T h e L a t e s t February 2021 Word

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Transcript of T h e L a t e s t February 2021 Word

T h e L a t e s t


“Making Jesus Christ Known Through Word And Deed…”

Memorials and Special Gifts……....…………………... ………page 2 Children & Youth Ministry………………..……………....…...page 3

Lent………………………………....……………………..…………page 4 Worship & Music Ministry...………………………………...….page 5

Dish to Pass by Twila Schmitt…….…..……………………….....page 6 Financial News….…………………………………………...….page 7

Mission and Outreach……………………………………….page 8 & 9 Adult Education & Fellowship.………….…………………..page 10

Preschool News………………………………….………..….…..page 11 INSERT……………………..…LO 2020 Report | February Calendar



: February 2021

Volume 29 ● Issue No.2

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer ● Watertown, SD

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I’ve joked that it seems like we’ve been in perpetual Lent since last March. We wait in patience for the new

thing that is taking place in Jesus Christ our Lord. And, in the waiting, we know that it has already happened.

Jesus comes to us in Christmas joy, incarnate, with us. And now, as we begin the season of Lent, we trust that

Easter joy is around the corner.

This year our Lenten theme is “Prayers of the Bible.” It is prayer that sustains us. Prayer connects us to God,

and connects us to one another. Prayer is conversation. Prayer is relationship. There are many ways that one

can pray, and one of those ways is with the words of scripture. Prayer also happens in the act of creating, of

bringing something beautiful that wasn’t into the world. We are asking folks to make Prayer Flags throughout

the season that will fly in our sanctuary Easter morning. Listen for more about those.

Things are going to be different this year. The one thing that we can expect these days is the unexpected.

Here’s a rundown of what Lent will look like:

Ash Wednesday is early this year: February 17th.

All of our Lenten services will be at 6:30pm, including Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday,

and Good Friday.

There will be no Lenten meal.

The Youth Music Team will not lead singing this Lent.

We will have a traditional service instead of the Living Last Supper on Maundy Thursday

Our Lent offerings will go to help support the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Preschool.

First Communion will happen at a later date.

Easter is April 4th.

ᵒ We will only have two Easter services, 8:30am and 10:30am.

Siblings in Christ, we will get back to whatever normal will look like soon enough. In the meantime, thank you

for your patience and understanding as we all work together to continue the mission and ministry of “Making

Christ known through word and deed.” We do ministry together. Thank you for your commitment to the Gospel.

Pastor Dan

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

Memorials & Special Gifts

$865.00 given in Memorials/Special Gifts since last printing

Prayer Shawl Ministry

given in memory of husband David & daughter Marie Joan by Joan Vick

given in memory of Dan Sherrill by Harlan & Judy Konrad

given in memory of Neil Jacobsen by Rod & Nancy Iverson, Rodney & Doris Knight

and Pam Luckhurst

given in memory of David Opitz by Roger & Linda Austad

given in memory or Everett Fisk by Harlan & Judy Konrad

given in memory of my parents by Deanna Ericsson

special gift given by Mindy Hazelhorst

Handbell Choir

given in memory of Dan Sherrill by Richard & Marian Riddle

Watertown Sandwich Ministry

given in memory Dan Sherrill by Al & Pam Raeder and Barb Cramer

given in memory of Everett Fisk by Marv & AJ Sherrill

Care Fund

given in memory of Dan Sherrill by Ken & Renae Madison

Special Gifts

given in memory Dan Sherrill by Gary & Carna Kruse

given in memory of Karen Ratigan by Charles & Marilyn Arneson

given in memory of Virginia Carlson by Charles & Marilyn Arneson

General Fund

given in memory Dan Sherrill by Dar Morrow

Ministry Events - Worship

given in memory Dan Sherrill by Ron & Robbyn Givens and Chuck & Lynn Langner

Nicaragua Partner Ministry

given in memory of Everett Fisk by Ken & Renae Madison

Praise & Rejoice Choir

given in memory of Dan Sherrill by Bob & Dodie Bemis and Dave & Jan Johnson

BeFriender Ministry

given in memory of Everett Fisk by Al & Pam Raeder

Page 2 Volume 29, Issue 2

The Latest Word

HS Deeper

9th – 12th graders; join us for thought provoking and faith building discussions on

Wednesday nights at 7:30pm. February Deeper dates are the 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th.

Masks are encouraged and friends are always welcome!

7th/8th Grade Confirmation

Please make note of the dates and activities in regards to our confirmation program

for the month of February, 2021. Please note that we will not have Confirmation Work-

shops during Lent.

Wednesday, February 3rd - Workshop #14 @ 7:15pm

Wednesday, February 10th - Workshop #15 @ 7:15pm

Wednesday, February 17th – Ash Wednesday Worship at 6:30 pm (No Workshop)

HS Coffee & Conversation

Thursday’s 4 pm /Gather Coffee Shop (2nd and Kemp)

This is a time to get together for great conversation, wonderful

lattes, smoothies, muffins, cookies and lots of laughs.

This month we will meet on…February 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th

Sunday & Wednesday Church School

Sunday Dates: February 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th

Wednesday Dates: February 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th

February Bible Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19

And Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you

fish for people.”

Mission of the Month Church School Offering for February goes to:

Lutherans Outdoors of South Dakota

Page 3

Children & Youth Ministry

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer


Page 4 Volume 29, Issue 2

Lenten Theme:

Prayers of the Bible Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, February 17th at 6:30 p.m.

With Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion

Mid-Week Lenten Worship

6:30 p.m. –Lenten Worship Service

**REMINDER: Confirmation Students need to attend Ash Wednesday and Lenten

Worship Services to complete the requirement. Attendance will be monitored.

Sign in at the Welcome Center.

Join Our Lenten Prayer Flag Project

All are invited to participate in our Lenten Prayer Flag Project during February and March.

Whether you’ve heard of Prayer Flags (or not), you are encouraged to learn more about

this unique way to express your prayers during Lent.

While each flag begins with a small piece of fabric, the Lenten Prayer Flag is not a sewing

project that requires precise skills or equipment. If you have a needle and thread (or pos-

sibly paint and paint brushes), you’ll be ready to participate. Feel free to stop by the Wel-

come Center to see some examples.

Once completed, your individual prayers will become part of a larger prayer as the flags

are strung together and displayed throughout the sanctuary during the season of Lent.

Lenten Prayer Flag starter kits can be picked up at

the Welcome Center (or send an email to

twila@lcoorwatertown.org) to have one mailed to

you! For those of you without a stash of craft sup-

plies at home, we’ll also have an assortment of fab-

ric, ribbon and other embellishments available for

your Lenten Prayer Flag inspiration.

We look forward to entering this Lenten journey to-

gether in prayer.

The Latest Word

Altar Committee

The Altar Committee provides an opportunity for nearly everyone to serve. Parents and youth, cou-

ples, grandparents and grandchildren…are all able to join this ministry in preparing the elements for

the sacrament of Holy Communion. Please prayerfully consider serving in this vital ministry of your

church. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Pam Luckhurst at 881-7196, Pam

Raeder at 886-9628 or call Robbyn Givens in the church office.

Lenten Services Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17th with worship at 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday worship

will include communion and imposition of ashes. Subsequent Lenten services will be held at 6:30

p.m. each Wednesday throughout Lent. This year’s Lenten offering will benefit the LCOOR Preschool.

There are lots of Special Music opportunities during Lent. Instrumentalists and vocalists, please talk

to Robbyn to schedule a service that fits your schedule.

Head Ushers and Sound & Projection Operators

Needed at Lenten and Holy Week Services

Are you being called to serve as a Head Usher or as a Sound & Projection Operator at Lenten or Holy

Week services? Opportunities are available to serve at the 6:30 p.m. Lenten worship services, as

well as for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter services.

If you are a member of the Sound & Projection Team, please consider signing up to serve at these

services, as well. Please let Robbyn know if you are interested in serving with either of these im-

portant ministries. An online sign-up is available at www.lcoorwatertown.org → Ministry → Worship

& Music Opportunities → Head Ushers for Lent & Holy Week 2020 OR

→ Sound & Projection for Lent & Holy Week.

Page 5

Worship and Music Ministry

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

Dish to Pass by Twila Schmitt

Will you be my Valentine? Last year’s pre-pandemic Valentine’s Day was just the begin-

ning of some “special deliveries” to several beloved people in our congregation. As I recall, our Be-

Frienders prepared 16 sweet gift baskets for some of our members. While delivering these Valentine

baskets, we also had the luxury of visiting with these folks in their homes!

Oh, how times have changed! While we continue to keep in touch via phone calls, cards, emails and

texts, we look forward to the day when we can once again sit down and chat face-to-face!

Over the past 10 months, we’ve been so amazed at YOUR willingness to help make several other

“holiday deliveries” happen! Many of you delivered our Youth Group’s Thanksgiving and Christmas gift

bags to your neighbors – and others offered to “deliver all the rest.” Wow!

As this Valentine’s Day arrives, we are preparing Valentine gift bags for even more “special deliveries.”

Our LCOOR Preschool kiddos have prepared special hand-made Valentines for every recipient – and

each gift bag is sure to include a variety of sweet treats as well. The only thing that will be missing is

“visiting time.”

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

– 1 Corinthians 13:13

So, when I ask, “Will you be my Valentine?” what I’m really asking is, “Will you take some extra time to

reach out to your neighbors and your loved ones?” Valentine’s Day is a convenient time to drop a few

cards in the mail or make a few phone calls. It is the perfect time to do small things with great love!

Thanks, again, to all of you who are already checking in on your friends and neighbors. And, if you

would be willing to check in with a couple of other folks occasionally, please give me a call or stop by

the Welcome Center to chat.

Oh, and thanks, for being my Valentine!!

These Brickle Blonde Brownies by Janet Brandsrud sound like a perfect Valentine’s treat!

Brickle Blonde Brownies 1-1/2 c. sifted flour ½ c. brown sugar, packed

1 tsp. baking powder 2 eggs

½ tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla

½ c. butter 1 (6-oz.) bag Bits O’Brickle

1 c. sugar

Sift flour, baking soda and salt together. Cream butter with both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; beat until

fluffy. Blend in dry ingredients. Stir in Bits O’Brickle. Spread evenly in well-greased 9x13-inch pan. Bake

at 350 for 30 minutes. When cool, cut into bars. Can be frosted with white or chocolate butter frosting.

Page 6 Volume 29, Issue 2

The Latest Word

Page 7

Thrivent Choice Dollars received in January

I am excited to share that we have received two deposits from members with

Thrivent Choice Dollars!

A heartfelt thank you to Verdelle Anderson, Darlene Bailey, Barry Johnson and Richard

Schroeder, who directed Choice Dollars® to Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer and LCOOR

Christian Preschool.

LCOOR Christian Pre-School - $51.00

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer – $665.00


Create possibilities for LCOOR Preschool simply by shopping with gift cards! Buy gift cards

from your favorite brands to earn on your everyday purchases. It’s never been easier to

fundraise. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted. Stop by the Welcome Center or

church office to purchase gift cards or for more information.

Financial News

December 2020 Financial Report

Revenue $ 114,605.85

Expenses $ 75,513.48

Change in General Fund $ 39,092.37

Revenue to Date $ 927,176.07

Expenses to Date $ 849,657.87

% of Budget Year Completed 100%

Annual Budgeted income for 2020 $ 949,391.00

% of Budgeted Income Received YTD 97.66%

Annual Budgeted Expense for 2020 $ 925,900.00

% of Budgeted Expenses Incurred YTD 91.77%


Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

Mission and Outreach

Page 8 Volume 29, Issue 2

February Mission of the Month

Lutherans Outdoors

of South Dakota

LO provides opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to connect with one another. These connections allow each person to explore and play in a nurturing en-vironment, which leads to a stronger faith foundation, discovering personal gifts, de-veloping new skills, as well as building life-long relationships. Lutherans Outdoors in SD is dedicated to quality faith experiences and hospitality for youth and adults and has been for more than 70 years. LO welcomes all to explore and experience Christ’s love in

community and creation.

See the 2020 LO Congregational Report on the back of the February Calendar for more


All Mission of the Month is intended to be

above and beyond your regular giving.

Clearly mark your offering Mission of the

Month (LOSD).

Timmerman Scholarship

Watertown High School Graduates that will be

entering 1st or 2nd year of education or technical

training at a South Dakota State supported in-

stitution are eligible to apply for one of three

$500 scholarships. Information and applica-

tions are available in the church office, at the

Welcome Center or online at https://

lcoorwatertown.org/ under the RESOURCES tab.

Registration Deadline is 5/31/2021.

Mission Project for February

LWR Fabric Kits

2 spools of neutral-colored, general pur-

pose thread, 250-300 yards each

2 pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester). Each piece

should match one of the sizes below:

2 1/4 yards of 60” wide fabric

3 yards of 44” wide fabric

4 yards of 36” wide fabric

Wrap one piece of fabric and spools of thread inside the other piece of fabric, ensuring nothing will fall out. Se-cure with yarn, ribbon, string or

rubber bands.

Fabric Kit Instructions can be picked up at the

Welcome Center & church office or you can go

to https://lwr.org/kits for the instruction


Cookies Needed

150+ sack lunches go out Mondays, Wednes-

days & Fridays. Homemade cookies are need-

ed for and extra touch of love to these lunch-

es. You can use your own recipe or pick up

Cookie Kits available at the Welcome Center

or in the church office. Then bring the baked

cookes back to the church.

Thank you for your continued support!!!

The Latest Word

Mission and Outreach

January was SOUP-ER!

Thanks to all who contributed to our January

Super Soup Collection! We’ll report our final

results (# of cans and packages) in the next

newsletter, but your donations for the Salvation

Army Food Pantry were fantastic! In addition to

a heaping helping of canned and dry soup mixes,

we were also able to donate funds to the Salva-

tion Army. It’s amazing what we can accomplish

when we do small things with great love!

Fruity February: We CAN do it!

February is a short month – and the Salvation

Army Food Pantry often runs short on canned

fruit! We’ll be collecting canned fruit all month

long – so if you could pick up an extra can or two

while shopping, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks from Brothers & Sisters

Behind Bars Thank you for your on-going commitment to the

health and well-being of our sisters and brothers

who struggle with addiction in our community.

Wellness passes were again praised by Judge

Means this week at Drug Court. We have 4 folks

graduating next week who will be able to contin-

ue to use passes if they choose. So two passes

are helpful! I’m proud to be part of a congrega-

tion that reaches out to folks in need outside our

congregation. Brothers & Sisters Behind Bars

continues our work to break the chain of addic-


– Barb Dohrer

South Dakota Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Last November we started a fundraising project,

"Seeds of Hope for Nicaragua." This was an ef-

fort to assist our siblings in Nicaragua with pur-

chasing seeds for replanting after they had lost

all their crops following two major hurricanes.

Our goal was to raise at least $14,000 as this

was the amount needed to purchase seeds to

assist 9 (out of 15) communities that suffered

the most. Thanks to your generosity, we have

raised $28,535.96 to date! This will go a long

way to not only purchase seeds for replanting,

but also food for communities, farming equip-

ment, and supporting other projects of the Lu-

theran Church of Nicaragua. Thank you for your

acts of love. May the Lord continue to provide for

all your needs in Christ as promised in Philippi-

ans 4:19, so that you may always be a blessing

to others.

Total Raised to Date from Members

& Friends of LCOOR: $8,085.00

“Is prayer your steering wheel

or your spare tire?”

—Corrie ten Boom

Page 9

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

Adult Education and Fellowship


While Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer wel-

comes new members all year round, we

“officially” receive new members during worship

twice a year. Our next time recognizing new

members will be in April 2021. If you (or some-

one you know) is interested in learning more

about becoming a member, please contact Twila

in the church office by calling 605-886-2696.

ZOOM Bible Study

Our ZOOM Bible Study, based on Gather maga-

zine’s two-part “Journeys with Angels” study, will

continue on Wednesday, February 24, at 1 p.m.

If you’re interested in joining the study, please

email: twila@lcoorwatertown.org. (There are a

few copies of the Gather magazine available for

pick up each month in the church office.)

Book Club

Meet at 10am at Lutheran Church of Our

Redeemer unless other-

wise noted.

February 25, 2021:

“The Vanishing Half”

by Brit Ben-


Leader—Shelly Alvine

March 25, 2021: “American Dirt” by

Jeanine Cummins...Discussion Leader- Su-

san Nilson

Whatever happens today, dear Lord, help us remember

that you are present. If we find ourselves in the shadows

of disappointment or rejection or pain, let us see your

comforting light. If we’re in the radiant light of success or

acceptance or wholeness, may we acknowledge your

providence and grace. Wherever we are, grant us the

assurance of your nearness. Amen.

Men’s Lunch

Bring your own lunch and meet up with a group

of men on Wednesdays here at the church at

12:15pm. Join in on the Bible study/discussion

and fellowship of each other every week or as

your schedule allows.

Prayer Shawls

Knitters and crocheters come together twice a

month for a time of crafting, fellowship and

prayer. In February they will meet in the Youth

Room at 10am on Tuesdays February 2nd and

February 16th.

Page 10 Volume 29, Issue 2

Let us Welcome Our

Newest Staff Member

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer is pleased

to announce the newest addition to our staff.

Roger Whittle has accepted the position of

Communications Coordinator. He will begin on

February 9.

Whittle brings a wealth of experience to the

position. He was the Managing Editor of the

Watertown Public Opinion from 2013 to 2020.

Most recently, he was a Marketing Writer for

Persona, Inc.

His duties at the church include producing the

monthly newsletters and weekly bulletins as

well as handling the church’s Social Media

posts and website, including livestreaming.

Whittle is married to Twila Schmitt, the

Welcoming and Caring Ministries Coordinator


The Latest Word

Page 11

Preschool News

Email: preschool@lcoorwatertown.org | Facebook: LCOORPreschool | Phone: 886-2696

Chapel Time

with Pastor Dan

We still have a few spots open!!

Our preschool offers a Monday-Thursday 8:30-11:30

Pre-Kindergarten (4/5 year old) program. It is open to

anyone not just church members.

Our curriculum includes introducing letters and

sounds, numbers, first/last names, shapes, and col-

ors. We also socialize and play, listen to a lot of books,

and sing songs along with many other learning activi-

ties. The students also learn about God’s love, hear

and learn stories and songs about Jesus.

We would love for your child to be part of Lutheran

Church of Our Redeemer Preschool!!

Any questions please call Miss Nikki or

Miss Wendy at 886-2696 or email us at


February Dates to Remember

February 11th- Valentine’s Day Party

February 15th- No School-President’s Day If you’re ordering from

Amazon, you can help

support the Preschool

by going to Amazon Smile or type in the

link below and it will take you directly

there. Sign in as you normally would for

Amazon and find Lutheran Church of Our

Redeemer in Watertown. The preschool

gets a percentage of your purchases.


0324629 Thank you so much for your


Care to help our preschool?

All help is appreciated.

*New/Used Toys *Snacks/Juice

*Support our fundraisers *Classroom Giving Tree

*Thrivent Choice Dollars *Scrip Dollars

*Amazon Smile

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer

2001 Second St. N.W. · Watertown, SD 57201








T h e L a t e s t


A monthly publication of

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer.

Deadline for the March 2021 issue:

Friday, February 19, 2021.

Staff Pastors Kent Stillson (Senior Pastor)

Dan Ofstehage (Associate Pastor)

Children & Youth Ministry Director Philip Lickei

Preschool Teacher/Director Nikki Landmark

Preschool Teacher Aide Wendy Kruger

Welcoming & Caring Ministries Twila Schmitt

Worship & Music Coordinator Robbyn Givens

Communications Coordinator Roger Whittle

Business Manager Jodi Spilde

Custodian Adam Lauseng

Janitorial Marilyn Byer

Jodi Pearson

2020 Church Council

President Justin Ruesch

Vice President Mark Reishus

Secretary Amber Dahl

Treasurer Todd Nichols

Tammy Davis Dale Even

Jennifer Harms Rachel Hauck

Scott Munger

Prayer Chain

Marilyn Chapman 886-4858

Email: twila@lcoorwatertown.org

Phone (605)886-2696

Website https://lcoorwatertown.org



Lenten Devotionals

Available at Welcome


You’re invited to pick up a copy of

“Steadfast Love,” our 2021 Lenten

devotional booklet, at The Welcome

Center. The booklet features a brief

daily devotion, beginning with Ash

Wednesday on February 17 -- and

continuing through Easter Sunday,

April 4.

If you are

unable to

travel to the

church to

pick up your

copy, please

let us know

so we may

deliver or

mail one to



February 17, 2021

Worship at 6:30pm

Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes


On March 13, 2020, the Lutherans Outdoors’ Board of Directors made a decision to stop allprogramming at our camp sites for a 10-week period. On April 7, 2020, the Board of Directorsmade the decision to cancel the summer program at Outlaw Ranch, Joy Ranch, NeSoDak, andKlein Ranch. This was the right decision, yet very difficult.

The empty camps continued in this way for the rest of the year, except for some horse ridingprograms at Joy Ranch and some family rentals at Outlaw and NeSoDak. It will continue to bequiet during the first months of 2021.

Lutherans Outdoors found several ways to keep the relational ministry happening last summerthrough successful special event fundraisers. Klein Ranch had many supporters participate inthe Adopt-A-Horse program. Joy Ranch held special drive-thru Chef Nights. NeSoDak had a funRoad Runner 5K Run/Walk. Outlaw Ranch offered a Thursday night Concert Series featuringFamily Camp musicians from past years with a special Christmas Concert in December.

We look with optimism and excitement to Summer 2021! Lutherans Outdoors is moving forwardin providing summer camp programs at a 60% capacity for the summer of 2021. We are hopefulthat retreats and gatherings can begin again this fall. It will be wonderful to hear the laughterand music and life that has been missing for too long.

We hope that your congregation can feel safe at camp and allow Lutherans Outdoors to providean important and much needed faith-growing experience called Bible Camp for members of allages. We will see you at camp!

During the course of our need to cancel summer camp and not host retreatgroups, Lutherans Outdoors lost approximately 1.7 million dollars of anticipatedincome. The loss of revenue will continue into 2021 with the hope that revenuestreams can begin again with summer programs---but they are notguaranteed.

Thus, there has been a great need for financial help from our ministry donors.And many, many of them did indeed make wonderful financial contributionsto help fill the revenue need. Lutherans Outdoors also was able to receive aFederal PPP loan.


The year 2020 may not have allowed Lutherans Outdoors to share four beautiful ministry sites with you,but it has not stopped Lutherans Outdoors from continuing its mission. Lutherans Outdoors is still avibrant, meaningful ministry that will continue to provide life-giving and faith-growing experiences forpeople of all ages for years to come.



2 0 2 0

Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota welcomes all to explore andexperience Christ’s love in community and creation.

But the financial need is still great and we will be making a large financial ask during 2021through our Keep The Campfires Burning Appeal. Your congregation will be receiving andsharing information on how you can make a vital decision to help Lutherans Outdoors continueto be a strong ministry through a generous donation.

Thank you for making our campfires burn bright into the future with your positive response tothis appeal.

February 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:00 AM Watertown Sandwich Ministry

11:00 AM Meals on Wheels Delivery

7:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

2 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Group

11:00 AM Pastor TEXT STUDY

11:00 AM Meals on Wheels

1:30 PM Staff Meeting

3 8:00 AM Wtn Sandwich Ministry

11:00 AM Meals on Wheels

12:15 PM Men's Lunch

5:30 PM Church School

6:30 PM WOW Worship

7:15 PM 7/8 Confirmation

Workshop #14

7:30 PM HS Deeper

4 11:00 AM Meals on Wheels

4:00 PM HS Coffee &

Conversation at Gather

5:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

5 8:00 AM Watertown

Sandwich Ministry

11:00 AM Meals on

Wheels Delivery

6 Holy Communion 5:30 PM Traditional Worship

7 Holy Communion 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship

9:30 AM Church School

9:30 AM Sandwich Ministry

10:30 AM Traditional Worship

8 8:00 AM Watertown Sandwich Ministry

7:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

9 11:00 AM Pastor TEXT STUDY

1:30 PM Staff Meeting

6:30 PM Executive Committee

7:00 PM Church Council Mtg

10 Holy Communion 8:00 AM Wtn Sandwich Ministry

12:15 PM Men's Lunch

5:30 PM Church School

6:30 PM WOW Worship

7:15 PM 7/8 Confirmation

Workshop #15

7:30 PM HS Deeper

11 Pre-K Valentine's Day Party

4:00 PM HS Coffee &

Conversation at Gather

5:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

12 8:00 AM Watertown

Sandwich Ministry

13 5:30 PM Worship [Lay Led]

14 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship

9:30 AM Church School

9:30 AM Sandwich Ministry

10:30 AM Traditional Worship

15 No Pre-K Classes

8:00 AM Watertown Sandwich Ministry

7:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

16 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Group

11:00 AM Pastor TEXT STUDY

1:30 PM Staff Meeting

17 Ash Wednesday 8:00 AM Wtn Sandwich Ministry

12:15 PM Men's Lunch

5:30 PM Church School

6:30 PM Worship Service Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion

7:30 PM HS Deeper

18 4:00 PM HS Coffee &

Conversation at Gather

5:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

19 March Newsletter


8:00 AM Watertown

Sandwich Ministry

20 5:30 PM Worship [Lay Led]

21 Holy Communion 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship

9:30 AM Church School

9:30 AM Sandwich Ministry

10:30 AM Traditional Worship

22 8:00 AM Watertown Sandwich Ministry

7:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

23 11:00 AM Pastor TEXT STUDY

1:30 PM Staff Meeting

6:30 PM Worship & Music

Committee Meeting

24 8:00 AM Wtn Sandwich Ministry

12:15 PM Men's Lunch

1:00 PM ZOOM Gather Bible Study

5:30 PM Church School

6:30 PM Lenten Worship Service

7:30 PM HS Deeper

25 10:00 AM Book Club

4:00 PM HS Coffee &

Conversation at Gather

5:15 PM Al-Anon (Assembly B)

26 8:00 AM Watertown

Sandwich Ministry

27 5:30 PM Worship [Lay Led]

28 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship

9:30 AM Church School

9:30 AM Sandwich Ministry

10:30 AM Traditional Worship

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer ◦ 2001 2nd Street NW, Watertown, SD 57201 ◦ (605)886-2696 ◦ www.lcoorwatertown.org