Taanayel Product Design

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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Student Project

Transcript of Taanayel Product Design

Taanayel Milk

packaging design

Packaging Design Mary Rizk 20083254

ContentHistory Creative Overview Target Audience Competitores Vision Mission Moodboard Concept of new package Sketches Color Investigation Digital Implimentation Final Outcome

History Taanayel was founded nearly 50 years ago in Lebanon to serve Lebanese Consumers with their purest diary products. Their products are made from 100% natural milk with no additives or preservatives ensuring the quality consumers are treated with they have based their loyalty upon. 75 independent Lebanese farms were chosen to provide the 70,000 liters of milk tested by quality assurance professionals for perfection. Their products are found in major supermarkets and local neighboring stores so that it is accessible everywhere. Taanayel is described as pure, wholesome, healthy, and traditional. Their lifelong promise to their consumers is quality delivering safe, reliable and delicious

dairy products to satisfy the needs of their customers. The QAP is an integrated Quality Assurance Program that complies with international food safety regulations. Taanayel has been part of the program where analysis of raw and finished products is inspected by qualified lab technicians, at all points of production. Process sampling is conducted to control purity and taste, before the products obtain the final QAP approval. Certifications of analysis, reports and verification sheets are maintained for each production area based on these quality management systems.

Creative Overview

Looking through Taanayel’s history gave me the distinct feeling of grandeur and responsibility they take to ensure the happiness of their customers. However they’re packaging and design essentials towards their products requires a whole new field of investigation. It should be a reminder of why they are here and their strong positioning in the design industry. It has been said that a strong design concept attracts the consumers even more to the product since their loyalty to their consumers is as important as the design of the product itself. The quality of their product is as important as the eye that picks it up from the shelf at the market.

Target Audience Taanayel targets Lebanese Consumers from young children to elder people of both genders. Their cultural and visual language is the Lebanese dialect seeing as their base foundation is in Lebanon. The products are affordable for economical people seeing as the status of Lebanese varies from poor to rich. However, the quality of their products is more important than the pricing. The dairy products will be sold in mini-markets and grocery stores as well as in large supermarkets and restaurants. They will be distributed in Bint Jbeil caza and the South of Lebanon as well as Beirut and other main cities. Moreover, in the long run, export markets, mainly in the Arab countries and some European countries,

will also be targeted.These dairy products will be attractive for the population of Bint Jbeil caza who already consumes goat milk and for some families who used to convert the goat milk at home into Laban or Labneh. Moreover, the products will be appreciated by a growing market all over Lebanon. Finally, the Lebanese expatriates who come during the holiday seasons constitute a steadily growing demand of local traditional food. As for now, my new package focuses on young children who will find fun in drinking milk.

Competitor analysis

The dairy products market has been dominated by Taanayel Commercial Center, which was, along with Massabki, one of the first dairy producers in Lebanon. However, the year 1995 witnessed the entry of a number of new brands on the market and since that time, the number of dairy products companies has been rapidly increasing. In fact, Taanayel Les Fermes entered the market in 1995 and managed to establish itself among the leading producers on the market. Dairy Day and Daliah followed in 1998, mainly targeting high-income level consumers. In 2000, two international brands appeared in the market: Candia and Yoplait both of them franchises run by a local operator Liban Lait which produces dairy

products with non-traditional methods. It is important to note that some companies make agreements with supermarkets to sell their products with the logo of the supermarkets, such as the jars containing Labneh balls labeled “Spinneys”. In fact, the company may sell more because the customer is attracted by the logo of the supermarket and the resulting lower price and the supermarket benefits of such a deal because it receives a higher margin on sales.

Vision Taanayel Les fermes is the premier company for quality dairy and the most advanced technological quality control and assurance systems. They guarantee consumers a consistent loyalty towards their products. The new package structure for Taanayel is an attraction to the new consumers and a reminder of their strong positioning to their most loyal consumers.

Mission Taanayel shall always be the original Lebanese Dairy, constantly producing healthy, all natural and perspective free traditional and non-traditional products. Their customer loyalty is important to them since they keep the essence of the original taste consumers are known to love.





















Concept of package My objective for this project was to show the importance of taanayel in the market through its mission and vision. However, looking closely made me realize the lack of visual implementation in taanayel’s designed milk products. Hence, I decided to target the children by introducing flavored milk with a new concept and visual. I thought of the 3 R’s that are Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle.

The kids will be using the new package as a piggy bank but in the shape of the cow. They would also learn about the process of taanayel’s milk production. Plus, the three visuals serve as a game they can play by enjoying the face shuffle. All materials are recycle indicating that taanayel is environment friendly.

SketchesI decided to take on the hexagon shape as a way to show different face interactions. It would be a new structure where the kid experiences milk in a whole new form. The sketching experimentation lead to different alternatives, but the hexagon shape was the most flexible and fun to work with. From the face expressions came the material usage. The following pages illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of using aluminum, plastic, or glass. Then the final ideology for the packaging concept was to have a piggy bank in the shape of a cow as a cover for all three milk flavors.

Color InvestigationI decided to use bright colors following the basic format color RGB (Red, Blue, Green). Following that subsidiary grew into different shading for a more appealing effect and playing with shadows. I decided to keep the palette limited since children are known to understand the basic set of colors since it is more appealing to them.

Digital ImplimentationAfter taking the sketches into Illustrator, it was interesting to see the experimentation with colors and illustration of the faces. It took some time getting the right proportions and creating the most suitable flat plan. I took my inspiration from paper dolls and worked around it to produce a nice outcome suiting my theme.


Digital Implimentation