SYLLABUS (Continued) p. 6 Alfred de Grazia SECTIOn? I. (Continued) : The ... · 2007-01-19 ·...

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Transcript of SYLLABUS (Continued) p. 6 Alfred de Grazia SECTIOn? I. (Continued) : The ... · 2007-01-19 ·...

SYLLABUS (Continued) p. 6~*

Political Science 167-8-9Alfred de Grazia

SECTIOn? I . (Continued) : The Operating Interdependence o~ Factors

IX. Political Action30 . Politics and Lorality31. Politics as a Skill

Suggested ReadingsMAX WBS., Essays From kax üieber, ".'olitics as a Vocation"SIL )NE,~I, II, IIICantril, H ., The Psychology of Social i :ovements (N York : +iley, 1941)Hopkins, R.V.N., "The -xpart and the Layman", III Publ . Ad. (1925), 10-22Laski, H . J ., "The Limitations of the expert", Harper~s (Dec., 1930), 101-10La~aell, H .D ., Politics, VIMacMahon, A., "Conflict, Consensus, Confirmed Trends, and Open Choices, "XLII

(1948), 1 .i.achiavelli, N., The PrinceMerriaä, C . E ., Role of Politics in Social Change, VIi.ierriam, C . E ., Political Power, VIINational atizens P ol . Action Comm., :;:anual of Practical Political ActionSherif, E., and H. Cantril, ?sychology of go Involvement, X-XISherr:ood, Robert, Roos ::velt and Hopkins, PassimSmith, T .! ., "Custo:a, Gossip, Legislation," XVI Social Forces..all as, Graham, Huag_n i :aturé''.'olit_cs, pp. 98-198Ti ItIreA~r'

l ; ei i vX. Political Change

32 . Pareto's Thecry of Social 7quilibrium33 . Deviations from -,quilibriuza: 3eformism, Catharsis, Rational Change34. The Theory of Rational Change and Its Critics35. The Role of Intellectuals in :'olitics

Suggested Readings

SHONE, IV, if, vISITYD -R & -71LSO'N, (Ogburn, pp . 405-12)Borkenaw, Fra z, Pareto (New York : '.,i1ey, 1936)Brecht, Arnold, "Constitutions and Leadership", I Soc . Res . (1934), 265Burns, Delisle, Political Ideals (Oxford, 1915)Cormittee on ,xpenditures in the xecutive Depts ., Progress on HooverCo:amission

Recommendations, 81st Cong., 1st Sess., dept . no. 1153, Oct. 12, 1949( :.ash. : Govt. Pting. Office, 1949)

Crattccell, C-.R.i: .F., A History of Peaceful Change in the Lodern b.orld (1945)Dennett, Tyler, Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese Jar (New York, 1925)Hayek, F. von, Road to Serfdom (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1944)Hesseltine, '%1 . B ., The Rise and Fall of Third Parties (Nash. ; Public Affairs press

1948)Lynd, R. S., "Planned Social Solidarity in the Soviet Union," A Jrnl . Soc ., hov.,a

1945)aynr_heim, Karl, Lian and Society in an Age of Reconstruction (New York, 1940)Merton, R . K ., "Science and the Social Order," 5 Phil . of Science (1938), 321-37Natoral-4ti-zenn Political Attn Geuitice, -anual of Practical Political Actio i -Ogburn, TJYm., Social Change

York, 1923)(- ;P areto, Vilfredo, n.'. and Society, asp. IV, chap . 1Thomas, T. A ., 'Phe House of Commons, 1832-1901 (London, 1939)T!octtt_-n, Farbara, Freedom under .'lanning (Chapel Hill, 1945)


XI . Political Propaganda

36. The leaning and Sources of ?ropaganda in Modern Times3$. The ?olitical Control of Communications38 . Limits of Propaganda as a Technique

Suggested Readings

SIIANC, VII:.IXAristotle, RhetoricBartlett, F . C., Political Propaganda (Cambridge : Univ. Press, 19110)Campbell, Angus (ed.) "measuring Political Attitude " II Jrnl. Soc . Issues

(19146) #2Davidson, P .G ., Jr., Propaganda and the American Revolution, 1763-83 (Chapel Hill

U, of N. Ca., 19141)Cartwright, Dorwin, "Some 'rinciples of Lass Persuasion", II Human Relations (1949)

253-67Doob . L., Public Opinion and PropagandaChafee, Z. Government and Mass Communications, V. I, C . 1, V. II, c 24Lasswell, H . D., N. Leites, et al ., Language of Politics (New York: Stewart, 1949)Lasswell, H . D., "Describing the Contents of Communication" and "Describing the

Effects of Communication" in Srith, Lasswell and Casey, Propaganda, Communi-cation and Public Opinion. (Princton, 19146) .

Lewis, G. C ., Influence of Authority in natters of Opinion, II, VII, XOdegard, Peter, The American Tnhiic MihdOlson, K., "Development of the Czechoslovak ?ropaganda Administration", PSQ

(winter, 19119-50)Pareto, V., Mind and Society, The Theory of "dP^iv :#tions", "non-logical" thought,

passimRosten,-,The washington Correspondents, IISchramm, 7ilbur (ed .), Communications in üodern Society, articles by Hovland,

Ivey, Berelson, LazarsfeldSoiski, r7aclaw, "The Soviet Dress", II Modern Review (19148), 287-95.Williams, R .11., Jr., The Reduction of Intergroup Tensions, III

XII . Political Violence

39 . The Conditions of Violence in History and Today140 . The Limits and Effects of Violence

Suggested Readings

SIIANE, X-XIIv Adams, Brooks, Theory of Social Revolutions, I, II, VIV Almodd G. "Resistance 1uovements"V Aristotle, Politics, Bk . VV Brinton, C., Anatomy of Revolution-

Burckhardt, Force and Freedom, (New York, 1943), IV/'-DeYrey, John, "Force and Coercion", XXVI Ethics (1916), 359-67 -Gisevius, H. B., To The Bitter ndHale, Robert H ., "Force and the State : A Comparison of 'political' and 'economic$

com .Ilsion," Columbia Law Review (1935), 1149-201V Hunter, :- •' . R ., Revolution : ,+hy, How, :,hen?

Key, V . 0., Jr., "Police Graft", 140 Ms (1935), 624Lasswell, H, D ., "The Garrison State", 146 AJs (191x1), 455

V Lenin, V . I., The State and Revolution (1917), I-III, V

ir0 -8-

V Malaparte, C ., Coup d'étatr liosca, G ., The ruling Class (1939) VIIIV/ ?areto, V., IV, 1743-54, 1762-97, and passimv Fettee, G . S., The Process of Revolution

Sorel, G., Reflections on Violence (New York, 1912)--V Sordkin, Sociology of Revolution

Speier, H ., "Class Structure and Total War," 4 Am . Soc . Rev. (1939), 370 ~',/ llolpert, J . F., "The Myth of Revolution," LVIII Ethics


v 1 .


XIII. .ealth in Politics41 . The Rational Use of Economic Organization in Politics42 . The Use of Money in Politics

Suggested Readings

SILONE, XIII-XVrOLF 7r:3, A., "Political Repercussions of ERP in N . Europe " (on reserve in IRC)LASS :ELL, H.D ., "Psychological Aspects of r oreign Aid and Development Progris

(On reserve in IRC)Allen, R . S ., Our Fair City (New York : Vanguard, 1947)Delaisi, F., Political Myths and Economic Realities (New York, 1925)Harrod, R. F ., "Consequences of Nationalizing the Bank of England", 17 PQ (1946),

214Kent, Frank R ., The Great Game of Politics, XIX-XXIIKirchheime' 0., Changes in the Structure of Political Compromise," IX Studies in

Phil. and Soc . Sci . (19)1), 264-89Loth, D., Public PlunderOveracker, L . and V .

Money in Elections (1932) ; cf . L.O . Is quadrennialarticles on campaign finance in APSR

Pollock, J. K., :?oney and Elections Abroad (1932) ; Party Campaign Funds (1926)Riordan,

L., Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (1905)Sas*ly, R., I . G. F arben (New York : Boni and Gîaer, 1947)Schattschneider, E . E., Politics, Pressures and the Tariff (New York : Prentice Hall,

1935)U.S. Senate, 79th Cong., 1st Sess ., Spec. Com, to Invest . Comp . Expend, in 1944,

Report (1945)Veblen, T., The Theory of Business Enterprise',Webb, S. and B ., Soviet Communism: A New Civilization? (London, 1935), I, pp .

161-338, II, 602-803



Representation as the Structuring of Political Communications1. Early History of Representation and Repre,entative Devices2 . "The Age of Representative Government"3. The Relation of the Suffrage to Representation

Suggested Readings

(1948), 245 N

GOSNELL, DJ' :OCRACY, 2, 8, 9.Beard, C. A. and J . D . Lewis, "Representative Government in Evolution," XXVI

APSR (1932), 223Clarke, : ::nude V., medieval Representation and Consent (London : Longmans Green,1936)de Grazia, A.~ American Ideas of Political RepresentationEsmein, A., Elements de droit constitutionnel français et compare (Paris, 1921)

I, 284-456

. "JJ

Friedrich, C. J., Constitutional Government and Democracy, XIVGO-uizot, F. P. G., Histoire des origines du gouverr~ent réprésentatif en EuropeLuce, R ., Legislative Principles (Boston, 1930*MacLeod,

C., Origin and History of Politics (New York, 1931)Mill, J . S ., Representative Government (London, 1861)Porritt, -., and Anne G., The Unreformed House of Commons (Cambridge, Eng .,1903), IPorter, K. H ., History of Suffrage in the United States (Chicago : U . Of Chicago,

1918)Sait, E . '`., Political Institutions : A Preface (New York, 1938) Springfield, Mass .,

Sey our, Charles and Frary, D . P ., How the iiorld Votesj 2 vols .Shepard,

J., "Theory' of the Nature of ouffrage", Proceedings of APSA, IX (1912),106

"Representative Gove nment in Ancient Politis"XIV Class . Journl,(1919) 523

II. Relation of Social Interests to Representative Devices4. The Community of Citizens5, The Majority6 . The Land and Personal Property7, The Individual8; Other 6ocial Groups

Suggested Readings

GOSNELL, 3-7 eAllix, E,, "La F.ivalite' entre la proprilte' fonciere et laportune mobiliere sots

la - révolution, VI Revue d+histoire econornique et sociale (1913), 297Beard, C,, The Economic Basis of Politics (New York : Knopf, 194)Blaisdell, D. C,, 7conom?.cs rower and Political Pressures, TN C Monograph no . 26Bowen, R, H ., German Theories of the Cq pAn ive State (New York : McGraw Hill, 1947)Brady, Robert, Business as a System of Po:-:er (!New York : Columbia University Press,

1943)Buck, Philip, The Politics of Jercantilism (New York : Holt, 1932)Campbell, F ., Consumer Representation in the New Deal (New York : Columbia Un.

Press, 1940)Coker, _Francis 7. ., "The Technique of the Pluralistic State," APSR XV (1921), 186Committee of Industrial Analysis, The National Recovery Administration, Ï%ashington :

Dept . of Commerce, Feb, 17, 1937 (iimeographed)Dillon, L.E.,, "Pressure Groups", APSR (XVI (1942), 471Durkheim, E ., The Division of Labor, 2nd ed., 1902Follett, :ary P,, The New State ~,(Neww York : Longmans Green, 1918)Friedrich, C, J ., Constitutionar Government and Democracy, XXIIILeiserson, Avery, Interest Representation in Administrative Regulation, Chicago,

University of Chicago Press, 1942Monsees, C, H., Industry-Government Cooperation (wash, : Public Affairs Press, 1944)Rutherford, M . Louise, The Influence of the American Far Association on Public

Opinion and Legislation, Philadelphia : Univ. of Penn ., 1937Sub-Committee on I.anuifactures, U,3 . Senate, 72nd Congress, 1931 establishment of

National Economic Council'uitmer, H, E., The Property ~ualificatiog of Members of Parliament (N. Y . :

Columbia, 1943)




The Proportioning of Constituencies9 . Egalitarian Systems : Jefferson and Earx

10. Mobile Constituency Systems : Madison and J . S . Mill11. Fixed Interest Representation : Burke and Durkheim

Suggested Readings

GOSNELL, 10, 14Bromage, n. N., "Literacy and the Electorate", 24- APSR (1930), 960de Grazia ., A ., American Ideas of Political RepresentationDouglas, Paul, "Occupational vs . Prpportional Representation", XXIX AJS (1923), 129Friedrich, C. J., Constitutional Government and Democracy, XVGressafe, Berthe de la, "L'Organisation profesionnelle : Bilan d'une expérience,"

,conomi e contèmporaine, 1947, r#1Heri^.ens, F. A ., Democracy or Anarchy (Notre Dame, Ind . ; Rev. of :olitics, 19111)Hogan, J ., Elections and Representation (Cork, Ireland : U. of Cork, 191;5)Key, V. 0., Jr., Southern Politics (New York : Knopf, 191x9), chaps . 25-30Lc3ovney, D. 0 ., The American Suffrage Medley (1949), 1-5, 7-9McLaughlin, Andrew C ., "Social Compact and Constitutional Construction," V . Amer.

Hist. Hev. (1900), 467rill, J. S., Representative GovernmentNaville, M. E ., "Les Progres de la representation proportionnelle," La representa-

tion proportionnelle, II, III (1883), passimSchattschneider, Congressional ReapportionmentZeller, ---,elle and H . Bone, "The RepeAl of PR in New York Cit • - ,"XLII AP5R (1948),


Electoral Behavior12. :votives for Voting and Traditional V oting13 . The -conomic and other Factors in Voting14. Resoonse of the Electorate to Political Techniques :

Organization, and MoneyPropaganda,

Suggested Readings

GOSNELL, 15Bean, L. H., Ballot Behavior ; How to Predict Elections (1948)Connelley, G. M., and H . H. yield, "The Non-voter", 8 POQ (1944), 175Dangerfield, R. J., and R. H. Flynn, "Voter Liotivation in the 1936 Oklahoma erimary

7711, Southwest ::rn PSQ (1936), 1D er n~ #Glen, ?'1ß4û Votes in the 'aaking", 12 PCQ (1948W 585Drake, St. lair and H. K. Cayton, Black Metropolis (New York : Harcourt Brace,

1945), XIIIGlisenti, G, et al ., "A Statistical Analysis of the Italian Election Results",

Cronache Sociale (July 15, 1948) mimeo-trans, on reserve .Gosnell, H . r., Getting out the Vote ; ".hy Europe Votes ; Machine Politics :Chicago

M'oc,el ; Grass Roots PoliticsKent, Frank, The Great Game of PoliticsKey, V . 0., Jr., Southern PoliticsLazarsfeld, P. F., et al ., The People's Choice (Nery York : D.S . and P., 1948)Liichels, roberto, Political rarties, Pt . I, c . I-II ; Pt. IV, c . IIPollock, James K., Voting Behavior : A Case Study (Ann Arbor, 1940)Tingsten, H ., Political Behavior (19x7): •:allas, G ., The Great Society, XI-XIII

I .


The Relations of Constituents and Re?resentatives1 . Influence of Constituents on Representatives2 . Effects of Different Wipes of ?arty Controls3 . Effects of Different Types of Social Structure4, Personality, Occupational and Skill Characteristics

Suggested Readings

GOSNELL, 11-13T . 1 . 3L:ITH, The Legislative 7ay of Life, allBentley, A. F ., The Process of Government (Chicago, 1908)Cantwell, F . V ., "Public Opinion and the Legislative Process", 40 SE (1946), 924Carpenter,

S., Democracy and Representation (Princeton, 1925)Chamberlain, J . P ., Legislative Processes, National and State (New York : Appleton-

Century, 1936), IVCobban, A ., ~;dmund Burke & The Revolt Against the 18th Century (London :Allen and

Ur:w n , 1929), II, IIIConway, :;. M., The Crowd in Peace and '.','ar (1915)Flynn, E. J ., You're The Boss (Neer York; Viking, 1947)Follett,

P., The Ne,. State (New York : Longmans Green, 1920)Friedrich, C . J ., Constitutional Government and Democracy, XIX, XXHartmann, G . : ., "Judgements of State Legislators Concerning Public Opinion", XXI

J. Soc. Psych. (1945), 105Kales, A . K., Unpopular Government in the United StatesLowell, A . L., Public Opinion and Popular GovernmentLumley, F . E ., means of Social ControlMichels, R ., Political Parti-es (Glencoe, Ill ., 19119)Munro,

B., Invisible GovernmentTimmens,

"Can the Product :)uperiori -;.y of Discussors be Attributed to Average-ing or -ajority Influences", 15 J. Soc. Psych, 23-32

Suggested Readings

BAILEY, S . K., Congress Lakes a Law (New York : Columbia U., 1950), allBentley, A . F., The Process of Government (1908), VII, X, XI, XVII-XXBinkley,

The President and Congress (1947) I-VIBlack, Duncan, "On the Rationale of Group Decision-Laking", LVI J . Pol. Econ. (1948)

23-34Carlson, H . E ., and

Harrell, "Voting Groups Among Leading Congressmen Obtained byiieans of the Inverted Factor Technique," 16 J . Soc. Psych . (1942), 51-61

Chamberlain, H. C ., The President, Congress, and Legislation (1946)XIIDicey, A . V ., Law and Public opinion in England (1905)1.-I', XIIFriedrich, C . J., Constitutional Government and Democracy, XIX, XXII-XXIV

of Representatives

':.ebb, S. and B., Industrial Democracy (Ldndon ; Longmans Green, 1908), I, II

II . The Legislature as a Corporate Body5 . Historical Conditions Associated with the Development of Legislative Power6. The Ea-rit des Corps of Legislatures7 . The ?u is erations of Legislatures8 . Informal Leadership and Formal Procedure9 . Studying the Career of a Bill

10 . Determining the Effects of a Law



Grodzins, M. M., Americans Betrayed (1949)Kesselman, L . C ., The Social Politics of FEPC (Chapel Hill : U. Of N. Ca., 1949)Liarkel, L., ed., Public Opinion and oreign Policy (1948), chs . 2-7McKean, D. D., Pressures on the Legislature of New Jersey (1935).:'illett, J . D., The E'rocess and Organization of Government Planning (1948),I,IV-VIIThompson, G. C ., Public Opinion and Lord Beaconsfield (1886), Pts . I-II.alker, Harvey, "CommEnications in the Legislative Assembly" CCL Annals A.APSS

(1947)', 59White, L. D,, "Congressional Control of the Public Service", XXXIX APSR (1945), 1-11Williams, F., Press, Patiament and People (1946), VI-IX, XIV-XV

III. Prohlems of Administrative Behavior11. Politics and/or Administration12 . The Mature of Large-Scale "rganization : Legal vs . Scientific Study13 . -ethods of Studying formal and Informal Organization14. Political and Social Motivation in Public Office15. Ocaipational personality : The "Bureaucracy" and "Recruitment" Problems

Suggested Readings

LEPK7SKY, ALit :RT ADLiT ISTRATION (New York : Knopf, 1949), III, XX, VIIde Grazia, A ., Hman Relations in Public Administration : An Annotated Bibliography

(Chicago, 1949)De Lan, Henri, The Joy of :" -ork (Newr York : Holt, 1929)Dimock, Iß. E ., "The Study of Admi nistration", XXXI APSR (1937), 28-40Drucker, P . F ., Concept of the Corporation (New York : John Day, 1946)Fayol, Henri, Industrial and General Admi nistration (London : Pitman, 1920Friedrich, C . J ., Constitutional Government and Democracy, IIHocart, A. L., Kings' and Councillors (Cairo : A, Barbey, 1936)Hoslott, S . D., d., Hum-i Fact~)as in .aragement (Parkville, üo . : Park College,

1946)Kingsley, J. D., Representative Bureaucracy (Yellow Springs, Ohio : Antoich College,

560-8Moore, . . E ., "Industrial Sociology : Status and rrospects," Amer. Soc . Rev., Aug.

1948Roethlisberger, F . J., et al ., Management and the :'orker (Cambridge : Harvard, 1946)Simons, Herbert, Admi nistrative Behavior (New York : ïdacmillan, 1947)Vickers, Geogfrey, "Personal Incentive and Public Service", XVII Pol . Quart. (1946)

152-641k ite, L. D. and T. V . Smith, Politics and the Public Service (New York : Harper,

1939)'7hitehead, T . N., Leadership in a Free Society (Cambridge : Harvard, 1936)Whyte,

F., Industry and Society (New York : 1cGraw Hill, 1946)Wilson, Woodrow, "The Study of Administr-tion", II PSQ (1887), 197; LVI (1941),


Social Effects of Agency Operations17 . Analysis of Public Needs18. Inter-Agency Coordination19. Agency Adjustments to Interests20 . reasuring the Accomplishment of Objectives21 . Admi nistrative Public Relations

1944)Laski, H . J., "Limitations of the Expert", Harper's Magazine, Dec ., 1930, p . 62.Leigh, R. D., "Politicians vs. Bureaueratis", Harper's Magazine, Jan. 1945, P . 97Merton, R . K., "Bureaucratic Structure and Personality," XVIII Soc . Forces (1940)



Suggested ReadingsLE-PA

, XVI,, r1IIAppleby, Paul, Hig Democracy (19115)Baker, Gladys, The County Agent (Chicago : U . of C ., 1939)Barnard, C . I ., Functions of the :~xecutive (Cambridge : Harvard U ., 1938)Campbell, A ., "The Uses of Interview Surveys in Federal Administration", II J . Soc .

Issues (19116), 111-22Dewey, D . J ., "Occupational Choice in a Collectiiist Economy," LVI J . Pol . Econom.

(19118), 1165-79Finer, Herman, The Road to Faction (Boston : Little Brown, 19115)Hardin, C . M., "The Bureau of Agricultural Economics under Fire : A Study in

Valuation Conflicts," XXVIII J . Farm -con. (19116), 635-68Leighton, Alexander, The Governing of Men (Princeton : Princeton U•. , 1945)McCa-sy, J. L., Gov~rnraent Publicity : Its rractice in Federal Administration

(Chicago : U . of C ., 1939)Merton, R. K., et al ., :lass rersuas; on (New York : Harper, 19116)Sims, V . K ., "Factors Influencing Attitudes tov.ards the TVA", XXXIII Jrnl, Abn .

and Soc . Psych . (1938), 311-56Thornton, R. H ., "Nationalization : Administrative problems Inherent in a State-

Owned Enterprise," XXV PA (19117), 10-21Truman, David P ., "Public Opinion Research as a Tool of Public Administration",

V PAR (1945), 62-72N7oodward, J . L ., "Laking Government Opinion Research Rear Upon Operations",

IX Amer . Soc . Rev. (1944), 670-7

V. Formulae Depicting the Consolidation of Power22, introduction: Social and Political Trends23 . Measurements of Political Tension and Dysfunctions211. The Jeffersonian Formula25. The Revolutionary Working Class Formula26. The Bureaucratic Working Class Union Formula27. The "Managerial Revolution" Formula28. The "Executive Dictatorship" Formula29, Comments on Political Compromise and the Meaning of Political Formulae

Suggested Readings

:EFRIAL, C, E., Systematic Politics, IX, XDE::EY, JOiN, Freedom and Culture, V, VIIMARX, K . And F . _,PJGELS, "Communist Manifesto", p . 805 in Elliott and McDonald,

Nestern Political Heritage .BILL OF RIGHTS, STATE OF VIRGINIA(p . 103- in Commager (ed.), Documents of

American History"INDUSTRY COUNCIL PROGRAM", Appendix I, p . 343, in Golden, C . S, and H. J.

Ruttenberg, The -1yn..:'es of Industrial Democracy (New York : Harper, 19112)MILLS, C . RiGHT, The New Len of Power, XIVBUR?HA: , J. , TK

AC :RIAL R :VOLUi I OII, I-VIITheory of Social and Economic Organization, 3211-141

QUADRAG lSr :O, ANO, Encyclical of Pius XI (1931) 'Nash., nNatl . Cath . ::elf, Conf .,19112

Beard, C. A., Public Policy and the General '~~elfareBendix, R., Bureaucracy and the Problem of Power", V PA (19115), 1911-209Bienstock, G., S .

Schwarz and A. Yugow, Management in Russian Industry andAgriculture (New York : Oxford U ., 191111)

Boorstin, D. J ., The Lost .'orld of Thomas Jefferson (New York : Holt, 19118)


Brady, Robert, Business as a

tem of ?owerCaldwell, L. K ., The Administrative Ideas of Jefferson and HamiltonClark, C . D., "Public Opinion : in the Development of Collective Enterprise," in

S . Eldridge (ed .), Development of Collective Enterprise (Lawrence, Kansas,1943)

Collins, 0., Dalton and Roy, "Restriction of Output and Social Change in Industry",V Applied Anthropology (1946), 1-14

Cowell, F. R ., Cicero and the Roman Republic (New York : Chanticleer, 1948)Crosser, R. K., Ideologies and American Labor (New York : Oxford U ., 1941De Tocqueville, Alexis, Democracy in AmericaDrucker, Peter, The Future of Industrial Man (NewYork : John Day, 1942)Herring, E . P ., Public Administration and the Public Interest (New York : McGraw-

Hill, 1936)Holcom-e, A. : ., Government in a Planned ;emocracy (New York : Norton, 1934)Laski, H . J., "The Present Position of Representative Democracy", XXVI APSR

(1932), 629Lasswell, H . D ., "The Garrison State", 46 ASS (19141), 455Myo, Elton, The Human Problems of an Irdustrial Civilization ; (New York; Macmillan

1933) The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Boston : Harvard Bus .Sch, 1945)

Mises ,Ludwig von, Bureaucracy (New Haven : Yale U ., 1944)Orton,

A., The Liberal Tradition (New Haven : Yale, 1945)Padover, S., Jefferson by Thomas JeffersonSchumpeter, J . Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (New York : Harper, 1947)Sorel, G., Les Illusions du ?rogres (Paris : 1908)Sturmthal ., )The Tragedy of European Labor7aldo, D,iight, The Ami nistrative State (New York : Ronald Press, 1948)