Post on 03-Feb-2022

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NAMES: Bishop NZABANITA Vincent & Léocadie

Organization: Good Samaritan Christian Church of Rwanda

Address: BP 3803, Kigali, Rwanda

Telephone: +250 788869943 ,

Location: KAYONZA ( 75 km from Kigali)

Married in 1997.

Commencement Date: 15 October 2012

Bishop Nzabanita Vincent and his wife started a new church planting work on October 15, 2012 in Koyanza near the border with Tanzania.

Our coordinator visited this couple on November 18, 2012. The new Christian assembly meets in a small house that doubles as a sanctuary and as a Mission house. There were 118 people present. This church is growing in an alarming rate with lots of emphasis on worship. There are three choral groups in the church (Youths, Children, and Adults)The bishop has also started training someone to assist him..

NAMES: Rev. NDIZEYE Samuel & Deborah

Organization: Community Church of God in Central Africa

Address: P. O. Box 2639, Kigali, Rwanda


Location: MWIRI, KAYONZA ( 105 km from Kigali)

Married: December 1994

Commencement Date: 20 October 2012

Rev. Ndizeye Samuel is one of the spiritual leaders in his denomination called “ CEDACR” that is Community Church of God in Central Africa. For years, he was praying for divine directive to be able to reach out to the people living in the Gabiro forest in Gabiro in the Sector of Mwiri in the southern part of District Koyanza near Uganda. Many of them migrated in the years 2005 – 2006 to seek refuge and due to the distance, no group have ever ventured to take the Gospel to them until now. This is the first Christian witness among this people.

The couple started the work there on December 21, 2012. Already, 25 members have been baptized. There is also a cell group established that meets every Wednesday.

NAMES: Pastor NSHIMUMUKIZA Evariste & Eléonore

Organization: Reformed Baptist Convention in Rwanda

Address: P. O. Box 2024, Kacyiru, Rwanda

Telephone: +250782496923

Location: RAMIRO, BUGESERA (50 Km from Kigali)

Married: April 08, 1987

Commencement date: 20 October 2012

This couple is has just planted a new church in Mwiri in the district of Bugesera, Sector Ramiro in Eastern Rwanda, near the border with Burundi. Work started here on 21 October 2012. First report shows there are already 60 – 80 regular members attending regular church services at this location. Out of this number, 22 have been baptized on 21 December 2012. The couple, through his partnership with Campus Crusade for Christ, organized several Jesus film projections between November 13 and 16. More than 1550 persons watched the film out of which 236 received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Immediately 24 of the members were trained in evangelism and follow-up. These young people are assisting the couple to take the gospel to the entire community.

NAMES: TWAGIRAYESU Siridijo & Marie-Thèrèse

Organization: Evangelical church & Ministries International

Address: P. O. Box 2587, Kigali, Rwanda

Telephone: +250788583014

Location: KABARONDO ( 90 Km from Kigali

Married: 2003

Commencement Date: 20 October 2012

Pasteur Twagirayezu Silidiyo and his family left Kigali to Kabarondo near the border of Rwanda with Tanzania to start a new church. Work started on October 15, 2012. They have rented a house that serves both as family house and a place of worship. As at the time of this initial report, there were 18 – 23 regular members. a cell group in another location meets every week

for prayers on Wednesday. Couple has adopted a door-to-door evangelistic approach, visiting families every afternoon, preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ.

NAMES: TUYISENGE Placide & Fatuma

Organization: The Methodist Church in Rwanda

Address: P. O. Box 3709, Kigali

Telephone: +250788211794

Location: KAMONYI, near GITARAMA (15 Km from Kigali) Married: 11 October 2008

Commencement Date: 15 October 2012

No report has been sent in


Organization: Brethren community church

Address: Rue FIWA 1, Block D, No. 76

Telephone: +243 821405181


Still awaiting their report.


Organization: Disciples of Truth Church (D.V.C).

Gbadolité, Province of Equator, Democratic Republic of Congo

Telephone: +243 824808718


Married with 5 children

This couple started their Church planting work in 2012. They had 76 members, as at December 2012 with 6 trained disciples. Some of these are serving prisoners. As at April 2013, there are

132 members in the TABA-NGOVONGA church, and

68 members in NGANZA BOI assembly.


Organization: Grace Church

Province of the Equator, Democratic Republic of Congo

Address : Telephone +243812506371

Location: FADU/MOLEGBE community, DRC

The church in FADU now numbers 160 members.

He reports the healing of a little boy, who dad discouraged him to come to church who felt sick. His stomach began to swell extensively after he had a surgical operation. Doctors gave him up to die. It was then the family called on the elders of the church to intervene. They prayed, God moved on the family’s behalf. The boy is still alive. Praise God


Organization: Elim Pentecostal Church

Address: Avenue de Congo, Gbaule, Gbadolité,

Telephone: +243 994142333

Location: Gbatipo Ndula/NZAMBA-YAKOMA, & Cite-Yakoma, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Pastor Fulgence has:

29 members in the GBATIPO church,

96 members in NZAMBA –YAKOMA church, and

54 members in CITE-YAKOMA church.

Name: YANGA HUKA Stany

Organization: Brethren community church

Address: No. 5, Mama Mobutu Avenue

Telephone: +243 811975262


Pastor Stany has planted a Church in the Central Prisons in Gbadolite with 38 members.

Through his ministry in the Prisons, an insurrection was stalled in March and the entire Prison was spared of bloodshed.

Some detainees held without trial were released as a result of prayers.

Mr. & Mrs. Cung Hu Lian , B.A.

Married with 2 daughters

Site: Tayakone Village, Myanmar, among the Burmese Buddhists.

Commencement Date : April 2013


Bruno & Elodie Koyagbenza

The Christian Assembly “My Rock”

Location: Berberati, Central African Republic.

Commencement Date: May 2013

Bruno has just completed his training at the Church Planting Institute on April 30, 2013.

Pastor Bando Theodore

Evangelical Missionary church in Central African Republic


BP 2601,

Location: MOBAYE

Pastor Theodore is a time-tested Church planter whose denomination highly recommended to start new church plants among unreached people groups in Basse Kotto region of Central African Republic.

Rev. Samuel & Peace Mudasaya

Married with 4 children.

Location: Mukono

Commencement Date: 16 March 2013

This couple started their new church planting initiative in March 2013, having served as coordinators of our CP effort in Rwanda for more than 6 months.

As at April, 2013 5 persons have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of this couple

A cross-section of new church planters

These new Church planters will soon be commencing evangelistic, pastoral, and discipleship nurturing among many unreached people groups and in cities where the Gospel is still neither good nor news!

Almost all who are serving presently on the fields are asking for the following:

1. Prayer for the success of their outreach in what could well be some of the hardest places yet.

2. Prayer for divine protection and provision for them and their families. That the Lord will deliver his servants from feeling frustrated and from despair.

3. Bicycles/motorcycles. Transport is very expensive and in some localities, very rare.

One bicycle costs $180, and a motorcycle varies between $1100 to $1500.