Super Smarts about Super foods · 2018-10-10 · fiber and other antioxidants. Kale For your...

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Transcript of Super Smarts about Super foods · 2018-10-10 · fiber and other antioxidants. Kale For your...

PineappleFor your joints.Helps reduce swelling and pain, plus new research even suggests pine-apple may also reduce asthma-related inflammation.

BlueberriesFor your brain and heart. Also antioxidant.High in vitamin C and fiber, blueber-ries rank #1 in total antioxidant capacity. Skip the muffins and toss in your morning oatmeal.

BlackberriesFor your heart and brain. Also antioxidant.New evidence suggests berries may improve short term memory loss and reverse age-related brain decline. Plus, 1 cup gives you 50% of your daily vitamin C. That’s berry good.

SpinachFor your heart, eyes, brain, skin, bones, prostate and immunity. Packed with vitamins A and C, heart-healthy antioxidants and more, what can’t spinach do?

Butternut SquashFor your eyes, skin and heart.Three words: butternut squash soup. We love it – especially since butternut squash is packed with vitamins A, C and E.

BroccoliFor your heart, bones, prostate, brain and immunity. Also antioxidant.1 medium stalk of broccoli has over 175% of your daily vitamin K, which is linked to reduced risk of bone frac-tures, and 200% of vitamin C!

CarrotsFor your eyes.Packed with 250% of your daily allowance of vitamin A, a nutrient that helps eye health. David uses these sweet treats in his daily juice blends: “Carrot juice makes everything better!”

Plums and prunesFor immunity. Also antioxidant.Fresh plums are great – but David points out that dried fruit is equally great. Both are packed with those good-for-you antioxidants.

TomatoesFor your heart and prostate.Lycopene-rich foods, like tomatoes, have been linked to a decreased risk of cancer and improved heart health. Cooking your tomatoes makes it easier for your body to absorb antioxidant-rich lycopene.

CauliflowerFor your prostate. Also antioxidant.In addition to a big boost of vitamin C, cauliflower contains unique anti-oxidants that cycle over and over in your system, protecting you for up to 4 days after eating.

PomegranateFor your prostate. Also antioxidant.Pomegranates are celebrated as an antioxidant powerhouse – they’re tied for tops with wild blueberries. But did you know that drinking 8 oz. of pomegranate juice a day can help men recovering from prostate cancer?

AppleAntioxidant. An apple a day may indeed keep the doctor away – but only if you remember to eat it with the skin. Red Delicious and Granny Smith are high-est in good-for-you antioxidants.

CherriesFor your joints. Also antioxidant. Cherries ranked tenth out of over 100 common varieties of fruits and vegetables for total antioxidant capacity. They’re also high in enzymes that inhibit joint inflammation.

PumpkinFor your eyes and heart.Packed with potassium (good for blood pressure), fiber, vitamin A (anti-oxidant beta carotene) and vitamin C, pumpkin isn’t just for pies!

ArugulaFor your bones.You may have yours in a salad. David has his in one of his daily fruit and veggie shakes. Either way, arugula is full of vitamin K, calcium, manganese and magnesium – just what your bones need.

StrawberriesFor your brain and heart. Also antioxidant.Summer’s sweetest treat gives you 144% of your daily vitamin C, plus fiber and other antioxidants.

KaleFor your bones.1 cup of cooked kale is a top source of vitamin K, an excellent source

Super Smarts about Superfoods Courtesy of Dole.

of vitamin C and manganese – the perfect combo for strong and healthy bones.

WatermelonFor your heart and prostate.Like tomatoes, watermelon is rich in good-for-you lycopene. Plus it’s packed with vitamins A and C and is deliciously low-calorie.

BananaFor your heart.Full of vitamins B6 and C, plus potas-sium and fiber, David eats a banana every morning: “I believe in bananaas - there are so many nutrients in there.”

ArtichokeAntioxidant.The ‘choke is the veggie antioxidant powerhouse, beating out nutritional big boys like broccoli and spinach in total antioxidant capacity.

CranberriesFor your heart. Also antioxidant.Drinking three 8-oz. glasses of cranberry juice every day may help improve your “good” cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Sweet potatoFor your eyes.These terrific tubers are one of the best sources of beta-carotene, plus they’re full of vitamin A, which helps the eye to adapt from bright light to darkness.

RaspberriesFor your heart and brain. Also antioxidant.Like their other berry counterparts, raspberries are packed with antioxi-dants, vitamin C and fiber.

KiwiFor your heart.Packed with heart-healthy nutrients and fiber, new research suggests eating two to three kiwis a day can significantly lower blood clot risk and reduce blood lipids.

Green cabbageAntioxidant.With just 20 calories in 1 cup, this superfood is full of vitamins K and C and long-lasting antioxidants that continue to release in your body days after eating.

Red bell peppersFor your skin and heart.One medium pepper is equal to 450% of your daily vitamin C and 90% of your vitamin A, plus vitamins C and E. And roasted red pepper strips are good in just about anything!

PapayaFor your skin and immunity.Out of 40 different fruits measured for recommended daily intake percentage of nine vitamins plus po-tassium and fiber, this tropic wonder came in first!

OrangeFor your heart and brain.For each 10 grams of fruit fiber eaten per day, you may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 30%. And one orange provides 3 grams! ( David eats his with the peel on! )

MangoFor your heart and immunity.The tropical peach is packed with vitamins C, A and B6, plus fiber and additional antioxidants. Turn to page 34 for some tasty recipe ideas.

CantaloupeFor the skin and immunity.This sweet melon is full of vitamins A and C - both vital for healthy skin - plus beta-carotene that may help prevent the skin against sun damage.