Summer reading reflection questions

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Transcript of Summer reading reflection questions

Lucero Castaneda AP United States History Ms.Lampley


For Each Question You Need To Write At Least One Page.

The Summary Of The Summer Reading Project Must Be At Least Two Pages.

Question Page

1. Write A Summary Of The Book. Be Sure The

Summary Includes All Parts Of The Book


2. Which Founding Fathered You Think Is

Historically Most Important? Explain Why

This Person Is The Most Important.


3. Describe Each Of The Six Events. Which

Event Do You Think Had The Biggest Impact

Of The US History And Why? Which Event

Was The Least Important And Why?


4. What Impact Does This Book Have In US



5. Write A Brief Book Review. Include Specific

Reason Why You Liked Or Disliked The




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Lucero Castaneda AP United States History Ms.Lampley

The book “Founding Brothers” by Joseph E. Ellis is a historical non-fiction Novel that

concentrates around the tangled lives of the creators and founders of the American republic

throughout the 1790’s and focuses on the scenes that importantly placed the initial establishment

of America after the Revolutionary War. Ellis looks in the specific relationships of the Founding

Fathers influenced by the stormy era in which they lived. At the beginning of the book, Joseph E.

Ellis familiarizes his purpose to look at how the interactions of the main politicians in the

Revolutionary generation influenced the development of American history. Then, Ellis decided

to put concentration on the background of Founding Brothers around important members of the

Revolutionary Generation that helped create a successful country like George Washington,

James Madison Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and

Aaron Burr.

From the explanatory beginning, Founding Brothers describes subjects extending from

states and federal power, arguments that made leader fight, checks and balances, slavery

difficulties that went throughout votes to decide what to do with the problem, location of the

capital, and term in the office, and the relationship among them. These above subjects honestly

describe the balance of the American Revolution and how these statesmen influenced in the

creation of a new nation that in the present is a world leader. At the beginning, The Duel presents

the fight between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr and summaries thorough with proofs of

arguments between them and also how they planned to resolve their dissimilarities. What came

out of the duel was a negative consequence because Hamilton died and burr was hated and had to

leave the state. In the succeeding chapters, it demonstrates the undisclosed cooperation between

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton to calm down the problem of state control and the

negotiations behind the establishment of the location of Washington D.C. as the New Capital in

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discussion for the passage of Hamilton's economic programs. Afterwards, in “The Silence”, Ellis

gives details of the Congress’ views on the slave trade and what they want to do about the

continuing slavery. Some of them were against slavery because of the Religious values and

some-mostly- were happy with the slavery because it was their workers and they relied on them.

But, finally the Congress decided to suspend these topics till the country has stabilized, free of

war from other countries, but they decided to come back and review the options for slavery in

1810. Then, George Washington published a letter in a Philadelphia newspaper that it was time

for a new president to be elected. The Washington’s Farewell and credit of presidency arranges

an example for the two term presidency. Regardless of slight disagreement, the people were

usually remorseful that such a politician was leaving office. Then Washington officially left in

1797 and died in 1799.

In the 5th chapter, it was pretty clear that in 1796 the election the choice was between

Adams and Jefferson. Both Jefferson and Adams were completely different but they were also

were really good friends and associates with great respect for one another. But, what really

shocked me was that Jefferson and Adams friendship and partnership drifted apart in “The

Collaborators” just to lead the Federalist and Republican parties, although Adams won the

presidency by collaborating with Abigail, Jefferson insults Adams and the split between them got

worse and in the end the friends became enemies. Finally, Adams started to have contempt for

his old nice friend, while Jefferson was extra powered by a feeling of disloyalty because of the

anti-Adams insult of the last term. In around 1820, both perhaps were old and the conflict finally

stopped. Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th, 1820 and John Adams felt unresponsive and when

he woke up he said “Thomas Jefferson survives” .But at that time, John Adams likewise passes

away. The death was weird because they died on the same day and they were friends again.

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Jefferson and Adams’s long term enemies turn out to be friends for a second time and seal the

legacy of “The Friendship” in Founding Brothers.

2. Which Founding Father You Think Is Historically Most Important? Explain Why

This Person Is The Most Important.

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All of the Founding Fathers played an important role in American History and had an

influence that made the United States the world power of the 21st century. But, I think that

George Washington, born in Westmoreland County, Virginia on February 22, 1732, is the

most important Founding Father. He served the United States with integrity, pride, dignity

and he brought respect to the office of the President and served as a role model and a positive

influence for future presidents. Washington is often called "The Father Of This Country" for

his fundamental role in fighting for constructing and leading the United States of America in

its primary days. Throughout the Revolution he commanded the American Army in the

Battle of Germantown. Also, because of the Yellow Fever Epidemic, the capitol had to be

moved from Philadelphia to Germantown till the widespread infection was gone so they

wouldn’t get infected.

George Washington was a Federalist; therefore he preferred a solid central government

and also had a strong attraction for aristocracies. Most of his political allies were with

Alexander Hamilton because they were really close. During his presidency years,

Washington helped the country by its best by keeping the government steady. He supported a

durable national protection, and kept the nation out of the rising tension between England

and France. He also helped and recognized an income tax system and central banking.

Most of the actions from Washington brought a positive outcome and were done for the

benefit of the United States so it could because a world leader. Also, during the Revolution,

Washington managed his Army against the British and their leader Sir William Howe. And

some of the battles gave Americans countless confidence and making the Army even

stronger. He also accomplished to unite the colonies to a common reason and after the war he

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encouraged the beliefs that he young United States should abstain from being involved in

clashes from other countries.

Finally, as the leader he was, when his health was failing, Washington requested to be out

of the presidency after one term. But, men from both sides of the political sides advised him

to continue in office. He did. His second opening speech possibly told his eagerness for the

second term. George Washington is by far the greatest significant character in the history of

the United States. In contradiction of all the military odds, he freed the 13 colonies from the

militaries of the British Empire. Regardless of his importance, Washington remains today a

distant figure to many Americans.

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3. Describe Each Of The Six Events. Which Event Do You Think Had The Biggest

Impact Of The U.S. History And Why? Which Event Was The Least Important And


At the beginning of “Founding Brothers” in “The Duel”, the highest concentration goes

to the duel between two prominent American politicians, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton,

which occurred on one of the mornings in the summer of 1804, close to Weehawken, New Jersey

with the code “Duello”. The duel occurred because Hamilton offended Burr and then refused to

apologize and the consequence was the death of Hamilton that brought a negative view in Burr’s

reputation. Hamilton was killed by one of two shots that were fired by Burr, between which a

small number of seconds passed. After the time, two stories were formed by the public: the

Hamiltonian version and the Burr version. Paradoxically, the Burr form of the story was more

believable because it covers the breakdown among the two shots upon which was decided by

both sides, therefore making Hamilton’s spontaneous gunshot very doubtful.

In chapter’s two, “The Dinner”, it goes back to the 1700’s. The actual dinner was at

Thomas Jefferson's house in mid-June of 1790 and the ones invited were Alexander Hamilton,

James Madison and among others to discuss the future location of the country’s capital. Though,

Ellis suggests that this concession wasn’t just the result of the single dinner but somewhat

numerous discussions. This subject was added by considerations regarding the financial

catastrophe of the times. Ultimately, George Washington decided that America’s capital would

be established east of Georgetown, on the Potomac River, and be called Washington D.C. after

Washington himself. And having initially guaranteed that the capital would be close to the

border of Pennsylvania, the principal street was called Pennsylvania Avenue just to make some

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of the upset Pennsylvanians happy. Though, Ellis suggests that this concession wasn’t just the

result of the single dinner but somewhat numerous discussions.

In “The Silence”, the chapter discusses and deals generally with the choice of whether or

not to end the slave trade and it includes a noticeable clash that almost broke apart the nation. A

debate of ethics vs. economics ascended when it was time to decide what the effects of an end to

the slave trade might mean. This disagreement was the result of petitions presented to the House

of Representatives a few months previous to Jefferson’s dinner by two Quaker calling for the end

of the Africa slave trade. There was an argument between Congressmen about whether God or

the Constitution allowable slavery and also there had to be an agreement about which states were

hinge on slave labor and which weren’t. The ones in favor of preserving slavery in the United

States were largely the Southern states, particularly South Carolina and Georgia. William

Loughton Smith and James Jackson argued that Congress should pay no attention to the petitions

because the Constitution forbidden government action on the slave trade until 1808. No one in

the House acquired the creativity to disprove the South’s assertions and this silence is what the

chapter’s title speaks of. Though, most of Congress decided that a slow elimination of slavery

was going to occur in the future, nevertheless knowing the country not in their good moments,

this subject might be reconsidered at a future time when people are more prepared to handle the

circumstances. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Hamilton were all against slavery, but that

they didn’t want to keep talking about because it wasn’t the right time to address the issue. When

everything was over, there was no positive result towards the abolition of slavery. To end the

disagreement of slavery, James Madison passed a vote from the House to alter the Constitution

so that Congress would have no power to interfere with slavery; the final votes were 29-25.

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Chapter Four,” The Farewell”, emphases on George Washington’s farewell address and

his formal declination to serve a third term as president. Even though the Washington’s Farewell

Address was somewhat edited and written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, the

address encompassed his faiths for the future of the United States. The Washington’s Farewell

Address was one of the most important letters in democracy history. The Address set the

example of a two term presidency then it obviously disconnected American government from

totalitarianism. The democracy of the United States is well noticeable to those that are

monarchies, but Washington remained so strong in his period that he possibly would have let the

power get to his head, but it didn’t.

The candidates for the presidency were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson after the

retirement of George Washington; both of them were good friends and participants. However, in

“The Collaborators”, Jefferson was in the Republican Party and John Adams was in the

Federalist Party and because of the presidency the two parties started to develop aggressiveness

towards each other. In 1796, Adams was formally voted as the president and Jefferson vice-

president. In the meantime both were from different parties and had different plans for their time

in office and unavoidably lead to the end of their friendship. In 1797, in the dinner with George

Washington, Jefferson told Adams that he was uninterested at joining his administration and the

Republican Party didn’t mean to participate in the peace designation Adams was sending to

France. Then in the election of 1800, the presidency was accomplished by Thomas Jefferson

with Aaron Burr as the vice-president. Actually this election was the end to the federalist.

Finally, after the election, Adams and Jefferson did not communicate and weren’t friends for

additionally 12 long years.

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In the last chapter of the book, “The Friendship”, Ellis once again puts the attention to

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. They finally began to rebuild their friendship, after 12 long

years of silence between them, over a letter mail started by Adams that would last until their

deaths. Adams and Jefferson wanted to make it noticeable that they wanted to become friends

again and that their respect for each other overpowered the unpleasantness from their previous

disagreements. In the end, the correspondence ended in a mysterious way because of Adams and

Jefferson's deaths. On the 50th anniversary of American Independence in July 4, 1826, both

Jefferson and Adams died a couple hours away from each other. And what was really weird was

that they died on the same day. John Adams last words are claimed to be "Thomas Jefferson still


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4. What Impact Does This Book Have In US History?

In ''Founding Brothers,'' Joseph J. Ellis provides us summarizing and expressive

representations of each of the events that changed American History by captivating a closer

look at six serious chapters. The author went beyond just simply mentioning the events, but it

explained deeply the causes and effects that each event did so the reader could understand it

and have knowledge of what was happening in that time period.

When human started in these planets, man followed and looked up to a leader. Those

leaders had attributes that the other people didn’t have and that was what made them be a

leader. From the emperors of China, to the Kings and Queens or Europe, the population and

society believed that they leader were chosen by destiny or created by a God. This is what

Joseph E. Ellis tried to express in the book because the leaders had a major influence in the

future of the United States.

“Founding Brothers” impacted in our history because it shows to the American people

what the first leaders went through to make the successful America today. The novel makes

the reader know that the leaders today should have sacrifices and responsibilities like the first

leaders of America. In addition to that, the politicians and leaders from the present should

learn from the mistakes, success and their positive impact in the world from the leaders in the

past like, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and others. We look up to the

leaders today because they have been progressively making changes in the country, some

positive and some negative, but either way we need to respect what they do because they are

just trying to keep up with the work from the Founding Fathers.

Additionally, the book “Founding Brothers” impacts the United States history by giving

the readers a closer look how the politicians worked in the past and how that has been impacting

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the present and somehow will impact the future of all Americans. Also, for the people that don’t

know a lot about American history, the book summarized important events that changed the

United States. Therefore, the book impacts unknowledgeable people that want to learn about the

past of the United States leaders and how the past influenced the present in making the US the

World Leader.

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5. Write A Brief Book Review. Include Specific Reason Why You Liked Or Disliked

The Book?

The book “Founding Brothers” is a small book with a lot of information on the

revolutionary generation that makes the reader wonder how Ellis managed to make the book

interesting but fun to read at the same time. The book is fascinating since it indicated that we

have been educated to positively practice a democracy over the American Revolution and have a

resolution to political matters without fights or duels. Ellis comprehensive chapters are very good

because it doesn’t just says what happens, but what he does it go deeply with the subject and

explains episode by episode so the reader can understand it, even though most of the chapters are

long. We can say that this book is quite accurate in explaining what happened after the American

Revolution and also how it influenced the present.

Joseph J. Ellis partakes currently a custom of writing fascinating books about the

American Revolution and the outcomes. In Ellis newest work, “Founding Brothers”, he focuses

in six events encompassing seven of our leading American nationalists. The chapters talk from

slavery and the countrywide debits to the relocation of the capital.

I liked the book, even though most of the chapters were long, because it gave me a new

insight on what our past leaders went through to make the successful United States today. Most

of the chapters were interesting because they were deeply explained and had a good imagery, so

that helped me visualize each the events. My favorite chapter is “The Silence” because I think

that is interesting how some politicians wanted to free the slaves because of their religious

thoughts and the rest of the politicians didn’t want to free them because they depended on the

slaves to do their work. Also, I like the last chapter because it though it was kind of weird and

scary to know that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died in the same day (50th Anniversary of

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Independence Day). But, it made me happy to know that their enmity between them ended and

they died as friends again and with peace among them.

“Founding Brothers” is very informal and a fast book to read. Ellis frequently informs the

reader what the United States was like in the 1790's. There have remained numerous complex

agreements made between The Founding Brothers and Ellis’s research. For anyone that likes to

read about the history of the United States and what the country’s politicians went through,

“Founding Brothers” is a good book to read.

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