Success ease&gracepreviewrev0312

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Success ease&gracepreviewrev0312

Success with Ease & Grace Principles

The way I achieve success is through grace.

– LL Cool J

Principles for Success with Ease & Grace

INTENTIONS • What would you like to create in your life from this

webinar?• What would you like to let go of? • What would you like to embrace?

Success with Ease & Grace

Guidelines for Optimal ResultsBe present (avoid multi-tasking)Take notesWrite down questions email

deborah.deras@gmail.comKeep an open mindDon’t believe what I am saying, prove

it for yourself by applying it in your life

Have fun with this process of releasing what no longer serves you.

Success with Ease & Grace

ObjectivesDispel the MYTHS to achieve

success has to be difficultSuccess with Ease and Grace in

Action7 Success with Ease and Grace

PrinciplesPowerful processWebinar ReviewQ&A/Coaching on the spot

Success with Ease & Grace

Success with Ease & Grace

• Age 23, burned out• 30lbs overweight • Hair Falling Off• Five Car Accidents• Hives on Back• Colds turned into

Bronchitis into Pnemonia sick non stop for months

• Car Stolen• Had to be a better way

to achieve success without compromising my health and well being


Success Story: Kathy

Situation: She was constantly getting sick, stuck at work, overweight, no relationship possibilities

Came to me for Coaching where I shared the principles in End Burnout NOW 5 Week ProgramAction Steps:-She did snooze meditation-Schedule in self-care-Let go of zappers Results: Promotion, Lost 20lbs & Is In a Serious Relationship

Kathy, Sick of job

Success Story, Ximena

• SITUATION:A 39 year old, women came to me burned out with her own business.

• ACTION: She wanted clarity, direction but was so overwhelmed by her day to day life she could not see any other solution.

• I taught her how to:• Meditate• Visioning• Transmute Energy

• RESULTS: She got clarity, switched careers, got married had a baby & is living the life she dreamed of.

Ximena, want start family can’t with current life structure

Dispel Five Myths About Success

1) No Pain No Gain, Sacrifice & Suffer

2) Need to compete and abolish others

3) Do It All Myself Syndrome (DIAMS)

4) Fear of Missing Out Syndrome (FOMO)

5) Let Go of “HOW Do I Do IT” Syndrome

Success with Ease & Grace

Success with Ease & Grace Principles

1) Shift from Human Doing to Human Being

2) Create a Let Go list to balance out your To Do list

3) Activate the Power of Synergy by partnering up.

4) Realize there is no shame in game to rest and take care of yourself

Success with Ease & Grace

Success with Ease & Grace Principles

5) Let go of the Superwomen Syndrome

6) Flow don’t push through life

7) Remember, it is only human to ask for help

Success with Ease & Grace

Overview of ProgramSuccess with Ease & Grace

Principle #1Success with Ease & Grace

Principle #2Success with Ease & Grace

Principle #3Success with Ease & Grace

Principle #4Success with Ease & Grace

Principle #5Success with Ease & Grace

Principle #6Success with Ease & Grace

Principle #7Success with Ease & Grace

Transformational Program April 11th

Tuesday’s Training Calls

Thursday’s 5pm PST, 8pm ESTLive Coaching w/Deborah Deras

Growth Work

Reflection Questions

Results Guaranteed

Webinar Program

Benefits of Program Stress Reduction * More Clarity

Growth in Career * More JOY

Better Health * More Energy

Better Relationships * More Passion

Improved Wealth * More Life

End Burnout NOW

Program Overview Week One: Mind Management/Mastery

Week Two: Energy Management for Dealing with Energy Vampires

Week Three: Time Expansion: Get 2 hrs more each day.

Week Four: Energy Efficiency: How to set boundaries, say not and put yourself first guilt free.

Week Five: Life Engagement: What to do with your

extra time, energy and vitality?

End Burnout NOW

Tuesday Overview Listen to Audio at classtime of 5pm PST or

Listen to audio recording when convenient Follow along with Powerpoint Go to membership site to get access to

growth work Go to FB page interact with classmates Transcript of calls in membership forum Recording of audio of calls in membership

forum can listen at gym, car, reinforce learnings.

End Burnout NOW

Thursday Overview Live Coaching All Questions from Call, Growth work and

Life Experiences will be answered Deborah Deras, M.S., C.R.C., ALSP is a

Certified Vocational Counselor with 15 years experiences, Certified Life Coach, Certified in NLP, Hypnosis and a Spiritual Counselor studies under, Dr. Michael Beckwith seen in The Secret

Audio recordings of this session


Growth Work Remember, mind mastery is a practice not

perfection so let go of any judgment as you become more aware.

Be a compassionate observer of your thoughts.

Engage in a breath or yoga class to improve mindfulness

Practice one of the meditations in our learning forum at least once a day

Set an alarm on your phone every hour take 60 seconds to pause and breathe. Check in by asking yourself, where is my attention?

Success with Ease & Grace

Success with Ease & Grace

Webinar Support TooslThe Transformational Webinar includes:

5 Self Study Training Sessions5 Live Coaching Calls with International

Speaker, Deborah Deras Membership ForumFB Page to share resourcesAccountabilityAudios of each session for your convenienceGrowth Work to support your breakthrough

Success with Ease & Grace

Special Bonus Receive 20 minute Discovery Call Deb valued at $75

Confessions E-Book Meditations for Career, Relationship, Weight Loss and

Abundance Video Meditation Chants Plus Guarantee 11 sessions- 5 live and 6 self –study For $497 valued at $1597 Plus payment plan two payments of $247 Plus when you refer someone you get paid 50% of

referral fee when you sign up as affiliate Limited space register:

Success with Ease & Grace

Success with Ease and Grace Webinar Invite to Course

Click to watch video SuccesswithEaseandGraceVideo

Success with Ease and Grace