Systems Of Government Mr. Black US Global 9. The Four Basic Government Systems There are FOUR (4)...

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Transcript of Systems Of Government Mr. Black US Global 9. The Four Basic Government Systems There are FOUR (4)...

Systems Of Government

Mr. Black

US Global 9

The Four Basic Government Systems

• There are FOUR (4) basic government systems (some government systems also have “subsystems”)

• The four basic government systems are:

2. Theocracies

3. Dictatorships

4. Democracies

4a. Parliamentary Democracies

4b. Presidential Democracies

1. Monarchies

1a. Absolute Monarchies

1b. Constitutional Monarchies


• In a monarchy, the ruler inherits his or her power

• When they die, power is automatically passed to one of monarch’s children

• E.G., king, queen, emperor, empress

• 2 types: absolute and constitutional

Absolute Monarchy

• King/Queen has absolute rule over subjects

• Power is claimed by divine right

• Freedoms and rights come only with the consent of the ruler

• People have no voice in selecting ruler

• Weakness: capabilities may vary

Bhutan, Brunei, Saudi Arabia and Swaziland are just a few examples of modern absolute monarchies

Constitutional Monarchy

• Power of ruler is limited

• Subjects enjoy basic rights, have a voice in government

• Power is shared- between monarch and elected legislature

Monaco, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom are just a few examples of modern constitutional monarchies


• Religious leaders rule over society (religion is the government).

• Rulers chosen by councils of religious priests or clerics

• Leaders claim to act in the name of god- expect strict obedience from members of society

• Iran


• Like monarchy, a single person or small group has supreme power

• Dictator gains power by force or is put in that position and then takes action to strengthen their power

• Not responsible to the people and not limited by them

• Cuba

China, Cuba, North Korea and Sudan are just a few examples of modern dictatorships


• Government authority is based upon people’s consent

• Direct Democracy: citizens vote on each issue

• Representative Democracy: the “will” of the people is carried out by elected officials


• Government functions under the rule of law & liberties are guaranteed

• Respect given for individual freedoms

• Majority rule followed with respect given for minority views

• 2 types: Parliamentary, Presidential

Parliamentary Democracy

• Voters elect legislature (parliament)• Legislature chooses chief executive, the prime

minister• Prime Minister and Chief Ministers are

members of Parliament• They can be removed by a majority of

parliament at any time• Most of world’s democracies are under this

system• Great Britain

Canada, India, Turkey and the United Kingdom are just a few examples of parliamentary democracies

Presidential Democracy

• A separation of powers exists between branches of government

• Voters elect each separately• Each branch is independent and checks the

other’s powers• United States

Brazil, France, Nigeria and the United States are just a few examples of presidential democracies

• You may have noticed that some nations have appeared in more than one category of the basic systems of government (or subsystems)…

• It is important to understand that NO NATION fits perfectly into a textbook definition of a specific government system; governments can have at least partial resemblance to a variety of government systems!


Divine Right

• Meaning, the will of god