
Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Susquenita

Coral Reef (Great barrier Reef)

Average Temp23–25 °C (73–77 °F).

• Necessities-

• Shark repellent

• Sunscreen

• Bathing suit

• Money

• Adventure-

– A vacation to the Great Barrier Reef is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Some fun activities one might enjoy include: snorkeling, scuba diving, swimming and other various exhilarating experiences.

You have virtually no chance of surviving the venomous sting, unless treated immediately. The pain is so excruciating and overwhelming that you would most likely go into shock and drown before reaching the shore

The box jellyfish Measuring

up to 20 cm along each side

of the cube or bell, the Box

Jellyfish has up to as many

as 15 tentacles on each

corner which can be 3meters in length with upto 5,000 nematocysts .

The blue ringed octopus Itstarts life the size of a pea andis fully grown at about the sizeof a golf ball.

They have a life span ofapprox. 2 years.

Carry enough poison to kill 26adults within minutes

Onset of nausea.Hazy Vision. ( Within seconds you

are blind.) Loss of sense of touch, speech and

the ability to swallow.Within 3 minutes, paralysis sets in

and your body goes into respiratory arrest.

Sea snakes have specialized flattened tails for swimming and have valves over their nostrils which are closed underwater. They differ from eels in that they don't have gill slits and have scales. Due to their need to breathe air, they are usually found in shallow water where they swim about the bottom feeding on fish, fish eggs and eels.

Intense pain is not obvious at the site of the sea snake bite; 30 minutes after the bite there is stiffness, muscle aches and spasm of the jaw followed by moderate to severe pain in the affected limb. There follows progressive CNS symptoms of blurred vision, drowsiness and finally respiratory paralysis.

The Moray eel’s huge head, dark eyes and concave teeth are enough to make it look menacing, yet the moray eel attacks only if it feels threatened. If it tries to bite an imprudent diver, it is only as a self-defense attack. Its bites are not venomous even if made to believe otherwise at times

But…. some species can inoculate a

toxin secreted by the buccal mucous membrane.

Lionfish, also called turkey fish, dragon fish and scorpion fish, are native to the reefs and rocky crevices of the Indo-Pacific, although they've found their way to warm ocean habitats worldwide.

A sting from a lionfish is extremely painful to humans and can cause nausea and breathing difficulties, but is rarely fatal