T HE A NTEBELLUM P ERIOD By: Roy Chapman. A NDREW J ACKSON President from 1824-1840 Elected by House...

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Transcript of T HE A NTEBELLUM P ERIOD By: Roy Chapman. A NDREW J ACKSON President from 1824-1840 Elected by House...


ANDREW JACKSON President from 1824-1840

Elected by House after the “Corrupt Bargain”

As a result we have the 12th Amendment (Electorate vote for President and Vice President Separately)

Known for being first president to not be raised wealthyoppose to the first 6 whom were

Goals of Jackson Abolish Electorate System Relocate Indians to west of Mississippi Extinguish national debt Eliminate BUS and paper money

Jackson is also the father of the spoils system the practice of giving appointive offices

to loyal members of the party in power•http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/spoils-system.html


Andrew Jackson elected under popular idea of belief in the common man Jackson wanted to protect commoners from

being exploited by the wealthy He wanted to represent the people as a whole

not to highlight ideals of the affluent Jackson had four “common” ideals

Farming Concerns Mechanic advancement Anti-banking Egalitarian principals


Defined by the philosophy that any legislation to expand government would not benefit the common man

Beginning of second party system Consisted of the Democrats vs. Whigs, 1820s-

1850s Successfully expanded voting rights to most

white men Removed many requirements previously needed to

partake This came to be known as Universal white male suffrage

As a result much more true representation of the population (democracy)• http://



A tariff is a tax placed on certain imports and exports

This particular tariff was put into place to preserve the economy of American products Specifically to protect from cheap imported

English products This hurt the southern economy because

they were so dependent on cotton oppose to the North's industrialization

This motivated John C. Calhoun (Jackson’s Vice President) to create a pro-south document called the Doctrine of Nullification •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNgIUUD7i-A


Calhoun argued that a state does not have to abide by a law that they feel is unconstitutional In addition to this he also said the South had the

right to succeed Jackson, known for being tough wouldn’t

allow them to succeed Even threatened to hang his Vice President

In the “Compromise Tariff of 1833” both parties agreed on lower tariffs in exchange for the South to remain in the United States This temporarily avoided the civil war•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0P3JOoEtDg


Jackson strongly oppose the Second Bank of the United States (BUS) for three reasons He found it unconstitutional He believed it was to powerful and did not benefit

the common man He also believed in “hard money” such as gold

and silver over the use of paper money Under these beliefs he found that unelected

officials of the bank could basically control the economy

In addition, the bank supported large corporations which were focused on profit and not the common man•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knf8KA5aAjw

THE BANK WAR [CONT.] In fight against Jackson, Henry Clay and Nicholas

Biddle (Official of BUS) passed a bill in congress to recharter the bank earlier than its expiration With reelection coming up they dared Jackson to veto

the bill, under the impression Americans found it essential

He did veto and Clay ran against him in the election Jackson swept Clay under the ability to say he defended

the interest of the common man After the demise of BUS Jackson distributed the

federal reserve to the states to take power away from Biddle

Semi-related Jackson was able to pay off the national debt , he is he only president to ever do so



Worcester vs. Georgia After 7 Cherokee Indians refused to obtain licenses

for them to live in Georgia and were sentence to time in jail and mandatory military involvement they appealed to John Marshal of the supreme court

Marshal ruled in favor of Indians Jackson’s famous response "John Marshall has made

his decision; now let him enforce it!“ Jackson advocated the removal of Indians from

the east of the Mississippi and did not abide by Marshal’s ruling This led to the Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indians were forced to relocate west of the

Mississippi and travel on the “Trail of Tears”



King Cotton is a term to describe how the primary industry of the south was cotton production This is an Agrarian form of income Before the civil war, 57.5% of US exports were

cotton Because of this, the average slave owner of the

south was 5 times richer than the man of the north

Much of the exports were to England whom were poor on cotton production in comparison

This provoked a very slow growth in industrialization in the south •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr-u3ku-Xyo


States that permitted slavery were only in the south

Who made up the south Slavocracy “Plantation owners” + white farmers

“Plain folk” = 6,000,000 Black Freemen = 250,000 Black Slaves = 3,200,000

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act voided the Missouri Compromise which concerned the admission of states as either free or slave states It was then proposed to use popular sovereignty to

decid how Kansas would be admitted, the controversy over Kansas came to be known as Bleeding Kansas

The vote tallied Kansas as a free state which was just before the beginning of the Civil War


In reaction to the growing controversy slavery was having on society, an anti-slavery political party arose named the Republican Party During this time period the Republican party is

credited with the abolishment of slavery under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln

Dred Scott vs. Sandford is a famous case regarding slavery where the final decision ruled that African Americans could not be citizens and could not sue in courts

THE TRANSPORTATION REVOLUTION New to the period the steam locomotive used

railroad tracks to transport more good from greater distances By 1869 Railroad tracks connected the Pacific Ocean and

the Atlantic Ocean In 1825 the Erie Canal was complete which

connected the Lake to the Atlantic Ocean, widely opening up transportation deeper into the continent

Also the steam boat engine was created which made transportation up and down rivers much easier


WOMEN IN ANTEBELLUM PERIOD Cult of Domesticity: a value system where to be a true

and virtuous women one must possess certain traits and perform certain roles To be a true woman you must possess four cardinal virtues

Piety Purity Domesticity Submissiveness

Republican Motherhood is a period that defines when mothers were educated for the benefit of future children to strengthen future republicanism As a result women grew in importance because of their role in

children This also marks a period of raised presence of feminism which

is a demand for equality between genders In Lowell, work consisted of primarily women and children

which in this period was unorthodox •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL2DfxIMdjQ•http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-republican-motherhood.htm

WOMEN'S MOVEMENT IN ANTEBELLUM ERA Before the Civil War many conventions were

assembled in Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania by middle class women A strong influence of this was its relation to the rights

that African Americans were receiving Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's

rights convention held in New York in July of 1848, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

were made essentially for demanding equality among sexes Desired equality in areas concerning

Womens Sufferage Womens right to retain property after marriage Greater divorce and child custody rights Equal educational opportunities•http://www.anb.org/cush_rights.html



Is the labeled point in time when religious action and participation steeply rose after Charles Finney had a revelation with God By this point in time life as an American had

become very secular The revival strengthened the Methodists and the

Baptists Religion was a catalyst for the abolition

movement This is because religion holds high morals on


• http://www.pbs.org/godinamerica/people/charles-finney.html• http://


ABOLITION Abolition: the legal prohibition and ending of

slavery Slavery was unlawful in the North but to preserve

harmony the South was permitted slavery Slaves were vital to cotton production in the South

William Lloyd Garrison was the one of the key leaders in the abolitionist movement Garrison wrote in the “Liberator” which was a

newspaper that was for anti-slavery He also helped found the New England Anti-Slave

Society He wrote the Declaration for the organization

H believed that you have to change hearts not laws He also was a mentor for Frederick Douglass before

their unfortunate fallout • http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/abolition?s=t• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW3XPR4t-g4• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjtQ4U2LkDU

FREDERICK DOUGLASS “Education leads to emancipation” Douglass was an African American

that didn’t limit his belief in equality to slavery but expanded it to everyone; women's rights and Native Americans He strongly believed the Constitution

was itself an anti-slavery document He was born a slave and escaped to

New York and later published the North Star; which was pro-rights for everyone

During the Civil War Douglass worked with Abraham Lincoln to enlist black men to the army

• http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/18943.Frederick_Douglass• http://

classroom.synonym.com/did-frederick-douglass-believe-us-constitution-10905.html • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tx5DZC3X1M• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOSYh0KpNP0


Sarah Moor Grimke grew up with parents that utilized slavery to work on their farm

She despised her parents for this and was a strong activist for abolition

She was the first women to confront congress

To promote her ideas she wrote a book called Epistle to Clergy of the Southern States

TRANSCENDENTALISM Transcendentalism (1836-1861): asserting the

existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.

Transcendentalism began with two main writers Henry David Thoreau

Wrote about natural history and philosophy Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wrote journals and gave lectures particular to transcendentalism

As the Unitarian church grew unpopular people began turning to nature for religious answers

Rules of transcendentalism Basic rules come from intuition Inner soul will lead to truth Individual relationship with God Nature is self knowledge All nature is significant



Utopians wanted to escape religious persecution prejudice

They were strong believers in Perfectionism The belief that a perfect society can be reached under

conscious acts of men Most Utopian communities did not survive such as

New Harmony founded by Robert Owen rejected the bible and were often classified as “communist”

Brook Farm were transcendentalists led by George Ripley but failed when a large fire wiped out most of the community

Oneida Community survived before becoming unpopular and believed in perfectionism, in addition they shared everything under the guidance of John Humphrey Noyes •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TkYPLTtid0•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9NlPkOdr_0

EDUCATION Still used today McGuffey’s Electric Readers were

the most popular education book in the mid-1900s It is a broad book covering basic essentials of education

in this period of time spanning from stories, poems, essays, and speeches

It also is appealing to homeschooling of today because it is similar to the methods of rural education

Extensive education was rare and usually parents were content with only basic literacy and numeracy Since two thirds of the population were in rural

environments the priority was on manual labor The Hudson River School was a group of New

York City-based landscape painters  that emerged about 1850 under the influence of the English émigré Thomas Cole•http://www.mcguffeyreaders.com/history.htm•http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3468300064.html