock stffrealvf* Bp to n . I) „ eb itp ; Reeelpu U * 0; very mil* i k. dsM: best r t im u n te hrk) t» o n ,

ftw aales u l l i «4 stro.t« to 13e i h l |b c r ; tM s if iS ;t4 b e n f :M t0 tl. j

J. • 1tl. iT .io iK rn iJT B « T o n i i f . BT. JOBEPft. O et 21 if i ,y . B. ( W a A .)-K e cs : RfcelpU S»Q: btWh- I to efboeBurtu tla lilyafU te.lO toJJe.i U love rthw ita idaraeK M drm esltrii

1 ^ \ J E W ) mA .KNOW '^ O O tiE

w e o o m ^ .N op TME ■ -T H E Y 'R r/H A V r ^

3 ^ S o S A O . . . ^ 0 l i M

1 ^

H a f iB O M *;X N t...,n|,M ^



TH W WOULOKTT DO A M H ] ' ag A L GO OD , WALT. MQU .BT MS m a n d i:e 1 t .“ v v e - J I I S p G OT A N IDEA. y -----^ /ip ll'

iP SO UP H S L U a . y s S k .

m m25c lower Uian besl Ume'. Uociday.

, lop >9.10; bulk deilrable butchen al T-^ welghUl$0poundsupl9to>9.0S;(cw

ublialsSitd klatU $3.13 to 19; IGO pounds mostly $1.35 to. $«,7S: packing aowa generally ateady, bulk $7i0 to w as; few tlock p ip 17 to >7.7S:odd'tou$8.-

CatUe: KecelpU 3S00, ealvea 800; » . practlcaUyTwUilnsdcoeoniUushUr Ji* Iteen ind yearlinp account late ar- I 'l rivals; sood and cholco sradea cx- >U (rtmely tcarce; bidlcatlons aboul

r steady; butclicr itockand bulbmosl^ :}i ly Iieady, beef cows'weak; vealers <|« unevenly ateady to $t hlshcr; best

lli >13M .^rco inm Q iU y$iS ^U M ? ‘*1, cutter sradcs $J'ttf$l; medium bulU Q I.up $4.75: stocken snd feeden open- Mi log Iieady; lew early sales $7.50 to QIL $6.M.

Sheep: BeeelpU SSOO; M iambs* skjw. few early u le t about aUady; >;• leverel loads mixed fat and leeder

IimbsIdahoi$7JSto»JS;senerally s .t-aiklnc hlshen lndlcatlona ateady to

itrons or somewhat hlslier on beit ,i‘ lambs: feeden IltUe chansed early;

I load ttrslshl feeden 77 pounds $7

ltl PORTLAND LH-ESTOCK . PORTXAND. Oct. SI (O. 8 . D. A.)-Iloss: RecelpU IM; Ttry few

u . arrlred early; no tales to spesk of:. Monday's clesn .up buls IIOJO for I

best light butchers. 15 cents lower* than tsrly Mondty-bul SOo hlsheri

1 Ihan list week's close; feeders quot- J„ able tteady up to $11.I ; . CalUe: Receipts lOO, Including 39 I for stock Ihow: calves is; no eu ly '!• ir*.dlns: Jifondiy't. market .clcted ' {Iteady on all claites except steen, =|masUy.3Se spoU-toMe lower:prac-

,l!cal top steen Monday $7M wlUi onlrone load >7.75; bulk good ateera'

_ »7 tol7J0; a edJum sad lo wer gr s d a ' $fl.7S d o w h -firnoU lw liify lH s ai

s ' decent,klU tlopped-below..$8; topi le. helfen >7: l4 .eo«s $6; low euUersi n .dews td.$3; bulk bultt'$i79 tp $SM: :er .calves add vealen$Sto l i t accndlog

lto weight and gnde.' Wj-SheeprrReceiptrSOOrlKtibs-iiow I- quotod 23 to 60o-higher; sWcUy n. cliolco closely sorUd lambs quotable :i- 1 a t $7. double airlvsj w . today a t Uiat figure; beit drlvelnsl IS. stopplnsat$6£0;Uu«vouU$Sdown; y.’ ^ym llfip and ewes.quoted.iteady,' lh. strictly choice sndes eligible to $3 to ^ ,$175 respecUvely.I t j '■ .. I OODEN LIVESTOCii •^ 1 OODEN. Oet 31 ( fl (U. 8 . D. A^ 13 — K(jp; Reeelpu I«9, tacludftis 74

; (or market; sIow;.3 trucks 190 to 300 ^^poQiilmnr$9.S0ta$9.M.^ew'paek— - me sows $7.- . •

CstUe; .ReeelpU3».lncludlnsl34' (or market; early ta lu mwUy under-1 trade stockj-aboot load inJxed com*

3. mon aieen $i2S to $540; odd h ^ ' w medium and sooi steen $3,75 to

$7.35;-load cowsI4A); p trt Josd low ’ n ' cutUn >2; odd loU mixed cowt $3M . r r . to $4i0: la u Monday load sood 1100, ) ; . pound steen $7aSj lotd MIO pounds • ts «J0:iloads770to«0pouneli$«.75;i » 3-Ioods eso to IDIO pounds $6.40; ‘ ra aboul 3 loads $435; reslen $9 down, r, I Sheep: Receipts 1504. 'Includbg

l8M for market; no early salat; p a rt: » ;deek mixed f i t and feeder lamba 70- n pwuuli Monday 16;/ev w eU u n H

1* . ' OMAHA LIVESTOCK It OMABA; Oct^Jl Vn (0 . fl. D. A.) r. - H o p : ReeelpUUOO; slow and un­i t tTes,nosUyJOU3Solower:weIshty ly paeklns'sow* 3$'to 500 lower: top % IMO on sort«r-34l pound bulchen;• balkn9to350p0undslt.75to$9.l0; k beUer grade butchen 300 pound and0 tip $9 to I».l0: no tirons welsh* w buU bin oflend! -IH to 170 potmd - I- seIecUoni$tiOto|l.7S;packlns'sows « IT il to IU 9;. r tifb ly sows down- •a wtrd t o l td l cattle! BecelpUTOOO. calves 500;,. I (ed veers and yearUngs slow, steady:'* she stock Iteady to weak: bulls and ' i w vealen ateady:. ttbcktr and (eeder : « s u m slow, steady: led iteen and1 yearUntt 110 to 111.73; medium i

welghu artnnd.1200 Munds I11A3; : kios m r l ln p around Iloo pounds ;

L ItUO; graH helfen K.73 to $7.75;I- crtta cowa |4 iO U 15.73; cutler 1 e,grades mottlr tXU to $4; medium i y ‘ BaUf#boBiKTS to lS 3Jr'Westeni .

nw cN W C A L U 'X L tT 'a sE T j r OUR MONE'< o u t ) D ow n TO r\E BftMVCWeV.U/TMlN{c'CBU$£ - r U O f T c r ^ I ' o o MY ,

ffiSTtW HKtN

m e , OCTOBER .22, lOSO

- r C A U G H T m T H E A

^ y S K E E a X , i t M B * flrt III I U N OeftSTA M D l y N

I 'S M O K l t v lQ '; f f l 'B LK W 8 t o o a H , \ w e r b t

• H ^vjH o u v -: .y ISOl


lleE.M f

l i i i i m iWj '• — .r - ■

jr; New Drop in Prices’ of Se* curities Infiuwces Trend

” of Values on. Grain Martop. • . • - — ' . ■ -lU -Dy JOUN P. DOUCUAN n- (AswcUled Pren.Markct Editor) to CIUCAOO, Oct.- 31 - Dnsettled

by a new ilrop In prioes.ol lecur- .M lUes all grain taluea to d ^ under- . . went a late setback Uikt more Uian [er eased an . early idvaace. Incitased lly leUlns of wheal.;coni aod oUicr ce-' ^ re^how ever.’appeaiedtobeUige- ^ ly In Uie nature of'PTOdt-Uklns, I,, what at.Uie top >oInt touched to-1 17 day thowtag about «^o s boshei

sain from receu low (Isurts. SUU- ' menu credited to Chairman Lesse

o( Uia (ederal (arm board Uiat ogrl- D. cultural cwnmodlUes had reached !w I their boltom level attrwcted niuch no- if: Ucr, bul (cr ftt~lesA Uu present, or « tr s WlUiout UfUng effect as a er'market'bifluenee. f i .'.Clothis quolAUons on wheat werd

uniettied tt.UiB same as yesUrday's .M finish lo Kc ft bushel decline. Oom

clo«ed n e to iijo dowa; oau !io V to.*ieoll,andproTltlon5 unchansed

to .a rise ot-Sc,----------- ------- --------. Tindlns more or tets to ausnent

f* Uie-Uto-dowBword trend-tif-Uie' " wheat market today w u wofd of an " ’increaie of 9.917.000 buiheU tn wtuld

stoeks-o£jrlieat.'On-tbe other-hand.. ^ lato esUmales ot NsrUi Amertean

®P wheat'export builneu today put Uie i » total a t 3,300;Q^uibels tneludlns!

].500.000buiheUfromWlnnlpes.Ths, U enlarsement o t-S u rd p e a ii '- ^ n d i

(or NorUi American wheat h id n o t! " T T i ra r t rd f iH lh - U ire ir t r u ^ u r r^ J / of wheat prices here. In connecUon '>0 wlU>anunlooked.for)umpbyvhnt M.i%»luc*at.Uverpool. .

'•Oom.and oau.dupUcaUd Uie u - : [»:Itlon o (.w heat Besides, the (eed- J ' ; gnlns wera weakened by reports In -, (0 dleaUns (aroiabls condlUons (ori

fleld work and (or .Uie morement of

ProvUlons- (oUowed Uie eoilne o( J gnln fluctuaUona scd Isnored a U don liin ) of ho r values,

14' Msr. -----B3K .1 4 83 H 63Kr - j May __,?3!i ■ M II.U « U

to ' $4.33 to- $4.75: pracUcal top vealera ' w 111; Stocker and-(eeder lU en $6.73 . W. to $aJO; levena loads yearlinp $1.73 » ,to $ 9 J5 . . • • 1 u ! Sheep: 'Rettlpis 19,000; 23 toSOo I; { hlsher; sheep stnxig; feeden (oily i );: steidy, 60 per cenl of Umbs (eeden; L tl. bulk range tUughter lambs $1.50 to ' ig H.73;' best held >9; eaUves and fed rt:wooled Umbs M33 to $liO; (ed to - clipped Umbs B9:pounds.t6.23; esrly |' t n Up I3J5; bulk n o se (eedlnr - .. Itmbt $6.40 tan;.breeding ewes $4

to $3 .^ •

1- ■ DENVER SHEEP y DENVER. Oct. 31 l« ^ II7 8 D A)'P • Sheep: BecelpU 33»0; run Includes i; 3400 Uuoush; about SO per cent i ; : (eeden; very UlUe done on lUIunbs, d loads feeder tambs out of ncond it held-(IrmV (ew tiaUves >7J0; two d - hands'$6JS; (Inal top latlam te Isto s M ^dsy $US; bulk (eeden |0 to

i; ’ D08T0N WOOL ■; BOfflON, Oct. 31 Hv-ohlo and d ' ilmUar 6U and finer itrlcUy oomb- r lag fleece woob are selllns in mod- d en to q m U tk s a t prices -In 'U is n r u s e of 30c to 31o in toe stease..; Maoulactiucn are purehastns Um-: s lUd qtlanUUes o( 61-Os. Fnnch : wooU a t 33e ta 26c In the gteoifc T Practlallynb Inquiries sre being te- n celved by detlen for (leeco wooU D o(Mraod-teF»fsr*dei.

/ .HOW A M U '

> OIAM' S S t ^ m T t f t R P i '


r 1 DiDi>J’fN £S> [ B S -T O L D -

jL o s s o w i . H i o e a o s o r ro i b H I o

,OMEfeOCN R 1 '^0^^ KWOW■ I s o s s ^ w

m i m i■ l l ^ ^

I * ly _ _ I7 67 'MU «3!l

I- D ec."l_79U 79!i 77H 779iU f .___SIU Bl'.i 79ii 7B«

■n Msy ___84’4 B4U 63U B2«II Ju ly .___84V eSU 83U MU

Dtt. -J-37S 3'6H -38HMir. ___39 39 38K 3$liMay____40U 40S 3914 39H

'* ClIltfACO CASU QBAIN ltl CinoAOO, O ct a i wv-w heat:

No. I hard aOMc to B0‘ic; No. 3 hard l-l SOHO to SOKc.' Com: NO. 3 mUed B3ttc to Sic; - No.-I-y«Uow-(IHe!-No..J-«blto-Mc

to POc. •. 0 »u: No. 1 whUo 37c; N a 3 white• 38«cto37«c.......... ...........“ Bye: No ules.■'* Darley 47e to 60c. f- TInwUjy seed $6.35 to ttSK jn Clover seed IW.75'{<i $3IJ$. ,

! ' ' OMAHA biw iN' OMAHA. Oet 31 VD - Wheat: *; No.l73'icto.74e:N o.3714eto73c J; I Oom: Yellow No. I 77!4c to 78s; 5‘ Na 3 77e to 76c.‘ < OaU: \Vhlto No. 9 33Ke; Mo. 4

- .!d ■” .^ POBTLAND OOAINi t PORTLAND, O ct 31 (;1>-Whesi a futures closed: December 73«c. May

' 80c. Cash: Ols Bend BluesUm. hard rd white 8'c; w it trhlto, weiUm whito, ■'s hard i-lnler 75c; norUiem iprliiB, ■a wetwm red 73c. io j AVheatrecelpU: 54 can.:d | . -------------------- •—I DowniUln-llckiU- fpr-openlng B t' night a t ft new Chlcaso movie houts ie -io ld -(c r$ ll.-,-- •- 01: ->d ; . An old C h lctp hurlesque house i-h u -b e< n conwr(«d-lnto-». moving A plAure Uieatre.>e{ --------------------!«• c m r-n rc L COMPANY phone as >s,oid:Pallhful stoknt. 1395 Installed idjcomplete. Adv. ' •

------------I t l l A. N. Bon’wtU. Of Carry, Idabe I

' has been sirpoInted.SALEit-ltEiP- •: ln E 8BNTATI>-E-for Twin FsIU ^ 'I s n d Jermne Co. for ib> fiUhl I |;i|0cildeer Enlerprlie Co. I( want- |

It log rabblU op.tbe eontrarl ptin

i( ■' —

U S S f T W; j H A MJ .H adiln ls ls

‘ ,W«ldtr»0 . . ' . Pipe and If M anufeclarcrs • laiaiiru

. FWrbanks-I1 • .------------------- -- ■ --------- r


. . The Meridian Produce Ca wish

I Uiey have movtdi We a n now I

; -iameatreet'aDdJola.buUdlnp.^1

o n 'th e .n o r^ «liO, i dealen oC Purina Chows. Peed f

you wm-never r e s« t It.' Don't' («

; ot yw r PoulUT and wlll’& n .b

Geese tnd Duj:k*. . ' .


■ .A S U G C

m -r a; a s h e 's gctt M f l u n yo 'A W oN o te iN S a u ’


'T j f f I f '

T N BEO t O ^a^ID 'T *S ' -

(T t s T H E ‘S e S T ■ ' o s ^> o o . B dT D ID •

THAT L r n L e / — a m .w o SM OKE

I ,

«3!l ------------------------ ^ ----- —

77S I R eal E s ta te T r i i s f e r s . : . ‘v 79« _ . I

hmilibed by U.e lB Ur«««U U ^'f^HHe Ceariflly CotBptay

38ti • ....... ... »


Warranty D.-Lloyd W. Lov’fieisto J.P .H egeay. $1-. 6BNW J3 1014.

Uld W uivity D .-J . p . Hesesiy to Mil­ler and Vlele. II. 6ENW.13.10i4.

Warranty D .-U w U Garber ;to ■Den‘ey-ar«n(ittt;--$600;-L ot'-ii—

■hij. DIk. 33, FUer. , ' ?Warranty D.-Georse W,- Hamil­

ton toOroverC. Beem.-|1000. P t - - CW SB 8 10 16.

siiSTllPBliSESa 4 ____ ,

BURLEY. Oct 31 (Spciiat'to'Tho' Kewsl-Sugar. bee t harvesUng on Uie -

h „ . Minidoka proJeclUaboufhaU com- pleted. OakJey bert r s l« « lUrted ..

^ Ihelr beei puUlngetmpslsn conild- erablylaUr Uian srowcn here, about-

5I7 10 daj's nso. and have been shlpplns ' trom two itdUoni DceU have been

ralsed.ln Uie LlUle 'B uIn dlUrlcl,''. r u t o( Oakley, (or Uie fin t Ume Uils

■ itason. Oakley valley beet* are be- ’Inf lnsshlpped tolheBiirley.(actory.-:_ »“» - There a tt tbout 6000 tons ot beeU

In'pUes a t mech'inlcal'pllenon the - north tide of Uie projeet In Mlnldo- : ka eounly. and about 17M tons plledU en the south tide, aeeordins to camt W .panyottielaU. A

DeUvery to Uie factory, h u nol e » been delayed by ttormi, and Uiero •llsd'h isH w ayrbeen plentjrof-beeUon

hind for tho sU«r, • ,'

p l |_ S E B J E E N i N G DATE^;; ■ • K IM B E R L Y ' n SH A D O W LA N D ■" ' . . 0NPAGB3 ; -

RDWARBe sale -B eU n . B b c ta n \llh 8

r ica iso p p to , BolIer Mokeni

ks-Mo«e AgenU —


Rlshes to' announce to 'b e pubUs thst d )W tocaUd one block farther up Uw. \

i_^UiUiototermotml*taPn)dueoCo.v' I

to UiiuuDco U ut we a n su U io d ^ , *

(d .from U» checker board ,l»g «uT;

t ’iorset Uiat we are always In need *-

n be able to Quoto you on Turkeys^



i S l f S i f . 'A Olf>>«0H'0 - .

•.•Jf ■ < THRK OOUis?

' ^ \x :C E H T s S '•

1" — . ~W6U L O - '\Tp I | J l J - " ' a E ' ' a E A L '

=r?r* • rptbjTAHUW/

------- - OwUawd m « T ttt

. A W A r o 'r ^ C A ii t jTi “Wlttt under hMwn li the nut* ‘

**Thw w u l t o l a ' O rtn ^

( to p l^ U *hlm, MUkl HM d tw *~ U » t b* tud tood CtUM { » iRlU^

tton. Bot to l l did not tU tr tlM .. tK t th t t ir- tboM m p in f fiD tm ^■ 4 < w d u r rurtbir CT*r ju a u ’*

^Dr. 5??

' . BTtn M b* fnuatd th i Ihouthi; bow mr. tbt tk%Oj n im of the « «

- - . w u n ibuB*d:bto.— And-tt w u <bt «ho io ths doetee'i rei- Olu

, . “I think Dr. ijtUiQ U U«d out, ^ ’ ’ ’84KttT.' W* (oaetlBM tu s t t Ih it

d o c l« i ,w e d m t-W lm t ,:d o . t t comn u « iboek lo m whtn thej «*9 point out tbejrro onlj bunun." W

....... T o u 'd o o t mind m jm nnln* n j— Iln»«»ow jxw -too i.R o«i::------- - ' J

' im o a T ir p u iie a■ - b te w u tojetbtr.

■"I'm »ony to l» w e b , » (ool « « ,-*at*onoct Th* rtc t U H.upitU m#) to Me jDU I t luch a tndUlontl ^

/ — Ulnd-manV trlclt" -------^^ “I am a blind m u," rttumed ^ A ora n u o d c quletlj. iC i

*Temp<»riU." lnilit«l l« tto a JSej rrh e trM taent 'We c trs jou filled. Primirilr. th il n u m j Thui

’• U ult.1- - wJ 2'® '" »*“>*• .Tha o r b id been iniprUed from ^

bw im t u a fev mLnut«i euUer (ul < ’ tbe doetor’i outbunt h id been tur- Run

prUed trom hl& lli l i lira* It « » onu Onnooek vho uannidouilj u red «

‘-'tbe d ir. In s'— - r - “N ft-im n M T in iie t-fiu lt-en * jw j

tlreU.'* ha4ild. '■It'* futUi to db* euM It <nj, moro.but we *11 three -c

— ikBow-thil thit-womin, w hnerer (oq. Ih l Is, wUl hive m j bilndneu oo Qon her wraclence to the end ot her n , d*ji." . . . jlj ji

. . . . • 'Y e C u ld BiJlle iteidUj.— “f o f t I think Ihe know* ih it" (C<• ZMton tuned to to- aruiDoek^ J i :

eulh keener t lm d j th in Hillie'i.'laeni^htt'tn tentlon... in'one'tecond, Ljtton. I Jurt wint- to t^ l JOO how 1 itind. I. i r e e pn .

th l t l l would be J tefithle mlilik# rO .. for m# to tti ijn najielf forerer lo i .^thU d h a ttf t-U Ibere't i ' r e i t

chine* of mr belnt u n d from It. . But U there? I u n 'l Inreit an j more hop* In a p a b le . A lw -" - '

’ h* betUaled tn d Uwn ipeke with ■' efflbttntsBcnt.- ..“I'm, flnincUIlj speikliic, t poor a m ." -. .

“Oh, «iU„ JOU neednt k t ' I h it lu ir • tp ie to f Itw orrj joul A n in Uke aen Dr. HuimU. tha tpediUit. looki on Al jour c tia u in Innluible czperl' neu

— for me-weU. I've told jou how I Atte . . f««l tboul m j.ih irs In It tnd . I i r 13^ (tick to n r opinion In ipit* of inj>W . tblnr rou in d - in jth ln ( -jou u j .T ^ l ihiU nuk# It-my b iS e u - to im — ' TciU;tto e n r j line of treitnunt u

It u opened u p .. . . Kow th i l the '

M jueb a f i l l n te . I wint RuueU meo____ to-btT * .toe tber.look .ttjou .!!j__ _Ai

There, w iitib o rtp in ie . xitH■ • “im pcrfectlj wUlint lo k« Itua* untl• h U." o ld artnnoek. tboi. -rra- wlUln»;to like t n j lU pi to ,re- Atte

eowr rar ilth t th i t jou m ij td> a YU*. ^ the metnlteiM 'U tdjurt

~ « r .Ufe to bilndneu. Reie wlU____tile h mi. And-lf o o e .d i j - l - r e . —

oorti^m r t l t b l- " b* ceeaied to . know 1 7 Initlnel where HilUa w u . (tandlnr. for'be turned couddiatlr

• me bow to uH th it. toa Wont- you. B o « r ■ *A ,

--------->VM>U|]je-pre|BlHdr— — —i J S i g l i n ^ n i b e r M -U w r S

wtlked aw ij tojethir. A jilwt^hli• better Judfment. he mutUttd: ,

“YouVeJLpluckr.jbl.’ I'm tarrr, r S I ae ir lr thlM i iw ar when

, b* f ill for jour ejeliowi." , n i l nothing. ^ There'*. a lv ijt

. tb t-d tn g v of jlfln* lomathlni • - t ir a r wbtn n m th in ooe ot ui

. i«:wltb bim a l t time. Tbit.'iona J■ o( the reitont Ih it r n thinktul Tt

l e i ^ U nt bere. Ife'i w cirer ^

. ? -H tre T o o -b iw . jou tbouibt t n r more iboul Wt pertlcuUr prop* , «

•o iltlonf -Tentund Ihe.doetor. . ’• T ber b id retebed \b* doctor'* “““I ; o r tn d Billle pX in before ih» n* .< ulied. *vfl

V “I h id a Ull«r from him dutini -4 tb»-m ocnln(.:^4b*.ttld ,_r9«htp( —

irotfd_^llke to reid it befere we

M Th* doctor took 11 with dlilittc. f ^ l - .■ u iiu n x e d up. Hilue; " retd l I « t j t t ^ *■ *B3eTt& o’clock on Thun* Tt

d i r B o m ln itl tbe nnnlelpil build* m n iL ? ln |. After th i l tn r pwtdU* for oem W ;tw o tb t l r w e tn think o f-o r w hit App( r ubout Ptrli, d irlln il mjere'U be t fai : '‘ truckful ot douih ceoilni when Fu ,w«*ie m tn lid ta d I cm t t t bold Uon• «of esoutb te fira w t m i l boocj* ilon

I omoon. UllU^ roa r a i t e mUi ' ^ tb e r t t l e lm a o r ' l t b iU btTi Jodi

^ ta eomi dowa ta d le* old. Boeki lowt . x tad tenttiUr u k for roar bind In OL

r s tirU ie . I meto tbU ta d I thinkJroaknow m - .■ Anein T ben w u 1 lot mere whlob tbe Dli Mdeetoriklpped ta d t l t b * tad • tnd '^piU U oa ot tba t tim t o f ' teelaf OUd s i z t i r . ' ' Dl

•^-'Otinn him.” o ld Ifftton, com* and . prebecitnlj. -m u rtd ij; t b u i in Lm .•‘ib reedw i. Whit ire joa foi#i to

• d a r . M m-1 do st know. I hoped - th il D ttt

'«om*tbinc would hippen tod ir.'

' ! « would ^

“Too'iet, U'l bird ter me-J' her i ^ Totoe trembled, t o hire to liinnl ■oma reawn-*ooe quite untore* Oom

■ teea m io o -w h r I ein 't m itrr m d ; S t n l r In tbree wetkt •‘I l w u I Ho wbe « m e tW miriTtn* I t one; «Bd-aow, to be the ona to back ^ outi*

-A ieua ln j' rou minlfd • Otin* ■ aock 'M im a M " I^ to n old . Alto “w htt would JOU do H tnd when Hit ba found oal who JOU w ertr

T d 40 Jurt whit H ell be winled a t to. DA Dlttppetr tnd fire b in }b*aHB»olTtt*lB*blm ieltof me

O riU rw llb him In i n j J L Mrt'iJt- O r-or^-TtJ

3 [ •T O flJrJ^ ld the dKlor.-Anj-mtm!pnU <« » Afi

l E D ^ R K le tttfd ij'i Ktw* VI , I 1. . ^ ________________ _ijJroon. r r e beea thlnkln* 1 a iljht . ‘•'li; » In lown ind lilk to him." ^l_^wouldn'l do tha k « i bit 'of

' 'No. 1 dW t bell«»B, If'would.- S'>

I moment. T tin^ -flw ’ w fi i t i r t ra lotnc to doJ" he bunt out. “Ifou don't m in r Bnon oh lliu n * LA IV. hell eome between jou tn d i Jnnnock t l once. A n d if jo u d o a trrr him, bow a n jou colnf te

'nd « i5 wUBblm for e r m t t a ' ” bortett fallible timet*, inille.rouied.bereelt-to.* .»««• »

'Unce of nutler^f.fictn tti. •“I c in l m irrr S i« U , of wan*.

^ 11. I t anr n te . is clear. Z m utl

lelp ma poatpone I t - a i 1 hoped ; ou mlihi IbU m om lnt-I ihiU betenuUr irtUfuL?...................................J'But.what tbout Broont- - rth ln k 1 ihiU biTo“ io - B ir r r '

tm -e trm n n d u rb n t-t’ ih iU - tr r =m t deapentelj b ird to mik* tome « o f-o f t b u n ln wllb him."Ib a r ttopped tn front of- Mn.

u t h o l ^ w i tn d IlilUe left him ^'tthoul.Xurther word._____________At homa Ljtton found t lelter

« a Dr. IluiieU, th* eja iped iU tt Ue te had Juit h id-tba pleuure of ra i « U a j Dr. Us»T Downlnj. who .■ u ntumln* to.B iltlm or* on — tu n d ir . Mo doubt. Dr. U tton ^ u awan tb it Downlnr w u t T n ldlh« ocuUit and h id ilreidj. Korded *oma extremelj n^etu* T nII experiment* tlo o |. new .U n a T n uaueli had tnlereat«d him' In Mr. innnock'i cue bu^ unfortunitelj,. would so t be poulble for Down* T n IS to tn re l down to SouthelUf. a iiS tiiU oi«viavU «'thirrn5W t* T n 11 be trr tn ied In Ne# Yorl;.“Or In BtlUmonl" exploded Ljl*

in.'-B j Ooone, H'I in Idett B ilU ' Lei l o n r iMIte tboutht ic iln .. 'to d f u t

l , .g ^ ^ ^ w h l m « t t l n t o t . t « m

(Copjrlsht. ino . b r ROJ Vlcken)

~<ContinuedmNaltauV) „ .T

— ---------- A”

’ro o ee d lm s-o f .lltB B o a r i l .

Of C ounly Com m issioners> — An

Twin m i l , Idibo, Lei August ]}. IKO,10:00 A. M. ■ An

nCQVLAR m y SESSION Lei The Board m il i t ’thU time, pur* An

uant to receu hentofore taken, all' Lei aemben and the Olerk prcttnt.' ' Alter tnnucU n t the nuUna bull- Lei

leu for the d ij , t receu w u tiken a r :nui 10:00 A. M. AufUlt IS. 1930.---------- M.'o.'W Ansrchiinntn.-T 1 5Uteil: AnHAIWV 0. PAB80H8..Ckrt Lei

Twin yaUi. Idiho. •


-Tb»Boatd|met-tlthli'tlme;i)ur* . u in l lo reoeuhentoton taken, aU Ln nemben tn d the aerk preient ^ -/fter.traauetla*lhorouU ae.buil. ' r le u /e r the d ir. t rtceu w u liken = intu 10:C0 A, M. Autuit IB. 19)p, „ '

U .0.V A R K ;0biinnin. ktteil:' • ,IIARRV 0. PAIIB0N8. Clerk. .

Twin rtUL Id iho ,. .----------- Aujutt I t 1»».-------- —


-The Botrd met a t thU time, pur- uant'to recea hentofor* taken. tU

A t S r t r S ^ * ^ h e 'iS u n e ^ i l

OtU 10:00* A. M.^AuSut ™ »M.*°M. 0.'WARB, Cbilrmin.

,tleit: . ,HABRY 0. PAR80N8, Clert

• Twln-FaUi, U ibo, ^ • A uiuit 1». IWO, .

' 1 0 : 0 0 M. 'BSQUtAR m r.SK SSIO N .

Tbe Botrd a e l a t thU time, pur- u n t to 'recttt bentofore Ukea.' iQ _ lemben tnd 'tba Clerk belnc prei* ^Bt.' I . . .- / • . ■ *0*After truuioU ns th* routine biul* J e u fo c tb ed a r .f ttM ettw u U k e n - A nUii0:Q 0A :u.'Auiutta0,'iN 0.: » »


UARB7.aPAIU0N8,Clcrk.' Atb

------------- T flnT *H rU il> o r“Aoiutt 90, ino . . . 10:00'A.M..

The Board met t l tbU time par* u n t to.reoeu beretofcn liken, tn T tamben tn d the Clerk pruen t tuu ppotnbnent ef Jndfca aad O e t^ all far Spedii Sehool IkcUea. pret Pum unt to the prortolou ot Sac* Cm on8ofCbtpter318ofth*iniBe** E onLtw>tb*BotrdofOeantrOoai« v-p lUtlonm a t t b U t l B * t p p o ^ poal idit* aad Clerkt of elecUoa u foi* b U

? lttr ic t No. U .B .J . Goodrich tn d ^ [rt, R. O. BuUor, Jod itt to d Ben mi< tundrupClerk. trldDUtrlcl Mo. 4, W. W. PuU b Jr. -Tl nd Wtt. MeCartr, -Judiet, tn d thlf Udji'UcBride, Clerk; . .' lym DUtrlcl No. » . .Walter . .UeCtb* NW }d Ur*.-A. L. B ^ JDd«u ta d Bed N otrd BndUaoa. Clerk. otDUtrlet No. 45. J. ? . BiIlTilla ta d ta d :arr c n j i , Judtei, and tfr i. a J. ih i; tTU. oUik. . irlmDUtrlet Nft 90. t . 7, Blvk aad of t n.~W tIt«r EtUacer Judiei ta d 4 b< ih n K ltk )n tn ,O l^ fcrth a ip * elil The ectkm to b* bald for tba purpote tfo.’ ehaadnt the boandirtei o f n ld aled bool dUtricti. the otder tor which for < eelleo w u recorded la Book « of Tl

No further builneu oualni before u { « Botrd t l tbU tlm^ t ne ctt « u DUt ken untaiO,-oo o'clock A. M. A u n it DUt, m • • ........ ,„ “ • TOte

•M .O .W A B *,Chifinia., rote Itetl: • •. . bouiHARRY C. PARSONS, Clerk. . boui

' * oun Twin Fini, Idabo; ' ef c A utoti 31. ino . poet,10:00 A.M. .. Tl

M OUtAB m Y SKSSIOK' . '- 'Xtai The Board 0*1 t t thU line, pur* B. > lint t f t t receu heretofore taken. tU p in emben tn d the CMrk preient . .o f*Aflcr tr»&itcUo|U»nutliM M r , ro<


t . l tT L 6

TIE TABLES }-B e b td a iu -o fP iu ta te r tttla iin d —) Uetw Bam* r u t ln i Tbreoib Twla FalU.' ' —. _ ORMON SaOBX UNB

Eutbeand IK tln S tle ite * ______:>8:e3P.M. 'T n ln IM leiveL----------- TM A. M.

WeitbodadT n ln U P. M. -T n ln l u leiTci ■ ■ — 3:13 P.M . ai

WELLS BBANCn.SoBlbbosnd -•

T n la m le ire tJ -___-1:30 P. M.. Nortbbeusd !—

Tnln-JtO i r r l ? e i= = 3 « - P . - M ; p,^ . PICKWICB STAOES ^01

Letva Eutbound______ 13:30 A. M.AxTlTe Irom-Eut..... .■.■■J:30 A. M. qaiArrlra trom Eut----------- # a j P. M.

Weitera Sebedal* . j-u;Leire.Wutbound___:___ 8J0 A. M. _Letve Weitbound—l .L-5:15 P. M. d e : Anlr«'tromW e»t;i-iiilO:OJA-M. - 7iArrin frem Weit--------- 13:01 A. IL 2nd

. UNION PACinC STAOES — . Wntbooad APJ

Amre— L - — .0:00 A. M. J ' T**>. - • •• u . rauiAni To- — — — P- “ • n o^ Eutbonnd .Anlre ___ ^ l l : M ' A . M.

Atrtw ,L-i3;D0'Midniti» P aLeire__________ t------- 1330 AM. u

BOISE LOCAL ■ llioLeire_______________ 1:30 P- M. OilA nlve_______ : ' • • .nfltlft P. M. —

TtTIN PALLS-BLtSS •Le>?f~: ------ . „1:0Q-a: m.Arme-----------------------^

Anlre____________13:00 MldnifmOmEB.STAaB LINES • • . K)1

. TWIN FALL8.W6LL8 jAnlte------------ :----------- l:l5 P .U . o flLttve.—---------------------3:80'P. U. m i


= = « l?- S 5 i= = S 5 S = a .'iJ ' . — oUx nciifor ttied a c tu wit liken untU 10:00 AufUlt. 33. IWO, ' i f i

M. 0. WARE. Chilrmin. cR< A lta i: , B

IttRRY 0. PARSOtJa. tnerk.

-------- Twin PiUi; Idaho. • n S■ AUfUll 33. 19M. • -

10:00 A. m ; d d. REOUlARJUi;.! SESSION. 'pi Tba Board met i t thU time, pur* tn»

lu in t to t receu ixretofon Uken. for aU-mambere-and-tha-Cletfc-pnunt, bul

•Atter trtnucUn? tha nwtlna bull* ho. neu for the dar. a receu w u taken 7 ^ untU 10:00 Auguit Ji. WO. A n

M.O.WAnE.Chtlnaan. J ] Atteit:' a t i

HARRY a PARSONS, Cleric.■ . . Wl)- Twin Palli. idibo. ««l

Ausuti 33. 1»)0, s s 10:00 A.M. . -

BEOULAB nJLY SESSION ^ The Botrd met at.thU time, pur* jbo'

lu in l to.* rtoeu bentofon Uken. twui lU o tm ben and th* Clirk preieot ehu

After trusictlng tha routla* butl* Lap HM tor-tha d ir . t receu w u Uken , ai ontu io:oo,Aaiuit 33, im . au ,

U.' 0. WARS, Cbilrmia. » kAtUat:........................... an :. HARRY a PARSOtn, Clerk. pup.. - ------------------

Twin n n t . Idaho, f in .. Ausutl 33. in o , BM

......1 0 :0 0 A.M. DUtBEGULAB m Y BESStON te»

Tb* Boetd n u t a t tbU time pur* n in t- to t reeeulteretorore taken.111 memben tnd the cUrii belns ,v^' ureient P>*CaanM .ef Vete* •{ SpecUl Scheel

. P u n u ta l la - BoUeet bentofon »oated tped tl *chool elecUont wan AM u id la Um foUowlnc dUtrieU. Sit* ird ir . AncnH'33.'19N. to dcdde vbetber or not certain chinget be - Bid* ta tbe boundtrUt of u id dU* < irlcu:•Ttutportloo of BeeUon U, Town* PI

Ihlp U Boatb. B ioie 11 & B. »L *Un jrinj wett of R edoreek , tnd the w tr fWU u d W«1 NEU ot e n t McUoa IS, .Towniblp ll . South a P. a Rtace , 11- £ B. M . t u t u d Uu portion of SecUon 7. Town* beln Ihlp 11 BouUi. Rince IB E. B. M. u « rln* wett e f Rock Cnek tnd aouUj opm >f toe low Une eisal of DUtrlet No.I be m id e 't p tri'o f DUlricl No. 33. A m e eiBTau of toe Totei In DUUUt Uia «o. 4 aad DUUlct No.» ihowed boto peU ilecUont canted br'iminlmout rote, tad 'or tha chtnta trouUlned above.

Tba8»SB!4otSectloal3.Town- U hip 11 Boutt) of R tn te l< E. B. M. rice lad Use Btt of SeeUon 18. Townihlp _ I SouU>.o( lla im 4T E. B. M.'Of — ' JUtrtcl H o .. |O b e ja id B tp ir t ,o f . JUtttel 'No;. 39.. The c an n u of -otee la DUWel No. 30. ahowed 80 *— ’Ote* cu t-'ac tbu t toe c h u te ' In ' >oundirT“in d S tor Ihe'cbint* of , , wundirr. In DUlflel NO. 33. toa MTU* of wtee Ihowed H.In fiTor K If chiar* la beusdiriu tnd S op* dm need. ^Propoitd cbange dafeited. . UtH T b t W«U B tlf .'of SeeUon 1». deet

Etnraihlp.'U Booth of Rince 17 E. pen t H ervSWriet'iro.'4S be mid* « *ald ianefD lim ot3(9.8J. T h e e in n u toe if vote* la DUMcl Ko. t i Ihowed 10 motr o U t 'i^ . ta A m m to* c b io ii .of toU



c h e w ;;



AUWinlAditUTatodtcUT«.ti>d ^ -U ie j brim Um barer, ' r r r

Fo7SalB=FfuiirVegellbIe!f CTAUAN " P RD M S 5*.O R O H aS berb

tun. UM buihel. Wi Sto Norih.' _ ^CASDAOB I ’io S.MILES BOOTH

» wetl of CuUeford. L onnH a* r . haeUiott nnctL : ' __ __ —

DELICIOUS APPLSS POR SALE 7}c bushel-brlni'.coaUlneti,-W j iu ,

2nd Ave, Weiti'Phona 1883. .■ ^

APPLES. DEUCIOUS. BANANAi . ]U) Jonatoin, brlnf contalntn, K «,-hii

mUe touto of Klmberlj. Shimbtuth . ^ui;

ROME BEAUTY APPUM 10 BAs" ketsfor$3X0brtnieontilners..lL

J. nitiert. 1 mUa North tnd I E u t bull.Wuhington Sehool,_____________ ^

POTATOES AND APPLES • POR u le I t rtduKd {irlefi. t l SOS Sho* >.<

ilioneSUS.tcroetframConUnentil '-,«<]Oil Co. Coonnd Broe. _________ j»jn,

r o n SALE-DELICIOUS WIND* ^ fitbi. M cenU-box. Oood gndo. -

culU3ScenU. Je in D ir. One.mUe t - norili tnd hilf mlU cu rof'K lm * berly. —~POR SALE-CABBAOE. l-A tre ao a*

3 mllei e u t,'H wuth. tnd W e u l ofTwln.PtUi.QrleiveordenttSM ^ n A r ^ ,8 9 , \^ |n ; . im ; : r 5 « t , ^

DELICIOUS APPLES BUSHEL 3<C,3 tor tl.OO. brine containers have

otoer veseUblu and fruit. Reaion* ablr priead. 3t0 7to Nortb. Phono1374J. _____________ S SCHOICE DEUCIOUS APPLES llW ™

per buther; ttcond grade tlM , euUt JJc. Stijmen.WlneMp TSo per' butbeL Brini eontalnen. Kenjon

--------------------DELICi0U8:J0NATHAN8.PEAB8, TOE

' ^ c i . ind elder, bj toa pound or' o- « truck kadi g liu or b u re l Youn ”

^ U J t t i c a 4 t i l l n « ^ herir ^ ^

M>rijE8 FOR SALE-YOUR WIN: t 6 appUt a n now n a d r for jpu

atE.UWon*eotf*Orchard. 3mlle* I— t u t U iouto of Twin P tU iaa high- = w u, AU*iri(UeiattoUUme.Coma earlj and get jour choice.

M indiriji ta d B oppoaed. in DU* . Irict No. 39, toe canvau of votei toowtd IS In fivor ot chinge In , twundiriei ind 9 opposed.- Propoied r u i thingecirried. - ' , • e 6[wUpaed DUtrict Dldg

Accordlng'to Sectlon'31. Chipter PiUi 118, Uw* of 1931. BUta' of Idiho, fln t I tchool dUtrict ihiU U pte If 11 h u o tto in tversge tltendince ot ealr fire Dt

lin n toe Boird b j Superintendent note J. WUton Uut Common School m n DUtrict No. 38 h id t n treraca it* Atloi lendince of leu tom 'ftre puplU Retblurin* the tchool jeirl#3j.l030 DU. ___Iricl No. 38 decUnd Upied. -----

No further butlneu coming befon NO Ihe Boird i l toU tlm e.t receu w u Mken unUl 10:00.A . 'l l Auguil st,I9M. > ..............


HARRY g . PARSONS, Clert(To Be ConUnued) eot


kUnfon 30.40andS0m eU n,ihort t t r e lUUoa WICLN U being op- sated nlghUj excetrt Sunder fromI P .M . to 13:10 A.M. (EST). TheiUtloa.U owned br O e» t ^ U ^ King uted In tube cxpertmenttUon k* wen u ceaertl thort wave derel*'P n « t writ. onto

A l i v on m U hit.baen liartM b j Iba OkUhomt gime commUtlon. toa Deu bebsg held a mtnice to blrdt Ud toe beiUh ot.cbUdnn.

L ooU UnahuneirlrhaUtoatoU l ___rice acrtiga In toe UnlUd SUte*. _

Ugal Advertisements---------------- - c — oi Uji r o n c i i o a i n i i i o M m «

ElUteeC R er Kemp. Dtctued. ' (o r lKoUet U b t r ^ glvtn br toe ua* ttock

SeUgaed I d a t M tr Kemp, Admin- edgiM Titrix«fUseetUteofRorSemp. UoaUeeued, to toe endlton of tnd tU tdottpenenihtTlnff.clilm* *giln*l th« Aidtald deceaKd,. to exhUill toem wlto OootIbe’neeu ttrr TDueh*n,.wltoln:iU . Pn3wnU>*.tfUr to»fimpubUeaUoaof Uelr;bU.oolk»»'t«|b*MidAdmliiUUtt> ' 'H i

lEWS, T W ni'F A L lS , IDAHOl

iO ? ^ S T J )L - E - T : :H :E -

■ds-BargFor Ssle MlsceUaneouj,

IROP HEAD smOER, I8.00.~COT* ROO Uge33CltjAut0Ctmp. J n i

■RESH PBEDINO BUTTERMILS. FRO le per gaUon; BwUtdrOo.' pr>

OR SALE-13 OUAOS BROWN* POR Ing Automatic fuU choke. ezceUent me

hipe. 637RU. ' ^-OR SALS-A POTATO SORTER, 0e

1 mile north and i n e u t Of Klni' N. 'Iitrly. Beiaer PUte.------- . ' ...kPPLE BOXES AND BAStttTS-^ ed See J. W. Hirdln, JCImberlj. or J. m n t

L Hinlln. Twtn PaU t........WO nSCT BODIES A-I SHAPE. - ha Pbcna 41U or tee totm t l 18S quin

liB ige8t.-8outoPirt-r^=— r : r...■ ................. FORIULB8 POR SALS-'&1AD0KNA en Ullj, mUed tullpi, peonie, (red. a'ven'

,-hlte. plnkl prioes iltwcOve. K. t “ Jusseri PUtr. ROO

. , fdt -OR SALB OR RENT -* WARE* fern houuonnllre td innue. Uted c tr ^

luUdlng on Main Avt, Norto, Mn.^ S s

-ORSALE-ABOUTIOOTONSAL* Italfi f a ir ih u .ltltn d S n d ittc k ed S rd ^

uUlng nov sUcklng .cut ilnca toe tin . 8. w . Meeker. lUnien;

■OR BALE-FARMALL TRACTOR triet. in gMd-eondltlpn. used one*reirr 1170! mlla e u t 8^ touto of Klmbei^,

JonndMi|el,Jr,Rout«3;Klmberir; OAfJ

[BBrS**FOR SAL8 BY B J. fsml Ra'jeh, gcod-lor tU ttomteo, Ud*. new,

eri bowel Uver tnd blBod troubUi. Popu t in t* Point tton . Blu* U k u iton. oiul t 'w teF aU ild iba • . JJJJ

DB'> SALE-WIND SlflELD At<D ^ ed door gUu. Auto tops tnd curtain houu

. npalr, canvu tnd u n v u npilr- roon iig,:ThomeU Top m d Dodj Worta, A JJack.of DanceUnd.________ -T ~B B IDAlra SALES COMPANY locaUd a t Klmberlj. Idihe, h u a u a c

uU Une of field teg t ind Bnndad iigs t l t REAL BAVma InvuU* atOl Ite befor* BUYINO. We t n al- Art.. ran in toe m a r i c e t for-pota*. — « E a TeUphona No. 1, Klmberlr; ORF I. SUInberg, manager. . ' Pei ■■ -F -i" -------aad

OiOoioH-BAYJOR BMfe»lBT ^' Snd aad 9rd cutting In A-1 eon- a t dlUon 113.10 per ton. Phooe1378Mmnlnss. (M l

------------— BEA

■’ For Rent—Farms 3jc_ • • ' _______ ’n - n - — Ext*

■ARMS FOR RENT-P. K. RICE. One ooodlng. Route 1, ' —

Lx a t toe law o'tflcu ot Prank L. ^ itephan. Twin PilU Bank ds Truit ildg. Twin FtlU, countr ot Twin 'iUt,6Uto or Idiho,'thU being toa ^ Int pUde fUed for toe tnnucUon ttoeb o ilneM ofiildaU te.Dated Septembtf S0to,.1930. '

EDNA MAY KEMP. PU I — A dm inUUiUtt-of-tot-tiUle - T r

•o fE « rK em p .d»eeuel - -

“ S»Id lnf atTwlaFtU*;MBbo. , ^


1 toa DUtrict court ot toe Elennto 'JudlcUl DUtrict of toa SUto ot ^ JdibolnandforTwlnPaUiOoun*

olio Pajetto Lumber COBpinj, t corportUoo, PUlnUff ,

, B. Poring ta d Horteat* Pentae, ^ j hutband u a wife, DetendinU. ^ ' N oU e«Ub*nbj(lventoitonOe* ^r a a s M s sjurtlntoetboreenU UedteU oiu^ “ j g tchlng toe ptoperlr of toa tbon u n ^ 'd e fe iS is t for toe turn of ^M i n .In Wltneu Wbenof, I hive he n . **£ ato le l m r hind and toe aetl ot ^ lU C o r t toU ITto d ir of October,

HARRY 0. PARSONB..SEALV Qerk of toe Dlitriet Court.


T if toe BUt« of Idaho, a t toe otfM toe t f to* CommUtloner ot PubUe Wort* bond flUe.ldaho.unUllwo(3)o'ekxkP. '11 L oa toe »U i dar of oetober. WO. ilpae V toe^tsraUhtnc em bed g n n i tn iKi'J W kpn«'»B d«urfa^g wlto crab* geM dgrarelpertiaaiofUMlSmlleaec* wtU- ea aertb of Rogenon on toa Saw* Uvei M h P u t B lfhw v. known u BUU' on.' Id Projaet W -B. la Twla FlUi -;Di

ProponUWlUba opened and,jiu^ elr raid t l Uu tbov* hour.■Rini, ipectnatlgii. fern* of eeo«


B ^ G R ^ :A T £ ^ M :0 J S _ U _

A.Guiai* , 1

=s=^==sss!=s= jj, ■ , J

S a i ^ s = 0ForR$nl—Fumlshid ■ _ f

OOM AND BOARD ^ S E IN.'SIS FORadAve.N. ___________

RONT BEDROOM GENTLEMEN FOR- pntarrtd. 3 « 3rd Ave. North. mii

OR RENT-NK^OEAN APART- FOR mentiulublafortwo.PiMaallMW IH

5s:s5i:5is&5i5:sbi.; S sOentlemen pnferred. 353 3rd tre. ^ . Phone 3MJ, - .F O R 3B B E N M -B 00M FURNISH- ed 'apinm ent' Bungalow.Apirt*mta. ted tre . e u t j.N .

OR RENT-TWO; ROOMS FORhoiuekttplnr. Close la Cheap. In* t t tj ln al 318 3rd Souto. uade

OR RENT^BEDRMM d T U O ^ em nome. AUo giragt. 304 Eljhm rtnua e u t Phene MSW.OOM FOR R E N T - S U m m i Unafor two lidlce. B n tk fu l if pn* P tfJ:md, 4*3 Main W u t Phona 1019. 9 ^ nURNISHED A P A R T M E N T - ^hree roomed, new.-Sept f l n t l n * ' vldutl tMrtfflenU. (Children) NoilntocU m b. P b o n e m .■ j ~ -

,00M AND HOARD FOR TWO; Horumice b u t. plentr hot witer; —ingebui 'homa. ne ir buiUieu du- WAN'U t 310 3rd are. ao rto .' PhoB« Cm

•' ' ~ MRSAUFORNIA-BOSTON-APAR^ -tU imenu, tUam b u t , aleotrieooeklBC, r r r imUbed, no lU ln to climb. AU.JW. one block nertb of Pott Olflee, ^

ulArt.N9rU». • .

ONO’S AZ>-S-Ri30U pu iunsB * ^ cd houie 160; troom fumUhed o rv m e (80! tuiubla.for m oinin: 0>. ton fumUhed boute t80. Phone BC3. m ii, ■ N .L onf.' • . _

[ADAM DELMAR - CLAIRVOY- rei ant and MenUl Sdence. ReidUigt,' u d nUa e n P tld a jiS P .f tL S S iM iln anUi rt,-»orth. . , . ‘‘ESRPREDM 'BHOP AND SCHOOL EPF Penninenl tpeclU MiO, U im lU _*K Ml chUdrenI hair cuU free-*tud* prew aUwjMted.' Pbone 337. *on

apMicItU (Oe,-br experienced openW .' Newi H »Wi Vortb, Phone 403 ; ■ ‘ . =

EAUTY PARLOR. B O mEdan. .Finger wiTM 60c. H tu cut —lc Perminent Ware* M « . Tho ONBxctlcU ProducU are'handled aUo. to— n

. , Help Wanted ! .W n E M W ro K c k E R T sU O T l^ipers. - Tom Whllwortb, Msr*

. . Miscellaneous ...L uJoFO R ’R E irfO R ' SA Ii^M . 'P.'M lUttck.-P^e-HoteL----------

tATniESffDIREOTlPROMPAO. ■ pe: t « r to rou or roar old ona mtde Fbot n m ^ w e e t'* M tU re u F a c to r r .

- . , , — II. ■ ' s s rich

act, propocal fonnt and otoer In*nntUon mar be obUlned a t toe LOS-tu e ef toe BDTMu of Hlgbwui, i j iaU e,ldiho.tndfraaA .LW eiT er, im ilItblel Engineer. Shoihone, Idiho^ wtrd)d tra en fUe fcr eximimtlOB t t siagi« office Of toe Auoclated O eaenl -ootneton, Sail tak e c itr , UUb. n RA ehtrge of Two.DoUin (|3A)> ■itiIU be mtde fer each eet of pUna (UerId tpteUletUooi. P irm enl t ^ one<tde br eheck ptrib ie to tb* De* *d o:>riaeslofPubU oV arkt.B U U of t h iIthe, 68JZA U pnpen lim u ilbem tdeoatoa —~ im t tonU htd, tnd mutt b t llgntdr toe bidder, wlto bU ntme tnd _Mtoffloe tddreu. K iaIbe tight U reterred to n ie c t tn «ropeitU, or to iccept to< propool m i

NoptopoMlwUlbteontldcredoB* C u tocompinUd br aa toeefiUble \ ropoul'O tttru tr. ia tn tmount l u l to fire per eeat (8«) of toe lUI tmooBt’of toe PropcetL H iU B u tn tr o i r be ta form .of, (D • o r ishi<b)tcertU ladcheekdrtw noa w»ka htWfc ptr*W* ifl

» Ocmmtoloner; or (o) t U ddn^ FOR ind. ' : .»U11U to* popote of toe Oonunit* Phot ooer to buUd toa IraproTemeat in — U ihottoit - Utte ronilrtent wlto ,— Md c«aiUaeUoDi.and oompkte tad «U-dc*S|ned equlpme&l tn d e f f ^veonantaUonwUlbeUuUUdDp^ /

' 'B tDated October IB. i m ; ' . .' . R.B.6H0E1IASSR,-. .. r . ' : Offlot Bnilneer.:- -^a ro .-w o o D , : . **

-PuHlfl .y a r t. . * - s

d O B E B 22, 1930

U I. D I A M O N D ? - ^

■ [ @ 1 .


w w am iii jnS

m•pportuforSale—Beal Estate

iR SAlV s r o o m M ODERN hloute. Pbone 83IR or 441

IR-SALE-40 ACRES ON PAVE*m a t else* In. Phone 87Wlr___ ,

>R SALfr^MY 14 ACRE 'TRACT IHmUii from cenUr of town. New ^ uw good j u l i wlldlnw. PhonO___

)B '.S A I* * ^ ACRE8 WATERs’ — rPforto tad e u t «10 per te n In- ___idlng ttock ind equipment. WUI a u . te c l(« ^ |ie r tru d o w a p irm e n t .•

)R 8ALE-1V.4 ACRES^ M H A ^Hit-Of .Ooodlng on oiled toad, J z ider.Americaa FalU dim. Aboul a ( niie»ofth*epfene«ra.tootfl'h«ai*; ~ ilI,wlndmUI,ttong*Unk,conento IOB iter trough, concnte gnaarr, 3000 an L apieltr.A U ln;aUatftlnM oa* r = : aa wblto btan dlitrU t Prtee IW £_ten, IMOOO down, (ena i.ln*J n further a a Heu,. Ooodlng, •—aho. P. O. Box 6W. ., ^

"sitOatloiispnteii' ZATERNITY N U R B IN O . MAS - Cl Uenon. Pbo'oe 1499. . Ib li

ANTED SEWINO. PHONE 1473^, BAI Boat lining a ipecitllr. HiftS. EMMA'OAMMKIER. PRAO* »;U tlj iu n * ,.P b o a e .im w ..-; i^ i-___

)BAaOODMATERMI7YNURBE ADI pbena 637R1, Mn. E m a t B m tL Pc


g a r p b M ^ '^ -jrEADY, SOBER, RELUBLBMn>< in , dla iga mtn, wanu woric In'Twia — lUi, PUtr or BuhL Permiaent VNMt declnd. p , 0 , Box M, Twin AiJU. ■ . •• •■ • ^ UtPENTERma,BDILDmOAND FA rem odeUngofillUndi.'C ibtntU - -Id buUt Int. Worimanihlp guiN F, A lUed. BuitoeuPhon*86M. Retli -‘ tatnce.984W, • • ... ■ « «

PnOIENT Ain> DEPEMOABIC tUnoftapher ta d bookketper. t t taenl emplored, on Umpoctrr ^ »kwUhe«penntnettVpoilUao,Un .J * ! in u p e r iia e e m le ttt le , l i« tn d (e a u a ^ m ttC T R M e iw e irw r spolnlmuit writo'Bqs'IOO, Card ^ IW I. ■ ' . ■ ' ■ • • W

ForSalflorTtatle' ’ i’ ?SNB TON W r D . raU O K fO R VO POrdCoupe- 383atoEul>.. ,

SMALL HAY CHOPPER ' FOR '* ^ tale or Ulde. Phona 608R33. “ O'

FoTsale-Dpgs S T a u z ^ m o b m t o h 'b u l l .: t*TeTriir~'ScrawtaU^-Papi..Phone np i

- L o s t v : ;DST-SCHAEFPBl FOUNTA^ .iff*pea a t R. a Fridar. Reward. triUMca B18R1.1. ' . ■ , WUl38T - BETWEEN ' EIMBERLY , and E H. WeUen, 30 br 0 Oood*to BUrtrtown truck U n and rlm; • ,sinrd. C.V. Jonea. Phoaa 3S1R14. CE

)8T-D1AM0ND RINO-NEAR* ^lriCintpUUnua**HJng. Twelro WAuU dumondt. in nounUng. '-Re* .: <>ird. Phona 373 d tjt ,.1 6 n ere* ^

* :THrRAYED OR BXOLSN-B CALVES ^=T detcripUon u foUowt: 3 HeUUIa '^ 2 eer e J ru . 4 HoUUla heifer eUrea; leQuemierheUer.OalroBebrand* .^ a 1 on lell hip.- J . H. and wearinf ■. jj hilUr, E , J ,8 u n t Pbooe'FUet, „ J3. ■ vrin

Wanted tp Ren! “rCB JA P A in ^ rARUER BOY 0 0w tn U to ren toa ib tm tbost30 to Tr S e ” raoae WSR4, 7 o'clock ' -atnlngorartnlng. ■ - ™

A R A O E FO R "B inn> -raorai^

3TAT0 SrORAOE - BAOON.’i ^ OmUr. 3B3 Bto Are. souto. Pbene ~«.SinFtU i.___^^_____. . • . .D R R E N llA P P L B A K O roT ^ fOi

. . IJC. •F O B M O T -.;-^ '.. ' ^

A m l loctUoB i jm la co Mtln (ee, I t I f i o u in 'to t« i t t« l , i i* » » : «N


' J.. . - ' l l . , t


I ts fl

irn iies

■ i l— — ■Pnifealonal"

ATTOBNEYB-: ■ ■ • ‘

gHADllODOIN, -Roomi'4 Sad K uinktndTm tBuU dlae. Phonafl. r

IV, L. ODNN-Roomi 9 ta d 4 Smlto -RtcrBulldlng. ■ ■

IOBN W.'ORAnAUr-Uwjer. Bank r and TnMt puUdlnc.; Pbont 938*W.

IWtSLKV A SWEEIEY >UW offlcti '. MOermta BuUdtog.’ . .

■ Business -PLUMBING' .

DOME PLUMBINO * nEAIOlO ! "• CO;-6how-Room aad'ebopi; 138. a i r d w t , Phoae,90.

BALLANTYNE FbU M B IN O * H aU nt Ce...aht*t tfaUI Werfct..'

rarJuaUnt.troubUa. pboa»ai*W.i— -

P q U B A N O B : - . . - . . . : , '^ .

iufo"« s i i i ^ l » ^ ‘ e e f v ^ PoU efR ealE tm »..P boaa«l .

m 5 m o^ n )(»^nrrSn i^ ' AOE vood, a o m v>

m aV BOlSXBANBFIB'* B T (liI ' v A Q B - .O u ta « « 'h td M '-d tU r .'. * '

F A n r m a a n d X A iB o m m ra : r : .

r , AvBOWAN-MhiUai,'PBpeth*ai*. ... ..vtn|.aad:ktliealDiBr.-;B l'e tiim . . >>'. MttPbbn*.I34W.-.;>.'(.^^i<'.'.". . v


mS u m y S i i i i a ^ :

---------------------r r

F A ^ L O U IW W m 'dI CO ' ^ i . 'MONEY TO L O AN -PO m B BCAL . » W t t t ; ; - ' i

2nNEIEEN:.YEAR F B D B R A b*: Leiai,6U%. See or tdtpbont ^

:W.McDowell. ■>MONEY -FOR snUIOBT^LOARB ‘ : ;o a modem houte* to Twta'FtUi., -


OURISN YEAR FARM LOAN OF- ! I tn Ibe belt of inureit n u t t n i ' repirmiat privltegei N o e u b r a i ^ :— mUtfoa.. LeUcb'ift'WUUimt'./

I AM OFFERINO A VERY CBIAP . ta d d u in b t t t i r a io ta '. t t t la k . ' to t'.»» pfliuiaijm ..: iffend na to* Twta FtlU tn e f ' I t; wiUpajroo^te*m *befOT»pUetat.. mur Iota 0 A Rnf.nw*: ' V -.

Wanted-Miscellaneous' VCHAa UNDERWOOD POULTRY' V: .' ’.l.bajtr, phone 7tSlm btrlj.- WANTED-POULTnv i f c BUtrt* j e r Pboae'saiW ,

WANTZO - CORtfBTALS;:CUT-/^'.'.u r . . Phona B06R3.; •

WAJrrED-SMALL'~Pza& A . 0 - . ' / - M m . Weitpolnt flr«ad^ Um ■ ... <1

WAtnED-PARTtfER IR CHW*-*' 'ehUUnbbllbuilaaii.:FhoBal468J'^:' ' .

e r U i a - See toem.'. IK E u t o i ’ , E tobertrroad.. - ^

GOLD SEAL R U O S ^ tU B A. Weet 'Sweet'k• ^

FOR ML^UNIVERSAL O i m <,'< >V_■ tad C^t.VW rtlJuFbCM ^SBV^^A^^ ^ ’s ja B ^ 'O B ^ i tA T iT O

LATOTO l lA to i O t i lC r n B r o i i

. pa fosevcn^- 5-c

f l H E i FiE»Pi[FI

^ Council C om pletes Sale of .

; R olunding' Issuo to E lfec t .

S av ing In in te re s t Bill

— r - ^ n i f t o w e r T a i f t e t s s m c n t - -

---------- T»Jn F*lUtiry'eounciUi*n »d- -joumt<tmFeUnB]Y<Uri!«yKaiple(<(l "i netoUiUon o( u le o( t 2M,000 rc* i

, . . (undbB bond* to the Ctnlret -puil . Mmpcnr. SAll U ks Cltjr, «l Inttrul n t u .cxptelcd to.reduce the clt;'*

’ lnt«rut bill b; about tmoo a yttr, to d under lueh eondltlou Ibit (he ~~

-------d t r t aliiUflt fund t « lery u irb ertducfti tmmrtUUlr to' #ppn«;* Ml m tU ly lOm Utlrom Uib p r f « n t jj]

Council MoeptMl Ceninl Tnut ecnptar'M otler lor niunaing bondt o( three fflaiuilllti. the llrit amount*Ins lo IM.OOO, lo bear 4U per cent

. intereii: theiecond.tolallnslST.OOO. lobe«r<H percentlnterrit,indthe . Uilr^ totallnt lU.OOO. lo beir 4K Ui per cent Interut.

niAie rerufld/nr bend* rfU be Usu* ed In exchante for'SU md 0 per

. cent bo»£i In the toUl aum of $U0.- 000, luued lo 1U9 and IRO (or «e«er, brldce. paving and ttre department equipment.

- Conpletet Waterworiu Dnr p Co;:ncU decided jreaterdi; to luue ■>,.

tx e m nSmilsg bondf InMeod ot Ult,SDOiaat(latconteRiplited,and

— to .uie.atnklns^und_ba!um juuL „i.i proceedi o( Ihla year’i ta i lery (or n i »lnUnj(und to redeem ill ouUtand. * ln ( bonds o( the M0,000 vtterwort;> purehate luue o( ISlt,

With Uie compleUon ot yutir> ?:'* day;* iranuctlon. Twta Fito Jio» l iu taUiercd Into.two i tr lu ot re- .ri*

, /. (undlag-bondi bearing low tate'reil ™ ra tu , all ot Uw clty'a ouUtandlng ' gtneral-obllgitlon debt, ih e (lm In l te rlu luued two ysam ago w u In exchange (or the orlglnil tl7S;D09 Uie nt«nrerkilsipR»vmn)(bondt,and o( Uiat (c tlu . Uiere temalna mne Tra tUTMO to be paid. Mia

Under the amorUxatlon plan Uiat Ou . appUes to bsUi u r I u or Twin FalU The.

boadi, ptymenu will be ipread over 30«7ear pcH^. and tevki o( eren ^ amount are to be made each year tor

. Uiat purpooe.' P ln f payment* wilt A bom adeonUienewierluiwoyfar* «ch( hence,andU)etolaldebtvlllbewlp-' liv­ed out 18 yetrs Uter. Her

Ceminuda Beeonl Frice ^ Ttie bid U ul eouncll accepted y ^ i»°'


. higher than any bid (or almllar bond* 7 P.- In thil territory' (or more Uitn 30

. 'year*, and waa made poalble by (an- J - f orable emidlUona exbllns In Uie

------ pretent-bond market, o( whlch UiecouneU endearored to ttke adnmt*

■ age. ■ . ■Six bond-houtta participated In

bidding (or Urt bonda. - ^'O o u ie b u lt otoompuuUoa made

\ by Ouy Erint, tcpretenUUTa ot UieCenlnaTruiteompany,aiO<mUlleTy___*U1 be luttleleol In Um (uUire to . meet Twin Falla alnklng (und re^

“ QulrenealJ./orpaymeotodbecliy'i prttent ouUtandlng debt. A ISK- mill lery (or alnUng (uod wat made this year. ■ • . ' .

BEANsliELDm ToN u .. KIMBERLY ROAD'TRACT ■Axrata beant, a new white variety . I

■' —Tecent l r l n tioducrtHn-OouUrldahor “ ■yielded Ul averase ot U buthelt and ■tlx poundt an acre oa a tlx>aere ■tract, (or L O. Miller, grower 'on ■Kimberly n»d, he reported yaler- ■

• day erening. • , . ^ . • An arerage ot 43U buihelt w u

'• produced on h it enUra (leld ot M il . . . acrei, ha tUled.-.•The crop, to be told (or t e ^ pur>

• ■ poie*. will bring (rom 7 to g cenU apound.'"

A Q u a l i t y ■■

^ I n s i s t

U p o n J f Y o t i K n e w

C " A l l o f

t h e F a c t s

loves.Cem pw .ip^a/ulgf Sdiiling Omni Qeva wilh wy o4htt. Tli* diflercwt!im*tktd.&hnili>gUi<I.,kbn»aia .celsr. The oihcr nili be a red er ytl* lo - brown. Schilling ii to lich »i(h ftl iJui Ihf liay eling toetihet

' ia eleii. The olhtr wiU loot dry aad tocae. Moit gtsuad cIovt> '«esi« ia a' lifur-lop (ia. But Schilling'i It p chd b. a tin with I U(fc openlag.. it ii to htavy wilh (ngnni oH ihtt It will oot thdu tbrosih I lifitt.

F ac t N e . 33.. schilling Umoa Et.tnct' coaiaioi 1 litnet the tiDODat ef luDoa oil repaired by ibe Uaiicd Suin

' Genramoit Pore F e ^ Dtptrtmeat—) llflw u mixh— iBd »or» th u meii aoy et&er yea e u boy. Thi( h why [t goa' fuUter— why il Imputi'a tichtr to o a fliTor. t : — :— ‘ .

Schilling‘ ' ' » T b e f e 't r e 41 o tjie r .fic ti

'' e q u iU y . i l lu m i a i ' t i a g a b o n t

T n - * ,* B ik io « P o W < ! a '« '4 2

Pape Elffht

WiilieWillis 'By ttOOEUI QUUXEN

:"I'wai celn'lo play o m >t POX'! all

kllemeenK hll tnolher hadn't op* ^ enrd ihe kltehen door u flulck whfn I w u leamln' liltn lo Je«le “

- • SI

l i l l L ln p m i s* ‘ he]More Than ‘300 Members jsto

of-Magfo Vaffey-Gir/jpel Reserves Will Convene

Plant aro nearing completion tor 2 'i Uie (all contcrencc ot the Olrl Be- tenet of tiie Migte valley dliWct , * next Salurday, It waa stated lu l night-by Mlta C lan Ungeland. Olrl Reserve secretary, lor Uie dlstrtcL

AtotfllotlTOglrlilromoutollown have already registered and the tolal attendance will.extent 300. MUi >'» UnteUfld M M .'.R na] reglttnUwi *hi vlll begin Saturday, a t S A. M. In < Jie high Khool'llbrary. . ^

The prDgnm.itaxts'at 10 A. M. ^ n the audllotlum.' Miss Oenevlevg Klcholton, Flier, vIm presldtni ot ihe district airrReserres will pre*Ilde. A dlscuulon on -Chariublo rralts-’ wUlbelcd.byUUiLolsRudy, TII Mlu Annelto'Jaeobtoa. MUt RuUi M[ 3arllnjr,'UU3 Agnu'Schubert, Mist rhebna ToUeftoo, Mist Pearl Cord* . lay, Miss Harriet .‘nirockmortoiL , tflu Helen Flack, Mitt LUlloa Keu* .. cr and Mrs. Ava Oamet. ' A/rtendstifptuncftfonktUieWgb ■

ehOQt will close the morning meet* ' ng. *nie girls are given- Uie prir* »hli lege of alUndlng tjia Bolse*Twln 'alls fooUiall gune ta the alter- won; 11111The annuU district banquet will nlm

4-liikl-at Uie-ChrUUan chureh-at htrt P. M. r a e program will bo buUt eu

round Uie Uieme -Dream Castles." Judj . 0 . Penney, New Votk, founder ot or i titf J. 0. Penney eompany, will be . Tl » principal tpeaktr. . Johi Church serrlces wUl be luld a t Uis and

lis t Presbyterian church. Bet. o f l ames UlUar, putor, dellrtrlitg (he Btoe ermon a t u A. M., Sunday. VlslUng repo ;elegale» are. urgtd to allend Uie erin lundty tchooU In rariout churches, brul


- la tbe nortli centage of go!i gnov. aod hea\

' fttt.p;trentativi’ in land foodt h:' KCtlon sufferin

iodine and relie . sea where the ti

food. Whac h kelp which cor

^ ■ 1 . aj contruted t( an article of evi

Kelpin suppli can ammilati

. of bread aod ma other de ciency

I. h b ' 240 M aj:

'l i lB iF n SEEKSflEli »

- M M I L - s

)*oltce .Cheok-:Up.-Explodes n Riley's Bank Robbery Sto- * ry,-But Confirms Red-"

^aH )fTerlm inal—Rccord §

Police ottlccrs here Iu t erening n e>;prem'd'bellef tliit'Clyde'WinUni yj tUley, 31, h u a hidden motire (or t wanting to be eontlned In Jill here, ih and UKy tadlcated opinion Uiat he may be aeeklng protecUon (rom (or* mer crtmlnal assocUto. > Ti

RUey gave himself up to Uie poaoe M here Monday, wiUi Uie autement er UiathewuwanUdforrobberyofan In AstorU, IlltaoU. bsnk In July, in t . " ~ T B ir« oiy a u pimeirgroittdleaa ■-* yesterday when IlltaoU auUiorlUct. C( replying to. Inqttlry. odrised (i«C ^ Uiere had been no robbery ot Uio A#* lorU bank. «»

OUier advloea rtcelved by offltcra ” here during Uie day confirmed lUley'a story ot his criminal record. .

!{e tened a term iti Uie K tntas « penUentiary Uu( expired tu t A'prlt ^ 0. (or (ourth degree atson. RUey told ps oltleeraherehewaacQnvleledlnlllSi da 'of burning Uis Norton county, Kan* *' sar, oourUiouu )n (uiniiment ot hU ■ i csnirwt to destroy liquor held Uiere ^ oa evidence. .

Earlirr In his csrreif nDt;' servrit a hJi two.yxar Icrm In (hs Mebnuka alato uu i>rUon.(or.thett.ot.anjutomobUejit uu Falrbury, Nebraska. In isn .

Colorado Springs 'inspeclor.of de* / (ecUvu advised yesterday Uiat niley Oe hadboenamstedUierelnJune.lS37, Ed w hu hs gars hlnuelf up to an ofllc* Un er on Uie street, outing tlial h e w u sni a (ugitlve from Uie Norton counly ol i K aiuu,Jsll. He w u rtlumed (rom Colorado. 6prlngs.lo Norton .county _E and confined In the KansuptnlUn* Invi Uary In August, 1371.. Uia

FiDBJiPlLf •!

;Bert McIntyre, drlrw of a ‘ car ehleh itruck down and taJured two ij iromen ori a street crossing at. Uis heli ntertecUon-of Shoshono street and ctd nilrd avenus north Monday'eye- nou ilng, pleaded gullly in probate couri cou ier# yesterday to « chargs of reek* Lure u driving, and woi sentenced by iokludge 0. A. Balleytlo pay ISO fltie in,tr lene an equivalent term In Jail, wa.Tlie two women. Mr*..WllUam'L M«lohnson. 313 SlxUi avenue north, tlrsimd Mba Barbara Sanger, daughter lew)f'Mr. and Mrs. W. 6. Sanger, 3i3 lu}(ae Lskes bouJeturd north, wen (or eporied last evening to bo rtcov*Ting saUsfactorily. (rom cuU and 8|irulies which they received.' ' oil i


About) I T E R


HLAAAAAJUL . . . . . . . . . . .• rv w w w w ^ n r

y V E G E T A B L E lO DIN ] P f f y f f l r G O IT ER

rthem part o f the U. S. we rind-.( goiter due to lack of iodine In tii eavy rains have waiiied these dv« of goiter, into the sea. Tftt a I hu resulted in JO * of the school ring from indpient goiter.'-To ju tlie -e this deplorable condition we e needed element! are and add thi : happier way than adding Kelp: MntainL 3,000,000 milligrams of t to. one miliigram per ton'of w! every day consumption. ■•plies iodine in vegeuble form, tl lated by the M y . Ic does tiot ch makes up the lack of iodine that c icy diieases.

EAT K ELPIN BREAD' .......M aJel/y

L E C T R I C B A K lajn Avenue South ;]

' V .m FA1.1S DAILY J

' I f E v n ’TnEsiVlilU In St. UmU-Mr*. Myra Des

RuUsesux letl yesterday (or a vUll In St. LouU. .nne From Idaho Fatts-Mrs. AI*■ BerTMilBlFreriMmrFalUrU-hrrr -

, Ihe gu«t ot Mrs.aM. TUlock.- RVlilt Sslt Uke Clly-Dr. aod Mro.• P-N,~Annandr*nd.Mn..Annind'a _ 1 raoiher,-Mrs,JLW.lavett;>Ulledln

. aiit Uke CKy orer (ho week*«fl4.Lleeosed to Wtd-J. O. Malono \

and Uura aippa. both ef Twin • hlU. oblalned a maniago license ii the ottlce ot the ccunty recorder ^ here.yeturday. • . ^ nl• Orga»l«rvntP:wrjrIWloQU-gan, Boise, sUlo chairman of Uis {"Women's Hepubllean league.-Ws in {«Twin FalU yMterdoy In belialt ot "

Attorney Iteliinis-E. L. Raybom, tlr Twta PUU Ia*3W. aooompanled try Mrs. Raybora returned Monday alt* ba er a vUlt wlUi relaUvet and Iriends sei ta Kansas and MtotourL. ml■ fin B«i< mimUw__ .1 \f aifn»ri. _ jOgden, arrived-yesterday In re* JOitponse lo word o( tbs dcaUi of bU (oi(aUitr. Samuel David AKred; which ofoccurred here suddenly last Mon- doday. . ■ Ca

- . - SUVndergota OperaUon-Edna May M(Tumlpim. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lu

S. 0. Tumlpse«l,'underwent an ofi- j entlon far tppendtcltU-taAe TwtoFalU eounty general hospltil yester- ,h(______op.

' Reports Lost meel->JuUus Ram- ” ,to,|30J|an^uren't^^potted bo

iUw huir^ool building lSw;en*0 .imd.8;?0_P._M. • ■ cori ■' » — . el IAnoetuce <0 Item—Ths M boun t ■DeroUons wlll'begln Fflday at SU tag. Edward's CsUmIIc church, and con* will Unue unUI Sunday, which-U Uis annual day ot bonof c ot Christ Uie King. uli

• -EipUtas Panetnred Car » Police nro

InrutlgsUori yestert ~d(iil3lbi dl« Uitl.a bullel hole Uirough Uis door _ of an automoblls brought hera (or —* Frpsln. hod been caused by occi- igg dental dUcharge o( a gun when it was.set down by one ot the owners of

CALF CLUB OBSERVES■ DAY OF ACHIEVEMENT ^■nie <-H CaU club or CtdK Draw = held Achievement diy Mday at Uie ^

Ctdar Draw tchooUiouie. U U an- %■ nounced by H. 6. Hale, Tvta FtlU ^ eounty agrlcullural agent. Robert LuntywonflrstandnowardRuUier- i? fotd won second place in the show- .'fl tag and lilting contest. Paul'Shel* K lon won first pUee (or Uis best calf. ^ MedaU were given to thoso winntag %' tlrst pUce. The Oalt.elubwhldliwu ^ lead by J. A. Lunty hu compleled % lu year nnd pUni on reorgsiUztng O, (or next/Atr. «Spain Is experimenting wiUi olln A' - 9U u.a lubricant (or automobUes. C

* 1

■ 5 'N E m c S

R ■ y• J

d-,tKe greatest p«- ;, W .thcioiL Melting j

se 'eleinuits, that ^te absence of iodine . Jool chUdren b:this - • J^upply needed •'. J •we must go to the ^thra to .our daily ^slpin—made frt)m. J -of Iodine per ton ^wheat,—to bread, ^

, the, only way it ' S change the flavor Jt causes soiter and . %

C E R Y S. Phone 980 , .

I MWS, 'n v r a FALLS, IDAHO

■ B i f l Finm oiES

Report That Man Is Miss- w irig and 'others Badly ln> jured L-acKs comirmatlori;

rlDoubt Uiat anybody had been terlo

ouily hurt durtag Uie two day hunt- «

night at 10:30 o'clock by C. £. Jen< i sen. (Ofest ranger In afwshone Buto I Ust right. He uld Uiat *0 (ar a*' r be.kntw.lhfl.runw,tliat a man had ^ been mltslng two days was wlUiout' (oundaUon. ulMr. Jensen aald Uist (rom Ume (o «|

ttme Uie forestry sUUon wu empty „ during tbe last two dsys, and It was bsrtly poulble Uiat-some report or. = lerlmis accident' might have been , , mlued by htm. Several mloor ta> Juriea were reported, he a^i _Mt Jensfn.AaMJJ}ert.j:oi*bpu _ 300 ot Uie 400 esUmaled Deer ta the imst In UiU county at the beglnntag of the season. Bome of the rest ha<| _ doubUeu run' acrou Uis Un« talo . CsuIa county and oUicrs mlgbt be . sUndtagquleUytasomehlddenipot, . Mostot Uw hunten hid al»,8on» lut night, he stated. ''iut year al Ui« begtanlng of Uie

hunltag sesson it wu estimated (hat Ihere wtte at leut lUO deer ta the open territory, or, nearly (our Umea ] as msny u at Uis begtanlng o( UiIs teaton. OnUieoUierhandthenun* • berofhunUrshsdgreaUytacreascd .) IhUyesr, 10 thstUie supply o( deer - inuipredllydepJeled.Mr. Jensen said Uial' he would conUnue Uie invesUgiUon ot reporU i01 allegKllttldenIa lOdaTr-:------ jThe season opened Monday mom* tag, Oetober 30,' tor five days and J wUI close Ftlday night et midnight. . |One-half hour each reek is set e

aside by.Chlcago publlo schooU for „“humsne edocstlon." MeUioda.ot ,,nrolecOng animals trom cruelly are ‘ilitBuilt.----- ---- -------- :


SH A D O W LA N D ^. ON PAGE 3 ^

P i

I . ' s

r - l |

\ f .

» ?

\ ■ ■ ” ,■I' ■ . ' '

I - : : v-j S ixI You w ill remcm lI o f fa s t color, v s tI ; -g iving an o th k eI ' hope to have enoI fo r the reason tlij .. reg u larly in peri| . . gains. O ur windtI see them . As bef

j ■ FA ST C O i

I ■ ' ■ ■ . ' ■

I ■ '

I ' ' '

I IdahtI ; ' - - V


BiaNllfMBEIiEISMIGlSllOilsA Mjilor Jlolslcta belter. caU, own-'j

to'Uie PacUlc IntensaUonal Uve-j” stock abow, Portland, wlUi Uie Idaho sUte herd ol KoUtelns. l l w u ui* -

IL 8. Hale, Twin FalU counly ag* |!! rlenlturil agent. The announcement £ san : -

-ThU heifer won llrsl a t Uw Twin , PaUs county (sir and a t Uie Jer* u ome tair and U'considered one of )'«

111 w u shown at'Uio Caldwell d ^ l l fshow but Mr. Tencklnck h u not “ heard whit prito ll'H'oii. Mr. Ten* 15

, cktack'a-ltoUtsftu.woajsors.than their ahare ot prites UiU year at the Tvln Palls and Jerome fair*, winning tire Urals, two seconds and one UUrd a t Uie Twta FalU (sJr,


OaciO'yoar Fwd iic n wben II'"^ ja rs F a s tE ir^ irs a rir •

•o briglit awS iblny u d good, looking tb i l yoa wttt b trd ly ks'ow ll it yonr csr. A w M e ^ ^ <^(oIor*. Yotil] b« niiprlied, (bo,• I .hew llllle It CMU. Om> n t u fer WASQINC Ar<D POIiSllIKC -

-ve.olsolow .-.-,-. .......... ..

U N IO N M O TO R _C0.

l e y f o r

cH u iid rednber last A ugust we had at dyed, sum m er frod ts o •event F rid a y and Satu rt nough fo r everybody th is that they have some siigl rfects from 98c to $149.1 dows are fille d w ith thei sfore you are invited .to c


6 9loDepart

’"ff it Isn't R i0t k

5, OCTOBER 22, IOM '

.•nd-tUJlrstsaadJ& , UirJeromefUf.-'nieyaUowan tbs t| gold medal on Uw grt ot alro and a lln l pUco on brteden* calf herd. _ Mr.TencktackbyUieexcelentUiow- - Ins mtde wlUi hU KoUtelns, was prtjcnted w ith: Uw prtmler. IIol- sieta breeder awardrfay'tbsTKol* tula 'Smders’ .ateocUUon. 3be

of a tull graii'n tow." -

“ The'WM'board'oCrevUw'ertl*^|..^«BfllVl«VI miiif hi-y«U*.< hy propeny.ux thU year lo meet g ^ e n l au te.cxptntea. ' -----------

ClereUnd poUce said radio broad* tca^ng led to 1083 arretts there In a Yfsr. Two mur^eren were sppre* >w.nrtM before Uik J e t l Uis teene.


I C R M B l

— Our-noon-lunchesJai aetve daily are quile'' a the ordinai-y.'items :uBi

quick luncll.

You’ll En joy Yout Npo



t h e L a (

I T h isd a house iro cV e ve iit fi and sold 178 in .two da

rday, October ;24th and is tim e. These frocks are ght fa c to ir im perfection , W e th in l! th ey are.won em. I t takes you only ti ca ll and use yo iir ;o)vn



_ \ - . . . .

Tbe (ederal gowmneet-ptiBt to. - I s sp u jd 'irw o o o la «iiaM ishlj»:uiri-i?. 1 all base at3aM B ouge. t o d i ^

: - - _ JH t A D E ^ ^ 3 ^ I Y O U R O LD

W A T C H------------ IN

t i--F O !t iA J^ E T V L Q N E _ --- - -■ :___________ AT__________________


r , ( 0 5 1 P . W ^

AS". ■ ~ ~


'L O A F A

IB E m iE S — siusHiioojj ^


W ald orf Salad

'and: other dishes we ‘■'a'bit d iffe ra t from

is iia lly offered fo r a

fpon H our a t W iley’s


' ' PHO?<E,45

i e s I -

h i '

I i


-; fo r two days S days. W e are , ! md 25th., W e S ire sold .at 69c J ions. They se ll' Jonderful bar------- J j—'k m om eiit to % * m ,judgm ent, , «


" I '

f '-