T8 Summer Activities

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Transcript of T8 Summer Activities

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Summer material forT8students at


    INSTITUTEAcademia de Ingls

    Casa Central:Eduardo Dato, 3641005 Sevilla954640026www.eli.es

    for more information email: eli9@eli.es

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Keep using your

    English insummer!

    Here is some material to help you remember what you havestudied during the T8 course. There is Vocabulary, Grammarand some Writing practice.

    If you would like to study more English this summer on theInternet here are some sites of interest:

    1. www.eli.es/class/t8This is the English Language Institute special web page forT7 level. Here you will find exam contents, practice

    activities for exams and links to sites related to themes inyour book for reading and vocabulary practice.


    This site is for your T8 coursebook. There are linksto many sites which will give you lots of readingpractice.


    This site will give you lots of practical help with Englishincluding lots of news stories.

    4. www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglishThis site has lots of interesting information and ideas forimproving your English.

    5. www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/tests/tsindex.htm

    If you are thinking of doing the First Certificate Exam thissite has some activities to help you become familiar with it.

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Module 1 Vocabulary:1. Use eight of the following expressions to make eight true sentences aboutyourself.

    - since 2003- twenty years from now- quite recently- in the long term- these days- over the past three years- not long ago- currently- in the weeks leading up to Christmas- now

    2. Write true sentences about yourself ... be honest!

    - I was born in ______________________________________

    - I grew up in _______________________________________

    - I became interested in _________________________________

    - Im thinking of _______________________________________

    - I am hoping to ________________________________________

    - I have been brought up by _________________________________

    3. How many expressions using GET can you remember / think of? Write asmany as you can in five minutes and then check with page 13 of your book:you get one mark for each once you correctly guessed.

    Module 21. Word Formation:How many different forms of these words do you know? Write down as manyas possible and then create a test for other students like the example:

    Example: _______________ are very interesting people PSYCHOLOGY



  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    2. Complete these sentences about you ... be honest!

    - I hate it when ______________________________________

    - I find it hard to cope with __________________________________

    - It really annoys me when _____________________________________

    - _________________________________ really frightens me.

    - _________________________________ depresses me.

    - I have a big problem with ___________________________________

    - One thing that bothers me ____________________________________

    Module 31. What is the meaning of these expressions?

    - running around

    - wandering around- rushing off- walking up to someone- rushing around

    2. Do you know the meaning of these verbs.

    swear shout sway to be drunk bashhold rob break into slip fall over

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Module 41. Can you write the nouns for these adjectives? Do the words have any otherforms? Write ten true sentences about yourself using ten of these words.

    creative __________

    popular __________dependable __________imaginative __________determined __________lonely __________stubborn __________awkward __________inventive __________confident __________logical __________

    brilliant __________emotional __________artistic __________intelligent __________

    2. What adjective describes these people? Check on page 41 if necessary.

    - a person who is very sure of themselves _______________

    - a person who can resist temptation

    - a person who is calm and good at controlling emotions

    - exceptionally intelligent

    - shy and easily embarrassed in social situations

    3. Mind: put a tick beside the expressions you remember. Use a dictionary ifyou dont remember and then write ten true sentences about yourself.

    - speak your mind

    - to be out of your mind

    - never mind

    - make up your mind

    - have something on your mind

    - slip your mind

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    - mind your head

    - would you mind...

    - mind your own business

    - change your mind

    Module 5:1. Answer these questions.

    - How do you cope with problems?

    - What do you think is worthwhile about school?

    - Is a clerk a boring job?

    - How can you overcome shyness?

    - Do you think you will achieve all your goals?

    - Will you end up working for a company?

    - How do you cope with stress?

    - Are you afraid of the dark?

    - What do you need to be successful in life?

    Module 6:1. Are these statements true or false for you?

    - I always sail through my exams

    - I like to wind down by watching TV

    - I have never snatched anything from my friends

    - I have never retaken an exam

    - I find it difficult to pace myself when I study

    - I like going for long walks to stretch my legs

    - I like swapping clothes with my friends

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Vocabulary revision for February exam1. Put the correct form of the word in the space.

    - Madonna is a very _______________ singer. SUCCESS

    - Many people think Madonna is very ________________ TALENT

    - Madonna isnt always very ______________ TACT

    - Madonna has a lot of _______________ CONFIDENT

    - The ____________ dont always like her music. CRITIC

    - Madonna _______________ a lot of people to help her. EMPLOYMENT

    - Being Madonna can be very _________________ STRESS

    - Many people are _____________of Madonnas success. ENVY

    2. Now write a similar exercise about your favourite singer.

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Module 7 Vocabulary:1. Word formation: complete the charts and add more words

    Verb Noun Adjective


    Noun Adjective Adverb


    Module 8

    1. How many of these questions can you answer?

    - When was the last general election held in Spain?

    - Who is the current foreign minister of Spain?

    - Have you ever been on a political demonstration?

    - If you were a politician would you be corrupt?

    - Are we in an economic boom or recession at the moment?

    - Which political party will you vote for in the next elections?

    2. How many expressions can you remember using ABOUT?Now check with your book page 94

    3. How many different forms of these words do you know? Check with page 50of your workbook.

    nature power elect economy educatequalify contribute politician solve industry

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Module 91. Write a paragraph which contains the following expressions: it must belogical!

    on the one hand although in conclusion

    on the other hand however first of all

    2. What would you do in the following situations?

    - Your shoe has a hole in it.

    - Your food at lunch is over-cooked by your sister.

    - The window in your bedroom has a crack in it.

    -You didnt get what you ordered in the restaurant.

    - Your favourite jeans shrunk in the wash.

    - Your boyfriend / girlfriend tells you that your new shirt doesnt suit you.

    Module 10

    1. What is the meaning of these expressions?

    - to broaden your mind- mutual interest- economic benefits- cheating- bending the rules

    Module 111. Can you write the nouns for these verbs?

    test __________replace __________cure __________eliminate __________treat __________spread __________prevent __________

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    2. How many expressions with HAVE can you remember? Now check with page128 of your book and write ten true sentences about yourself using theseexpressions.

    Module 12:1. Think of an example of each of the following in Spain

    - a tabloid newspaper- a fashion magazine- a serious newspaper- a TV commercial- a soap opera- a documentary- the weather forecast

    - cartoon- game show

    2. Make these adjectives negative using the correct prefix or suffix and use sixof them to make true sentences about yourself.

    sensitive thoughtful tolerant reliable

    harmful suitable appealing accurate

    convincing predictable responsible informative

    Vocabulary revision for Summer exam1. Do you know the meaning of these words?

    overcome workaholic ban exhausted mayor atmosphere

    successfully shut down sniff sweat spotlight delighted

    highlight awkward achieve make up fed up tidy up

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    T8 Revision

    1. Put these expressions into groups (p.7)

    Over the past few years / in those days / the latest / the most recent / in a fewyears time


    2. Complete (p.8)

    -I was born in-I grew up in-Im thinking of-Im hoping to

    3.VERBSMake correct sentences by changing tenses where necessary.

    -I washed my hair when the phone rang.

    -We finished the meal five minutes before the phone rang.-These days I have study economics in the University.- I live here for many years.

    4: How many expressions with GET can you remember?

    5. Complete (page 22)

    - One thing that really annoys me- I find _____________________ embarassing.- I have a problem with- People who

    - I dont like the thought that

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    6. Write a sentence with these words:

    - undercooked:- post-graduate

    - multinational- underpaid

    8. Create a problem for these sympathetic replies.

    _____________________________ How awful!

    ___________________________ Dont take any notice of it!

    __________________________ Calm down!

    ________________________ There is no point getting upset about him!

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Revision: write your own Exam!

    Question 1:

    Find ten vocabulary items from the book, about time, with get and with mind.Write a sentence for each word leaving a blank space.Example: I have been living here for __________











    Question 2:Narrative tenses, the tenses you use to tell a story ... what are they? Write ashort text or find one from the book. Leave the verbs in the infinitive and a

    space so they have to be put into the correct narrative tense.

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Question 3:Passive. Look at this example and write six more examples, all using a differenttense.

    Example: Many farmers grow apples in Spain.


    1. _____________________________________________________________

    2. _____________________________________________________________

    3. _____________________________________________________________

    4. _____________________________________________________________

    5. _____________________________________________________________

    6. _____________________________________________________________

    Question 4:

    Look at this sentence. Where does always go?

    I ______ go ________ to school on foot

    Can you make six more examples?

    1. _____________________________________________________________

    2. _____________________________________________________________

    3. _____________________________________________________________

    4. _____________________________________________________________

    5. _____________________________________________________________

    6. _____________________________________________________________

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Question 5:Can you think of some sentences with the verb in the infinitive which test thedifference between Present Simple, Present Perfect and Present PerfectContinuous?

    1. _____________________________________________________________

    2. _____________________________________________________________

    3. _____________________________________________________________

    4. _____________________________________________________________

    5. _____________________________________________________________

    6. _____________________________________________________________

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Description 1: people


    gentle waist plain elderly plump look likefrecklesattractive sympathetic take after wrist dimples glasses

    youngmid-seventies wrinkles late-twenties early-forties

    My grandmother has always been my favourite person. She is a(n) __________woman in her _________________ , with greying hair, who always wearsclothes that she makes herself. You can tell that she has smiled a lot in her lifefrom the ________________ around her eyes. When I was young she used tolive quite near our home but since grandfathers death she has lived with us.

    She has a ________________, kind face, but when you first meet her you areimmediately struck by the shrewdness of her grey eyes behind her _________.If I had a problem when I was little I used to go to her; I knew she wouldunderstand and be _________________.

    She has always loved cooking and housework and still helps my mother in thehouse. You seldom see her without an apron round her _________________.Her hands are gnarled now and she walks with a stick but I think she musthave been very _______________ when she was young. People say I

    _________________ her - I certainly hope so.

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    DESCRIPTION 2: placesComplete with the sentences a h below:

    This photo could have been taken on a Caribbean island. In fact, it looksas if it has come straight out of a holiday brochure. In the foreground we cansee a beautiful, white, sandy beach. 1.________________________The trees start where the beach finishes and on the right there are severallarge palm trees, leaning sideways and casting their shadows on the sand.2.____________________________ The sky is deep blue and virtuallycloudless.

    Here we have the view of a fishing village,

    3.___________________________From the buildings and the landscape it looks like a place in Italy or France. Thevillage has a small harbour crowded with boats, most of which seem to beleisure craft rather than fishing boats. The harbour is in the middle of the bayand 4.__________________ covered in vegetation and dotted with houses. Thesky and the sea are both an intense blue and the sea is very calm.

    This picture shows a mountain with a lake at the foot of it.5.________________ In the foreground we can see the reflection of the

    mountain peak 6. ________________A path leads from the edge of the lake and starts to wind its way up themountain.

    a) in the still waters of the lakeb) taken from one of the surrounding hills

    c) the waves are breaking on the shore and the water iscrystal cleard) taken from the main street, by the harboure) beyond it we can see the cliffsf) it might be Autumn because of the colours of thevegetationg) behind them the lush vegetation stretches as far as theeye can seeh) and a river flowing past the bottom of the mountain

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es


    Make questions for these answers :

    _____________________________________ ?Dracula was written by Bram Stoker.

    _____________________________________ ?It was published in 1897.

    _____________________________________ ?Yes, it was. (a success)

    _____________________________________ ?Hundreds of thousands (copies of the book).

    _____________________________________ ?A Count who is a vampire and fills anyone whomeets him with terror.

    Vocabulary - workPut the words in the correct column:

    to sack s.o. mundane salary challenging skilled personnelto make s.o. redundant a pay rise rewarding on the dole

    a bonus sales advertising overtime shifts (shiftwork) stressful

    money hours departments losing your job adjectives (+ive or -ive ?)

    Personality :self-centred considerate ambitious persuasive carelessimpressionable competitive sensitive sensible

    conceitedcautious insecure kind proud imaginative helpful

    Positive qualities : Negative characteristics :

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    T8 Summer material: Academic Department ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE www.eli.es

    Writing: review

    What is wrong with this film review ?

    The Full Monty is a very good film. It is about a group of unemployed peoplewho decide to make money by becoming male strippers. They have manyproblems and they nearly give up but in the end they act in front of a bar full ofpeople. It made me laugh very much.

    Put the following parts of the film review in order:a) Conclusion and recommendation ; who would enjoy it.b) A short summary of the plot.c) Background information about the film ; who directed it, the main

    actors etc.d) The highlights of the film (the best things about it). For example, anygood performances, the best scenes, the photography, the costumes, thesoundtrack etc.

    Which expressions belong in which part ?There are some wonderful performances from the cast, especially..It is directed by... It is based on a book by... It is set in...It tells the story of ...The opening scene is absolutely incredible...It is not for people who enjoy happy endings...Two other high points of the film are the camera work and the

    soundtrack....Tom Cruise plays the role/part of ...

    What positive things can you say about ...a) The acting ?

    b) The soundtrack ?

    c) The best scenes ?

    Can you improve this narrative ?

    One day I was in the street when I saw a bank robbery. I ran after therobbers. I caught them. One of them hit me but I hit him and he fell on theground. The police arrived and I told them about the robbery. They were happywith me.

  • 7/30/2019 T8 Summer Activities


    Writing: formal letter

    Correct this letter of application:

    Dear Sir,

    Ive seen your advertisement in the paper yesterday and I write to presentmyself for the post of Travel Guide.

    I have no knowledge of languages but I learn very quickly, so I dont think youneed to worry. I am used to dealing with people, as I have been the classrepresentative on many occasions and have had to solve any problems myfellow students had. All the staff and students at the school are agree that I ama responsable person who have a lot of patience and initiative.

    You mention that applicants should know their city very well. Dont worry, I do.

    I send my CV and the references you asked for. If you want more information,get in touch with me on 4640026. I available for interview any afternoon fromthe 2nd February onwards.

    I look forward to hear from you

    Your faithfully

    Jaques Delon.