Super cow robot powers...everyone wonders if he has been adopted. Peter’s mom Peter’s mom always...

Post on 12-Oct-2020

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Transcript of Super cow robot powers...everyone wonders if he has been adopted. Peter’s mom Peter’s mom always...

Super cow robot powers

By bagged milk


Show concept

This is an animated television show that follows a jetpack wearing farmer and his robot cow as they fight against their enemies; an almond milk spouting cybernetic almond and his cashew minions in a battle to save the world. The show is meant to give a comedic depiction of the battle between vegans and omnivores. It’s a battle about if milk is meant to come from cows or from nuts. It is an animated show with a comedic twist.

Target audience The show is meant for teens between the ages of 12-16. The reason we choose this

age group as our target demographic is because the children would need to be older to understand the humour in the show as well as better understand what it means to be vegan or omnivore. Early adolescence in this age range tend to shift their focus from all play, to educational shows that are comedic. This is also the age group that is more socially aware about many issues which is why they would start to understand being vegan and food choices.

Our characters

Hugh man Hugh is our main human character. He is in his early 20’s, showing a bit of a leader-like role. After being the last human left in a world of robot animals and a barren wasteland, Hugh has come up with a way to stay alive. He used to work as a dairy farmer, so he is extremely comfortable with the cows and has this heavy knowledge for milk. He is an intense and emotional person but tries to live with fun in his life.

Henrietta Henrietta is our robot cow sidekick of Hugh’s. She is in her late teens and loves to be seen as an adult. She’s a bit bossy and confident in her ideas, even if they may be a bit silly. She’s definitely still trying to hold onto her youth but wants to show everyone that she knows more than them. She feels a bit left out sometimes with her other cow friends so she’s usually a bit jealous.

Peter the “destroyer” almondo Peter is our main almond character. He is in his late teens and has a very angry and

evil appearance! This is complete with very angular eyebrows and a nasal voice. He believes that he is the evilest genius but unfortunately, his ideas are not very well thought out. He has a younger sister named Elsie that is the sweetest almond there is, so everyone wonders if he has been adopted.

Peter’s mom Peter’s mom always takes care of him. She is a nice older woman who likes to bake, cook and love her son! She is always wanting to knit, read or go for nice walks in the park by her house. She likes to leave home whenever Peter needs the house to himself and his army friends.

Episode outlines

Episode 1 - an udder failure

Hugh Man and Henrietta come up with a plan to fool the angry almond army. Peter the “Destroyer” brings his cow-hating message to a large crowd. The attack doesn’t work as Hugh already guessed what Peter had planned.

Episode two - glass half full

Peter the “Destroyer” tries to come up with a new plan after the attack didn’t go as planned. Hugh Man sees someone that catches his attention but could affect his relationship with the cows. It turns out to be Peter’s sister, Elsie and no one else knows.

Episode three - don’t cry over spilt milk

Peter gets his hands on one of Hugh’s jetpack prototypes and Hugh tries to get it

back without worrying the cows. Meanwhile, Elsie tries to figure out her feelings for Hugh. Hugh is caught in the Almondo house by Elsie and she helps him find the jetpack and escape.

Episode four - best before date

Henrietta is feeling left out from the group as Hugh has been very absent from the farm. Hugh finally tells the cows that he has met someone. Elsie and Hugh are having a hard time getting acceptance and Peter is too stubborn to listen to them. Elsie asks Peter to stop targeting the farm, but he wants to destroy Hugh and the cows.

Bonus paper

The ideal broadcaster for our series, Super Cow Robot Powers is Teletoon. We believe that Teletoon has always been able to be a spot for silly and fun programs for kids and especially for our age range of 12-16 years old. We would also love to sell to Netflix and have it available for them to stream. This would bring it to more audiences, and have it expanded beyond Canada.

Our creative goal was to create something fun for kids that went a bit deeper into

society right now without actually bringing the politics blatantly out into the open. This would build a connection between some parents and children friendly jokes, while also bringing up some of the controversy that is living in the world right now. It is very obscure We wanted to bring back the shows that inspired us and brought fun into our lives, like Robot Chicken, SpongeBob SquarePants and Total Drama Island.

A commercial goal for our series is a complete collection of character toys. There

would be interactive and malleable toys of each character, such as Henrietta, Hugh, Peter and etc. They will be able to take off parts of the robots and bringing on different parts, for example Hugh will be able to take his milk jetpack on and off. The collection will be complete with a set of the barn and Almond Headquarters. There will also be Halloween costumes available and wearable props, such as a wearable Milk Jetpack and Almond Army branded clothing.

Hugh man - 18-20 - Blonde, thin, funny face and cowboy hat - Dairy Farmer - Heroic Genius - Intense - Cows secret weapon against the almonds - In love with an almond (Head almond’s sister)


- 17 - Thick, feminine face - Cow - Bossy - Kinda dumb, but loud with her ideas (confident) - Hugh’s bestie - Voice cracks

Peter the “destroyer” almondo Peter is our main almond character. He is in his late teens and has a very

angry and evil appearance! This is complete with very angular eyebrows and a nasal voice. He believes that he is the most evil genius but unfortunately, his ideas are not very well thought out. He has a younger sister named Elise that is the sweetest almond there is so everyone wonders if he has been adopted.

- Early 20s - Evil eyebrows, almond - Diabolical plans that aren’t that diabolical - Manipulative of sister - Classic villain

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Camera pans across a post-apocalyptic wasteland revealing a poster on a telephone pole that reads "Hugh Mann and Cows. 50 Almond Milk Reward". The poster gets picked up by the wind and hits HUGH MANN, the last known survivor, in the face. HUGH removes the poster from his face and looks at it.

HUGHCan you believe this HENRIETTA? Those nutcases are back at it again!

Camera zooms out, HENRIETTA the trusty robotic cow rolls in with her squeaky wheels.

HENRIETTAHUGH, just because they're almonds, doesn't make it right to call them "Nutcases".

HUGHSorry, I just want this battle of the milks to be over with once and for all

HENRIETTASo what are we gonna do about it?

HUGHWell first things first, we need to formulate a plan to take out THE DESTROYER


Lightning flashes on the face of THE DESTROYER, leader of the almond milk uprise.

THE DESTROYERMahaha, now that everybody knows that the cows have a human working for them, their alliance will crumble to pieces! Time to initiate operation...

A woman's voice interrupts peter from a distance

WOMANPeter honey, it's time for dinner!

THE DESTROYER (PETER)Mom! I've told you not to bother me when I'm in my fortress!


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WOMANAww you're in your little fortress, that's so cute!

PETERIt's not cute mom, it's a super secret evil lair!

WOMANAhaha okay then...

PETERUgggh, where was I. Ahh yes! Time to initiate Operation Almond Milk Takeover! Mahaha...

WOMANIt's getting cooooold!

PETEROkay mom, I'm coming! Jeez!

Peter walks out and slams the door behind him.


(Door transition) HUGH opens the door, Henrietta standing just beside him, to the sound of television and creaking metal. He looks ahead with a stern fatherly look.

HUGHIsn't it past your bedtimes?

All the robotic cows freeze like deer in the headlights and look at HUGH with a guilty face. They've been caught eating popcorn and watching television.

HUGHI can't stay mad at you, now off to bed you little rascals!

The cows slowly roll away, mooing and mumbling.

HENRIETTA...Where was my invite?

HUGHAlright back to business. The flyer outside was a warning that the almonds are planning an attack.


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HENRIETTABut why would they give you a warning, HUGH?

HUGHIt's all about the mind games Henrietta. The mind games.

HENRIETTAI see, so what are we going to do about it? With enough almond milk, they'll be able to take down our walls no problem!

HUGHThat's why we won't be behind the walls.

HENRIETTAYou've lost me, HUGH.

HUGHAfter their last attack, I wanted to make sure I was well equipped in case they came back again. That's why I created THIS!

HUGH pulls out a couple of milk cartons with backpack straps attached to it.

HENRIETTAYou created a... Milk bag?

HUGHNot a milk , milk jetpack! bag

HENRIETTAYou're telling me this thing can fly using only milk?

HUGHYes, and we can use it to prepare for the almonds next attack!

A quick blast of milk shoots out of Henrietta's utters, she is airborne for a second.

HENRIETTASorry, I got a little excited.


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HUGHI know, how do you think I got the idea for the milk jetpack?

Close up on Henriettas face, rosy cheeks slowly appear

HUGHSo here's the plan:

Cut to blueprint animation illustrating the plan while Hugh narrates.

HUGHThe almonds will attack from the west since that is the farm's weakest point. They'll be expecting us to be waiting for them which means they'll be coming at us with full force. What they don't know is that we won't be at the farm.

Cut back to Henrietta looking perplexed

HENRIETTABut if we're not at the farm, how are we going to protect it?

HUGHBecause Henrietta, we'll be the above farm.

Hugh points at the trees behind them, camera quickly zooms in on the trees he's pointing at. Cut back to a 2 shot of Henrietta and Hugh. Another quick blast comes out of Henrietta's utters rendering her airborne for a second.

HUGHI know, I'm excited too


An army of identical looking almonds are lined up as Peter is pacing back in forth in front of them like a drill sergeant

PETERAlright numb-shells, tomorrow is the day we've all been waiting for. At 9:00am sharp, we will hit those cows and their little human friend with everything we've got! They'll be expecting us to attack from the west


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because that's their weakest point, so we will be coming in from the south to surprise them!

Peter opens his mouth to speak again when he is interrupted by a loud voice and a loud door opening and closing.

WOMANPeter honey!

A middle-aged looking almond walks in with a plate of a steaming baked treat. She wears a floral apron and approaches the army.

PETER(In whispered frustration) Mom, I told you that we didn't need any snacks.

PETER'S MOMOh honey, you are all probably so hungry from taking over the world! Come on, don't be shy!

Some almond minions begin to move out of line and Peter whips his head around with a dark look in his eyes. One doesn't notice Peter's stare so he continues and takes a treat from the plate. Peter squints his eyes and whispers to himself.

PETERI hope you choke on that cookie...


PETERGet back in line!

The almond minions scurry back in line and wait for further instruction.

PETERAs I was saying, we will attack their farm from the south, they'll never see it coming! We have saved up enough almond milk to create a massive tidal wave that will destroy their entire operation! Mahahaha!

The almond minions stare blankly at Peter as he continues laughing like a maniac.


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PETERUggh, I need to find eviler minions next time.


Hugh is hunched over a workbench fixing up his milk jetpack to make sure it's in perfect condition. The tool shed is illuminated by a small desk lamp. Henrietta walks in behind him looking a little nervous.

HENRIETTAHey there Hugh, whatcha working on?

HUGHJust making sure the milk jetpack is ready for when we prepare our ambush.

HENRIETTAOh that's cool. So, me and some of the fellas were talking and we're worried this may be a bit too dangerous.

HUGHWhat's too dangerous, Henrietta?

HENRIETTAWell I mean, we are cows... and the trees are pretty thin...

HUGHI'm gonna stop you right there Henrietta. You have nothing to worry about, those trees can handle you!

HENRIETTAYou think so?

HUGHTrust me they've been through much worse.

HENRIETTA...What have you been doing to the trees?

HUGHThe point is, I've reinforced the trees with steel beams, so they're sturdy as can be!


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HENRIETTAWell okay then Hugh, I'll take your word for it.

HUGHGreat, now off to bed with you. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

HENRIETTASounds like a plan. Goodnight Hugh!

HUGHGoodnight Henrietta.

Henrietta rolls out of the tool shed. Camera cuts to a medium closeup of Hugh deep in thought. Hugh says to himself:

HUGHAt least I think I reinforced the trees...

Camera quickly zooms into Hugh's face with quick suspenseful music. (Dun dun dun)


Speed lapse of the sun rising while a rooster lets out a big cockadoodledoo.


Hugh, who had fallen asleep at his workbench, jolts himself awake. His eyes are red and have bags under them.

HUGHIt's show time!


Hugh walks out of the tool shed and meets up with the cows who had just rolled out of the barn.

HUGHAlright my little cattle kids, I hope you all got a goodnight sleep because we have a lot of work to do today!

The cattle moos in excitement.

HUGHNow, I'm gonna put you all in


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different trees and when I give the signal we'll jump out and surround those almond goons.

The cattle moos in excitement again, this time blasting milk out of their utters. Hugh turns his head to the side to talk to himself.

HUGHWait a second, how am I going to carry all these cows into the trees?

Hugh thinks for a moment, then looks over at the cows who are still blasting milk in excitement. Hugh, who is still talking to himself has a plan.

HUGHIf I can get the cows excited enough, they'll be able to blast themselves into the trees and I won't have to carry them at all!

Hugh turns back to the cows with a big smile on his face

HUGHToday we're going to WIN the war on milk!

The cows moo a bit louder, getting slightly higher up in the air.

HUGHThe almonds think they have us cornered, but what they don't know is that our corners have trees!

The cows moo even louder and get even higher in the air

HUGHWhat they've forgotten is that WE. CAN'T. BE. STOPPED!

The cows start blasting off in every direction, landing exactly on every tree in the barn except one.

HENRIETTAWell that worked well.

Hugh activates his jetpack and lands in the last remaining tree available.


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HUGHAlright everybody, the almonds should be here any sec...

HENRIETTAHugh look, they're coming!

A massive tsunami of almond milk approaches from the distance at full speed. Scattered throughout the tsunami are very angry looking almonds, surfing the wave and making evil noises.

HUGHHoly cow! They're coming in from the south!

Henrietta nervously looks down at her tree which is looking quite unstable.

HENRIETTAUmm, Hugh you reinforced the trees right?

HUGHI think so!

HENRIETTAYou so?! think

Henrietta looks around the farm and sees the cows trees breaking one by one.


Hugh looks over at Henrietta just as her tree breaks, causing her to fall to the ground. He looks at the ground and sees that all the cows have fallen. The milk wave continues to get closer to the farm.

HUGHOh no! we've lost our height advantage!

Hugh blasts himself out of the tree to aid the fallen cows. He looks back at the wave which is pretty much at the farm by now. He looks over and notices a large net on the ground

HUGHWell that's convenient. Henrietta quick, grab the other end of that net!


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Henrietta quickly springs in action and rolls as fast as she can to the net. She makes it with only moments to spare.

HUGHOkay, now on my signal we'll both blast up and strain this vile almond milk!

HENRIETTABut I can only blast off when I'm excited!

HUGHI believe in you Henrietta!

Camera quickly zooms into Henrietta's face as it changes from worried to confident. The wave breaks the first wall of the farm.

HUGHNow Henrietta!

Hugh begins to blast himself up into the air. Henrietta concentrates as hard as possible, her screws shaking and shell creaking. At the last second she blasts off high into the air, and together they hold the net up catching all the almonds that were riding the wave. The milk wave goes through the net and badly damages the barn. Hugh and Henrietta tie up the bag trapping the almonds.

HUGHWe did it! We've captured the almonds!

Henrietta and all of the other cows look unimpressed with Hugh.

HENRIETTAI thought you said you reinforced the trees, Hugh.

HUGHI'm sorry Henrietta. Sorry to all of you. I made a foolish mistake and it almost cost us our lives. Now our barn is ruined and we're all covered in almond milk.

The dripping wet cows look at each other and their expressions become more understanding. BARRY, one of the other cows in the herd rolls forward.


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BARRYIt's alright Hugh, we may have lost the barn but at least we still have each other!

Hugh begins to smile as a tear drops down his face

HUGHYou really mean it, Barry?


HENRIETTAYeah besides, if all of us work together we can get this barn back into shape in no time!

HUGHThanks guys, I don't know what I would do without you. Now let's get started on this barn, we've got a lot of work to do!

Hugh and the rest of the cattle begin picking up the rubble and cleaning up the milky mess. The camera slowly zooms out and fades into the secret almond base.


Peter is sitting at a surveillance monitor watching them clean up the rubble.

PETERYou may have won this battle Hugh, but you haven't seen the last of me yet! Mahahahaha

PETER'S MOMPeter, did you clog the toilet?



Episode One - an udder failure Hugh Man and Henrietta come up with a plan to fool the angry almond army. Peter the “Destroyer” brings his cow-hating message to a large crowd. The attack doesn’t work as Hugh already guessed what Peter had planned.

Episode two - glass half full Peter the “Destroyer” tries to come up with a new plan after the attack didn’t go as planned. Hugh Man sees someone that catches his attention, but could affect his relationship with the cows. It turns out to be Peter’s sister, Elise and no one else knows.

 Episode three - don’t cry over spilt milk Peter gets his hands on one of Hugh’s jetpack prototypes and Hugh tries to get it back without worrying the cows. Meanwhile, Elsie tries to figure out her feelings for Hugh.

 Episode four - best before date Henrietta is feeling left out from the group as Hugh has left the farm. Elsie and Hugh are having a hard time getting acceptance and Peter is too stubborn to listen to them.