Supply Clash Kingdom

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Supply Clash Kingdom

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    Light Cav

    wood stone iron food MAX

    unit 1 320 400 640 240

    target 40 12800 16000 25600 9600

    ava 179000 106000 230 47000

    Min 0.3594 559.375 265 0.359375 195.8333 559.375

    send max 559 -120 117600 357530 87160 562170

    send if 500 -19000 94000 319770 73000 467770

    new manor 100x 21000 4500 7700 food+35 35k

    stable 15 30 60 45

    Res Max

    need 267 40 80 67 80

    ava 0 0 0 0 0

    send 267 40 80 67 80A 44.5 29 22 47 12

    B 11 58 20 68

    city patrol n n n

    Army 106 1 802 802 812 812 812 51

    exp 48 16 1152 1216 1344 1376 1408 32

    Pres/Or 3 1 36 38 42 43 44 2

    level 5 6 11 12 12 4

    Road sti n

    Army 532 551

    exp 663 134

    Pres 66 13

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom



    wood stone iron food MAX

    unit 1 330 160 200 120 6.00

    target 1 330 160 200 120 0.10

    ava 179000 106000 230 47000

    Min 1.15 542.4242 662.5 1.15 391.6667 662.5

    send max 662 39460 -80 132170 32440 203990

    send if 500 -14000 -26000 99770 13000 72770

    new manor 100x 21000 4500 7700 food+35 35k

    stable 15 30 60 45

    Res Max

    need 267 40 80 67 80

    ava 0 0 0 0 0

    send 267 40 80 67 80A 44.5 29 22 47 12

    B 11 58 20 68

    city patrol n n n

    Army 106 1 802 802 812 812 812 51

    exp 48 16 1152 1216 1344 1376 1408 32

    Pres/Or 3 1 36 38 42 43 44 2

    level 5 6 11 12 12 4

    Road sti n

    Army 532 551

    exp 663 134

    Pres 66 13

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    Title? Cant Resource output

    Bronze Mirrors can be donated in the Title Promotion interface (click your Avatar in the upper left to fi

    As your Title increases you will gain increased Unit Attack and Defense for all troops, increased Troop

    Rallying troops correct? Unrallied Idle units cannot enter battle

    Units must first be Rallied before they can enter battle. Each Rallied Troop must be commanded by a s

    Battering Rams can inflict massive damage on City Walls, Siege Towers can suppress defending troops

    Siege Units can inflict the largest possible damange on City Walls and buildings.

    As the number and level of your Residences increase, your Manor's Silver output will grow. High amou

    Manor? Your manor limit is dedicated by the researh level of empire of one.

    A player's Manor Limit is determined by the level of Empire of One research. The max is 11 Manors. M

    city def, false? You can equip def gear on your unit

    Repaired City Walls give City Defense to increase the Unit Defense for all Troops garrisoned in the city.

    Intellect can equally increase Unit Attack and Defense.

    Cavalry have increased attack power against Infantry.

    Infantry have increased attack power against Archers.

    counter Cavalry is

    Archers have increased attack power against Cavalry.

    A player's Manor Limit is determined by the level of Empire of One research. The max is 11 Manors. M

    destroy wh imp eff n deply limit? Whatchower

    Destroying the Watchtower will decrease Order. This will decrease both the Deployment Limit and city

    rallied troops cannaot undertake which of the fallowing actions?

    All players fight for the glory of their Kingdom, not personal gain! You cannot plunder in "Clash of King

    food output

    With each level upgrade of Herb Lord Pagoda, all Manors in your kingdom will have a 2% increase in F

    for a free

    Craftsmen's Manuals can decrease building time for one project in the Building queue by 1 hour, 2.5 h

    exp building queue? Lu Ban Manual

    Using The Lu Ban Manual can increase a designated Manor's building queue size to 10 for 24 hours.

    silver output

    With each level upgrade of Shrine of Mammon, all Manors in your kingdom will have a 2% increase in

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    not siutable for cav is triad form

    Awl Form, Crane-wing Form, and Arrowhead Form are all well suited for Cavalry Soldiers,

    Triad Form is more defensive and not well suited for Cavalry.

    speed form? Serpent Form

    best def is eight heaven form

    best infantry Attack? Diamond Form

    The tight ranks of Diamond Form are most suited for enhancing the attacks of Infantry Troops.

    min impact on unit Attack n Defence? The Square

    which building will they apperar near? Pass

    Troops entering a city will appear on the battlefield by the Pass closest to the city they deployed from.

    Improving Roads at the Post House can increase Transit, the larger the Troop, the greater the effect.

    strongest heroes? All

    Hi growth rate

    hi base stat

    strong special ability

    Food output? Herb Lord Pagoda

    With each level upgrade of Herb Lord Pagoda, all Manors in your kingdom will have a 2% increase in F

    Iron output? Dragon Spring Valley

    does not comsume food? Rallying TroopsConstructing Buildings in Manors, marching troops between cities, and participating in battle all consu

    The Minister of Military can initiate military Tasks

    The Minister of Diplomacy can manage dilpomatic relationships

    City Governors can only initiate city Stilmulus Tasks -> XXXXX

    The Miniter of Engineering can initiate Domestic Tasks

    Leadership can greatly increase Unit Defense.

    increase Unit Attack and Defense.

    Intellect can equally increase Unit Attack and Defense.

    Training Ground? Inc unit recruit speed

    With each level upgrade of Dragon Spring Valley, all Manors in your kingdom will have a 2% increase i

    Injured Heroes? Resurrection (yellow)

    With each level upgrade of The Great Wall, your kingdom's troops will all increase 2% in Unit Defense.

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    Battering Rams can inflict massive damage on City Walls, Siege Towers can suppress defending troops

    Hero? All

    Speed up , false? Free

    Leadership can greatly increase Unit Defense.

    stanima oncorrect? Stamina cannot re

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    ind this) to increase Court Contribution.

    arry load limits, and power to create Manors in some cities where your Rank doesn't meet Minimum R

    eparate Hero, and each player can have up to 13 Heroes. A Hero's stats, especially the Politics stat, dete

    inside the city, Catapults can destroy buildings on the battlefield and inflict damage on enemy troops st

    nts of Commerce and higher levels of the Shrine of Mammon Landmark can also improve Silver output.

    anors can only be created in Cities that are occupied by your own Kingdom, where player Rank meets t

    Archers on a city wall can increase their range by one, allowing them to attack Siege Units. Donating Sil

    anors can only be created in Cities that are occupied by your own Kingdom, where player Rank meets t

    improvement efficiency.


    od output.

    ours, or 50%. When building time is under than 5 minutes, you can use Speed Up for free and instantly fi

    Silver output.

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    od output.

    me Food. Rallied Troops do not consume Food until they enter battle, however.

    Iron output.

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    inside the city, Catapults can destroy buildings on the battlefield and inflict damage on enemy troops st

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    nk Requirements. Your Title has no influence on Manor resource output.

    rmine the max Troop Size that can be rallied to that particular Hero.

    tioned on city walls.

    I'm sure you wouldn't embezzle funds even if you could, right?

    e Min. Rank, and where there are still vacancies remaining. Larger cities have fewer Manor vacancies. P

    ver to increase the level of The Great Wall Landmark will increase Unit Defense of troops garrisoned in

    e Min. Rank, and where there are still vacancies remaining. Larger cities have fewer Manor vacancies. P

    inish construction. Recruitment queues can also be shortened or instantly completed with Items. You ca

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    tioned on city walls. Cannons would be useful, but they don't appear in this game!

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    layers can only have one Manor per city.

    ll cities. Unfortunately, your individual units cannot equip gear.

    layers can only have one Manor per city.

    n spend Gold or Coupons to increase Marching Speed by 30%, but you can't instantly arrive at your tar

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    et city!

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    ada max

    BiQ 1982 1982

    Huang 1929

    Xun 1708 1907

    pass 44

    target ada kurang3734 5818 5441 377


    xiao 1337

    sima 1539

    Tan 1088

    xun 1907

    sha 1377

    wu 1707 1707


  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    5 6

    food 12 9

    100% 2 3

    wood 4 6

    iron 4 6srone 4 6

    20% 2.4

    28.4 30

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    x Health Att Def Speed Eat Wood Stone

    White 728 159 75 18 56 1400 2250

    Black 745 156 67 27 55 1380 1100

    Lion 804 167 45 24 74 2960 2360

    Flying 826 157 52 15 55 2220 1780

    Iron 660 154 98 24 65 1620 2080

    First 594 113 60 18 32 1 810 130075 60750 97500









    Health Att Def Spe


  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    Iron Food Troops 2000 40000 Total

    840 1120 5610 5.6E+07 9E+07 3.4E+07 4.5E+07 2E+06 2.3E+08

    820 2210 5510 5.5E+07 4.4E+07 3.3E+07 8.8E+07 2E+06 2.2E+08

    1110 960 7390 1.2E+08 9.4E+07 4.4E+07 3.8E+07 3E+06 3E+08

    830 720 5550 8.9E+07 7.1E+07 3.3E+07 2.9E+07 2E+06 2.2E+08

    1950 840 6490 6.5E+07 8.3E+07 7.8E+07 3.4E+07 3E+06 2.6E+08

    480 650 3240 3.2E+07 5.2E+07 1.9E+07 2.6E+07 1E+06 1.3E+0836000 48750 243000 486000 Wood Stone Iron Food Eat 486000

    ed Eat Wood Stone Iron Food

    Chart Title
















    0 1

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    2 3 4 5

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom








  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    lvl 16 17 18 19 20

    Ware 140 193 271 408 600

    24 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    jam 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432 456 480 504 528 552 576 600

    Granary 133 189 285 400

    lvl 17 18 19 20

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    26 27

    624 648

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Clash Kingdom


    SHAO projectcok projectcok projectcok

    cok Shao playercokcok ShaoRelawan chaibuikiecok ShaoArmy shaomaniakcok shaonextcok tisendokcok tisendok taoplayercokcok kyoklozed immortals maplayercocok MaCenLing jiaoplayercokcok Shavorgirl mengplayercokcok HoMengCu dongplayercokcok DongYaLi


    1 granary, 1 warehouse, 3set, sisanya 5-6 residents

    lalu diupgrade terus

    1.5$ 50G

    10$ 1000G

    bangun resident banyak, perbanyak manor baru lagi, cari hero 4-5 aja.skrg ada 4 mamors hanya dalam 4 jam Join : 01/09 02:42 AM PST

    3 manor yg isi nya adalah silver.

    2100 silver / hour now, collect Taxes. Research to get more manors

    gunakan tombol >> speed up 5 menit