Sydney Roof Leaking Specialist - Astar Roofing

Post on 03-Apr-2016

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Repairing roof leaks quickly and effectively is critical to protect the exterior and interior of your house or business. A Star roofing can certainly help in the same.

Transcript of Sydney Roof Leaking Specialist - Astar Roofing

Roof Leaking Sydney

A roof leak can be costly if left for too long, especially if water leaks all over your carpet and other objects in your home. A roof leak can also be extremely dangerous if water leaks over electrical appliances or wiring in your roof. Don’t risk leaving a roof leak till it’s too late!

Roof leaks present multiple challenges for homeowners. They never occur at a time which is convenient and they can lead to significant damage to the interior of your home. Their effects can linger long after the repair has been made in the form of mold growth on the interior surfaces of your home.

What is Roof Leaking ?

Reasons Why Your Roof Is Leaking ?

If you find your roof to have a leak problem, you may be at risk for significant water damage and severe dangers if it is left alone. Leaks may not be taken very seriously, and sometimes may only get a bucket as a “solution”. But leaks should not be underestimated because of the amount of damage that they can cause. To make your job easier, If you are unsure about the severity of your leakage problem, you should always contact a professional first. They will be able to tell you how fast you should get the problem repaired so that you prevent any future disasters. Below are some reasons that have found roofing leaks to occur.

Skylights Can Be a Problem

Although built in skylights can really add dazzle to a home and let in natural light, when not built properly they can cause a lot of problems. If they are too old or haven’t been updated recently, they can easily let water into the home. If you find that the downhill slope seems to be filling with water easily, it will most likely cause a leak in the future. Some types of housing cannot support too much weight or stress, so water from rain will begin to fall through less durable framework.

Flashing is Most Common

Because of too harsh weather or damage from wind, flashing on different places of your roof may become easily damaged over time. Flashing is the most common reason that roofing will get leaks. Sometimes flashing is poorly installed which makes it highly susceptible to leaks. If it’s not the installation, it could be a bad quality product or perhaps affected by high winds or weather damage. Either way, if your flashing is damage you are more than likely going to develop a leak over time.

How Old is Your Roof ?

Take a second and really think about how long you’ve had your roof for. How many years has it been? How good of a job did the last contractors do? Roofs that were built fifty years ago were made with much different materials and were much less durable than what is used today.

If you’ve been neglecting updating your roof because you fear that it’s too expensive – wait no more. As soon as you have the money make sure to upgrade it because you will be spending a lot more money down the road if your old roof is what causes a much bigger problem.

How Was the Workmanship?Some people get lucky and are able to hire professional roof contractors that have great references on hand, as well as photos of similar projects they’ve completed. For the companies who do not carry these things, you are hiring them based solely on their word. For this reason, many roof leaks are caused by poor workmanship and less-than-professional contractors. Aside from heavy debris and storms, there are a great number of reasons that a roof can develop a leak. Professional roofers can help you to pinpoint your exact problem and culprit, along with help you to fix the problem quickly and efficiently.

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