Supreme Confidence Manifesto

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Transcript of Supreme Confidence Manifesto

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Supreme Confidence Manifesto Jean E Paul

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

“The Purpose of this document is:

To create a powerful Supreme Confidence Manifesto that will spread like wild fire to give men all around the world hope and desire to become who they truly are, regardless of what other

people say or think about them.

It is my deepest desire to inspire you to have faith in yourself

and to have the confidence you have always wanted.”

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Is this manifesto for you?

The answers is YES if

- You are a man (it’s OK for women to read this too, just that it has a different focus)

- You know you want more from life but you keep getting more of the same - You feel there is so much more to you but you just don’t know how to bring

it out - You spend a lot of time thinking how, when or whether or not you will have

a woman in your life - You say to yourself; “I don’t see how this will help me get laid”. - You are generally confident but when you get around women all that

confidence diminishes - You have spent a lot of time learning about seduction but you still can’t get

yourself to talk to women - You want to get the best in life and are continuously looking for ways to

improve - You don’t want to feel inferior about yourself - You keep trying but it just doesn’t seem to work out - And most importantly if you have a gut feeling this will change your life.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”


Let’s start at the beginning...

I don’t know how you remember your childhood but I know mine wasn’t a pretty one.

To this day I wish I had a better and stronger connection with my parents.

Unfortunately, this has been the case for many of us.

Virtually all of has have had a variation of a not so perfect childhood. And we have been taught to think it’s just the way it is.

We have been taught that wanting more in life was a sign of greed and arrogance.

That cars, women, fame and money are for the wicked and for the shallow.

To say (fill in the gap) “I am the best at.....” or “I’m going to be the best ........... in the world” is bragging.

Any sign of self-esteem is immediately pushed under because we get told to “get of our pedestal”.

In the end we learnt to think that our dreams and aspirations are just fantasies.

I had a client who walked into my office and said “Me getting women is like saying I’m gonna make a million pounds”. (That’s about 1.6 million dollars, by the way)

He told me he was being realistic. How does a 21 year old man, who has everything ahead of him, think he can’t become truly attractive or rich?

But yet, this is the way our society has taught us to function.

You see this deprives not only you of all that you could have but also the rest of the world of the gifts you have to offer.

It is time for change.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

If you are reading this because you want to have more quality women in your life...

By the time you finish reading this you will make a decision about your life. Even if you don’t choose to step things up immediately the thought that you can do better will bug you for the rest of your days on this earth.

You may be concerned about how this will affect your relationships with women.

Believe me, this will make you way more attractive than any pick up line, routine, strategy or the latest NLP technique.

I understand that after you have received blow after blow in life, it is hard to believe that you are all you need to get what you want in life.

That you have enough strength and charisma buried in you to build a life time of happiness, having the money, the women and the lifestyle you want.

More importantly, to start feeling fulfilled NOW.

I want to implore you to consider this choice: to stop living the life you don’t want and to believe that your dreams can and will come true if you start moving towards them NOW.

As someone once said: “A rockstar doesn’t need to learn how to pick up chicks” .

The same goes for the man who is focused, comfortable in his skin and feels good about his sexuality.

This document is about you realising what you have been missing all this time.

And to give you the desire to create a powerful impact on the person who really matters and that’s YOU.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

The not so comfortable comfort zone

Depending on your standards (which we will talk about again later) where your comfort zone is will vary.

You may be OK sharing your flat/house with rats who feed on the remains of last week’s pizza.

Possibly, it is alright with you if the only pussy you ever get to see is the one on your computer screen.

Maybe, you are used to wearing nice clothes, obeying mummy and daddy and always playing by the rules.

Or rather, you’ve always been breaking the rules, you think you are a bad boy and the whole world hates you.

Finally, you possibly have always blended in, never wanting any trouble and never wanting to upset anyone.

Or you’re just doing all right, not too bad/ not too good.

Wherever you are, try to notice if you have always done just enough to maintain whatever you have got now.

Fair enough, compared to other people, you may be better off but the question is

“Is this really all you want?”

When you look at yourself in the mirror do you see the man you want to be?

Some of us are actually really good at certain things, we are actually admired for one thing or the other.

What you want to ask here is:

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

“Is there more to me than this? Am I just performing this task so well because it pleases others? Who is trying to please me?”

I know this may not be new to you, but have you really taken a good look at yourself?

The road to success in everything

If you have noticed up to this point, I have purposely made you feel uncomfortable.

This is because I want you to start moving in another direction. Let me tell you a little story.

I spent many years trying to learn “shortcuts” to success. Each time I found something that seemed a bit difficult or out of my comfort zone I would either back out or not put in my whole effort.

In the end, I ended up taking the long way round.

And you know what the funny thing is?

I still had to come back and face the same fears. The obstacles had moved or changed, just that this time I was more tired, drained by disappointment.

It got to a point I started to avoid people with high standards (or maybe they started avoiding me, hehe!).

I just couldn’t face the fact that I wasn’t doing my best.

I kept going like that till everything seemed so bad I did the stupidest thing ever... I attempted to cut my veins.

Needless to say I survived and I promised myself I would get my shit together.

There is a reason why God spared my life and I made up my mind to help others live better lives and to have faith and confidence in themselves.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

OK, let’s get back to the point I was trying to make.

By staying in our comfort zones we deprive ourselves of growth and therefore we find it difficult to ever feel complete.

But you already know this.

The more important lesson here is that by ;

• not doing our best,

• always avoiding the “difficult” things,

• always looking for shortcuts

• or even not doing anything at all

we are not just missing out on life, we keep moving backward!

Have you ever heard that the rich get richer and the poor keep getting poorer?

Now you know why. It is not that the rich and the poor are different species, it is that they do things differently.

The same goes for any other successful person especially the ones who defy all beliefs and stereotypes.

What I’m trying to say here is that becoming stronger, more powerful and wealthy, as well as developing Supreme Confidence is not an option anymore!

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

The “Hard Stuff” Women etc.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

What it all comes down to...

As far as dealing with women is concerned it comes to one basic thing;

We believe that the women we want don’t find us attractive enough the way we are.

In many ways all other limiting beliefs concerning attraction stem from that.

And whenever things don’t go the way we want them too, we think it’s because we’re not attractive enough or sexy enough.

So it becomes easier to think we must learn pick-up lines or techniques to get closer to women.

We tend to believe that if we say it just right, or do just the right thing, she will want us.

The hard truth however is that we have to face ourselves and realize that the only technique out there that works is to truly express ourselves.

Now, I understand that you may disagree. That’s all right. There are guru’s out there who give you step by step instructions.

You are free to go by the paradigm they have created if it works for you.

I am not a guru. I’m just a regular guy who is passionate about making the world a better place and accomplishing big things.

But I tell you today, there is a power inside of you that is greater than any technique anyone could give you.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Expressing your true intentions

You may think you have done it up to this point, but I would like to challenge you.

What you may have expressed may just be what your fear and anxiety told you to say.

You may be wondering now, what has this got to do with Supreme Confidence?

Please stay with me. You will understand in a moment.

Do you want to tell me, you really want to act shy and timid, or to always have to hide what you really feel inside?

How do you feel when someone, man or woman, says something insulting to you and you choose to keep your mouth shut?

How do you feel when you get so angry it’s almost beyond control?

How do you feel when everybody else seems to have that car, that girlfriend, that house, that job you want?

I guess it may not be a very nice feeling.

Changing and applying your own Supreme Confidence is not always an easy process.

But the beautiful thing is that it gives power and ability to obtain what you want in ways you never even imagined were possible!

Dealing with rejection

This is by far the biggest success killer I am aware of: fear of rejection.

It is the reason why people stay in a situation when they don’t like it and also the reason why they don’t go for something they really want.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

I believe fear of rejection is what drives the dating and seduction business, even more than desire to meet somebody we like.

Many men (and women) spend hours reading and studying material that will help them avoid rejection.

There are dating gurus out there who claim they can help you eliminate rejection completely!

The truth is, as long as you want to make progress, rejection will always be part of human life. Always.

And if you don’t try to make moves towards getting what you want, it’s almost as if you reject yourself before you even get started.

I understand rejection can be a painful thing.

It is when you are willing to do the painful things that others won’t do that you begin to stand out.

Remember the little story I told you before? There is no way around facing rejection if you truly want to succeed.

Otherwise, you will have to settle for whatever comes your way. And in that case there is nothing I can do for you.

Ask yourself:

• What have I been preparing for and/or putting off forever?

• Am I trying to be perfect in something before I even do it?

• What am I really afraid of?

• What does rejection mean to me?

Now, everybody has a different level of what satisfies them. For the sake of this book, I will only concern myself with those who want the absolute best.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Here are some things you might want to learn if you want to become more comfortable with rejection;

Learn to love taking risks

When you are willingly risking rejection things become easier for you. You become an adventurer and a conqueror.

You know what it takes to get what you want. You don’t mind getting hurt, a few bruises here and there.

This is how , I believe, you join the most successful group of people. You are not afraid to do the “painful” things others won’t do.

Eureka! You just discovered what makes the difference between the successful ones and the once who, well, don’t succeed as much.

You don’t believe me? Just find out about the success of any person you admire. They always had to overcome rejection and other stumbling blocks.

Decide you are the boss

Whenever you don’t go for something you want because of what other people might think or say, it’s like telling yourself “I’m not going to go for what I really want, because apparently these people don’t want me to have it.”

So you go on in mediocrity because at least those around you are used to your mediocre self.

“You will know if this is you.

Most people probably don’t take you seriously and you always feel like you are on the losing side.”

Do you ever feel that way?

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Stop believing in “seduction” nonsense!

Look, I know this may be hard for you to believe, but there is no “technique” out there that will make you better with women.

There is no right thing to say besides the honest truth if you want to have more women in your life.

You don’t need a good chat up line, or any sort of gimmick.

Your confidence and your ability to be honest is what women will appreciate.

It is beyond the scope of this document for me to go into this.

Just be honest with yourself; if you truly felt attractive and believed women wanted you would you still be looking for tricks and pick up lines? Would you need to drink before talking to a girl you like?

The reason why I am saying this is because I have seen many guys go out, trying to be perfect in their approach.

They think they didn’t get the girl because they didn’t execute a technique properly.

The truth is, girls are not stupid and if you try bullshit on them you will get bullshit back.

Why do you think all the seduction community guys complain about flakes?

I can appreciate it if you believe in this magic stuff. I say doesn’t work, at least it hasn’t worked for you, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

In real life, when you approach women, some will end up wanting you, some will not.

That’s the way it is.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Learn to truly appreciate who you are

At least that way when you get rejected you know it’s NOT because you’re inferior or that there is something wrong with you.

We have a tendency to believe that we get rejected because we’re not good enough but that’s far from the truth.

You only feel and give off that kind of vibe when you are not focused on the positive sides of yourself.

Or if you think that you’re somehow “bad” by nature.

Many of us feel ashamed anytime something goes wrong. In psychology this is known as toxic shame and we acquire it during childhood when parents use it as a tool to “discipline” us.

Dealing with what people will say.

Listen, regardless of what you do, people will talk about you in a way that you don’t like.

You can’t avoid it. If you don’t do well in life, you feel bad and inferior in certain places and with certain people.

If you do well, somebody will still have a problem with you.

You try to bring out something new, people will try to put you down.

Once again, this is part of life.

Learn how to ignore them and get over it. Somebody once said:

“What other people think of me is none of my business”

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”


Yes, it can be frustrating when you’re trying to get to the top. Sometimes it feels really lonely.

But in the end it pays off.

You can’t always have things the way you want them.

And in order to grow sometimes we have to experience pain.

“Losers lose because they run away from it. “

And winners...

Well, as the saying goes “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”

Get it?

One thing I do when things get really hard is I say to myself that the pain I’m feeling is directly proportional to the new strength I’m receiving.

And it turns out to be true!

You see, experience gives you confidence. Sometimes the experience can be painful, so remember;

“What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!”

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

The “Good Stuff” Getting Started

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

So how do I start to develop Supreme Confidence? Where do I begin?

The good news is that things can and will turn around for you.

You will encounter some of the “Hard stuff” we talked about earlier but it doesn’t seem so bad anymore, does it?

The key is to understand that sometimes you have to do the painful things to get what you want.

Often, just the process of changing may feel painful. But you are a man and you can take it!

You ability to do that is directly proportional to the amount of success you can achieve.

One thing I have realised gives people REAL power and changes their outlook on life is to find out what exactly causes them to do what they want to.

You see, even when we do something that doesn’t work for us, we still subconsciously believe we gain something from it.

Like, when we don’t go for what we want, because we think we are protecting ourselves from failure.

In other words what we want is some sort of security. So you may want to find a way forward that still provides some sort of security for you. REMEMBER : there is always going to be an amount of risk anytime you make a decision.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

7 Supreme Confidence Power Facts:

1. Realise the difference between the things you can control and the things you can’t control

One quick way to reduce anxiety in your life is to understand that there are things that are completely out of your control.

We can influence people and events but ultimately it is not in our power to make anyone do anything.

For example, you can be really charming, looking good and confident but a woman may feel she should reject you.

On the other hand, another woman would be all over you under the same circumstances!

The same thing goes for other people’s reactions to you. Of course, the more you feel good about yourself, and the more you allow your Supreme Confidence to shine through, the more people will enjoy your company.

Believe me though; don’t be surprised if you find as good a number of people who simply feel the opposite about you!

2. Stop trying to convince people who will never be convinced

Once you make a decision to increase your status in life, make more money, develop a new skill or simply to start applying your Supreme Confidence more, people will try to stop you or slow you down.

Your natural reaction may be to try and make them see how good it is for you.

Well, you will soon realise that your efforts may be futile. In fact, they may end up persuading you to quit and simply remain where you are!

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

One of my clients once told me about how excited he was after he got the courage to approach an attractive woman, on his own, without needing the help of alcohol.

He told his colleagues at work about this and they just didn’t get it!

I explained to him that there are journeys you have to start on your own before anyone else can join.

Just remember, that people may not give you permission to go for what you want.

Not necessarily because they have bad intentions. Not everybody is ready for change and you have to bear that in mind.

Just keep your eyes on what you want and everything else will slowly make sense to everyone.

3. Be completely honest with yourself!

This is the most important step of the process. You have to assess your current situation and how you feel about things.

When you do this, it is easy to say “Oh, I can never get out of this. This sucks!”

The reason why you want to look at your current situation this way is so that you can start finding your way forward.

How can you get to your destination when you don’t even know where you are?

Once you have “taken inventory “of your life it is important to allow the anger that may have been stored up this far to leave your body.

You may choose to write down all the things that have made you angry about your life up to this point. Include the things that you are angry with yourself about.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

This is a very powerful exercise and will help you feel free to move forward in your life.

4. Imagine possibilities

Find some time to see the possibilities ahead of you. Not just what you dream about but also explore different options to achieve what you want.

How can you make that first step forward?

What do you have to change NOW so that you can get what you want?

What can you start doing differently?

This is the time when you have to give yourself permission to actually change your life!

Allow yourself to see opportunities and start moving towards them.

5. Learn to enjoy taking risks

No matter how well you plan at some point you will need to take a leap of faith.

You may feel scared, afraid of failure or even of what will happen when you succeed.

The beautiful thing is that with each action you take, even when you make a mistake you get closer and closer to making your dreams come true.

Yes, at times you may feel frustrated or disappointed but believe me, when you persevere the rewards are greater than you originally thought they would be.

6. Build a powerful vision in your mind

I know this sounds silly to a lot of people but this one of the biggest success secrets.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Having a clear vision of what you really want is what propels you forward. If this is the only thing you do out of this manifesto, you’ll be way ahead of many people in your quest for fulfilment. You see, once you can see it in your mind, you begin to feel what it’s like to have it. Any time you feel like things aren’t going your way, all you have to do is to reach into that vision and you will feel automatically propelled to move forward. It’s like an instant energy boost. Every night before you sleep and then when you wake up in the morning see this dream, feel it as if you’re living it already and you will feel a rush of power into your body.

And you will begin to experience what it’s like to have Supreme Confidence.

7. Be grateful for all you’ve got

This is something that keeps you going (and saves you from getting depressed!)

Remember, the secrets to success and confidence lie within you, not in the external world.

How can you even start moving forward if you don’t even know what you already have!

You may think you have nothing to start with. Well, somebody wishes they had the sight and skill to read this document. Do you think they would be grateful if they were in your place?

All this is nothing new! These are the basic fundamentals we ignore every day.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

“I never said it was going to be easy!”

There are two things we say to ourselves every day that stop us from succeeding. They are quite opposite of each other but we use those phrases to prevent ourselves from achieving the success we truly deserve. “It’s too hard”

Whenever you want to achieve something, for some reason, an obstacle that seems un-surmountable appears. Most of us (sadly) give up at that point. Instead of developing a habit of being relentless in our pursuits we rather find obstacle to be our last stop. For the weakest of us, the first stop is where it ends. What do you do when a voice in your head says “It’s too hard” ? “It’s too simple”

Many of us spend a lifetime looking for the magic pill. That one thing that when we have all our troubles will be over.

That money, that girlfriend, that technique.

And yet, when we find a simple solution we say to ourselves “it’s too simple, it can’t be, it has to be more complicated than this!”

And then we look for ways to make it more difficult for ourselves. We want to understand the most intricate of details, before we make our move.

And time keeps passing us by.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

We think we have a good reason for always finding the latest solution to a problem we haven’t even began to solve.

What do you do when that little voice in your head says “It’s too simple” ?

The choice is yours

Depending on the standards you have given yourself, you may choose start doing the “simple” and “hard” things and get what you want.

You can apply these basics and start moving forward or simply put this book away and go on looking for that one time solution.

“Supreme Confidence is the state of mind, body and soul that turns you into an unstoppable force, by the virtue of using the power of your true self, allowing for the purest and most powerful expression of who you are, without

having to bring anyone down but rather enhance everybody else’s existence.”

Start taking action!

The next thing is to step up and actually go for it!

Once you have defined your purpose you must focus everything you’ve got on it.

Don’t do anything that takes you away from the outcomes you are looking for.

Yes, as we already discussed it becomes tough at a point but you must gather the strength to get past it if you want to move forward in life.

I don’t have the magic pill solution. You may keep looking for another shortcut but I have a feeling you may still come back to this point.

Your Supreme Confidence will come from the process of getting what you want.

It is a journey, one that if you dare to begin will make you wonder “How could I have ever lived not doing this?”

I’ve got to go, for now. If you found this useful please visit my website:

All the best and remember:

“It is your birthright, duty and responsibility to be as great as you can be, to be as attractive as you can be and as powerful as you can be, to be all that you can be.”

Yours truly,

Jean Paul