Summary: Uniqueness of the individual:

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Summary: Uniqueness of the individual: The starting of the human race is the fusion of the seed from the father and the seed from the mother “Sperm and ovum “resulting in 46 chromosomes that carry all the genetic material .2 chromosomes are unique. The sex chromosomes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Summary: Uniqueness of the individual:


Uniqueness of the individual:

The starting of the human race is the fusion of the seed from the father and the seed from the mother“Sperm and ovum “resulting in 46 chromosomes that carry all the genetic material .2 chromosomes are unique. The sex chromosomesThe mother has XX and the father has XYIt is the father who will determine the sexOf the fetus.

Uniqueness of the individual

The starting of the human race is the fusion of the seed from the father and the seed from the mother. The ovum and sperm have to mature. This involves a 2-step division called mitotic division. Each gamete divides into 2 cells, each containing 23 chromosomes (all other cells contain 46). Each gamete cell will divide into 2 and each has 23.

Out of our 46 chromosomes, 2 are called sex chromosomes If XX, then it’s a female, if XY, then it’s a male. Our chromosomes carry our genes tha are the blueprints of our life. No 2 blueprints are the same.

It was only in the 19th century that we discovered that the fetus is formed equally by sperm and ovum. Before it was thought that it is the ovum and the sperm was just there to stimulate it to grow. It is the father who will determine in the sex of the fetus, because he has XY. If he gives the X, the fetus will be XX = female. If he gives the Y, then the fetus will by XY = male.

Each human being is unique, but all humans can trace their genetic map back to their very ancient ancestors. We go through embryonic physical development in the womb. We also go through a metaphysical spiritual development, when the blow of the spirit of God enters us. As our brain develops, we will add to this genetic predisposition the experiences and environmental factors.

So each human being is a unique individual within the human family. Each is sacred, capable, and has the potential that only God knows.

ج� ة� الح� ر� و�س�

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�م م�ن �و�ف�ى� و�م�نڪ �ت �م م�ن ي � و�م�نڪ د�ڪ �ش� : أ �غ�و'ا ل � �ت �م� ل � ط� ث ر�ج�ك � �م� ن ى ث �ج� مس� �أ ن�‌ ن� ن�ل ن� ن� ��� ة � ة�ا ن �نز� �ذ�ا أ ض� ه�ام�د� ف�إ

� أ ى �ر� د� ع� ش� و�ت � �م� م� ب ل � ال� ي � �ڪ ع�م�ر� ل ذ�ل� � �ى�' أ �ل د إ �ر� ني �� ة ن� ن ٱ ��ا‌�� ة ن �� ة �ن ن ن� ن ن� ن ٱ ن��ه�ي ) �ل� ز� ب � م�ن ڪ �ت ب � � و�أ ب �ز� و�ر� ت م�اء� ه�ا � � ع�ل ة ! ج ن# ن$ ن� ن$ ن$ ن% ٱ ن ٱ (٥ن�


O mankind! if ye are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, then lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We may make (it) clear for you. And We cause what We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed time, and afterward We bring you forth as infants, then (give you growth) that ye attain your full strength. And among you there is he who dieth (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the most abject time of life, so that, after knowledge, he knoweth naught. And thou (Muhammad) seest the earth barren, but when We send down water thereon, it doth thrill and swell and put forth every lovely kind (of growth). 22 :(5)

� ح�يم لر� �ن� م�ـ لر� لله� � م � ٱب ن& ٱ ٱ ن'ان ر / االنس� لد� ة� ر� و�س� ٱ و�

ا ) Pور� ك ا م� �ن ش� �ك � ي ر� ل لد� �ن� ح�ي م�ن� ـ �نس� إ �ى� ع�ل�ى �ت ن)ه� أ ��� ة ن ن� ن% ٱ �) ة ن ٱ �ا ١ن �ن ( إا ) Pص�ير� ا ب م�ي �ه� س� �ـ ن �يه� ف�ج�ع� �ل ت � ا ن ش� � ف�ةU أ �ن� م�ن ن ـ �نس� إ �ا ن � ل *خ� ن ن ن� � ة ن� ن� ن ٱ ( ٢ن�

�ه� �ـ ن �ا ه�د� �ن ن�إا Pف�ور� �م�ا ك ا و�إ � اك �م�ا ش� �يل� إ ب ��لس� ة ٣ٱ


Hath there come upon man (ever) any period of time in which he was a thing unremembered? (1) Lo! We create man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; so We make him hearing, knowing. (2) Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving. (3)

76: 1-3

Beginning of Life

Different opinions:

Fertilization, nidation,, taking shape, quickening, ensoulement.

To identify anything as a beginning, it should include all the following:

1.It should be a clear and well-defined event2.Growth of the fertilized ovum ( the Zygote)3.If not interrupted, it should lead to subsequent stages of life i.e. fetus, neonate, child, adolescent, adult, old until death. 4-It contains the genetic bag that is characteristic of the human race at largeand also of a unique particular individual of whom there is no copy since eternity and until eternity

Applying these criteria, life begins with the fusion of a spermatozoon with an ovum to form a zygote, endowed with 46 chromosomes, half maternal and half paternal. Neither the sperm nor unfertilized ovum fulfills the criteria although they are alive. Hassan Hathout strongly adopted this definition.

They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)“ Quran (17:85)

Jurist’s views on the beginning of life based on their understanding and on the Knowledge available at their time Sheikh Shaltoot, Grand Imam of Al Azhar in the 1940s, declared that after the quickening phase, abortion is a crime/manslaughter.

Some argued that abortion before quickening is a crime, as it has invisible life and is in growth and preparation .

(Al Ghazali). His opinion is that the crime begins when the male and female material mix into the womb because this is the first grade of existing .the crime grows with the different phases, becomes heinous after the ensoulment and is at its worst after birth.

Sura 17: 85 – And they ask thee about (the nature of) divine inspiration. Say: “This inspiration (comes)at my Sustainer’s behest; and (you cannot understand its nature, O men, since) you have been granted very little of (real) knowledge.”

The issue of abortion Is abortion permitted?Abortion is practiced widely for non-medical reasons with at least 50 million abortions carried out annually Worldwide. In France and Japan, half of all the pregnancies end in abortion whether carried out legally or illegally.In South Korea. abortion is responsible for a 33% decrease in the birth rate."The Soviet Union legalized abortion in 1955'The United Kingdom legalized abortion on demand in the first trimester in 1967 many other countries followed suit. The United States legalized abortion on demand 1973, resulting in 1.5 million abortions annually. Japan performs 2-3 million abortions every year In Latin American countries, the rate of abortion is very high.There are no available statistics of abortion procedures in Muslim countries. However, it seems that the incidence of elective abortion is low in comparison with non-Muslim countries.

Reference: An Islamic View on Contraception and Abortion Mohammad Ali Albar D.M.,MRCP. , JIMA Vol.21 NO 2

The Issue of Abortion

•When is abortion permissible?

If the well being of the mother is compromised

(some did not accept any abortion after 120 days even if the life of the mother is threatened).

•The fetus• Thw fetus is Honored •Protected•Provisions are provided by the father, divorced or not.• The mother is exempt from fasting during pregnancy. •Punishment for a crime is suspended for the mother. • These rights are in place even if the child is conceived out of wedlock.•He has the right of a biological Father and Mother•The fetus is an inheritor if the father dies during mother’s pregnancy•Zakat ?

O Prophet! When believing women come to thee to take the oath of fealty to thee, that they will not associate in worship any other thing whatever with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit adultery (or fornication), that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood, and that they will not disobey thee in any just matter,- then do thou receive their fealty, and pray to Allah for the forgiveness (of their sins): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Quran (60:12)

Say: "Come, I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from": Join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want;- We provide sustenance for you and for them;- come not nigh to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. Quran (6:151)

Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin. Quran (17:31)

female infanticide

Ultra sonography, amniocentesis, and chorionic villousbiopsy, helps to determine the gender of the unborn child with varying degrees of accuracy. Once this is known many parents wouldresort to abortion if the fetus happens to be a female(or the undesired sex). Unfortunately, this practice isgaining popularity in many Asian countries wherethere are many so called sex detection clinics.

Until recently, female infanticide was commonboth in China and India. Since such practice is nowPenalized by law, people have resorted to the modernversion of female infanticide.

Reference: An Islamic View on Contraception and Abortion Mohammad Ali Albar D.M.,MRCP. , JIMA Vol.21 NO 2

When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned -For what crime she was killed; Quran (81:8-9)

Sex preference

ة� الت�کویر ر� و�س��و�ر� ) س� ك لش� �ذ�ا ن$إ ن� �د�ر� )١ٱ نك ج�وم� لن �ذ�ا ن$( و�إ ٱ �ر� ٢ٱ ي �ال� س� ب ج� �ذ�ا ن$( و�إ ن ٱ

(٣( � ار� ع�ط�ل ع�ش� �ذ�ا ن$( و�إ ن ر� )٤ٱ و�ح�وش� ح�ش� �ذ�ا ن$( و�إ ن �ذ�ا ٥ٱ ( و�إج�ر� ) �ح�ار� س� ن$ب ن و�ج� )٦ٱ ف�وس� ز� لن �ذ�ا ن$( و�إ � ٧ٱ �fل ٮ د�ة� س� ء�  م� �ذ�ا ن$( و�إ ۥ ن# ن ٱ

(٨( � �ل ى� ذ� ق�ت� �أ ن$( ب �� ة (٩ن,

At-Takwir 81 1-9

When the sun is overthrown, (1) And when the stars fall, (2) And when the hills are moved, (3) And when the camels big with young are abandoned, (4) And when the wild beasts are herded together, (5) And when the seas rise, (6) And when souls are reunited, (7) And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked (8) For what sin she was slain, (9)

End of life

Brain death including the Brain stem

Heart or breathing are not sign of death.

Euthanasia ( Mercy killing ?)

The consensus is that Euthanasia (mercy killing) is prohibited as a violation of the sanctity of life as repeatedly stressed in the Quran

On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. Quran (5:32)

Quran (17:33)Al-IsraAnd slay not the life which God hath forbidden save with right

اء االسر��ال� �ه� إ لل م� �ى ح�ر� �ت ل س� � لن : �وا �ل ت � ٱو�ال� ت ٱ ن- ٱ ن�

ح� � �ب ق�‌ ن ٱ

O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful! Quran (4:29)