Sweet Spring BannerSweet Spring Banner By Tracy Meola Palette: DecoArt Americana Alizarin Crimson...

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Transcript of Sweet Spring BannerSweet Spring Banner By Tracy Meola Palette: DecoArt Americana Alizarin Crimson...

Sweet Spring Bannerby Tracy Meola

Sweet Spring BannerBy Tracy Meola

Palette: DecoArt AmericanaAlizarin Crimson #13179 Blue Harbor #13283Boysenberry #13029 Bubblegum Pink #13244Cool White #13240 Country Blue #13041Grey Sky #13111 Lamp Black #13067Lemon Yellow #13011 Mistletoe #13053Pineapple #13006 Sea Aqua #13046Slate Grey #13068

Surface: Canvas Banner #40130

Misc. Supplies: Tracing Paper Roll #83175White Graphite Paper #70139Soft Grip Embossing & Stylus – set of 3 #70125DecoArt Fabric Painting Medium #70084Jo Sonja Glazing Medium #83106 Brushes: Papillon by the Artist’s ClubScript Liner, size 1 #20141Shader, size 6 #20127; size 8 #20129, size 14 #20132Glaze Wash, size 1” #20103 Preparation: Iron canvas to remove wrinkles. Turn under 2” at the top of the banner, and sew down using a sew-ing machine (this could also be glued). Trace the entire design pattern on to tracing paper.

Painting Instructions:General Instructions: Basecoat each design element with the color listed using the #6 & #8 Shader brushes unless otherwise specifi ed. All fl oated shading & highlighting is done using the #14 Shader brush unless otherwise specifi ed. *When shading and high-lighting, soak the area with clear water or fabric medium before side-loading and fl oating the shade color on. This will allow the paint to glide on smoothly and not drag or dry out. (Anywhere that you see a mix with the numbers in parenthesis (2:1) it is the mixing ratio - 2 parts of the fi rst color to one part of the second color.)

Basecoat the banner with Grey Sky. Use the 1” Glaze Wash brush and add water or fabric medium to the brush as you basecoat, making the paint move easier and absorb into the canvas. The back-ground will appear mottled not solid or opaque. When dry, transfer the design elements using the white transfer paper and stylus.

Large Pots: Basecoat the three large pots using the 1” Glaze Wash brush, with a mix of Bubblegum


+ Pineapple + Grey Sky (1:1:a touch). Add one part Slate Grey to the base mix and shade under the pot rims, down the sides of the pots (including the rim sides), along the bottoms and above any other elements that appear to be in front (smaller pots, eggs, etc.) If the shading needs to be deep-ened add more Slate Grey to the mix and go over again. Highlight by blending Cool White down the center area of the pots, including the rim. Tint the pots by blending Sea Aqua into small areas on the pots to give the slight appearance of moss.

Pink Flowers: Basecoat using the #6 Shader brush, with Bubblegum Pink. Shade the pet-als with Boysenberry around the center area and the under petals where one petal goes over, or on top of, another. Highlight with Cool White on the outer tips of the petals. This may take two coats to brighten. If the shading needs to be deepened anywhere mix Boysenberry + Alizarin Crimson (1:1) and re-shade. Fill in the spaces between the fl owers by adding vague petals created with a brush stroke of Boysenberry. Using a Script liner brush, pull thin lines of Boysenberry out of the center shading to the end of the petals, according to design pattern. The yellow cen-ters are dotted on with Lemon Yellow using a script liner brush. When dry add a tiny dot of Pineapple into the very center of the yel-low. Mix Sea Aqua + Mistletoe (2:1); using the script liner pull stem lines from the fl ow-ers down to the pot. Be sure and add some between the fl owers reaching the taller fl ow-ers. Add a few more stem lines with Mistle-toe for variation. Touch tiny leaves on to the stems with Mistletoe using the script liner.


Tulips: Basecoat the Tulips with Lemon Yellow. If you can no longer see the graph-ite lines, let dry and reapply the lines. Mix Lemon Yellow + Boysenberry (2:1) and shade along the inside petals, along the creases on the outside petals and along the bottoms of the fl owers (refer to photo). In the deepest shaded areas add more Boysenberry to mix and go over the shading. Highlight the out-side petals where they overlap with Pineap-ple. Add some Cool White to Pineapple and go over. The stems and leaves are basecoat-ed with Sea Aqua. Shade with Mistletoe inside where the leaves curl, where one is behind another, and at the bottom where they meet the pot. The stems are shaded down the left side. Deepen shading (refer to photo) with Blue Harbor. Highlight with a mix of Sea Aqua + Cool White (1:1); along the centers, where one overlaps another in front and any area the curls over in front (again re-fer to photo.) Add more White to mix and go over the lightest areas of highlight. Use the same colors and highlight the stems down the centers.

Hyacinths: Use the #8 Shader brush and cre-ate the fl owers by loosely dabbing Country Blue to create the fl ower forms. Mix Cool White with the Country Blue (2:1) and dab highlights on to fl owers. Shade with Coun-try Blue on the center fl ower in a V shape – this will help to defi ne the two front fl ow-ers on either side. Add more Cool White to the highlight mix and dab more highlights on the front fl owers. Add few fi nal dabs of Cool White. Basecoat leaves with Mistletoe. Shade with Blue Harbor, down the centers, at the base where they meet the pot, and any-where that one goes behind another. High-light with Sea Aqua down the center of each side of the leaf. Brighten in the middle of the highlights by going over with Sea Aqua + Cool White (1:2). The one stem that shows is placed in with Sea Aqua.

Yellow eggs: Basecoat Pineapple. Shade Lemon Yellow around the outer edge of the egg. Deepen the shading with a mix of Lemon + Bubblegum Pink (1:1). Highlight Pineapple 3

+ Cool White (1:2) in the center of the egg but toward the top right. Brighten with Cool White in the middle of the highlight area.

Pink eggs: Basecoat with Bubble-gum Pink. Shade Alizarin Crimson the same way you did the yellow eggs. Deepen where necessary with a slight touch of Slate Grey. Highlight with Bubblegum Pink + Cool White (1:2) the same way you did the yellow eggs. Brighten with Cool White in the middle of the highlight area.

Purple eggs: Basecoat with Coun-try Blue. Shade with Blue Harbor. Deepen where necessary with Blue Harbor + a touch of Lamp Black. Highlight with Country Blue + Cool White (2:1). Brighten with Cool White in the middle of the highlight area.

Small Pots: Basecoat all four with a mix of Boysenberry + Lemon Yellow + Grey Sky (1:1: a touch). Shade pots with Boysenberry down the sides (including the rim sides), underneath the rim, and across the bottom. Deepen with areas of Slate Grey. Highlight using the base mix + Cool White (1:2). Add a little more Cool White to mix and go over again. Tint the pots by blending Sea Aqua into small areas on the pots to give the slight appearance of moss. Decorative grass: Use the size 1 Script Liner brush and Mistletoe and squiggle fi ne lines of grass in the pots and around the 2 eggs on the ground. In the pots, be sure to let some grass dangle down over the edge, and put some of this color slightly behind the eggs to give the appearance of the eggs nesting in the grass. Now add more squiggles using Sea Aqua but NOT behind the eggs. Add Cool White to Sea Aqua (3:1) and add a few highlighted pieces of grass. Finally, add just a few brighter highlights with Cool White.



Lettering: Use the size 1 Script Liner brush to paint the lettering. Break each letter into strokes. For instance – the “e in sweet” would be 3 strokes (one stroke up, one stroke down, one stroke across to the other e.) Load your brush well so you don’t run out as you stroke the color on and each stroke will require re-loading. Use more pressure on the brush when applying the fatter/wider areas of the lettering. Apply the lettering with Boysenberry. Add the lighter areas of the letters with Bubblegum Pink – refer to photo. Apply the lightest areas of the lettering with a mix of Bubblegum Pink + Cool White (3:1).

Shadows: Add shading fi rst with Country Blue. Shadows are around the pots and fl owers, under the pots and eggs to the right, and to the right of each letter. Work this color across the top of the banner and let it taper off as you get near the tulips. Finally, create areas down the outer edges and in the bottom corners. Now mix together Country Blue + Lamp Black (3:1) and deepen areas of the shading; especially across the top of the banner, under the pots and to the right of the let-ters.

Finishing:When completely dry, iron the canvas again by covering the banner with a piece of brown paper, setting your iron on a light, NO STEAM setting and ironing on top of the brown paper. If you did not use fabric medium during painting, apply one coat of Clear Glaze Medium for protection. The banner is intended for inside use only.

Pattern at 100%

1” x 1”

To ensure your

pattern is at 100%,

this box should

measure 1” x 1” when




Pattern at 100%


Pattern at 100%

Pattern at 100%



Copyright 2010 Tracy Meola and Crafts Americana Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #331532

No. *A331532*© Artist’s Club ®. All rights reserved. For private, non-commercial use only. Please see our web site for terms of use.