Sunset School Profile

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Transcript of Sunset School Profile

NCA SCHOOL PROFILE Sunset Elementary School

Cody, Wyoming Updated Fall 2010


Park  County  School  District  #6  Mission  “We  promise  to  develop  responsible  learners  with  

skills  and  knowledge  to  succeed  in  an  ever-­‐changing  world.”  

 Sunset  School  Mission  

Excellence  In  Teaching  –  Learning  For  All    

Sunset  Vision  If  Sunset  Elementary  School’s  children  are  going  to  receive  an  exemplary  education,  a  shared  vision  must  serve  as  the  bridge  between  our  school’s  present  and  the  future  that  it  desires.    

Leadership  Sunset  Elementary  School  leaders  will  foster  a  clear  sense  of  direction  each  day  and  pursue  this  with  persistence,  tenacity,  and  patience.    

Staff  Sunset  Elementary  School  staff  will  accept  full  collaborative  responsibility  for  each  student’s  achievement  and  will  model  this  standard  of  excellence  on  a  daily  basis.    

Curriculum  and  Instruction  Sunset  Elementary  School  will  provide  and  utilize  a  carefully  articulated  curriculum  including:  instructional  strategies  (supported  by  best  practices)  for  improving  student  achievement,  technological  tools  and  training,  and  daily  monitoring  and  support,  which  all  lead  to  successful  learning.    

School  Climate  Sunset  Elementary  School  students  and  staff  will  work  together  to  provide  an  emotionally  and  physically  safe  environment,  which  supports  learning.      

Community  Partnerships  Parents,  staff,  and  community  will  share  in  an  active  partnership,  teaching  Sunset’s  children  by  providing  a  strong  partnership,  which  focuses  on  an  exemplary  educational  experience.    

Students  Students  at  Sunset  Elementary  School  will  be  persons  of  positive  character  who  each  accept  responsibility  for  themselves,  their  learning,  and  their  choices.    

 Sunset  Values    

We  will  begin  where  the  students’  abilities  lie  and  nurture  growth.  We  will  celebrate  academic  achievement,  improvement,  and  personal  character.  We  will  monitor  each  student’s  learning,  providing  enrichment  and  support.  We  will  collaborate  with  one  another  and  our  students  so  we  can  achieve  our  collective  goals  more  effectively.  We  will  demonstrate  our  commitment  to  ongoing  professional  development  and  continuous  improvement.  We  will  involve  parents  in  the  education  of  their  children  by  keeping  them  informed  of  their  child(ren)’s  progress  and  offering  suggestions  for  assisting  them.  We  will  provide  an  inviting  classroom  environment  for  students  by  establishing  clear  expectations,  consistent  consequences,  and  specific,  articulated,  academic  goals.      

Sunset  Goals    Attainable  Goals  We  will  set  team  and  school  Norms.  We  will  assess  where  our  school  is  academically  and  culturally.  We  will  set  forth  our  mission,  vision,  values,  and  goals.  We  will  develop  our  personal  missions.  We  will  celebrate  success!  

We  will  meet  regularly  to  focus  on  teaching  and  learning.  We  will  align  curriculum  and  create  and  administer  grade  level  common        assessments.  We  will  compile  data  from  grade  level  assessments.  We  will  adjust  teaching,  provide  support,  and  extend  learning  as  data        indicates.  We  will  consider  our  actions  as  teachers  as  it  affects  our  goal  to  raise        responsible  independent  learners  with  intrinsic  motivation.  Stretch  Goals  We  will  ensure  all  students  demonstrate  proficiency  on  the  PAWS        assessment.  We  will  eliminate  achievement  gaps  based  on  socioeconomic  status.  We  will  ensure  the  academic  success  of  every  student.  We  will  teach  students  to  be  critical  thinkers  who  learn  from  each  other  and  from  experience.        

Community Characteristics

The community of Cody lies approximately 52 miles east of Yellowstone National Park. Nestled at the base of the Shoshone National Forest, Cody blends spectacularly beautiful scenery with local attractions, outdoor recreation and business opportunities. Its economy is a mix of energy, agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing. A city of over 9,000, Cody is home to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, a five-museum complex featuring exhibits depicting the development of western expansion. Cody offers many other activities to attract tourists to the area. The City of Cody and Park County have experienced an average annual growth of 1.7% in population. The community has a very low crime rate. The tourism industry is a major contributor to the local economy. The oil and gas industry provides 65% of the tax base. Major employers are the West Park Hospital and Park County School District #6. The unemployment rate in the Cody area is 6%, below the national average.

School Characteristics

Sunset Elementary is one of five elementary schools in Cody. Our students come from all over the community and in that part of Park County included in Park County School District #6. Sunset Elementary School is a Kindergarten through 5th grade school. We have a student population of 315 students. The staff consists of 39 certified personnel and 32 classified personnel. Sunset School provides its students with instruction in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music, Media/Library and Art. Reading is taught using a balanced literacy approach with leveled books. Writing is taught using the 6 Traits writing model and Lucy Calkins. Math is taught using Bridges Math and an emphasis on basic skills and facts. Each of the Core Areas is taught at least one hour every day and often more. PE, Music and Media are offered on a rotating weekly schedule for a total of 120-225 minutes per week, depending on grade level. Sunset students also receive 15 minutes of Fitness exercise (Fit 15) every day.

School is in session 175 days each school year and teachers work 185 days. There is one administrator, two administrative assistants, and one guidance counselor. Sunset School has a strong special education component. Students also are supported by a "Home-School Liaison" who tracks and supports at-risk students. One of the strengths of the school is the Building Intervention Team. This team of professionals along with the student’s parents intervenes to support students who are struggling. Data driven decision-making is used in assessing and/or referring these students for further support. Sunset School has an active Parent Group. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is the fundraising and volunteer coordinating arm of the school. This group has a long history of outstanding support of the school. The PTA also serves as a committee that provides feedback and advisory information to the school administration on the schools programs and operations.

Professional Learning Communities

The school is in the fifth year of implementing the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model. Each grade level has a PLC team as well as our Specials teachers’ team (PE, Media, Music, Counselor, Computer Lab para-educator). Each PLC team meets during the school day weekly. Thirty minutes twice a week is set aside for Learning Academy. Learning Academy (LA) is a time when students are grouped for enrichment, practice, and remediation based on formative data.


Instructional Characteristics  Administrators: 1 Administrative Assistants: 2 Certified Faculty Members: 41 Total Faculty and Staff: 72 Professional Support Staff: School Psychologist: .3 School OT: .2 COTA: .2 Speech/Language Pathologist: 1 Adaptive PE: .2 Guidance Counselor: 1 School Nurse: .5 Literacy Coach: 1 Math Coach: 1 Success Tutor: 1 English Language Learning Instructor: .42 Home School Liason: .73 Gifted and Talented: .75 Custodial Staff: 3 Instructional Staff:

5th Grade Teachers: 2 4th Grade Teachers: 2 3rd Grade Teachers: 3 2nd Grade Teachers: 3

1st Grade Teachers: 3 Kindergarten Teachers: 4 Music Teacher: 1 Physical Education Teacher: 1 Media Specialist: 1 Special Education (Resource) Teachers: 2 Special Education (Severe Needs) Teachers: 3 Title I Teachers: 4

Highly Qualified Teachers: 100% Certified Teachers: 100% Nationally Board Certified Teachers: 4 Masters Degrees: 26 Multiple Certifications: 13 Years Teaching Experience: Average 13 years experience Years Until Retirement: Average 19 years until retirement Classified Staff with High School Diploma Plus: 100% Classified Staff Years of Experience: Average 7 years experience

Climate Survey Results

2008 Climate Survey 2008 - Common Response Items Sample Size n=196 n=26 n=3 Students Teachers Parents School does a good job of teaching 91% 100% 100% Wide variety of Curriculum area opportunities 85% 74% 52% Learning is relevant to students future 84% 92% 33% All teachers want all students to learn 94% 97% 66% Homework positively supports learning 86% 86% 66% School provides access to a variety of learning sources 89% 96% 100% Teachers provide extra learning time to students as needed 85% 96% 66% Student successes are recognized 81% 100% 66% Computers and other technologies are used in instruction 82% 96% 100% School does not allow cheating 83% 100% 100% Teachers treat students fairly 85% 100% 66% I am happy with our school 86% 100% 100% Bullying is dealt with at our school 71% 92% 100% Students are safe at school 87% 96% 66% Parents are welcome at school 76% 96% 100% School communicates the rules 91% 97% 100%

School Improvement Survey Questions

Percentage of staff members who agree or strongly agree: 1. Our school has a clear mission and vision that provides staff with a common purpose and direction for the future: 100% 2. The administration provides teachers and staff with adequate support: 100% 3. Teachers provide instructional activities that involve students in their learning: 100% 4. Data and research is used to make informed decisions: 100% 5. The expenditure of funds is aligned with goals: 96% 6. There are effective procedures in place to support communication with parents: 85% 7. Our school focuses on continuous improvement by targeting

student learning as the goal: 100%    

Student Characteristics     2008-­2009   2009-­2010   2010-­2011  Total  Number  of  Students  

274   281   315  

Male  Students   133   139   160  Female  Students   141   142   155  Special  Education   34   41   59  ELL  Students   0   1   2  Free/Reduced  Lunch  

29%   18%   41%  

Attendance   94%   95%   96%          Behavior:   -­-­-­-­-­   -­-­-­-­-­   -­-­-­-­-­  Number  of  Referrals   40   140   35   Note: 2010-2011 is data to date of this report. OSS = out of school suspensions. ELL = English Language Learners The criteria for logging behavior referrals was changed beginning fall 2009. Fall 2010 the Special Education Behavior program was moved to Sunset.

During  the  course  of  the  last  three  academic  years,  Sunset  School  has  experienced  a  fluctuation  in  the  Free/Reduced  population.    The  school  has  also  experienced  an  increase  in  the  number  of  male  students  in  the  population.  Special  education  numbers  have  also  increased  each  year.  Please  note  that  during  the    2010/2011  school  year  there  were  two  severe  needs  special  education  programs  moved  into  the  building.    The  elementary  level  of  StarGate,  our  district’s  Gifted  and  Talented  program,  is  also  housed  at  Sunset  Elementary.          

Student Performance Data  The    school  administers  the  Measures  of  Academic  Progress  three  times  annually  to  its  students    in  all  grades.    This  growth  model  standardized  assessment    is  used  in  planning  and  implementing  instruction  based  on  individual  student  needs.    This  data  is  also  used  by  the  building’s  Professional  Learning  Community  teams  in  grouping  students  for  remediation  and  enrichment.    These    flexible  groups  are  clustered  within  each  grade  level.            MAP  Results      Fall  2009  to  Fall  2010    


 The  above  data  displays  the  average  growth    in  percent  for  grades  2  through  5.    It  also  displays  the  percent  of  students  proficient  at  grade  level  for  the  fall  assessment  of  2010.        The  colored  square  displays  the  growth  as  projected  for  students  based  on  their  proficiency  levels.      This    data  set  is  for  reading.      The  green  and  yellow  squares  represent  the  percent  of  students  who  grew  academically  more  than  expected.      The  orange  and  red  squares  represent  the  percentage  of  students  who  did  not  grow  as  much  as  expected.    This  data  is  a  comparison  for  one  calendar  year.              

   The  above  data  displays  the  average  growth    in  percent  for  grades  2  through  5.    It  also  displays  the  percent  of  students  proficient  at  grade  level  for  the  fall  assessment  of  2010.        The  colored  square  displays  the  growth  as  projected  for  students  based  on  their  proficiency  levels.                  

     The  above  data  displays  the  average  growth    in  percent  for  grades  2  through  5.    It  also  displays  the  percent  of  students  proficient  at  grade  level  for  the  fall  assessment  of  2010..            Grade  by  RIT  Proficiency  Probability  (Reading)    

   The  above  data  displays  the  probability  students  in  the  RIT  band  have  of  meeting  or  exceeding  the  most  basic-­‐level  of  proficiency  on  the  state  assessment  in  reading.                              

Grade  by  RIT  Proficiency  Probability  (Math)    

   The  above  data  displays  the  probability  students  in  the  RIT  band  have  of  meeting  or  exceeding  the  most  basic-­‐level  of  proficiency  on  the  state  assessment  in  math.          Grade  by  RIT  Proficiency  Probability  (Language  Usage)    

   The  above  data  displays  the  probability  students  in  the  RIT  band  have  of  meeting  or  exceeding  the  most  basic-­‐level  of  proficiency  on  the  state  assessment  in  language  usage.                  

PAWS Data By Grade Level and Year

3rd Grade PAWS - Total Percent Proficient and Advanced Reading Writing Math

2008 76 48 97 2009 57 46 87 2010 61 85 77








2008   2009   2010  

3rd  Grade  PAWS  Results  for  2008-­2010  




4th grade PAWS - Total Percent Proficient and Advanced Reading Writing Math

2008 78 69 81 2009 78 50 69 2010 80 100 85








2008   2009   2010  

4th  Grade  PAWS  Results  for  2008-­2010  




5th Grade PAWS - Total Percent Proficient and Advanced Reading Writing Math

2008 81 59 90 2009 73 82 89 2010 88 74 89

0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100  

2008   2009   2010  

5th  Grade  PAWS  Results  for  2008-­2010  




Survey Appendix Percentage of students who agree: (Sample Size = 196) 1. My school does a good job of teaching our students: 91% 2. I have a chance to learn lots of subjects at my school: 85% 3. I am learning things at my school that I can use in the future: 84% 4. All my teachers want students to learn: 94% 5. I am given homework that helps me to learn in school: 86% 6. My school has lots of places where I can learn: 89% 7. My teachers give me extra help when I need it: 85% 8. Students are rewarded when they do a good job at school: 81% 9. I use a computer at my school to learn: 82% 10. My school does not allow cheating: 83% 11. I am treated fairly by my teachers: 85% 12. Our principal cares about students: 92% 13. All teachers at my school care about students: 88% 14. I am happy with my school: 86% 15. Problems with bullying are dealt with at my school: 71% 16. I feel safe at my school: 87% 17. My family feels welcome at my school: 76% 18. I am happy with all the things my school has for us: 82% 19. My teacher tells us about the school rules: 91% 20. My teacher listens to my ideas: 76% Percentage of teachers who agree or strongly agree: (Sample Size = 26) 1. High quality of education is offered: 100% 2. This school does a good job teaching Language Arts: 100% 3. This school does a good job teaching Math: 100% 4. This school does a good job teaching Science: 85% 5. This school does a good job teaching Social Studies: 85% 6. This school does a good job teaching Fine Arts: 92% 7. This school does a good job teaching Phys. Ed.: 77% 8. This school does a good job teaching Health: 68% 9. This school does a good job teaching Foreign Lang: 20% 10. This school does a good job teaching Career/Voc: 42% 11. The school is preparing students for their futures: 92% 12. Students understand relevance of learning to life: 92%

13. Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies: 100% 14. Teachers involve students in learning activities: 100% 15. Teachers collaborate to develop instruction: 100% 16. Teachers have high expectations for student learning: 100% 17. Students are motivated to do their best: 100% 18. Teachers provide reasonable amount of homework: 88% 19. Teachers use a variety of ways to show student learning: 96% 20. Teachers are willing to allow students extra time: 96% 21. Struggling students receive extra support: 100% 22. Use of community resources is encouraged: 100% 23. Opportunities are given to support all learning levels: 100% 24. Students are recognized for all types of accomplishments: 100% 25. Procedures support communication with parents: 85% 26. Students have access to a variety of resources: 100% 27. Up to date computers etc. are used for learning: 96% 28. Teaching materials are in good condition: 96% 29. The facility is adequate to support learning: 65% 30. Class size is appropriate: 100% 31. Students and staff are treated with respect regardless of gender, race, or religion: 100% 32. Students at this school respect school and community property: 96% 33. Cheating is not allowed in this school: 100% 34. Adequate security measures are in place: 96% 35. School rules apply equally to all students at this school: 100% 36. Provides a safe and orderly learning environment: 96% 37. Substance abuse is not a problem: 96% 38. Problems with bullying are dealt with at school: 92% 39. School discipline is administered fairly: 92% 40. I am satisfied with the school: 100% 41. Families of our students feel welcome at school: 96% 42. Our school has a clear mission and purpose: 100% 43. The school is focused on continually improvement: 100% 44. A culture of accountability is evident in our school: 96% 45. Data and research are used to make decisions: 100% 46. Expenditures are aligned with goals: 96% 47. Staff is involved in making important decisions that impact the quality of teaching and the learning process: 100% 48. Positive relationships between staff and admin: 100% 49. Administration provides adequate support: 100%

Percentage of parents who agree or strongly agree: (Sample Size = 3) 1. High quality of education is offered: 100% 2. Good job teaching important skills (compiled from 9 subject areas): 67% 3. School prepares students to deal with the future: 33% 4. Students see a relationship between what they are learning and their everyday lives: 33% 5. Teachers use a variety of teaching techniques: 100% 6. Teachers have high expectations for student learning: 100% 7. Teachers give students extra help in class: 66% 8. Students are challenged to do their best work: 66% 8. Teachers give extra help outside of class: 66% 9. School recognizes all types of student achievement: 66% 10. Cheating is not allowed: 100% 11. Students and staff are treated with respect regardless of gender, race, or religion: 33% 12. Adequate security measures are in place: 33% 13. Provides a safe and orderly learning environment: 66% 14. Substance abuse is not a problem at school: 100% 15. Problems with bullying are dealt with at school: 100% 16. I am satisfied with the school: 100% 17. Parents feel welcome at school: 100% 18. Our opinions are considered when important decisions are made at school: 100% 19. School rules are communicated: 100% 20. Sufficient opportunities are provided at this school for parent involvement: 100% 21. Technology is used to provide parents with information about this school: 100% 22. This school makes effective use of the available financial resources: 66% 23. The quality of schools helped influence my decision to live in this community: 33% 24. The school grounds and facilities are clean and well maintained: 100% 25. Adequate time, space, and facilities are provided for student activities at this school such as music, sports, extracurricular: 100%