Sybase Confidential Propriety.Sybase Confidential Proprietary. The Future of Model- Driven...

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Sybase Confidential Propriety. Sybase Confidential Proprietary.

The Future of Model-Driven Development

Wang Xiao-Yun ( 王晓昀 )PowerDesigner Chief Architect, Engineering

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PowerDesigner 研发创始人王晓昀

1978 年上北京大学1979 年去法国上大学1985 年到法国 SDP 公司开发软件包1988 年开始用 Windows 1.0 编制 AMC*Designor1992 年开始在美国出售 S-Designor1995 年 Powersoft 买下 SDP1995 年 Sybase 买下 PowersoftS-Designor 改名为 PowerDesigner从 1995 年到现在负责 PowerDesigner 的研究和开发

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 3


Why Model-Driven Development?Model-Driven Development TrendsWorkSpace 简介PowerDesigner 简介Modeling Techniques ( 建模技术 )Model-Driven Development Techniques ( 模型驱动开发 )PowerDesigner FeaturesWorkSpace FeaturesQ&A

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Why Model-Driven Development?

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The Architect will do the first high level drawings to validate the concept, then make a detailed plan for the Builders

The Builders will take this blueprint and optimize it based on technical constraints

Would You Build a House Without a Blueprint?

为什么要使用模型驱动开发工具 ? (1/2)

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为什么要使用模型驱动开发工具 ? (2/2)

用户的问题 :1. 怎样提高软件质量 , 缩短开发周期 , 并且方便维护 ?

2. 怎样提高投资回报率 ?

3. 怎样使软件更能够适应业务需求的变化 ?

解决办法 : 软件应用系统的开发离不开应用设计,应用设计离不


PowerDesigner/WorkSpace 就是一种这样的应用开发设计工具。

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 7

What’s Model-Driven Development?

Model-Driven Development Define models, generate code from models instead of writing code

by hand

Modeling has evolved in the past years Still means traditional Analysis and Design, a-la CASE Tools Emergence of « Model-driven development » and «Model-Driven

Architecture »: do more modeling, write less code

Especially true for UML – two use cases: Analysis and Design – capture and specify business needs Visual coding – class and sequence diagrams used by code

developer for better productivity

In a nutshell, more technical modeling, but not more Analysis and Design.

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What’s Model-Driven Architecture?

Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) MDA is defined by Object Management Group (OMG)

Platform Independent Model (PIM)

Platform Specific Model (PSM)

Model-to-Model Transformation (PIM->PIM, PIM->PSM, …)

Code generation using templates or design patterns


Model Generator Code Generator


JSP/StrutsJava, EJB

UML ModelPhysical Data ModelHigh-level Page Flow

Persistence TypePresentation Style

ProfileCode TemplatesStyle Templates

Visual Editors

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Model-Driven Development Trends

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Model-Driven Development Trends

Simplify Development Enterprise Modeling: Convergence of Business

Process, UML and Data Modeling Integrated Analysis, Design and Development Standard IDEs Domain Specific Models Impact of Methodologies & Software

Engineering Processes Impact of SOA Application Development Life Cycle

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Simplify Development

Several Ways to Simplify Development Simplify language (improve Java, .NET, new languages)

EJB 3, O/R mapping with POJO, metadata annotation, Generics, … Aspect-Oriented programming, Ruby on Rails, …

Design patterns Inversion of Control (IoC), Spring framework, …

Visual Development Use Visual Editors instead of code editors

Model-Driven Development Define models, use models to generate code

Service-Oriented Architecture Expose functionalities as services, assemble services

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Enterprise Modeling: Convergence of BP, UML and Data Modeling

Business Process Modeling ( 企业流程建模 ) 企业用户 , CIOs

UML Modeling ( 面向对象建模 ) IT 用户 , 分析员 , 设计师 , 开发人员

Data Modeling ( 数据建模 ) IT 用户 , 分析员 , 设计师 , DBAs

In the past, companies used different tools.It is difficult de manage common metadata and impact analysis.The three modeling techniques are converging.

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 13

Strategic Planning, SPA-21-5951 - M. Blechar

Predicts 2004: BPA, UML and Data Modeling Converge

« Techniques such as business process analysis are converging

to provide technical architects, business modelers, developers

and database designers consistency, productivity and quality via

reuse and code automation. »

« …Vendors such as Sybase (PowerDesigner) and … offer

single products that span all three markets. Most UML modeling

tool vendors already have some BPA and database design

support in their tools, and vice versa. … »

Source: Gartner research note December 2003

Enterprise Modeling: Convergence of BP, UML and Data Modeling

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 14

Integrated Analysis, Design and Development

Analysis & Design Development / Deployment


Data Models(Conceptual)

Process Models

UML Models(High-level)

UML Models(technical)

« Domain specificmodels »

Methodology – Impact Analysis



Data Models


Business users IT users

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Standard Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

For Java/J2EE Eclipse based (IBM WebSphere tools, Sybase WorkSpace, …)

For .NET Visual Studio 2005

Other smaller IDEs PowerBuilder, JBuilder, Delphi, NetBean, …

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Domain Specific Models

Define a metamodel for a specific domain

Define custom symbols

Generate an API

Generate a graphical editor

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Domain Specific Model Tools

Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Metamodel for a specific domain

Generate an API with XML serialization support

Used by many products including Sybase WorkSpace

Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Define EMF metamodel

Define graphical shapes and binding to objects

Generate graphical editor as Eclipse plugin

Microsoft Domain Specific Models (DSL) Define metamodel and graphical shapes

Generate graphical editor as Visual Studio addin

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 18

Impact of Methodologies & Software Engineering Processes ( 软件工程 )

Methodologies RUP, Zachman, Six Sigma, …

Software Engineering Processes CMMi, Agile, ITIL, …

Modeling plays increasing role in all the methodologies and engineering processes.

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Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)





DatabaseApp Server Portal

Application Assembling

Service Building



Business Logic DataAccess

Process Server

Platform dependentPlatform dependentPlatform dependentPlatform dependentPlatform dependent

Platform independentPlatform independentPlatform independentPlatform independentPlatform independent

Implementation Artifacts


JavaJavaJavaJavaJava .NET.NET.NET.NET.NET Data ManagerData ManagerData ManagerData ManagerData Manager


ASP_NETWeb Service Orchesration Query


Business Logic2

Web Service


Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 20

Impact of SOA

Service-Oriented Architecture



IT view

Business view

Business ModelsData and Process Models

Logical service models(Simulation)

Technical ModelsService implementation models

Data Integration (EII) models Models for code


Need models for services assembling, abstract services, data integration, service implementation, …

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BusinessRequirements Analysis Design


Test Profiling

Deployment Maintenance

Business users

IT users, analysts, designers

Developers, DBAs, Administrators, etc

Team work, Change management, Methodology,Documentation, Reuse


Control points

Application Development Life Cycle ( 软件开发生命周期 )

Development Tool(Eclipse, WorkSpace, Visual Studio, PB)

Modeling Tool(PowerDesigner/WorkSpace, …)


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Analysis & Design

(Model Driven)(Code

Centric)(Model Driven)


Deployment PlatformIndependent



WorkSpace (Eclipse)

Deployment PlatformDependent


Microsoft .Net






PowerBuilder (Testing via 3rd Party)

DataWindow .NET

Sybase Tools Architecture

The Application Development Life Cycle (ADLC)


Sybase Central

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WorkSpace 简介

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 24

About Sybase

Sybase is one of the largest software vendors in the worldSybase offers technology solutions in four key areas Information management Development and integration Business solutions Mobile solutions

Sybase offers many strong products Enterprise Database (Adaptive Server Enterprise), #1 for Linux Fastest Data Warehouse (IQ) #1 Mobile solutions (SQL Anywhere, AvantGo, …) #1 Data modeling (PowerDesigner) Java development tool (WorkSpace) .NET development tool (PowerBuilder) …

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 25

Sybase WorkSpace

Sybase is Eclipse board member

Sybase leads the Data Tools Project (DTP)

Sybase WorkSpace is an integrated design and development tool built on Eclipse

Sybase WorkSpace supports Visual development, Model-Driven development, SOA

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Sybase WorkSpace

New Application Development WorkSpace supports emerging development paradigms, like

SODA (Services-Oriented Development of Applications), EDD (Event-Driven Development), MDD (Model-Driven Development), composite applications, and mobile

Sybase establishing itself as thought leader in new development technologies

Technology Differentiators Single unified tool integrating modeling with SODA, EDD, data

tooling and composite applications

Leading mobile technology


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Sybase® WorkSpaceIntegrated Design and Development

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Sybase Workspace Development Use Cases

Model-driven developmentData management and replication Database SQL/store procedure Real Time Database Service Replication Server/MobiLink Modeling

Composite application development SOA and Light-weight Web services-based integration Point-to-point integration Business Process Integration

Application development for web, portal and mobile environment

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PowerDesigner 简介

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Enterprise Modeling Tool Leader

World #1 Data Modeling Tool

Strong Enterprise Modeling Tool

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PowerDesigner Is the World No.1 Data Modeling Tool

Source: Gartner


Computer Associates


Other Vendors23%






Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 32

Strong in Business Process Modeling and UML Modeling

Business Process Analysis

“…The functionality in PowerDesigner has been deepened recently in the area of business process modeling and management. Like Mega and Telelogic/Popkin, Sybase is very capable at playing in the integrated IT modeling and business process modeling sectors; …”

Object-Oriented Analysis & Design

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 33

PowerDesigner 12.0 Is an Integrated Enterprise Modeling Tool

Metadata management: Requirements, Data Models, Business Process Models, UML Models, XML Models, Information Liquidity Models


Link and synchronization technology for impact analysis

Support all relational databases, support Java, .Net, Hibernate, EJB, Web Services, …



Data ApplicationsObjects

A complete enterprise modeling solution

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 34

Link and SynchronizeMetadata

Conceptual Data Model

Business Process Model

Object Model(UML)

Physical Data










(future: ETL)


(future: ETL)






Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 35

PowerDesigner: A Complete Enterprise Modeling Solution

企业级建模技术 企业流程建模 (BPM) 数据建模 (ER) 面向对象建模 (UML) XML 建模 Information Liquidity 建模

Life-cycle management 需求分析 , Impact analysis

Model-Driven Development/MDA Java, C#, VB .NET, PB, Web Service,

EJB, JDO, Hibernate, XML, BPEL4WS, ebXML, … Integration with IDE (Eclipse, Visual Studio, PB, JBuilder)

Report HTML, RTF, etc.

Enterprise Repository Versioning, security


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Modeling Techniques ( 建模技术 )

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Modeling Techniques

Requirements Analysis( 需求分析 )Business Process Modeling ( 企业流程建模设计 )Data Modeling ( 数据库建模设计 )UML 2.0 ModelingXML Modeling (XML 建模设计 )Information Liquidity ModelingCode Generation and Reverse EngineeringIntegration with IDEs (Development Tools)

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 38

Requirements Analysis ( 需求分析 )

Requirements ModelDefine business and software requirementsImport Microsoft Word documents Breaks titles out into nested requirements

Synchronize with Microsoft Word document Changes are bi-directionally compatible

Export requirements as design objectsTraceability links Links requirements to requirements or design elements (Use Case, etc)

Impact Analysis To know the impact of modification of a requirement on other requirements or design


Reporting Generates a report for the requirements – beyond the requirements document

HTML and RTF reports available

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 39

Business Process Modeling ( 企业流程建模 )

High-level business process model for capturing business requirements or describing existing process flowLink process to data (who use what, impact analysis)Business process model for simulation (process improvement)Detailed business process model for guiding the application development (BPMN)Workflow modelWeb service assembling (BPEL) model

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 40

Data Modeling ( 数据库设计建模 )

Data Modeling for database design Conceptual Data Model (CDM)

Use UML Class Diagram instead of CDM

Physical Data Model (PDM)

Database optimization

Generation, reverse engineer, modification (alter)

Data warehouse designXML in databaseWeb service in database

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Conception Data Model ( 概念上数据模型 )

用 E-R 图的概念来设计概念模型与数据库无关的特性支持 business rules, domains, shared data items, inheritances and relationships可以生成 PDM 或 OOM




1,1 0,n



<pi> IA30A30A30


Identifier_1 <pi>



<pi> ID


Identifier_1 <pi>



<pi> IA30MN


Identifier_1 <pi>



<pi> II


Identifier_1 <pi>

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 42

Physical Data Model ( 物理上数据模型 )

可以从 CDM/OOM 甚至其他模型中无缝生成与数据库特定相关支持中文数据库支持 physical options, stored procedures, triggers, permissions, synonyms, test data, XML in database, Web Service in database支持 data warehouse

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 43

Data Warehouse Design

Data Warehouse Modeling DW design, transformation

Star schema (one-level foreign keys)

Snowflake schema (multi-level foreign keys)

Multi-dimension model (cubes)

Mapping editor

fin_data - fin_code




Hierarchy_1 <Default> <h>




Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 44

XML in Database

PowerDesigner 增加了对 XML in database 的支持 基于数据库的结构创建 XML Schema

Generate using XML Builder Wizard 定义 mappings

Keep track of data and XML interdependencies 创建 SQLX 查询 and XML Schema

Retrieve data out of database in XML format using SQLX Oracle 9i2 and 10g, IBM DB/2, ASA 9.0

生成 annotated XML Scheme or DTD

Oracle 9i2 and 10g, Microsoft SQL 2000, IBM DB/2 使用 XML Model and Extended Model Definitions 来生成文件

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UML 2.0 Modeling

UML 2.0 is defined by OMGUML 2.0 has 13 diagrams (4 new diagrams)PowerDesigner 12 Composite Structure Diagram (new)

Port, part, required link, connector Class Diagram

Port, required link, connector Sequence Diagram

Interaction reference, interaction fragment Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram

Composite diagram Port, part, required link, connector

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XML Modeling

Use a model to define XML Schema & XML DTDGenerate XML Schema & DTDReverse engineer XML Schema & DTDExtract data from database in XML format (Oracle, IBM, Sybase, SQL Server)




















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Information Liquidity Model

Show mappings between models (R/R, O/R, XML/R)Support Replication Server and MobiLink design, generation and reverse engineering

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Generation and Reverse Engineering

Generation and Reverse Engineering Databases

Java, C#, VB .NET, PowerBuilder, EJB, WSDL, BPEL, ebXML, XML

Generation only Hibernate, JSF, ADO .NET, NHinernate, WinForm

Web services, C++, IDL

Round-Trip Engineering Define technical models

Generate code

Complete code, test, debug with IDE

Reverse engineer code to update models

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Example of Generation for Java

O/R mapping for Hibernate and EJB 3.0 Configuration file, O/R mapping files

POJO persist objects, Factory for DAO, DAO (Data Access Object)

Unit tests for JUnit Test CRUD operations

JSF for user-interface Manual tests with users’ data

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Example of Generation for .NET(coming soon in 12.1)

O/R mapping for ADO .NET and NHibernate Configuration file, O/R mapping files

PONO persist objects, Factory for DAO, DAO (Data Access Object)

Unit tests for NUnit and Team Test Test CRUD operations

WinForm for user-interface Manual tests with users’ data

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Integration with IDEs(Development Tools)

Single IDE for modeling tool and development Eclipse 3.1 Plugin, Sybase WorkSpace

Visual Studio 2005 Plugin (coming soon in 12.1)

PowerBuilder (Class Diagram)

Visual Studio 2005Eclipse

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Model-Driven Development Techniques

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Model-Driven Development Techniques

Visual DevelopmentData-Centric Web Application Development using MDDSOA Application Development

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Visual Development

Use visual editors instead of code editors Service editor

Web Page designer

Page flow designer

Package editor

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Data-Centric Web Application Development using MDD

Define requirements

Define Use Cases, discover classes

Define Sequence Diagram, discover classes, operations

Define Class Diagram

Generate Physical Data Model with O/R mapping

Optimize Physical Data Model for a database

Generate database

Generate code (Java, .NET, …)

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SOA Application Development

Define logical services (Business Process Model or Component Diagram)

Implement services (Java, .NET)

Deploy services

Test services

Define high-level Business Process Model

Define technical Business Process Model to assemble services

Generate executable language (BPEL)

Deploy Business Process

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PowerDesigner Features

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PowerDesigner Advanced Features

Impact analysisModels mappingReport generation HTML, RTF, list report

Repository Versioning, merge, security

Extensibility UML profile

User-defined code generation templates

VBScript, OLE automation (control PowerDesigner with users scripts or programs)

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Impact Analysis

分析并管理不同模型之间的模型的受影响的关系(Impact Analysis)模拟模型的改变并能查看与之有影响的对象 (Impacted objects)能改变对象的影响范围定义用户自己的 propagation rulesSave or print Impact Analysis report

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Models Mapping

Define mappings between models Relational/Relational, Object/Relational, XML/Relational, Multi-


Define data warehouses

Support Replication, synchronization (Sybase Replication Server, MobiLink, …)

Support ETL, EII

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Report Generation

Model report Report wizard

Report editor

Support different languages (English, French, Chinese, …)

Generate report in HTML, Word (RTF) formats

Multi-models report

List report Generate a list report for any type of objects

List report wizard

Generate list report in HTML, Excel (CSV), Word (RTF) formats

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管理模型的知识库 ( 类似于源代码管理 ) 签入 签出 权限设置 版本比较 Configuration

分支 (branch)

能细粒度的版本控制模型 Column, attribute, Comment, …

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Extending PowerDesigner Features

PowerDesigner metamodel ( 元模型 )PowerDesigner ProfileUser-defined code generationVBScriptOLE automation

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PowerDesigner Profile

PowerDesigner Profile All features of UML profiles and more Stereotype and criteria Extended attributes, objects and collections Code generation templates

Generation Template Language (templates & macros) GTL supports

Custom symbols Custom tool palette Custom checks Custom Form Custom popup menus Transformations 参考: <installed folder>\Resource Files\Extended Model Definitions\

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 65

User-Defined Code Generation

Code generation templates Generation Template Language


Templates Macros (.if, .foreach_item, …) Variables

All PowerDesigner code generators are defined as templates (Java, C#, VB .NET, PB, ebXML, BPEL4WS, SQL, XML, …)

You could modify existing code generation or define your own code generation

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 66


控制 PowerDesigner 元模型 获取对象属性、集合 创建对象 导入导出模型 代码生成 报表生成

定义菜单 (menu items) 来执行 VBScripts 脚本定义模型的转换规则 ( transformation) PowerDesigner supports models transformations

Inter-models generation (CDM->PDM, OOM->PDM, …) Intra-models generation (OOM->OOM, BPM->BPM, …)

PowerDesigner supports user-defined transformations You can define objects transformations in Extended Model Definitions

参考示例: <installed folder>\VB Scripts\

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 67

OLE Automation

PowerDesigner 对象都是 COM 对象在 PowerDesigner 外部调用 OLE Automation 能使用任何语言获取元模型

VB, VBA, VB .NET, C#, PB, C++, JavaScript, Java, … 定义 Design Patterns


创建自己的 user-interface参考示例: <installed folder>\Ole Automation

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 68

PowerDesigner 12.0 New Features

Improved database supportMapping EditorShow model mappings in Information Liquidity ModelReport enhancements and list reportSupport New DatabasesSupport UML 2.0Generate Hibernate & JSFSupport BPMN notation in BPM

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 69

PowerDesigner 12.1 New Features

Visual Studio 2005 pluginIntegration with Team SystemGenerate complete .NET code O/R mapping, unit test, forms

Complete SQL Server 2005 supportXML-XML mapping

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WorkSpace Features

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Database Development

Data Modeling (based on PowerDesigner) Conceptual, and physical data models

Optimize database structure

Create and reverse engineer the database

Information Liquidity Modeling

Support replication (Replication Server, …), data movement

Direct Development Create/edit data services (Service Editor), development of

database object-- tables, stored procedures, event, and user defined functions (UDF)

Deployment– export/import database objects & services to database servers

Debugging– debug stored procedures, triggers

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Service Design and Development

Visually develop services Java Editor

Business Process Editor

Rules Editor

Database Editor

Message Service Editor

SOAP Service Editor

Transformation Editor

Schema Viewer/XML Tools

Expression Editor

Mixed Java and non-Java logic elementsConsistent look & feel and development approach

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Service Orchestration, Assembling

Wire services together to create processes to support business requirementsSupport for BPM and BAM capabilitiesComplex Logic as rulesCompensation SupportFault Handling

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Event-Driven Development

Message Transports EAServer 5.x JMS Provider

TIBCO Enterprise JMS Server 3.x/4.x


Open JMS

Services/BP Deployment EAServer 5.x/Unwired Orchestrator 5.0

Transformation Engine (integrated into UO 5.0) XSLT transformation engine

High speed, patent-pending Java transformation engine that supports custom wire formats

Database events/Data integration support ASE RTDS, RepConnector events

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Web Application Development (new)

Support Web Tools Project (WTP)

Support Hibernate, JSF

Page designer

Page flow designer

DataWindow JSF control

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Testing, Packaging and Deployment

Built in dependency checkingClean separation between packaging and deployment Packaging models for different


One-click packaging and deployment wizardsTesting Service Input data generation

Log views for server and application logs organized and filtered based on log level settings

Sybase Confidential Proprietary. 77


PowerDesigner is the world #1 data modeling tool and one of the best enterprise modeling tool.

WorkSpace is well integrated design and development tool that simplifies the development.

使用 MDD 和 PowerDesigner/WorkSpace 可以大大缩短开发时间 , 提高软件质量 .

Sybase Confidential Propriety. Sybase Confidential Proprietary.

谢谢 !