Sunriseppt1Sunrise Private Sales Training

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Sunrise Private Sales Training- How to Sell During a Recession.

Transcript of Sunriseppt1Sunrise Private Sales Training

•YouYou•Your CareerYour Career•Your SuccessYour Success

It’s About The Relationship Stupid!

“”Relationship selling is more important with

older buyers than with younger buyers

“”"…the emotional quality of a prospective relationship is more significant than the product’s features and benefits in the early stages of bonding between customer and seller."


How Soon Adults Forget

•1 hour: 1 hour: 55% loss55% loss

•9 hours:9 hours: 62% loss62% loss

•31 days: 31 days: 80% loss80% loss

We tend to We tend to remember…remember…

20% of what we hear

30% of what we see in pictures

50% of what we both hear & see

70% of what we explain to someone else.

These New “Sales” These New “Sales” CEOs Have Delivered CEOs Have Delivered

Great Returns !Great Returns !

1. Sales and Marketing

Sales Cures AllSales Cures All !! Mark Cuban, Owner, Dallas Mavericks NBA TeamMark Cuban, Owner, Dallas Mavericks NBA Team


Your career will take Your career will take off the millisecond you off the millisecond you

establish the establish the reputation of always reputation of always exceedingexceeding on your on your

annual sales targetsannual sales targets

75%75%49%49% or lessor less

$ $ 20,000.20,000.

0000$ $ 8,000.008,000.00

People Pay for People Pay for PerformancePerformance

Sales is…Sales is…

•TooToo Time ConsumingTime Consuming•Too Too • DemandingDemanding•TooToo StressfulStressful

A Brilliant Move

80 - 80 - 2020


• Works 50 hours a weekWorks 50 hours a week• 48 weeks a year48 weeks a year• Sells one car every 40 to 50 Sells one car every 40 to 50

hours hours • Sells 4 to 5 cars per month Sells 4 to 5 cars per month • Sells 48 to 60 cars per year.Sells 48 to 60 cars per year.

The Average North The Average North American Car American Car Sales Person …Sales Person …

•50 hours per week 50 hours per week •Worked 48 weeks per Worked 48 weeks per

yearyear•Sold 1 car every 2.8 Sold 1 car every 2.8


Joe GirardJoe Girard

•Sold an average of 867 cars per year vs. 48-60

•He holds the World Record for the most cars sold in one month— 174, approximately one car every 1.2 hours

Joe Girard sold Joe Girard sold 13,001 cars during a 13,001 cars during a 15-year career. - one 15-year career. - one at a a time.

“The rest of us seem pretty darn sure why the best

of us are so productive”

College Drop OutsCollege Drop Outs

Experience Experience Or Years Of Or Years Of


This is Just Too Simple!This is Just Too Simple!



““Attitude is not a Attitude is not a feeling, it is a self feeling, it is a self induced state of induced state of mind! In fact, it is mind! In fact, it is one of the few self one of the few self imposed blessings”imposed blessings”

"Our attitude toward life determines

life's attitude toward us"

““Your attitude Your attitude right now - is right now - is

only as positive only as positive as as youyou decide it decide it

will be”will be”

They will know to the last They will know to the last dime what their 2009 dime what their 2009 sales targets are and sales targets are and

they have every intention they have every intention of not only hitting those of not only hitting those goals …. goals …. but exceeding but exceeding

them !them !

If they do not find the If they do not find the circumstances easily circumstances easily

accessible for success accessible for success ….they will create their ….they will create their

own. own. No questions asked!No questions asked!


“ “ 80% of Your 80% of Your Success Comes Success Comes From Attitude From Attitude And Only 20% And Only 20%

From Aptitude”From Aptitude”

“ “ Selling the Selling the exact same exact same

product at the product at the exact prices in exact prices in the exact same the exact same

markets ”markets ”

The only difference

between the two groups was in their attitudesattitudes

People are always blaming their People are always blaming their circumstances on their on their circumstances on their on their

lack of success. lack of success. ________________________________

The people who get on in this The people who get on in this world are the people who get up world are the people who get up …and look for the circumstances …and look for the circumstances

they want …they want …And, if they can’t find them, make And, if they can’t find them, make


Start thinking and acting

like the person you

want to become.

“How would the person I’d like to be, do the things I’m about to do?"

“ “ The number one problem The number one problem that keeps people from that keeps people from winning in North America is winning in North America is a lack in belief in a lack in belief in themselves”…themselves”… A.L. Williams

If you don't If you don't program your program your success, your success, your

life will life will program you.program you.

Sometimes you have believe in their

vision until your attitude catches up.

Hire For Hire For Attitude Attitude



Infectious attitude


Unwavering Unwavering Bias For Bias For ActionAction

Ready – Ready – FireFire - - AimAim

They have an unrelenting focus on doing things

that produce revenue!

"The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something.

It's as simple as that.

A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do

something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But

today! "

53 53 vsvs 8 8

Double Your Double Your Sales Sales


ProfessionaProfessional l


You Have To Touch A New You Have To Touch A New Prospect At Least 8 to 11 Prospect At Least 8 to 11

TimesTimes• 1.8 = Average1.8 = Average• 44% Stop After 144% Stop After 1• 24% Stop After 224% Stop After 2• 14% Stop After 314% Stop After 3• 12% Stop After 412% Stop After 4• 4% Stop After 54% Stop After 5

“ I Miss 100% Of The Shots I Never Make”

“ “ What separates the What separates the successes from the successes from the failures is the ability failures is the ability to carry on when the to carry on when the clients say no.”clients say no.”



Because they did Because they did not feel not feel



70% of corporate 70% of corporate buyers would buyers would

switch vendors switch vendors todaytoday if they could if they could find someone more find someone more fun to do business fun to do business


Fun = Fun = 127%127% More More


The simple act of incorporating fun The simple act of incorporating fun into your sales plus your employees jobs had just into your sales plus your employees jobs had just been designatedbeen designated as on of the best business ideas everas on of the best business ideas ever..

“ “ To those of you who are To those of you who are never in a hurry, who say never in a hurry, who say what’s the rush. Who believe what’s the rush. Who believe that when it comes to taking that when it comes to taking action that we have plenty of action that we have plenty of time.time.

Well, I’ll do my best to be as Well, I’ll do my best to be as polite and delicate polite and delicate as possible.”as possible.”

You are an idiot.There is no time. There is always a rush. You don’t have all the time in the world


The End -Thank You !The End -Thank You !