Synthesis Assignment

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Transcript of Synthesis Assignment

ENG 102University of Southern Mississippi

Project 2: Synthesizing Perspectives

As you know, a central feature of critical literacy is the ability to read others’ ideas, understand others’ perspectives, and integrate those perspectives with your own. In other words, the skill of synthesizing a variety of opinions and beliefs helps us to see all sides of an issue—and to make informed decisions about our own positions on the issue. Synthesizing, however, is no easy task. When we encounter opinions or beliefs that conflict with our own, it is not easy to have an open mind about them. Moreover, we live in a culture that often seems to value polarized positions above synthesized positions. For this assignment, you will build on your skills of summarizing and analyzing as you begin to work with several texts as a means of establishing your own argu-ment.

Getting Started: A synthesis allows you to explore the complexities of an important issue. For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to write a synthesis essay that explores an is-sue of political importance First, you will need to perform close readings of the articles. You will need to make a list of issues, and as you make your list, make notes on how each author discusses these issues. Are the ways they discuss the issue alike? Where do they differ? What makes them different? Is the difference significant? How and why is it significant? The focus of your essay will incorporate these common themes by making a strong assertion regarding the issue and developing your argument by utilizing and responding to the academic conversation portrayed by these sources.

Rhetorical Considerations: Your essay should accomplish the following: · thoroughly explore, expand, and discuss the issue;· closely and critically read a variety of perspectives about the issue and form an opinion of

your own;· state that opinion in the form of a persuasive focus for a specific audience;· develop your skills by quoting and paraphrasing at least two essays on the topic;

Remember, a persuasive focus allows you to explore the complexities of an issue and position yourself within those complexities. To support your focus, you should engage with and cite at least two authors we’ve read on your chosen topic. Blend their perspectives with your own opinions and experiences to develop a solid argument.

Putting it Together: Your essay should be organized in a manner that develops each of the claims you present to support your focus. Be sure to use solid transitions between paragraphs and ensure that every element of your essay (including your chosen sources) relates to and sup-ports your focus. The suggested length for this paper is 5-7 pages (1,500 to 2,000 words); you must, however, show that you have thoroughly explored the issues and synthesized the sources required. Your essay should be aimed at an audience who can truly benefit from your thoughtful argument.