Symbios Sept 2015

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SYM DON BOSCO Turin 2015reflections on the conclusion of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco

Transcript of Symbios Sept 2015


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    After the conclusion to the Bicentenary Celebrations of Don Boscos

    birth at SYM DON BOSCO 2015Turin, the INB Province 15 group

    contingent decided to promote the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM)

    in the various institutions of the province. SYMBIOS is the first fruit of

    their commitment.

    Symbiosis is rightly defined as the intimate living together of two

    dissimilar organisms in a mutually beneficial relationship. For us,

    SYMBIOS is simply SYM + BIOS! Bios means LIFE or in computer

    language, it is the program a personal computer's microprocessor

    uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on!

    SYMBIOS is giving life to the SYM. SYMBIOS will connect youth into a

    vast movement of committed educators and evangelizers.

    Three little catch words LIKE-WITH-FOR spelt the entire animation program at SYM DON BOSCO 2015 in Turin from 10-16

    August 2015. 5000 SYM youngsters from 58 countries journeyed together at Valdocco and finally at Colle Don Bosco through

    deep reflective moments blended with characteristic Salesian joy and family spirit. Life inspiring testimonies from around the

    world and a first hand encounter with the Rector Major Fr. Angl Artime Fernandes and Mother General Sr. Yvonne

    Reungoat challenged us all to be LIKE DON BOSCO Disciples and Witnesses of the Lord Jesus, WITH the Young as joyful Educa-

    tors and Companions, and FOR the Young as committed Evangelizers and living our daily Vocation with passion and soul.

    SYMBIOS will carry forward this message LIKE-WITH-FOR into the next few issues. Going back to the very roots of our Sale-

    sian history, pedagogy and spirituality, and witnessing for our selves the very humble beginnings of the dreamer Johnny

    Bosco to the great Father and Teacher of Youth, our hearts could only grow warmer while we whispered a thank you to

    the one who enabled us to be all that we are today. From Becchi to the world, the Salesian charism has spread and multi-

    plied to over 132 countries backed by a solid 450000 Salesian Family! The Salesian Youth Movement is fast shaping up into

    an ecclesial movement of youth inspired by the

    Salesian Youth Spirituality (SYS). One could only

    sense the joy, enthusiasm and commitment of the

    SYM across the various provinces and continents of

    the world. In India, we must confess, we still have a

    long way to go.

    SYMBIOS is an animation resource to bring life to

    the SYM and to carry it forward. We invite your

    suggestions to make SYMBIOS a youth friendly

    e-letter that provides news, insights, spirituality and

    a way forward to building the SYM in the Province of Mumbai. God bless you all abundantly!

    Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    1. Rector Major, lets begin with an easy question. What is your impression of this celebration of Don Boscos birthday? As you can imagine, dear young people, I think it is a wonderful celebration, since all of you are here, young boys and girls coming from 58 countries. I am moved at the beau-ty of this meeting and the precious attitude you, the young, show. I am moved by your joy and the ease with which you pass from music and dance to reflection and prayer. I am moved by your sensibility and solidarity towards the minority groups here present. And then I want to tell you that we are cele-brating a birthday that had to be celebrated. Why do I say this? For two reasons:

    Because we cannot remain indifferent to Don Boscos birthday (the Bicentenary of his birth), because Don Bosco does not belong to us, but - as I said several times in the course of the year he is a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church and to the word, and he is still absolutely modern and continues to fascinate people all over the world, today like yesterday, as Father and Teacher of the Young, as he was proclaimed by Pope John Paul II in 1988;

    The second reason is that, in a Salesian environment and as Salesian Family, it is possible to imagine to celebrate Don Boscos birthday only WITH THE YOUNG, AMONG THE YOUNG. What we cannot imagine is, for instance, if we had chosen to hold a congress on the management and organization of labour as the central act of August 16th, 2015. Impossible. On the contrary, we are holding an International Meeting of the Young.

    For this I repeat that this seem to me a wonderful celebration of the Bicentenary.

    2. How can we, the young, be of help especially to you Salesians and to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians?

    Letting the heart speak, and not only the mind, the first thing that comes to my mind is this:

    My dear youth, help us to be like Don Bosco and Maria Mazzarello.

    Help us to be ever more generous and to give you our whole life, as they did.

    Remind us, every moment, with your presence among us, that the young boys and girls were always in the heart of Don

    Bosco and of Mother Mazzarello.

    Ask us to accompany you to pray together, ask us with greater strength to be always among you, ask us to help you in the

    journey of life, especially when you are most in need of it. Do not be afraid to bother us. THIS MUST NEVER BE A


    Finally, I tell you the reason of what I just suggested to you: this is because we must never forget that also the boys of Valdoc-

    co and the girls of Mornese made Don Boscos heart and Mother Mazzarellos heart greater. Let us not forget that those

    boys and girls, with their presence, their looks, their prayer made Don Boscos heart and Mother Mazzarellos heart

    grow ever more with the passing of time.

    And you too can do this with all those who live the precious, wonderful, beautiful challenge of being Don Bosco and Mother

    Mazzarello today, i.e. all the Salesians (SDB) and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) of the world.


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    3. Fr. ngel, as Rector Major, what do you think would Don Bosco tell and ask the young here present today, and the young of the world?

    Undoubtedly, he would say what he always said to his boys: to keep Jesus as the sense of their lives, as the Centre of their lives. That they never abandon Him, never put Him aside in their lives. And that they always keep Mary Help of Christians in their hearts, because she will do everything for you.

    And he would tell you, just as I tell you now, that we believe in you, that we really believe you are good and that in the heart of every young boy and girl there are always the seeds of goodness and kindness.

    He would tell you never to cease to be the true leading characters of your life. And reminding you to be honest citizens and good Christians, and knowing our world today, he would tell you to be men and

    women of goodness, to be honest, to work honestly, to be just with the others, to be people who never exploit the others. He would tell you to have a merciful heart towards those who are suffering, those who have less (than we do), those who are immigrants, defenseless I AM CONVINCED THIS WOULD BE DON BOSCOS LANGUAGE TODAY.

    4. And in tune with Don Bosco, what is the dream of the Rector Major for us, the young of today?

    You know, I often ask myself this question, as I go to know the youth of the world. And in my heart, this is what I feel:

    I dream, as Don Bosco would say, that God be always in the life of each young boy and girl who is in a Salesian house, and then throughout their lives. My dear youth, the best thing we can offer is WHAT HAS FILLED OUR LIVES TO THE POINT OF CHOOSING TO BE SALESIANS AND DAUGHTERS OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS;

    I dream of something Mother Yvonne already said yesterday: that nothing and nobody may stifle or steal your dreams of goodness, of kindness, of a better humankind;

    I dream that the youth of the Salesian houses in the world be capable to be an alternative, to be counter-cultural in what is important and necessary to go against the mainstream. I dream of youth who, for the fact that they think and are just and have a great heart, are capable to say YES and NO with great freedom.

    5. The Rector Major has chosen as motto for the Strenna 2015 the slogan Like Don Bosco, with the Young, for the Young just as Pope Francis entitled his letter to the Salesian Family. What does this mean to us, the young of SYM DON BOSCO 2015, and for the youth of the whole world, this message for the Young?

    This message does not only have much significance, but rather it has ALL ITS SIGNIFICANCE for you, because you are not the young people of the Salesian environment only to receive, but also to GIVE and to GIVE YOURSELVES. I am convinced that for the fact that you are here you have a special sensibility, to understand that many thousands and thousands of youth all over the world need you. As you know, Pope Francis invites us to be Christians (as the Church herself does) who go forth, who reach out, to the encounter with others. Well, you have a lot to give and to offer to other youth.

    The Pope invites all Christians, and you too, the young, to be RADI-CAL: well, to my mind, the concrete Salesian way to be radical, both for you and for us is this being-for-the-others, trying to reach out to those who are far away, making concrete and valid choices for the poorest, the outcast of our societies. ULTIMATELY, WE MUST FEEL UNEASY AS LONG AS the poor are beside us, or even far way from us, (as long as there are) homeless people, persons who suffer from violence, persons who are exploited.


    This is all, from me. I thank you, dear youth, for your welcome and your listening. Many thanks.


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    Pearl Dsouza DBYS - Mumbai

    We all know Don Bosco to be a visionary par excellence and a friend of the young. We know about the immense love

    and faith he had in Jesus and his special devotion to Mama Mary. However what made him love the Church and serve the

    Lord? What made John Bosco, the young boy, Don Bosco the teacher and friend of the youth? To find answers to these ques-

    tions and to learn more about the workings of Salesians across the globe, 30 of us from the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM)

    India had the good fortune of being a part of the Bicentenary Celebrations of Don Boscos birth in Turin, Italy. Of this large

    number, 15 of us happened to be from the Mumbai Province. We spent a week in Turin and Becchi, the places where Don

    Bosco lived and worked. 5000 Youth from Salesian institutions and associations across 58 countries of the globe participated

    in this SYM DON BOSCO 2015.

    The theme for the week was LIKE Don Bosco, WITH the young and

    FOR the young. Popular among the participants as Like With -

    For. Each day was devoted to understanding and internalizing

    one part of the theme. The first half of the day included action

    songs, interviewing an experienced and famous Salesian like the

    Rector Major, dance performances and mimes highlighting the

    sub-theme of the day and people from different countries, playing

    different roles in the Salesian movement sharing their experienc-

    es. The first half of the day always concluded with the celebration

    of the Holy Eucharist. Post- lunch in order to keep the youth active and also as a way of seeing the important places in Turin

    various groups were taken to visit various important Shrines, Basilicas and places of religious importance, especially those

    connected with Don Bosco. Each group was free to carry out their own form of prayer and reflection at every place. One such

    place that was very special to me and to most of us on this pilgrimage was Valdocco. Valdocco is where the Shrine of Mary

    Help of Christians stands, one of the first churches ever built by Don Bosco. It contains the Pinardi Chapel, which was Don

    Boscos first oratory. Standing inside the Pinardi chapel one feels such inspiration and awe to see the place where it all began

    and how that tiny place was the beginning of hope and a better life for millions of young people around the world. It also

    houses Don Boscos room with its original furniture well preserved and

    the chapel behind the main altar where Dominic Savio was elevated

    while praying. Visiting Valdocco made me feel like someone who had

    been given the opportunity to be inside the holy of holies.

    A similar feeling enters ones heart at Colle Don Bosco and at

    Becchi. This ecstatic feeling could be felt in the singing, dancing and

    clapping of all the 5000 youth as we hiked from Colle Don Bosco to Bec-

    chi. Even the heavy rains could not dampen our spirits. If anything it

    made us feel all the more like soldiers on a victory march going to claim

    our reward. The opportunity to visit the ancestral house of Dominic

    Savio en route to Becchi was like icing on the cake. Once there at Becchi

    two things struck me deeply:


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    Firstly, gratefulness to Mama Margaret, Don Boscos mother, for it was her guidance, prayers and upbringing that made Don

    Bosco the kind of man he was. She becomes a role model for all parents especially in a world today where parents want their

    children to be ambitious and successful, here is a woman who wanted her

    son most of all to be a good and loving person, a person of God. In that

    very place of Don Boscos birth I thanked God for Mama Margaret, without

    whom all of this would not have been possible. The second thing that

    struck me was the humble origins of Don Bosco. Looking at his house and

    the area around, which even today is not very developed, I think of Don

    Boscos ability to dream big and his fore-sightedness. That someone with

    such little means could think of offering everything he had, even his talents in order to bring souls closer to Jesus and to take

    up Gods plan for him made me question what I am doing in with all the resources and talents God has given me. The town

    of Becchi even on that cold stormy night had vibes of warmth, love and laughter as if Don Bosco and Mama Margaret them-

    selves were present there. The Rector Major Don Angl in his interactions with the youth made sure everyone felt Don

    Boscos welcoming embrace. Something that I have felt with all Salesian priests Ive met. In fact the birthday celebrations of

    Don Bosco took place just as Don Bosco would have liked it, with a lot of youth,

    fun, laughter, games, cheerful dance and song and thanking God for him.

    Having seen and felt for ourselves what made Don Bosco the great Man he was

    and the place where the seeds of this massive tree of the Salesian Youth Move-

    ment were sown, we are now ready to take up new challenges just like Don

    Bosco to strengthen the roots of this Salesian Youth Movement in our respec-

    tive provinces. In order to welcome more youth into the Salesian Youth Move-

    ment and make them a part of the Salesian family we the youth from the

    Mumbai province have decided that each of us will get at least 10 more of our

    friends to join the movement. We shall organize events and gatherings at Salesian houses across Mumbai to familiarize

    youth with the Salesian Youth Movement and Salesian spirituality. We also plan on having our very own Salesian Youth

    Movement cross to be circulated around the different Salesian houses of the Mumbai province, which could become a sym-

    bol and torch of the movement. Most importantly like Don Bosco we shall never be disheartened or discouraged when

    things dont fall in place and shall continue to persevere and bring the love of Don Bosco to as many youth as we can. For we

    are determined now more than ever to be Like Don Bosco, With the Young and

    For the Young.

    It was a wonderful opportunity for me to see the Eifel Tower, to visit the holy

    place of Lourdes Pilgrimage, Paduas St. Anthony, Valdocco and Colle Don

    Bosco, the Major Basilicas in Rome, St. Peter Church and finally to meet the Holy

    Father in Vatican city and our beloved Rector Major too I am so privileged. to see

    these places. Overall the experiences with the youth for a direct exchange

    between young people coming from different parts of the world; to share the

    ongoing good practices of social experience; the witness of those groups

    engaged in favor of the disadvantaged; to elaborate educative proposals for a

    permanent formation in leadership and animation was the most learning experiences for me - Royal Dsouza, DBCLKurla


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    Marina DCosta, Antop Hill

    My association with Don Bosco was before my birth, it was passed from my mother to

    me, when she called me a gift of Don Bosco. She always taught me to love Don Bosco and

    said you will be cheerful if you are with this saint. I really didnt understand what she

    meant by that until I reached Becchi where the friend of youth was born. My mother con-

    nected to the heart of Don Bosco and that is exactly what I carried back from Becchi. It is

    the heart of Don Bosco, it is the willingness to be LIKE Don Bosco. It is impressive to see a

    man born in 1815 can actually move 5000 youth who gathered from 58 countries in 2015.

    Times have changed, people have changed, but what remains alive is the heart of Don

    Bosco that beats in all young people who have experienced his warmth closely.

    When I close my eyes and recall my time in Torino, all I can see is the faces of young people all over the world smiling, sing-

    ing, dancing, shouting slogans for Don Bosco and the presence of Don Bosco himself among the young. We young people just

    had one reason to celebrate, that was the joy of having this saint in our lives. Don Bosco said, Give me souls, take away the

    rest, such a deep thought to reflect on. I ask myself, What will I do to save a soul? What will I do to educate the hearts of

    the young? What will I do to help young people find meaning in life? If I have to be like Don Bosco, I need to have a heart like

    Don Bosco. Young people need that smile, that warmth, that someone who can hear them out. Don Bosco was there, his du-

    ties as a priest didnt stop him to be with the young. His love for Mother Mary moved me immensely, that firm devotion he

    had in her made me believe that it is her love and presence in the life of Don Bosco that made him so strong. It is true, Don

    Bosco has brought me close to mother mary and the basilica of Mary Help of Christians moved me to tears. I am so happy to

    have connected to the life of Don Bosco standing in places where he once dwelt, that was the hallmark of SYM 2015. Young

    people often need to see to believe, and for me the journey in Torino, Castelnuovo, Becchi did have immense significance to

    connect to the life of Don Bosco and also reflect on my own being. Don Boscos story is so simple, yet it is so powerful. He

    was right when he said, Do your daily duties in an extraordinary way. That is what I am called to do in my daily life. My

    walk to Colle Don Bosco in the rains is something I will always cherish. Also dropping at the house of St. Dominic Savio on the

    way, who is the patron saint of my Parish made me feel so special. It is indeed a blessing when I know that I was the chosen

    one to be part of this historic moment in the Salesian history and so now is the time to redefine my mission for the works of

    Don Bosco. 200 years of birth celebration is not a moment to romanticize the life of Don Bosco, but is the time to renew my

    vow as young leader of Don Bosco to live in the presence of young people and change their lives to build a better world. We

    thank you lord for Don Bosco, in him we see the wonders of your love. We thank you lord, for the Salesian family.

    SYM 2015 (Salesian Youth Movement) event was lively and well planned. Got to visit all the

    places where Don Bosco began his first Mission. We got an opportunity to share, deepen,

    and look at the future of the experience of the Salesian Youth Movement in the world. The

    youth everyday gathered to participate in the Eucharist, and to prepare ourselves for recon-

    ciliation. It also helped us to discover the places were Don Bosco lived at Becchi and Colle

    Don Bosco - Francis Dsouza, DBYS Matunga


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    Judeline Rodrigues, Mahim Si Vede We see

    Si Sente We hear/ feel

    E Don Bosco e presente That Don Bosco is present here

    The presence of Don Bosco was truly felt through the euphoria amongst the 5000 Salesian

    youth, brothers, religious, Priest and Our beloved Rector Major Angel Fernandez Artime. All

    the youth were welcomed by Rector Major with a warm hug and loving smile. Just the way DB

    would have greeted the youth. It was a wonderful experience seeing so many youth who

    came to celebrate the bi-centenary birth of our ever loved San Bosco, Living the Salesian

    spirituality with Joy & cheerfulness. The theme of our gathering LIKE Don Bosco, WITH the

    youth, FOR the youth was well explained in a span of 3 days, through 3 inspirational Ideas

    Like (Disciple & Witness), With (Education & Accompaniment) FOR (Vocation & Mission) thus

    enabling us to a better understand the SYM.

    Visiting the Pinardi Chapel and Mary Help of Christians Basilica at Valdocco, his room, the

    sanctuary of Our Lady of Consolata, the Cottolengo, Castelnouvo and Colle Don Bosco, made

    me feel like a part of Don Bosco's life. It was a wonderful experience meeting youth from

    across the globe and making new friends, even though there was a language barrier at times. I

    feel blessed to be part of the SYM and been chosen for this trip. Meeting the 10th successor of

    Don Bosco and seeing Papa Francesco was an icing to my cake.

    My most memorable part of this trip was when I got separated from my group at Colle DB and

    was guided by a volunteer to enter a bus which took me to Valodocco and this gave me some

    time to spend at the Pinardi Chapel. I shall cherish these memories all my life and I am glad to be a part of the 200th birth cele-

    bration of this saint who is loved even today a century after his death. And I will continue to be part

    of his mission and help it to grow. Viva Don Bosco!!! Mary Help of Christians, Pray for us

    Rebecca Pereira,

    The motto of John Don Bosco. Born of poor parents in a little cabin at Becchi, He has taught the youth many values that are important for to follow in today's life. If Don Bosco alone could spread patience, generosity, fear of God, courage among the young... So can we!

    The celebration of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco, 2015 was simply amazing with nearly 5000 youth from across the globe. It was a totally different experience with different countries, different cultures and different people. I felt blessed to be a part of this wonderful celebration, especially being at the birth place of Don Bosco. During this program, we visited Basilicas and the Oratories of Don Bosco, interacted with other youth, shared laughter, and exchanged gifts. Then came 16-08-2015, at

    the stroke of midnight, joy flooded, church bells rang....the most awaited day had arrived. The church was lit up with the face of Don Bosco and Mary Help of Christians. What a beautiful site! Never to be forgotten. Those memories will be cher-ished! The world is a big place but with Don Bosco it is small. We are all one big family. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE


    Mumbai Province September 2015,

    The INBSYM Contingent: 120 participants

    Region Animator M F Arrival Departure

    Alirajpur (9) Fr. Osborn 5 3 29/9 at 4:30am, Swaraj Exp 01/10 at 9:30pm by Sarvodaya Exp

    DBCLKurla (18) Mr. Royal 10 6 28/9 at 4:30am, Swaraj Exp 02/10 at 10:40pm by NZM TVC SF Ex

    DB Gujarat (27) Fr. Mayank 15 10 28/9 at 4:30am, Swaraj Exp 02/10 at 10:40pm by NZM TVC SF Ex

    DB Nagar (16) Fr. Vishwas 5 9 28/9 at 10:00am Karnataka Exp 01/10 at 9:00pm by Karnataka Exp

    DBYS (30) Fr. Cleophas 16 11 28/9 at 4:30am, Swaraj Exp 02/10 at 10:40pm by NZM TVC SF Ex

    DB Nagpur (13) Fr. Allwyn 6 6

    DB Pune (7) Fr. Cletus 5 1 28/9 at 4:00pm 01/10 midnight to Agra