Survey Analysis

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Survey Analysis

As you can see from the responses I have gathered from my survey, my target audience like to have freebies in their magazines.

My target audience favourite freebie to get in a magazine would be in a vinyl, and then closely behind was a CD, so I can see from these that my target audience enjoy having physical copies of music.

The majority of my target audience like to see interviews with artists or bands as the content in a music magazine. Reviews of albums and singles was also a popular choice along with new music and bands. These will be elements I will include in my magazine.

The majority of my target audience prefer a Vice style magazine front cover, which is quite unconventional compared to the NME style front cover. This will effect my design of my front cover.

A huge amount of my target audience enjoy going to gigs, with only one response saying they don’t. This shows me that it would be advisable to involve a gig guide in my magazine.

There was a mix of responses to my target audience’s favourite type of music. With a large majority choosing indie music and reggae. I will try to incorporate both into my magazine.

There were double the amount of male responses to my survey, which shows that my target audience is predominately male. So my magazine will be targeted mainly for males.

The large majority of my participants in my survey were in the age bracket 16-19. Which is the youngest age bracket available, and may show that some of my target audience are not of the legal age to go out clubbing and drinking, which is something I will have to consider when doing my magazine.