Sustainable Foods Summit Presentation

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Sustainable Foods Summit Presentation

Slide 1: “Intro”

Good morning. It’s such pleasure it to be here today.

First, let me thank the organizers of the Sustainable Food Summit and The Organic Monitor for bringing together so many amazing panelists and speaker. I’m looking forward to not only hearing what the other speakers have to say, but also the questions you all have.

Again, my name is Danielle Nierenberg and I’m the Director of the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet project. Worldwatch is an environmental think tank based in Washington, DC and will celebrate its 38th birthday this year. Our Nourishing the Planet project started in 2009.

I spent most of these last two and a half years traveling to 35 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, highlighting agricultural innovations that are working on the ground. During my research I met with more than 500farmers and farmers groups, research institutions and universities, businesses and corporations, and local and government officials, collecting their thoughts about what’s working on the ground to help alleviate hunger and poverty, while also protecting the environment.

Fifteen sets of innovations are highlighted in our book State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet, which was released last year. State of the World is Worldwatch’s annual publication and the 2011 edition is the first time it focused entirely on food and agriculture.

We will also be highlight many of these innovations in a book we’re working on with the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition that will be released this spring. And this summer, we’re headed to one dozen countries in Latin America to focus on the innovations farmers there are using to protect the environment.

Slide 2: “Agriculture is the Solution”

What I’d like to talk about briefly today is agriculture’s changing reputation. For so long, agriculture has been villanized for the world’s worst environmental and social problems—everything from deforestation and land degradation to rising greenhouse gas emissions and obesity has been blamed on the current food system. But today agriculture is changing and so is its image. Thanks to several recent reports, including the International Agricultural Assessment and major reports by the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme, the UK Foresight Analysis, and others, agriculture is being viewed very differently than in the past.

In fact, agriculture is now seen as the solution to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Of the 15 set of innovations we uncovered, there are really 4 that stand out in terms of their ability to create resilience in agriculture, improve incomes, increase yields, and promote environmental sustainability. The innovations I’m going to describe today, include

-Innovations that help prevent food waste

-Innovations that help youth

-Innovations that help cities feed themselves

-And innovations that help mitigate climate change.

From sub-Saharan Africa to right here in San Francisco, farmers are using agriculture to not only improve their food security and livelihoods, but they are growing and processing food in ways that contribute to environmental sustainability. These innovations that are working on the ground are changing the image of agriculture from a creator of problems to a provider of solutions.

Slide 3: “Innovation 1: Cutting Food Waste”

Let’s start off by talking about food waste.

With the holidays over, I think a lot of us realize how much we overindulged the last few months. Unfortunately, a lot of the turkeys, pumpkin pies, Christmas cookies that were part of holiday celebrations ended up in landfills. It’s estimated that Americans waste about 34 million tons of food per year, 5 million tons of which gets thrown away just between the Thanksgiving and New Years holidays.

And last November, when the United Nations announced the birth of the 7 billionth person, many news articles focused on how it would be possible—or impossible—to feed the world’s growing population. By 2050, world population is expected to hit 9 billion and experts at the Food and Agriculture Organization have estimated that food production will need to increase anywhere from 50 to 80 percent over the next 40 years. And there are questions about where that food will come from—will more of the Amazonian rainforest need to be cleared to satisfy our increasing meat consumption, for example? Or will sub-Saharan Africa become the bread basket for China and the Middle East as a result of foreign acquisition of land, also known as land grabs? And what will happen to our groundwater supplies and soil nutrients as we farm more and more of the world’s arable land?

Slide 4: “Cutting Food Waste: Waste in the Food Chain”

But an effective way to make sure everyone is fed is by reducing food waste. Today, roughly 30 percent of the global harvest is wasted before it ever reaches people’s stomachs.

Food waste tends to be insidious—a little bit is lost in the field; a little bit is lost in storage; a little is lost in transport; and then finally, a few percent is lost at home.

In the U.S. households and retailers throw away an about one third of edible food annually. When you get home tonight, take a look way in the back of your refrigerator and you’ll realize

that those take out containers and left over rice and pad thai probably won’t make it to your dinner tables or lunch bags later this week, it will end up in the garbage.

Food releases methane gas as it decomposes in landfills. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. And according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the United States.

In the developing world, a staggering 40 percent of food is lost before it can be sold or eaten, meaning that all the hard work that farmers do to fertilize and irrigate crops goes to waste, putting them further into poverty.

Slide 5: “Cutting Food Waste: Solar-Powered Dryers”

The good news is that preventing food waste can be both simple and inexpensive.

Throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America, solar powered dehydrators are preserving abundant harvests of fruits and vegetables. In The Gambia and India, for example, drying papayas and mangos helps makes sure that families have access to vitamin A throughout the year; In Bolivia, farmers are using driers to preserve a number of different crops, such as tomatoes and potatoes, throughout the year.

Slide 6: “Cutting Food Waste: Hermetic Sealing”

And in West Africa, hermetically sealed bags, or what are essentially really big Ziploc bags, are helping farmers to protect their crops from moisture, insects and fungus. Researchers from Perdue University are working with farmers to manufacture these bags locally and help distribute them to cow pea farmers across Niger, Nigeria, Mali and other nations. This very low-cost technology has the potential to save farmers in the region around $44 million annually.

And in Pakistan, the United Nations helped 9 percent of farmers reduce grain storage losses by up to 70 percent by replacing jute bags and mud silos with metal grain storage containers that prevent moisture and insects and rats from eating grain.

Slide 7: “Cutting Food Waste: Consumer Education”

Consumers are also learning how to become better users of the food we buy.

In the United Kingdom, activist groups like Love Food, Hate Waste, are educating consumers about how to prevent household waste. Love Food, Hate Waste has saved consumers about $970 million dollars over the last decade. The organization offers consumers tips for food storage and recipes to make use of leftovers or food that is close to its expiration date. They provide cooks with a portion size calculator that shows how much spaghetti or meat or vegetables to cook per person.

The organization FareShare, which is also based in the UK, gleans food from grocery stores that is perfectly edible but would have been thrown away. It then distributes that food to organizations, such as schools or food banks. Last year, the food redistributed by FareShare contributed to more than 8.6 million meals, and benefited an average of 35,500 people every day.

And in 2010, San Francisco became the first city to pass legislation requiring all households to separate both recycling and compost from garbage. Those food scraps are providing an important source of organic fertilizer to both urban and rural farmers.

And Food Runners is an NGO here that delivers approximately ten tons of leftover food to shelters, soup kitchens, and senior centers in the city each year. This one organization alone provides food families with over 2,000 meals every day.

Slide 8: “Innovation 2: Reaching the Young”

The next solution agriculture is helping provide is more opportunities for young people. At the end of 2010, there were an estimated 75 million young people in the world struggling to find jobs. Between 2008 and 2009, the number of unemployed youth increased by an unprecedented 4.5 million.

In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, up to 70 per cent of youth live in rural areas and half of the young labor force works in agriculture. Although employment in agriculture declined over the last decade, it still remains the main source of employment for more than half of people working in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

In the United States, the average age of farmers is 57 years old. And despite the recent interest in farming and food from hipsters and young hippies, only about 1 percent of the U.S. population is involved in farming, making farmers one of the country’s biggest minorities.

But agriculture can be something that not only provides nourishment to communities, but something that provides intellectual stimulation, opportunity, and an income to youth and older farmers alike.

Slide 9: “Reaching the Young: Developing Innovations in School Cultivation”

For example, Slow Food International is working across sub-Saharan Africa and Asia to help reignite an interest in—and a taste for—indigenous foods. In Uganda, Project DISC, or Developing Innovations in School Cultivation, is showing students at 30 schools that agriculture can be both profitable and a way to help protect the environment. The project teaches kids how to grow, process, and cook indigenous fruits and vegetables—vegetables that are not only in demand in urban areas, but that can also help mitigate climate change because of their resistance to drought and disease.

DISC is also part of Slow Food’s 1,000 Gardens in Africa initiative which is working across the continent to increase the number of gardens growing foods that are indigenous to communities.

Slow Food is also working to professionalize agriculture in other ways. The University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy attracts food enthusiasts from around the world. Students learn various farming practices that are helping to increase biodiversity. Students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of cultivating fruits and vegetables through the school garden helping them connect to agriculture directly.

School feeding programs can be especially important in areas where there’s conflict. Food from the Hood is a group of student gardeners that began in Los Angeles after the 1992 riots. The students grow kale, eggplant, and 16 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. Twenty-five percent of what they grow is given to the needy and the rest is sold for profit, half of which has been funneled into scholarships for students.

And in Costa Rica, EARTH University is developing an innovations toolkit that will help farmers thousands of miles away in sub-Saharan Africa learn how to be successful agricultural entrepreneurs. EARTH focuses on building the skills of small-scale farmers and younger farmers to not only protect the environment, but also as the key way of moving families out of poverty.

These sorts of innovations make agriculture something that youth want to do, not something they’re forced to do because they don’t have opportunities. Agriculture can provide the economic and intellectual opportunities and excitement that have been missing in rural areas of both developing and industrialized countries.

Slide 10: “Innovation 3: Urban Agriculture”

The decline of youth in rural areas leads to the next issue I want to discuss. That’s the increasing role cities can have in feeding not only themselves, but also rural areas.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, an estimated 800 million people are engaged in urban agriculture worldwide, producing 15-20 percent of the world’s food. And the urbanization of the world’s population shows no signs of slowing down.

In India, for example, around 100,000 people move to cities each year in search of jobs. And experts predict that India’s urban population will increase to 40 percent by 2020, meaning that more than 540 million people will be living in Indian cities.

And in Africa, 14 million people to move to cities each year, a migration that is second only to the massive rural to urban shift taking place in China.

Slide 11: “Urban Agriculture and the Poor”

Because many urban dwellers’ access to healthy food usually depends on the amount of money they have, and food prices can skyrocket without much warning, urban agriculture can release people from this dependence on the global food market.

By 2020, some 35-40 million Africans will depend entirely on food grown in cities, making it important to find ways for them to grow food more easily.

Fortunately, there are no shortages of successful models of productive urban farms, and these farms are often found in some unlikely places.

Slide 12: “Urban Agriculture in Columbia”

Bogota is the capital of Columbia, and home to over 7 million people, 20 percent of whom live in poverty.

The Cities Farming for the Future program is spreading an innovative garden design that helps farmers grow food where there is no soil. The "Farming In My House" Project is establishing 20 container gardens on concrete areas around the city. The project does a couple of things. One, it improves the diets of families by increasing the diversity of vegetables, fruits and grains they are consuming, and two it helps them market these vegetables to other consumers, helping them increase their incomes. And the project is working to promote innovative waste management systems, such as composting, as well as encouraging households to collect rainwater.

Slide 13: Urban Agriculture: Kibera (Nairobi, Kenya)

I also had the opportunity to visit Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya. Kibera is the largest slum in sub-Saharan Africa with roughly 1 million people. It’s everything you imagine a slum in a developing country to be. It’s extremely crowded, it’s very noisy, it doesn’t smell very good, and it’s not a place you would expect crops to flourish. But there are a couple of big pockets of hope there.

Several thousand of the women in Kibera have organized themselves into self help groups. These groups are finding ways to grow food and raise animals in their small backyards. One innovative thing they’ve done is develop what they call vertical gardens, or growing food in tall sacks that allow them to grow a lot of vegetables, like kale or spinach, in a very compact space, similar to the container gardens in Bogota. The Kibera farmers sell their produce to other folks in their neighborhood and also consume part of what they grow. These sacks turned out to be a very important source of food security during the riots that occurred in Nairobi in 2007 and 2008—no food could come in to Kibera, but the vertical farmers didn’t go hungry because they were able to grow their own food.

Another group of farmers in Kibera is also doing some innovative gardening in an empty lot in the slum. The farmers are not only growing food to eat and to sell, but perhaps surprisingly

becoming a source of seed for rural farmers. In small double dug beds, fertilized with compost, the Kibera farmers are growing seeds of tomatoes, okra, and other vegetables and then selling the seeds to rural farmers. There aren’t many local seed companies in Eastern Africa and rural farmers often have a hard time finding good quality sources of seed.

And the seed beds are profitable--- one of the farmers I met in Kibera explained to me that the seed beds have helped her not only pay for her daughter to go to school, but she’s also saved enough money to own her own piece of land outside of Nairobi.

Urban farming isn’t just occurring in the developing world, however. It’s also something that is occurring literally in our backyards. In Chicago, where I live, the organization Growing Power, is operating five urban farms that employ dozens of formerly unemployed adults and at-risk youth. The food they grow is sold locally farmers markets and in a mobile grocery store and Growing Power recently received a $1 million grant from Walmart to expand its operations.

Here in San Francisco the Urban Agriculture Alliance helped change laws in the city, making it easier for urban gardeners and farmers to grow crops.

And Urban Sprouts is an organization cultivating school gardens in under-served areas of San Francisco. In the 2011 year they taught more than 800 kids to grow and cook food at their schools.

These projects are helping dispel the myth that urban agriculture only benefits poor people living

in cities and they’re providing an example for other cities to follow.

Slide 14: “Innovation 4: Carbon Storing “

The last innovation I want to talk about is how farmers are combatting climate change.

According to the World Agroforestry Centre, African farmers have the ability to sequester 50 billion tons of CO2 in the next 50 years, primarily by planting trees among crops, stewarding nearby forests, and keeping their soils planted with crops for more of the year. That 50 billion tons of carbon is like eliminating an entire year of all the world’s greenhouse gas emissions—and it would be a generous contribution from a region of the world that emits only a tiny share of these gases.

Already roughly 75 projects in 22 countries across Africa are in the works in to begin

compensating farmers and rural communities for providing this climate-healing service,

including a proposal to create an African Agricultural Carbon Facility that could incubate

projects and help connect them with buyers.

Slide 15: Farm or Forest

The International Fund for Agricultural Development is helping to finance agroforestry projects across sub-Saharan Africa to help farmers not only sequester carbon, but also to reduce soil erosion on farmland. Agroforestry also has the potential to provide organic fertilizer as well as shade for other shorter crops.

This is one of my favorite photos. When you look at it, you can’t tell if it’s a forest or a farm and in reality it’s both. And this type of farming and conservation has multiple benefits.

In Burkina Faso and Niger, for example, farmers are restoring the Sahel’s degraded land with a farming technique called Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). The farmers prune tree shoots that periodically and naturally sprout from below-ground root webs. This helps promote forest growth and gives farmers a naturally occurring source of fuel, food, or animal fodder. The trees also produce fruit and nuts and help restore the soil by releasing nitrogen and protecting the ground from erosion. The practice also reduce deforestation because the trees that are used for fuel are replaced with seedlings and tended by farmers, further holding down and regenerating the soil.

I think there’s a tendency to think of sustainable agriculture as backward and industrial agriculture as more sophisticated. But agroforestry and agro-ecological practices are not a return to old-fashioned or outdated practices. On the contrary, these approaches are highly complex, relying on extensive knowledge from farmers and an understanding of local ecosystems.

Slide 16: “Moving Forward”

Finally, I think all of these examples really help show how agriculture’s reputation is changing—farmers and scientists and government leaders from Africa to California are realizing that agriculture can be the answer.

Agriculture, when done in the right way, can improve biodiversity, improve soil quality, heal degraded land—and even mitigate climate change.

Agriculture is emerging, not as an instigator, but as a solution to many of our global problems. Around the world, farming is being used to strengthen communities by providing a means of income and livelihood, nourishing families through improved crop production and protecting the Earth through agroecological practices. Every day we highlight these solutions on our website and I invite everyone here to share with me your ideas and innovations for improving the food system. Because we are all part of the answer!

Slide 17: Final Slide (NtP Logo)

Thank you and I’ll look forward to your questions.