Sunny College Project Report

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Sunny College Project Report

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report






    Submitted in Partial Fulfilment for award of Degree of

    Bacelor of Tecnolog!

    "n#ecanical $ngineering


    Punjab Technical Universit! "alan#har

    Submitted B!



    De,art-ent ./ Mechanical En0ineerin0Lu#hiana 1.lle0e ./ En0ineerin0 an# Techn.l.0

    2atani 2alan! Lu#hiana3

    "AN TO "UNE! 4%'4


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    " a%e ta&en effort' in ti' (ro)ect* Howe%er, it would not a%e been

    (o''ible witout te &ind 'u((ort and el( of man! indi%idual' and

    organi+ation'* " would li&e to etend m! 'incere tan&' to all of tem*

    " am igl! indebted to m! mentor, o(erator' and oter de(artment'

    for teir guidance and con'tant 'u(er%i'ion a' well a' for (ro%iding

    nece''ar! information regarding te (ro)ect - al'o for teir 'u((ort in

    com(leting te (ro)ect*

    " would li&e to e(re'' m! gratitude toward' m! (arent', #r* S*S*

    .ag /Di%i'ional manager0, #r* 1ed (ra&a' 2ada% /Sr* #anager,

    $ngine0, #r* #ano) 1a'i'ta /#anager, 13A0 for teir &ind co4

    o(eration and encouragement wic el( me in com(letion of ti'

    (ro)ect* A big contribution and ard wor&ed from bot of !ou duringte eigt wee& i' %er! great indeed*Te 'u(er%i'ion and 'u((ort tat

    e ga%e trul! el( te (rogre''ion and 'mootne'' of te intern'i(

    (rogram* Te co4o(eration i' muc indeed a((reciated*

    #! tan&' and a((reciation' al'o go to m! colleague in de%elo(ing

    te (ro)ect and (eo(le wo a%e willingl! el(ed me out wit teir

    abilitie'* All (ro)ect' during te (rogram would be noting witout

    te entu'ia'm and imagination from de(artment 'enior'* Not forget,

    great a((reciation go to te re't of 'taff tat el( me from time to time

    during te (ro)ect* Te wole (rogram reall! brougt u' togeter to

    a((reciate te true %alue of friend'i( and re'(ect of eac oter*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    " ereb! certif! tat te wor& wic i' being (re'ented in ti' (ro)ect re(ort entitled 5Si mont' Training

    re(ort6 in te (artial fulfilment of re7uirement' for te award of degree of B4Tec #ecanical engineering

    'ubmitted in te de(artment of #ecanical $ngineering at LUDHIANA 1OLLEGE O5ENGINEERING AND TE1HNOLOG6 under Pun)ab Tecnical Uni%er'it!, 8alandar i' an autentic

    record of m! own wor& carried out during a (eriod of 8an 9:;94 8une 9:;9 under 'u(er%i'ion of #r*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    This is t. certi/ that this is a rec.r# ./ Pr.ject Re,.rt entitle#


    >arried out b!


    5inal 6ear

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    During m! Pro)ect Trainee at $ngine So(, Power Train " a%e been

    a''igned tree (ro)ect' wic are?


    N macine

    Re(lace 'ome fiture' and macine (art'*

    Te aim' of te (ro)ect are a' follow'?

    To reduce te @

    N macine*

    Te! are a number of re7uirement' for eac (ro)ect need to follow*

    Te re7uirement needed a'?

    Pre%iou' Data

    Hel( from o(erator'

    Pre'ent >ondition

    Target to be attained

    Guidance from Senior'



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    1.1 COMPANY


    $'tabli'ed in ;EC, TATA #

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    Te foundation of te com(an!I' growt i' a dee( under'tanding of economic

    'timuli and cu'tomer need', and te abilit! to tran'late tem into cu'tomer4de'ired offering'

    troug leading edge R-D* TATA #entre wa' e'tabli'ed in ;E, and a' facilitie' in

    Pune, 8am'ed(ur and @uc&now* "t wa' Tata #otor', wic de%elo(ed te fir't indigenou'l!

    de%elo(ed @igt >ommercial 1eicle, "ndia' fir't S(ort' Utilit! 1eicle and, in ;EEJ, te

    Tata "ndica, "ndia' fir't full! indigenou' (a''enger car* .itin two !ear' of launc, it became

    "ndia' large't 'elling car in it' 'egment* Te $R> in Pune, among wo'e facilitie' are "ndia'

    onl! certified cra'4te't facilit! and emi4anecoic camber for te'ting of noi'e and

    %ibration, a' recei%ed 'e%eral award' from te Go%ernment of "ndia* Some of te more

    (rominent among't tem are te National Award for R-D $ffort' in "ndu'tr! in te

    #ecanical engineering "ndu'trie' 'ector in ;EEE, te National Award for Succe''ful

    >ommerciali+ation of "ndigenou' Tecnolog! b! an "ndu'trial >oncern in 9:::, and te

    >S"R Diamond 8ubilee Tecnolog! Award in 9::*


    Tata Motors' presence indeed cuts across the length and breadth of India. Over 4

    million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out in 194. The

    company's manufacturing base is spread across India !"amshedpur #"har$hand% in

    the east, &une #Maharashtra% in the est, and in the north in (uc$no #)ttar

    &radesh%, *harad in +arnata$a and &antnagar #)+%. ne plant is being set up in

    -anand #u/rat% to manufacture the company's small car. The nation!ide

    dealership, sales, services and spare parts netor$ comprises over 0, touch




  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    ;EC ;EC $'tabli'ment of Tata $ngineering and @ocomoti%e >o* @td* to manufacture

    locomoti%e' and oter engineering (roduct'*

    ;EJ ;EJ "ntroduced 'team road roller in collaboration wit #ar'all Son' /UK0*

    ;EC ;EC 81 wit Daimler Ben+ AG /.e't German!0 to manufacture mediumcommercial %eicle'* .itin mont', te fir't %eicle rolled out*

    ;ECE ;ECE Re'earc and De%elo(ment >entre 'et u( at 8am'ed(ur*

    ;E; ;E; "n e(ort', te fir't truc& 'i((ed to >e!lon /now Sri @an&a0*

    ;E Setting u( $ngineering Re'earc >entre at Pune to gi%e im(etu' to te

    automobile Re'earc and De%elo(ment*

    ;E; ;E; "ntroduction of D" engine'*

    ;E ;E Te fir't commercial %eicle manufactured in Pune*

    ;EJ ;EJ >ommencement of manufacturing Hea%! >ommercial 1eicle*

    ;EJC ;EJC Fir't !draulic eca%ator (roduced wit Hitaci collaboration*

    ;EJ ;EJ Te fir't ligt >ommercial 1eicle (roduced, Tata :, indigenou'l!

    de'igned, and followed b! Tata :J*

    ;EJE ;EJE Tata mobile 9: 4 rd @>1 model introduced*

    ;EE; ;EE; Tata Sierra launced, TA> 9: crane (roduced and one milliont %eicle

    rolled out*

    ;EE9 ;EE9 Tata $'tate launced*

    ;EE ;EE 81 wit >ummin' $ngine >o* "nc* for manufacturing of ig or'e(ower

    and emi''ion friendl! die'el engine'*

    ;EE ;EE Tata Sumo and @PT :E launced* 81 wit #=' Daimler4Ben+= #ercede'4

    Ben+ and Tata Hol'et @td*, UK*

    ;EEC ;EEC @aunced #ercede' Ben+ car $99:*

    ;EE ;::,:::tTata Sumo rolled out*

    ;EEJ Tata Safari and "ndica launced* 9 milliont %eicle' rolled out*

    9::: Fir't con'ignment of ;: "ndica' 'i((ed to #alta* @aunc of "ndica wit $uro ""

    engine, >NG bu'e' and ;;:E %eicle 4 "ntermediate commercial %eicle*

    9::; ;::,:::t "ndica weeled out* @aunc of >NG "ndica* $it' 81 wit Daimler


    9::9 9,::,:::t "ndica and C,::,:::t (a''enger %eicle rolled out* Tata $ngineering

    'igned (roduct agreement wit #G Ro%er of te UK*

    9:: Tata $ngineering become' Tata #otor' @imited* milliont %eicle (roduced*

    Fir't >it! Ro%er rolled out*

    9:: Tata #otor' and Daewoo >ommercial 1eicle >o* @td* 'igned in%e'tment

    agreement and Tata Daewoo >ommercial 1eicle >o* @td* /TD>10 launced

    Nar Plant Facilit! in


    Te Tata o%er un%eiled at te Ct Gene%a #otor Sow


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Branded bu'e' and coace' 4 Starbu' and Globu' 4 launced

    Tata #otor' ac7uire' 9; 'ta&e in Hi'(ano >arrocera SA, S(ani' bu' manu co*

    Tata Ace, "ndia' fir't mini truc& launced

    Tata #otor' win' 8RD 31 award for bu'ine'' ecellence*

    Te (ower (ac&ed Safari Dicor i' launced

    "ntroduction of "ndigo S 'erie' 4 luur! %ariant of Tata "ndigo

    Tata #otor' launce' "ndica 19 Turbo Die'el*


    1eicle >o* /TD>10

    9:: Tata #otor' %eicle 'ale' in "ndia cro'' four million mar&

    Tata #otor' un%eil' new long weel ba'e (remium "ndigo - 4o%er conce(t at

    Auto $(o 9::

    "ndica 19 eta launced

    Pa''enger 1eicle 'ale' in "ndia cro'' one4million mar&

    Tata #otor' and #arco(olo, Bra+il, announce )oint %enture to manufacture full!

    built bu'e' - coace' for "ndia - mar&et' abroad

    Tata #otor' fir't (lant for 'mall car to come u( in .e't Bengal

    Tata #otor' etend' >NG o(tion' on it' atcbac& and e'tate range

    TD>1 de%elo(' Sout Korea' fir't @NG4Powered Tractor4 Trailer

    Tata #otor' and Fiat Grou( announce tree additional coo(eration agreement'

    Tata #otor' introduce' a new "ndigo range


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    9:: >on'truction of Small >ar (lant at Singur, .e't Bengal, begin' on 8anuar! 9;

    New 9:: "ndica 19 range i' launced

    Tata #otor' launce' te longweel ba'e "ndigo @, "ndia' fir't 'tretc


    >ommon rail die'el /D">

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Darwad /Karnata&a0* Following a 'trategic alliance wit Fiat in 9::C, it a' 'et u( an

    indu'trial )oint %enture wit Fiat Grou( Automobile' at Ran)angaon /#aara'tra0 to (roduce

    bot Fiat and Tata car' and Fiat (owertrain'* Te >om(an!' dealer'i(, 'ale', 'er%ice' and

    '(are (art' networ& com(ri'e' o%er C:: touc (oint'L Tata #otor' al'o di'tribute' and

    mar&et' Fiat branded car' in "ndia*

    Tata #otor', te fir't >om(an! from "ndia' engineering 'ector to be li'ted in te New 2or&

    Stoc& $cange /Se(tember 9::0, a' al'o emerged a' an international automobile

    com(an!* Troug 'ub'idiarie' and a''ociate com(anie', Tata #otor' a' o(eration' in te

    UK, Sout Korea, Tailand and S(ain* Among tem i' 8aguar @and Ro%er, a bu'ine''

    com(ri'ing te two iconic Briti' brand' tat wa' ac7uired in 9::J* "n 9::, it ac7uired te

    Daewoo >ommercial 1eicle' >om(an!, Sout Korea' 'econd large't truc& ma&er* "n 9::C,

    Tata #otor' ac7uired a 9; 'ta&e in Hi'(ano >arrocera, a re(uted S(ani' bu' and coac

    manufacturer, and 'ub'e7uentl! te remaining 'ta&e in 9::E* Hi'(ano' (re'ence i' being

    e(anded in oter mar&et'* "n 9::, Tata #otor' formed a )oint %enture wit te Bra+il4ba'ed

    #arco(olo, a global leader in bod!4building for bu'e' and coace' to manufacture full!4built

    bu'e' and coace' for "ndia and 'elect international mar&et'* "n 9::, Tata #otor' entered

    into )oint %enture wit Tonburi Automoti%e A''embl! Plant >om(an! of Tailand to

    manufacture and mar&et te >om(an!' (ic&u( %eicle' in Tailand* Te new (lant of Tata

    #otor' /Tailand0


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    a' begun (roduction of te enon (ic&u( truc&, wit te enon a%ing been launced in

    Tailand in 9::J*

    "n 8anuar! 9::J, Tata #otor' un%eiled it' Peo(le' >ar, te Tata Nano, wic "ndia and te

    world a%e been loo&ing forward to* Te Tata Nano a' been 'ub'e7uentl! launced, a'

    (lanned, in "ndia in #arc 9::E*

    "n #a! 9::E, Tata #otor' introduced u'ered in a new era in te "ndian automobile indu'tr!,

    in &ee(ing wit it' (ioneering tradition, b! un%eiling it' new range of world 'tandard truc&'

    called Prima* "n teir (ower, '(eed, carr!ing ca(acit!, o(erating econom! and trim', te! will

    introduce new bencmar&' in "ndia and matc te be't in te world in (erformance at a lower

    life4c!cle co't*

    Tata #otor' i' e7uall! focu'ed on en%ironment4friendl! tecnologie' in emi''ion' and

    alternati%e fuel'* "t a' de%elo(ed electric and !brid %eicle' bot for (er'onal and (ublic

    tran'(ortation* "t a' al'o been im(lementing 'e%eral en%ironment4friendl! tecnologie' in

    manufacturing (roce''e', 'ignificantl! enancing re'ource con'er%ation*

    Tata #otor' i' committed to im(ro%ing te 7ualit! of life of communitie' b! wor&ing on four

    tru't area' M em(lo!abilit!, education, ealt and en%ironment* Te acti%itie' touc te li%e'

    of more tan a million citi+en'* Te >om(an!' 'u((ort on education and em(lo!abilit! i'

    focu'ed on !out and women* Te! range from 'cool' to tecnical education in'titute' to

    actual facilitation of income generation* "n ealt, our inter%ention i' in bot (re%enti%e and

    curati%e ealtcare* Te goal of en%ironment (rotection i' acie%ed troug tree (lantation,

    con'er%ing water and creating new water bodie' and, la't but not te lea't, b! introducing

    a((ro(riate tecnologie' in our %eicle' and o(eration' for con'tantl! enancing en%ironment


    .it te foundation of it' ric eritage, Tata #otor' toda! i' etcing a refulgent future*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    To be be't in te manner in wic we o(erate, be't in te (roduct' we deli%er and be't in our

    %alue '!'tem and etic'*


    To become a world cla'' automoti%e engineering and (roduct de%elo(ment center, and enable

    Tata #otor' to become a world cla'' automoti%e com(an!*


    Tata #otor' a' two bu'ine'' unit' %i+*

    ;* >ommercial 1eicle Bu'ine'' Unit />1BU0

    9* Pa''enger 1eicle Bu'ine'' Unit /P1BU0

    1OMMER1IAL ;EHI1LE o't of >a(ital /.A>>0 during te u(turn and at

    lea't e7ual to .eigted A%erage >o't of >a(ital during te downturn

    of bu'ine'' c!cle*

    1ust.-ers? To 'trengten te Tata brand and create la'ting relation'i(' wit te

    cu'tomer' b! wor&ing clo'el! wit bu'ine'' (artner' to (ro%ide

    'u(erior %alue for mone! o%er te life c!cle*E-,l.ees? To create a

    +'eamle'' organi+ation tat inculcate' and (romote' inno%ation,

    ecellence and Tata core %alue'*

    ;en#.r = 1hannel Partners? To fo'ter a long term relation'i( 'o a' to introduce a

    broad range of inno%ati%e (roduct and 'er%ice', tat would benefit our

    cu'tomer' and oter 'ta&eolder'*

    1.--unit? To (roacti%el! (artici(ate in re'a(ing te countr!I' economic growt

    and to ta&e a oli'tic a((roac toward' en%ironmental (rotection*

    CORE VALUES "ntegrit!


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    >u'tomer Focu'

    >or(orate >iti+en'i(

    Pa''ion for $ngineering

    Purpose: To create economic a''et' for road tran'(ortation for bul& mo%ement of good'

    and (eo(le and (artici(ate in managing te'e o%er te life of a''et' in order to

    create and ca(ture economic %alue*



    To de%elo( TATA into a world cla'' "ndian car brand for inno%ati%e and 'u(erior %alue



    To be te mo't admired multi4national car com(an! (roducing %eicle' tat (eo(le

    lo%e to bu!*

    To create an organi+ation tat (eo(le en)o! wor&ing for, doing bu'ine'' wit and

    in%e'ting in*


    #r* Ratan Tata 4 >airman

    #r* >arl4Peter For'ter 4 #anaging Director - Grou( >$ommittee', 'enior leader' and

    organi+ation i' a' 'own?

    Te Board of Director' along wit it' >ommittee' (ro%ide' leader'i( and guidance to te

    >om(an!I' management and direct', 'u(er%i'e' and control' te (erformance of te

    >om(an!* Tata #otor' a' %ariou' committee' a' 'own abo%e and al'o #anagement

    >ommittee, ommittee' to manage te

    bu'ine'' and re(ort te board on regular ba'i'*


    Tata #otor' owe' it' leading (o'ition in te "ndian automobile indu'tr! to it' 'trong focu' onindigeni+ation* Ti' focu' a' dri%en te >om(an! to 'et u( world4cla'' manufacturing unit'


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    wit 'tate4of4te4art tecnolog!* $%er! 'tage of (roduct e%olution4de'ign, de%elo(ment,

    manufacturing, a''embl! and 7ualit! control, i' carried out meticulou'l!* amber >orrection line*

    Facilit! for ot forming of ale al%e' wit a ::: tone (re'' and eating furnace*

    Fleibilit! in manufacturing frame' wit an off line Proto4t!(ing facilit!*

    Pune Unit

    Te Pune unit i' '(read o%er two geogra(ical region'4 Pim(ri /J:: acre'0 and >incwad

    /;: acre'0* "t wa' e'tabli'ed in ;E and a' a Production $ngineering Di%i'ion, wic a'

    one of te mo't %er'atile tool ma&ing facilitie' in te "ndian 'ub4continent* "t ou'e' a 1eicle

    manufacturing com(le wic i' one of te mo't integrated automoti%e manufacturing

    center' in te >ountr! (roducing a large %ariet! of indi%idual item' and aggregate'* "t i'

    engaged in te de'ign and manufacture of 'o(i'ticated (re'' tool', )ig', fiture', gauge',

    metal (attern and '(ecial tool', a' well a' model' for te de%elo(ment ofne" ranges o%

    automobile products Its capabilities #a$e enabled Tata Motors to

    introduce ne" products and impro$e eisting ones "it#out resorting to

    imports o% dies or tures

    Luc9n.: Unit


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Tata #otor' @uc&now i' one of te !ounge't (roduction facilitie' among all te Tata #otor'

    location' and wa' e'tabli'ed in ;EE9 to meet te demand for >ommercial 1eicle' in te

    "ndian mar&et* Te 'tate4of4te4art (lant i' 'trongl! bac&ed b! an $ngineering Re'earc

    >entre and Ser%ice 'et4u( to 'u((ort wit late't tecnolog! and cater to te com(leitie' of

    automobile manufacturing* Full! Built 1eicle bu'ine'', wic i' one of te fa't growing

    area' of our bu'ine'', i' al'o e'tabli'ed in @uc&now*

    Te (lant, roll' out commercial %eicle' and i' '(eciali+ed in te de'igning and

    manufacturing of a range of modern bu'e'

    Sanan# Unit

    Built in record time of ; mont' 'tarting No%ember 9::J, Tata #otor'I (lant for te Tata

    Nano at Sanand, in Amedabad di'trict of Gu)arat, mar&' te culmination of te >om(an!I'

    goal of ma&ing te Tata Nano a%ailable to undred' of tou'and' of familie', de'irou' of te

    car a 'afe, affordable and en%ironmental friendl! mode of tran'(ort* Te ca(acit! of te (lant,

    to begin wit, will be 9C:,::: car' (er !ear to be acie%ed in (a'e', and wit 'ome

    balancing i' e(andable u( to C:,::: car' (er !ear* Pro%i'ion for furter ca(acit! e(an'ion

    a' al'o been incor(orated in ti' location*

    Pantna0ar Unit

    Te >om(an! a' 'et u( a (lant for it' mini4truc& Ace and te (a''enger carrier #agic /ba'ed

    on te Ace (latform0 at Pantnagar in Uttara&and* Te (lant began commercial (roduction in

    Augu't 9::* Ti' i' te com(an!' fourt (lant, after 8am'ed(ur /commercial %eicle'0,

    Pune /commercial %eicle' and (a''enger %eicle'0 and @uc&now /commercial %eicle'0* Te

    (lant i' '(read o%er EC acre', of wic acre' i' occu(ied b! te %endor (ar&*

    State4of4te4art facilitie' include weld 'o(', (aint 'o(', engine and gear bo 'o(' and

    a''embl! line'* Te >om(an! a' in%e'ted o%er R'*;::: crore' in te (lant* 1endor' for te

    %eicle a%e made additional in%e'tment' to 'et u( teir (lant' in te %endor (ar& ad)oining

    te (lant* Te o(eration a' generated about C:: direct and indirect )ob' in te (lant, among

    %endor' and 'er%ice (ro%ider' in te area*


    Ti' re(ort con'i't te T# (roduct' tat are launced in "ndia* Te two broad cla''ification'are?


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    ;* Pa''enger 1eicle'

    9* >ommercial 1eicle'


    '3 Hatchbac9s

    Hatcbac&' ma! be de'cribed a' tree4door /two entr! door' and te atc0 or fi%e4

    door /four entr! door' and te atc0 car'and ma! range in 'i+e from cit!

    car' and 'u(er mini' to 'mall famil! car', mid4'i+e car'

    43 Se#ans

    A 'edan 'eat' four or more and a' a fied roof tat i' full4eigt u( to te rear

    window* #o't commonl! it i' a four4doorL two4door i' rarer but te! do occur /more

    'o i'toricall!0*

    *3 Pic9u,s

    A 'mall truc& wit an enclo'ed cab and o(en bac&*


    A cro''o%er i' a %eicle built on a car (latform and combining, in igl! %ariable

    degree', feature' of a '(ort utilit! %eicle /SU10 wit feature' from a (a''enger


    )3 Utilit ;ehiclesan be sports utilit $e#icle )+*- or multi utilit $e#icle )M*-


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report




  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report




  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Augu't 9::* Ti' i' te com(an!' fourt (lant, after 8am'ed(ur /commercial %eicle'0,

    Pune /commercial %eicle' and (a''enger %eicle'0 and @uc&now /commercial %eicle'0* Te

    (lant i' '(read o%er EC acre', of wic acre' i' occu(ied b! te %endor (ar&* Ti' i' te

    fir't (lant in "ndia tat a' a %endor (ar& attaced to te main (lant*

    State4of4te4art facilitie' include weld 'o(', (aint 'o(', engine and gear bo 'o(' and

    a''embl! line'* Te com(an! a' in%e'ted o%er R'*;::: crore' in te (lant* 1endor' for te

    %eicle a%e made additional in%e'tment' to 'et u( teir (lant' in te %endor (ar& ad)oining

    te (lant* Te o(eration a' generated about C:: direct and indirect )ob' in te (lant, among

    %endor' and 'er%ice (ro%ider' in te area*

    Te %ariou' 'o(' in te (lant are a' follow'?

    ASSEMF So( /TR"# >HASS"S F"TT"NG0* "n ti'

    'o(, %eicle a''embl! o(eration' ta&e (lace and te %eicle i' rolled out after te in'(ection

    of te %eicle in te PD" 'ection* Tere are (re'entl! a''embl! 'o(' M T15 'A! T15 '

    T15 '1 AND T15 'D3

    >ELD SHOPM Al'o &nown a' B". So( /B

    PO>ER TRAIN SHOPM Ti' 'o( i' di%ided into Gear Train and $ngine 'o(*

    Ti' 'o( ta&e' care of te a''embl! of te engine and te a''embl! of te gear bo* Te

    engine and te gear bo are a''embled 'e(aratel! but are cou(led at te end of te line*

    1ariou' te'ting related to engine (erformance and 7ualit! are cec&ed ere*

    PAINT SHOP4 Te TA"K"SHA 'o( i' te (aint 'o( of te car (lant* Ti' i' te

    mo't 'o(i'ticated 'o( of te (lant* "t u'e' world cla'' tecnolog! for (ainting te %eicle'*

    Te mo't intere'ting (oint of ti' 'o( i' tat all %eicle', no matter wic t!(e, are all

    (ainted under te 'ame 'o( togeter* Tu' te (aint 'o( a' to wor& time' fa'ter tan te

    T>F, 'o tat bod! reace' eac of te a''embl! 'o('*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    All te 'o(' are interconnected wit te el( of con%e!or' tat run o%eread* Te'e

    con%e!or' are u'ed to tran'(ort te %eicle from one 'o( to anoter in 'e7uence of




    TATA A>$4$

    TATA A>$ #AG">


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report




    Te com(an! a' 'et u( a (lant for it' mini4truc& Ace and te (a''enger carrier #agic /ba'ed

    on te Ace (latform0 at Pantnagar in Uttara&and* Te (lant began commercial (roduction in

    Augu't 9::* Ti' i' te com(an!' fourt (lant, after 8am'ed(ur /commercial %eicle'0,

    Pune /commercial %eicle' and (a''enger %eicle'0 and @uc&now /commercial %eicle'0* Te

    (lant i' '(read o%er EC acre', of wic acre' i' occu(ied b! te %endor (art'*

    State4of4te4art facilitie' include weld 'o(', (aint 'o(', engine and gear bo 'o('

    and a''embl! line'* Te com(an! a' in%e'ted o%er R'*;9C: core' in te (lant* 1endor' for

    te %eicle a%e made additional in%e'tment' to 'et u( teir (lant' in te %endor (ar&


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    ad)oining te (lant* Te o(eration a' generated about C:: direct and indirect )ob' in te

    (lant, among %endor' and 'er%ice (ro%ider' in te area* "t i' al'o acting a' a bac&u( (lant for


    J0 3ualit!

    E0 APP>

    Tes$n! o% en!$ne

    urpose To test t#e engines


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    &esponsibilit Manu%acturing


    1- +#i%t t#e engine to test bed

    2- lamp t#e engine test trolle "it# t#e test cell

    3- ill t#e "ater in cooling sstem

    4- onnect t#e t#rottle "ire in t#e engine

    5- 9ait %or t#e signal o% benc# read

    6- +tart t#e engine

    7- +elect t#e auto ccle %or t#e running test

    8- +a$e t#e engine no in t#e destop

    (- Tae t#e reading o% t#e running in test

    10- #ec t#e engine %or an abnormalit ie abnormal noise! oil leaage!

    diesel leaages! and "ater leaages

    11- %ter running in test! set t#e : up speed o% t#e engine to t#e tested

    12- +tart t#e per%ormance test o% t#e engine ie record t#e per%ormance

    at 4500 and 2500 rpm

    13- &ecord and obser$e t#e engine po"er! %uel deli$er! tor;ue! smoe

    $alue! oil pressure! "ater temp

    14- s per table o%

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    17- ,rain t#e "ater %rom t#e engine and remo$e t#e trolle %rom t#e test


    18- *nclamp t#e engine and remo$e t#e trolle %rom t#e test cell

    1(- &ecord t#e engine testing status in register


    Sa%e& $nsru'$ons

    *se nitted glo$es

    ?eep t#e :oor oil %ree

    *se apron and desired ppe


    @ngine re=ected due to electronics problems ie sensors

    @e'' (ower engine re)ected*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    En0ine ,er/.r-ance testin0

    $n'ure alignment of te't bed trolle! wit d!namometer (ro(erl!*

    $n'ure air filter clean before te'ting*

    $n'ure no (ince' of o'e' during te'ting*

    $n'ure no oil from intercooler*

    $n'ure no eau't=inlet lea&age during engine te'ting*

    $n'ure no oil on engine before te'ting*



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    475 BS/BS


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Objective: To eliminate lo( (roblem in C BS/BS

    Present Condition:

    E $ngine' (er da!


    Reduce te rewor& time

    "ncrea'e te (roduction rate

    $liminate te lo( (roblem


    * Apr$" +,*+ o Presen

    "a !lt# Coordinator

    #r* 1ed Pra&a' 2ada%/Sr* #anager ,$ngine So(0

    Team $embers

    Gurminder Sing /Trainee0


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    $et%odolog# Ado&ted:

    >ollect data*

    Detail Stud! of te (roblem*





    Recollection of data

    Benefit' to com(an!

    @e''on' learnt from te (ro)ect


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    'ow oil &ress!re in engine


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    A((ects o( Blow b#:

    @o'' of (ower

    Pcn damage

    Filter and (um( damage

    $ngine Performance

    @o'' of fuel econom!

    $ngine Damage

    Pi'ton ring' damage

    >ild (art' damage

    Lo- En!$ne O$" Pressure Pro("e)

    "n'ufficient oil (re''ure i' 'eriou', 'ince te oiling '!'tem mu't be (ro(erl! (re''uri+ed to

    &ee( te mo%ing (art' of te engine lubricated to (re%ent ece''i%e wear* #o't %eicle' u'e a

    %i'ual indicator, wic ma! be a ligt or gauge, mounted in te in'trument (anel to alert te

    dri%er of low engine oil (re''ure*

    Te oil (re''ure indicator i' connected wit a (re''ure 'witc* Te (re''ure 'witc 'end' a

    'ignal wen te oil (re''ure i' below C PS" /*C &Pa0* Ti' (re''ure i' e'tabli'ed b! te

    engine manufacturer ba'ed u(on indi%idual engine caracteri'tic' and re7uirement'*

    .en te engine i' not running and te ignition 'witc i' turned on, te warning ligt

    illuminate'* "f te %eicle i' e7ui((ed wit a gauge tere will be no indication of (re''ure*

    .en te engine i' 'tarted, oil (re''ure will com(re'' te dia(ragm in te (re''ure 'witc,


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    o(ening te contact' and cau'e te ligt to go out or, in te ca'e of a gauge, a (o'iti%e

    (re''ure reading will be indicated*

    "f te warning ligt remain' on, or te gauge fail' to regi'ter a normal (re''ure 'e%eral

    'econd' after 'tart u(, 'ut te engine off immediatel!* >ec& te oil le%el and fill a'

    nece''ar!* "f te warning ligt remain' on or te gauge fail' to regi'ter normall! wen te oil

    le%el i' correct, tere are a number of (o''ibilitie' tat ma! be te cau'e of te (roblem?

    ;* Te oil (re''ure 'witc could be fault!*

    9* Te wiring between te oil (re''ure 'witc and warning indicator could be

    Grounded or di'connected*

    * Te oil (um( ma! a%e lo't it' (rime*

    * Te oil (um( inta&e 'creen could be clogged*

    C* Te oil (um( (re''ure regulating %al%e could be 'tuc& in te o(en (o'ition*

    "f te warning ligt doe' not illuminate wit te ignition 'witc in te on=run (o'ition, and

    te engine i' not running, ten te bulb, (re''ure 'witc, and wiring 'ould be cec&ed and

    re(aired a' nece''ar!*

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    oil (re''ure fluctuation occur' under te'e condition', it i' becau'e te oil le%el i' low and te

    oil (um( 'trainer i' no longer full! 'ubmerged in te oil* Te oil le%el 'ould be immediatel!

    filled to te (ro(er le%el*

    "n 'ummar!, te oil (re''ure warning de%ice (ro%ide' %ital information to te dri%er* "f tere

    i' an indication of low or no oil (re''ure wen te engine i' running, it 'ould be 'ut off

    immediatel! and te cau'e in%e'tigated*


    U'er' of die'el engine oil' often note a cange in oil (re''ure wen te! cange from

    monograde oil to a multigrade* T!(icall!, oil (re''ure i' lower wit a multigrade, and te

    uninitiated u'er can inter(ret te (re''ure dro( a' indicating a (roblem wit te engine*

    Howe%er, low oil (re''ure i' not nece''aril! bad* "n fact, it can be beneficial to a die'el

    engine o(erating witin normal limit'* B! te 'ame to&en, ig oil (re''ure i' not

    nece''aril! good* "t can be cau'ed b! bloc&ed oil gallerie' or a too %i'cou' lubricant*

    Te following guideline' will el( !ou decide weter te oil (re''ure reading' !ou are

    getting are rea'on for concern*

    on%er'el!, narrow oil gallerie' /eiter b! de'ign or bloc&age0

    and ig oil %i'co'it! cau'e' lower oil flow* .ile oil (re''ure would be ig,

    lubrication would not be a' efficient* 5goodQ oil, terefore, a' %i'co'it! caracteri'tic'

    'ufficient to (ro%ide good !drod!namic lubrication and al'o flow' freel! around te

    engine to maintain a continuou' 'u((l! of lubricant*

    Under ideal condition', oil (re''ure 'ould be 'table, and an! large increa'e or decrea'e

    'ould be in%e'tigated* Te table' outline (o''ible mecanical cau'e' of low and ig

    oil (re''ure, and te correcti%e action tat 'ould be ta&en*

    >old 'tart i' one o(erating condition under wic oil (re''ure 'ould be cec&ed* At

    'tart u(, all te oil i' in te 'um(, and oil (re''ure i' +ero* Te (um( cannot begin to

    deli%er oil or generate (re''ure until it 'uc&' cold oil troug te filter 'creen and (ic&

    u( tube* Hence, cold 'tart lubrication i' im(ro%ed b! u'ing a 'ort, wide (ic& u( tube

    and an oil wit good cold flow (ro(ertie', 'uc a' a multigrade*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    >old oil generall! a' ig flow re'i'tanceL terefore, oil (re''ure on 'tart u( i' ig* A'

    te oil circulate' and warm' u(, it flow' more freel! and oil (re''ure dro(' to a 'table


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Pist.n c..lin0 n.CCle

    Pi'ton cooling no++le i' located in te c!linder of an engine* "tI' main

    function i' to cool te (i'ton b! '(ra!ing te coolant troug te no++le of

    ti' (i'ton cooling de%ice in order to a%oid o%ereating* Te aluminum

    (i'ton cooling no++le i' manufactured b! ca'ting followed b! 'econdar!

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Pist.n c..lin0 n.CCle /i03


    An interc..leri' an! mecanical de%ice u'ed to cool

    a fluid, including li7uid' or ga''e', between 'tage' of

    a multi4'tage eating (roce'', t!(icall! a eat ecanger

    tat remo%e' wa'te eat in a ga' com(re''or* Te! are

    u'ed in man! a((lication', including air com(re''or',

    air conditioner', refrigerator', and ga' turbine', and are

    widel! &nown in automoti%e u'e a' an air4to4air or air

    4to4li7uid cooler for forced induction0 internal combu'tion engine' to im(ro%e teir

    %olumetric efficienc! b! increa'ing inta&e air carge den'it! troug nearl! i'obaric

    /con'tant (re''ure0 cooling* "ntercooler' increa'e te efficienc! of te induction '!'tem b!

    reducing induction air eat created b! te turbocarger and (romoting more toroug

    combu'tion* Ti' remo%e' te eat of com(re''ion /i*e*, te tem(erature ri'e0 tat occur' in


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    an! ga' wen it' (re''ure i' rai'ed or it' unit ma'' (er unit %olume /den'it!0 i' increa'ed* A

    decrea'e in inta&e air carge tem(erature 'u'tain' u'e of a more den'e inta&e carge into te

    engine, a' a re'ult of 'u(ercarging* Te lowering of te inta&e carge air tem(erature al'o

    eliminate' te danger of (re4detonation /&noc&0 of te fuel air carge (rior to time '(ar&

    ignition* Tu' (re'er%ing te benefit' of more fuel=air burn (er engine c!cle, increa'ing te

    out(ut of te engine* Te! al'o eliminate te need for u'ing te wa'teful metod of lowering

    inta&e carge tem(erature b! te in)ection of ece'' fuel into te c!linder' air induction

    camber', to cool te inta&e air carge, (rior to it' flowing into te c!linder'* Ti' wa'teful

    (ractice /wen intercooler' are not u'ed0 nearl! eliminated te gain in engine efficienc! from

    'u(ercarging, but wa' nece''itated b! te greater need to (re%ent at all co't' te engine

    damage tat (re4detonation engine &noc&ing cau'e'*

    Oil ,u-,

    Te .il ,u-,in an internal combu'tion engine circulate' engine oil under (re''ure to te

    rotating bearing', te 'liding (i'ton' and te cam'aft of te engine* Ti' lubricate' te

    bearing', allow' te u'e of iger4ca(acit! fluid bearing' and al'o a''i't' in cooling teengine* A' well a' it' (rimar! (ur(o'e for lubricationL (re''uri+ed oil i' increa'ingl! u'ed a' a

    !draulic fluid to (ower 'mall actuator'*

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    lubricate an engine will re'ult in engine failure* Te oil (um( force' te motor oil troug te

    (a''age' in te engine to (ro(erl! di'tribute oil to different engine com(onent'* "n a common

    oiling '!'tem, oil i' drawn out of te oil 'um( /oil (an, in US $ngli'0 troug a wire me'

    'trainer tat remo%e' 'ome of te larger (iece' of debri' from te oil* Te flow made b! te

    oil (um( allow' te oil to be di'tributed around te engine* "n ti' '!'tem, oil flow' troug

    an oil filter and 'ometime' an oil cooler, before going troug te engineI' oil (a''age' and

    being di'(er'ed to lubricate (i'ton', ring', '(ring', %al%e 'tem', and more*


    Oil /ilter

    An .il /ilteri' a filter de'igned to remo%e contaminant' from engine oil, tran'mi''ion oil,

    lubricating oil, or !draulic oil*

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    from te'e u'e', oil (roduction, tran'(ort, and rec!cling facilitie' al'o em(lo! filter' in te

    manufacturing (roce''*

    $arl! automobile engine' did not u'e oil filter'* For ti' rea'on, along wit te generall! low

    7ualit! of oil a%ailable, %er! fre7uent oil cange' were re7uired* Te fir't oil filter' were

    'im(le, generall! con'i'ting of a 'creen (laced at te oil (um( inta&e*



    Strainer i' a 'im(le de%ice wic i' u'ed to remo%e large (article' in te 'um(* it i' a

    normal 'creen u'ed to im(ro%e te im(uritie' in te engine oil*

    screen used %or trapping large and coarse particulate matter


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    >ec& te oil le%el

    Re(lace (um(

    Re(lace bearing'

    >ange oil

    >ec& oil %i'co'it! /correct grade0



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    ;* Switc on te (cn macine*

    9* Switc on te eater and 'et te tem(erature at :c*

    * Set te (re''ure at bar*

    * "n'ert te (c no++le (ro(erl! in te macine wit ga'&et*

    C* Tigt te loc& nut manuall! in correct (o'ition (c no++le*

    * Pre'' te timer button to re'et*

    * Pre'' te (re''ure (edal wit foot*

    J* No++le '(ra!' te oil wit (re''ure bar in te bea&er*

    E* "n te bea&er, 'mall :*J dia circle i' re7uired in te front of te no++le*

    ;:* "f no++le (re''ure '(ra!' in'ide te :*J dia circle and one 'ide of te circle 'urface

    touce', ten it i' o&*

    ;;* "n te macine timer i' u'ed, in ; minute : dro(' li&e 'mall %olume of li7uid on te

    macine 'urface*

    ;9* Tere 'ould no lea&age from te )oint' of (c no++le*


    ;* No++le 'ould &e(t free from du't*

    9* No++le andling 'ould be (ro(er*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    Stan#ar# #ata

    Tem(erature of te engine oil? ;;:


    Pre''ure of te engine

    oil at ead? /bar0


    ;* JC:

    9*C 9C::

    * C::

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    En0ine n.3 1X6S )(*(4

    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m

    ;* JC: ;* JC:

    9* 9C:: 9* 9C::

    *E C:: *9 C::

    Problem? @

    ange te 'trainer*

    Statu'? $ngine o&

    En0ine n.3 1X6S )('

    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m;*C JC: ;*J JC:

    9*; 9C:: 9*J 9C::

    *; C:: C*J C::

    Problem? @

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m

    ;*; JC: ;*9 JC:

    9*: 9C:: 9*9 9C::

    *: C:: *; C::

    Problem? At idling oil (re''ure ead i' not o&*

    Rewor&? >ange te oil (um(*

    Statu'? $ngine not o& in ;'ttrial*

    Problem? Again lo( after canging te oil (um(*

    Rewor&? To cange P>N

    Statu'? $ngine o&*

    En0ine n.3 1X6S )+&)*

    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m

    ;* JC: ;*J JC:

    9*; 9C:: 9* 9C::*; C:: C*: C::


    Pre''ure R(m

    ;*J JC:

    9*J 9C::

    C*J C::

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Problem? At idling oil (re''ure at ead i' o&*

    Rewor&? >ange te P>N*

    Statu'? $ngine o&*

    En0ine n.3 1X6S %&&

    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m;* JC: ;*C JC:

    9* 9C:: 9* 9C::

    *: C:: *9 C::

    Problem? @o( at 9C:: r(m and C:: r(m*

    Rewor&? >ange te P>N and oil (um(*

    Statu'? $ngine o&*

    En0ine n.3 1X6S %&)

    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m

    ;* JC: ;*C JC:

    9*9 9C:: 9* 9C::

    *9 C:: *; C::


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Problem? @o( at 9C:: r(m and C:: r(m*

    Rewor&? >ange te oil (um(*

    Statu'? Again lo( after canging te oil (um(*

    Rewor&? To cange P>N

    Statu'? $ngine o&*

    En0ine n.3 1X6S %&&

    Problem? @o( at 9C:: r(m and C:: r(m*


    Pre''ure R(m

    ;*C JC:

    *C 9C::

    C* C::

    Pre''ure R(m Pre''ure R(m

    ;* JC: ;*C JC:

    9* 9C:: 9* 9C::

    *: C:: *9 C::

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Rewor&? >ange te P>N and oil (um(*

    Statu'? $ngine o&*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report





    P ;* at JC: r(m To cange te N


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    Te TATA Penguin or #agic "R"S i' a totall! new (latform from te com(an!* "t come' in

    te (a''enger carrier 'egment* "t i' a low co't 'olution for con'umer' wo would li&e to bu! a

    four %eicle and u'e it for tran'(orting (eo(le*

    Te Penguin a' been '(eciall! de'igned for ea'! maneu%erabilit! around te cit! and forta&ing ig (a!load' wile o(erating under a wide range of condition'* Te com(act de'ign

    of Penguin i' enoug to 'eat C adult'* Pro%i'ion a' been gi%en in te %eicle to increa'e it'

    ca(acit! according to te re7uirement of te u'er*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Pro!"#$ M%& '( TCF)1D

    ACE *IP



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    A"& *'+

    Technical specifications6!


    Overall (ength 70mm

    Overall 8idth 14 mm

    Overall 3eight#laden:unladen%

    1:1;; mm

    8heelbase 11.

    ?uel Tan$ 2apacity 1 (iters

    +erb 8eight 10$g

    8heel nd Tyres

    Tyre Type 2rossply.

    ?ront Tyre si@e .!1 (T &=

    =ear Tyre si@e .!1 (T &=

    -pare Tyre si@e .!1 (T &=

    8heels MT 7.A1

    E('(&6ModelType5o. Of 2ylinders

    2apacityMaB. ngine OutputMaB. TorCue

    ?uel In/ection pump

    ngine Oil 2apacity2ompression =atio


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    L%/o!# %( Tr%($0'$$'o(T/+&

    =ear heel driveTransaBle constant mesh gears, 4forard,1 sliding mesh reverse gear,

    4!speed manual transmission

    S#&&r'( mechanical rac$ and pinion steering gear.

    Turning radius6 7. metersP&r,or0%("& MaB. -peed6

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    -pecial Items 6 catalytic converter #only in G- III%

    2()T23 6 -ingle plate dry friction diaphragm type

    = GOH 6 T 9

    Type 6 -liding mesh #4 forard gears%, -liding mesh #reversegear%

    STEERING 6 =ac$ and pinion -teering gear, Mechanical


    Type 6 3ydraulically operated.

    ?ront 6 *rum bra$es

    =ear 6 *rum bra$es .

    &ar$ing Gra$e 6 t rear heels # ?(= mounted%.


    Type 6 ?ront6! Mc &herson strut.=ear6! 2oil -pring ith semi trailing arm.

    -hoc$ absorber 6 3ydraulic -hoc$ bsorbers t rear.


    Tyres .!1 (T &=! cross ply.

    FUEL TANK 2apacity 1 liters


    MaB. -peed 6

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    MaB. E8 6 111 $g

    +erb eight 6 4


    During m! training (eriod, " ad )oined two Audit' in TATA #

  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    All > owner' of teir re'(ecti%e area'*

    Pr.ce#ure Stac&ing a' to be organi+ed in 'uc a manner 'o a' to facilitate F"F< i''ue'*

    All good' 'ould be (rotected from lo'' b! fire, water and climatic condition'*

    Paint' - Tinner' 'ould not be 'tac&ed balanced to te wall'* i*e* tere 'ould be 'ome

    di'tance between te wall' and te 'toc&'**

    For 'toc& mo%ement between te ba!' or for deli%er! (ur(o'e mecanical trollie' 'ould

    be u'ed were%er (o''ible*

    #aterial' awaiting in'(ection=a((ro%ed material'=re)ected material' 'all be clearl!


    * Flammable li7uid' 'all be 'tored in clo'ed container' and in limited 7uantitie' in

    well %entilated room' of fire re'i'ting con'truction wic are i'olated from te remainder

    of te building b! fire wall' and 'elf clo'ing door'*

    * @arge 7uantitie' of flammable li7uid' 'all be 'tored in i'olated ade7uatel! %entilated

    building of fire re'i'tant con'truction or in 'torage tan&' and at a di'tance from an!

    building a' re7uired in te Petroleum rule', ;E*

    J* No #aterial i' 'tac&ed be!ond ;?*C Ratio were ; i' te ba'e and *C i' te Heigt*

    E* #aterial wic are re7uired to be 'tac&ed at eigt i' bounded togeter*

    ;:* No #aterial will be 'tored or 'tac&ed directl! on ground*

    Stac9in0 i-,

    Stac&ing a' to be organi+ed in 'uc a manner 'o a' to facilitate F"F< i''ue'*

    All good' 'ould be (rotected from lo'' b! fire, water and climatic condition'*

    For 'toc& mo%ement between te ba!' or

    For deli%er! (ur(o'e mecanical trollie'

    Sould be u'ed were%er (o''ible*


  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    Sheet Metal 1.-,.nent

    Alwa!' &ee( fabricated item' on Trolle!'*

    All fabricated loo'e (art' 'ould be 'tored %erticall! abo%e te (allet' if re7uired*

    Te Turning radiu' of all te trolle!' mu't be cleared*

    Storage area 'ould be well defined* S(ace 'ould be (ro%ided between Rac&', Bin' - Sel%e'*

    #aterial 'all not be 'tac&ed again't te wall'* Sufficient '(ace 'ould be

    (ro%ided between te material - wall'*

    $m(t! Trollie'=Bin' 'ould be &e(t in defined Area*

    No #aterial i' 'tac&ed be!ond ;?*C Ratio were ; i' te ba'e and *C i' te


    #aterial wic are re7uired to be 'tac&ed at eigt i' bounded togeter*

    No #aterial will be 'tored or 'tac&ed directl! on ground*

    Rac&', bin' and (allet' u'ed for material 'torage 'all be numbered and Safewor&ing load 'ould be di'(la!ed a' (er BS> Norm'*

    Tri- Parts! En0ine = Gear artoon Boe'04


    Alwa!' recei%ed (art' from 1endor' in >artoon'=Trolle!'=.ooden Bo -

    >rate' onl!*

    Store (art' a' (er nature wi'e*

    Part' 'ould be 'tac&ed a' (er 'tation wi'e fitment'*

    All @ine re)ection' 'ould be &e(t 'e(aratel! wit (ro(er identification*

    @ine re)ection 'ould be again be 'tac&ed - Stored a' (er BS> Procedure*

    S(ace 'ould be (ro%ided between Rac&', Trolle!' and Bin'*

    Pa''age' between (ile' of material' 'ould be at lea't E: cm wide*

    .ile 'tac&ing te material, $a'e of acce'' - 'tabilit! of 'tac&ing 'ould be


    #aterial 'ould not be 'tac&ed in front of $i't=$mergenc! $i't, $lectrical

    Panel' - Fire $tingui'er'

    No #aterial i' 'tac&ed be!ond ;?*C Ratio were ; i' te ba'e

    And *C i' eigt*

    #aterial wic are re7uired to be 'tac&ed at eigt i' bounded



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report



    ;* T!re' 'ould alwa!' be 'tored in a well de'igned - maintained

    Rac&ing S!'tem*

    9* Te rac&ing 'ould alwa!' be &e(t at or below 'oulder eigt to a%oidbac& arc (ain*

    Steel 1.ils! Sheets = tubes

    ;* All Steel >oil to be 'tac&ed on Steel >oil Stac&er wit two la!erI'

    9* All Steel >TS=>T@ will be 'tac&ed on floor wit te 'tac& eigt ma* J


    T3P3M3 Au#it

    Total Producti%e #aintenance /TP#0

    An "ntroduction to Total Producti%e #aintenance /TP#0

    "n ti' com(etiti%e world, for our ei'tence, we a%e to (a! attention to

    following factor'L

    ;0 Hig 3ualit! of te (roduct

    90 Rea'onable >o't

    0 Prom(t deli%er! to te cu'tomer*

    To acie%e ti', TP# 'et' following ob)ecti%e' a' a 'trateg!*

    Oero Accident Oero Brea&down

    Oero Defect'



  • 8/10/2019 Sunny College Project Report


    *oing my summer training #< months% at TT Motors as a highly enriching

    eBperience for me. -eeing the practical implementations of the classroom theories

    proved to be highly beneficial as ell as innovating. My pro/ect as focused on

    IM&=OEM5T I5 G=+ -J-TM O? MI2 I=I-:KI&,L To conclude, it as a

    fine blend of theoretical $noledge and practical application. It shall be of great helpin shaping my future. (oo$ing forard to more such eBperiences at TT Motors.


    TATA #