Subodh Public School Rambagh Crossing, Jaipur Sessoin : 2020 … · 2020. 5. 18. · 1. Find the...

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Transcript of Subodh Public School Rambagh Crossing, Jaipur Sessoin : 2020 … · 2020. 5. 18. · 1. Find the...

Subodh Public School Rambagh Crossing, Jaipur

Sessoin : 2020-21

Class :Flyers 2

Subject :Mathematics


General Instructions : 1. Solve all assignments on A 4 size sheets 2. Solve Test Paper on June 4, 2020 on A 4 sheet MAY 21,2020 Chap 1 Real numbers Revise the concepts of real numbers 1. for some integer m ,every even integer is of the form …………(m/m+1/2m/2m+1) 2. . for some integer m ,every even integer is of the form …………(m/m+1/2m/2m+1) 3.if HCF of 65 and 117 is expressible in the form of 65m – 117 then find the value of m 4. find the largest number which divides 70 and 125 , leaving remainders 5 and 8 respectively 5. find the least number which is divisible by all the natural numbers from 1 to 10 MAY 22,2020 chapter 1 contd. 1. if a and b are co prime numbers then write their HCF and LCM 2. Why 17 + 11 X 13 X 17 X 19 is a composite number explain 3.on a morning walk 3 persons step off together and their steps measure 40 cm, 42 cm and 45 cm respectively what is the minimum distance each should walk so that each can cover the same distance in complete steps also find the number of steps of each person

4 .Prove that

is irrational

5 what type of decimal expansion

will represent ? After how many places will the

decimal expansion terminate? MAY 23,2020 chapter 1 contd 1. which of the following is irrational a)√ 6 + √9, b)√2 + √4 c)√4 + √9 d)√3 + √5 2. product of two consecutive integers is always divisible by a ) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 7

3 Reciprocal of an irrational number is a) an integer b) natural number c)rational number d) an irrational number 4. a and b are two positive integer where a>b and b is factor of a then HCF of a and b is a)b b) a c) ab d) a/b 5 write the prime factorization of (i) 5005 (ii) 38220 . MAY 28,2020 chapter 2 Revise the concepts of chap. Polynomials 1. zeros of y2 + 4√3 y – 15 of are ………and …….. 2.if degree of a polynomial is n then maximum number of zeros it can have is a) n b) n2 c) n/2 d) can not be determined 3.If a polynomial have 3 zeros then write the number of times its graph will intersect the x axis 4.A quadratic polynomial can have same zeros give an example 5. find the sum and product of the zeros of the following without finding actual zeros (i) x2 – 15 (ii) 4x2 – 5x MAY 29,2020 chapter 2 contd. 1.Find a quadratic polynomial ,the sum and product of whose zeros are -2√3 and -9 2. Find the zeros of polynomial obtained in q.1 3. If 1 is a zero of 4x2 – 5x + k-1 then find the value of k

4. If p and q are zeros of ax2 + bx + c then find the value of

5. α+β+ϒ = ? if α,βand ϒ are the zeros of 2x3 - 12x2 + 7x -8 MAY 30,2020 chapter 2 1.Divide 12- 17x – 5x2 by 3 -5x 2. write the name of shape of graph of a (i) linear polynomial (ii) quadratic polynomial 3.what should be subtracted from x4 + 2x3 -13x2 -12x + 21 , so that the resulting polynomial is exactly divisible by x2 – 4x + 3 4. If and are the zeros of quadratic equation find the value of

5. If α,βand ϒ are the zeros of x3 - 12x2 + 7x + 5 then find the value of

JUNE 4, 2020

Test Sheet(ch.-3) M.M-20 1. If the system of equations 5x+ky=-7 and x+2y=3 is inconsistent, then:

(a) k=

(b) k=10 (c) k


2. The graph of y=1is a line parallel to the : (a) x-axis (b) y-axis (c) both x-axis and y-axis 3. If the system of equations kx+2y=5 and 3x+y=1has unique solution, then (a) K=6 (b)K=3 (c) k 6 (d)k 4. If the system of equations 2x+3y=7, (a+b)x+2a-b)y=21 has infinitely many solutions, then: (a) a=1, b=5 (b) a=5, b=1 (c) a=-1, b=5 (d)a=5, b=-1 5. A system of two linear equations in two variable is inconsistent, if their graphs: (a) are consistent (b) intersect in a point (c) are parallel (d) none of these 6. If y=-1 in 3x+2y=4, the value of x is …………… 7. If the equations 2x+ky=7, 4x+8y=14 represent coincident lines, then k =…… 8. If x=a, x=b is the solution of equations x-y=2, x+y=4, then a=….., b=…… 9. If pair of linear equations has unique solution , then lines are ………….. 10. If lines are parallel, then pair of linear equations has ………. Solution. 11.Solve the following system of equations by using the method of substitution: X+2y=-1, 2x-3y=12 (2) 12. Show graphically that system of equations x+2y=4 and 7x+4y=18 is consistent (2) 13. Solve for x and y: 6x+3y=6xy, 2x+4y=5xy (3) 14. 8 men and 12 boys can finish a piece of work in 10 days, while 6 men and 8 boys can finish it in 14 days. Find the time taken by one man alone and one boy alone to finish the work. (3)

JUNE 5, 2020 Revise the concepts of pair of linear equations in two variables Worksheet no.1 1. Solve for x and y: (i) 99x+101y= 1499 ; 101x+ 99y = 1501 (ii) 0.4x – 1.5y = 6.5 and 0.3x +0.2y -0.9




JUNE 6, 2020 Worksheet no.2 1. Find the value of k for which the given pair of linear equations has a unique solution: x-ky =2; 3x +2y =-5 2. Ravi is ten years older than Rehan. Five years ago, one seventh of Ravi’s age was equal to one fifth of Rehan’s age. Find their present ages. 3. The sum of 2 digit number and number formed by interchanging its digits is 110.If 10 is subtracted from first number, the new number is 4 more than 5 times a sum of the digits of the first number. Find the first number. 4. Ritu can row downstream 20km in 2 hours and upstream 4km in 2 hours. Find her speed of rowing in still water and the speed of the current. 5. Half of the perimeter of a rectangular garden whose length is 4m more than its width, is 36m.Find the dimensions of garden. JUNE11, 2020

Worksheet no.3

1. Solve for x:



(iii) ( )


(v) (

JUNE12, 2020 Worksheet no.4 1. Find the value of k for which the quadratic equation has real roots. 2. For what value of k the roots of quadratic equation ( ( ( are equal. 3. If and are the roots of quadratic equation find the value of




JUNE13, 2020 Worksheet no.5

1. The sum of two natural numbers is 8 and sum of their reciprocals is

. Find the numbers.

2. The area of a right angled triangle is If the base of the triangle exceeds the altitude by 10cm, find the dimensions of triangle. 3. An aeroplane left 30 minutes later than its scheduled time and in order to reach its destination 1500km away in time, it had to increase its speed by 250km/h from its usual speed. Determine its usual speed. 4. Divide 12 in to two parts such that the sum of their squares is 74.

5. Two pipes running together can fill the cistern in

minutes. If one pipe takes 3 minutes

more than the other to fill it, find the time in which each pipe would fill the cistern.