surprise for megan

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of surprise for megan

Megan and Stephanie’s

Imaginary Trip to Yellowstone

Emerald Pool I show you where I went last time

We discover the scary things I talked about

I get scared near this one too, you look in

“Nature at its best is in this park” we say

We see Bears!!!! So cute!

They are everywhere!!!!!!

“Geyser Time!” I say

They are all humongous we observe

Buffalos live here we can’t get too close “Megan stay back!”

We hike down by Yellowstone


Isn’t the old faithful lodge cool?

From the parking lot

The restaurant inside

Old Faithful Goes off every hour and people from near and far gather round to see it go off! It sits in front of the lodge

We Buy some postcards for our families

We also buy 2 posters of the most famous geyser of all

Look at the Yellowstone river

Look how it flows

We go to the Grand Canyon Of Yellowstone

The geysers continue in the evening

We continue down the boardwalk

We watch the Sunset on the Pools

Old Faithful at night is amazing

Before we leave we stop at mammoth Hot springs

Too hot to touch so we head back home to Boise

In your green Chevy Cavalier

The End (kinda)