T3: Data Publishing, Citation, - Helmholtz · 2016-12-08 · RDA –Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016,...

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Transcript of T3: Data Publishing, Citation, - Helmholtz · 2016-12-08 · RDA –Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016,...

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

In den letzten Jahren haben sich Datenpublikationen, d. h. die Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten als eigenständige Publikationen, als „best practice“ entwickelt, um den internationalen Erwartungen und Forderungen nach Open Research Data nachzukommen. Datensätze und ihre Beschreibungen werden von Forschungsdatenrepositorien veröffentlicht, idealerweise mit einem Digital Object Identifier (DOI), und sind voll zitierbar in wissenschaftlichen Artikeln. In diesem Workshop stellen wir die unterschiedlichen Formate der Datenpublikation vor („klassische“ Datensupplemente, Datenpapers, Datenreports) und geben einen Überblick über internationale Initiativen zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und deren Zitation in Publikationen (z. B. Joint Declaration ofData Citation Principles, COPDESS Statement of Commitment, FAIR Principles).

• Was ist eine Datenpublikation und was brauche ich dafür?• Was sind die Vorteile von Datenpublikationen, was habe ich als Autor davon?• Was sind Data Journals?• Wie zitiere ich einen Datensatz, den ich nachnutze?• Wie finde ich ein geeignetes Datenrepositorium?

Organisation: Kirsten Elger & Roland Bertelmann (für Hans Pfeiffenberger)

T3: Data Publishing, Citation, Referencing

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam……and many more

Open Research Data –an international request

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Wie müssen Daten aussehen, die ich der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stelle

A Painful (but True-to-life) Look at Data Availability and Reuse

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdamhttp://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18



RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Was ist FAIR Data?





RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

FAIR Principles - Guiding Principles for Findable,

Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable Data

Findable –Data Discovery

Accessible Interoperable Reusable

Metadata for datadiscovey in publicdomain

Data is accessibleby humans andmachines

Open formatsData rights andlicences

Metadata cataloguesof data repositories

Standard protocolsMachine executablemetadata standards

Full record on dataprovenance

Metadata harvestingby data portals

AuthorisationConsistentvocabulary/ ontology rich metadata

enabling to link datawith other sourcesPersistent Identifier


Data citation

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Coalition on Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences




RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

42 SIGNATURES (October 2016)


RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Coalition on Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences





• To promote metadata information and

domain standards, […], to help simplify and

standardize deposition and reuse.

• To promote referencing of data sets using the

Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles,

in which citations of data sets should be

included within reference lists.

• To include in research papers concise

statements indicating where data reside and

clarifying availability.

• To promote and implement links to data sets

in publications and corresponding links to

journals in data facilities via persistent

identifiers. (January 2015)

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Was sind Datenpublikationen und was brauche ich dafür?

Datenpublikationen sind eigenständige Publikationen von Forschungsdaten mit Metadaten und Beschreibung,

idealerweise durch ein Daten Repositorium

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Data publications are

citableDOI have emerged as the leading system for text and data publication

persistentlong-term data access guaranteed (by the publisher) despite servers being changed or switched off or people change affiliations and email addresses.

with metadata and data descriptionessential for data re-use and discovery, a comprehensive data description should be made a condition for assigning a DOI to a dataset.

access rulesOpen Licences (e.g. Creative Commons)

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

What do I need for a data publication?

1. Research data

2. Metadata

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Metadata and Metadata

Metadata for data discovery: example DOI landing page

title citation

description/ abstract




downloaddata files


RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Metadata and Metadata

Metadata for data discoveryauthor, title, description, keywords, spatial/temporal domain, ...

Structural metadata (for reuse)

Technical metadatachecksum, versions, time stamp, …

Data Articles/ Reports

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

What do I need for a data publication?

1. Research data

2. Metadata for data discovery (standardised/

machine executable)

3. Structural/ contextual metadata for data

documentation and re-use (e.g. scientific article,

data report, README)

Digital object identifier (DOI)

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Formats for data publication(and their description)

1. Data publication as „supplementary material“ to journal articles (data description in the article, additional README or explanatory file with the dataset if required)

2. Data publication together with an article in a Data Journal

3. Standalone data publication with Data Report

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Link to original articlewith data description

Links to datasets

We recommend…• to publish data

supplements in open access datarepositories

• synchronous to thepublication of thescientific article withcross-referencesbetween the articleand the dataset

Exampe 1: Data Supplements

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Peer-reviewed articleswith the description

of datasets, datacollections, datainfrastructures,


Example 2: Data Journals

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

2. Data Journals: Example ESSD

• Copernicus Open Access Journal forthe publication of datasets and datacollections

• Peer-review of articles and adjoineddatasets

• No scientific interpretation of thedata

• Data storage in appropriate domainrepositories (and not in ESSD)

• Indexed in the Web of Science sinceMarch 2015 (as first data journal)

• Impact factor 8,26

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Example 3: GFZ Data Reports

2011: first Data Report published as a new series of the traditional Scientific Technical Report series of GFZ (persistently online accessible and citable with DOI)

GFZ Data Reports:

• Flexible format – “enhanced data description“

• standardised templates for each discipline

• internal review by domain experts

• Project-specific design if required

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Citing a dataset

“A data citation in a publication should resemble a bibliographic citation and be located in the publication's reference list.” (COPERNICUS Data Policy)

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

1. Citation in the text

Citation of Dataset-DOIs

2. Dataset-DOI in the References

3. Data access via DOI

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

…and what about physical samples?

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

IGSN International Geo Sample Number

• Globally unique identifier for physical samples and materials

• Central registration based on the Handle system

• QR Code on the sample

• Sample description online via IGSN Landing Pages

• citation in papers is possible


RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

IGSN: Linking Samples, Data & Publications

Sample profile at IGSN metadata store

Data table in article

Credit: K. Lehnert, Lamont, IEDA

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam


Credit: K. Lehnert, Lamont, IEDA

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam



RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

RDA – Deutschland, 28.-29.11.2016, GFZ Potsdam

Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!