Submission to Queensland Solar Feed-In Pricing Inquiry ...€¦ · Solar owners are getting a raw...

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Transcript of Submission to Queensland Solar Feed-In Pricing Inquiry ...€¦ · Solar owners are getting a raw...

Submission to Queensland Solar Feed-In Pricing Inquiry

Response to Draft Report

21 April 2016


Solar Citizens is an independent community-based organisation that aims to protect and

grow solar in Australia. We work with our volunteers and supporters to stand up for over

five million Australian solar owners and the millions more who want to go solar.

Solar Citizens stands by the following principles:

● A fair go for solar: Over five million Australians have made the move to solar,

investing their own money to take energy generation into their own hands. Solar

owners have chosen to do the right thing and they should not be unfairly penalised

or discriminated against.

● A fair return for a solar investment: Solar owners invest their money to take control

of their power bills and produce clean energy. They should receive a fair payment

for the energy they produce.

● Solar for all: In such a sunny country, solar just makes sense. The widespread

economic, social and environmental advantages of solar benefit families,

communities and individuals. Every Australian who wants solar should have the

ability to make that move - whether renter, home owner, business owner, individual,

family member or community.

● Embracing a new approach to energy: The solar revolution has come quickly, but

our energy networks haven’t kept up. Solar needs to be part of a smarter approach

to energy, one which includes innovative pricing and demand management.

Network operators must invest in technology designed to accommodate growing

solar and renewable energy production.

● A renewable energy future: Solar is an essential part of Australia’s transition to

renewable energy, using our unlimited, clean, natural resources to power our lives

and create a healthy future for our children.

Response to QPC Draft Report

Solar Citizens values the views of our large supporter base and the opportunity for the

public to contribute to public policy and discussion. Solar Citizens offered its supporters and

the broader public the opportunity to provide feedback to the QPC Draft Report via an

online email tool. This enabled the public to provide a short, direct message on their views

of the QPC draft report which essentially recommends making no change to the status quo

in respect of solar feed in prices.

More than 800 Queenslanders used our tool to provide feedback to the QPC on its draft

report. Overall, these people were critical of the draft report. It’s fair to say the majority of

respondents felt let down by the QPC’s efforts to deliver on the commitment by the

Queensland Government to undertake an inquiry into a “fair price for solar”.

The QPC is failing to deal with the essential crux of this issue, the very reason why the

Queensland Government thought it necessary to undertake the inquiry. The definition the

QPC has adopted over what is fair is as follows: “We have proposed that a price for solar exports will be fair when solar PV owners are receiving an efficient price for the energy they generate — and remaining electricity consumers are not paying more (or less) than they should for solar PV generated energy. “

This approach is not adequate. It claims that fairness for exported energy should be valued

against the investment cost and return on it rather than the market value of energy. Just

because solar pv is a worthwhile investment proposition shouldn’t mean that networks and

retailers are able to deny part of that return by providing a lower feed-in price than would

should fairly be provided.

There is a huge discrepancy between the retail cost of electricity and the feed-in price

provided to solar owners. There may be of course a cost involved in calculating and

transporting decentralised energy in the local areas of networks which means that these

two prices may not be the same. But there is no evidence to show that this discrepancy

accounts for factor of three or four times what solar is paid.

There is widespread agreement which is evidently shared by the QPC that the electricity

sector is in rapid transition. This draft report does little if nothing to identify the ways in

which the Queensland electricity sector, in particular the network companies, can best

adapt, manage and indeed thrive in the era of increasing decentralised electricity

generation. The QPC draft report offers no new ideas and simply proposes the status quo.

There is a clear, structural problem with decentralised electricity pricing in Queensland, and

indeed throughout the National Electricity Market (NEM) and we urge the QPC to tackle this

issue head on.

Elsewhere, the QPC has not held back in calling for clearly stated Government policy to be

reviewed (eg. terminating the solar bonus scheme early, reviewing the renewable energy

target) so on this basis the QPC should be investigating and promoting more significant

structural changes to the electricity market including major reform that will lead to greater

fairness for all (eg. network write-downs, lower network charges for decentralised energy

and different pricing mechanisms).

Solar Citizens urges the QPC to reconsider its approach, consider the reality of the energy

transition underway, the role decentralised energy plays in it and to more fully address the

terms of reference of the inquiry which is explicitly entitled a “Fair Price for Solar Exports”

and consider the fairness particularly from the point of view of solar owners and non-solar

owners who could benefit from increased, cleaner, cheaper decentralised energy.

Reece Turner

Consumer Campaigner

Solar Citizens


Submissions from 813 Queensland residents


Table 1

first_name last_name location message

Louise Matthiesson 4105 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it will encourage a faster shift to renewable energy. Domestic solar power producers should be able to compete with big dirty coal and gas power stations to supply clean green energy for Queensland. Our established energy supply system was heavily subsidised by taxpayers in the early years of its construction. Renewable energy only needs a fair playing field.

Yours sincerely,

Louise Matthiesson

Brisbane QLD 4105, Australia

Monty Bowen 4184 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

Yours Truly,

Monty J. Bowen.

Jennifer Bradford 4568 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Currently we only receiving 6c/kWh for power we generate. This very same power is sold to their non-solar users at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Jennifer Bradford

Sunshine Coast QLD 4568, Australia

sandra harley 4217 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. my father has invested in a solar system over $5000.00 and he is getting paid 7 c for every kwatt and not 45 c which were promised . all companies which did all the installing went belly up (broke) and our solar had to inspected by some electrician , all paperwork was submitted on time. this went down the toilet because our federal government does not support green energy.

Yours sincerely,

sandra harley

Gold Coast QLD 4217, Australia

Daniel Green 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because families who install solar PV systems are trying to save money as well as contribute what they can to reducing dependency on fossil fuels which are already unsustainable and damaging to the environment through contributing to climate change.

If individuals who have a social conscience and are making an effort then I'm damn sure that any government that I vote for better have one as well. The people of Queensland need to be encouraged and rewarded for accepting their responsibility for climate change action.


Daniel Green

Paul McLaughlin 4065 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price becauseSolar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

Yours sincerely,

Paul McLaughlin

Richard Macleod 4510 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested out of our pockets to assist the earth and environment.

Please give this a lot of consideration, for our future of our future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Macleod

Queensland 4510, Australia

Douglas Stetner 4178 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we made investments in Solar based on the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff, affecting 300,000 early solar adopters.

The GBR is bleaching, CO2 emissions are through the roof and the government has committed to reduce emissions.

This cannot be done without increasing solar usage. Cutting feed in rates will not make people inclined to add solar.

As well, if users want to disconnect completely from the grid, they should not have to pay a connection fee for a grid they do not need.

We are killing ourselves with emissions and we need to do absolutely everything to reduce them. So please keep feed in prices very high.

Warwick Newton 4558 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it makes economic and environmental sense. Also changing tariffs agreed on by early adopters punishes those people and removes trust in the government of the day. This will be my primary consideration when casting my vote.

Yours sincerely,

Warwick Newton

Sunshine Coast QLD 4558, Australia

Carolyn Langille 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….Living in Hervey Bay we have NO choice regarding power provider - 6 cents a Kw is an absolute insult. Can't wait to get the wind turbine hooked up and come off the grid completely

Yours sincerely,

Carolyn Langille

Queensland 4655, Australia


Jonathan Peter 4802 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we must move away from fossil fuel energy uses as soon as possible. It is time to shift subsidies away from the coal industry to renewables, and Solar are a proven alternative.

Paul Simkus 4179 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, it is the future.

We are and can continue to lead the world and create jobs and opportunities

Yours sincerely,

Paul Simkus

Queensland 4179, Australia

Luciano Giangiordano 4552 Dear Commissioner,

I feel incredibly ripped off! Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are at the forefront of change and many have invested in solar systems because they want to see a change. What the report fails to address is that WE HAVE TO CHANGE THE CURRENT BUSINESS MODEL OR DELIVERING CENTRALISED POWER! Sure the current economics don't add up but that's shortsighted and misses the spin off benefits.

The industry is at the point the music, film, video and publishing industry were at about 10-15 years ago and they have since seen their world turn upside down. The same will happen to electricity delivery and now is the time to start influencing the current monopoly to change its ways before they too end up with stranded assets.

I really can't believe we have spent over $4million and you have come up with nothing! What a waste

Kind regards

Luciano Giangiordano

jack gray 4520 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the savings to the State in not having to build new powerstations and saving for lost energy HV line losses. Of course if the State cuts the 44c rebate it will cause the biggest class action this State has ever seen, consumers have contracts with the State and whilst your suggestion might be politically correct it will be a disaster for the State, think again it is not too late. to get real….

Yours sincerely,

jack gray

Brisbane QLD 4520, Australia

Mick Gentry 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the power companies are charging customers more than what we get for our eco friendly solar generated power.

I think that is wrong and so unfair, basically we got ripped off because we were early adopters in the solar panel ripoff game.

Yours sincerely,

Mick Gentry

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

Damien Alexander 4812 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because renewable energy and local generation is the way of the future. The idea of generating and running power through a large network throughout our country and then maintaining the network, especially in the cyclone prone north of our state is huge. The cost of rebuilding after a natural event, or weather proofing the network via buried lines will be huge in the years to come.

This idea of rooftop solar was sold to consumers via previous governments as the way forward. Indeed, contracts were entered into which will stand until 2028 at the earliest. The scrapping of these contracts and subsequent litigation via a class action will result in the government having another burden in having to pay out people whose contracts were not filled. The government has not budgeted for this, the power companies have not budgeted, they are currently buying back from some people who didn't get a good feed in tariff, and selling to the local community for up to 5 times the price they are buying it for. This is price gouging of a major proportion.

I believe that if the buy back scheme is not given a decent rate, more and more households will look to other alternatives for power - off grid battery systems are becoming very cheap and affordable and they will continue to become cheaper. The power companies and the government will see the day where they have poles and power going past houses that aren't connected so there will be no income for the upkeep of the electricity grid.

Yours sincerely,

Damien Alexander

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

BARRY LUKRITZ 4313 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping the green footprint and have outlaid a large cost for the solar only to have feed in price cut back by the Queensland Government .

Yours sincerely,


Queensland 4313, Australia

Rick Campbell 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….We have invested great deal of money in providing solar for ourselves for the use of green energy and helping ergon with additional power. Why is that ergon are unable to see the way of the future - even AGL are doing in city "off grid" solar with battery storage!

Geoff Thomas 4885 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. .

Dear Commissioner, as the 44 cents was a contract between the Govt and the buyers of Solar at that time, even if you could repeal the act of parliament, you would have to offer full compensation under Australian Law, Law of Torts.

This would waste an enormous amount of time, including yours, and cost considerably more with legal expenses and you would have to pay it all upfront a well, it would be easier to just wait a couple of years, - it would prpbably take a couple of years anyway, then the price of electricity will go above 44 cents so those folk will start using their Solar instead of selling it back so much of that bill will be saved.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Thomas


Anna Magdalinski 4068 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because power companies are hiking up the daily supply price every 3 mths, whilst I am still receiving 6c per kilowatt. How is that fair? I chose solar to lower my bills. That's my choice. Power companies are making sure this will not happen and the this commission is allowing them to. Everyone is pushing up prices but somehow, the feed in tariff is exempt. This is unacceptable.

Yours sincerely,

Anna Magdalinski

Brisbane QLD 4068, Australia

Michael Stark 4012 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. At the very least solar owners should be paid exactly what bulk producers are paid.

The current (new) industry practice of charging solar owners a meter reading cost must be addressed. An extra charge for reading a different number might be fair - but the current charge is equivalent to about $2000.00 PER HOUR, and that is far from fair.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Stark

Brisbane QLD 4012, Australia

Bertio Terpstra 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the community benefits from solar PV.

Yours sincerely,

Bertio Terpstra

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

Phillip Hartwig 4103 Dear Commissioner,

I understand you looking at tampering with the .44 cent feed in tariff.

From what I understand it was brought in as a legally binding contract at the time and is not able to be tampered with. It has a fixed expiry date.

If you were to looking to tamper with a fixed contract one would have to reappraise their opinion of you and the government.

Early adopters of solar made a considerable financial commitment the benefits of which subsequent adopters are now reaping.


Phillip Hartwig

Brisbane QLD 4103, Australia

John Sheehan 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of my electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren. No one has ever caught black lung disease from a solar panel.

Yours sincerely,

John Sheehan

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia

Brendon Maddock 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because that is the fair thing to do.

Solar is the way of the future and we must encourage the uptake of solar systems to have this happen.

It is good for the environment and therefore our children.It is good for the country as our grid will not need to be upgraded in line with growth(in fact as a builder I see our homes probably all off grid inside 50 years.(Read about the Telsa Power Wall)

Solar is the sensible future which will provide all Australians a better standard of living.How many elderly and lower socio economic people have cold houses in winter and hot in summer?

This need not be.Support a fair solar feed in tariff and encourage the right future.

Yours sincerely,

Brendon Maddock

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Iman Alfarekh 4132 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are investing for longer term sustainability and for our future generation. We need to save what left from our environment and to encourage more people to make such investment we need government support and fair feed-in -price are needed.

Yours sincerely,

iman Alfarekh

Brisbane QLD 4132, Australia

Frank Thompson 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…People with Solar Systems are providing unused power back into the grid & getting a mere pittance in return, yet our electricity cost are still going up.

Why shouldn't we not get the 44c rebate at the least

The government is not paying for the power we generate so why shouldn't we the consumer be recompensed for what we provide.

Yours sincerely,

Frank Thompson

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia


David Craig 4563 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested heavily in solar, on the understanding that this investment would eventually pay for itself. The QPC's recommendation that we scrap the 44c feed in tariff early, pulls the rug from underneath all those who made the decision to invest in solar pv on the basis that the 44c was guaranteed until 2028. If the people are ever to trust a "guarantee" given by the government given again - you won't even consider this proposal.

If the guaranteed feed in tariff end date is brought forward as proposed, or, if other costs are introduced or increased to the point where PV households see no benefit to staying on-grid, you will find yourself in an interesting predicament. Households will leave the electricity network in droves, opting for battery storage solutions. The loss of such a large customer base will undermine the business model of the likes of Energex and Ergon. Their business model relies on the fact that they have 99% of all households and businesses. If that customer base is eroded, the costs to those that remain on-grid will go up. So, keeping to the the feed in tariff end date may in fact be the cheaper option in the long run.

Yours sincerely,

David Craig

Sunshine Coast QLD 4563, Australia

Wanda Grabowski 4518 Dear Commissioner,

My house mate and I at great personal expense got a loan to pay for the solar panels on our roof.

We took this measure in order to act on our environmental principles and concerns about global warming. In addition we wanted to reduce our electricity bills which have been escalating. As pensioners we want to maintain our financial independence and pay our bills on time. We believe solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to others at three times the price by big power companies with no benefit to ourselves. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

We have tangible proof that rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. We have not had to pay an electricity bill to date and once our loan has been repaid the situation for us is even better. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of electricity bills.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kms from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren. In conclusion why should we be penalised for doing the right thing by our country and by the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Wanda Grabowski

Sunshine Coast QLD 4518, Australia

Halina Blach 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Stop rip-of us. We are demand a fair go for all of us.

Yours sincerely,

Halina Blach

Queensland 4207, Australia

Craig Vermeulen 4101 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.Yours sincerely,

Craig Vermeulen

Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia

Phil Fraser 4725 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it's simply unfair.

As a pensioner I've invested a large chunk of my savings into a rooftop system. This has served me, and the environment, well for the past couple of years. At my age I'm unlikely to recoup my investment if the feed-in tariff is reduced.

Rooftop systems are installed by people wishing to reduce their electricity costs. It's unfair to change the feed-in tariff after they have invested their hard earned money.

Yours sincerely,

Phil Fraser

Queensland 4725, Australia

David Logan 4509 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested our capital on the solar panels and associated equipment and deserve a fair return for the power that is fed from our rooftop into the grid. This feed in from our home does not cost the electricity sales company or the power company anything. Maintenance of our system is also at our cost.

Further when we signed up there was no mention of a limit on how long we would receive the 44c feed in tariff and it is grossly unfair for there to be discussions about discontinuing this tarriff.

The average rate that householders receive of around 6c is totally unralistic and immoral. As a pensioner couple almost entirely dependent on the Age Pension our budget reflects the current feed in tarriff.

Yours sincerely,

David Logan

Brisbane QLD 4509, Australia

Robert Lillas 6208 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland and everywhere in Australia. Solar deserves a fair price because they are saving the country from building expensive power stations and is environmentally friendly reducing green house gas emissions.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Lillas

Western Australia 6208, Australia

Paul Guard 4103 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need to move to fully renewable energy sources and by providing incentives we can make that happen sooner.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Guard

Brisbane QLD 4103, Australia


Alan Ballard 4030 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….(I) Australia is in a great position to maximise power generation from the sun (ii) $0.06 will not encourage increased use, putting Qld in the renewable doldrums & (iii) the subsidised power value that I receive only just covers the inflated cost of the system I installed 4 years ago. (The inflated cost due to the government subsidy at the time)

Yours sincerely,

Alan Ballard

Brisbane QLD 4030, Australia

Ray T 4066 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Battery storage is coming. Without a fair price paid to home owners there is a good reason to go off grid and be rid of greedy power companies. Be warned.

Yours sincerely,

Ray T

Brisbane QLD 4066, Australia

Michael porter 2603 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they provide energy to the system at a far lower infrastructure cost than the present generation system and it does not require ongoing maintenance like a power station. Of course that fact that it is non polluting is a given!

Please help us all for now and in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Michael porter

Canberra ACT 2603, Australia

Don Sinnamon 4000 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it saves lives, saves money and saves our critically endangered environment.

Yours sincerely,

Don Sinnamon

Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia

Judy Hardy-Holden 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because those people who have put their hard earned cash into a system that helps the whole state system deserve to get what early adopters were thoughtful enough to do. Current solar roof systems help reduce the need for new, way overpriced, infrastructure that would be a burden on all users.

Please consider the positives in private solar systems and reward those Queenslanders who have put in their own money to help achieve something for themselves and the wider community.

Yours sincerely,

Judy Hardy-Holden

Sunshine Coast QLD 4562, Australia

Nathan Roylance 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it helps to save the planet.

Yours sincerely,

Nathan Roylance

Queensland 4306, Australia

William Welsh 4300 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for the power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners which can't be just.

Rooftop solar power can clearly help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill! so why do we continue to carry out this work when it is not necessary?

Rooftop solar power doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations, another reason to favour solar power.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children, grandchildren and the country.

Yours sincerely,

William Welsh

Brisbane QLD 4300, Australia

Matt Stent 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is just logical to adopt clean energy strategies rather than boosting profits of carbon emitters.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Stent

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia


Terry Davis 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, when green energy is feed into the grid

there is very little transmission losses about 3% which is then sold to a neighboring property or business at a rate that is extremely beneficial to the Utility/Retailer.

The current rate is well below what the retailer buys the energy for from the generators.

Added benefits to the Utility and Distribution network are varied and numerous.

Some being

local transformer maintenance, reduced cost due to increased longevity of maintenance cycle at the transformers.

Less losses of the energy on the distribution network as energy is generated very close to the source or consumption.

Huge daytime demand reduction.

It is not a shifting of the demand peak (which is what is often "tabled" by Utilities) rather a daytime reduction which now has a peak in the evening.

The demand peak inst higher,nor has it shifted. The demand peak is now visible as the day demand load is much reduced.

As such in QLD there has been little day time losses within QLD due to the Utility not being able to meet the increase Air- Conditioning demand. Solar systems are largely covering this. Solar PV is also heavily and randomly integrated to the network, as such cloud or shade reduction on the energy is reduced/distributed across greater QLD. County, Rural and Urban.

New Power stations as less likely to be built and less maintenance of these is required, due to the solar renewables and energy storage opportunities. The business owner or homeowner are now there own energy provider, or part there of.

Please consider the full gambit.

So whats it worth? As a minimum the generator price + the distribution price measured against the day time tariffs. I guesstimate about 16 cents a kWh as a FIT. (within QLD)

Less than 6 cents FIT is the government facilitating revenue by legislation that the Utilities are very much leveraging.

Stop being in the "Business" of government and rather the "Service" of government.

Service the people , the Utility and the network.

Otherwise grid defection via technology will happen very rapidly and the Utilities will be left with stranded fossil fuel assets.

Yours sincerely,

Terry Davis

Queensland 4350, Australia

John Hall 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have outlayed for our systems that helps all Queenslanders.

John hall

Martin Hutchins 4737 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren

Scrapping the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff, affecting 300,000 early solar adopters is unfair because that is what was contracted. If they break the contract it goes back to 6c/KWh so if the government breaks the contract, people on the 44c scheme should be paid out for amount of years outstanding.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Hutchins

Queensland 4737, Australia

Lawrence Molachino 4850 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are doing our share for the climate and the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Lawrence Molachino

Queensland 4850, Australia

james kinley 4880 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland... ..…. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the future. Propping up coal fired stations is so last century. Like coal they too will become stranded assets as will much of the transmission infrastructure (my electricity bill consists solely of service charges) and that will really cost Queensland. Continuing as is will do nothing about climate change and the greater the burden placed upon solar generators the more we will leave the grid entirely and that unfortunately will really hurt those remaining who will have to pay even more for a poorly planned gold plated system which is no longer needed.

Yours sincerely,

James Kinley

Queensland 4880, Australia

Brian Crozier 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar power is renewable, reduces pollution and emissions, and reduces the load on the coal-fired system.

Those of us who have installed solar systems in good faith deserve a fair return.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Crozier

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia


Johanna Johnson 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because homeowners have made a big capital expenditure upfront in the belief that they are not only helping the environment but reducing the load on centralised power systems, particularly during peak periods. Solar (along with other renewable energy sources) are the future of power supply in Australia, and it should be an equitable system.

I think we need a fair price that is applied equally to everyone. Why not have something simple, where the feed-in price is the same as what we buy for. The current system is complicated, unfair on many levels, and disproportionately affects homeowners who only recently joined the system. We don't want to make money from our solar systems, we just want a fair price. I say scrap the differential pricing and give everyone the same feed-in price as we buy for. That way we can at least break-even.

Right now, I still pay very high energy bills even though I'm generating my own power 8 hours a day (on average). I disagree that some homeowners should make money and feel there should be a single feed-in price for everyone that is THE SAME as what we pay for power.

Yours sincerely,

Johanna Johnson

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

John Chapman 4078 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…We have made a large capital outlay with promised returns and your integrity is at stake if the rate is not a fair one. Indeed, we felt that we have contributed to the clean renewable energy cause, and why should another rip dollars off us because of their greed. Together we can make a difference.

Yours sincerely,

John Chapman

Elizabeth Elliott 4013 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have spent good hard earned money on a renewable energy source ie solar panels, this can only help the environment and also help the energy stocks , by selling back to the grid unused power. The feed in price we get is woeful , and does not reflect the investment made by householders in this state. Why not reduce the amount that some people who currently get 44c back, and give EVERYONE the same but fairer amount.

Andrew Taylor 4069 Dear Commissioner,

I hope you are well.

Like many families in Queensland, I invested a large amount of money into Solar, for my home. Partly to look after the environment, partly to manage future costs of electricity supply to my home.

At the time, the local Government provided a fair rate, that would mean that within 10 or so years from initial purchase of the system, that we would just about break even. I understand that again, the discussion is underway to potentially scrap the committed and promised buy-in rate.

I will be honest, should this action take place, I will be front and center leading the class action against the Government for breaking its word. I will also encourage as many people to vote against the Government for supporting this change

It makes me both angry and disappointed that this issue keeps repeating itself. The decision impacts 300,000 honest families, who have spent good money, in good faith, and yet again, someone is looking at changing the rules.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Taylor

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

Barry Dwyer 4078 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is reducing power generation costs overall and is a clean sustainable resource. I invested a considerable amount of my retirement funds into solar power and am disappointed with the lack of emphasis placed on adequate remuneration for solar power investors in your interim report.

Yours sincerely,

Barry Dwyer

Brisbane QLD 4078, Australia

Rod Thomas 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it isn't fair that we solar system owners provide power to the grid during the middle of the day and are being paid very much less than what the Utility companies are selling it back.

Furthermore, the recent addition fees for "solar feed-in" and a "solar meter reading" are difficult to justify. The meter read fee is perhaps partially acceptable but the solar feed in fee ... no justification and no indication of what the fee is for!

Yours sincerely,

Rod Thomas

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia


E Bock 4871 Dear Commissioner,

I am a strong supporter of roof-top solar power and water as I want to make sure all future generations of Queenslanders can enjoy what I have - our marvellous natural treasures like the Great Barrier Reef, our Wet Tropics and Gondwanan rainforests and our great outback.

All of these natural wonders are under increasingly grave threat given that successive State governments continue to insist on subsidising the fossil fuel sector whilst considering continued expansion in the coal sector. There are clearly more jobs in renewables and I for one strongly encourage governments to take advantage of the increasing number of enterprise opportunities in a energy transitioning economy.

To do this effectively the up-take of roof-top and other solar initiatives should be actively supported by government, particularly where the general cost of living continues to increase against stagnant wages.

One key and primary way in which this could be done is for energy providers to pay a fair price under solar feed-in or similar tariffs. This is particularly relevant for those energy providers and distributors where governments, as servants of the public, hold an active interest. Overseas governments and big players in the corporate sector are showing the way in their pro-active divestment of fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy sources, which are fast becoming liabilities.

As a person who still pays for grid-based power, albeit at reduced rates thanks to solar power panels and a minimal feed-in rate, my primary motivation are the clear environmental benefits arising from a reduced reliance on coal fired and other fossil fuel driven energy. For me, any resulting savings to my household purse are an extra added bonus, fortunate, but not a necessity in driving my energy choices.

We need to encourage renewables like solar, because our lives and livelihoods now depend on it. The hotter it gets, the clearer this is.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

Yours sincerely,

E Bock

PO Box 104

Mena Creek

Queensland 4871, Australia

Gill Fahey 4077 Dear Commissioner,

We should be encouraging widespread use of solar as unsustainable fossil fuels are phased out.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a turning point for climate change now as our oceans warm and cyclones and bush fires become more extreme.

We can't put our heads in the sand any longer as the sand is burning hot!!

Yours sincerely,

Gill Fahey

Brisbane QLD 4077, Australia

NATHAN Couper 4217 Dear Commissioner,

When solar owner have been told they will receive a set and fair price by the Goverment for their feed in Tarif when they purchased the solar system, to help out the Goverments failure in supplying enough to energy to the homes that need it now the government wants to go and change the deal to suit them more and put more money in the pockets of private companies you can go and get stuffed. I hope more and more households remove themselves from the grid all together so you can suffer in you overpaid mismanaged positions you call a public servant. You don't serve the public you only serve yourselves or those who donate to your political futures.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,


Gold Coast QLD 4217, Australia

Stephen Shrubsall 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. (we the people deserve better than what we have now all we are asking for is a fair deal im sure you can manage that

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Shrubsall

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia

Sharon Lockman 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have an urgent NEED to FOCUS on reducing emissions & Solar is one HUGE solution. Having a "fair WIN WIN" for both the Solar owners & Power Companies creates an incentive for more citizens to install Solar. The current rate along with the quadrupled increase in connection charges takes more than 10 yrs to even cover the costs of the investment outlay. The positive side benefits also creates more employment for Solar Installers.

Yours sincerely,

Sharon Lockman

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Mary Tinney 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because what I pay my provider is SOOOO much more that what I am paid for generating electricity. In addidiont


Bill Richardson 4300 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for the power they generate. This very same power is then sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

When you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn't have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

It’s high time Queensland solar owners got a fair price for the clean and efficient energy they generate on their very own rooftops.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Richardson

Brookwater QLD 4300, Australia

Rob McCreath 4363 Dear Commissioner,

I would like to send you my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

It is obvious that the price paid in Queensland for solar power is much too low. It seems ridiculously unfair that power companies can pay solar owners (who generate the power) a third of the price they get from end users.

Yours sincerely,

Rob McCreath

Queensland 4363, Australia

Jane Kelly 4559 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the way of the future and uptake needs to be encouraged not penalised. Global warming is here and government is decades behind the times on policy on renewables. Shame shame shame on inaction so far on this crucial issue.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Kelly

Sunshine Coast QLD 4559, Australia

Catherine White 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. The price we get back is a minute fraction of what we pay for the same amount of power. Yet our production and the production by hundreds of citizens save building additional infrastructure.

There needs to be a fair reworking of solar price to encourage non coal based power in the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine White

Brisbane QLD 4034, Australia

Philip Doolan 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the fact is you are making a substantial profit in the feed in solar price and then on selling to consumers.

Yours sincerely,

Philip Doolan

Queensland 4573, Australia

Hester Goedhart 4521 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because;

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

As you can see how this adds up, it is a totally unfair system. People who are taking a lead in order to do something about the lowering of our national carbon emissions should not be put aside in favour of the big energy companies.

Yours sincerely,

Hester Goedhart

Brisbane QLD 4521, Australia

John Butler 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I, not the Queensland Govt, invested in solar. (With some tax rebate from Feds). If you had half a brain & listened to data, not lobbyists, then you would've not have over invested in gold plating poles & wires. By continuing to support the status quo, or worse, actively discouraging solar you are demonstrating that you favour a few multi-nationals over 100's of thousands of Queenlanders. Why not pay me 10c per kWhr to generate power. Its cheaper than burning gas or coal.


Anthony Jeffs 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have outlayed thousands on a solar system, the returns at the present are dismal and should be upgraded to at least the equilivent to the prices we get charged for using their power, at the present level we would have been far better off not getting solar.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Jeffs

Queensland 4350, Australia

Sarah Kent 4121 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

It's an investment that we have chosen to make and it is being devalued before our eyes!

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Kent

Brisbane QLD 4121, Australia

Robert Koch 4850 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the current feed in price is way to low considering the assistance it provides to the Qld network. Without household solar could the network cope? I doubt it. I am not asking for a like for like tariff, just a fair one. 6c feed in and 26c buy back is NOT fair.

I urge you to recommend a fair price for the Qld feed in tariff

Yours sincerely,

Robert Koch

Queensland 4850, Australia

David Taylor 4650 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because i paid a small fortune for my solar system, i comsume the same amount of power from the grid as i put up to the grid yet i only get 70 dollars credit off my bill and im still paying nearly 400 dollars on my bill every quarter. If i got the same price for energy as i pay i would only be paying about 40 dollars a quarter for my electricity. I cant believe that its legal to take a product from me and sell it back to me instantaneously at such a bloated price which would be almosy pure profit for them. Its such a scam and should be outlawed.

lois mccarthy 4221 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because other states are getting a much better deal . We are being ignored.

Jenni Judd 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the general price per kilowatt hour is much more than the current feed in tariff of 6 cents per kilowatt. Nor should the early adopters who signed contracts until 2028 be disadvantaged. The costs of solar have decreased substantially since the early adopters committed their resources to putting in solar power, rather than supporting coal and gas fired power plants. Surely the government is keen to reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to a better future for our children and our children's children. We are proud to reduce our carbon footprint and if this process doesn't find an equitable price many people will take up the options of going off the grid altogether as batteries and other technologies improve. Solar power owners are helping to build a clean and healthy future. We have contributed to lower prices to all queenslanders and have also reduced some of the poor decisions made by power companies to increase a gold plated poles and wires approach which is no longer needed. Please find a fair and equitable price for solar power owners, it is good for our society and good for all Queenslanders.

Yours sincerely,

Jenni Judd

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia


Moira Williams 4103 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair because they are doing their bit to reduce Australia's emissions.

Yours sincerely,

Moira Williams

Brisbane QLD 4103, Australia

Dr David Reiter 4152 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are taking the lead in moving Australia to a clean energy future. The feed-in tariff needs to remain in place to provide fair compensation for solar owners diverting power to the grid. There also need to be an investigation of so-called "service charges" that have increased 150% in our case in the past 18 months.

Yours sincerely,

Dr David Reiter

Brisbane QLD 4152, Australia

Christopher MCMAHON 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. The Feedin tariff should match the charge rate from the suppliers.Nothing could be fairer or more logical.Sure,44c is far too high,but 6c is far too low.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher MCMAHON

Queensland 4211, Australia

COLIN CAMPEY 4020 Dear Commissioner,



George Sharp 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I think that if you scrape the 44 cent to me personally I will install battery's and a go off grid completely , we had a legal contract and if you break this Queensland will lose a lot of cheap power , surely the snigs of global warming can not be ignored , we should be encouraging to get on board the solar experience , Me and my wife paid $8000 for our system and it is a lot cheaper today , so leave well alone

Yours sincerely,

George Sharp

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

Barbara Mason 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are doing the right thing for the environment, which is infinitely a better proposition than furthering the filthy coal mines that pollute the atmosphere.

Scraping the 44 cent solar bonus scheme will be a breach of contract made between the people of Queensland and the their electricity supplier, which was sanctioned by the Government when Anna Bligh was the Prime Minister of Queensland. Need it be reminded this contract is binding by both parties with terms and conditions until 2028, and is set in concrete and can not to be legally broken without many instigating a class action litigation.

Yours sincerely,

Barbara Mason

Queensland 4670, Australia


Assunta Serra 4873 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

1. climate getting hotter and solar has less impact on our climate

2. electricity charges are far too high in the tropics and that is one of the major reasons we installed solar - to reduce our electricity bill

3. the cost of solar installation has actually decreased (which is great) but we did pay a premium price for our solar system, so that we could have access to the 44c feed in tariff. This tariff should be honoured.

4. I think it is a far better option to use solar than the other energy options currently available and that the government should be encouraging more usage, not less.

Yours sincerely,

Assunta Serra

Queensland 4873, Australia

Robert Lauder 4816 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I entered into the initial agreement of installing solar at my house in good faith because I thought this was what the Government wanted consumers to do. This was a large financial burden at the time but I figured I was doing the right thing by the Government and the focus on using renewable energy which promotes a greener, cleaner environment. I also assumed I would have my investment paid back.

Now it appears, like many Government decisions, that this was not genuine and after many people supporting the Government at the time, this support will not be acknowledged.

This is like renegging on a contract and I'm sure there would be penalties for me if I renegged on a contract.

The people who invested in solar did so to improve their own life style as well as the lifestyle of the greater community - all at a great expense.

I think those people should be acknowledged as good citizens and that the agreed fee-in tariff should be honoured.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Lauder

Queensland 4816, Australia

Lloyd Milewski 4006 Dear Commissioner,

You should force retailers to pay the same feed in tariff that they charge me for electricity. Instead you are subsidising polluting COAL companies!!

Enough is Enough!!

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Lloyd Milewski

Brisbane QLD 4006, Australia

Michael Pomerenke 4179 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are not getting a fair price in Queensland (6c per kWh from retailers). The large electricity retailers (AGL, Origin etc.) pay even less for electricity from the grid (as I write, the AEMO spot price in Qld is $47.24 per MWh - or $0.047 per KWh, and their contract price would be even less). Yet they typically charge their retail customers $0.23 per KWh (510% mark-up) as well as a substantial Supply charge (currently $1.28 per day incl. GST) which supposedly covers the grid costs.

Solar owners have made a substantial capital investment (typically $3 - 5K). They are therefore not getting a "free ride" as is often the accusation made against them by critics.

I urge therefore you to recommend a higher, fairer Feed-in-tariff for solar owners in your Report.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Pomerenke

Queensland 4179, Australia

Quentin Carter 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because put simply I have a contractual obligation to receive one. Furthermore solar power delivers significant environmental benefits and can also save other power users money due to the decentralisation of supply and the lack of transmission losses.

Yours sincerely,

Quentin Carter

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia


jerry harvey 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

jerry harvey

Sunshine Coast QLD 4575, Australia

Candace Waugh 4815 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. We bought solar panels because we were under the impression that we would save a substantial amount of money on the cost of power and it would be better for the environment. This has not happened. We are now being paid only 6 cents/kW for our solar power and are being charged 24 cents/kW through Ergon energy. We are being ripped off. This does not provide an incentive for home owners to purchase solar panels. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible. We are well aware of the poor shape our environment is in and we all need to take responsibility and do whatever we can to provide a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren. Thank-you

Regards, Candace Waugh

David King 4121 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this is the clean energy source of the future, and incentives rather than disincentives with FITs are needed. We need a payment system that supports the greater good rather than the business model of incumbents power companies.

Yours sincerely,

David King

Brisbane QLD 4121, Australia

Jan Cox 4164 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because,

1. Rooftop solar reduces carbon emmissions significantly. NASA's report released today showed that average temperatures in February, smashed a century of global records by a " stunning " margin, raising further concerns about a " climate emergency " . Given these dire warnings, why would you do anything that diminishes solar's contribution to reducing carbon emissions? Solar is part of the solution to climate change, not adding to the problem with non-renewables.

2. When we installed our rooftop solar, back in 2010, the Qld Govt. was actively encouraging installations and contracted with us to buy our solar contributions at 44c per KWH until 2028. As panels were still very expensive at that time, our purchase and the contracted feed-in tariff were part of a business plan to ensure we could afford electricity. We are self-funded retirees with limited funds and cannot afford ever-rising power prices. Note- the Qld Govt. Has a contractual obligation with us until 2028.

3. The widespread uptake of solar rooftop in Qld., has mitigated the need for another hugely expensive dirty, coal-fired power station, saving Qld at least $1.5 billion!

4. Solar power is generated locally, where it is needed locally, thus saving expensive transmission costs and the attendant power losses.

5. Rooftop solar works as backup to the grid on days of severe heat, when the grid would normally struggle with the demand created by ever more airconditioners. When it's needed most, solar produces the power!

6. Finally, the feed-in price for later installations is utterly unfair! The power retailers are selling solar green power for a premium price and in some cases, the solar producers are receiving only 1c per KWH!

6. We all know that solar is crucial to the grid. Why would you risk something so vital to our future and to future generations?

Yours sincerely,

Jan Cox

Queensland 4164, Australia


Peter Whalley-Thompson 4812 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it's the only domestic solution to energy consumption which addresses the urgent issue of climate change.

As an early adopter, I am on the 44c tariff, and it was necessary to provide such an incentive when systems were expensive and relatively rare. Since then the technology has become cheaper and more efficient, and the problem is not the consumers, it is the market strategies of large power providers.

Rest assured that now solar panels are widespread, the failure of your inquiry to recommend a price for solar producers which matches the market rate charged will drive significant numbers of producers off grid entirely, and the productivity issues you seek to address will get far worse.

Join the 21st century Commissioner, recognize the existence of a small-scale solar network as a viable and essential part of our power grid, and recommend a fair price for their contribution to a cleaner world.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Whalley-Thompson

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

Gavin Harrison 4036 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping the environment and have out laid a large amount of capital to help ourselves. Why should we get a pittance for the power the companies on sell for 3 times the price.

Pensioners are sick of being ripped off. Unless there is a fair outcome I will simply spend more get off the grid completely.

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Harrison

Brisbane QLD 4036, Australia

Howard Bennion 4805 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….It is soooooooooo unfair that we get 6 c / KWh and you sell it for 29 c. This is crazy. It is totally UNFAIR.

Please take note Commissioner -This is NOT FAIR or RIGHT.

Yours sincerely,

Howard Bennion

Queensland 4805, Australia

Renee Close 4285 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a far better option for consumers and the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Renee Close

Queensland 4285, Australia

Alan Jago 4852 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because these private installations save the government having to spend millions on more power generation installations.

We and thousands of Queensland citizens have invested thousands of dollars in photo voltaic roof top electricity generating installation.

This initiative was promoted by Government and initially a 44c per Kw pay back was offered to us for installing roof top systems.

We were signed to a contract, by the electricity provider, which had strict conditions and now you are intent on advising Government to breach that contract.

Theses actions are not only dishonerable but illegal.

The current level of payback for power fed into the grid is not defensible. Citizens installations are providing very low cost power for the electricity industry to sell at a much higher price at the expense of the citizens who has paid for the infrastructure.

I request that you make your recommendation for an equitable and fair return to the citizens supporting the electricity industry.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Jago

Queensland 4852, Australia


Glenn Callaghan 4311 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Mate stop ripping us off you blokes are all the same, not happy at all.

Yours sincerely,

Glenn Callaghan

Queensland 4311, Australia

Troy Starkey 4815 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we paid good money for our "investment", which is supposed to help the environment and save some massive bills at the same time. To this date, the bills have been managable, but if this $0.44c feed in rate gets scrapped, then my (costly when I bought it) 1.7KW system is pretty s#%t. I would like to upgrade with more KW generation now, but my contract says if in increase my inverter, then basically i get shafted to the $0.06c feed in. If that happens, you can bet your left nut (if you still have it), that most queenslanders will be like myself and invest further in 15KW+ systems with power wall / battery systems and kill the thieving energy providers goodbye, and thus stopping the GST income for you guys on both the bill and generations. Not a smart move, but hey, that's what the Australian Government do. Just ask ANY australian, we all hate the lying, theiving govenment more than ever.

Good day.

Yours sincerely,

Troy Starkey

Queensland 4815, Australia

William Featon 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the only ones that benefit from the paltry 6c are the retailers who are making a 200% profit on what they pay the households with solar panels.

Yours sincerely,

William Featon

Queensland 4306, Australia

Kath Naus 4209 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested in solar to try and make a difference

To the world our children and grandchildren will live in. Why is it that the future generations seem of no consequence when considering the great benefits of Solar .

Yours sincerely,

Kath Naus

Queensland 4209, Australia

Rita Mary SEMPF 4580 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

I have invested heavily in my 5kw solar system to find on my first account that I have only received $30.48 rebate on electricity that I have pumped into the grid and for energy that YOU charge your clients for the power I have generated 4 times what you pay me for that energy... eg I get .06 kw for what I produce and you sell it on for.247kw... to me that is dylight robbery...

Yours sincerely,

Rita Mary SEMPF

Queensland 4580, Australia

Mark Eaton 4883 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because regardless of when someone installed solar or whether they consequently sold or bought a home and therefore receive a reduced tariff, is simply not justifiable.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Eaton

Queensland 4883, Australia


Kevin-John Beasley 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar is a clean, renewable, consistent source of power that will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and benefit the environment. Over the long term this will have positive impacts on the health of Queensland residents. The current feed-in tariff is a joke, it is less than the minimum rate for Tariff 31 Super Economy Tariff. Why would I sell you power that I can never earn money on importing again later. Especially when that power that I sell you is obviously going to be used to offset Tariff 11 usage at a payment rate of 24.462 c/kWh. Or even worse that power could be offset and onsold to a Tariff 12A user between 3pm and 9:30pm in Summer for a whopping 51.832c/kWh. If that's what Ergon charges I should store my solar in a battery and sell it at that time and you could pay me the 44c feed in tariff without breaking a sweat. Your feed in tariff is the laughing stock of every person in Queensland and will lead to only one thing, disconnecting from the grid. There is already a developing consensus that this won't be a problem because just like a council that charges for electricity access will be the same as water and sewerage, even if you aren't connected you will pay for it going past your place. I guarantee you that this attitude will see the entire grid sold off, just like Telstra can't charge me because a copper line goes past my house nor can an electricity provider. It's unconstitutional and I doubt the allowances for water and sewerage will get a favorable look by the High Court. So if you go that way be sure you write down a 0 next to the value of Queensland Electricity Assets because I guarantee that will be what you end up getting for them.

There has also been mention of scrapping the 44c feed-in tariff that early adopters signed up for. I have two words for you, Class Action. There is a contract in place for this feed-in tariff with a guaranteed end date. Try and scrap that and you will see the biggest legal damages bill that Queensland has ever had to pay out in history. Does the Productivity Commission want to be recorded in history as the cause of bankrupting the Queensland Government? That's what it looks like.

QPC needs to stop throwing tanties and acting like Queensland Solar Users should be treated like your corporate power generating bitch. We are not corporate entities, we are retail users. You don't buy stuff back from us at noncommercial rates or even commercial rates. You pay fair retail rates or not at all. And the answer to not at all is simple, sell the grid completely and let someone else operate it like a stock market, I sell my power at a given minimum rate and if someone buying power will pay more then that the grid accepts the transfer and makes the money by adding a small commission to both buy and sell rates. If you can't understand capitalism stop acting like a bunch of morons and get out of the industry, I'm sure the government has a department for old dinosaurs that just can't keep up with the times. If not they have the unemployment benefit which is about what backwards thinking people like you should get paid anyway.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin-John Beasley

Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, Australia

Robert Morison 4380 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because you rely on Government backed fossil fuel power stations that are heavily subsidised by us, the tax payer. Fossil fuels are subsidised annually to the tune of $9 billion in Australia.

The science is clear that to continue supporting the antiquated and destructive technology, that you peddle and that we are forced to use because of the monopoly situation that exists in this State is untenable for our future.

You must acknowledge climate science and you must respond rationally, surely. That response must be to convert power supply systems to renewable power.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Morison

PO Box 854, Stanthorpe, Queensland 4380, Australia

Jeffrey Newman 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…Although I do get paid .44c/kw I export, I pay now $110 for the meter reading fee and the meter service charge,this service fee every time I get my bill every 3 mths. I got nothing out of scrapping the Carbon tax, All I got was increased fees to offset the savings and now you are talking about reducing the feed-in tariffs again. Sorry I am a very angry little Vegemite

Yours sincerely,

Jeffrey Newman

Queensland 4570, Australia

Leanne McConville 4014 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it makes sense to use energy derived from the sun. It is good for the environment, cost effective and preserves our natural resources. It is a no brainer. Solar users should not be penalised for the ineffective and costly infrastructure established to support an inefficient and resource hungry energy source.

Yours sincerely,

Leanne McConville

Queensland 4014, Australia

Adrian East 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Please Remember that Election rolling around.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian East

Queensland 4017, Australia


Stuart Clough 4171 Dear Commissioner,

Having decided to buy and install a solar system on my house in Queensland in 2014, just a few months later, the government destroyed the financial basis of my investment.

The revised legislation requested that power suppliers should negotiate with solar generators to determine a value for the previously mandated 8c/kWh additional tariff.

Shortly thereafter my power company advised me that the rates had changed (according to government) instructions, and the feed in rate (total) would be reduced from 16c to 8c. This was not a negotiation, it was unilateral use of market power to abuse small customers. I attempted to negotiate with the power company, to ask them why they are also charging me higher rates for power that I use than my non-solar neigbours. They refused to respond. When I failed to pay the difference between the original bill, and their unilateral pricing decision (this was NO negotiated price). They slapped me with increasing late payment fees.

Ultimately they caught my wife and threatened her with cutting off the power and she relented and paid up the account.

Since then, there has been an increase in network charges, which has been applied to both solar connected consumers (who in fact reduce the cost of network expansion as we are producing power close to the point of consumption, most particularly at the summertime mid-day GROSS DEMAND peak). In any event the Network Expansion costs were simply a GRAVY TRAIN used by the big power distributors to justify a free for all overinvestment, which they were making huge profits on and passing on the costs to consumers. They should pay for this profligacy, not the consumer.

We are also now being charged an additional 'metering charge' for solar because of the additional complexity of managing solar bills - when in fact the only reason we need special meters is so that the electricity companies can rip us off by paying differential rates for power. In fact THEY should pay the metering charge as they are the ones that massively benefit from it.

How is this fair. We are punished for network costs that we in fact help to decrease, we are punished for use of grid power, we pay extra for metering when the meters are in fact used by power companies to brutally rip us off. Commitments on tarrif pricing, used by me and many others to justify our investment in solar have been unilaterally changed, with no transition period to recognise the cost impacts.

It is laughable that the power companies are pushing solar so heavily now, even though it is NOT justified for individuals. But because the "Deal" has been skewed so heavily in their favour and is now so profitable, it is worth their while to go out and prey on unsuspecting consumers to sell a false story of "go green and save money". This is the question that needs to be investigated by your commission, and recommendations need to be made to fix these significant problems.

At the end of the day, I have invested in a clean power source that is benefiting my neighbours, my power company and the environment. Personally, I have just been ripped off from all sides for making a valuable investment into the Queensland Power Grid.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Clough

Brisbane QLD 4171, Australia

Angela Fyfe 4285 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it encourages more people to take advantage of Qld's sunshine--after all it is called the Sunshine St --which in turn reduces infrastructure costs for power generating companies, means less fossil fuel burnt and therefore lower greenhouse emissions.

A win-win situation for everyone especially in the long term.

Please consider these points in your report.

Angela Fyfe

Yours sincerely,

Angela Fyfe

Queensland 4285, Australia

Mark Blokkeerus 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. (I borrowed 21k to purchase my Solar System and if the rules were to changed after i entered into contract with the QLD Government I along with many many other Solar System owners would make their disgust felt at the next election ).

Yours sincerely,

Mark Blokkeerus

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Pia Boscaino 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because not only have we made a personal investment in this but also because it is being sold at 3 times the price.

It's crazy that my service fixed fees are more than the power I use on my power bill. Not only have people invested in this to help the environment but now we are being continuously hit with new fees and fee increases while looking down the barrel of unfair payment of the power we generate back into the system. We are not encouraging people to make the switch but the opposite! Your moves to reduce payments is just not motivational nor fair.

Please stop these unfair and destructive actions and let's move to a better and fairer system which rewards green choices.

Yours sincerely,

Pia Boscaino

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia


Craig Allen-Ankins 4128 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the use of solar by residential households assists with the reduction in pollution while also taking the stain off the existing electricity grid. When you stack up Queensland against the rest of Australia Queenslanders are not getting a fair deal. Our feed in tariffs are at least 50% lower than everyone else. How is this fair that the Federal Goverment was pushing for the use of Solar and then when you do something the environment, then the Queensland government then benefits financially by placing a reduced feedin tarrif. Is this tarrif the same as a wholesale price of green electricity??? I am assuming not because buying electricity for 6c an then charging over 30c, plus the daily solar feed in charge plus the daily charge to be connected to the grid is not acceptable.

I put solar on to

A) help reduce the cost of bills

B) to help the environment and

C) to reduce the reliance on the current election grid.

Queenslanders should have the right to be paid a similar rate for their solar electricity as any other state.

Yours sincerely,

Craig Allen-Ankins

Brisbane QLD 4128, Australia

Laura Maierhofer 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are reducing the reliance of demonising natural resources while contributing to the general electricity supply that can be utilised by the community.

Yours sincerely,

Laura Maierhofer

Queensland 4306, Australia

neil stansfield 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…they are getting hit twice, firstly by low feed in tariffs, and again by the exorbitant supply charges. The main idea of roof top solar was to reduce the emissions of fossil fuel generation through the fiscal incentive to conserve energy,but with very low feed in prices consumers have no incentive to conserve energy and continue to use it heavily during the day to minimize there Kwh cost thereby negating any change to CO2 emissions.The better analogy of this price structuring would be called shooting yourself in the foot.

Nicole Chrisanthis 4217 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar is so necessary for the environment and also solar in inevitable to stop qld having to upgrade all the poles and wires. We need to move into the future and stop living in the past #coalisover

Yours sincerely,

Nicole Chrisanthis

Gold Coast QLD 4217, Australia

Michele Bradbury 4711 Dear Commissioner,

We installed Solar panels on our roof back in 2010. We did this at a time we could ill afford it. We had a "Green Loan" to enable us to pay for this. We could have bought a new car or had a round the world holiday. Instead we chose to put a system in place that would not only help us in our future budgeting but also help the planet.

We have signed a contract for a feed in tariff. When we signed that contract we believed it to be legally binding on both parties. Therefore I don't think it fair or legal to abandon this agreement. We have put the panels on our roof so that now, as we have retired we don't have to worry about an escalating power bill. Our income is now set, we don't have the option of paying anymore for our power.

We also believed that we were making a difference to the world in which we live. By not producing energy from coal fired power stations we would contribute to a cleaner planet By not using Nuclear power the world would be saved from yet an other Fukushima. We planned on being self sufficient in our use of power and because of the size of the system we installed we would have some spare to put back into the grid to help others.

Many up and coming retirees did as we did, to try and future proof ourselves from the ever increasing power bills. We all know the system needs maintenance, but lately it has been "Gold Plated" ready for selling off. Not everyone has a never ending bank account where this money can be drawn from.

Everyone should be encouraged to put panels on their roofs. That way the main power stations can be used for factories, schools, hospitals, farms and the like.

How come, almost every other country in the World is looking at renewable energy except Australia. Get with the programme people or the bus will leave without you. Do the right thing for once.

Yours sincerely,

Michele Bradbury

Queensland 4711, Australia


Michael Ey 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….,


Yours sincerely,

Michael Ey

Sunshine Coast QLD 4575, Australia

Donna Larcom 4812 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we believe in renewable energy for the future of our planet, so it will still be here for our children and for their children. All of Queensland should be running on solar, it is the Sunshine State. It seems the influence of the big energy companies along with their political donations is clouding reasonable thinking here. We believe in sustainability so much we have already invested our hard earned cash, please respect us and respect our planet.

Yours sincerely,

Donna Larcom

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

Karen Svendsen 4825 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…6c/kWh is being RE-sold by power companies at 3 times that rate.which is NOT fair .One would think this is NOT encouraging use of a completely 100% renewable resource, when in fact, we should. Not only that, Solar reduces the expansion of more wires and poles which adds up to 50% to a power bill. I live in one of the hottest places in far North Queensland, a place where every rooftop should have at least enough Solar panels to power air conditioners! Surely, there's not only economic benefits for households but for mine operations too....and doesn't every rooftop installation keep our environment cleaner?

Yours sincerely,

Karen Svendsen

Queensland 4825, Australia

John Carter 4154 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, like what Uber is doing to the taxi industry, people will only accept being screwed over for so long.

Government represents the people. This draft may well have been written by the power industry and is clearly in their favour. People have made significant personal investment in home solar. Power retailers use infrastructure funded by the people to sell power back to the poeple and make a considerable profit for doing very little with little to no outlay.

Yours sincerely,

John Carter

Brisbane QLD 4154, Australia

Linda Pick 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we invested in solar panels to start with.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Pick

Queensland 4305, Australia

Ronald van Kerkwyk 4850 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we invested on a known return like in any other investment.

Further, we invested under contract conditions, which we fully expect you to honor.

As we are retired and on a pension, any lessening of income, or increase in fixed living costs, affects us significantly.

Please demonstrate some initiative, and allow us to maintain faith in those whom govern us.

Yours faithfully

Yours sincerely,

Ronald van Kerkwyk

Queensland 4850, Australia


Ian Bell 4017 Dear Commissioner,

As Global Warming continues to allow me to produce more electricity than I consume.

I think that it could be illegal to take electricity from a consumer. My (solar panels) house produces electricity. I do not consume it. You must pay for services or goods rendered. I want a fair feed in price.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Ian Bell

Queensland 4017, Australia

MARK HEAD 4514 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the costs involved in setup and I do not wish to see any watering down of fair return on my investment.

Yours sincerely,


Queensland 4514, Australia

Mark Rowland 4352 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as a solar household I currently get 6c/kWh on average for power that our household generates. My understanding is that this very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

In these difficult economic times we have invested in rooftop solar power as ew believed that it could help us, not only save money but also can help all Queensland electricity users save money together with the capacity to reduce greenhouse gases. These solar rooftops will help reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, together with the maintenance of all this infrastructure which I believe makes up as much as 50% of our electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Rowland

PO Box 45 Harlaxton

Queensland 4352, Australia

David Bernard 4076 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we installed it in good faith at the urging of government with guaranteed price per Kw. Cut out the feed-in payment and I will have my system disconnected from the grid. Govt will not get my power for free..

Yours sincerely,

David Bernard

Brisbane QLD 4076, Australia

Janis Funnell 4161 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Funnell

Brisbane QLD 4161, Australia


Neil Mills 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. It is inequitable that some solar owners get 44c/kW

While others get 6c/kW which is about 1/3 of the current wholesale price.

The original scheme of 44c/kW was unrealistic and unsustainable.

It would be more equitable if all solar producers received payment of the prevailing wholesale price per KW for the energy distributed into to grid from their solar cells. This is how it should have been right from the start of government incentives for solar energy production.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Mills

Queensland 4160, Australia

Jenny Mulkearns 4073 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because alternative energy is the way of the future. Solar owners are providing a benefit to all Queenslanders with the feedin to the grid. Currently solar owners are not even getting an equivalent price to what the power companies are charging for electricity.

It is time to pay a fair price for the electricity generated by solar owners, who have outlayed thousands to inout soalr generators in their own homes.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny Mulkearns

Brisbane QLD 4073, Australia

Andres Miramontes 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because retail companies are making profit of the feed prices paid to solar owners. They have noticed the impact it makes on their network s to reduce generation costs.

It is time for Australian politicians to look to the future and support the use of renewable energy sources.

Yours sincerely,

Andres Miramontes

Rod and DesireeMould 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because our investment in solar power is reducing power costs for all residents - especially those who have installed aircon but don't contribute to the peak loads they create.

If you scrap the old 44c tariff and don't increase the later 6c tariff, we may go off-grid and use batteries instead. This will create a death spiral for the power generators and distributors. Do you want this?

Yours sincerely,

Rod & Desiree Mould

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Noel Smart 4807 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are supplying clean power to the grid under terms of our agreement with the QLD Government

Yours sincerely,

Noel Smart

Queensland 4807, Australia

kev burns 4702 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it sucks

Yours sincerely,

kev burns

Queensland 4702, Australia


Gary Stipanov 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we feed power back into the grid resulting in less need for CO2 emitting coal fired power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Stipanov

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Nadine Littledale 4521 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we contribute to cleaner air which goes towards a reduction in global warming. Internationally Australia has signed up to reducing emissions. This is a good place to start.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,

Nadine Littledale

Brisbane QLD 4521, Australia

Neil Sampson 4559 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because when I purchased my solar system for $12000 and my hot water system for $5000 the government supported the whole system as it was meant to alleviate the need for more power stations to be built.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Sampson

Sunshine Coast QLD 4559, Australia

Jonathan Gregor 4215 Dear Mr Wood,

Re: fair feed-in price for solar inquiry

The solar feed-in tariffs of zero for new customers and no more than six cents per kilowatt hour for existing ones in future are an absolute rort by the electricity retailers. The situation makes a mockery of a competitive market - retailers on-sell photovoltaic energy at over three times what they pay for it. Furthermore, the high (50 per cent of retail bills) and rising fixed charges seem calculated to sabotage solar uptake. The giant externality of climate change means that everything possible ought be done by all tiers of government to increase the proportion of electricity coming from renewables. Instead, the rorts of a zero feed-in tariff and high fixed charges are being allowed to stymie necessary action. These are not acceptable and I urge you to remedy your inadequate draft report.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Gregor

11 Winchester St

Southport 4215

Ian McLean 4065 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland.

Solar deserves a fair price because:

- we have made investments in good faith, based on assurances by the government of our State

- those investments are made not just for financial but for longer term ecological reasons

- we believe those investments do have a benefit to the wider community both in reducing our environmental impact but also in reducing requirements for heavy capital investments by power companies (effectively the government)

I look forward to your report and the positive role it can play in our community.


Yours sincerely,

Ian McLean

Brisbane QLD 4065, Australia


David Teakle 4068 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because at present the electricity company is paying a pittance (6 cents) for power that they're charging 300% more.

Yours sincerely,

David Teakle

Brisbane QLD 4068, Australia

Richard Purdy 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I produce nearly twice as much energy as I use. The energy produced during the day is sold to AGL for 8c Kwh and sold back to me at 26c Kwh that evening. This arrangement cost me $10,000 to install the infrastructure. Doesn't seem fair does it? That's because it's not. Who in their right mind would enter into an arrangement like this? I am trying to do the right thing by producing clean energy, but since the Queensland Government cut the feed in tariff by 8c I am feeling ripped off and cheated. I have a very expensive decoration on my roof which is in real terms costing me money.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Purdy

Queensland 4305, Australia

PETER PAULL 4130 Dear Commissioner,

I wanted to make sure you have seen and acknowledged all submission sent to the Commission in relation to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price the same as all retailers, especially as they are being evironmentally and sustainably friendly to the benefit of the whole world in which we all live

Yours sincerely,


Brisbane QLD 4130, Australia

Rod Duncan 4221 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the installation of decentralised solar power systems reduces the daytime load on, and maintenance of, the centralised power stations and on the transmission components. Furthermore, the world needs to rapidly transition to fossil-fuel-free power generation, as recognised in the COP21 Accord and because all Australians are feeling the effects of global warming now. So now is the time for Australia's Governments to support the solar take-up by insisting on generous solar system feed-in tariffs from the power companies and by insisting that the power companies exit the fossil fuel cycle and enter the renewable energy cycle as a matter of extreme urgency

Jon Bryant 4171 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a clean, sustainable power solution that Queensland and Australia should be global leaders in instead of the current laughing stock of the industry!

Yours sincerely,

Jon Bryant

Brisbane QLD 4171, Australia

Straughan Briggs 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is saving everybody in the state the massive costs of building new electricity generation facilities. Without solar feed-in, more generators would be required, more distribution networks would be required, etc etc. A fair feed-in price helps everybody keep electricity costs down. An unfair price only helps the power companies to make bigger profits.

Solar power is renewable, clean energy that is needed for a healthy future on this planet.

Yours sincerely,

Straughan Briggs

Kenmore QLD 4069, Australia

Peter Kuestler 4120 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. our future depends on it and corporate capitalism a truly parasitic phenomenon


Glenys Powell 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because people are sincerely concerned about a whole range of things that are affected, including climate change, rising electricity prices, and control over their own household budget. Solar owners have already met the cost of purchase and installation of of the panels which shows we are serious about solar energy. The electricity companies have not been required to install new poles and wires although I can see there will be continuing maintenance costs to be met. However these would have existed regardless of whether the solar panels had been installed. I therefore fail to see how the power companies should pay only 6c/kWh and then sell the power at 28c/kWh. This is grossly unfair!

Eventually this will drive people off the grid!

Yours sincerely,

Glenys Powell

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Fergus FitzGerald 4559 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it's the most direct way that the hundreds of thousands of residents with rooftop PV system can contribute to tangible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with their power supply.

The cost of inaction to curb our GHG emissions is already being incurred through the damage from extreme weather events attributed to climate change.

Citizens who have committed substantial personal funds to install solar deserve government support on behalf of everyone.

Yours sincerely,

Fergus FitzGerald

Sunshine Coast QLD 4559, Australia

John Dale 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland because at the moment we are being ripped off by the current Solar feed-in price.

As a Solar energy producer I am committed to the continued use of renewable energy. To get a fair price for the clean and efficient energy I produce is far overdue.

I ask you to recognise the benefits of Solar energy and recommend a fairer feed-in price for all Queensland Solar users.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

John Dale

Queensland 4570, Australia

Martin Taylor 4179 Dear Commissioner,

A fair price for solar must take into account the avoided capital costs for the big fossil fuel generators because rooftop solar has taken over their supply.

How much of the power price of big fossil fuel power generation is reduced by hidden or explicit public subsidy?

How much cost is the public bearing as a result of global warming caused by fossil fuel power?

Setting a fair price has to take all these externalised costs of fossil fuel power into account.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Taylor

ronnie gauci 4751 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Why is it that when we do something to improve our lot, company's insist on ripping us off .Im not asking to make a profit, just a resonable return on my investment. If i was to get half of what i export back i would be content. The company is making a profit at no cost to them.Not a happy camper.

Yours sincerely,

ronnie gauci

Queensland 4751, Australia


Charles Ham 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

1. Many Queenslanders made an investment in good faith installing solar power systems.

2. This means the State has the benefit of use of private infrastructure for the generation of power.

3. These two factors alone are sufficient for a fair return to be considered and maintained in perpetuum for individual households committing power to the Queensland grids.

4. The return of power to the grids out-ways the embodied energy required to produce, distribute and install solar power generating systems in Queensland.

5. Decentralizing the generation of power helps protect Queenslanders against failures in supply for any reason.

6.It is unfair to maintain a non-level playing field for payments received for generating and supplying power.

7. At worst, the "Big End of Town" continues to do its best to say to the public, "Good-on-yer" - "we'll have that, we'll protect our narrow financial base for our own personal benefit & the rest of you can go and fly kites." (Benjamin Franklin might have had the right idea....) Selfish, undemocratic, and the worst face of mean-minded Australian(??) people in positions of power - excuse the pun.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Ham

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Robert Anker 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:::

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Every government at every level across the globe needs to do as much as it can, certainly not reduce or limit, to encourage renewables. Otherwise there is no hope of getting even close to the Paris Climate Change goals.

Alan Cover 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we pay to generate it.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Cover

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia

Barry Bickel 4557 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the future, renewable and environment friendly. It is common sense to phase out over time, non renewable and environmentally damaging power sources. It will be a disgrace and fly in the face of common sense, if existing electricity generation business benefits at the expense of Queenslanders who have already invested in a solar future.

It will be a supreme rip off if the hundreds of thousands of people who have seen the future, and have invested in solar electricity generation, are neglected and disadvantaged by a poor and irresponsible decision to reduce existing feed in tariffs.

I hope your conscience guides you to ensure a fair price for solar.

Yours sincerely,

Barry Bickel

Sunshine Coast QLD 4557, Australia

Kevin Paget 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

The power companies are just profiteering at no expense to themselves. They can't justify this by saying it's because of transmission costs etc... We already pay a network fee on top of the cost of the electricity.

It's about time the government started working for the people and not big business and their own interests.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Paget

Queensland 4670, Australia


Mark Saul 4550 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar users can only use so much power during the day. Any excess will go straight into the grid. This power to the grid is produced at our expense, not the expense of power stations. I think it fitting that we be compensated fairly for this. Six (6) cents per KWH is hardly fair when consumers are being charged about 26 cents per KWH. Failing to compensate fairly will only drive solar owners to buy power storage units. This would have a negative impact on the power companies. It is time for you to think forward and not bow to the power companies and incumbent government. Give solar users a fair feed in price for their excess power. Anything short of fourteen (14) cents per KWH is unsatisfactory.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Saul

Sunshine Coast QLD 4550, Australia

Robert Bos 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we care about the future of the planet enough to have invested in solar power. We expect the government's strong support. Please ensure solar power users, who feed electricity into the grid (as we do), are given a fair deal.

Ernest Gavey 4564 Dear Commissioner,

I can't believe that you think you have the authority to cancel a contract that thousand of Queenslanders have invested money in, that you think you have the right to retrospectively change the law.

This has been tried in two other states, and in both cases was found to be not only morally bankrupt, but also illegal.

It is time you let go of your sponsored links to dirty coal power, and the mining backers, and looked to supporting Quenslanders who want a cleaner, better future for their kids, and have invested in solar, according to the guidelines published by the Queensland Government.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Ernest Gavey

Sunshine Coast QLD 4564, Australia

Perry Wah 4209 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we acted on the governments proposal for this feed in tariff at an early stage to help the environment & our fellow Queenlanders with the failing grid. Have we once again been conned by our governments? Who do we trust? Where is the extra monies going from our generated power? Why can we not charge to power companies for our generated power at their rate? Why can we not amend our feed in rates at CPI the same as the power companies? We are not receiving the big bonuses as per the CEOs of these power companies. How much is the government receiving from these power companies to not regulate feed in tariffs at a fair & reasonable price? If we acted early & sell our house, why can we not carry over our original feed in tariff to a new house? That is what I call being totally ripped off. People who didn't act early or never put in solar panels are now receiving our feed in tarif.

Perry Wah

Queensland 4209, Australia

Gloria IvonneQuiroga Moreno 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a big investment we do to reduce electricity prices ourselves plus providing energy to the grid system for benefit of both the community and energy companies. Current feed-in prices are unfair, could you stop thinking about the farewell of large corporations and more on the people, who at the end, provide the existence of those corporations? Please have your priorities right.

Bruce Allen 4878 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because helps reduce overall production and distribution costs. It is also one of the best ways for consumers to reduce their use of carbon and contribute to the inevitable change away from a carbon intensive economy which is critical to our future.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Allen

Cairns QLD 4878, Australia

Jennifer Gregory 4557 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar owners have paid a lot of money for their panels and expect a fair price for the energy they produce. Not a fraction of what it's onsold to consumers at, by you.

When it comes to the 44 cent early contract, you cannot simply scrap a contract you have with thousands of people. Perhaps the job contracts you have with the Queensland Government should be scrapped first? Expect trouble if you recommend the breaking of these contacts with the people.


Bob Davis 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because.... The whole thing about solar is that the burning of coal to generate electricity is a kind of slow suicide for the planet and solar is the only immediate alternative.

Eight years ago it was important enough to offer householders installing rooftop solar systems a feed-in tariff of 44c/unit, somewhat more than the retail price to consumers, in order to encourage massive uptake of the new technology. The difference would be offset by a voluntary donation of $x/quarter from consumers concerned about the impacts of Co2 emissions on the climate.

The only thing that has changed since then is that global warming is happening way faster than our government wants us to know, and that not enough has been done to scrap coal burning generation.

That historically almost all power generation in Australia has been coal fired is no reason to continue with it. Those networks do not have a licence to continue in the old ways. Those networks need to embrace the changes required for carbon reduction or perish. (Like the rest of us are right on the edge of right now.) A fair price for rooftop power to the grid is fair, scrapping feed-in tariffs is obtaining an asset for nothing then selling it, ie a rip-off.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Davis

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

Grant Williams 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which are a significant cost to all consumers.

Solar power is 100% renewable effectively replacing the emissions from coal and gas fired power stations and helping Australia meet is GHG reduction targets. Lower emissions are necessary to avoid the impact on the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Grant Williams

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia

Margaret Humphrey 4881 Dear Commissioner,

I currently receive 44c/kWh rebate for feed into the grid. This price was used to budget my solar investment. I believe I have a legal contract for this 44c price to continue for 20 years. Any plan to alter this or slog solar owners with service fees is morally corrupt.

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Humphrey

Cairns QLD 4881, Australia

Ron Badke 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I don't believe that the 6c/kWh that I receive for the power generated from my PV installation is a fair price considering the fact that it is re-sold to other users for over three times that price.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of most electricity bills!

Yours sincerely,

Ron Badke

Queensland 4207, Australia

Jos Hall 4075 The Principal Commissioner

Queensland Productivity Commission,

I bought a 5kW rooftop solar PV system in 2012, which after the STC rebate, cost me $11,390.00. Prices for a 5kW system are currently about $6,500 (in todays deflated money). My purchase of this solar PV system helped to reduce the price to what it is today.

Yes, I do receive the 44cent/kW rebate which was guaranteed, and legislated to continue until 2026, and I believe that morally I should continue to receive that amount.

I have since moved, and am planning to buy another rooftop solar PV system for my new house. As rooftop solar PV systems are a large generator of power in Queensland, I believe that I should be paid a fair price for power that I will be feeding into the grid.

Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Yours sincerely,

Jos Hall

Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia


mike durham 4519 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because a society that is engaged and producing resources for our nation and state need to be SUPPORTED, NOT ripped off by a system deliberately cruelling and poisoning the pond to maintain the status quo. By now I feel sure that you personally must have observed some of the climate change and have hope for your childrens' children, a future not being torn apart by rogue storms and economy changing uncertainty, by not having done the right thing. We voters HAVE done the right thing, and put money where our mouths are. We KNOW, now it is time for democratic government to build and engage with what appears large majority voting through personal action. Be OUR government, not upholding the bean counters guiding corporations' profits. Thankyou for your time.

Yours sincerely,

mike durham

Queensland 4519, Australia

Natalie Martin-Booker 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because households outlayed significant capital as early adopters of solar technology in part because we care deeply about the environment and want to do our part to mitigate the effects of climate change but also because we wanted to reduce our power bill. Why should home owners be penalised because the electricity suplliers overestimated the demand for electricity and underestimated the uptake of solar power and spent money on additional energy infrastructure that is now not required. As with any other business they should have to wear the cost of their misinvestment.

Solar panel owners are providing genuine energy capacity to the grid which means other forms of electricity generation are not required. They should be fairly remunerated as such. The argument that non solar owners are subsidising the electricity for non solar owners is rubbish. As as I said above it is not our fault the electricity suppliers overestimated the increasing demand for electricity and underestimated the take up of solar power.

Furthermore the threat of climate change is very real and we are already feeling it's effects. The QLD Government should take the responsible path and continue to facilitate the uptake of rooftop solar, not disinsentivise more households in order to please their big business (campaign donor) mates!!

Yours sincerely,

Natalie Martin-Booker

Glen Paton 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of global warming, or haven't you noticed.

If you don't agree with this you must be a supporter of dirty coal generators or in the pay of the big end of town. Don't be a dunderhead and support solar

Glen Paton

Eric Evans 4650 Dear Commissioner,

The Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) inquiry had one job - to fix this problem with a fair feed-in price for solar. But so far it has failed dismally. The draft report proposes to make absolutely no change to the solar feed-in price.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Evans


Wid Chandra 4164 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because

1. Good governance among other means dependability and this means that a good government should always minimise sovereign risk for the investor.

This means that a promise by a government to entice an investor do invest should be adhered to until the end.

We have a folks saying that says that you should not move the goal post after the game has started.

2. Governments should be accountable for their decisions. If not so good decisions are made, governments should carry the cost through (eventually by the voters collective as they have chosen that government). It should not be made easy for governments to turn back the clock as they may become complacent in taking future decisions.

3. People have made certain decisions based on the expectation that governments keep their word. This is about integrity. If those assumptions turns out to be hollow promises, a government should be morally compensate those investors. Not necessarily for future earnings, but at least to reverse the initial investment outlay. With other words, investors should be paid back the full amount of their initial investments made when those promises were made. And yes, this means the very high $/Watt we have paid at that time to get solar where it is now.

What is at stake are the basis of a just society and this must be upheld even at a high cost, as those values are priceless and should therefor not carry a price tag.

What we have now is an outcome based society, where practicalities reigns and the absoluteness of origins, values and norms are prostituted.

Yours sincerely,

Wid Chandra

Queensland 4164, Australia

Deborah Melrose 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because home owners have invested in the technology. They did so in good faith that the state government would provide a fair feed in tariff at the outset of the industry boom and then this was changed and non-historical billing charges began to appear on bills which is highly questionable billing practice.

If I could receive 48 cpkwh prior to 2013 and simply because I moved house, I was no longer entitled to this price - then this highlights something wrong with the pricing system. I invested in new technology for my new home and am now facing ever growing non-historic billing charges eg quadruple daily supply charges, solar meter charges, administration charges that cannot be explained on bills prior to the introduction of solar power in to my home.

I am also deeply concerned about the duty of care that power companies have failed to address in that they have raised daily supply charges, raised the price of electricity to exclude low income families out of the market entirely. This is causing people to go powerless and use alternative power and lighting sources. This is causing an increase in house fires and deaths and injuries in the elderly and disabled who rely on low lighting solutions and have falls or who die from decompensating medical conditions due to the fact they cannot cool or heat their homes.

Anna Paluszczuk was suppose to bring about a quantum change to the unfair FIT pricing and unfair billing practices of QLDs power companies and if the commission has not met with the electorates expectations on this matter then there will be a political backlash and more.

Kind regards

Deb Melrose

Brian Nixon 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Nixon

Queensland 4655, Australia

Terence Dexter 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are being severely discriminated against with the 8 cents a kw hr feed in against the 44cents a kw hr some are getting.

I also think that the State Government has re-nigged on their promise to encourage the voters in this State to go solar by discontinuing the Governments own feed in price of 8 cents a kw hr, and a challenge should be made to the High Court as soon as possible. Compensation should also be backdated and paid to those who have been ripped off by the State Government as sellers to the Electricity Grid...….

Yours sincerely,

Terence Dexter

Queensland 4570, Australia


Trevor Storey 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Commisioner support these people that want to support the environment.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair go in this matter, please do something to help them. They have gone out of their way to purchase solar panels.

Yours sincerely,

Trevor Storey

Queensland 4350, Australia

Serge Leroyer 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because many people like us have spend thousand of dollars of our saving to invest in solar lured by a feed in tariff contract.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Serge Leroyer

Queensland 4570, Australia

Arthur Hunt 4703 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because private households are investing in renewable generating capacity that removes the need for public investment in power generation and helps to overcome climate change at the same time.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur Hunt

Queensland 4703, Australia

VERONICA DE BAKKER 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we were given rebates to encourage us to install solar for the benefit of green house gases. Because I did not do that from the beginning I only received the 8 cents feed in from the government and another further 8 cents rebate from my electricity company. I feel that I should have (along with other late installers)received a better deal and I think the government should give those on a smaller rebate extra time before we are cut out of this government rebate system. I only have installed 12 solar panels and I wish that I had not done this as I do not have a great reduction in my power bill since the 8 cents government rebate was abolished.

Yours sincerely,

Veronica de Bakker

Yours sincerely,


Queensland 4019, Australia

Angelique Porter 4205 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this situation is so disheartening that many of us with Solar advise those interested in also converting to Solar,not to go ahead with it. At a time where renewable clean energy is so important globally this is a tragedy. .

I feel so let down and abandoned by government for my investment in clean energy. All I can look forward to since upgrading my home to 20 solar panels from the existing 6 is 10 cents feed back tariff for something I used to receive 44 cents. This all just for increasing my ability to generate my own power and contribute to the grid, I along with thousands of Australian Solar citizens have been punished for contributing to clean energy and feel betrayed.

I hope to see a fair feed in price established one that Australia can be proud of instead of the highway robbery that is currently occurring rendering Solar users to nothing more than victims of solar energy fraud.


Angelique Porter


Warren Gilchrist 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need to operate at least on an even field with the industry, at least the retail price. We also need to encourage more owners of rooftop solar to reduce the emissions from power generation.

Please consider this in your recommendations.

Yours sincerely,

Warren Gilchrist

Queensland 4655, Australia

RHONA EASTMENT 4873 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, as I purchased 6 solar panels in 2009, to start with and then 12 more a couple of years later, I have relieved the dependence on dirty coal-burning power stations.

It MUST be taken into consideration, that a new way has to be found, as already Australia has regressed in its emissions mitigation, the World is heating up faster than expected, and everything must be adopted that will reduce the burning of fossil fuels.

I have retired, and am now dependent on my small superannuation payouts to sustain me. I decided to purchase the solar panels as I have a high sense of the importance to us all, of environmental sustainability. To be penalised by a government which supposedly is working for' the people of Australia', is most offensive and will resonate with the electorate.

I implore you to revise your position on the feed-in tariff, which will continue to assist both we people who were responsible from an early date, and those who now, have made the investment, who are easing dependence on coal-burning power stations, and encourage more in the renewable energy infrastructure.


Queensland 4873, Australia

Bob Gould 4300 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it helps combat climate change which is negatively effecting the Great Barrier Reef and our farming lands.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Gould

Brisbane QLD 4300, Australia

Anne-Marie Donaldson 4554 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Anne-Marie Donaldson

Sunshine Coast QLD 4554, Australia


Brian Knight 4557 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

All existing & new roof solar customers should receive the 44c/KWh.

for power generated to the grid.

New customers should be at least receiving 18c/KWh

Yours sincerely,

Brian Knight

Sunshine Coast QLD 4557, Australia

Graham Storrs 4352 Dear Commissioner,

I recently installed solar PV at my home. I wanted an 8kw system but the local electricity company, Ergon, would only allow a maximum of 5kw. I wanted the option to feed any excess into the grid but Ergon decided I could not. The question of how large the tariff is became academic for me - as it is for many people with new installations. The power companies are doing what they can to throttle investment in solar power (by restricting the size of installation), remove incentives to feed power to the grid (by zero-rating the feed-in allowed) and yet still raise obscene amounts of revenue by charging (in my case) almost $500 for checking the connection by my installer, and charging huge "service charges" on a quarterly basis so that actual consumption is of less importance.

The government of Queensland needs to take these companies in hand. They should be building infrastructure that supports the common, modern practice of installing solar PV at home, they should crack down on these excessive one-off and ongoing "service" fees. and they should compel companies to take feed-in from home installations (storing it for off-peak use, if necessary) and provide a reasonable feed-in tariff to home suppliers of electricity.

What's more, if companies are allowed to pay only 8c or 6c per KwH for feed-in solar power, they should be compelled to sell it at a rate that reflects its cost to the company. Paying 6c and re-selling it to other consumers at 25c or more is simply profiteering.

Simon Grant 4341 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we're helping to contribute to Australian carbon target and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Electricity providers are increasing the "supply charge" by ridiculous amount to offset their losses due to solar uptake. 5 years ago it was $15 a quarter, now it's $98. That's an 660% increase. Do you think that's appropriate?

Remember that solar owners now represent a large percentage of voters.

Australia is in a unique position to take great advantage of our sunny nation for solar generation.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Grant

Queensland 4341, Australia

Janette Asche 4068 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we want to encourage people to install solar as it is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of our electricity bills!

Yours sincerely,

Janette Asche

Brisbane QLD 4068, Australia

Timothy Lawrence 4303 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw prawn in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Australia is about a fair go, fair dinkum, fair deal for all. True blue. We love a sun-blessed country. Queensland should be the smart state. The resilient state. The sunshine state. The fair dinkum fair deal fair go fairly fair fayre state.


John Robinson 4564 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it benefits everyone as a clean energy source. Promises were made to encourage me to install solar by the Queensland Government and now you propose to take that financial benefit away as well in favor of the big polluters..

Yours sincerely,

John Robinson

Sunshine Coast QLD 4564, Australia

Lydia Isokangas 4068 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because not getting a fair price distorts the market in favour of dirty coal fired powered stations. This is not in our long-term climate health interests, not in the interests of looking after our coral reef or our health through having to breath polluted air. Please send coal fired power stations a clear economic signal that their products are not privileged over others.

Buddhika Perera 4173 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we

Need to minimise the green house gas emissions to protect the earth. Promoting solar is one way of achieving this

Yours sincerely,

Buddhika Perera

Brisbane QLD 4173, Australia

Andree Wynne 4157 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. It’s high time Queensland solar owners got a fair price for the clean and efficient energy they generate on their very own rooftops: 6 cents feed-back into the grid is really an exploiting and abusing practice. Please, bring fairness to the system.

Yours sincerely,

Andree Wynne

Brisbane QLD 4157, Australia

Gail Groszek 4128 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are contributing to the sustainability of this country and reducing environmental impacts in line with Australia's agreement to assist in reducing climate change. Solar power must be harvested and communities encouraged via a fair feed back price, to install and use solar power. Those who installed solar early for the purpose of aiding the environment and also to receive the 44c/kw feed back, should continue to receive this as a reward for being leaders in the investment into sustainable energy.

Yours sincerely,

Gail Groszek

Brisbane QLD 4128, Australia

David Abramson 4120 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we want to encourage uptake of solar, and this can occur at no additional cost to the public. Paying a fair market cost to solar generators puts them on a even playing field with large wholesale producers.

It's a no brainer!

Yours sincerely,

David Abramson

Brisbane QLD 4120, Australia


Chris Collinge 4566 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are just the custodians of QLD for all generations that follow. Buying solar power was a big investment for me. I'm still paying off the loan. We're not rich, but I do believe that we all have an obligation to do the right thing.

What message will you send if you reduce the feed in tariffs? Who will benefit? It certainly wont be the citizens of QLD. Those who don't have solar still benefit from lower infrastructure costs and a reduction in climate change.

Sure, we're a small part of a global problem, but hey, lets do our bit so we can hold our head high and say to the other states and countries that the QLD government stood up, did it's best, and so should you.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Collinge

Noosaville QLD 4566, Australia

Mark McCormick 4812 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because one of the reasons many people invested in solar energy was that it was cost effective for their investment in the medium term. The government promised the feed-in price, and we were locked in upon purchase. The energy company already making a substantial amount of money for nothing. They did not pay for the installation of the system, nor its upkeep. Moreover, locally grown power is more efficient due to the high loss rates through the power lines.

If the Government is to be taken seriously it needs to stand up for renewable energies, promote them with incentive schemes and invest heavily in them for the future well-being of our Nation.

Yours sincerely,

Mark McCormick

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

Carol ORourke 4311 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.




Yours sincerely,

Carol ORourke

Queensland 4311, Australia

Mara Giraudo Turina 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping saving the planet on having less pollutions and more energy from the natural source.

Yours sincerely,

Mara Giraudo Turina

Queensland 4655, Australia


warren small 4213 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have spent a serious amount of money setting a system on the guarantee the a feed in tariff was in place until 2028.compensation must be entered into by the govt if any reduction is sought.

Yours sincerely,

warren small

Gold Coast QLD 4213, Australia

Martin Storey 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting their power stolen from them in Queensland as they are being paid ONE THIRD THE CHARGES FOR POWER. Solar deserves a fair price because IT SAVES QLD MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN NOT NEEDING TO BUILD NEW POWER STATIONS.

Such action by the power companies is not just unfair it is theft and should be treated as such.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Storey

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Kim Best 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this will encourage the general population to 'do their bit' to combat climate change. Life on Earth is far more important than money! At present, we are not on course to achieve the agreed 1.5deg carbon emissions target with a max of 2deg being the worst outcome. We need to leave all fossil fuels in the ground and embrace the alternatives available to us - but it needs to happen NOW!!! A fair 'Feed in Price' will help enormously in preserving Life on Earth.

Yours sincerely,

Kim Best

Queensland 4019, Australia

Shane Bailey 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. It is the emergence of rooftop solar and other distributed generation, which generates electricity at the point of consumption, that has helped reduce the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

QLD government has set a target for one million rooftops or 3000 megawatts of solar photovoltaics (PV) in Queensland by 2020. This will help lower electricity costs for families and businesses, create jobs and protect the environment.

To support the 2020 solar target, solar users need to receive a fair price for the cost of solar energy.

Yours sincerely,

Shane Bailey

Queensland 4160, Australia

David Blundell 560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, we are part of the answer to climate change. We have spent our hard earned dollars on the Capital Cost of Solar Installations (at two addresses). We did this based on the information and feed in tarrif available at the time. Now we feel cheated and that the Government has had us use our hard earned savings, to insult us with derisory feed in tariffs. We should be offered a realistic and much fairer price for our electricity and believe that if future plans to counter Climate Change result in the Public effecitvely being ripped off, that plans to protect the planet for our children and their children will fail, due to this shortsighted and mean approach to investment by Joe Public.

Yours sincerely,

David Blundell

Australia 4560, Cooloolabin Queensland


RJohn Carter 4350 Dear Commissioner,

I wanted to make sure you saw my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry.

Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland.

Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate.

This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money.

Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home.

This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar Pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable.

Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

These offsets surely make up for any perceived cost disadvantage to those who are not able to access solar.

Yours sincerely,

RJohn Carter

Queensland 4350, Australia

Simon Thompson 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are investing large amounts of our personal capital and thus saving the tax payer from having to invest in new infrastructure.

It is so unfair that Ergon sells the power it buys from me at more than 3 times the price to my neighbours. It is even more unfair that we are slugged by ever increasing service fees that even though we export 1.6 MW per quarter we don't even cover the service fee. A good reason to buy batteries and go off grid. Leaving you with an obsolete network that cost a lot of money. Play fair or you will lose us all!!!

Yours sincerely,

Simon Thompson

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

Colin Graves 4213 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because every Kwh of Solar power fed into the power grid means less coal to be burned, with resultant less greenhouse gas emissions.

Yours sincerely,

Colin Graves

Gold Coast QLD 4213, Australia

Rita Borzelleca 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of its environmental good as well as the fact that at the moment citzens have invested heavily and are feeding into the grid which is a good thing. If the private investment is going back into the grid it deserves a better incentive.. thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Rita Borzelleca

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia


Brian Becconsall 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because :

1- They contribute to clean energy production and so help reduce green house gases

2- They produce electricity right where it is needed, and so reduce all the wires losses along the extensive grid, and thereby reduce wear and tear and thus maintenance/replacements on the wires and substations.

3- They have outlaid private capital to build solar generation saving the Qld Govt Owned generators from having to spend on capital expansion.

4-Big generators are getting paid from 8 to 12 c/kwh for their sales onto the grid which are then subject to at least 10-15% losses before reaching customers, so a feed in rate at the customers solar premises of at least minimum 12c/kwh should be adopted .

Yours sincerely,

Brian Becconsall

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

Jill Griffiths 4020 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it was a scheme bought about by the Government and people with vision and foresight, for many valued reasons. Those who took up the offer and made efforts to assist with energy savings should not now be penalised. A Deal is a deal, an agreement is bond - that is the Aussie way.

Yours sincerely,

Jill Griffiths

Queensland 4020, Australia

Heather Cameron 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are contributing to a cleaner, cooler environment by using power from the sun, not fossil fuels. We are protecting the natural environment from being destroyed. Recent statistics about high temperatures show the need to urgently address the effects of climate warming - incentives, by way of fair prices for those of us contributing, will help.

I urge you to review the price.

Yours sincerely,

Heather Cameron

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Steve Hausler 4032 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Because we invested our own money for clean energy. The future clearly is with renewables and the days of fossil fuels is over.

Andrew Radford 4510 Dear Commissioner,

As an early adopter of solar, my system installed in 2010, will not pay for itself until 2017. Even with the 44 cent feed in tariff.

Although new system prices have fallen considerably, 6 cents is not a reasonable or fair payment for green energy.

Perhaps consider a price closer to parity and not zero.

I also feel the new solar power charge is blatantly wrong, in that it punishes people who want to help the environment while reducing their power bill. It's about as smart as penalising someone for buying a fuel efficient car.

The current feed in, coupled with the daily solar meter charge, does nothing but discourage people who want solar, when the break even time is at least 6 years.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because our state should leading the country in solar power.

Solar should be mandatory on all new homes, and should be sufficient to completely offset a homes energy consumption.

Slavica Jovanovoc 4109 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the future.

Nearly all industries that I can think of begin with the support and help of the government. Renewable energy and solar in particular is unquestionable Australia's future.

Yours sincerely,

Slavica Jovanovoc

Brisbane QLD 4109, Australia


Willem Bakker 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is environmentally friendly and governments gave lots of encouragement to change to Solar. Now that we have spent the money and installed our systems we are being penalized for doing so. We installed the Solar on the basis that we would be paid a $0.44 subsidy and a fair feed in tariff. I do not consider 6 Cents a fair price for feed in when we are charged $0.2233 ex GST for what we use

Yours sincerely,

Willem Bakker

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia

Lorraine Tierney 4558 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the electricity companies are making a good profit by not paying fair price. We have paid out a big amount to buy the solar in the first place. Solar is better for everyone, and for the environment. .

Yours sincerely,

Lorraine Tierney

Sunshine Coast QLD 4558, Australia

Roger McPhee 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they have invested heavily in the interests of the planet, its environment and the belief that the government and the community valued the effect taking up solar had on reducing demand for fossil fuels.

All we are asking for is a fair and consistent go to all solar customers.

Yours sincerely,

Roger McPhee

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

Patricia Roche 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because those of us who have invested in a solar array have helped Queensland significantly. We had to outlay considerably more than the current price for panels in order to be leaders in this venture, and our investment, with the help of government incentives has done exactly what was intended, that is to help grow the industry and bring down the cost of solar energy for ordinary people.

I, for one, am certainly not well off. I am now retired and living very modestly. As I have downsized my property, I now will be paid only a very meagre amount for any power that I send to the grid. This is outrageous as the cost of power sold from the grid is going up and up. The power companies also charge each of us about $420 per year just for a supply charge, before we have used any power at all. That means that breaking even with a new solar system is going to be well nigh impossible.

What is the point of this strategy? Does the government now want the solar industry to fail, just when global warming is finally being understood as the huge threat to all economies that it is? There is a question here of the future of our country. It is absurd to categorise people with solar systems as wealthy latte drinkers and seek to punish them with recompense that is far below market price. We are very ordinary people who only ask for a fair deal.

I will be judging your ability to be independent and fair-minded by the recommendations you make to the government. I hope you have the strength to do the right thing.

Yours sincerely,

Patricia Roche

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Andrew Gaydon 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we owe it to our children to create a better future for them. We spend thousands of dollars installing a solar system on our roof and get a lousy 6c feed-in tariff. We are then charged 30c + a solar meter fee for providing the state with extra energy.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Gaydon

Rose Kapper 4218 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because those of us that believed in the "right thing to do " at the time have had to fight very hard along the way even to keep our original feed in price .

Why does this need to be such a battle ?

Why can't you look into the future and see how badly you will be judged ?

We owe it to our children and grandchildren to get this right !

Get with it !!! Make the big decisions !!! OR BE JUDGED HARSHLY by the next generations.

Yours sincerely,

Rosalie Kapper

Gold Coast QLD 4218, Australia


Eric Kozij 4074 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because by producing electricity we are saving the government cost of building power stations and we should be compensated a fair price ….

Yours sincerely,

Eric Kozij

Brisbane QLD 4074, Australia

Marg Reynolds 4470 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need more people to install solar to increase power generation from renewable energy sources to reduce the detrimental effect of the human race on our planet. I notice that in other states they are building solar farms and linking household rooftop solar in communities to provide power for that community. Lets not have Queensland lag behind the rest in innovative approaches to energy. As to the feed-in tariff, as an early adopter I took heed of the government's advertising that installing a solar system (atat least twice the price of the current systems) was good for the planet, good for Qld, would encourage others to install solar so as to reduce the need for coal fired electricity production. Any benefit from the feed-in tariff could be offset against the high cost of the solar system. If, indeed, the "transport" cost of feeding in solar generated electricity is high (as I have heard said in justification of the low payment for feed-in), then why not decentralise power stations as has been done elsewhere.

Yours sincerely,

Marg Reynolds

Queensland 4470, Australia

Darryl Geisler 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Darryl Geisler

Queensland 4740, Australia

brandon reid 4114 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the energy suppliers sell our solar for the normal price....

Yours sincerely,

brandon reid

Brisbane QLD 4114, Australia

David Pyle 4059 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we should be encouraging the use of renewable sources of energy.

Sure, there are plenty of other reasons including the savings made to the power grid, but renewables is the main one.

Yours sincerely,

David Pyle

Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia

Alastair Silcock 4356 Dear Sir,

I'm concerned Queensland residents who produce solar power are not being paid a reasonable price for the energy they feed into the grid. Six cents is not a reasonable price.

It would be reasonable for that price to be at least tied to the average tariff price electricity supply companies are charging their customers - i.e. more than 20 cents.

As a small consumer of energy (3 to 5 kWh daily usage), adding on the 'network & meter charges', I am effectively paying 60 cents a kilowatt hour to Ergon, even though the tariff is 24.46 cents (GST incl).

Six cents is obviously way too low.

Solar Citizens may also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Yours sincerely,

Alastair Silcock

Queensland 4356, Australia


Ana Dolding 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is renewable, helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren. Best of all rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Yours sincerely,

Ana Dolding

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia

Jeremy Dowdeswell 4213 Dear Commissioner,

The present pricing structure is not equitable to solar owners for the following reasons:

- The energy company buys power from me at 6 cents/kwh and will sell it to my neighbour ( or me if I'm not generating enough) at 24c. Even taking account of the costs of the distribution infrastructure, that's a pretty enormous mark-up 400%!

- The utility companies are using their scale and resources to over-ride concerns of householders, who cannot compete with them in challenging the price, nor their lobbying capabilities - which is why consumers need to rely on you to protect their small interests in this uneven battle;

Rooftop solar needs to be encouraged. We are facing a crisis in climate change as disclosed this week by NASSA showing the dramatic increase in global warming. One report declared that unless we moved completely to renewables for power generation by 2050, we would irrevocably miss the global warming target. Rooftop solar is part of the solution and good policy would encourage wider adoption. And one way to do that is to pay a fair price for power that is fed into the grid.

Enormous opportunities present from having de-centralised power generation such as rooftop solar:

- it cuts down on the massive power-loss suffered when power is transmitted over long distances, that is, it saves waste;

- it opens the way for local storage facilities, whether batteries or newer high-tech solutions;

- it reduces the need for more power generation and transmission infrastructure, which is a significant part of the cost of electricity;

With regard to suggestions that the 44cent tariff rate is to be withdraw, well that is disgraceful. Those rates were guaranteed for 20 years and early installers of roof-top solar made investment decisions based on that return. To withdraw it will show the Government is untrustworthy.

I trust the Commissioner will announce a finding that is is fair to both users and consumers, and that he will not allow the Government to renege on their 44c tariff commitment.

Yours sincerely,

Jeremy Dowdeswell

Gold Coast QLD 4213, Australia

Malcolm Reid 4310 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because under the present feed-in price the beneficiaries of our solar capital expenditure are the electricity retailers.

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm Reid

Bruce James 4552 Dear Commissioner,

I do receive the 44c feed-in tariff because I was an early adopter, and there is no way that I could have afforded to install at the past high solar prices without that encouragement from the Qld State Govt.

The Newman Govt wanted to blame solar users for price increases in electricity quite dishonestly. Both sides of politics knew that it was "gold-plating" (authorised by govt) of the network that created most of the cost blowout.

Now your govt is trying the same dishonesty!

Please stop these latest anti-renewable proposals which make your govt no different from the Newman or Abbott ("climate change is crap") governments.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce James



Matt Theunissen 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we create clean energy. Also as an early solar panel owner with a 44 cent feed-in price it would be very unfair to take that away as we paid a much higher price for the solar panels and installations compared to what is the case at the present time.

Yours sincerely,.

Matt Theunissen

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia

Andy Tweedy 4343 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we invested a lot in our solar systems, it reduces the need for infrastructure upgrades on the grid, and we're being charged extra for solar meters now.

At the very least we should be paid for our solar at the same rate we are charged for power.

Yours sincerely,

Andy Tweedy

Queensland 4343, Australia

Don Ritchie 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners who are only getting six or eight cents per kilowatt are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have paid six thousand dollars thinking that I would not have to pay for electricity. I find that I am paying between eighty to one hundred and fifty dollars per bill. When I was getting eighteen cents per kilowatt I did not expect to make money but I also did not expect to pay as much as I do.

The pressure off the government to build more power stations so it is only fair we get back a reasonable price for our over supply. I feel that there is to many middle men skimming the cream off the top so why don't you cut out some of these middle men and make power prices more affordable and then people like me who only get six cents per kilowatt and the pay twenty nine cents per kilowatt .

Yours sincerely,

Don Ritchie

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Janice Perrett 4154 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Do not dis credit us by lowing the tariff feed in, we as house owners are doing the right thing for the environment, our climate change is not getting any better and we all need to stand to help fix this before it gets any worse.

Yours sincerely,Mrs. J.Perrett

Janice Perrett

Brisbane QLD 4154, Australia

Bas and RozDolkens 4806 Dear Commissioner,

As Queensland Solar Power owners who paid more than $13000 for our installation some three years ago we are concerned at reports that scrapping the 44c feed in tariff is again being considered. We decided to install the system based on the 44c feed in tariff and, unless we are about to be compensated for the very high price we paid back then for our installation, removing that 44c entitlement is grossly unfair.

Obviously the current 6c offer is also totally inadequate considering the savings in poles and wires as well as the price suppliers extract from people without panels for power created by those with. There is also the clean energy factor to consider and you should be encouraging investment in solar, not penalising those who have made the investment in a greener, more sustainable future for the planet.

Yours sincerely,

Bas and Roz Dolkens

Queensland 4806, Australia

patricia ashwin 4216 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. it is ecologically sound as it doesn't use coal or other fuel, doesn't need poles or wires to mention a couple of reasons. I am sure there are many more pluses and of which I am convinced you would be aware.

It would be fairer to our pensioners' household budget as well..

Gold Coast QLD 4216, Australia


Mary Bennet 4070 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are trying to do the right thing to save the planet. The energy companies are charging users far more than they are paying the citizens who have solar panels installed and it is simply not fair. Please right this wrong.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Bennet

Brisbane QLD 4070, Australia

Lea Smouha 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the government should be encouraging and supporting the people of Queensland to use renewable energy resources.

Coal and gas usage has a massive carbon footprint and has to be transported for hundreds of kilometres from power stations via wires and poles. So much money could be saved by cutting down on this.

Please do the right thing and increase the solar feed in price.

Yours sincerely,

Lea Smiuha

Queensland 4211, Australia

Jane Du preez 4020 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely

Jane Du preez

Queensland 4020, Australia

Penny DAVIS 4869 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is clean renewable energy. Isn't that what we want?

They reduce the need to expand power poles and wires, saving on electricity costs to companies which would be passed on to consumers.

Why is Australia so backward in using solar energy when we have so much sunshine? We should be promoting the industry, not trying to make it as difficult as possible for everyone. Some European cities run cities on solar power but Australia is still promoting coal energy.

Solar owners are doing the right thing and being penalised for it.

Yours sincerely,


Cairns QLD 4869, Australia

Tracey Larkin 4287 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are choosing to provide the infrastructure of the future by investing in solar technology now.

Instead of being rewarded by taking an individual action to reduce climate change and implement the Paris Agreement, they are effectively being penalized for being proactive.

If the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff was fair and equitable when it was reduced how can 6c (or less!) be logically or fairly purchasing the solar energy generated by the solar owner?

Look to SA where they actually incentivize storage batteries and encourage electricity generated by solar .... this is the way of the future and it is already happening in Australia. Lets not let Queensland lag behind the other states!!

Yours sincerely,

Tracey Larkin

Queensland 4287, Australia


William Heiner 4868 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is clean and green and creates jobs.

Also network costs and decentralised because of take up of residential solar.

I also support the work of Solar Citizens

Yours sincerely,

William Heiner

Cairns QLD 4868, Australia

Dereka Ogden 4224 Dear Commissioner,

It's high time there was recognition of renewable energy's advantages to our electricity grid. Those of us who have solar panels on our roofs contribute to the supply of power for every citizen. We should be paid a fair price for our contribution. Renewables are the way of the future and those of us who want to reduce greenhouse emissions should be treated fairly.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar power reduces the need for new power poles and lines.

As there have been so many people installing solar, this has reduced the cost of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Power companies receive solar power and sell it on at 3 times that paid to solar power owners.

The fact that solar power is decentralised should be a big plus and is., so why are solar power owners paid so little?

Yours sincerely,

D Ogden

Gold Coast QLD 4224, Australia

Adrienne Gaha-Morris 4500 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the way of the future. Dirty coal, oil and gas mining is over; we have a better way know. Let's embrace solar and give people that install it decent incentives to do so.

Anita Ace 4074 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because when our support was required to get the program off the ground we invested in systems that far more expensive than the systems currently on offer. The impact of this for our family is it would become a financial burden we have not yet covered the cost of. This form of action would lead me to question future initiatives proposed by the government and industry as possible scams where the only parties to benefit are those in power, not those who actually get programs off the ground so they can be touted as highly success. Had this been identified as a possibility I would never have invested our limited finances into a system that has been a benefit to the industry and government and not the community.

If this is to go forward I will be finding a way as soon as possible to not rely on the system and become independent. I'm sick of the rules being changed so the only winners are the government and big industry partners not the little people who can make things happen.


Anita Ace


Nicole Rimmer 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because by us currently having solar the infrastructure costs are covered by us, the transmission losses are negligible, the maintenance costs for upgrading the network are reduced and the carbon footprint of our energy usage is reduced.

This appears to be a win for the State and yet we feel penalised.

The energy exported by us to the grid is paid to us at a non-negotiable 6.5 cents feed in tariff. This is unfair knowing the energy we produce saves our electricity supplier (Ergon) 45 cents plus transmission expenses to get the equivalent power to my neighbours home from Stanwell, it then costs Ergon 6.5 cents to buy our power bringing the total down to 38.5 cents. Ergon then sells the power directly to our neighbour for 25 cents, bringing the total that Ergon is better off to 63.5 cents per kilowatt.

That’s a huge mark up with no transmission losses or requirements to upgrade long transmission lines.

If we lived in South East Queensland where there is more competition, companies offer voluntary commercial feed in tariffs. But in regional Queensland where Ergon doesn’t have any competition we get next to nothing and they get all the profit because the previous Government mandated that Ergon need only pay 6.5 cents!!

Labor promised at the last election to increase this mandated rate to the same as commercial rate at 25 cents. This would be fairer and we hope this promise is met sooner rather than later.

But truthfully though, we believe regional areas should be offered far higher feed in tariffs to get as many people off the grid and stop the subsidisation of the regional energy network. This would lead to a win for the State, a win for regional consumers, a win for tax payers and a win for the environment.

We look forward to seeing increased feed in tariffs very soon.

Yours sincerely,

Nicole Rimmer

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

Clive Keenan 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Domestic solar deserves a fair price because this power resource of approximately $2.5 billion capital cost (488,000 systems x $5,000 average cost) has been primarily funded by the private tax-paid dollars of homeowners. This huge investment has saved the large commercial companies many millions of $$ in the construction of new power stations, as well as saved many thousands of tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. The people that invested their money into these systems deserve to get a fair return on their investment. Why can the power companies make such a HUGE profit (400%!) on an investment that they didn't have to pay for? They purchase the electricity for $0.06 and then sell it for $0.27! This is totally unfair to the Queenslanders (yes, the ones you are meant to be looking after in the provision of an essential commodity) that invested hard-earned, tax paid $$ into purchasing their systems. They deserve a better outcome and we all should have lower electricity prices, as this is an essential commodity.

Best regards

Clive Keenan

Linda Connors 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a reusable and clean energy and we need to think about the future of our planet.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Connors

Queensland 4573, Australia

Robyn Twell 4169 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power not only helps Queensland electricity users like myself save money, but it also helps reduce the need for infrastructure like poles and wires which make up as much as 50% of an electricity bill.

Rooftop solar power avoids the large energy losses (up to 20%) incurred when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from distant power stations. Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable and solar power is helping to build a clean, healthy future for my children and grandchildren.

Rooftop solar power owners should be encouraged and congratulated not punished and ripped off by poor returns on their power. Our future, and more importantly our children and grandchildren's future will be determined by the decisions you and people like you make. Think carefully about our future and the positive impact renewable energy like solar power can make.

We are counting on you to make the right decision.

Yours sincerely,

Robyn Twell

Brisbane QLD 4169, Australia


Frank O'Leary 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, I/We have invested a lot of money in Solar, and trying to do the right thing by the environment, and I feel we should be adequately compensated in the cost outlay?

Yours sincerely,

Frank O'Leary

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia

Kerrie Davis 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, while we are doing our part to alleviate the effects of global warming, we are being penalised by not getting a fair price for the power we feed back into the grid. We are being paid a miserable 6c/kWh for the power we generate while this very same power is being sold by the big power companies at three times this price.

Where is the "fair go" for the honest Aussie battler in that?

Yours sincerely,

Kerrie Davis

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Ron Smith 4565 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we provide clean power not just for our own household but we also export power to the grid - clean power that does not add to the carbon in the atmosphere. We receive just 8 cents from AGL for each kWh we export to them and they onsell it for at least three times that price.

PV panels are much less expensive now that when we first installed them (in 2002) and many more households can afford them. Let's support this movement to clean power.

Thank you.

Gary Jacobson 4109 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price that includes:

1. Fair compensation for the actual cost of generation (6 cents is not even that)

2. Fair compensation for the saving to the distribution company in the lower cost of distributing power (my power is decentralised).

3. Fair compensation for lowering the environmental damage done to our air by coal fired power stations.

I would think 25 cents FiT gross Feed In Tariff would be a fair minimum.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Jacobson

Brisbane QLD 4109, Australia


Michael Greinke 4703 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the points listed below:

-Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

-Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill.

-Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

-The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

-Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

-The Feed in Rate of 44c/kw must be maintained. Any change amounts to a breach of contract and will be acted upon.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Greinke

Queensland 4703, Australia

Tessa Wakefield 4132 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar owners invested a lot of money setting up their solar systems in an effort to reduce pollution and use a environmentally responsible, renewable soucre of energy. The uptake of solar power in Queensland has reduced the load on our infrastructure and reduced the bed for further updates in the future.

We are currently paid a fraction of the amount charged by the energy companies when they sell the power we generate using system we have instants at personal cost. How is that fair?

Remember that solar users are still charged a daily service fee by the electricity companies, and that some have even introduced another surcharge for solar users...all while on selling the power we generate at massive profit margins.

Please stop pandering to big business and put the people and the environment first for a change.

Yours sincerely,

Tessa Wakefield

Brisbane QLD 4132, Australia

Andrew goodley 4030 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the future of energy production in Queensland . Queensland has the opportunity to become a world leader in renewable energy and energy production please help!

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Goodley

William Weerts 4209 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….first and foremost, those that have installed solar on their rooftops, have shown their commitment to take action on Climate Change, while the Government is dragging its feet on tackling this enormous problem which will effect future generations on many levels.

It's very unfair to make those owners pay for the mistakes made by the utilities on over investing in poles and wires at a time when one could see at that time, that renewables would be our energy source of the future. We need a fair price for the power we generate.

Solar is free and very efficient and has no energy losses at all as is the case with coal and gas.

The uptake of solar by so many Queenslanders has led to greater competition which has reduced the retail price for electricity for us all.

As for myself; I will invest in battery storage in the near future and can't wait to swap my personal vehicle for an all electric one.

Rooftop solar power is the energy source we need to embrace wholeheartedly for our own sake if we want a clean and healthy future.

A fair price is needed!

Yours sincerely,

William Weerts

Queensland 4209, Australia


Kathleen Earsman 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we citizens of a planet moving (more rapidly than predicted) towards irreversible climate change need encouragement to support carbon free electricity generation.

I am a pensioner with limited income. I've paid for my solar power and cannot afford to pay again.

Corporate greed is destroying our environment. Why would I vote for a government that embraced environmental destruction?

Yours sincerely,

Kathleen Earsman

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Ivor Morgan 4868 Dear Commissioner, we are getting a raw deal,c'mon

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Ivor Morgan

Cairns QLD 4868, Australia

Martin willems 4227 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

1. We have paid a significant sum of money to install solar energy and receive a pittance in return.

2. The energy companies are reaping a huge profit from our generated power by on-selling the power at three times the price we receive for it.

3. We are additionally penalised for even having solar power , as the price we pay for purchasing normal power is HIGHER per kWh than for those who do not have solar.

4. It would be iniquitous to have a surcharge applied for those that would like to go off-grid and fit a battery system.

5. It has been unfair that the original FIT was at a certain level and then cut down to almost nothing purely based on when one could install solar. Perhaps due to moving house for example.

Yours sincerely,

Martin willems

Gold Coast QLD 4227, Australia

Peter Stein 4881 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we were given an incentive to forgo other purchases and instead invest in solar roof power products, to provide for our future not only financially but ecologically. Taking the criminal step of canceling the subsidies after we have signed up and committed resources is not Australian, and will further erode any confidence for any future government or business promotions and contracts.

Full fill your commitments the same as we full filled ours - treat us the way you would like to be treated!

Yours sincerely,

Peter Stein

ingrid chadwick 4601 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. 6 cents a kw is a joke we are pensioners and were told that when we get this system we would no longer get a electricity bill ha nothing about our bill has changed and now we spent 4799.00 on top and they still charge us 27 cents a kw just a rip off ,its about time we looked after our people, instead of sending more and more funds over seas

Yours sincerely,

ingrid chadwick

Queensland 4601, Australia


Kevin Sawyer 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….1 we are saving the power distributor's real money by them not having to upgrade the system 2the excess power that we produce is on sold at a large profit 3by installing solor power we are helping the government meet its target for the use of renewable energy

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Sawyer

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia

Mark Nebauer 4120 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need to encourage solar energy in this country, not punish those that use it. Solar energy is the way of the future and we should be leading the world with innovative solar technology, not trying to prop up our old-world coal-based system.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Nebauer

Brisbane QLD 4120, Australia

Pamela Frostick 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the less electricity I use, the more I pay. Ripoff!!

Anthony Bridges 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

When I first bought solar power for my home, I did so urged on by the State Government with an offer of 44 cents per kw. I had 4kw installed at a personal cost of $14000, which is a fraction of what it costs today. I signed a CONTRACT which I would assume is legally binding until 2028. Any changes to such contracts would in my mind begin litigation proceedings.

In addition we are in the midst of global warming so surely it is in everyone's interest to reduce pollution caused by coal fired power stations.

Now, with thousands of Australians installing and maintaining solar power at their own expense, power companies are making a fortune out of these owners and at the same time do not need to continually build more coal powered power stations. Do you not understand that, or are you being influenced in some way by the powerful coal lobby?

Surely if people are being charged 27 to 30 cents per kw for their power, and the infrastructure provided by solar owners is free to maintain and install by the power companies, it is reasonable that such owners get a reasonable price for the power they input.

I therefore urge you to consider these factors when making your decisions.

Yours Sincerely,

Anthony Bridges

16th March 2016

John Peter HANNON 4815 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because those who have spent their money to have solar have done it for two reasons, one is to save money themselves but mainly to cut down on the pollution of coal fired generators.

You speak of green government but are not helping because of the powerful coal industry.

Yours sincerely,

John Peter HANNON

Queensland 4815, Australia

bill james 4518 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because simply put they are contributing to the continuing battle for the environment.…

Yours sincerely,

bill james

Sunshine Coast QLD 4518, Australia


Paul Stichbury 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the FIT is not being increased proportionately to compensate for the exponential increases in power charges which makes me believe that the generating companies are increasingly exploiting the small solar generators who have outlaid considerable sums of money installing their power generating systems.

Who is the QPC favouring; the state government and the big power generators who do not want their exorbitant cash flows eroded?

Yours sincerely,

Paul Stichbury

Queensland 4573, Australia

Bryce Rakop 4076 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar owners deserve at least a 50% split off the value of their solar. Even with taxes the peak devaluation of my salary is around 50%, and to suggest that solar owners only deserve 30% of the value THEY are bringing into the grid either reflects the greed of the power companies, or the disinterest of the government to make a real effort in encouraging Australians to go solar.

Figure out your smart grid, figure out your energy storage, get Australia on the path it wants to be on!

Yours sincerely,

Bryce Rakop

Brisbane QLD 4076, Australia

Liz Jones 4121 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. I committed to the purchase of solar panels for my household rooftop because I can see the incredible benefit to the environment and our climate from the use of renewable energy. In making substantial financial investment I, and many others, also anticipated a sizeable reduction to my electricity bill to offset my significant investment in solar. Sadly I am paid 6c per kWh while I pay 28c per kWh. It is hard to see how this is a reasonable payment to me for generating power. There is no evidence for why such a large price differential exists.

Solar deserves a fair price because to prevent cataclysmic climate change Australia needs to be quickly and substantially reducing our CO2 emissions. To do so we need a rapid uptake of renewable energies.

Yours sincerely,

Liz Jones

Brisbane QLD 4121, Australia

monty king 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. 6cents for a feed in tariff is ridiculous after investing in solar to reduce the carbon footprint we are making by burning coal I think you should be more realistic about helping our country and us citizens who want this country to get ahead .

Yours sincerely,

monty king

Queensland 4670, Australia

Jayne Matthews 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. (I would really like to have solar but its not worth it its ridiculous how having solar helps the environment and you the government want to make it hard for us to help the environment

Yours sincerely,

Jayne Matthews

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia

Brian Hay 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I like so many have had the experience of big multinationals and cartels or just simply monopolies ripping us off and abusing the decent. That is exactly what this is, steel from the people who try to do the decent thing and give it to the wealthy oligarchy this is why the people turn to communism but that is the other end of the political spectrum and the rulers of communism just repeat the same indignities on the law abiding. This is a disgrace and I will guarantee one day there will be an uprising and common people will go beyond the limits of decency while this type of injustice and rort continues unabated by the politicians and the councils etc look at Joe hockey and the ones who suggest solar power advocates are just an elitist few, I think the opposite is the case they are the parasites.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Hay

Queensland 4211, Australia


charles stimson 4879 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I cannot believe the greed of big business adding 200% profit to the generated 'free' power we supply to them.

I spent $16,000 installing a 6Kw system to do our bit for this country and the World, quantifying the eventual return in savings we would make over the next 10 years. There are hundreds of us in the same disenchanted mood of a callous 'breach of contract' in the Governmental design to now con the supporters, by their mutually designed persuasion with the Utility and is nothing but contempt.

Please listen to the genuine supporters harnessing nature's gift for the benefit of all and stop blaming us all for 'loading' costs on to those who choose not to join in the campaign and of course used as the excuse by the hierarchy of a Public Utility.Their defensive explanation to appease the inactive majority does not hold water.

Yours sincerely,

charles stimson

Cairns QLD 4879, Australia

Marshall Grey 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Yours sincerely,

Marshall Grey

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Daniel Boon 45 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar power generated on family homes deserves a fair price; the average cost is 24 cents a kilowatt hour and Energex pays a paltry 6 cents and in addiction to that, Energex also charges consumers a 'supply charge fee' which makes the median price around 28 cents.

This is an cross between collusion (with government and Energex involved) and a monopoly, which surely contravenes Fair Trades & Practises Act.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Boon

82 Schubert Road, Woombye Qld.

Mal McNelley 4370 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

We used the last of our savings and borrowed against the equity in our house to have Solar PV and HWS installed on our home. We made the decision to do this because as Pensioners (our sole source of income) we just could not afford to pay the continuously escalating cost of energy.

Yes, we no longer have any savings, but at least we know that we have hedged against the ongoing ridiculous cost increases because of a poorly managed energy supply system.

Yours sincerely,

Mal McNelley

Queensland 4370, Australia

Anne Blyth 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. We are ensuring that we leave a healthy planet for the future while still being able to enjoy modern conveniences.

Yours sincerely,

Anne Blyth

Queensland 4306, Australia


Patrick Flannery 4055 Dear Commissioner,

I installed rooftop solar several years ago as part of the Stare Government's incentive programme to move to renewable energy, the feed in tariff at that time was 8c/kWh contribution from the state government plus 8c/kWh from my energy provider. Subsequently the state government no longer contributes the 8c and the provider buys my solar energy for a measly 8c/kWh. For all the reasons outlined below I believe a fair feed in tariff is warranted, 8c/kWh is unjust.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Patrick Flannery

Brisbane QLD 4055, Australia

Denise Fricke 4510 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have put solar on to save money and to do our part for the environment. I am not happy about only getting 6cents rebate on my solar. I am putting electricity back into the grid and not getting a fair price for it. Electricity costs are rising every year. The electricity companies are effectively benefiting from solar users.

Yours sincerely,

Denise Fricke

Queensland 4510, Australia

Liza Neil 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the energy source of the future. Not acknowledging that and building supportive infrastructure to deliver clean energy to QLDers is simply negligent representation of the communities desire for a healthy future environment for not only our children, but all life on Earth as we know it. No pressure! Just go supportive on solar!

Yours sincerely,

Liza Neil

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

John Poxon 4165 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because their investment in solar energy infrastructure is benefiting Queensland by avoiding further hikes in electricity pricing due to state government investment in infrastructure, yet the government is paying a FIT of only a few cents while selling the solar energy at full market price. In other words the government is lining its pockets at our expense.Also, our investment in solar technology helps the government by lessening peak power demand

Yours sincerely,

John Poxon

Clare Gleeson 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because queenslanders have taken up the initiativeto install and pay for the infrastructure and produce clean green electricity for themselves and the state. They should not be made to subsidise all users who choose not to participate in installation of solar energy. The electricity suppliers should not be allowed to exploit solar producers by selling on their electricity at inflated prices. The profit margin should be fair and equitable arrangement in consultation with solar producers.

Yours sincerely,

Clare Gleeson

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia


Paul Melverton 4659 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. when I signed up I was told the 44c would apply until 2028, don't these contracts mean anything to you people,,Fair Go

Yours sincerely,

Paul Melverton

Queensland 4659, Australia

Stanhope Jonsson 4352 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

1/ scrapping the 44c FIT - as one of many early adopters I made a massive investment in solar - one of the reasons for doing this was the FIT. Recommending that this be scrapped is not the right thing to do - it must be left in place, as legislated to 2028.

2/ the current FIT of 6c is not a fair price for green electricity onsold for 22c. Put a fair FIT in place.

Yours sincerely,

Stanhope Jonsson

Queensland 4352, Australia

Ian Dennis Longstaff 4101 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are helping to combat global warming and we must encourage more users.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Dennis Longstaff

Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia

Robert Austen 4184 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we solar energy providers are helping to cut the cost of distribution, for up to 20% can be lost over long distances from the power stations.

There is less need to invest in poles and wires infrastructure or even extra power stations.

The solar owners take on the responsibility for their maintenance needs. If there were no solar providers then extra power stations would be needed to cope with the demand.

The high capital cost of solar power installation should be rewarded for the benefits are indirect to all Australians.

The current very low feed-in rates do not encourage solar providers to maintain their connection with energy companies and will only drive them towards battery storage so they use their own power first.

A fairer method of charging solar providers would be:

to use the difference in |(energy provided - energy solar generated)|* cost per unit + administration charge for each tariff used.

In our household we generate 2-3 times the amount we obtain from the grid. I can hardly wait to get off the grid altogether, so energy companies should be less mean to their customers if they wish to retain them. A feed-in tariff closer to 90% of the all day cost of grid power eg. about 20 cents/kWh unit would be fair to all concerned.

A consortium of energy companies should get more actively involved in renewable energy by investing in Concentrated Solar Thermal with molten salt Storage. This would eventually bring the cost of electricity down and reduce the need for building more coal power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Austen (Dr)

Brisbane QLD 4184, Australia

Nicole Deayton 4105 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this is the future energy for our country. The sooner we encourage people to go solar, the better off we'll be. The low prices discourage people. We owe it to our children.

Anthony Foxcroft 4205 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I am doing my bit for making my footprint smaller. Yet I only get 6c a kWh. And the price the Energy companies charge for that same is around 18c kWh. And yet you recommend things stay the same.

I'm kind of hoping you have not be bought and paid for by the energy companies but I guess we'll never know.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Foxcroft

Brisbane QLD 4205, Australia


David Newstead 4021 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because home solar power saves the national grid in times of high usage saving more power stations and more infrastructure.

Please reconsider your proposals and help those who invest in solar power get a better deal for there investment to help save power.

Yours sincerely,

David Newstead

Brisbane QLD 4021, Australia

Paul Ross 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the way of the future but the Qld government is in denial.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Ross

Gordon Mutch 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are not only making an investment in our homes by installing solar PV systems. Our investment is also in the environment and the future for our children. Early investors also were charged a premium for this technology and certainly are not making a fortune out of their systems. When first investigating solar and choosing to go this way I envisaged that it would take around 10 years to pay for itself in savings and we have never made a profit from the system over our annual electricity account. By scrapping the feed in tariffs promised to early investors you will be causing, in many cases, financial hardship to many people who have done no more than to try and make a difference to our environment.

Yours sincerely,

Gordon Mutch

Queensland 4306, Australia

Jeff Goodall 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because there is to much money being put back into the pockets of the over paid CEO's….

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Goodall

Queensland 4017, Australia

Leanne tebbey 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I am contributing to a cleaner environment also trying to save money on power bills. They charge me 24 cents pkw plus a power supply fee. I am giving energex money for my solar. Its simply not fair!

Yours sincerely

Leanne Tebbey

Dennis Rickard 4703 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this is the way of the future not mega coal mines such as Adani. This does not personally affect me as I am independent of the grid but I feel strongly that the proposed changes are very unfair

Yours faithfully

Dennis Rickard

Bronwyn Fitzgerald 4212 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are producing more than we need during the day but with 24 panels I am contributing large amounts to the grid and getting pain only 6c per kWh. but am paying you to run my electricity at night, while you steal my extra electricity. When I first put these panels on I was actually getting credits on the power I produce during the day but with the drop to 6c while I pay you 28c just doesn't add up o a fair deal. It is more than time this country stopped running on fossil fuels.

The facts are in, to save this country it is vital that we focus on renewable energy and stop the blatant ignorance that is being shown by our current leaders. All I am asking is that you consider what you are doing and encourage people to produce renewable energy. A decent price for our power produced is really vital to support future production of fossil free energy.

Yours sincerely,

Bronwyn Fitzgerald

Gold Coast QLD 4212, Australia


Patricia Wood 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…it is providing clean electricity and saving the purchase of dirty coal. A fair price would be what is charged to other electriciy users.

Yours sincerely,

Patricia Wood

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Craig Hamilton 4164 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because renewable energy is the way forward. Lets stop living in the dark ages and stop depending on fossil fuels. Its time to embrace clean energy. Stop trying to stem the flow and wishes of the Australian public by squeezing the financial benefit of installing roof top solar. Its time we had a fair price for Solar and look toward the future, for you, me and our children.

Craig Hamilton ….

Yours sincerely,

Craig Hamilton

Queensland 4164, Australia

David Moody 4355 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because. we payed for our system to be environmentally friendly and help with our power bill, that did not happen due to the miserable 6 cents p/kwh payed by ergon energy.I'm disappointed and to add insult to injury the power I produce is then sold off at 3 times the price.It's daylight robbery pardon the pun.

Yours sincerely,

David Moody

Queensland 4355, Australia

Stephen Coles 4208 Dear Commissioner,

We invested in a 5kw solar system a few years ago at a great deal of expense but felt it beneficial as with the solar tariff we would pay back the cost in number of years and then enjoy the full benefits of the system. We also invested in it as we were and are concerned about the environment and the future for our children. We have government telling us that we need to reduce our carbon footprint and encouraging us to go solar and then a few years later when they see its not working for THEM, we suddenly face the risk of losing out. Government needs to be held accountable for their decisions and irrespective of the government of the day there needs to be a irrevocable guarantee that the incentive can't be taken away from those who signed up at the time.

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power we generate. This very same power is sold to our neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Thank you for the opportunity to put forward my submission

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Coles

Queensland 4208, Australia

Miriam English 4574 Dear Commissioner,

Please note my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Cheating solar power generators out of a fair deal hurts the solar power householders who, if the feed-in return is not worth it are likely to sever their grid connection. This means other Queenslanders stand to lose the benefits of clean, distributed power because of the greed of the big power companies. Even the big centralised power companies will lose in the long run as they force people into a position where Queenslanders will overwhelmingly benefit by disconnecting from the grid and going 100% solar.

As storage battery systems and solar panels become cheaper and more efficient it will become ever more attractive to disconnect. The big power companies are their own worst enemies, and they're making themselves the enemies of ordinary Queenslanders too.

The short-sighted greed of the big power companies hurts not only solar households, but all Queenslanders, including the power companies themselves.

By safeguarding fairness you can protect all three.

Yours sincerely,

Miriam English

Sunshine Coast QLD 4574, Australia


Carolyn Asher 4355 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because each of us community members who have invested of our time and money by purchasing solar arrays have taken a big step in caring for our country and the future if our children. We are doing our part, the least we could expect in return is a dollar for dollar rebate if what we get charged to buy electricity.

Yours sincerely,

Carolyn Asher

Queensland 4355, Australia

Bevan Hay 4285 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we, as solar owners are providing power to the grid through systems that we have paid for with our own hard earned money. Queensland is well situated to take advantage of the natural resources and reduce the reliance on coal fired power. Research, as shown in the media clearly sounds the death kneel for coal fired power in the long term. Queensland is not known as The Sunshine State for nothing!

Yours sincerely,

Bevan Hay

Queensland 4285, Australia

Beverley McNae 4878 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price particularly in Queensland, the SUNSHINE state. It is beyond my comprehension that our governments are not interested in doing all they can to harness the sun's energy so that we can all reap the benefits of clean, cheap energy and have a great alternative energy source to dirty, fossil fuels. it's clearly the way we should all be heading and we should also be being encouraged to put up more and more solar panels on our roofs by making them cheaper to install as well.

Yours sincerely,

Beverley McNae

Cairns QLD 4878, Australia

Chris Roberts 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I, as an ex power station worker, know the price the power stations are paid. I have a legal agreement for my solar feed in tariff and I will fight with all my writing power to save it. There is only one way I will surrender my legal right to 44c and that is if Ergon etc agree to pay me the market rate, ie the same as the Power stations are paid. .….

Yours sincerely,

Chris Roberts

Queensland 4306, Australia

Rona Coote 4109 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

Yours sincerely,

Rona Coote

Brisbane QLD 4109, Australia

Eve Misan 4650 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. We receive only .06 cents a kw for energy into the grid then are charge over 50 cents to buy it back. Solar deserves a fair price because this is the way of the future. It is clean energy direct from the sun. Technology is advancing daily with ways to save our planet including the now readily available Tesla power battery packs in which solar generated energy can be stored. Is it the intention of the government to drive consumers off grid as this seems to be the way things are headed.

You are elected by the people. It is time you communicated better with the us what your real intentions are.

Yours sincerely,

Eve Misan

Queensland 4650, Australia


Jennifer Greene-Galloway 4371 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it encourages populations to contribute to a cleaner, greener sustainable energy future for all, we cannot continue to rely on fossil fuels. A fair price gives incentive to act which in turn allows the transition from coal & gas ensuring lower emissions which is imperative for our future!

Rooftop solar allows savings all round, consumer savings, reduces poles & wires expansion & decentralisation avoids energy losses. Solar installation creates competition within the electricity sector which in turn provides affordable choices for consumers.

The Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) draft report proposes to make absolutely no change to the solar feed-in price, dismal effort indeed. On top of this, the QPC has also recommended scrapping the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff, affecting 300,000 early solar adopters of which I am one. To say I am beyond annoyed at the possibility of losing my promised feed in tariff is an understatement.

I, upon installation of my 5Kw system, was promised under the legislated "Solar Bonus Scheme" to receive the 44c feed in tariff until 1st July 2028 & I expect that to continue till such date & not change before such date.

I am firmly opposed to any recommended changes to the current 44c feed in tariff. The QPC should be recommending & providing a fairer feed in tariff incentive to all & not recommending taking away the current promised 44c tariff causing a broken promise to trusting Queenslanders.

We will jump up & down & urge a fairer report be forth coming.


Jennifer Greene-Galloway

Yours sincerely,

Jennifer Greene-Galloway

Queensland 4371, Australia

Estelle Blair 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the power for the future. It is not right that solar owners receive such a low price for their power - more or less the long term baseload contract price - when they produce their maximum when retail power is most needed - hot sunny days, and the spot price is significantly higher than base contract price. Highest retail usage is now during summer when people switch on the air conditioners - not winter as per 30 years ago. That makes solar power all the more valuable as a flexible source, responsive to ambient conditions. The average paid for feed-in tariffs is not even the average wholesale cost price, as far as I am aware. Governments guarantee a 29c/KWhr for providers, why not guarantee a fair feed-in price to suppliers, eg 15-20c/KWhr. Retail providers would still make a handsome profit.....

Wendy Johnston 4703 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are reducing our carbon footprint. Instead of penalising the solar industry and solar users why not embrace a new innovative industry that will reduce our environmental impact on this planet. We should not have pay for the inability of electricity providers poor infrastructure maintenance or their inability to explore and embrace new improved technologies. I find it incredibly offensive to be called on of the "champagne latte drinking set" because I have solar. I know who won't get my vote.

Yours sincerely,

Wendy Johnston

Queensland 4703, Australia

Brian Haber 4118 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

what's bulls#$t NEW Solar Metering Charge?? It was never on my contract? Prove to me mathematically where this charge was previously absorbed and legally how I am legally bound to pay for it?

In Australian contract law for an agreement to be legal and binding there has to be an offer (never received) and an acceptance. Until proven that I am legally bound to pay I am not paying for either the controlled supply charge or solar metering charge!!

Further if it is true that the 44c per kw feed in tariff is going to be abolished prior to the CONTRACT end date then I and many other solar customers who spent thousands to install these systems will be seeking compensation from you!!

Brendan Ryan 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping to reduce the cost of supply.

Yours sincerely,

Brendan Ryan

Queensland 4740, Australia

Jason Brooks 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the electricity retailers are reaping the benefits of our outlay on rooftop solar, while clearly making up any shortfalls in power consumption revenue by jacking up the price we pay as a daily service charge just to be connected to the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Brooks

Queensland 4160, Australia


John Robertson 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners and particularly new adopters are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is making a valuable, useful contribution to the electricity grid, to more varied sources of generation and those forms that reduce carbon emissions.

Yours sincerely,

John Robertson

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Michael Schroeter 4701 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Schroeter

Queensland 4701, Australia

Lania Lynch 4868 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have unlimited sunshine and many early adopters, of whom I am one, will be financially impacted by the Government's broken promise. We entered into a contract with you as early adopters, please don't let this contract be broken.

Yours sincerely,

Lania Lynch

Alan Kruger 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. This inflated price is also what the power companies charge the solar rooftop owners once the sun goes down.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Alan Kruger

18 Creekside Blvd

Currimundi. Q 4551

Nora Julien 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Nora Julien

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia


Lesley Lambert 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it's logical. Everywhere else in the world solar is being embraced. Have you looked at India for example, now got solar energy down to the cost of the old coal power, ergo it's going to get even cheaper. And that is a so called third world country. What is wrong with Australia that they are constantly behind the times. Stupid.

Yours sincerely,

Lesley Lambrt

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Lynne Frederiksen 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it reduces the burden put on the current coal fired system, it is effectively cleaner for the environment, no infastructure is required and it's a win win situation for all. Coal is no longer the energy of the future; renewables are. Let's pay a fair price to pave the way for a cleaner future for all.

Yours sincerely,

Lynne Frederiksen

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Paul E Ivory 4104 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are being used as a tax cow by the government which collects a huge markup on the power that they feed back into the system. This last February was the hottest in all recorded history, and by a big margin. Instead of fostering solar power, you penalize it by this cynical rip-off.

Shame on you!

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Paul E. Ivory

Brisbane QLD 4104, Australia

Jonathan RhysMansell 4113 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Please don not scrape the .44c rebate

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Rhys Mansell

Brisbane QLD 4113, Australia

Beverley Powell 4554 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because

- I invested in solar power to contribute to shaping the future of my children. I did not want to continue supporting an industry which is a dinosaur - DOOMED.

- the QPC should not be propping up failing fossil fuel companies.

- Investments have been made in good faith and relying on the guaranteed feed in tariffs.

- the QPC should ensure fair pricing to enable the marketplace to determine the benefits of solar power production - eg the decentralised savings, the capital expenditure savings

Yours sincerely,

Beverley Powell

Sunshine Coast QLD 4554, Australia

Fleur Muffatti 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar rooftop feedback is feeding money to the Energy Providers and therefor deserve recognition and appreciation. It means less electricity loss in travel kilometres from source to use. It is gentler and cleaner for our environment and the future of our children.

Yours sincerely,

Fleur Muffatti

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia


Ignatius Teo 4341 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Even with a 44¢ feed in tarriff, we are paying close to $1.50/kWh. This is blatant price gouging, and is completely unacceptable.

Bronwyn Bradley 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price, an equal price to encourage more use and assist in bringing down the amounts of carbon in our atmosphere….I believe the electricity generated by solar is equitable to that which is generated by Energy Companies and as such is of equal value 1 for 1..

Yours sincerely,

Bronwyn Bradley

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Alfred JONES 4660 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because,the payment I receive is only 6.3 cents per kWh, I have 20 Solar Panels, which cost about $9,000.00 and that is all that I am paid for my Feed In Tariff.

On an average sunny day, my panels produce 30 kWh of Electricity, and I use an average of 7 kWh per day, so I am giving Ergon 23 kWh per day for which they pay me 6.3 cents per kWh and then they resell it for about 22 cents per kWh, which really is robbery.

By the way, my wife and I are 80 year old, aged pensioners, why can't you give us a fair deal??.

Kind Regards

Alfred M. Jones

PO Box 197

Woodgate QLD 4660

Yours sincerely,

Alfred JONES

Queensland 4660, Australia

Nicole Richards 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Nicole Richards

Stuart Richards 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Richards

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Javier Gomez 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. you need to stop ripping people off for trying to better the future for the planet and everyone that lives on it, don't keep changing the goal posts when it comes to tariff prices and set fees it is a rort from the electricity providers, Australians are very easy going on most matters but when it comes to this, it could create social unrest.

Follow the example of other countries that are leading the way in renewables and don't stick your head in the sand.


Geoff Steele 4055 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the energy market needs to adapt to the new realities of distributed power generation.

The owners of solar rooftops in Queensland are thousands of private investments in the long term affordability, sustainability and reliability of power supply in the state and should be recognised for the real and positive impact they are individually and jointly making in all three areas.

Power retailers in contrast have done nothing in this state in any of these key areas. They have not and continue to fail to invest in renewables, have done nothing to boost affordability of power, and strive to hold the state back in a centralised fossil fuel fed past.

It is not fair by any measure that retailers should buy green power at a discounted price and sell it with huge markups. Those who have created the power they sell should be adequately compensated, and those with existing contracts at 44c should have the assurance the state government stands by the agreements originally struck.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Steele

Brisbane QLD 4055, Australia

pierre nicol 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Australia is lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to renewable energy production.

Australia is supposed to be a first world nation but the coal industry is holding this country back in the stone age just to maintain their profits. I haven't even begun to comment on wind generation but that is another subject outside the context of this letter.

Australian citizens are spending their own money to do what the coal industry refuses to to and that is to make Australia a better place for everyone.

Greg Herbert 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are the ones investing in becoming more self-sufficient and sustainable with regards to our electricity generation and use. We are also taking pressure off the generators and I can see no reason why the electricity we produce should not be fairly recompensed.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Herbert

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia

Keith Brown 4179 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. I am a pensioner,certainly not a champagne sipper, and I withdrew money from my super to install my solar generation system.

My decision to do this was based on an expected, and promised, feed-in tariff of 44c/kwhr. It was also based on the fact that the State Premier at that time declared that if enough of us installed solar system, we would not have to build more power stations.

This has proved to be true - yet we are now to be penalised for what we did; and for saving the State from a massive cost.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Brown

Queensland 4179, Australia

Ian Hodgkinson 4563 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. just because I was clever and invested in solar doesn't mean you can just give away the excess that my equipment produces.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Hodgkinson

Sunshine Coast QLD 4563, Australia

Dixie and Arthur Lloyd-Jones 4550 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we are not using your electricity we are selling you ours saving you the cost of making what we would have used.

Yours sincerely,

Dixie and Arthur Lloyd-Jones

Sunshine Coast QLD 4550, Australia


Sunanda Smith 4510 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a great way for our country to move away from fossil fuels and reduce our dependency on massive energy company's and their price gouging ways

Yours sincerely,

Sunanda Smith

Queensland 4510, Australia

Mark Cavanagh 4007 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. The solar industry needs consumers to get a fair price because this will give a boost to a stagnating solar industry. The solar industry is vital for a sustainable future.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Cavanagh

Brisbane QLD 4007, Australia

Elizabeth Stark 4014 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because there is less demand on infrastructure, and doesn't have to travel nearly as far as electricity from power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Stark

Queensland 4014, Australia

Jessica Reynolds 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because if you are only paying 6c and onselling that power for 3 times the price, isn't that (a) ripping off the initial customer selling you the power whilst you (b) price gouge? There is no electricity competition in north Queensland, so if you do not do something that brings some equality into the system, you are condemning North Queenslanders to being ripped off in perpetuity.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Reynolds

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia

Elissa Jenkins 4105 Dear Commissioner,

To cut the 44c tariff off early would be an ethica and legal shamozzle as it's a financial decision householders made at the time based on that fact.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Elissa Jenkins

Brisbane QLD 4105, Australia

Malcolm Wood 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we made our decision to install Solar on the understanding we were not only saving our money but also the State by reducing the need of more power stations and lines/poles etc

along with it was green power --

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm Wood

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia


Tony Martin 4011 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we did the hard work early to help make solar energy a vital part of the energy mix providing power for this state. We took the decision to invest in something that was not only a good thing to do for Queensland, but the right thing to do. All we ask is to be paid a fair market price for the energy we produce, and recognition for a contribution which has taken the pressure off the old electricity generation infrastructure.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Martin

Brisbane QLD 4011, Australia

Ken Freiberg 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because It is saving money the government money on generating the extra electricity that is needed to meet the increasing needs of the general public. Can you imagine if everyone with solar panels stopped feeding their supply into the grid what the effect would be???? We are helping to save costs by feeding back to the grid, so how about a fair price for all solar uses.

Yours sincerely,

Ken Freiberg

Queensland 4305, Australia

Marissa Bartlett 4011 Dear Commissioner,

As you are aware, the electricity produced by my solar panels is apparently worth only a fraction of the electricity sold to me by power generators. This is on top of the extremely hefty connection fee, so there can be no argument that the difference in price is to cover the cost if maintaining the grid.

This is simply, and glaringly, unfair. It can only exist in a system designed to benefit big business at the expense of consumers. I call on you to redress this balance, and mandate a reasonable feed-in tariff. The alternative - which is becoming increasingly attractive to me - is to go off-grid altogether. You should consider that such extreme protectionism of the energy generators may in fact end up weakening their market share.

Yours sincerely,

Marissa Bartlett

Brisbane QLD 4011, Australia

Helen Hayler 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

We are the ones helping to reduce global warming by using renewable energy. I am one of the early sign ups for panels and it has been very satisfying to see how I have contributed to reducing the use of coal for electricity. It will be a real hardship if you take our original 44c from us, we deserve that feed in price as that is what we were promised to begin with.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Hayler

Sunshine Coast QLD 4575, Australia

Margaret Freiberg 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested in a renewable energy source and the amount of electricity being generated from solar panels and being fed back into the grid must be saving the government a large amount of money on infrastructure.

So how is it fair that the price being paid to some solar customers is as low as 6c and the price they are charged is 4 or 5 times higher??

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Freiberg

Queensland 4305, Australia

Paul Buchhorn 4152 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. It was a QLD government email that initially got me interested in getting solar panels. This was dressed up with the promise of a 44c feed in tariff that would help pay the panels off over a fixed period of time. I cannot conceive that a subsequent government would break this commitment.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Buchhorn

Brisbane QLD 4152, Australia


Lorraine Swan 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because at present the Queensland feed-in tariff actively discourages public investment in renewables by removing cost effectiveness for many households. The frequency of reviewing the feed-in price is less relevant than the factors taken into consideration when it is reviewed. These must consider the cost of delivering conventional power to consumers, including necessity for new power stations and infrastructure, as well as encouraging investment in developing renewable technology to become more efficient and more affordable.

Yours sincerely,

Lorraine Swan

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia

Mette Juel 4159 Dear Commissioner,

People who produce energy using solar panels on their roof deserves a fair price for the power. It does not make sense that the power companies profit on selling this energy on to other consumers.

I understand why it is not in the interest of the coal plants that we produce more renewable energy but it is in the interest of our society.

If we are serious about wanting to do our bit to lower greenhouse gas emissions, we need to encourage, not discourage people from producing renewable energy on their roof.

I hope you will make a decision which benefit our society as a whole!

Yours sincerely,

Mette Juel

Brisbane QLD 4159, Australia

Jozef Friedmann 4018 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because

1. we all made a fairly large investment into local power generation and have a right to expect a return in a reasonable time frame.

2. Our investment into power generation is not worth less then that of the state's investment and we should be able to expect an equal price for equal amount of power as the minimum.

3. The argument about the infrastructure cost does not quite hold water because we do pay for the infrastructure use in our bill structure and the retailers use the infrastructure to buy power from us and on-sell it.

4. We have saved the government hundreds of millions of dollars as they have not needed to build a single power plant since about 2007 when the Kogan Creek power plant came online. This of course mean further savings on maintenance and fuel costs, not to mention the huge emission reduction.

5. We are the mechanism through which power generators met their obligations to produce a certain % of power from renewables, not to mention they saved huge on the carbon tax, they would otherwise have to pay.

6. We are a substantial mechanism for the Australian Government to meet their international obligations on carbon emission reduction.

7. We are the ones who will eventually go with storage which will provide the grid with instant/on-demand peak power supply in heat wave times.

8. We save the state a lot of water as solar power generation requires NO

WATER at all as opposed to any non-renewable /fuel burning power generation.

9. A fair feed-in is at least equal - c/kWh- to the power price charged by power retailers. It's also a smart point of negotiation as the more expensive imported power becomes the cheaper and more attractive solar power becomes and coal power generators are already at the start of the 'downward/death spiral' due to this short-sighted, shareholder-centered power pricing policy. The next step is obvious: at the moment price of power goes up again and/or feed-in price goes down, people start seriously thinking about investing in storage. Why would I pay the power retailers when I can be paying off the batteries, buy nothing from the retailer and even being paid good money at peak times?

Why would I spend money on contributing to the climate change when I can invest it into counteracting it?

Bottom line: the government needs to think longer term and keep us interested in being part of the future of fossil-free power generation, also saving on less need for global warming caused damage mitigation. Think BIG picture for once.

peter dudesin 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

peter dudesin

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia


Michael Smith 4503 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because.

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Smith

Brisbane QLD 4503, Australia

june neilsen 4650 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. We the Solar power owners deserve a fair deal it not just about the goverment & coal power owners. We're contribiting to the envorment. we as pensoners spent our hard earned money putting in SOLAR power so give us a fair deal.

Darryl Datson 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we were encouraged to take up solar power by way of a reasonable payment of 44 cents for power we generated and feed back into the grid originally. This price encouraged more installations of Solar power systems, created more green power and a lot of jobs for people to install, then maintain these systems. If the this feed-in price is greatly reduced or removed completely, the installation of solar power to homes will cease, destroying jobs and stopping any further increases in green energy production from Businesses and family homes. Please do not head in that direction.

Yours sincerely,

Darryl Datson

Jason Majtczak 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the benefits to all electricity users and the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Majtczak

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia

Taras Kordas 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. As leads generator for solar at local community market the travesty and contept the cosumer feels that ergon holds in this region of Wide Bay Burnett, is deplorable. If a similar corporate business was called to account by fair trading and ACCC to please explain in this instance the "jig is up". We, as consumers can prosper and feel empowered if the stentch of coal removes its hold so its own demise is not compensated by a $116 piece of paper for nothing but as a service charge..We the people have the expectations to be given the full value of our commitment to make the change without the quango of ergon bull#@$ing us any longer. They have shot themselves in both feet and a hand, what they now hold is a choice to be dignified and admit their capacity to manage solar is a compromise to the shareholders of the resource sector that are held by the few to keep the money rolling in. Please remove base power coal from the residential and commercial solar that sustain s a positive position beyond politics and shareholder greed. We here in the Qld state are deserving of better

Richard Mottershead 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are supplying power into the grid during the day when industry and businesses are using the most power. For example all of the airconditioned office buildings consuming large amounts of power which because it is coming from our solar is saving on the need for power stations to produce more power from fossil fuels and so contribute to our greenhouse gas emissions.

AS solar power producers we are only accessing a small area of the grid if the power we feed in is consumed in the local area. Our supply into the grid does not require the use of high voltage infrastructure as we supply at 240 Volts AC. This supply is more efficient than the power supplied from a power station where there are large transmission losses on the way to the end user.

As a home owner I am being charged $513 per year for the privilege of being connected to the grid, then $0.26 per KWh for the power I draw from the grid, where as I am offered a miserable $0.06 per KWh for the power I supply to the grid and the retailer then supplies to the person next door for $0.26 per KWh. This situation I believe to be grossly unfair. THe feed in tariff should be more inline with the price I am charged for supply from the grid as the grid connection charge is billed as a separate item.


Ross Macdonald 4805 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because these householders have taken the initiative that should provide savings and benefit for all of their respective communities, not just the big end of town.

Yours sincerely,

Ross Macdonald

Queensland 4805, Australia

John Morrison 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

I was one of the early adopters spending a lot of money that I'm still trying to recoup.

Why should I supply power for the power companies at a discount to profit from.

How about driving the nation into a brighter future not looking at short term profits and driving us into a ditch.

Moira Scott 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they provide energy to the grid, and reduce the need for upgrades to the existing network and power stations. They also maintain their equipment at no cost to the power companies.

For this the power companies are allowed to get away with paying a very low price to the solar owners and sell on to other customers for a far higher amount.

Why should ordinary citizens pay for the poor decisions made by big business when they over invested in 'gold-plated' networks, or failled to move to clean energy themselves?

I am not a solar owner as I can not yet afford my own installation. However I know unfair when I see it.

Yours sincerely,

Moira Scott

Queensland 4017, Australia

Charlene Slack 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price and a fixed price guarantee to families. We signed up to solar in good faith that the 44c per KW would be honoured. We paid a lot more, in fact 3 times more for our solar system than what it costs today. Cutting the rate and offering very low rates is nothing short of stealing money directly from hard working families trying to plan for our future, providing some clean energy reducing environmental impact and would be teaching our children that the govt. is untrustworthy, dishonourable and values their profits above all else.

Peter Collins 4054 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it provides additional peak energy capacity to mitigate electricity brown outs and black outs. Solar energy also reduces the need for more capital infrastructure to meet Australia's energy demands.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Collins

Brisbane QLD 4054, Australia

Cleve Eakin 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are doing their big to minimise environmental impacts and stop dirty coal.

Yours sincerely,

Cleve Eakin

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia

bruce tubby 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I believe that I should be at least paid the same price for each kWh that I feed into the grid as I get charged for each kWh that I consume from the grid I am just talking about the power not the poles and wires I realize that that is a separate thing also I remember that privatization was meant to make power cheaper


Kay James 4516 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we have taken steps towards doing something to help Australia to become less reliant on coal and gas fired power stations. How many more of the is out dated technology would haven been built by now if it weren't for ordinary everyday people like me who took steps to help not only ourselves but all energy consumers in Queensland. We have so much sun here in sunny Queensland it needs to be used. We have decentralised power generation and we should be at the very least be paid similar to other electricity generators here in Queensland. It should be the same right across Australia, we are the same country aren't we?

Yours sincerely,

Kay James

Elimbah QLD 4516, Australia

Anna Keenan 4031 Dear Commissioner,

Power companies shouldn't be able to make a 400% profit on something they didn't invest in. A renewable-energy powered smart-grid means the end of centralised energy, with utilities transforming to become 'energy stabilisers' between a network of distributed producers, instead of being bulk suppliers as they are now.

Such a transformation requires a fair price on solar as an incentive for new solar owners to emerge

I wish to associate myself with the Solar Citizens submission.

Yours sincerely,

Anna Keenan

Brisbane QLD 4031, Australia

Judith Tenison-Woods 4060 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

it reduces the expenditure on power infrastructure which benefits all tax payers;

it provides a clean, sustainable and responsible source of energy that will benefit present and future generations;

it was promoted as an incentive to householders challenged by soaring electricity costs to invest in for individual and community benefit;

families who invested, particularly when establishment costs were at their highest, deserve the full benefit that is currently being misappropriated by power companies on selling power at inflated prices.

Yours sincerely,

Judith Tenison-Woods

Brisbane QLD 4060, Australia

Allan Eedy 4075 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are producing renewable energy that Electricity generating companies are making money from.

Yours sincerely,


Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia

Jean Cirone 4110 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we, solar owners have taken the first step in investing in our future and this countries future by installing Solar Power - this was not a half hearty thing that I did and it wasn't a cheap alternative. The cost was quite substantial, but the long term prospect, I felt, was worth the investment. Now you want to take that investment away in the form on the Tariff feed in - not fair

Please reconsider your stand on this issue and think of the future not the here and now

Yours sincerely,

Jean Cirone

Brisbane QLD 4110, Australia

Mandy Walker 4075 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because imagine if we didn't supply the energy and out more traffic back on the local grid

Yours sincerely,

Mandy Walker

Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia


Russ Smith 4170 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we as private citizens spent our own money in conjunction with the Commonwealth goverment to provide a new source of electricity for all Queenslanders. All we ask is that we are paid the current wholesale price for electricity plus a small margin to maintain our system. This will allow us to continue to produce sustainable energy into the future.

Yours sincerely,

Russ Smith

Brisbane QLD 4170, Australia

Steven Hopley 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. As we see new record temperatures every year, we just see luke-warm responses or disinformation from our political leaders about how Australia is dealing with the biggest problem facing mankind. Those who have tried to make a difference, by putting solar panels on their roofs are not paid a reasonable price for their contribution. For those early adopters who are getting a reasonable price for the energy they produce, the government is doing everything it can to get out of the legally binding contracts.

Yours sincerely,

Steven Hopley

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Evelyn Williames 4520 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because at the moment the daily connection charge is so high that even though I produced 50% more electricity in the last quarter than I used, I only received a credit of $9. This is while I am receiving the highest feed-in price because I connected to the grid in 2011. I also only receive my rebate once a year and no interest is paid, unlike if I paid a bill late!

Yours sincerely,

Evelyn Williames

Brisbane QLD 4520, Australia

Kathleen Heywood 4077 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we who have roof top solar do it at our own expense-no burning polluting coal-TOTALLY RIGHT FOR OUR WORLD

Yours sincerely,

Kathleen Heywood

Brisbane QLD 4077, Australia

John Williams 4817 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

If you scrap the solar 44c then I will be financially wrecked, and have a debt that will never get paid off. this will severely effect my family

Yours sincerely,

John Williams

Townsville QLD 4817, Australia

Jason Spotswood 4520 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a sustainable and renewable energy supply that if used effectively, can drive down power costs with the reduction of long haul transmission power lines. Locally produced and distributed power is cheaper and more efficient.

The solar industry also helps to support many jobs in the community which helps many more people across Queensland and Australia than the current coal or gas based power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Spotswood

Brisbane QLD 4520, Australia


Maria Zazzero 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are trying to create a sustainable world, and we have invested substantially into solar power.

Yours sincerely,

Maria Zazzero

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

michael cook 4209 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Despite the promises of the installers which in turn were based on assurances like the guaranteed 44 cents, the investment prospect that the cost of my system would even break even over the expected 20 year life was never certain. It was a ethical decision more than a wise financial one. Since my system was installed circa 2009, the power companies have argued many times for rises in all of their fees and charges, while my buy back rate has remained at the original rate. They argue among other things that maintenance of their infrastructure is a cost to be borne by me twice. Once in the fees and charges they put in my bill, and then again through the dollar for dollar tax money the government pays them to create the oversupply situation that now exists.

All this while any maintenance or repair of my system is at MY own expense! I am held fast from any improvement or change to my system because the slightest change will give them (according to the rules they write), the excuse to drop the buy back rate.

Whenever they cut my power, or their mains fails, I cannot even use my generator till they restore their grid. This is not a safety issue , it is a circuit even i can understand to connect a relay that will hold my house isolated from the grid till it sees the power restored.

It would seem sir that the more electrons you generate, the more you get to see the rules written to suit you.

Please consider us smaller generators, who have no government subsidies* or dollar for dollar maintenance help, as deserving of respect, justice, and protection, from a monopoly that seems to see itself as our enemy.

[*the 44 cents is far from a subsidy, but rather a calculated start point to make the very expensive systems then available look viable. We should have been able to hope this 44 figure would naturally rise at least in line with inflation over the many years since!]

Yours sincerely,

michael cook

Queensland 4209, Australia

Miira Kostava 4881 Dear Commissioner,

We have added a considerable expense to our mortgage to install solar energy both as a buffer against soaring electricity bills we could not afford on a single income, but also our belief in supporting a huge industry opportunity for our country.

The tariff we are awarded of 44c feed in price is fair and necessary to offset the enormous outlay of expense, of the ordinary working families who are, in fact, helping to offset the burden of the electricity companies to upgrade the current aging and inadequate infrastructure.

It makes sense for the population to be shareholders in their own electricity production. It promotes more responsible usage practices leading to better environmental outcomes.

Yours sincerely,

Miira Kostava

Ben Kennedy 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. In any other industry there is an expectation that retailers/resellers do not mark up by 300% or more which is actually what power companies are doing right now. Besides solar households taking action on renewable power generation and climate change, largely at their own cost, they are expected to pay more than three times the feed in tariff for power they use, on top of this the connection fees have increased and solar households have been blamed for this by power companies.

I think we can all agree that power companies have a vested interest in both blaming solar feed in for price rises, and paying the lowest possible feed in rate, thereby reducing production costs at the same time as allowing for a deferring of expenditure on infrastructure upgrades.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Kennedy

Queensland 4306, Australia

Bruce Edgerton 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because ultimately we can stop the heavy reliance on fossil fuels and needing to build more infrastructure to cope with increasing demand. Because existing solar systems help lessen the impact of carbon emissions it makes sense that they should be encouraged by getting a fair price.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Edgerton

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia


Glynis Vallmuur 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Glynis Vallmuur

Queensland 4570, Australia

Trevor Hesse 4311 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is clean energy and the retailers are making huge profits from it.

Yours sincerely,

Trevor Hesse

Queensland 4311, Australia

Beverley Horton 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because our investment helps the environment by being clean and green, thereby reducing greenhouse gasses.

Yours sincerely,

Beverley Horton

Queensland 4573, Australia

Rick Poulter 4650 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we signed up to the 44 cents scheme to help reduce power consumption from the grid. The network here is old and needs a lot of work to keep it reliable. We paid a large amount for a 6 kw Solar System to reduce our demand on the grid. All the new systems that only get 6.3 cents feed in tariff from Ergon is a joke. The demand on the network has reduced and still the prices keep going up.

As a Solar installer I see the direct result of the benefits solar brings to the grid.

I am asked all the time how to go off grid to stop being ripped off by Ergon. As soon a batteries are financially viable a lot of people will go off grid completely.

Fair price for feed in tariff.

The 44 cents scheme must be kept in place to provide return on our large investment.

February was the hottest month recorded since records were started. Climates are changing, Solar power helps with saving the planet.

Your response will be judged by your children's children !

Yours sincerely,

Rick P

Queensland 4650, Australia

Peter Yeates 4070 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested in renewable energy sources for the benefit of our planet.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Yeates

Brisbane QLD 4070, Australia


Terry Taylor 4650 Dear Sir/Madam,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Terry Taylor

Queensland 4650, Australia

Dallas Sutherland 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because our Government urged us all to go solar and provided rebates for us to purchase solar power. Why this sudden turn- around? We bought our panels and paid them off over several years because we were convinced by the Government that this was the way forward. We still believe this to be so. It is ludicrous to even think that here in The Sunshine State, solar power could be in jeopardy. .We need to be raising the feeback tariff to solar owners, not cutting it.

Yours sincerely,

Dallas Sutherland

Sunshine Coast QLD 4562, Australia

Michael Campbell 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping to reduce energy production costs for all users. Origin is my electrical distributor and they are now charging me 6.767 cents per day for having a solar meter. This extra fee is further reducing my solar feedin credit. I installed my solar system when the government of the day called on property owners to help reduce electrical use and now governments are destroying any benifit I'm receiving and blame solar owners for high electricity cost.

Electricity service fees is what hurting all consumers and bad administration and excessive

executive management wages.

How about addressing those issues firstly.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Campbell

Queensland 4306, Australia

Benjamin Aspinall 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because our investment 7 years ago has helped to decrease the need for building more expensive generation and transmission infrastructure which has helped keep the price down for everyone. They cannot change the rules on my investment now. I still have not made my money back. We bought a 2 kW system at $9000 back in 2009. We were early adopters in this industry because it was the right thing to do for the atmosphere, and so , along with others, we helped to get the industry going because we increased demand which brought the price down for everyone. The industry can not punish us now. It would not be a moral decision.

Yours sincerely,

Benjamin Aspinall

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia

Tim Butler 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

- a fair price encourages more solar which reduces our greenhouse gas emissions and provides jobs for our solar industry

- ensures those who have invested in solar see the returns they expected

Yours sincerely,

Tim Butler

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia


Eddie Vanderzee 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar power is good for the environment and reduces the need for electricity companies to upgrade their supply capacity, however, the current feedback rates are a poor incentive for people to invest in solar.

I also understand that you recommend scrapping the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff for early solar adopters in Qld. As I am one of these people I am extremely annoyed that you would consider this at all!

I borrowed the money to install my solar based on the government guaranteed feedback till 2028 to make it financially worthwhile, I also paid a much higher price for my installation (at least double) compared to current costs and am only now breaking even on my installation costs and with the perpetual price rises in electricity my investment becomes less viable all the time.

I would be very interested in contributing to a class action against any government/organisation that attempts to remove this government guaranteed feed-in tariff and I am sure many of the 300,000 early adopters would feel the same way!

I would also prefer to invest in battery storage and would even consider going off grid entirely rather than give my solar power away to Ergon for a pittance if the 44c/kWh feed-in tariff was removed.

Yours sincerely,

Eddie Vanderzee

Queensland 4350, Australia

Gillian Griffiths 4114 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price deal. Thousands of people have borrowed, with the encouragement of the government, to install solar so that they may do their part in helping reduce electricity usage and to help the environment. We are trying to reduce our electricity bills that have risen to enormous heights in the last few years,to allow us to put food on the table and care for our families in a responsible way.

Many of the people who have solar are pensioners, low income earners, such as me, trying to make ends meet and have some dignity in our lives, and not struggle to pay huge electricity bills. The cost of living has risen dramatically in Australia and indeed the world, and more people are seeking help to live a modest dignified way of life, which we all have the right to have.

All Australians have the right to electricity, food, a place to live, and dignity and a fair go. Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Gillian Griffiths

Brisbane QLD 4114, Australia

Richard Campbell 4066 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we support the grid bringing real advantages to the community.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Campbell

Brisbane QLD 4066, Australia

jean ashford 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the only way forward for our Energy needs. People who invest in solar should get a fair price for energy they put into the grid by which large energy companies benefit.

It is time that the Energy Commissioner looked into this situation and give a fairer ruling for our Solar Citizens.….

Yours sincerely,

jean ashford

Queensland 4017, Australia

Donna Alman 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because currently those customers not on the 44c contract get 6 c per kWh which is effectively stealing electricity from responsible solar energy households. How are we to reduce coal powered energy emissions if solar power users are discriminated against by having the electricity that they produce through their expensive solar power investment taken by the energy companies for 1/3 of the price of the electricity that they must pay for. This does not make sense and actively discriminates against solar power users. A fair price for solar powered electricity produced by households is needed not the current paltry amount paid to home solar users.

Can you please take this submission into account when you are determining what the fair price for solar power generated by private households will be?

Yours sincerely,

Donna Alman

Brisbane QLD 4034, Australia


Buck Davey 4879 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting shat all over in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they care. They cared enough about the environment to have solar installed, to provide the jobs for Queenslanders to install the panels. They care about the future generations of a place you apparently give a f#@$ about. Stop this obvious pretense of caring about voters, and do the right thing!!!

Yours sincerely,

Buck Davey

Cairns QLD 4879, Australia

Larry Cantwell 4115 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

I took up the expensive option of installing solar to reduce my environmental footprint and to attempt to reduce my ever increasing power costs. Something State Governments have failed to address over the years.

At an inital return of 11 cents per KW/H I was getting a return of around $120 per quarter - that has now been reduced to less than $50 a quarter.


The decision by the Queensland Productivity Commision to refuse to recommend a fair price for those of us generating our own electricity through the installation of solar panels just reinforces the view that the Commision is a waste of time and is out of touch with community expectations.

No Solar energy user I know had invested in solar to become rich - only to play a small part in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and to combat (in a small way) the ever increasing power costs. The recommendation of the Commision that we be compensated for the power produced to the tune of 6 cents per KW/H is an insult and a joke.

Yours sincerely,

Larry Cantwell

Brisbane QLD 4115, Australia

Tony Marshall 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Marshall

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Suzanne McLellan 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…we care enough to invest our money in a sustainable future for the next generation ,as governments seem unable or are unwilling to to do this.

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne McLellan

Queensland 4670, Australia

Steven Rafton 4128 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it encourage use of alternative energy. The recent announcement of the record temperatures for February clearly show we need to use less coal fired power and more alternative energy like solar.

In addition, one of the election promises of the QLD labour government was to INCREASE the feed in rate to a fair level. Considering the additional surcharges for solar owners and the excessive daily service charges, solar contributors should at the very least get a rate that is the same as what we pay per Kilowatt.

Yours sincerely,

Steven Rafton

Brisbane QLD 4128, Australia

Robert Stynes 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because an increase in this tariff will encourage further households to install solar, thus in the long term will reduce the cost of power.

The possible scrapping the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff, affecting 300,000 early solar adopters should not occur, not only because these early solar pioneers should be rewarded, but their pay back period for most of them will never occur. It should be remembered that most of them will have a signed contract for an extended period.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Stynes

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia


Andrew Brown 4054 Dear Commissioner,

Solar power generation at all scales deserves a fair price because we need to shift energy sources from fossil fuels whose use is destroying our plant through climate change toward renewable sources. Solar energy generation is one of the most promising substitute energy sources and effective intensives are required to speed up the transition. At present fossil fuels power (coal, gas, oil) externalize the costs of the pollution they create and so are being indirectly subsidized heavily as a result (not to mention direct subsides). We need to change policies to tip the balance in favour of renewable energies until such time that these make up tha vast majority of power generation.

This is not a purely (short term) economic decision, although appropriate short to medium term economic intensives in favor of renewables are required, it is a long term decision about how we live now and into the future.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Brown

Brisbane QLD 4054, Australia

David Rutch 4561 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. We are supplying equipment free of charge to produce electricity for your network. We maintain it and repair it. I invested a lot of money in my system early on to take advantage of the higher feed in price which was to be sett for 25 years, and now you are telling it is going to be taken away. This will leave me and many others in a very unpleasant situation. I will be very unhappy.

Yours sincerely,

David Rutch

Sunshine Coast QLD 4561, Australia

Warwick Ward 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested in alternative solar energy. Surely it makes sense to invest in solar to stop building further expensive coal powered power stations. A reasonable in put price is only fair..please begin your message here)

Yours sincerely,

Warwick Ward

Queensland 4017, Australia

Petra Ladwig 4555 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need to encourage solar for the benefit of all people and the environment. It is unfair to penalise early investors who were promised a particular feed in tariff by changing the rules now.

Please think long are only encouraging movement off- grid which helps no one.….

Yours sincerely,

Petra Ladwig

Sunshine Coast QLD 4555, Australia

Dan Morris 4216 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it will take a load off the government and future infrastructure, if more citizens were able to become self-sustainable.

Yours sincerely,

Dan Morris

Gold Coast QLD 4216, Australia

Judith Deucker 4347 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the future of power generation is a distributed system with battery storage. Centralised coal and gas fired grids have had their day.

Therefore it is vital to be forward looking and encourage the proliferation of solar panels with a more reasonable feed in price, so we can move on to the next century instead of clinging to the last.

Yours faithfully, Judith deucker


Judith Whistler 4343 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Also, with drive of over 90 km, last year we attended the Qld Productivity Commission's hearing/presentation in Toowoomba with the Productivity and were advised there would be a follow up public session relating to their draft report, we were on the contact list and would be advised - NEVER HAPPENED .... never another contact from them, and now this news

Yours sincerely,

Judith Whistler

Queensland 4343, Australia

Suzanne Wright 4060 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Queensland is the perfect State to produce high quality clean green energy from renewable sources however people need to be encouraged to invest in this wonderful advancement. Queensland solar owners are not in it for a profit however they did make a significant investment and all we ask is that we get a fair return on that investment.

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne Wright

Brisbane QLD 4060, Australia

Gary Webb 4216 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate.

( I get 10c/kWh through Click Energy).

This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Webb


Pail Cecil 4221 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because there is a lot of hype about how solar system's have affected the network.

This is garbage. What about all the new power stations that we don't need?

Don't dare even touch the feed in rebate. I can see a class action lawsuit against the government for even trying.

Also stop any notion about charging for power to run past my front door even if I disconnect from it.

The way things are going a lot of people will drop off the grid and embrace battery technology.

The power company greed only has themself to blame.(Also the government hiding behind the divedends they receive from all these energy companies)

Also how fair is the $120 every 3 months just for being connected to the grid? Ridiculous......

Pensioner sitting in the dark no heating, trying to survive and use less power is getting gouged just too have power connected

Power is a necessary thing not a luxury.

Privatisation is the worst thing to occur. There is no cheaper prices. It's all been a sick joke. Full privatization would be open slather and a one off boon for the government. Cash today spent tomorrow.

Connection charge should be dropped.

Build it into the price per kWh of used electricity.

Big users should should pay more than a person who tries to save power.

Also what a joke being charged to have my solar meter read. I thought that's what they had to do every3 months to send out my bill?Also didn't see my neighbors power bill drop because that were paying costs too cover reading my meter.

once again probably be paying $50 per bill in 10 years just to read my meter. Sick joke........

Why do governments hide behind enquiries when they want to change something ? Qld Government thinks that the people are stupid.

We won't stand for any unfair changes.


Disgusted solar system owner.

Nick White 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the decentralised nature of solar power generation negates the necessity of large infrastructure and centralised generation.

These savings should be considered in valuing the feed in tariff.

Yours sincerely,

Nick White

Queensland 4305, Australia

Jenny Clements 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar owners are the ones doing the right thing for the planet, harvesting the sun's rays - the most sustainable and environmentally sound option open to the general public. They deserve a fair price for their work.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny Clements

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Garth Sherman 4065 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I believe we should get an amount close to what we have to pay for input. Eventually battery storage will be more affordable and given the price I receive now I would prefer to store and use later. If the price received now was reasonable I would postpone battery installation.

A poor price simply encourages me to consider battery to avoid being underpaid for my generation to the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Garth Sherman

Brisbane QLD 4065, Australia


Stuart Plant 4031 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because most people intalling solar panels now are only getting paid 6c per kwh but then the power companies turn around and sell it at 3 times this price. If this continues then it will force people to start installing batteries and storing their surplus power for later use by themselves. The advantage of surplus solar powe is that it can be used locally thereby reducing the cost of upgrading poles and wires in the network. The current situation needs to be made fairer for everyone including the people who don't have solar panels.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Plant

Brisbane QLD 4031, Australia

Russell Reinhardt 4061 Dear Commissioner,

I am retired and my only source of income is my feed-in tariff from my 3.2 Kw solar system. I feel the QPC should be encouraging people and business to take up solar power, and yet for me the scrapping of the 44c feed-in tariff is very discouraging. Apart from saving money there are very good environmental reasons for going to solar.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Russell Reinhardt

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Corinna Lange 4075 Dear Commissioner,

Internationally, the push is on to move society from our reliance on fossil fuels to sustainable sources of energy such as solar. Of course the coal-powered energy companies are going to resist this change, but why should their political lobbying power in Australia be given more credence than the individuals in the community who have looked to the future and started to adapt to this form of energy generation.

And why should those same individuals, who were encouraged by the government policies of the time to invest in solar power, now be penalised because the coal-committed dinosaurs have resisted adapting to this same future because of short-term profit?

Yours sincerely,

Corinna Lange

Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia

stephen Scheldt 4184 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I pay $6 thousand hook up

I feel im being ripe off Im only getting $3 hundred off my bill off 5 hundred each time bill comes in I feel amount money I spent should not pay a bill at all such a raw deal when there making big money out off our solar panel

Yours sincerely,

stephen Scheldt

Brisbane QLD 4184, Australia

Brian Langille 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the return on investing in solar panels is not worth It, if there is no return on the investment to offset the cost and maintenance of panels and converters. The original idea was to help alleviate the burden put on power corps. Now they see us as a threat.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Langille

Queensland 4655, Australia

Anthony Takken 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because encouraging solar is environmentally responsible and minimises the need for energy providers to upgrade their infrastructure.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Takken

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia


Michael Cahill 4104 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are paying up front for the panel's etc.a the excess power we generate is being sold at a muc higher price than we are paid. We will have t GP off grid and let every one else pay for the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Cahill

Brisbane QLD 4104, Australia

Gavin Lenz 4572 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price for a feed in tariff. Currently it is 6c/KwH which is very poor in comparison to the price we pay for electricity. Solar power should be encouraged as much as possible as it is a renewable source that is generated close to or where it is used. By providing a reasonable feed in tariff it will encourage people to remain grid connected. Many people are investigating how to disconnect from the Grid. I certainly am and the current solar tariff increases the incentive to do so. This will be deterimental to the Grid in the long term as once people disconnect from the Grid there has to be a significant incentive to reconnect which could be very costly.

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Lenz

Sunshine Coast QLD 4572, Australia

John Baker 4567 Dear Commissioner, we are not receiving a fair price for the solar feed to the grid. It was virtually halved shortly after we installed our solar system, and it is pathetic the amount we currently receive.

We believe in solar power for all of the obvious reasons and we feel ripped off and conned into spending a lot of money. Had we known what was going to happen to the feed in tarrifs we would never have gone ahead with the installation.

Not Happy at all!

Roslyn Dorrington 4226 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…it benefits all Queenslanders not just those who went to the expense of putting solar on their roofs, When I installed my panels there was a huge Governmental push for people to step up and directly help with creating renewable energy. The solar feed in price was fair and encouraging, promoting the move to sustainable renewable energy, but wow have things changed. I call on you to to investigate a fair price for households contributing to the grid. They spent thousands of dollars installing desirable and responsible solar panels to address the need for renewable energy. They should not be penalised for helping curtail climate change..

Yours sincerely,

Roslyn Dorrington

Gold Coast QLD 4226, Australia

Dane Gilmore 4165 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the public was encouraged to invest in solar with the feed in tariff as incentive. Now, those that have invested their money are worse off than those that didn't. People have spent good money on solar only to have the energy companies take the 'free' power for next to nothing and mark it up dramatically for resale. It's a total rort! Meanwhile, residents in Australia's southern most states get feed in tariffs that are equal to the price the energy retailers sell for. This is unfair and total discrimination. What is the difference between the power solar generates to that of a power station? Nothing! So why is the price per KW different?

Yours sincerely,

Dane Gilmore

Queensland 4165, Australia

Chris Reynolds 4812 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair and equitable price. I have no issue with the removal of the 44c tariff but any feed-in price must be at least equal to the highest standard residential tariff. Optionally the supplier could offer zero feed in tariff but waive daily service connection fees.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Reynolds

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

PHILLIP EVANS 4566 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are power producers, just the same as the big companies. We produce power more cheaply than they supply, and then charge high prices to consumers for our power of which we see little.

We should be receiving the industry wholesale price for renewable energy at least.

If people don't get a fair deal and with battery technology advancing, people will leave the system in droves. This will be a shame as the system has great potential if managed wisely.


steve brown 4114 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because,I bought the solar to help with my bills and to give back.The feed in was .44c,till 2025,now you want to change this.Just another government rip off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Steve

Alan Cole 4564 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are saving on the loss of energy being produced by the big power station by the electricity not having to travel as far and is a clean form of energy which will save money in the future. Dirty energy will cost the economy in the long term.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Cole

Sunshine Coast QLD 4564, Australia

frank papworth 4070 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we undertook our investment in solar with origin energy in the belief that we would get a reasonable return on our investment for our contribution to the grid in queensland and that queensland would live up to its legal contract conditions.we only expect a fair price for our power to offset queenslands electricity price hikes. we didn't expect to profit only to stay cost netural. the decision to alter the 44 cent feed in tariff will greatly affect our voting choices in further elections and the desire to go off grid as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

frank papworth

Brisbane QLD 4070, Australia

Beth Hall 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it reduces the cost of distribution, the charge for which is escalating at an alarming rate. It also levels out peak demand.

It is inequitable that you recommend that those who sell power into the grid should be paid only a small percentage of that charged by the power companies for the supply of "green" electricity.

Furthermore, it is alarming that you recommend that those early adopters of solar power who have a contract to receive 44c per kw until 2028 have that contract cancelled,

One wonders whose productivity you are championing. Is it the production of greenhouse gas and subsequent climate change which you are charged with protecting ????

Yours sincerely,

Beth Hall

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Allie Cam 4606 Dear Commissioner,

. Solar deserves a fair price because we are contributing to the mitigation of climate change and this is also a vital contribution to the future of Australia and its energy needs. We signed a legal contract to receive credit and this was part of the decision to undertake this commitment. The government will lose all credibility if it reneges on this contract and future inducements will be met with skepticism. We invested a great deal of money ($17.000) in our system and as mentioned the credit we would receive was an important part in the decision making. We are already getting hammered with the 'service' charges and this would be the last straw.

Yours sincerely, Allie Cam

Michael Bauman 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we the consumer (voter) have invested the time and effort into new technologies. Consumers should be should encouraged to invest in infrastructure which improves the environment and be confident in their investment based on a government decision to support this effort.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Bauman

Queensland 4160, Australia

Tony Lawlor 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as per contractual agreement to pay a set amount to voters in respect the invest we made to our global future.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Lawlor

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia


Kayleen Brezac 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to my neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from my solar generated.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Give Queenslanders a fair price for solar

Yours sincerely,

Kayleen Brezac

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia

James Richardson 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Stop putting business interests ahead of citizen's.

Yours sincerely,

James Richardson

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Matthew Doheny 4163 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

What about the contract which influenced my installing solar

anthony ryan 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested thousands of dollars to provide green energy to ourselves and the grid. I understand that at peak times industry can be charged up to $12 a kilowatt hour. and we get a very small % of anything like that. We have provided our infrastructure

and have to maintain it . Our investment was on the basis of government commitments and legislation. A change to this legislation could provoke class action.

Yours sincerely,

anthony ryan

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Jan Nixon-Smith 4054 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as a solar owner we are doing our bit for clean energy. Eventually the fossil fuels will be gone & if we don't have some other power sources in place will return to using candles power!

Europe leads the way in solar power & they have a lower sun input that QLD .So why not harness this & repay the solar owners a decent rebate for showing we care about how Australia is moving forward to provide clean energy.


J Nixon-Smith


Kylie Saunders 4671 Dear Commissioner,

I wanted to make sure you seen my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because.

Queensland solar owners are getting ripped off. As things stand, you are not getting a fair price for the solar power you feed back into the grid.

The Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) inquiry had one job - to fix this problem with a fair feed-in price for solar. But so far it has failed dismally. The draft report proposes to make absolutely no change to the solar feed-in price. On top of this, the QPC has also recommended

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

It’s high time Queensland solar owners got a fair price for the clean and efficient energy they generate on their very own Rooftops

Yours sincerely,

Kylie Saunders

Queensland 4671, Australia

James Parsons 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of our investment in technology to keep our world less polluted and help future generations . ….

Yours sincerely,

James Parsons

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Ridley Kennedy 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a benefit for everyone, the consumers ,the environment and the producers. This is due to all of the reasons you already know, less infrastructure (poles and wires), fulfils the producers requirement for green energy at lower cost than they can produce it, decentralised, and of course it is clean and green.

The offensive feed in tariff is an insult to those who spend considerable amounts to be able to produce clean energy.

When the last government reduced the feed in tariff to it's current pathetic level they also looked at scrapping the 44 cents/KWh Solar Bonus Scheme. There was a promise made at that time that this would not happen. They said it would be unethical to cancel an existing contract that was made in good faith especially considering the investment that early solar adopters had made. They also knew that a likely class action brought by up to 300,000 of those affected would probably succeed.

Please consider the best interests of Queensland and all of it's residents while making your important decision.

Yours sincerely,

Ridley Kennedy

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia


Peter McKenzie 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Peter McKenzie

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

yildiz sethii 4007 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are only getting a quarter of the price that the electric companies sell for. That is we get 6c and it is being retailed for 25c.

I also think that the advantages of solar should be taken into account. For example the warming of our planet (by the use of fossil fuels) is bleaching the coral.

Yours sincerely,

yildiz sethii

Brisbane QLD 4007, Australia

satish sethii 4007 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are only getting a quarter of the price that the electric companies sell for. That is we get 6c and it is being retailed for 25c.

I also think that the advantages of solar should be taken into account. For example the warming of our planet (by the use of fossil fuels) is bleaching the coral and causing extreme weather changes.

Yours sincerely,

Satish Sethi

Brisbane QLD 4007, Australia

Claretta Musumeci 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

We outlaid a considerable sum to purchase solar power and the rebates are helpful, as we are pensioners and struggle to make ends meet.

We live in the "Sunshine State" and everybody should be encouraged to install solar power and contribute excesses to the grid and the rebates are a good incentive.

Please do not mess around with the rebates. Leave them as they are!

Yours sincerely,

Claretta Musumeci

Queensland 4207, Australia

Neil Bertram 4871 Dear Commissioner,

i would like to congratulate the governing bodies who have got solar and renewables this far and would love to see more done to help us all live a better way, please see fit to ensure the continued fair growth of solar

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Bertram

Queensland 4871, Australia


Michael Gregory 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Gregory

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Gary Cooper 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the price being received is not realistic and having to pay a daily feedin fee is even worse.

If you are serious about using renewal energy then give a fair price for it.

Get rid of unnecessary solar fees.. Yours sincerely,

Gary Cooper

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Tony Grounds 4555 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because you are using our power that we supply and paying a pittance for it. This is stealing on a grand scale and is immoral, if not unethical.

Please review this matter and agree to pay a fair price for our solar-supplied power.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Grounds.

Chas AW Brown 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland.

Solar owners are trying to assist the grid with supplying power

supply companies are presenting false information about usage the solar. Solar owners should receive the exact tariff when they when they draw power from the grid equivalent as the tariff equivalent to that applying when they feed power to the grid.

Solar owners can support the grid and this good co-operation, but will cease to exist work without grid support to the detriment of the grid , work with us not against us.

Yours sincerely,

Chas AW Brown

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

Joan Wood 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…it makes sense to use the natural sun to generate power and not be a health hazzard to human life. We need a fair feed-in price and not a mere pittance.we are trying to look after our planet. Please help everyone to take care.

Yours sincerely,

Joan Wood

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Sylvia Cooper 4217 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Qlders have invested thousands of dollars to become power generators which delays or event negates the need for new expensive power stations to be built as well as replacing dirty polluting coal and gas generated power with clean renewable power..

Yours sincerely,

Sylvia Cooper

Gold Coast QLD 4217, Australia


Jono Shelley 4520 Dear Commissioner,

Just a quick email expressing my disappointment at the ludicrous scenario of unfair solar rates. Owners of PV have taken it upon themselves to clean up the way we generate electricity and actively reduce our collective carbon footprint. The greed of big energy companies and their influence on policy makers makes me sick! Those empowered to actively change the world for the better deserve fairer treatment and not to be ripped off.

Yours sincerely,

Jono Shelley

Brisbane QLD 4520, Australia

Robert Wills 4520 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:-

1. Reducing transmission costs for my usage

2. I generate close to Brisbane,again small transmission distance

3. The 6c/kWh return the gets sold on for 3x that to my neighbors, why should the electricity companies be the only one allowed to generate?

4. Keep this system going and we all will be trying to go off grid as soon as battery storage improves, you could grab the initiative and keep us all on grid to provide an important secondary back up and lessen demand by allowing a reasonable return.

4. Tasmania wishes they had pushed solar power adoption earlier.


Yours sincerely,

Robert Wills

Brisbane QLD 4520, Australia

Brad Lynch 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair deal as it's a key component in the future of earth's energy requirements. The industry requires investment and uptake by the end user to progress and reach it's full potential. An attractive and reasonable feed-in tariff is therefore required.

Yours sincerely,

Brad Lynch

Queensland 4211, Australia

Graham Eddowes 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I am on a low wage, my wife is a dependent. Therefore our budget is set on my income. We have a contract with the power company any changes to this I will be seeking legal advice. I cannot afford to pay outlandish prices set by power companies. My solar outfit supplies more power then I use. How or why is costs associated with non electrical issues high. It cannot be justified.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Eddowes

Queensland 4306, Australia

Pascal Rodrigue 4101 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the global need to transition to clean energy and renewables. It just make sense. We need the right incentives for a massive and quick transition. Last December in Paris, Australia along 194 countries have agreed to limit global warming to 2 degres celcius and better support for clean energy is not only the right thing to do but necessarly. The people want the change, solution exist today, only the political will is missing.

Yours sincerely,

Pascal Rodrigue

Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia

An Poutsma 4035 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is essential that we all switch to renewable energy as fast as possible. The climate change clock is ticking and time is running out. The best science around has indicated we must aim to keep global temperature rises to below 2 degrees. Investment in renewables, such as rooftop solar, needs to be continued and encouraged if we are to have any chance of offsetting the ever worsening greenhouse gas fuelled climate change on our planet.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Poutsma

Brisbane QLD 4035, Australia


Wayne Barclay 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

I am an early adopter of Solar PV. Even though I currently receive the 44c feed in tariff, I still have not broken even on my initial outlay, as the capital outlay was much higher when I bought my system, compared to today. I will be severely disadvantaged if this 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff for early adopters is scrapped. If this bonus scheme was not available for the full period when I signed-up for my solay PV array, I would not have purchased it, as it would not have been cost-effective.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Trish Morrow 4077 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is important to help us conserve the planet's resources for future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Trish Morrow

Brisbane QLD 4077, Australia

Fiona Mckeague 4075 Dear Commissioner,

I'm not a home owner and I don't have rooftop solar PV. I've rented for most of my adult life, during which time I've earnt part-time and casual wages that would accurately put me in a "low-income earner" category. I can't afford solar and even if I could I have no where to put it. I'm exactly the type of person that solar detractors describe when they argue that household solar proliferation, rebates, and feed-in tariffs negatively affect those who cannot participate in them.

I'm writing to you to refute these claims. Rising electricity prices are caused by the over-investment in unnessescary infrastructure in response to incorrect forecasts for increasing demand that did not eventuate in reality. Rebates and other green schemes contribute only an insignificant amount to the price that we non-solar owners pay, and household solar has the potential to drastically reduce the cost to energy producers during the peak demand periods on the hottest days in summer. It is far more effective for me to reduce the financial burden of power bills by using energy consciously and efficiently, than for policy changes to be enacted on my behalf.

Furthermore, on a philosophical level it is unfair to enter an agreement with solar owners in regards to feed in tariffs and then change the deal with them. Many have made calculated purchasing decisions after careful consideration of the costs and incentives available.

Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Mckeague

Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia

Bob Brown 4114 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….We are helping to power coal free Future,

( including coal seam gas) that largely just damages everything ,

"We are smarter than that".

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbor's at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralized” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Brown

Brisbane QLD 4114, Australia


Marja Caling 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. My husband and I paid for a 3.2kW system for our daughter and her family. This was the system size we calculated to provide about as much energy as they used at that time. In other words, her family should have been an energy neutral one. At this stage they are paid a ridiculous $36 approx every 3 months for their solar input while getting bills that have at times exceeded $800. While a new addition to their family and AC being installed in their home would add to the daily usage, the 6c per kWh is a disgusting ripoff and totally unfair. We did not pay to have a system installed to feed the greed of electricity companies. FAIR GO!

Yours sincerely,

Marja Caling

Queensland 4211, Australia

bryan phillips 4580 My power company pays me 11cents per kwh some pay less, they then on sell that for up to 28cent per kwh plus the household has to pay there power bill every month, but power companys pay the household every 3 months, also on top of that I now pay a Daily Supply charge to the power coy WHAT FOR can I charge the power coy a daily charge for the power I supply then ????? Who looks after the small people ?? Defiantly not the person or people who fix the power pricing in the past .So please Mr Commissioner if you read this make the price of power for everyone fare, also remember roof top power is renewable and clean.

Gary Blight 4121 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar PV and solar hot water are the two most significant contributions the ordinary householder can make to saving the planet.

At a personal level, I am most unhappy that my gross-metered solar feed-in tariff has recently been slashed by Origin from 20 cents to 6 cents per kWh. I installed solar PV in June 2008, shortly before net metering was introduced at 44 cents per kWh for energy fed back into the grid - a generous solar FIT subsidy paid for by Queensland taxpayers. And yet Origin can just unilaterally cut my tariff by more than 2/3, without any consideration of the concept of an agreed or contracted tariff, whereas the taxpayer funded 44 cents per kWh is "set in concrete" - it doesn't make sense.

Do the right thing and give household solar PV generators a fair go - a minimum 12 cents per kWh FOR ALL, would be a good starting point for the QPC to consider.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Blight

Brisbane QLD 4121, Australia

Anthony Hoare 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are being discriminated against in Queensland. Solar will get a fair price because I'm telling you to make it happen.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Hoare

Sunshine Coast QLD 4575, Australia

ALFRED LE MESCAM 4020 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we purchased Solar Panels to assist in our retirement as we are totally self funded retirees and we desired to assist with the production of clean energy. Should the pay-in price be reduced this will have a serious effect on our day to day expenditure questioning the wisdom of our initial outlay which was considerable. It is unlikely that we will see a return of the initial outlay.

Fred Le Mescam,

Newport Qld.

Mark Jones 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland.

Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. This is totally unfair, and appallingly greedy behaviour from power companies.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

If solar owners don't get fair FIT, many will simply buy battery storage and go "off grid", which will initiate the exponential "death spiral" of consumers abandoning the grid!

Yours sincerely,

Mark Jones


Alan Smith 4212 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I was persuaded by the then government's arguments that solar power was good for the environment and that my solar investment (at that time, 2011, double todays price) would be protected by legislation, until the year 2028, to provide a feed in tariff of 44 cents per Kwh.

You can imagine my dismay when I learn that this legislation may be repealed.

Of course I should not be surprised as it is only another example of politicians and public servants disregard for fairness and for assurances given in the past.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Smith

Gold Coast QLD 4212, Australia

Stephan Hausler 4032 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftops PVs reduce the need to expand the poles and wires,

Yours sincerely,

Stephan Hausler

Brisbane QLD 4032, Australia

Helen Bell 4212 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I was persuaded by the then government's arguments that solar power was good for the environment and that my solar investment (at that time, 2011, double todays price) would be protected by legislation, until the year 2028, to provide a feed in tariff of 44 cents per Kwh.

You can imagine my dismay when I learn that this legislation may be repealed.

Of course I should not be surprised as it is only another example of our politicians and public servants behaving unethically and having complete disregard for fairness and for assurances given in the past.

It would now seem that promises by politicians are not worth the paper on which they are written. I believed that I had, in effect, a contractual agreement that I would be paid 44 cents per KWh. Apparently that is not so.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Bell

Gold Coast QLD 4212, Australia

Ross Barker 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!.

Also rooftop solar power users who get the higher feed-in tariff installed their systems based on the Qld government's commitment to continue paying the higher feed in tariff for many years. The capital cost of these systems was considerably more (up to 3 times) the cost of current systems.

I trust the government will honour past commitments and continue to support roof top solar users in Queensland.

Yours sincerely,

Ross Barker

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

David Dawes 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is one of the ways that we can tackle the ever increasing horrors of climate change. As you would be aware, we have just endured the hottest February on record and if we continue to rely on burning coal, we are acting in a totally irresponsible manner.

The big power companies are being given a golden ride with the current average price of 6c/kWh that they pay a household, but then sell for 3 or 4 times that price to other consumers. There is no equity in such an arrangement and this should be remedied so that solar providers are given a fair price.

Households that invest in solar power are providing clean energy that is totally renewable. This can only be good for Australia and the kind of environment that we will leave for our children and grandchildren. I don't know about you, but I do not want my descendants asking why did I not do something about climate change and warming when I had the opportunity.

These are just some of the very important reasons why a fair price should be paid to households for solar power and it not be an obscene profit for big power companies. Governments should be encouraging the production of renewable energy and I urge you to recommend a more equitable price for solar power.

Yours sincerely,

David Dawes

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia


David OBrien 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. We installed solar panels on our roof to save money and do our bit to produce clean, renewable energy. We installed our panels some time ago when a good price was paid for the power generated. We are appalled by the miserable price paid to more recent solar panel owners (certainly a disincentive to invest in a clean energy future) We are also concerned that the price we are paid may be greatly reduced. Please do not let this happen and please push for a fair price for power generated by recent solar panel investors. We want incentives to produce clean, renewable energy, not punishment, for being forward thinking.

Yours sincerely,

David OBrien

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

Mark Rook 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

If i could have purchased my house 3 years earlier I could have been on 44cents, but I had to save first, by then it had finished. Make it fair all in or all out, and if you buy a house you should have xx days to get it installed to be eligible for the 44cents, or else cancel it from everyone.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Rook

Queensland 4305, Australia

Brett Mills 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a better deal in Queensland because of the investment that the mum's and the dad's have taken to reduce the cost of family pressure's with the ever increasing cost of power. We have signed contracts of early investment for a feed in tariff of 44 cents and as such I am expecting the contract to be honoured. Should you choose to break said contract then I shall most definitely be seeking a class action against you for loss of finances. Costs associated with instalation and purchase. Legal costs incurred. And a number of other issues associated with the breach of contract and it's ramifications on not only myself but all other solar owners affected by an unfavourable decision.

Yours sincerely,

Brett Mills

Queensland 4740, Australia

kevin obermuller 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

kevin obermuller

Queensland 4160, Australia


Hellmuth Matthes 4214 Dear Commissioner,



Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Queensland solar owners are getting ripped off.

As things stand, MOST are not getting a fair price for the solar power fed back into the grid.

The Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) inquiry had one job - to fix this problem with a fair feed-in price for solar. But so far it has failed dismally.

The draft report proposes to make absolutely no change to the solar feed-in price. On top of this, the QPC has also recommended scrapping the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff, affecting 300,000 early solar adopters.

The inquiry has one more chance to deliver on the terms of reference and propose a fair feed-in price for solar. Address this glaring omission in the final version of the report, due April 15?

Solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three to four times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

You must recognise the benefits of solar to all Queenslanders and investigate what a fair solar feed-in price should be?

It’s high time Queensland solar owners got a fair price for the clean and efficient energy they generate on their very own rooftops. With just one month until the final report is due, make sure the YOU the Commission finally gets real on a fair price for solar.

The Commission must be seen to be impartial to big business and Government bias or opinion and be FAIR in its final judgement.

Yours sincerely,

H Matthes

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

johann jancz 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…the current price structure is discriminatory. Consider solar producers as a group compared to major powe wholesale companies. State governments had signed contracts with solar producers and should honor those agreements. New producers need to be treated in a similar non discriminatory manner as the major producers and price negotiated on a periodic basis. The current price system I consider illegal. Thanks for reading my message and look forward to your responce.

Yours sincerely,

johann jancz

Queensland 4211, Australia

Owen Davies 4878 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

In North Queensland there is only 1 provider& we donot have a choice.

A fair feedin price would at least

Help compensate those who have outlaid large sums of money to install solar power in there homes to help the invroment as well as lessening the ever increasing electricity bill.

Please donot treat our feedin power as another money making scheme & change the feedin tariff to at least 75% of the retail rate charged.

Yours sincerely,

Owen Davies

Cairns QLD 4878, Australia


Liz Diggles 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we all know that fossil fuels will be phased out and that we will all rely upon renewables in the future. I have invested a considerable sum of money to put solar panels on my roof to assist both the environment and my budget. I have never had a fair return for my investment, but my power company is benefitting from my investment.

Please investigate this lopsided situation on behalf of the "little guy".

Yours sincerely,

Liz Diggles

Sunshine Coast QLD 4562, Australia

Bruce Tucker 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. The electricity companies ripping off solar PV owners off by buying excess power for 8c per kWh, then on-selling that green power for a premium 25c PLUS per kWh, also why the extra charges just to read solar & off peak meters, another rip off

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Tucker

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia

Adam Fisher-Charles 4865 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I want my life and my children's children's lives cleaner, greener and smarter then what the coal industry is planning on doing by continuing to mine fossil fuels. This has to start right now by subsidising the small households with proper fair commercial power producing rates that the government has been paying large out of date and unchanging methods to larger cooperations with.

Support the families who are dipping into their own savings to make this a healthier Australia to live in and one they can be proud to tell their Grandchildren about the small help they did.

I do not want to ever see this country like the smog issues that other countries have. Continuing to support out of date power producing methods and not utilising the exisiting roof spaces in the domestic area is a crime against the next generations.

Stand up, show your manliness and make the right decision.

What would your Grandfather say right now if he had the choice?

Yours sincerely,

Adam Fisher-Charles

Queensland 4865, Australia

Ben Perkins 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are assisting towards the future of sustainability of all QLD residents.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Perkins

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Kevin Hutchison 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. We are in a 200 home retirement village and the residents invested in a 10kw solar array that reduces our community centre expenses.

Because it has an inverter over the magic 5kw we DONATE over $400 worth of power each quarter to Ergon, then have to buy it back.

We feel this is totally unfair.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Hutchison

Palmview Village

Queensland 4740, Australia


Cormac Clancy 4226 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we invested in producing 100% clean, renewable energy that does not rely on an expensive grid to be distributed as it is already decentralised.

We have also kept electricity prices down by generating extra capacity that is already distributed and this has driven down the wholesale cost of electricity for the benefit of all.

We have also done much of the lifting for Australia as a whole in reducing emissions by cutting demand for fossil based dirty energy and replaced it with clean, renewable energy. True, the Government has also helped in reducing energy demand by allowing manufacturing to close but that is a Government failure rather than a triumph!

It is time for all Governments to embrace and encourage the changing nature of the energy market rather than being held hostage to old fashioned, dated, dirty models of the past. We need forward thinking policies with real engineering solutions to the confected problems that are thrown up. The world is changing and we should be ahead of the curve with all the wonderful renewable assets (sunshine and wind) that Australia & Queensland have rather than being seen as yet again a country and state that is resistant to inevitable change.

Australia and Queensland should strive to be more productive in this exciting area rather than fighting against it. It would be great if the Productivity Commissioner could show some ambition in this area rather than being captive to old fashioned thinking.

Yours sincerely,

Cormac Clancy

Gold Coast QLD 4226, Australia

therese fisher 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. our neighbours are paying three times the price for the same power from big power companies

Yours sincerely,

therese fisher

Bobbie Wessling 4580 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. i bought our solar set up in good faith and we are all being let down .our solar power that we feed into the grid is great for the environment as we don't have to burn so much need to make it worthwhile for people to put solar on ours cost around $18,000.00 so wake up australia needs you

Penny Johnson 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we paid a lot for solar panels in the belief we would get the 44 cent rebate until 2028. I spent over $7000 of my own money on solar panels. I am sure many other solar owners did too. So you should keep the rebate until 2028. A lot of people who got solar panels would not have got them if they got a very small rebate. 6 cents per kilowatt is very low considering it is sold to consumers by electricity companies for three times that.

Yours sincerely,

Penny Johnson

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

Rodney Peters 4680 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Rodney Peters

Queensland 4680, Australia

naomi merritt 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…I have put solar on my house and at the cost of 4000 dollars I have not recouped the price from my rebates to make this viable as clean green energy if however the commission decides to drop the 44kw cents which I currently get I will go wholely solar and not put my power back into the grid and not have electricty from a provider at all. I currently travel in a caravan and can supply my outfit on solar so I would not need it to run my house. Then the power companies will not be very happy not only will they not have availablity to have the excess as clean energy to sell they will not have my dwelling on electricty. I will also be proactive in encouraging all other house holds to follow suit. When you run on solar you realize how cheap and easy it is to power with it, ultimately this could look at putting power companies out of business. When I was a child out station was powered by wood and generators with battery storage its time people got savvey and told the big companies and the governing bodies and government that we dont need them to give us incentives with one hand and take with the other. It is so easy to power with solar and gas that electricty is not needed.

Yours sincerely,

naomi merritt

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia


Grant Takken 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because each and every person who signed up and had solar fitted to their residence did it knowing that they were helping take the pressure off the mains infrastructure so that the government could save money by not needing to building new power supply infrastructure to meet increasing power demands. It is extremely unfair to change the rules which decrease the feed-in price when administrators simply decide that too much is being paid out to solar owners.

My wife and I, like many other solar owners, made the commitment to outlay the expense of fitting solar to support the community's infrastructure and reduce greenhouse gases, whilst ensuring a future reduction in power bills. It takes a substantial time for this outlay to be recouped so please don't penalise us for doing the right thing.

Yours sincerely,

Grant Takken

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia

Al Newman 4157 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar and renewables are the way forward. We need to IMMEDIATELY support these industries and speed up our transition to an almost entirely self sustaining power generation methodology. Yes this will have an impact on the mining and dirty power generation industry, but it will be for the benefit of the globe and our generation.

Please consider how you can afford a higher feed in tariff to motivate this industry, and inspire the growth that is needed.

Yours sincerely,

Al Newman

Brisbane QLD 4157, Australia

Ajay Lack 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are being massively underpaid for the electricity we feed into the grid. It is obscene that the power companies get to charge it back to us at over treble the price we are paid.

Yours sincerely,

Ajay Lack

Queensland 4573, Australia

Clare Dooley 4171 Dear Commissioner,

I am writing about the inquiry into a fair feed-in price for solar.

It is wrong that solar households only receive 6c/kWh for the clean power they generate when this electricity is then sold off at three times the price by big polluting power companies. Solar power reduces the need to expand costly infrastructure (poles and wires), which make up as much as 50% of an electricity bill.

If the government is serious about tackling climate change, they need to pay a fair price for clean energy so as to enable the widespread uptake of solar across the state.

Yours sincerely,

Clare Dooley

Brisbane QLD 4171, Australia


John Debbins 4810 Dear Commissioner, Townsville, 21, March, 2016

I had the opportunity to read your EPI draft report. While it confirmed many of the aspects of why our electricity bills are so high, it did a very poor job of proportionally explaining the causes as they relate to actual productivity and high electricity prices.

The principal causes of the recent significant price rises are due to the over valuation of assets, the over leveraging of these assets and the dramatic decreases in labor productivity. The main reasons why these cost increases have occurred is because the regulatory bodies have allowed it (and continue to do so).

To highlight the associated costs with the SBS and disregarding the current low feed in tariffs for solar PV by making the case that "PV haves" are significantly benefiting at the cost of the "PV have-nots" is truly misleading. The real issue is the cost of the above market returns benefiting the energy sectors' shareholders, financiers and mismanagement to the significant detriment to all electricity bill payers.

It also appears that the report summary (page x) suggests that the the actual number of households under the SBS scheme are 400,000 nothing close to the actual peak of 278,000 households. The average cost per kWh of all solar FITs should be included in this report. The actual average for the all solar FITs is probably less than the current Tariff 11 rate and the writers of this report would be able to calculate this data. The report has reported the actual cost of the SBS, but has done little to illustrate the infrastructure saving via reduced peak demand and the merit order effect on wholesale electricity prices.

I also had difficulty with the rationalization of not writing down assets on (page 83 ) because the (potentially a 10% to 25% ) bill payer savings would lead to an increase in demand which would necessitate an increase in infrastructure spending. There was no corresponding research to justify this inferred increase in demand due to bill reductions. It appears to be more a justification for price inflation than demand reduction. In contrast, considerable research was put into the SBS schemes and potential changes in the FIT to encourage the uptake of new solar to met the 3000MW target.

Finally the draft recommendation 41 would indicate that supply could be made more cost effective by greater market participation yet draft recommendation 42 suggest that actual implementation should be delayed until the AEMC's action on these issues be made. To wait on the AEMC's decision is to basically favor the current established suppliers in this market. The other issue is that the actual infrastructure and/or regulations actually limits many small scale renewable generators from exporting their energy into the AEM. Many of these generator would be happy to export their energy at the current low FITs or even export for “free” in order to increase the uptake of renewable energy.

Thank you for taking time to consider my input to your draft report. Please do not hesitate to contact me by the means you find most convenient if you have any questions or thoughts on my comments.

Tel: 04 5758 4021 email:


John Debbins

*I would like to make a request that the figures 8, 9 and 10 on pages 11-14 be made clearer. The figures 8 though 10 (unless read carefully) imply that “other green schemes” are an ongoing expense beyond 2031.

Stuart Robertson 4341 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a poor deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because home and business owners who install their own solar systems effectively reduce the need to build more power stations. There is also a reduction in use of the network's poles and wires through local solar generation. Just as importantly you would know already that Queensland's installed solar systems have reduced the State's peak load, particularly on hot summer days when air conditioning demand is high.

With these benefits and the proven environmental improvements that solar brings to Queensland it is hard for an average person to understand why local electricity generation is only worth around 6c/KwHr and we are expected to pay over 26c/KwHr when we purchase the same electricity back. Little incentive or innovation here!

I agree that the past decisions to pay 44c/KwHr for solar power was flawed, but we now seem to have gone from one extreme to the other.

Surely there is some middle ground where a fair price is paid as in many other countries around the world.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Robertson

Queensland 4341, Australia

Jean Cole 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because at present some owners are getting over 40 cents or more we are only getting 6 cents if we were allowed to get solar from the start we too would be getting the 40 cents but because we were told by ERGON that we could only have a 1 Kw we didn't get it because it wasn't feasible and now we have 4 Kw Solar as ERGON changed there mind but we are only getting 6 cents. This is totally unfair if we knew this was going to happen we would not have got Solar, we only got it to save money but are now paying out more, it is not fair, I do not like the way the Government went about getting people on Solar.

It's about time we were given a fair deal.

Yours sincerely,

Jean Cole

Queensland 4570, Australia

Gordon Egan 4553 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…we are helping to reduce global warming and helping to reduce the need for expensive infrastructure associated with the national grid..

Yours sincerely,

Gordon Egan

Sunshine Coast QLD 4553, Australia


Stephen Keen 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because at our own expence, we are helping to reduce the need for new power stations, reducing CO2 emissions state-wide and helping to create avenues for employment in a new industry. As we are already paying $510 per annum in fixed charges (including Solar metering Service Charge) a resonable FiT of 44c is a must to encourage more house holds to go solar.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Keen

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Lynette Graham 4101 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need more green power as our planet warms. People must be encouraged to invest in alternative energy, not discouraged.

Yours sincerely,

Lynette Graham

Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia

Richard MATTNER 4113 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price for many reasons.

Solar PV fed back into the grid has been shown to reduce the evening peak. This means less will have to be spent upgrading the grid.

Solar PV with battery storage is even more effective at smoothing the evening power surge IF it is allowed.

Incumbent coal generators and retailers are responsible for unacceptable damage to our climate. This is being recognised with increasing speed around the world. The switch to renewables is inevitable and reactionary policies like you have proposed in your draft report will be judged harshly in the near future. The planet's hottest February since records started should be a wake up call that burning coal to produce electricity is no longer socially acceptable.

Please recognise that as a so called independent assessor of the old and new power paradigms, you are showing all the signs of being dictated to by the old money by making the recommendations so far published. Do you realise how pathetic your findings seem to be in the light of scientific evidence?

If you do not accept the reality of the necessary shift to renewables at the utmost speed you will be condemned in the near future for criminal negligence. Sooner than you think.

Please wake up yourselves

Yours sincerely,


Brisbane QLD 4113, Australia

Graham Carpenter 4671 Dear Commissioner,

Some solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar power feed in prices should be on the following basis:-

1) Any power that we consume should be offset on an equal basis to any power that we create/generate. That is, if we use/consume, say 100 units(klw) of power and if we create/generate 100 units(klw), then it should be a 1 for 1 equal swap with no charge or credit to either party;

2) Any power that we create/generate in excess to that which we use/consume, should be credited to us at the same price which the power retailer (in our case Ergon) purchase their power. In other words, if we create/generate 150 units(klw) but only use/consume 100 units(klw) of power, then we should be credited/paid for our excess 50 units(klw) of power that we have created/generated at the same rate that the power retailer purchase their power;

3) For the above to work fairly for all parties, then the excessive "service fees" have to be abolished and a realistic fee incorporated into the actual price that we pay for power. As an example of the exorbitant "services charges"

that we now pay is as follows- when we first moved to this area (nearly 10 years ago), the service charges were approximately 15% of our light and power usage bill. Now these "service charges" are equal to 100% of our light and power usage bill! An 85% increase, and I still have the bills to prove this point. We also read our own meters 3 times a year and only see a meter reader once a year!;

4) The previous $0.44c a unit(klw) purchase price paid to solar power generators like myself is, in my opinion excessive and unfair to the power retailers, however this was a mistake made by a previous Government and the Contracts signed by both us and the power retailer have to be honoured!

If there is anything that you wish to discuss with the above comments, please don't hesitate to phone me on 07-41563999.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Carpenter

Queensland 4671, Australia


Leanne Pittendreigh 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

I live in Far north Qld and we get NO CHOICE in our electricity supplier unlike our southern neighbours. I can't shop around for a better deal, because there is no better deal. Ergon could pay me 1c a kw and I could do nothing about it. What a total wast of time and money it was trying to do something good for the environment. I will still be paying the loan I took out to install them for many years to come. And because I get NO CHOICE I still have to pay a 3 month bill of $2000. Where do I find that money from????

A fairer deal would be for customers who have NO CHOICE in provider to only be charged the same amount that Ergon pays us for our electricity that we make.

We already get a raw deal from our insurance companies, just because we live in the Far North, don't let the power company rip us off too!!!

Yours sincerely,

Leanne Pittendreigh

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

David Gravina 2026 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

- Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

- Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

Its really wrong that solar households get a lousy 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies! They make 200 % premium on that energy. That seems unfair.

And of course Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

David Gravina

Sydney NSW 2026, Australia

David Moore 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…solar owners have invested large amounts of their own money to both protect the planet in their own small way and to support the network -- stabilising the grid network at times of high demand and canceling or postponing the need for replacement coal burning power stations to be built. The feed-in price for residential solar generated electricity is derisory and insulting.

Yours sincerely,

David Moore

Queensland 4573, Australia

Derek Squire 4021 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price as it reduces the load on the existing energy grid, is a renewable energy, we have plenty of sun and it's the right thing to do for the people rather than greedy corporates,

Yours sincerely,

Derek Squire

Redcliffe QLD 4021, Australia

Philip Bangerter 4078 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the reduction in GHG, because of the reduction in infrastructure requirements and because of the increasingly affordable battery storage options available...... Solar producers will just turn to storage and opt out of the high-tariff night-time production unless the feed-in tariff is more attractive.

Philip Bangerter

Forest Lake


Marie Carvolth 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Please accept this as my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

I was an easy adopter of solar pv rooftop panels, and I am extremely concerned at reports that the QPC has recommended scrapping the 44c/kWh Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff. I paid a high price for my solar panels back in the early days, because creating my own renewable energy is the right things to do, and because the bonus feed-in tariff would help repay me for the initial costs. I will not accept my bonus feed-in tariff being scrapped.

Solar owners are getting a very unfair deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Marie Carvolth

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Rocky Henry 4151 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar owners are only getting 6c/kWh , just a pittance of what the power companies on sell it for , closer to 18c/kWh .

Climate change is affecting not only the rest of the world , but even Queensland is not immune . By supporting , and encouraging the use of renewable power it is helping us transition to a totally renewable future sooner , and in so doing making our state more liveable into the future .

The main focus of government policy , SHOULD be to provide the best possible conditions for the electorate , not to pander to self interested profit driven companies that are doing long term damage to the environment and our standard of living .

The future is in renewable energy , the age of coal is dying and if Queensland does not hurry up and realise this , and use our natural climatic resources ie (sunshine state) we will be left with an out dated , expensive and uncompetitive power system .

Yours sincerely,

Rocky Henry

Brisbane QLD 4151, Australia

Jo Ploeg 4216 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar energy is the way of the future especially during daytime hours. Any future large-scale developments of long-life battery-type storage would also benefit communities as well as large-scale solar farms in northern and western areas.

Coal-fired power stations can then be used as an alternative source during night-time hours and emergency situations.

As solar becomes readily available to lower income earners it should then become cheaper for families as well as renters. Innovation is the key to our future!

Yours sincerely,

Jo Ploeg

Gold Coast QLD 4216, Australia

Conor Jones 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this will stimulate market growth in solar and is a key step to ongoing financial prosperity and real sustainable growth. I find it extremely disappointing that the macroeconomic ramifications of our pricing structure are so poorly considered.

It is analogous to the loss of the Australian car manufacturing industry with the demise of Holden. Imagine if the CSIRO's leading solar technology had been taken up and 20 years ago and Holden was now producing the best Hybrid and electric cars on the market. This is the loss of an opportunity to lead the rest of the world in sustainable home energy and transport integration. Lets consider a fair and long-sighted pricing structure that will encourage our economy to grow sustainably in decades to come, not just this short political cycle.

Yours sincerely,

Conor Jones

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia


Wally Wight 4051 Dear Commissioner,

Since the Paris agreement, our emissions have continued to increase. If we are to meet our obligations to future generations, we must do everything in our power to divorce ourselves from dependence on fossil fuels for both transport and electricity.

Maintaining incentives for existing solar users and enhancing incentives to entice more of us to make the transition is an important role of your commission. Your mandate is not just for the immediate term, but to set a more sustainable scene for the future. Please provide the support for solar energy.

Yours sincerely,

Wally Wight

Brisbane QLD 4051, Australia

Robert Cronk 4503 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we invested our own money and businesses are profiting on that investment. Many, including myself, have taken out substantial loans in order to have solar installed. This was done on the basis that it would subsidise our bills and eventually pay for itself. Unfortunately, the retailers are not satisfied with charging 300 percent more than they return in our feed-in price, they have also been allowed to charge over 7.2 cents per day for the meter. The same smart meter that was already in place before I had solar installed. The same smart meter that only requires the click of a button to check at the same time as the normal electricity usage is read.

How can this blatant rip off be allowed by the regulator?

I invested for my and my families future and a third party is profiting from that as well as now alao charging me for that feed in.

If all the public who installed solar decided to simply not feed any back in ,and resort to batteries, the grid would fall over and everyone else's costs would soar. So how about some equity and acknowledgement of the service we provide and the massive costs we have incurred to supply clean energy. The energy we supply costs companies nothing. That's right, nothing because they make huge profits on the back of our investment.

It is a disgusting abuse of the public.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Cronk

Brisbane QLD 4503, Australia

Eril McNamara 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Power companies buy our solar for a pittance and sell it for a high price.

To have a clean green future for our children we need to promote solar use. This is much moore likely to happen with a fair price. Please make sure our concerns are heard. Thank you. Eril McNamara, solar owner for 8 years!

tony Kidston 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. this is the future, so recognize it and support it

Yours sincerely,

tony Kidston

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

Britt Caling 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price for many reasons. We are Solar users at our home premises and at present we receive 6c/kW for the power we generate and any additional that we generate and return to the grid, you see to our non-solar neighbours at likely 3 times this amount. Additionally, we pay 3 times this amount to buy electricity from you.

Why are we disadvantaged for outlaying an initial $7000 for installing Solar - a cost that we will likely never see back, but of which the government benefits significantly from with Solar power costing the government less in infrastructure and maintenance.

Solar is also significantly better for our environment and long-term future of the country so shouldn't there be some encouragement to have more households turn to Solar as an option?

I believe it is truly unfair that changes were made to the amount we receive for the power we generate and we have noi say over this. This needs review urgently!

Yours sincerely,

Britt Caling

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia


Kelvin Rasmussen 4703 Dear Commissioner,

Solar energy feed in rate should be no less than the cost it is to get power to that location

It should be cost of generation plus cost of network distribution

Retailers charge for connection and have progressively increased metering rates and daily charges to offset loss in revenue from reduced use and endeavour to shift blame on to solar

Retailers and network providers who are publicly owed need to cost cut with in like all business have recently

They need to get their house in order first

You have an obligation to ensure renewables are in qld energy mix

Finally in relation to the solar bonus scheme 44 cent rate this needs to remain in place and honoured as people invested based on this rate staying until 2028

Yours sincerely,

Kelvin Rasmussen

Queensland 4703, Australia

Byron Martin 4035 Dear Commissioner,

Some of the recent solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have:

1/ Financed part of the initial capital cost of the equipment

2/ Continue to provide a secure rent and maintenance free location for the long term operation of the generating equipment

3/ Supply widespread quick recovery generating plant which can assit in supply after natural disaster

4/ Reduce the need for increased capacity in larger power plants

Reduce the need for major upgrades of transmission lines

Thank you for the opportunity to outline my concerns

B Martin

Yours sincerely,

Byron Martin

Brisbane QLD 4035, Australia

tricha dempsey 4370 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. as a pensioner i saved hard to afford solar power and save money. you keep moving the goal post. the feed in tarrif is a joke, why should i be penalised for trying to help myself.... there is no fairness to the current system.

Yours sincerely,

tricha dempsey

Queensland 4370, Australia


Kim Sutton 4178 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. This is unfair.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Kim Sutton

Queensland 4178, Australia

Gillian Stroud 6012 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we, by default, are the solar power industry in this country.Since there has been no coherent government policy to encourage large scale solar power production and storage over the last 2 decades, it has been left to individuals to dig into their own pockets to finance the only option available to the australian public, namely small domestic, single dwelling solar systems. As we, the public, are in the main part not in the pockets of the mining, gas and petroleum industries, there has been a good response to the availability of renewable energy. Some of us received subsidies and rebates for the investment, because our money subsidised state governments by taking away the need to build more dirty power plants.

Now in return, these same governments wish to rip us off on our investment. How very australian. Meanwhile australia lags further and further behind the rest of the world in terms of solar research, investment and generation, despite having the greatest abundance of raw material. Also how very australian. You clearly have no clue about the current size and money in the American solar industry. I doubt your small minds would encompass its scale, since your focus appears to be exclusively concerned with ripping off your own citizens.


Yours sincerely,

Gillian Stroud

Vivian Crompton 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Australian electricity companies are taking unfair advantage of the capital investment by solar owners, and the value provided by the feed in power is not fair or equitable.

I am charged 7 cents per day and only receive 7 cents per kwh of power that I provide to the grid,

which is the same as coal - even though we do not use the many miles of high tension lines and intermediate network to supply the power to the local network where it is consumed by others in the same local region. the grid charges me 25 cents per kwh - over 3x the amount.

On top of this I am also of course already being charged a very large connection fee, to be connected to the grid.

I do not use air conditioning, and I try to reduce my energy consumption, but I am effectively being punished for having invested 7000 in capital into Australia's electricity supply.

I agree that the original 42c / kwh tarrifs were way too high and of course are not sustainable, but there should be some middle ground - either a higher feed in tariff than 7c for solar providers, or metering based on overall daily usage rather than hour by hour,.or even metering hour by hour, but at the actual current market spot rates - so that if I am providing electricity during high demand times (such as hot summer afternoons when everyone has their air conditioner cranked to the max) I am getting more fairly compensated for my contribution in helping meet this demand.

Yours sincerely,

Vivian Cromptonm

Queensland 4211, Australia

Philippa Howells 4552 Dear Commissioner,

I am concerned that solar owners, who are doing their best to combat global warming are now being penalized financially having invested in solar systems.

At present I get nothing for what I feed into the system, but pay full price for what I use from the system. Realistically, this is a form of theft.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because global warming is now recognized by every world authority except for entrenched and greedy vested interests such as the coal industry. A responsible government with the interests of future generations in mind would do everything to facilitate the transition to nonpolluting renewables. Courageous politicians with any ethical sense would stand up to the vested interests.

Does this government have the ethical standards and courage required, or will they go down in history as shameful cowards who refused to take on the challenge to prevent further global warming?

Yours sincerely,

Philippa Howells

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia


Nichola Hungerford 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of many reasons.

Apart from the fact we should all be switching to renewables and withdrawing from polluting fossil fuels, and because we can get a much more sustainable workforce in renewables - the most important thing I heard recently, was someone from Ergon saying on the radio - that Queensland was coping with the heat wave better because so many people had renewables.

So lets have a fair deal for all and give us a fair price for Solar!

Yours sincerely,

Nichola Hungerford

Whitfield QLD 4870, Australia

Ben Chambers 4352 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

I believe that the solar feed in rate should be square.

By this I mean.

The energy Co. sells it to me for $0.26c you buy it off me for $0.26c I can't see why this isn't fair!!!

You have the chance to still make money off my system, if I'm not using the solar power I produce, Im putting it back into the grid you don't have to produce it and can sell my power on to someone else, and profit from this!!!!

Then at night when of course my system is useless you can sell me electricity at the same rate.

Hey win, win isn't it!!!!??

This would make it fairer to all.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Chambers

Queensland 4352, Australia

Lorna Huston 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are not now receiving a fair price for the solar power they feed into the grid. You will be aware that what I receive for the power I contribute is only a fraction of what I pay when I buy grid power. Yet my biggest contribution comes into the grid at the time of greatest demand - on hot summer days when people are using their air conditioners. I'm aware that the contribution of rooftop solar has reduced the requirement for extra infrastructure to meet these peak usage times. I believe this point should be taken into consideration when you consider a fair price.

Yours sincerely,

Lorna Huston

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Garry Willett 4074 Dear Commissioner,

I am happy to supply my additional power back into the grid on a one for one basis. A fair exchange considering the fact I have invested in the hardware to produce the electricity and the utility/retail is able to distribute my electrons to nearby homes, thereby saving them costs. The alternative for people like is to to invest in storage, further lessing our dependence on incumbents which may not be to the betterment of all concerned

Yours sincerely,

Garry Willett

Brisbane QLD 4074, Australia

Brian Armon 4227 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have spent out to install our solar panels, we are generating clean, renewable energy and in feeding the surplus back to the grid you are able to sell it on at a far larger price than you are paying us for ii. We don't seek a fat profit, just afair price, please.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Armon

Gold Coast QLD 4227, Australia


Chris Wruck 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as home owners, we have invested significantly in solar power infrastructure for our home no differently to the energy companies, and why should the energy suppliers make a massive profit from our private investment when we carry all the cost and risk. The absolute minimum that we should be paid for our excess power generation FIT is the retail price to consumers less a reasonable profit margin of 10-20%.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Wruck

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

Tamsin Kerr 4563 Dear Commissioner,

Queensland is the Sunshine State. There is nowhere in the world that offers so much sun and we should be encouraging its use as our main energy supply. To do this sustainably and equitably, solar providers of power should be compensated at least at the same price as coal and other fossil-fuel based suppliers. Indeed, if we are to adequately combat climate change and help create our futures, solar-based power suppliers should be offered a higher rate for their feed-in price than other less sustainable suppliers. Also a multisource many roofed energy supplier is more sustainable and defendable than a few large energy sources, as well as reducing the energy lost in transmission. Locally based solar energy supply is the way forward for Queensland and it should be actively encouraged by Government by offering a fair feed-in tariff.

Yours sincerely,

Tamsin Kerr

Sunshine Coast QLD 4563, Australia

Colin Illingworth 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we have invested capital to help protect the enviroment.

Yours sincerely,

Colin Illingworth

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Peter Whittle 4121 Dear Commissioner,

I invested in solar energy in my home because I want to minimise my own carbon footprint. I am proud of how little power I use. At the same time, I am proud of producing solar energy and providing it to the grid.

However, I do not want to provide it for free or below market price, so that power companies can prop up their businesses based on fossil fuel use. I want them to pay me and other solar owners a fair price. I recognise that they should be compensated fairly for the power distribution infrastructure, but they should not extort us on this.

Please ensure that the price I am paid is fair. Thankyou.

Jan Sheppard 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because

I never wanted to make money from my solar panels I only wanted to reduce my electricity bill. How is it fair that the supplier can charge me 22.238 per kW but only give me 6 cents per kW for what I contribute into the grid. How is that fair. I believe that if I put 264 kW into the grid then I should have 264 kW taken off my account.

Yours sincerely,

Jan Sheppard

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia

John List 4212 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

John & Jean List

Gold Coast QLD 4212, Australia


Loraine Wallace 4565 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this Government should be encouraging homeowners to invest in renewable solar energy not penalising them for investing in clean energy. Homeowners who invest in solar power also assist in the reduction of old dated infrastructure (poles/wires) that traditionally adds to the cost of our electricity supply. We need to reduce the demand for coal fired stations and the consumption of non-renewable energy supply. Finally, Queensland is the 'Sunshine State', why not take advantage of this clean and renewable energy source and make this State a leader in the development of solar power. I reiterate, those who have chosen to invest in solar energy and those deciding to go down the road of a renewable energy source need to be encouraged and rewarded by continuing the Solar Bonus Scheme and being given a fair feed-in price.

Yours sincerely,

Loraine Wallace

Sunshine Coast QLD 4565, Australia

Geoff Hurren 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are collectively and individually small generators of power distributed locally. Therefore a fair price would be the same as that charged by the so called retailer subject to the same adjustments as imposed by said retailer.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Hurren

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Hamish Haggitt 4171 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbors at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Hamish Haggitt

Brisbane QLD 4171, Australia

Ken Aberdeen 4075 Dear Commissioner,

Solar Power must be given a competitive feed in tariff. Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland.

Solar deserves a fair price because we need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels. The Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching from Cairns to Cooktown shows that the time for waiting is well past, and governments need to facilitate the transition as speedily as possible.

The feed in tariff should be attractive enough to make solar power an incentive for people to invest in solar panels. This will develop the solar industry and create jobs constructing and installing solar panels in a much more positive way than constructing coal mines, and further destroying our farmland, reef and climate.

Yours sincerely,

Ken Aberdeen

Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia

Kerry Cook 4561 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbors at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. What are power companies doing to deserve these profits?

I believe it is inevitable that more and more people will go off the grid because they cannot get a fair deal from power companies.

Russell Kennard 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves to be paid at least the same for electricity as customers are charged for it.

And most important:

The existing contracts with Solar generators to be paid $0.50+ should continue to be honoured. It is a legally binding contract.

Remember we were encouraged to adopt solar to reduce demand on the grid so governments didn't have to build another coal fired power station.

And solar generators are paying hundreds of dollars per year as "supply charges" plus metre reading charges.

Russell Kennard


Ian Lipke 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Lipke

Barbara Trevorrow 4305 Dear Commissioner,

I am most concerned as we have spent a great deal on solar.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Barbara Trevorrow

Queensland 4305, Australia

Ian Boyd-Jones 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have made a substantial financial outlay to get the solar system installed knowing that we were helping the environment and the subsidies justified the outlay. It is just not fair that politicians keep moving goal posts.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Boyd-Jones

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Garry King 4558 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we deserve better from our govt solar prices need to be raised!!!

The time has arrived when we need to get fair dinkum about power suppliers lining their own pockets when people like myself have gone to the trouble of spending hard earned dollars. Preparing ourselves for the future and these parasites want even more money.

A bloody disgrace!!!!

Yours sincerely,

Garry King

Sunshine Coast QLD 4558, Australia

Rod Young 4184 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the people who have taken Climate change into consideration and decided to act financially on behalf of humanity because government was sitting on its hands. These people deserve to be compensated by at least paying them the same as the retail price. Why should power retailers make a profit from the investment others have made in solar.

Gary McArdle 4216 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the big power companies are making millions on our investments, solar owners don't want to make a profit from solar just offset there usage, give us a fair go.

Yours sincerely,

Gary McArdle

Gold Coast QLD 4216, Australia


Scott White 4865 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price since we already paid for our infrastructure please pay me equal to my cost of electricity

Yours sincerely,

Scott White

Queensland 4865, Australia

ray kennedy 4165 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…of the massive cost saving tas the government does not have to provide extra infrastructure and the solar citizen deserves a fair return on their investment .

Yours sincerely,

Ray Kennedy

ray kennedy

Queensland 4165, Australia

Kylie Owen 4737 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we shoukdnt ve punished dor corporate greed!!

Thomas Wells 4127 Dear Commissioner,

l wanted to make sure you saw my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the gap between the 6c/kWh feed in tariff & the 18+ c/kWh retail price is too great. There has been little or no infrastructure built to harness solar power for the Power Companies to resell to their networks. In QLD the take up of Solar Power should be encouraged as an abundance of SUN is guaranteed. It will reduce the need for increases in THERMAL power generation.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Wells

Brisbane QLD 4127, Australia

irene leau 4125 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have out laid the money to put solar in we should get a good feed in price. I believe we should get the same as they charge us.

Yours sincerely,

irene leau

Brisbane QLD 4125, Australia

Jacques Rohen 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the ultimate cost of coal fired generated power is far greater then what is published, if the cost to the environment and health cost to people are calculated into the equation

Solar is renewable, has minimal effect on the environment and people's health. The real price paid for solar power should be between $0.20 and $0.23 /kW, because that is where the TOTAL cost of Coal generated power will come to.

Yours sincerely,

Jacques Rohen

Queensland 4670, Australia


John Saint-Smith 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland .I believe that it is fundamentally unfair for the electricity retailers of Queensland to benefit from the windfall of 'free' or near free electricity handed to them via the artificially low feed-in price of 6c per unit offered to new grid connected solar panel owners. This price is much less than the normal wholesale price of electricity paid by the retailer. Why should the people of Queensland subsidize these opportunistic retailers?

Distributed power (from domestic rooftop solar) saves the State a great deal of distribution infrastructure cost. This is like the obverse of the implicit infrastructure cost subsidy paid to every householder who installs a large split-cycle air-conditioner. All other customers are forced to cross subsidise for the benefit of some of Queensland's wealthiest electricity consumers.

As commissioner, you have a duty to ensure that justice is delivered to Queensland solar owners and grid connected customers. Ignoring this blatant rip-off is a dereliction of your duty.

Meanwhile, I receive the full 44c feed-in tariff till 2028. I am willing to consider a discount on the potential value of that subsidy in return for a battery storage option that will reduce the strain on the grid when solar output is at a maximum, and decrease the demand peak after sunset. This option will ensure that Queensland makes a smooth and cost effective transition to clean distributed electricity generation.

Yours sincerely,

John Saint-Smith

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia

Leigh Warneminde 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it will have long term benefits for everyone into the future.

Yours sincerely,

Leigh Warneminde

Sunshine Coast QLD 4573, Australia

Mike Swale 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because The excess power that they produce is fed back into the grid and sold to their next door neighbours at up to four times the amount paid to them. Those customers who are on tariff 33 for their hotwater are paying the retailer for their own generated power. The excess electricity they produce gets fed back through the metering isolation link ( Energex requirement) then into their hotwater meter, hardly fair.

I take their hotwater off T33 and connect it to T11, install a time clock on the hotwater circuit setting it to come on for short periods when when they are using their own generated electricity, not clicking on and off via the thermostat 24/7.

Given the above, fair price for solar feed in, .15c per kw

Yours sincerely,

Mike Swale

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

Charlie Clelland 4075 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because in a society driven by right wing economics the production of a good by individuals deserves a fair market price. To do otherwise is to distort the market which is anathema to the proponents of market economics. If a fair price for electricity is the current retail price then it would seem reasonable that production from solar fed into local area networks should be worth about the same. Most states in the USA have come to this conclusion. Since we in Australia seem incapable of being anything but the tame apes of the USA we may as well use their feed in tarrifs.

Yours sincerely,

Charlie Clelland

Brisbane QLD 4075, Australia

Richard Taylor 4053 Dear Commissioner,

New and recent Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland, Solar deserves a fair price, something like 20c a kWh.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Taylor

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia

David Smith 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners make a positive contribution to providing sustainable energy to Queensland.

Fair price for feed in tarrif is to be paid a feed in tarrif equal to at least the cost for energy companies to provide power to my home (plus the cost to maintain and clean my solar system)

Any change in the cost to buy energy from a company needs to be reflected in the feed in tarrif. An increase in the sales price by energy companies should equal an increase in the feed in tartif paid to individual solar providers. To do less or maintain the curreny exploitative status quo that sees solar piower purchased below actual cost by companies and resold for top dolar, is nothing less than government-sanctioned theft.

Please help instill equity and equality in this business. And, be fair and support the well meaning retirees who are vulnerable to unfair trading practices.


Bevan Hay 4285 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. We, as a group ,have gone out on a limb ,so to speak inventing our own money in a sustainable energy future. We are putting our money where out mouth is by making this investment in a pollution free future. If the government was equally serious about a sustainable energy future then people would be being encouraged to take the steps that we have, and a fair and reasonable price for the power we generate would be a very good start. To put a figure on the amount, as least as much as the cost per unit consumed from the grid.

As a side issue the thought of the Adani coal mine fills me with despair for the future of our children and grandchildren, hopefully it will never get started.

Yours sincerely,

Bevan Hay

Queensland 4285, Australia

Rosemary O'Brien 4312 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are benefitting the environment and reducing the cost of producing electricity to the power companies. I am being paid 6cents to produce power that is sold to my neighbours for 22cents. A fair price would be 12 - 15c when you consider normal markups and the cosy savings on infrastructure. The 44c should also be axed and reduced to the same.

If an appropriate price was paid for solar then more would purchase it, reducing future infrastructure costs.

Yours sincerely,

Rosemary O'Brien

Queensland 4312, Australia

Steve Timms 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because home owners who have made an investment in renewable energy should make a return on that investment. It's unfair that we supply energy to the grid at 6cKw when the Energy companies are onselling that at a premium as it's green power.

We pay our connection fees for network maintenance so there is no reason for the energy companies to be profiting on our investment.

George Ashton 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. It's time the top brass of the power companies started thinking with heads not their wallets.

Yours sincerely,

George Ashton

Queensland 4670, Australia

John Finnerty 4021 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. 1. We are in essence because of way system is set up supplying electricity to the grid that the Power Companies don't want to because of insufficient demand due in no small part to rising prices from these very same Power Companies.

2. We are helping Queensland to do something constructive to address scientifically proven Climate change reinforced by current weather patterns all higher than historically recorded.

3. Roof top solar due to its diverse spread provides greater security of power production than a big Power Station in the sticks, due to not in my backyard syndrome.

4. The current regulatory regime is disfunctional in that it rewards Energy Companies for doing the wrong thing in addressing climate change namely building more and/or maintaining Coal Fired Power Stations and roof top solar is trying to offset that dysfunction.

Yours sincerely,

John Finnerty

Brisbane QLD 4021, Australia


Sandra Brookes 4020 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because

1) the user pays for panel installation, not ENERGEX or the retailer !

2) the retailer Origin is charging me FAR MORE for energy from MY own panels than it is paying me!

3) the energy industry needs to recognise the inevitable future regarding coal power versus solar power, and go with it!

Yours sincerely,

Sandra Brookes

Queensland 4020, Australia

Carol Rylance 4157 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is only fair that we are able to charge the same price for energy that we put into the grid as we are charged in when we use electricity from the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Carol Rylance

Brisbane QLD 4157, Australia

Brett Mills 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the cost of generating electricity and maintenance of private residential solar systems needs to be recognised as a benefit to the community, and the government has also signed contracts of binding feed in tariffs for those who have taken the request and had fitted the approved solar systems to their homes at conciderable costs to themselves. Power companies should not be able to influence the government into withdrawing the feed in tariffs just to get control of the private power production on home owners roofs. Also any comission inquiry into the solar system feedback tariff must recommend that at the ceasation of the existing contracts the feedback tariff should better or at least equal the consumer kwh purchase price.

Yours sincerely,

Brett Mills

Queensland 4740, Australia

Phillip Ramage 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

At the moment it appears that Big Power Companies are stealing solar power suppliers power, and selling it on at a profit!! Is that fair to everyone? I don't think so. Why is it not possible to pay for solar power generated by solar owners at the parity price for electricity, instead of the measly 6c/kwh?

Yours sincerely,

Phillip Ramage

Queensland 4350, Australia

Julian Luyt 4208 Dear Commissioner,

I wanted to make sure you see my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a close to the charged tariff price, because the myth of poles and wires costs etc. Is smoke and mirrors. I'm a professional in this very industry and the evidence of this lie originates from the utility's corporate CEO's salary packages.

Julian Luyt

Brisbane QLD 4208, Australia


Annelies Zeissink 4520 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because their initiative to install solar power to minimise the use of coal.

Yours sincerely,

Annelies Zeissink

Brisbane QLD 4520, Australia

Daryl Saal 4350 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because being paid 6 cents a unit is obviously unfair. If the justification is that is what is paid to Tarong or Millmerran it is flawed as the price should be what it is at the location. A parallel would be saying that we should pay the same price for milk at home as the farmers get at the farm gate.

If the electricity retailer buys my power for 6 cents then sells it to my neighbour at 22 cents it is profiteering.

Yours sincerely,

Daryl Saal

Pamela Atkinson 4300 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar households only get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at 3 times the price by big power companies. That's a lot of money being withheld from solar owners.

Rooftop Solar power should be a goal that all our governments are encouraging

Yours sincerely,

Paela Atkinson

Brisbane QLD 4300, Australia

ANTUN ROZUMBERSKI 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…I am getting only 8Cents for Kw delivered but pay 23 Cents per Kw purchased, which in it self is almost 3 times more. But the basic charges are toping all.1.36 $ per day for what? I must deliver almost 20 Kw a day to pay for basic charge? My electricity provider gets for my 20 Kw $ 4.60.Unbelivable?Only in this country possible?

Yours sincerely,


Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Wolfgang Flatow 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are a co-generator and have invested in infrastructure that benefits the environment, Australia and Queensland. It even benefits the power companies by bringing them into line with current World Energy Ethics and Standards.

It is your duty to act fairly on behalf of Solar Owners!

Yours sincerely,

Wolfgang Flatow

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

John McLean 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the investment I have made was based on an agreed amount. Changing this price ahead of the agreed time frame is both unfair and a breach of good faith with an agreed price. My investment amount should be able to be recovered accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

John McLean

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia


Tony Shannon 4217 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because currently solar citizens are being forced to sell electricity back to the power companies at a price below their system viability. The retailers have been rapidly increasing their fixed costs and reaping the rewards of cheap alternate power. Nobody has gained except the retailers. The QLD government has also gained from the millions of dollars collected from the sale of solar systems via GST.

Solar generated power should be supplementing grid power and all citizens should be gaining some benefit. Constant tinkering from governments provides no incentive to invest in solar technology and lowers community trust in our legislators. The government created the community demand for people to purchase solar systems and now they are trying to wash their hands of the matter.

If solar citizens are forced to go off-grid and people start dying from house fires and explosions from dangerous battery storage systems, then it will be the legislators to be held to account.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Shannon

Gold Coast QLD 4217, Australia

Matt Hollis 4073 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need to be showing the rest of Australia that we are the Smart State.

Solar and renewables are clearly the future and a fair price on so late fees in tariffs will send a message that the Qld Gov supports solar.

Given that Qld recently saw some high daytime peaks that drove very high spot prices it shows that solar feed in is required at peak times - reasonable feed in tariffs would encourage me to put up additional panels to contribute.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Hollis

Brisbane QLD 4073, Australia

Michael McDonald 4810 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because many of these homeowners including myself have spent a considerable amount of money on both purchasing their solar system and also the upkeep of this, yet still have to pay a considerable amount of power for electricity via the power grid. As a result it would be much more fair to these users if they were paid the same rate for every KWH generated that they paid for from the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Michael McDonald

Townsville QLD 4810, Australia

Jenny Greig 4802 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….solar producers will reduce the need for large scale energy production.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny Greig

Queensland 4802, Australia

andrew cowley 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because by helping the environment by burning less coal and gas many people are being penalised due to the low tariffs. In addition, we are being charged an extra fee (7.5c) per day to have a solar meter; eventually we will be paying solar companies to take our electricity if the recent price hikes in fees are anything to go by!!

The rate should be closer to the market rate and there should be no solar meter charge.

Yours sincerely,

andrew cowley


den iden 4565 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….




Yours sincerely,

den iden

Sunshine Coast QLD 4565, Australia

James Jones 4216 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because failure to recognise the reality of solar and renewable power will set back the economy for generations. The time to remove governments dependence on income derived on fossil fuel is now and it is urgent.

Coal is not our future, and neither is oil. They will all but disappear in 15 years and governments need to recognise this reality. With solar power already cheaper per kw hour than coal fired electricity, and the spectacular growth of home battery power charged by solar, government needs to see the obvious. Governments and its component parts that do not adjust will need to be removed and replaced with people of vision.

Michael Ross 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have made the expensive commitment, no handouts from govt. We choose to commit to a healthy sustainable future for our children and community. We work hard and pay plenty of tax. Why don't we get rewarded for our extra effort. Get tough on the profit greedy electricity providers that use our hard earned to onsell for profit.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Ross

Woody Point QLD 4019, Australia

Jan Murphy 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is surely looking like we are being penalised because we are trying to help our environment. The Federal and all State Governments in Australia should be encouraging the use of solar power not putting obstacles in peoples way.

Yours sincerely,

Jan Murphy

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Arnold Klintstrom 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times or more the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.. Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Arnold Klintstrom

Queensland 4670, Australia

Ian Carter 4018 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…we have spent a lot of money on solar systems for our homes to reduce the dependency on electricity generated by coal fired power generators. I am a pensioner and before I retired I installed Solar Power to reduce my continually growing power bill. I thought I would have that feed in tariff guaranteed for 25 years but not so. My bill continues to get more and more expensive until ultimately I expect that I will have to be removed from the grid entirely. If Solar energy was not available in one of the sunniest countries in the world, how would this government afford the cost of building more and more expensive power generators.


Ian Carter

Brisbane QLD 4018, Australia


Richard Plantinga 4519 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. The electric wires were paid for by the Australian tax payers. The energy companies should not be allowed to increase their electricity to increase their profits. Like powerpole charges that's 90% profit for what? Who are you voting for next election.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Plantinga

Queensland 4519, Australia

john przybylski 4341 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I invested $10000 for a system and only get a feed in tariff of 6cents a kilowatt while others are getting 44 cents a fair price should be the same amount that I currently pay 26cents a kilowatt

Yours sincerely,

john przybylski

Queensland 4341, Australia

Brenda Robertson -Mitchell 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair feed in price as this solar power is the way forward

Yours sincerely,

Brenda Robertson -Mitchell

Queensland 4670, Australia

Doug Young 4213 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because in many rural areas, existing electricity infrastructure is woefully inadequate and upgrading would cost a kings ransom. At Springbrook in particular, we have only one mains supply rather than the two or three enjoyed by city dwellers and one that is struggling to supply present usage. Brown-outs are regular events in summer. If it wasn't for a few relatively large solar installations, the problems would be considerably worse than they are. Upgrading the single mains supply would be prohibitively expensive in this area due to terrain, protected vegetation, World Heritage listing and the best organized greenies on planet earth. That shouldn't be taken as criticism of tree-huggers, in fact I'll be the first to join them if anyone proposes damaging the local ecosystem. On the other hand, subsidized solar installations and significant feed-in tariffs (at least two to three times 'normal' usage) could well provide the alternative / second supply source desperately needed in this area. Unlike many areas, large solar systems are indicated here due to the limited number of residences without tree cover. I believe a comparable situation would exist in numerous other rural areas with only the one mains feed.

I notice that 'Mermaid Ray' Stevens is still attempting to deceive the sheeple into believing his cableway could be constructed for $100,000,000 when it would according to Energex engineers it would cost over a billion just for the necessary power feed from Tallebudgera / Currumbin up the old cream track at the southern end of Springbrook Road. Whilst its highly unlikely that solar installations could supply sufficient power for Mermaid Ray's ill-conceived proposal, the billion dollar estimate shows conclusively that mains upgrades aren't viable in world heritage areas like Springbrook.

Yours sincerely,

Doug Young

Gold Coast QLD 4213, Australia

Neil VICTORSEN 4109 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….Solar power installation was expensive to install and should get a fair return

Yours sincerely,


Brisbane QLD 4109, Australia

Anton Goodrick 4109 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as with any product or service the price of the product is market driven regardless of the cost of manufacture/production or the overheads.

On this basis the market price of solar should be the same as the opportunity cost of solar and should be no less than any other way of generating a similar product even if it the Government owned.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Goodrick FNIA

Brisbane QLD 4109, Australia


Monique Bond 4101 Dear Commissioner,

I would like you to consider, and accept, these points about the feed-in price for solar inquiry.

1. Rooftop solar power has many advantages; it greatly lessens the need for poles and power inlines; it also shortens the distance the electricity has to travel, thus saving up to 20% of energy losses.

2. Rooftop solar uses renewable energy from the sun. This enables a transfer from polluting fossil fuels to the much cleaner solar energy.

3. We Queenslanders have shown our support for solar by taking it up enthusiastically. This has provided jobs for the people making panels, installing them etc and has also greatly improved the efficiency of solar panels and reduced the price.

4. We installed our first solar panels in 2001 when people thought we were weird to do so - it is fantastic to see so many solar panel and other renewables around but the pricing needs to be a fair price.

What should the price be: well it should be a price which is in line with the value of the energy to the grid.

If the power companies are selling the electricity we generate for Appoximately18c/kWH then I would think we should receive somewhere around 12 -14/kWh from the company buying it from us.

Yours sincerely,

Monique Bond

Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia

ALan Bothe 4179 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because 1kWhr of Solar electricity = 1 kWhr of thermal electricity minus the CO2.

Yours sincerely,

ALan Bothe

Queensland 4179, Australia

John Russell 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….electricity is sold to consumers for 24c per kilowatt, why should power companies offer less to producers. The need is for more self sufficiency and less pollution, not for maximising profits and inflated salaries for power company executives.

Yours sincerely,

John Russell

Queensland 4306, Australia

Robert Sindholt 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. it's green, renewable and we are saving the environment.

Power companies are on selling the power produced from my solar array that I paid for and that I maintain, The power company's are charging us for the use of the power lines to transmit & receive but have to control to stipulate the price that they will pay for the energy I produce. The power companies then onsell it for 3x as much as they pay, that's right a 300% mark up, seems unfair right?.

To give you an Idea the average household only gets 6c per kWh, the power companies then onsells for around 25c/kWh (look at your power bill)

I believe the price that renewable energy owners gets for the power they produce needs to be fair for both the producer and the retailer. At no time should solar owners (the producer) receive less than 50% of the retail price. This could lead to either a price drop by the retailers (imagine paying 12c per kWh) or a fair price for the producers.

I have had ideas about a kWh Exchange where each kWh I produce is off set against what I use no matter when I use it, of course I would not like to be paying the extra charges the power companies have derived to protect their bottom line against renewable energy. (if you have some old power bills from early last year compare it to how it's calculated now. you will see they have hidden the charges under another name so even if you reduce the power you use you still get hit with a higher charge)

Here are some interesting facts I'll leave you with:

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Sindholt

Queensland 4207, Australia


Gillian Cave 4560 Dear Commissioner,

I believe that solar owners deserve a fair price for electricity generated from their rooftop solar systems that is at least equal to what retailers charge customers for their electricity. There are a number of reasons why this should be the case, including: we effectively help to increase the electricity generators output without them having to contribute towards the capital cost of our equipment or having to invest in more generating power themselves, we help to reduce general demand and in particular those sudden peaks in demand that can lead to power outages on very hot days when everyone who has an air-conditioner switches it on, solar owners are more aware of their electricity usage and therefore more responsible users than most, and last but by no means least we help to achieve our climate change commitments as solar PV is 100% renewable. It is only logical that solar PV be considered a responsible model for electricity generation and one that you should fully encourage through truly recognising the value that solar power brings not only to Queensland but also to Australia and our precious planet.

Yours sincerely,

Gillian Cave

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Peter Stephenson 4164 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the clean power we generate is better for the environment. We should be able to trade 1 to 1 KWH off our bills before we get paid a pitance for the power we generate.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Stephenson

Queensland 4164, Australia

Benjamin Hale 4567 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it delays network upgrades and creates a more resilient decentralised grid. Renewable energy produced and consumed locally is better for Queensland than enormous quantities of coal being mined, transported, burned and the electricity transmitted over hundreds of kilometres. If the people of the state help the utilities of the state consume less fuel and improve our environmental impact why are they punished?

I believe that a fair price for rooftop solar is the same retail price that our neighbours pay for coal fired power - except it doesn't have the negative externalities of carbon that one day will have to be priced in. We generate and transmit clean energy locally and every electron is indistinguishable from the coal fired ones in the network, so why are they worth less?

Could you look at it this way... Why can't we simply "spin our meter backwards" - be rewarded for replacing the energy we use from non renewable sources by putting it back into the grid as renewable energy, leaving us happy to pay for the net energy that we do use?

Yours sincerely,

Benjamin Hale

Sunshine Coast QLD 4567, Australia

Sheldon Smith 4558 Dear Commissioner

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Sheldon Smith

Sunshine Coast QLD 4558, Australia

Geoff Maine 2583 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I'm an electrical contractor, CEC accredited solar designer and Installer. I design and install solar P V systems of all sizes and know that it is beneficial to both the owner and the supplier of the grid power to the owner.

It is an unbelievable situation when an energy provider takes the excess power fed to the grid by a mum and dad solar PV owner for 0-6 cents per Kw Hour and then sells that power to another customer, at a 'PREMIUM PRICE' based on that customer doing a good deed for our environment.

In my book, that is legal theft and should never be allowed under a democracy such as ours.

As a Productivity Commissioner you should be representing the people of this country, not the vested interests

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Maine

New South Wales 2583, Australia


Brett Reynolds 4123 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we the public are sick and tired of being held to ransom by large corporate entities. All they do is rape and pillidge our society for their benefit. It is about time the elected few stand up for us as they should, instead of carrying on with the usual bull. In the end the fairest price would be what we pay to import electricity

Yours sincerely,

Brett Reynolds

Brisbane QLD 4123, Australia

Charles Bonnici 4226 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because my investment in solar panels on my roof have saved tax payers from having to increase generation capacity.

If you decide to delete the input Tarif I will install batteries and completely go off the grid.

We need to be a smart country and encourage solar generation and other forms of environmentally friendly means of power generation.

The government needs to encourage environmentally friendly methods of power generation not kill it.

I urge you to make the right decision and not be driven by profit hungry businesses at the detriment of the people of Australia.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Bonnici

Gold Coast QLD 4226, Australia

Susan Mot 4105 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the electricity companies which feed solar power back into the communal grid sell it on to other clients at several times the price they paid for it.

It is time that solar power owners were fairly compensated for the amount of money they have had to pay to install and maintain a solar power system. Research performed by Choice acknowledges that most solar owners take 8 years or longer to completely pay for their solar system once installed. This is shocking considering that the electricity companies are permitted to sell on their power and then make several times over what they paid for it off of the backs of solar owners!

The people with solar power systems can no longer afford to prop up the electricity companies and it is absolutely reckless negligence to think otherwise.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Mot

Brisbane QLD 4105, Australia

Andrew Serow 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, like many others, I borrowed a lot of money to put solar on my roof and I did that to reduce my carbon footprint as well as to keep the cost of my power bills under control. The latter seems to be something the government can't do.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Serow

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia

Simon Andrews 4068 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because our planet can not sustain the continual burning of fossil fuels and solar energy is the next viable alternative source of energy and should be supported.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Andrews

Max Bell 4849 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they have invested heavily to ensure a secure supply of electricity for Queenslanders. Without the many citizens who have invested already in Solar, it is my belief that Queenslanders would be suffering from brownouts/blackouts and facing further increases in electricity tariffs from the need to build new power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Max Bell

Queensland 4849, Australia


Catherine Knight 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it helps reduce the need for coal generated power that is damaging to our atmosphere. We put solar on our roof because it was the right thing to do please reward this kind of behaviour rather than punish us for it as you are doing now. Please be a part of the solution and get rid of the coal fired pollution and give us a fair price for the solar power that is taken from us and sold to other people.

Be fair and share the wealth properly. Solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine Knight

Queensland 4570, Australia

Andy Good 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Australia needs to invest in a solar future and citizens like me are putting our capital down to make that happen. It needs to demonstrate its strategic intent to deliver win-win solutions for us and our children.

When developed economies in both northern higher latitudes and those in tropical ones with poorer annual sunshine start to achieve penetration rates beyond Australia you know we are not competing. Indeed we will be overtaken by a technological leap like the mobile phone.

I want a modern Australia based on sustainable business models which complement the boom bust of the commodity cycles.

Turnbull said Innovation. It's time to shine!. So encourage the people to participate.

I receive a positive feed in tariff. This is the simplest and most obvious way to boast this strategy both as a national and international signal of policy and as a broad practical policy to generate economic activity in our regions. Right now a small increase from the status quo would give a clear signal that Queensland had freed itself from Abbott's legacy, that the government wanted Queenslanders to part of a sustainable future.

Yours sincerely,

Andy Good

Sunshine Coast QLD 4562, Australia

Alfred Jones 4660 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are only getting 6.3 cents per kWh, and Ergon is reselling it for about 22 cents, I think that they take as much as they can off us, in order to make up their shortfall with people being paid the absurd sum of 44 cents per kWh.

A fair price to us, that missed out on the 44 cents feed in tariff, would be in the region of 14 or 15 cents per kWh

Yours sincerely,

Alfred Jones

Queensland 4660, Australia

Eric Minger 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is carbon neutral. It is time to consider the implications of polluting energy sources and value clean energy. We have acted on our convictions and invested for the future.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Minger

Queensland 4740, Australia

Valerie Lewis 4567 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we should be getting a fair price for energy we create. Australians are investing in the future of our country, and in Queensland by putting solar on their roof, and in time it will be universal. This should mean getting a fair deal now.

Yours sincerely,

Valerie Lewis

Sunshine Coast QLD 4567, Australia


Glen McCarrick 4810 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because.

Solar households NOT on the Solar Bonus Scheme get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Glen McCarrick

Townsville QLD 4810, Australia

Nathan Slater 4178 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because not only has everyone who currently has solar panels paid money out of their own pocket to try and reduce green house gasses but it is the way of the future, and in a modern first world economy we should be rewarding people who wish to make change and help the environment.

Solar feed in tariffs should be set, at the minimum, at the current usage rate, which not only reflects a fair price for the owners of solar panels but would help big industry innovate and come up with better energy generating methods.

Yours sincerely,

Nathan Slater

Brisbane QLD 4178, Australia

John Lang 4877 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because i believe that as solar owners we are investing in the future of Australia... so this is for us, for our children, and our children's children... indeed, not just for Australia and Australians, but for the global community as a whole... it's just ...the Australian thing to do mate!



Ian McCallan 48449 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price to encourage more people to install solar systems and help close down heavily polluting coal fired power generators.

I believe a fair unit price to be 50% of the retail price. This would automatically move with retail prices for power.

Yours sincerely,

Ian McCallan

Ian Busby 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. in the interim we thought we doing the country a service by going Solar. As it has turned out the Politicians did not give a toss. In Queensland the Government rips money out of the Electricity providers so that they can balance the books and yes we the Solar sufferers are deemed as filthy rich and drink Champers.Well I am not filthy rich and I don't drink Alcohol and I paid for my Solar out of my Super so why is it we get hit a Solar meter charge and who thought that one up.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Busby

Queensland 4207, Australia


Nigel Francis 4500 Dear Commissioner,

It is important to Queensland that you read and consider my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry.

Solar Citizens will be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. disruptive technology has arrived and long established monopolies are about to be broken - with consequences for all consumers, energy retailers and for the generators / distributors and those who profit from them e.g. the Queensland Government.

Utilities like electricity were once "a license to print money" as they were effectively monopolies. Consumers had no real option but to purchase from them and the consumer had little protection except for some regulation of costs by the government. The introduction of retail competition did not really change the situation as the monopoly of electricity distribution and generation remained.

However, these monopolies are about to be permanently broken by the disruptive technologies of Solar Power & Home Battery Storage.

It is now possible for many consumers to produce, store and utilise their own electricity - to go off grid. As the price of Solar power systems has decreased with uptake, so the price of battery storage systems will decrease, making "Energy Independence" a growing trend.

True competition has finally entered the electricity market, with every household, small business and school able to compete with the generation and distribution monopolies.

Energex has clearly recognised the consequences of this disruption, fearing a "Death Roll" of grid disconnections. As the number of consumers paying for the fixed 'Poles and Wires' costs of the national grid decreases, the fixed costs to every user will increase.

As the cost of power from the grid increases and the cost of home made power decreases (due to economies of scale) the economies Energy Independence become ever more attractive.

Energex has been looking for ways to stop this from happening (using the stupidest methods possible) by raising prices and attempting to add anti competitive fees. The failure of this approach is inevitable.

I will not even go into the possibility of people creating micro grids, targeting those consumers who cannot leave the grid (and possibly taking Energex & Ergon to the ACCC seeking access to the grid a la Optus & Telstra).

The only way to maintain a national grid into the future is to take a whole new approach:

1. Accept that the days of record profits are over forever and true

completion is here to stay.

2. Pay a fair price for solar feed-in. To be competitive, this would have

to be very close or equal to what consumers pay to buy from the grid

3. Every problem is an opportunity in disguise - make the Consumer /

Competitor, a valued business partner.

Some years ago Energex implemented an innovative way to

manage peak demand - they offered consumers money to install a

controller in new air conditioners, so when usage starts to exceed

the grid's capacity, they could reduce the load by “throttling down” all

A/Cs with peak controllers. They made consumers their partners in

managing peak demand. A perfect win - win solution.

The only solution to the disruption caused by Energy Independence

is to develop an innovative and FAIR business model where the

national grid operator works with Consumer Generators to manage

demand on the grid and the supply of fairly priced renewable energy.

When demand is high, switch consumers to battery, when demand

is low and electricity would otherwise be dumped, switch Consumer

Generators to storing power. This enables the grid operator (and

partners) to run an efficient and decentralised grid with thousands of

points of redundancy, increasing reliability. Obviously, the design of

the Grid – Consumer partnership is critical, it could involve financial

assistance to put in “controlled” battery storage, it would have to

involve innovative pricing for stored / generated / consumed

power. A consumer with 5 KWhr stored is nothing compared to the

demand on the grid – 100,000 consumers storing 5 kWhr is 500

MWhr (16% of the SEQ 'High' demand of 3101MW at 6:15pm on


Please consider my submission carefully and note that your recommendations and the actions of the government and regulators reading them will determine the fate of the national grid and the shape of utilities in the future. Should you make the wrong decision regarding fair prices for feed in tariffs, you may set off a chain reaction that will permanently remove any influence you, utilities and the government have over the energy market and the cost of power.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Francis

Brisbane QLD 4500, Australia


Ray Veen 4128 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is not only saving a lot of infrastructure, cost and maintenance thereoff.

Also I would like to have some return from my investment

And the maintenance of the panels,which amount to a fair numbers of hours .

Thank you in advance,for seeing the logic in my reasoning,for a fair return for the KW generated.

Yours sincerely,

Ray Veen

Brisbane QLD 4128, Australia

Desmond Soares 4121 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. When I produce power and proivde it for the use of my neighbours it only travels a few metres until someone else uses it. Why do I have the same discount applied to me that the power station that is 400km away has applied. There is minimal extra infrastructure needed for my power to go next door.

The only reason for the outrageous low solar tariff is because the government wishes to protect its dividend from Ergon and Energex at $1.7 billion last year.

You keep making such erroneous determinatiosn and pretty soon we will all leave the grid and it will be in worse shape. You need to develop a community prcining model that encourages solar not discourages it.

Jeffrey Bailey 4702 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because… we had to spend money to put these units on our homes in good faith, to help green Australia and cut our power bills down to a manageable level. This also helps the generating companies as they have less power to produce during the day when most powered is used by industry.

Yours sincerely,

Jeffrey Bailey

Queensland 4702, Australia

dean elliott 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price

i am taking a risk putting solar on,

should an inverter fail,damaged panel etc im up for the cost of replacement. 6 cents wont cover the investment to the owner should things go wrong with the system that is doing the right thing for EVERYONE! at least a minimum of 12 cents is required

Yours sincerely,

dean elliott

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Michael and CassieMcCann 4157 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are contributing to the supply of power that people use and we deserve to get a fair price back for providing this.

Yours sincerely,

Michael and Cassie McCann

Brisbane QLD 4157, Australia

Terry Doyle 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are providing a very real contribution to the reduction in green house gas and also reducing costs for the big generators by providing extra power which would otherwise require extra transmission capacity which translates into huge cost savings .This contribution is worthy of a better return to roof top generator than 6c./Kwh

Terry Doyle,

Brisbane, QLD 4034, Australia


Rob Barling 4218 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it will generate local jobs for local people who pay tax in this country and state and don't "offshore" profits. Not to mention things like, when was the last brown out due to power surges caused by overloading as a result of air conditioning. Solar is taking the strain out of an otherwise inefficient system. I won't go on, but there is more upside to promoting the solar cause than protecting the coal industry.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Barling

Gold Coast QLD 4218, Australia

Lynette Marmin 4014 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it provides an opportunity for the little people to defray the continually rising cost of electricity. Failure on the part of the electricity wholesalers to pay a significant price for green solar power will inevitably result in householders turning to battery systems. These are becoming quite affordable and represent an attractive alternative to getting paid a pittance for exported power.

Yours sincerely,

Lynette Marmin

Queensland 4014, Australia

Janice Areora 4570 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Dear commissioner

I hope you saw my submission to the fair feed in price for solar energy

Solar citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf

We are getting a raw deal we signed up to get a fair price for our energy all we ask is to get a fair price

Just because we have a change of government doesn't mean they can change our feed in tariff

Just give us a fair price

Yours truly

Janice Areora

Ronald Ansell 4807 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….it helps with regulating of voltage drop in the distribution substation area. This in turn reduces the up grade cost to

retriculated area.

Yours sincerely,

Ronald Ansell

Queensland 4807, Australia

LYNFORD ROSOS 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because my family made a conscious big investment to support sustainability of such an important utility. Please show your ongoing support for this worthwhile

issue, remembering this is for the benefit of our families and generations to come.


Lynford Rosos

1071 South Pine Road

Everton Hills 4053


Thomas Brady 4116 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. It is decentralised green generation that is delivered closely to where it is used, minimising transmittion losses and reducing the amount of fossil fuel used for energy generation.

I believe a fair rate is between 12c and 16c/kWh, to continue to stimulate rooftop solar growth, and jobs, stop subsidising fossil fuel and put these billions towards renewable energy projects both small scale and large. I export 51% of my solar production and that gets sold to others nearby with out solar power at over 3 times the rate I am paid.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Brady

Brisbane QLD 4116, Australia

Shane Reiche 4036 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill.

Rooftop solar power is decentralised - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Shane Reiche

Brisbane QLD 4036, Australia

Russell Pitt 4018 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I never got the 44c feed/in rate, but feel about 20c would be a fair price, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted the money getting solar in the first place. Isn't the environment worth it? I think it is. Thank you and

Yours sincerely,

Russell Pitt

Brisbane QLD 4018, Australia

donald m thomson 4380 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. (pleaseLet's get real on a fair price for solar

thinking i;d save on power was big mistake i got 28 panels

thinking my $640.00 power bill would be about a 1/3 but

$527.00 so now we have no hot water fridges turned of at 6.30 pm or 7.00 pm turned on in morning between 7.00 and 8.00 i have now just fitted a chip heater for hot water

next if nothing comes of the fair price i'm going for full battery set up i want same price for what i pay at night time 28 cents and back payed to when i got it 2 years ago

Yours sincerely,

donald m thomson

Queensland 4380, Australia

Greg Thomas 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. it relieves pressure on our generating capabilities,great for the environment and allows families some savings in these tough times.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Thomas

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia


John Raymond 4852 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are electricity generators just like the big power companies

Yours sincerely,

John Raymond

Queensland 4852, Australia

coral howard 4877 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I feel we should be fairly compensated for the contribution we make to the energy network. The least we should be aid is the same as what you are charging other users

Yours sincerely,

coral howard

Queensland 4877, Australia

Gregory Heskett 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the investment I made in solar is significant and the reasons for this investment was to significantly reduce my power bills whilst producing clean energy. Originally, I received 16 cents per kwh which I thought was fair and reduced my power bill to an acceptable level. Given the recent increases in the power access fees and additional solar tariffs, any savings made are seriously affected by these increased fees. I think that a fair price for the feed in tariff is 50% of the retail rate at time of billing.

Yours sincerely,

Gregory Heskett

Brisbane QLD 4053, Australia

Kevin Trueman 4807 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. the big talk about customers getting $0 .44 is totally overstated , most customers getting .44 per Kwh have on average a system of less than 4000 w and as people move this is reducing the amount of customers on this amount every year.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Trueman

Queensland 4807, Australia

Sue Bond 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price for many reasons, including the following:

1. rooftop solar power is 100% renewable, important because fossil fuels are coming to an end, literally, and because they are so polluting;

2. huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all of us;

3. rooftop solar power does not have to travel as far as fossil fuels before used in home;

4. solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies (that’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners);

5. solar power helps everyone save money.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Bond

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Romayne Westwood 4810 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have invested in the future of our planet and the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Romayne Westwood

Townsville QLD 4810, Australia


Fiona Ryan 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it does not lead to climate change to the same extent as fossil fuel based energy sources.

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Ryan

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

Craig Martin 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. (Solar on roof tops eliminates maintenance to infrastructure power companies know this. A lot of us invested in solar because it meant getting control, but i am willing to except parity even though it would probably mean paying. I believe if this does happen we will continue seeing stupid increases in service fee's and kWh charges because they want to counter having to pay due to a poorly put together scheme. )

Yours sincerely,

Craig Martin

Queensland 4305, Australia

Peter Yeates 4070 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Yeates

Brisbane QLD 4070, Australia

Cameron McNevin 4122 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we have made a significant outlay to install a solar system.

The installation of solar has in my opinion has also produced two major positive outcomes, firstly reduced pressure on power stations to generate power during the daylight hours. Secondly, climate change is something we all need to be pro-active in finding ways to reduce carbon emissions.

Yet, for some reason solar owners are being targeted for reducing their reliance on power!

For example:.

Daily usage charge has increased from around 40 cents per day to now being $1.41 per day. This is an increase of around 320% in only a the couple of years. How can that be justified?

Our feed in tariff has also reduced 50% from 12 cents per Kw/hr to 6 cents per Kw/hr.

CPI increases per annum are only around 3% to 5% at most.

Now we are also going to be charged an additional daily fee for reading the solar component of our meter.

Where is the justification in the above?

Yours sincerely,

Cameron McNevin

Brisbane QLD 4122, Australia


Darryl Perrett 4455 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Solar is a renewable resource, and anything that takes away the use of dirty COAL or even GAS, which are NOT renewables, is to be recommended by me.

Energy Companies are using their massive powers to attempt to circumvent people having the option of using Solar or Wind or other Renewables, by forcing Governments, who are quite happy to get the money from the use of dirty non-renewables, to make it very hard for Solar or other renewables to gain a full foothold in Queensland, and indeed in Australia.

I would ask that the Energy companies, the retailers, are made to pay full price for the use of people's donation to the cleaner Earth.

I would suggest at least a fair price would be as much if not more than the Power Companies are charging the public (and Business) for their dirty power.

This one act would hope that this would in then end encourage Power Producers and Retailers to get every little bit of their energy from RENEWABLE SOURCES such as SOLAR OR WIND OR OTHER SUCH MEANS.

I do realise that some Companies are making token gestures towards renewables, but there needs to be much more than token gestures.

Our very survival as a species, the survival of all life on Earth, depends on using renewable sources of power.

We need this now, not some years in a perhaps Non-future.

Darryl Perrett.

Yours sincerely,

Darryl Perrett

Queensland 4455, Australia

John Jaques 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are saving the Queensland Government the cost of one or more new power stations. Remember we paid for our solar systems in an endeavour to reduce the cost of electricity to us and to do the right thing by the environment. The price for the electricity we produce and feed into the grid should be at a price equal to the retail price the supply authority charges its customers.

Yours sincerely,

John Jaques

Queensland 4740, Australia

Philip Douglas 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because We were encouraged to go solar by the Government in the first place & the cost to us the consumer was considerable. We are also being responsible people by generating our power from the sun helping to keep greenhouse gas down. We were told by the Beatty Government prices wouldn’t go up, well it has gone up around %100. Queenslanders are getting a rough deal & it is about time we started to get a fair deal on solar fed back to the grid, we should be getting at least 20c per Kw.

Let’s be fair, we are voters too.

Jan McNicol 4101 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because more people will be encouraged to buy rooftop solar photovoltaics, both residential, commercial and industrial.

Public fondness for solar and renewable energy forms is one of the few hopeful signs of being able to abate climate change in anything like the needed timeframe.

Yours sincerely,

Jan McNicol

Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia


Greg Spedding 4123 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we would also like to get a return on our investment. Why are solar owners any different to electricity retailers and distribution infrastructure owners?

Our upfront capital expenditure significantly reduces the need for further capital requirements to expand distribution infrastructure, reduces operating maintenance costs for existing networks and assists in reducing overall market prices on the NEM.

Please give us a fair go and recommend a fair price for our sustainable generation.

PS: I fully funded my PV installation receiving no Govt rebates, financial assistance and do not receive any additional feed-in tariff.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Spedding

Brisbane QLD 4123, Australia

Bill Richards 4565 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. It could create thousands of jobs, if ALL suitble roofs had solr panels installed

Yours sincerely,

Bill Richards

Sunshine Coast QLD 4565, Australia

Sheena Gillman 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. in good faith we doesn't a lot of money installing solar on our roof - we did this to help cut emissions from power generation, to help climate change and to eventually have saved some money on power bills. Our bills are still too much even while we use power very wisely. I feel as if we will never benefit from this investment. In fact we are being penalised.

Yours sincerely,

Sheena Gillman

Queensland 4306, Australia

Rob McCreath 4363 Dear Commissioner,

This is my submission to the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. The price paid for solar power exported to the grid should be little different to the price paid for power imported from the grid. Anything else is unfair.

Yours sincerely,

Rob McCreath

Queensland 4363, Australia

Tony Cummings 4884 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, a huge cost savings for all electricity users.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Cummings

Queensland 4884, Australia


Mark Cupples 4030 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because some get 44c some now get nothing. How is it reasonable to charge me 24c for energy I use and pay nothing for energy I export?

Yours sincerely,

Mark Cupples

Brisbane QLD 4030, Australia

Matthew Deshon 4074 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because if we are supporting change, we are looking to a future where we can not rely on fuel supply and a radially changing environment and a new paradigm on energy supply.

many, many people in the state of qld have invested in solar expecting a fair return for supply of power to the grid without the greed of resellers profiting from carbon free, expense free power in the grid.

this isnt right. i shop for a fair deal and i demand better things from my company. im worried that i wont be able to afford this coming future for my children or my students.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Deshon

Brisbane QLD 4074, Australia

Peter Fries 4573 Dear Commissioner,

What is missing in the Productivity Commission report is a fair assessment of the benefits of solar. The commission is quick to assess the costs, but not the benefits, such as reduced peak demand, avoided costs of network upgrades and lower pool prices for electricity.

The Queensland government needs to rectify this by making all users pay their fair share of costs and receive their fair share of benefits. Why hasn't the Commission assessed additional costs for pool owners for example, who use a substantially greater amount of network capacity.

A capacity charge and usage charge would be much fairer as well as a reflective price for the benefits of solar.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Fries

Sunshine Coast QLD 4573, Australia

Frank Moeller 4304 Dear Commissioner,

It's just not fair after government promises one thing and then does another. We ought to get as much as we are required to pay.

Warm regards


Les Partridge 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….we are producing energy to reduce greenhouse emissions and should receive a least the amount we pay for power

Yours sincerely,

Les Partridge

Brisbane QLD 4034, Australia

Elizabeth Poland 7250 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the coat of putting solar panels is currently paid for by households. We live in a sunny country. But we now need to be clever about harnessing the power of the sun. It is renewable and clean energy. Governments should be investing in clean energy initiatives to protect our environment for future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Poland

Launceston TAS 7250, Australia


Fiona Milnes 4107 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we want to encourage Australia to be seen as a leader in sustainable energy. Therefore we need to practice what we preach, particularly in a place known as the sunshine state!

Look forward to the future, rather than grasping at the past.

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Milnes

Brisbane QLD 4107, Australia

Bruce Piggott 4812 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. You can't break the rebates deal early because we have committed ourselves financially and morally to reduce greenhouse gases. We will remember you at the next election if you sell us out!!

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Piggott

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

Jenny Fitzgibbon 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is only right to share around the ask of moving us to a renewable economy.

A fair feed-in tarriff helps encourage people to spend their money contributing to our communities' need for small, local distribution of the ability to make electricity.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny Fitzgibbon

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Gordon Lalonde 4510 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Our extra electricity should be worth the same as the big companies who sell on to end users don't you think??!!

Yours sincerely,

Gordon Lalonde

Brisbane QLD 4510, Australia

Fil Parisi 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because those who didn't recognize the benefits of the 44 cent feed in or who weren't in a strong enough financial position at the time , need at least to get the wholesale price of electricity for the power they export to the grid from their system or one they intend to purchase in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Fil Parisi

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia

George Adil 4880 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as it is North Queensland electricity involves a State Government C S O of $600million per annum because of the power losses from voltage drop and phasing issue from power stations 1000 km from us. Solar in N Q saves the State Treasury big time. WE should be encouraging the development of renewable energy not trying to prop up Jurassic industry.

Yours sincerely,

George Adil

Queensland 4880, Australia


David Amos 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because power retailers such as AGL and ORIGIN charge households 26cents per kWh yet pay households only 8cents per kWh for the power they feed back into the grid, withholding 18cents from the householder. And not satisfied with the huge 100% increase in the power price since 2006, AGL have brazenly bumped up the so-called daily “supply charge” from 24.55cents in 2011 to 83.41cents in July 2014, and subsequently to $1.16 in 2015, a MODEST 472% increase in 4 years!!

Similarly, householders who feed power back into the grid should be allowed to charge their retailer a daily supply charge to recover the cost of the solar system installed at the expense of the householder.

Furthermore, (and without any justification), AGL have introduced a "Solar Metering Charge" of 6.76c/day which is just another form of revenue raising by stealth.


We in Queensland hear much from the State Government about helping to reduce the cost of living for Queenslanders. They reap huge profits from the State owned Energex and Ergon yet they have axed the $0.08 per kWh feed-in-tariff for power fed into the grid by households who were initially encouraged by Government to install solar systems.

The power and coal industries are alarmed at what the clean energy boom will do to their market share and profits as the economics of solar systems and the impact of battery storage become more viable and attractive to households.

It is obvious to all that the state owned power industry, with the State Government's tacit blessing, has launched a concerted campaign of blatant price rorting and keeping a lid on feed-in-tariffs to protect their vested financial interests by discriminating against households who generate their own power and return any excess to the grid.

Yours sincerely,

David Amos

Janelle Downes 4077 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. .

My husband and I are furious because when we signed up for Solar we weren't advised that the price we signed up for was going to diminish to virtually nothing. It will take forever for us to recoup the cost of our Solar. We want a FAIR PRICE.

Yours sincerely,

Janelle Downes

Brisbane QLD 4077, Australia

Brian McIntosh 4178 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar provides a sustainable, low emissions energy source for the future of the state. It should be promoted.

Further, solar electricity producers own and maintain generating infrastructure which requires fair financial compensation. With no other means of collectively negotiating a fair price for solar, solar owners have to rely on the State Government acting on their behalf to set a fair feed in tariff.

Doing so will demonstrate responsibility to solar owners and for the sustainable energy future of the State.

Yours sincerely,

Brian McIntosh

Brisbane QLD 4178, Australia

Chris Missen 4815 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because you can't go charging one price then selling the same thing at a completely different price. It is un Australian and in no way encourages the use of smart technology. Wake up and see the sun shine. Think about what we wish to leave to our children and their children and for their sake get real. You will only hasten off the grid schemes if you choose to be unfair.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Missen

Queensland 4815, Australia


Martin Lenz 4014 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar energy is 100% renewable and reduces our reliance on fossil fuels. It encourages households to think about their energy use, meaning less total electricity use.

People installing solar make a significant investment and they are entitled to a reasonable return. Why should the electricity retailer profit from the solar owner's investment by charging multiples of what they pay for the generated electricity?

Yours sincerely,

Martin Lenz

Queensland 4014, Australia

Arrigo Testoni 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. we are supplying the grid with extra power that the company's are then selling to customers. and has not cost the energy company one cent to produce.100% profit....and we get a pittance for it....bit rough I think.

Steve Browne 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is renewable and taking the load off the power companies burning coal. We are now being charged a fee to connect to the grid and are only given 6¢ per kilowatt for providing electricity.

This is completely the wrong way round. Individuals with Solar are actually helping the community with electricity generation. But we are being penalised for it by the current rates.

I hope you will raise the solar rate to at least 20¢ per kilowatt. The electricity companies need to stop operating as if they have a god given license to gouge fees from the Queensland public.

Yours sincerely,

Steve Browne

Sunshine Coast QLD 4562, Australia

Glen Bulled 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have all stepped up to combat climate change and paid a lot for solar. Now the electricity retailers are profiting enormously from the excess production but changing the "off peak" to the middle of the day using the solar power to heat hotwater and other loafs but are also charging customers for their own generation. ( behind the meter ) that does not come from the Coal powered generators

But if you dont listen then that will only drive more and more people off the network completely which will keep me very busy installing battery systems

Yours sincerely,

Glen Bulled

Queensland 4211, Australia

Jill Barber 4221 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar owners have outlayed a not inconsiderable sum in order to be part of Australia's push to use renewable energy. This was part of the government's promise to reach a fair renewable energy target, considering that this country has an ample amount of usable sunshine.

However, power companies have done nothing to ensure a fair return to solar power owners, and it's high time that the government honoured its promise to enable us to reduce our energy bills by utilising the panels we have outlayed good money for.

Commissioner, I urge you to demonstrate integrity in this vital matter, and in all fairness support a fair feed-in price for solar.

Yours sincerely,

Jill Barber

Gold Coast QLD 4221, Australia

Barry Routledge 4074 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping towards the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and assisting in reducing pressure on power generation.

Yours sincerely,

Barry Routledge

Brisbane QLD 4074, Australia


Vince Dicarlo 4115 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. (pleSolar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.ase begin your message here)

Yours sincerely,

Vince Dicarlo

Brisbane QLD 4115, Australia

Ray Balhatchet 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this is the only sensible way to generate electricity in this day and age. Rooftop generators should be praised, not punished; how can a government even consider going back on an agreement (44c/kwh) If you believe that's not fair then you must live with your decision, just as we voters have to!….

Yours sincerely,

Ray Balhatchet

Brisbane QLD 4019, Australia

David Priddle 4059 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because citizens who have purchased solar power systems have a genuine desire to create a sustainable future for electricity generation that imposes a minimal negative impact on the environment.

I am a current customer of Origin Energy, however our household has only had a solar system for a portion of one billing cycle, so I am yet to see the full benefit. I do note with a great deal of dismay however that the feed-in amount is a less than generous 6.00 c/kWh compared to the usage charge of 22.238 c/kWh. Even more outrageous is the Solar Meter Charge of 6.767 c/Day.

As is demonstrated by the figures quoted above, there is an outrageously large disparity between the amount that our household receives for electricity generation from our solar system that is fed into the grid compared to the amount that we are charged for this privilege.

I demand as a tax paying citizen and overcharged electricity consumer of this State, that the next-to-useless commission of which you reside make decisions that take into account the current biased state of electricity pricing which clearly favours the already ludicrously large profit-making electricity generators/providers.

Rest assured that I, along with other like-minded and long suffering electricity consumers will be generating sufficient noise within the media and Government to ensure that that pricing structure is amended so that it no longer so obviously and ludicrously favours the electricity generators/suppliers that one can only assume provides a financial incentive to you and your fellow biased commission members to ensure a favourable decision is granted to them.

This accusation bears weight in light the commission's last exasperating decision which so evidently favour your mates in the electricity generating industry.

Unkind regards,

David Priddle

Frances Harper 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping to make the world a better place by helping the reduction of CO2 emmisions.

The electricity generators are just businesses like any other, that need to adapt to the new environment and possibly go bust. Like newspapers, they have failed to move with the times, but unlike them they have not changed except to punish the adaptors. They could have been at the forefront of change, if the government had allowed, providing PV systems at competitive prices and making the most of the changes, but that hasn't happened so now they are stuck! It's not PV owners that are the problem, it's the white elephant of the mains electricity system

Chris Stiles 4568 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we deserve to get at least as much for our feed in rate as we pay for what we import, anything less means we are being ripped off


Trevor Omara 4030 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Trevor Omara

Brisbane QLD 4030, Australia

Alan Rawnsley 4212 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Im Sick of being riped of by the government

Yours sincerely, policy on electric i pay 25a klw and i recive 10a klw

Alan Rawnsley wait while ican get a resernal storage system you won't see me for dust i will not need you power any more

Gold Coast QLD 4212, Australia

Joanne Barkworth 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are helping to ease peak demand and the power companies are making big profits out of the electricity they get from us, pretty much for free.

Surely a price better than 6 c/kWh should be paid? To encourage more people to take up solar, keep small businesses in business and help reduce the carbon emissions that are hurting our Great Barrier Reef?

Yours sincerely,

Joanne Barkworth

Brisbane QLD 4017, Australia

Dean Cording 4211 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Even though my solar system generates 36% of the electricity I use per year, my annual electricity bill is only 6% less than if I imported all of my power from the grid. This is because my supplier, like most other suppliers, charges solar system owners higher daily connection and consumption charges; whilst at the same time paying me less an export rate that is less than 25% of what they sell that power to my neighbour for.

It is not reasonable that, because I have invested in a solar system, my electricity supplier is able to charge me extra for the electricity I use, charge me extra to supply me with less electricity, and then pay me a minimum price for my surplus electricity which they then resell to my neighbour at full price.

Yours sincerely,

Dean Cording


Johanna Bridle 4224 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar households deserve a fair price because they are making a direct contribution to sustainable power generation with a very small footprint.

It is not just and equitable that solar households on average get 6c/kWh for power they generate, when this very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s is the equivalent of 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Moreover rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money by reducing the need to expand the poles and wires network, which make up as much as 50% of household electricity bills!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised”. This means it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it reaches the customer. This avoids the big energy losses (of up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has benefitted all Queenslanders by leading to greater competition and reducing the wholesale price of electricity.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Punishing solar households by refusing them a fair price for the power they generate does not make sense. Surely we want more households to adopt solar, not deter them from doing so.

The Government must keep the BIG picture in mind at all times, and that is to be active in fighting the increase of greenhouse gas emissions, not protecting protecting corporate welfare at the expense of the community and its future, The latest research finds that the amount of emissions released into the atmosphere is greater than previously thought, and the need for positive action accordingly more urgent.

So I urge the Queensland Productivity Commission to recommend maintenance of a fair feed-in tariff to all solar households.

Yours sincerely,

Johanna Bridle

Tugun QLD 4224, Australia

Greg Burkhardt 4305 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. It is unreasonable, unethical & morally wrong to expect Solar investors to receive less F.I.T sale to power generators, than they are charged for the same product in return, As well as paying ever increasing unjustified Access charges for the privilege of being ripped off by power companies. We are also alleviating the need for Qld to spend more $$$M on Coal fired power generation, Hence why we need retaining our 44 cents F.I.T, I will be joining the anticipated class action should our contracts be breached by cancelling 44c F.I.T. and look forward to going off grid altogether if this happens. There will be a power crisis.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Burkhardt

Queensland 4305, Australia

Bill Meyers 4550 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the cost of generation of solar power is borne by the solar owner, not the power company, so they should be charged significantly less or given a significant feed in price

Yours sincerely,

Bill Meyers

Sunshine Coast QLD 4550, Australia

Michael Hall 4118 Dear Commissioner,

I wish to make a submission regarding the fair feed-in price for solar inquiry. I have allowed Solar Citizens to collate my comments and submit them on my behalf.

I got solar power not to save money but as part of a large swath of measures to save the planet for my children.

I still get an electricity bill every time. I receive bugger all in comparison for the electricity that I produce.

There are various tariffs in Queensland. In the interests of fairness I suggest an industry standard that people like me get paid the same as we are charged by the electricity companies.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because that is fair.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Hall

Brisbane QLD 4118, Australia


Ken Benson 4500 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have made a substantial investment in 'green' technology because my wife and I were concerned with global warming.

What we have been subjected to by current and previous Governments is blame for increasing energy costs to end users when it's the cost of poles and wires that is to blame.

Mark Maiden 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I believe an uneven market is being created. Please let suppliers of power to the grid what ever size get s fair price.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Maiden

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

David Rainbow 4870 Dear Commissioner,

This message speaks on my behalf.

I would like to put more panels on my roof but I would lose any subsidy I am now paid if I did.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Dear Commissioner,

This message speaks on my behalf.

I would like to put more panels on my roof but I would lose any subsidy I am now paid if I did.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price

Jennie James 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. They are making a significant contribution to a costly commodity

Yours sincerely,

Jennie James

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Meike Mueller 4671 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar households get ony 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Meike Mueller

Queensland 4671, Australia


Terence Taylor 4650 Dear Sir or Madam,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Terence Taylor

Queensland 4650, Australia

Steve Rush 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

there is no way that the electricity I produce is worth any less than the power that coal fired burners produce, my electric kettle boils in exactly the same way wether it is powered from my solar or the grid how can one source be worth more than another??

Yours sincerely,

Steve Rush

Queensland 4655, Australia

Eric Lindgren 4060 Dear Commissioner,

My wife and I are both full pensioners in our eighties.

Solar deserves a fair price because it cost me a lot of my reserve money to pay for the installation on my house - Origin made a lot of money out of their minimal work to sign me because the sub-contractors who did the installation did most of the work.

Yet Origin gives me 0.06cents for the power I return to the grid and charges me over 0.25cents for the power I use.

Not a bad profit of 400% for a huge business organisation.

But that's big business, isn't it?

Please strike a fair deal for people who are planning for the future, and who believe in sustaiunable living.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Lindgren

Brisbane QLD 4060, Australia

Dean Cameron 4554 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the climate is changing much faster than most climate models have predicted. It is now urgent that we dramatically cut GHG emissions and the market adoption of solar is currently being hampered by unfair feed in tariff prices and disincentives like minimum prices on residential electricity bills to pay for unnecessary gold plating of the grid. unless the government wants to force local communities to take over ownership of the grid and run it fairly it had better get its act together and implement a fair and fully transparent feed in pricing policy urgently.

Yours sincerely,

Dean Cameron

Sunshine Coast QLD 4554, Australia

Lin Dillon 4563 Dear Commissioner,

We were some of the lucky ones. We got in at the beginning and have been getting a very good price for the solar power we generate. Would we do it now I wonder, with the dismal return and the fact that solar owners are mostly just helping the power companies to make more profits.

With the fact that global warming can no longer be denied, every single individual, company and government on the planet should be making EVERY effort they can to create as clean and green future for our children and grandchildren.

I am not in a position to work out what a fair and sensible price is but what I do know is that we haven't got a situation where every roof in this very sunny country of ours is not sporting solar panels - and that is an absolutely ridiculous situation considering the dire consequences of global warming. You have the power to change that. The return for the expensive investment has to make it worth people's while. I do hope good sense and not vested interests prevail.

Yours sincerely,

Lin Dillon

Sunshine Coast QLD 4563, Australia

Mark Jones 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a clean renewable energy source that delivers power efficiently where it can be used with zero emissions.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Jones

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia


Sandra Dossi 4165 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Sandra Dossi

Queensland 4165, Australia

Ted Gray 4105 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is vital we move away from fossil fuels and invest more in renewables. I am on 44c kwh as I am a long term solar user. I have had my return on investment and would be happy to see it phased out. It was required in the beginning. BUT... that money and more should be invested in encouraging more solar rooftops, more battery or storage systems, more innovative ideas on how we can produce and store renewable electricity in this sunny state.

Coal and gas are the past. We are not ready to leave tehm behind yet but unless we look to the future, unless we invest in new technology we will be left behind.

Solar rooftops, storage systems, solar thermal, wind, tidal and wave. Get with it guys! And I am old but not frightened of the future. Come on you dinosaurs, get your act together and invest.

Yours sincerely,

Ted Gray

Brisbane QLD 4105, Australia

Chris Walsh 4880 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because power is power. Renewable energy has the same value as dirty energy , and if it is cheaper because of the nature of the supply, then this price should be seen in the retail price.

The cost of getting coal powered power to far North Queensland means renewable energy up here should be a major infrastructure priority as well as making private solar power generators a more attractive option.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Walsh

Queensland 4880, Australia

Stephen Kerr 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because renewable energy is an important part of our future. A feed-in tariff set at the retail price of power from the grid will encourage further uptake of roof top solar. Roof top solar reduces our reliance on burning coal and the need to upgrade grid infrastructure. In conclusion solar power generators are a significant and grower group who should not be ignored.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Kerr

Queensland 4207, Australia

Chaminda Divitotawela 4300 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because owners make the invesment and retailers profit out of it. Currently I am paid 6c per kwh but retailer sell the unit and earn 28c. If we leave 8c for admin cost, retailers can provide 20c. In developing countries like Sri Lanka provide 1 to 1 unit but Developed country such as us doesnt do a fair deal.

Please introduce required changes so that solar owners get a fair deal.




Bronwyn Hartnett 4573 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Australia needs a community of solar generators.

In the future this community will be able, through the move to battery stored power, to provide real time power to top up of the grid in peak times. But only if they are connected to the grid. If they choose to go it alone because of poor tariffs, then Australia will never be able to build that flexible community based backup system so clearly beneficial to all.

Most politicians are not tech savvy because they have never needed to be. But now is the time to get educated on where the energy sector is going in the future. Don't be left behind.

Wayne Harlum 4655 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we as retirees made a properly considered 'payback' investment decision some years ago with very scarce resources so as to minimise our living costs when we got older and our income and resources dwindled to very little.

Now some 'new' politicians and baeuracrats, decide to retrospectively undo decisions that, encouraged by the government of the day, by ordinary people who had paid tax all their working life trying to maintain a decent lifestyle. Shame.

Yours sincerely,

Wayne Harlum

Queensland 4655, Australia

Peter Ansell 4817 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. at the lest make the FIT at parity for the 6c FET

Yours sincerely,

Peter Ansell

Townsville QLD 4817, Australia

Tony Marshall 4223 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price becauseSolar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Marshall

Gold Coast QLD 4223, Australia

Paul Thomson 4352 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we've made a substantial investment in out solar systems to help offset the rising cost of living and to support a better outcome for the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Thomson

Queensland 4352, Australia

Kym Shea 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I am a disability pensioner on a limited income, it came to a stage where I could no longer afford my electricity bills, I had fought for years to stay in my own home. I used my equity to pay for a solar system and this is the only difference which changed my financial situation and allowed me to survive my mounting cost of living. I saved all the money I received back from my Solar Power and hoped to make my system larger in order to keep ahead of the rising cost of electricity, but of course I soon found out I am not able to do this, or I forfeit the pay back amount I receive now. This is so rediculous, we are all drowning in the cost of living. I used to walk around with candles and only use electricity as sparingly as I could before my solar was installed. I was an accident waiting to happen, it was a horrible existence and very very real. This was what I had been reduced to in order to meet my bills., Even though my mortgage was a huge expense for me, atleast my equity allowed me to have solar fitted. Don't keep punishing those who are already living on a shoe string. I never have holidays, or any life outside my home, as I simply cannot afford this. All pollies should try living 6 months in the shoes of someone like myself and see how dramatically your life changes and how you feel about never having 20 cents to rub together. These forms of electricity supply are the way of the future, we do need to embrace alternate forms of making and collecting our own power for our planet if anyone after us is to have any sort of reasonable lifestyle. Come on, please, give us a fair go. We should not be punished for trying to exist and keep out heads above water and to do the right thing fr our planet. We need to be acting now, or there will not be a future.


Graham Durkub 4703 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it unfair and unjust.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Durkin

Queensland 4703, Australia

chris ryding 4165 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…it will be the only way to keep the industry alive with more people sighing up ,a small step in making our future energy production a modern eco friendly one .

Yours sincerely,

chris ryding

Queensland 4165, Australia

Michael Squire 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are the ones investing for a sustainable and reasonable electricity price and supply . Our elected representatives should be supporting us and not trying to block ordinary citizens from trying to ensure a fair deal for our families and future generations .

Thanks you

Michael Squire


Qld ….

Ed Parker 4074 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it IS contributing to reducing reliance on unsustainable fossil fuel.

Furthermore, as an early adopter, we have invested significantly with our own capital in PV generation and battery storage. Our early-adopter personal investment has helped to bring down the capital cost of PV to about a fifth of what we spent nearly a decade ago.

It is grossly inequitable for the QPC to suggest that the solar bonus scheme should be scrapped.

Also unfair is the QPC tendency to make solar households the scapegoat for increasing electricity prices when it is well known that it is the over-investment in 'poles and wires' that has been the most significant driver of higher electricity pricing.

The QPC needs to correct its economic modelling to properly account for the benefits of solar, not simply considering only the cost side of that equation.

Yours sincerely,

Ed Parker

Brisbane QLD 4074, Australia

Thomas Delaney 4102 Dear Commissioner,

Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Solar electricity deserves a fair price for numerous reasons, such as:

- environmental benefits of lower greenhouse gas emissions, and less coal dust and sulphur emissions. This will have positive health effect both for the local community and present and the global community into the future

- the increased uptake of solar has the potential to reduce electricity prices, by flattening peak demand in the day, and by decentralising the electricity system, thereby reducing the need for heavy, 'gold plated' infrastructure

I realise that free market economists would argue that, like anything else, the price for solar electricity is best set by the market. However, there are several flaws with this argument:

- the electricity market is not truly 'free', as it is dominated by a few large distributors; leaving customers with little choice.

- the price of coal fired electricity is artificially low due to a) government support for it and b) the externalising of the health and environmental costs associated with it, so that they are not included in the price.

Consequently, I believe that the price we receive for solar energy being fed into the grid should be at least as high as the retail price for electricity at that time.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Delaney

Brisbane QLD 4102, Australia


Marilyn De Laney 4401 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. at present, people who have invested in solar panels have paid the cost because they want to sustain the environment. They did not do it to give generated power to money hungry grids simply to leach further profits from their unfortunate customers!

Yours sincerely,

Marilyn De Laney

Queensland 4401, Australia

Andrew Simmons 4218 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the only renewable energy source in which the public are partners with the energy companies. Yes...without us signing up and paying to have solar panels installed there would be no contribution towards energy production. A greater share in the returns for our contribution would assure greater public interest in being a solar power contributor and would therefore assist in powering down filthy greenhouse-gas-contributing coal-fired stations. This is an extremely important global initiative and it is imperative that the public is adequately remunerated for its contribution.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew s

Gold Coast QLD 4218, Australia

Kerry Pengelly 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this is the way to a better future. Being an Aussie is all about a fair deal. Personally I've invested over $6000 in green energy. It's time to encourage and reward those who are interested in looking after the environment.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Pengelly

Penny Rivlin 4567 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the way of the future and needs to be an integral part of the energy supply in all Australia .Qld Solar has the right idea ;you need to support it.It will become self -supporting if given the same advantages that all the other fuel industries have had in the past.

Yours sincerely,

Penny Rivlin

Sunshine Coast QLD 4567, Australia

Ken Stephens 4564 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it saves all taxpayers the billions of dollars it would cost to build a new power station to handle peak load caused by air conditioners. Incentivising rooftop solar is a great deal for all concerned in tropical and sub-tropical Queensland.

Yours sincerely,

Ken Stephens

Sunshine Coast QLD 4564, Australia

Barbara Llewellyn 4510 Dear Commissioner,

I believe Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Barbara Llewellyn

Brisbane QLD 4510, Australia


Neil Jones 4878 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it reduces the need to expand the poles and wires, which can make up as much as 50% of the consumers electricity bill!. Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

The huge take-up of solar, has led to greater competition and jhelped to reduce the retail price of electricity

Yours sincerely,

Neil Jones

Cairns QLD 4878, Australia

Alick Dunn 4519 Dear Commissioner,

Slar s are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Alick Dunn

Queensland 4519, Australia

Bob Lamb 4503 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…It's the way of the future ! .

Yours sincerely,

Bob Lamb

Amanda Stones 4818 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as a solar household I receive 6c/kWh which I have to purchase back at a cost of 24c/kWh. Does that seem very fair when I have made the investment in my solar system and Egon contributed nothing. What companies are able to sell a product and gain those kinds of mark ups.

Would it not be fairer to households who invest thousands into roof top solar systems to have a better return of 10 or 12c/kWh or more?

Solar owners like myself are contributing to the various tiers of governments targets of reducing greenhouse gases and combatting climate change at little cost to government. So we should be rewarded by reasonable returns.

I look forward to a positive outcome of this inquiry.

Yours sincerely,

Amanda Stones

Townsville QLD 4818, Australia

Sean Ryan 4171 Dear Commissioner,

I understand you are considering the prices for solar. I am one of the many solar users in Queensland that made my investment based on the 44c feed in Tarriff which was then sneakily removed by the Newman government (for example by mere name changes to electricity accounts). I now receive a mere 6c and have to pay for electricity despite producing more than I consume.

Part of the excuse is that solar users need to pay for the historical over-investment in infrastructure and the short sightedness of the associated demand for casts. I don't accept that this is the responsibility of new solar producers who reduce peak pressure on infrastructure.

I also believe that there is a massive hidden subsidy in fossil fuel energy being the cost to the environment which we all pay but is not internalised through a carbon price.

In order to redress the imbalance, and move to sustainable future I believe solar prices should be on parity with other generation.

If this is not redressed, pro-sumers such as me will invest in batteries at any cost, turn their back on the grid and lead to a less efficient power system over all.

Yours sincerely,

Sean Ryan

Brisbane QLD 4171, Australia


Qamar Schuyler 4183 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we need to encourage investment in renewable energies. With the unprecedented mass bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, and rising sea water temperatures and increased storm activity and all of the negative impacts of carbon emissions, we desperately need to transition to a cleaner energy source. Having a fair price for solar will help in this respect.

I have an 18 month old son, and I want him to be able to grow up to see the reef as I have done. I want him to live in a world that is not in peril from sea level rise and storms.

I believe solar energy should be at least the same, but preferably higher, than conventional energy sources, so that people have an incentive to buy solar!

Yours sincerely,

Qamar Schuyler

Brisbane QLD 4183, Australia

Stephen Byrnes 4061 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because a fair price is reasonable and just. In addition, we should be compensated for our contribution to the environment.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Byrnes

Brisbane QLD 4061, Australia

Ron Steele 4054 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….as house owners with Solar, we have paid for the installation and any maintenance or replacement issues and contribute power to the community electrical grid supply - which is saving on the cost of coal generated power supplies -

surely this deserves a reward -

ie Solar owners to receive cost effective rebates equal to the individual solar installations.

Yours sincerely,

Ron Steele

Brisbane QLD 4054, Australia

carene taylor 4571 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they care about the country and are trying to help prevent excess gas emissions into the atmosphere. Also, it has cost them a lot of money to set up even a few solar panels, and they deserve to get a fair price for the power they are creating.

Yours sincerely,

carene taylor

Queensland 4571, Australia

Tara Tate 4508 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the market for the future. It will eventually employ more people than dirty energy.

It is also better for the environment and my children's future. If Australia is going to meet it's commitments to the Paris agreement and keep global warming below a 1.5 degree rise the clean energy needs to be encouraged. Dirty energy companies who have been feeding on the public for years don't deserve to be protected at the expense of growing the solar industry.

A fair feed in price would be just below the level at what the energy companies then sell the solar back to the grid for. So if the dirty energy companies are selling the energy for 60c per kilowatt for example, I think a fair price to pay for that energy to the solar owners who created it would be around 50c.

Yours sincerely,

Tara Tate

Brisbane QLD 4508, Australia

Les Barkla 4105 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we are contributing to saving our planet.

Personally, 64% of my electricity bill is daily service charges ($1.41 per day) - this is disgusting - solar owners are being charged more because we don't use coal fired electricity. I get 10 cents per kW feed in price from my energy provider for the average 20+ kW per day exported to the grid. Yet I pay 24.72 cents per kW I use (generated from coal fired power stations). Where is the equity for homes with solar who are trying to save this planet - I'm doing this to try and have a clean and safe environment for my children and 3 grandchildren. I also have solar hot water, further reducing my dependency on coal fired power.

I consider a fair and equitable feed in price for solar is the rate that I pay for power from the grid - currently 24.72 cents per kW. Also, please legislate to reduce the daily service charge which is unfair and unreasonable.

Help me and other solar owners save this planet.

Yours sincerely,

Les Barkla

Brisbane QLD 4105, Australia

Roisin Allen 4873 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Roisin Allen

Queensland 4873, Australia


Allison Hoskin-Kain 4013 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Allison Hoskin-Kain

Brisbane QLD 4013, Australia

Helen Wright 4509 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because....we invested in solar power to protect ourselves from increasing energy costs in our retirement. As we generate anything from double to quadruple our usage, it is fair that we get a feed-in price that is 1/2 - 3/4 of the price the electricity provider is going to sell to my neighbour.

It is also unreasonable that the daily service charges have risen from 61c to 116c, in 2 years.

Please be fair...

Yours sincerely,

Helen Wright

Brisbane QLD 4509, Australia

Brad Lauder 4007 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it takes pressure of the electricity grid, generates a lot of power for other people and is a clean source of energy. The fairer the price the more people that would take it up and the less pressure that would be on the grid.

Brisbane's growth MUST include domestic solar power if we are fair dinkum about growing sustainably and well.

Solar owners should be supported instead of being swept under the rug. We expect such support from our government and will be displeased if it is not forth coming.

Yours sincerely,

Brad Lauder

Brisbane QLD 4007, Australia

Adrian Scott 4559 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

I see no reason why feed in tariffs should not reflect the charge for electricity consumed from the grid (i.e. the amount of electricity fed in by the consumer should be deducted from the amount consumed before a charge is made for the residual. That would seem to me to be a fair and reasonable resolution in a free market environment. And before you argue about peak demand and daylight production consider the positive impact that daylight saving would have on this entire process. If it was light when people were cooking evening meals then solar would still be providing power to the grid.

Consequently, I believe that there are many factors that should be considered in this debate: fairness and equity in charging; the timing of production and use and how that could be better aligned; the promotion / incentivisation of off-peak tariffs for major residential consumption such as heat pumps, hot water heaters, car recharging etc. and the subsidisation of solar installations and residential battery acquisition. Roof mounted solar just might be one of the major contributors to Australia's power overall production solution and strategy into the future.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Scott

Sunshine Coast QLD 4559, Australia

Peter Bland 4562 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a personal investment in pollution free electricity production which will reduce the need for future capital investment by governments in infrastructure and help reduce climate change.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Bland

Sunshine Coast QLD 4562, Australia

Karen McLeod 4170 Dear Commissioner,

Queensland is the Sunshine State. Why not pay a fair feed-in price for this free energy from the sun?

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it will help mitigate climate change. The Government foots the bill for millions of dollars cleaning up after catastrophic weather events like - floods, cyclones and fires. These are more severe and prevalent each year. Thanks to the burning of fossil fuels.

By encouraging more homes to use solar power, it's another way the Government can reduce the impact of climate change and help reduce their expenditure.

Yours sincerely,

Karen McLeod

Brisbane QLD 4170, Australia

daniel janke 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because otherwise they are going to leave the grid. They are already paying a network charge and without the solar price directly matching the retail price people will go off grid using batteries

Des Ritchie 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….If we were serious and thoughtful about Climate Change we would not charge anything for solar panels. Just get them up and stop burning coal.The climate Change is underway and millions of people will die in extraordinary circumstances. The cost of seventy new fighter aircraft might be a reasonable purchase to cancel etc.etc.

Yours sincerely,

Des Ritchie

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia

Chris Phillips 4556 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the capital outlay to create a carbon free outcome is not sufficiently compensated by many who have installed solar panels.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Phillips

Sunshine Coast QLD 4556, Australia

Trish Etherton 4680 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we pay a lot of money to install this product so we can help the environment, and deserve to be adequately compensated for our efforts and commitment.

Yours sincerely,

Trish Etherton

Queensland 4680, Australia


LEONARD GARDNER 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. The power companies have not had to invest in this generation of solar electricity we the prime investors of the generated power from our solar grids ,most of us invested in solar generation because of encouragement from GOVERNMENT FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE ENVIORMENT AND TO STALL CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN POWER COMPANIES GENERATION UPGRADES ,now a minimum net feed in tarriff would be the average cost imposed on the consumer per kwh for basic and controlled energy usage this would be no less than $0.2050 per kwh anything below this figure is pure profitering and unfair .

Yours sincerely,


Brisbane QLD 4017, Australia

William Krause 4300 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because owners invested in the future growth of the electricity industry in good faith. Without solar owners the Queensland Government would have faced a huge infrastructure investment to just meet the energy needs if Queensland residents.

I have demonstrated my faith now is time for you to do your part and honour that faith.

Yours sincerely,

William Krause

Brisbane QLD 4300, Australia

Ralph Cobcroft 4068 Dear Commissioner,

I currently have 1.8 kw rooftop solar panels for which I receive a paltry 6 cents/kwh. At this rate, I effectively subsidise those around me that have no panels, since Energex can on-sell this electricity at the full rate. In addition, I have to pay rental for my solar meter just under 7 cents/day. This is not much incentive.

Because of this gross unfairness, in the not too distant future, I will go to home battery storage so that I don't have to subsidise less environmentally conscious citizens.

I really feel that my supplier and network operators (Origin and Energex) are legally ripping me off. Surely this is a form of corporate greed. Please do something about this unfairness.

Yours sincerely,

Ralph Cobcroft

Brisbane QLD 4068, Australia

sierra-sue mitchell 4209 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the Queensland Government promised an inquiry into what a fair price for solar should be, especially for those solar homeowners who missed out on the Solar Bonus Scheme. Nature gives us the power from the sun and it is only fair and right that we all get to benefit from it and it also does not create a negative impact on the world.

Yours sincerely,

sierra-sue mitchell

Queensland 4209, Australia

John Curro 4005 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we contribute clean energy to the grid which costs the electricity companies nothing. Anything less than a fair price is virtually fraudulent and irrational.

Yours sincerely,

John Curro

Brisbane QLD 4005, Australia

Brian Corrie 4160 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we generate electricity and feed it back into the grid for a pittance. We are being penalised for doing what is best for the world. Global warming is very real and our children and grandchildren will pay the price. Lets reward people for saving our planet.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Corrie

Brisbane QLD 4160, Australia

David Norris 4306 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because… it must help in not having to build costly power generators.

Yours sincerely,

David Norris

Queensland 4306, Australia

Ray Herron 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the success of solar shows its potential long term benefits saving in building future power stations, building and maintaining more grids and power lines/poles, loss of efficiency of long hauled power, less pollution caused by coal burning, less dangers caused by nuclear materials, less trucks on the roads hauling coals so less cost of road maintenance and these are only the long term economic advantages. Less pollution means less bad effects on human health and probably also less climate changes.

For these reasons the incentive to go solar must be significant and this at least includes having a feed in tariff higher than the prices charged per kwh by electricity companies.

Yours sincerely,

Ray Herron

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

George Goodison 4503 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….I paid $4,500 for my 3kw system and am recieving only 4cents feedin rate, which means it will take me over ten years to get my investment money back whilst I am producing the units for another user to pay 26cents/kwh for it

Yours sincerely,

George Goodison

Brisbane QLD 4503, Australia

temp brown 4659 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

right wing gov are nuts it means less jobs

Yours sincerely,

temp brown

Queensland 4659, Australia


Lesley Pratchett 4800 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because individual households are making an effort to restrict carbon dioxide output.

This week, pictures of the GBR bleaching have been released and the Adani project is one step nearer. If the Government has to focus on jobs, please support a solar industry.

If individual households are compensated for installation of solar, this industry will grow, innovations will follow and Australia may be exporting more solar power related technology.

The development of local grids, when storage power is fully developed, will be of immense benefit to rural and remote areas. Local employment will increase and our frequent power outages will decrease.

Yours sincerely,

Lesley Pratchett

Queensland 4800, Australia

Frank Jozsef 4207 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because ,service to property is now 116.398 c/day,,back in May 2012 it was 13.55 c/day.

We are now also getting ripped off having to pay meter charge of 6.767 c/day, will they be replacing meters as soon as we have paid for them or will they become ours and then we can charge them for same?

6 cents per kwh is a joke then off selling to make more profit!

Yours sincerely,

Frank Jozsef

Robert Vigar 4552 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we cannot afford to subsidies the profits of large companies we already pay dearly for the poles and wires.….

Yours sincerely,

Robert Vigar

Sunshine Coast QLD 4552, Australia

Marjorie Dalgliesh 4017 Dear Commissioner,

I believe Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….the saving of electricity is so important; as long as it is carbon fuelled we are endangering all of creation and the sooner all electricity suppliers can utilise renewable sources the better for our precious planet.

Yours sincerely,

Marjorie Dalgliesh

Brisbane QLD 4017, Australia

Gerry Muirhead 4159 Dear Commissioner,

Some solar owners (not in receipt of the unsustainable 44c FIT) are getting a raw deal in Queensland. We deserve a fair price because we have made capital expenditure to reduce carbon emissions and presently get no compensation from the Government for excess power fed back into the grid. I believe that all solar owners should be treated equally and suggest that the 44c/kWh FIT be abolished and all solar owners should have a FIT of 14c/kWh.

Yours sincerely,

Gerry Muirhead

Brisbane QLD 4159, Australia

Wayne Cagney 4280 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Yours sincerely,

Wayne Cagney

Brisbane QLD 4280, Australia

John Morison 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because ;

1. We entered into a legal contract that has been overturned or is being threatened to be overturned without any legal consideration for our rights as citizens.

2. If i was selling electricity into the grid as a business there would be a lawsuit. Ethically we solar owners are being discriminated against. What about level playing fields / competition etc?

3. At our own expense [borrowed money for some] we have helped the planet & the Government meet its international obligations resulting from the Paris Climates Talks. We are therefore subsidising the rest of the country as the resulting greenhouse gas emission reduction is at our personal cost!

4. Solar power is efficient as it does not suffer significant transmission losses.

5. This situation has so angered me that in a few years [ i am saving right now] i will be going off the grid! We solar owners are being so shabbily treated. It is fundamentally a betrayal of trust if our original agreements are overturned & is another reason to boot out the government!

Yours sincerely,

John Morison

Brisbane QLD 4069, Australia

Tricia Wilson 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as a Qld resident we went to a considerable expense to put solar onto our home, as it protects our environment and enabled us to reduce the never ending rise in electricity prices.

I believe the mimimum amount that should be paid to households feeding back into the grid, is the price they are being charged by the power Companies per kWh to use their power!! Remember we have to pay for the upkeep of the unit and panels!,

I also believe that people who are currently paid a higher feedin fee (to what the power companies are currently charging them for power), should be able to keep the higher rate at least until they move home or their circumstances change.

Yours sincerely,

Tricia Wilson


Frans Janssen 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because most of them thought that they were doing a good thing for the environment whilst obtaining savings for themselves.

The owners were not consulted regarding the price, they were given a contract to sign with the price set by the power company. Now those companies are trying to get the government to legislate to allow them to break their contracts.

I have no problem with feeding my excess power into the grid if I can get a fair price for doing so, but I would object if the price was way below the retail price. I would be happy with a feed in price equal to the retail price. If the minimal price should be well below this I will be investigating going off grid with batteries.

Why don't the retailers look into community grids, where excess power is shared within the community.

Power, like other utilities such as water, was sold off because a lack of maintenance meant governments would need to increase prices to cover the cost of this asset maintenance catch up. This is not something any government wants to do - anger the voters, so they "sell" it and have the utility split into wholesale (generators) and retailers and have them pass on the increased costs. A double whammy, divide and conquer, two small billing amounts increase to cover the cost and the government says " its not my fault", but they are still getting a massive profit from the utility, cream off the top before profits are distributed. If you look at the combined cost, the price has been increasing exponentially.

Solar power can help all Queenslanders save money. Solar rooftops reduces the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Frans Janssen

Brisbane QLD 4019, Australia

Glenn Smith 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price.

Although I send this email to you I expect nothing to happen you are all a law to yourselves. Let's look at the Grid distribution and what Retailers actually pay for Power per Kw. A lot less than current retail rates. Yet people selling clean energy back to the Grid get a Ridiculous price, so what does it all come down to Assets owned by who and Profit

Who's going to change that and make it fair no one I know in power unless it is politically correct or helps get you elected.

I run my own Business but you don't see me purchasing brand new equipment like Energex does every year.


Yours sincerely,

Glenn Smith

Gold Coast QLD 4214, Australia

doug pott 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…Queensland's location in receiving the amount of sunshine hours we do makes it ideal to utilize modern techonolgy to look forward to producing a cleaner energy, and people adopting solar are looking forward to making this world a better place for future generations and in doing so must be supported by goverment to a fair price for solar as we have already made the commitment .

Yours sincerely,

doug pott

Townsville QLD 4814, Australia

Clodagh Barwise-Smith 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have put our hand in our pockets to assist with the country's commitment to reducing carbon emissions ; we are using our property to generate this electricity; we are reducing the need to have more power stations built and yet we get an awfully small feedback tariff. Its almost as though we are being penalised for supporting our country (and our future generations by reducing carbon emissions )

I humbly ask you to take this views into consideration when considering a fair price

Yours sincerely,

Clodagh Barwise-Smith

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia


Angeline Anthony 4227 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting an unfair deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we have spent a lot of money to get the solar panels in the first place, and now the community at large and electrical companies are benefiting from our investment. Obviously, that is a good thing; we are happy that others are benefiting, but we too should reap the rewards! In my household, I am getting 6c/kWh on average for power we generate. This very same power is sold to other members of the community at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

At the end of the day however, none of these reasons are the most important reason for rooftop solar power. That is that it is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren. And that long term goal is definitely something worth investing in!!

Yours sincerely,

Angeline Anthony

Gold Coast QLD 4227, Australia

James Hansen 4034 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is saving the cost of the construction of additional expensive coal-fired power stations and associated wastage and costs of transmission over long distances. It makes economic sense to generate power close to where it will be used. In addition, with increasing global warming, obvious climate change with new maximum daily temperature records broken and rebroken in Australia in the last two years,there is the attendant risk of spontaneous combustion of coal stockpiles or associated fires as at Hazelwood which took 45 days to bring under control or the widespread bush fires as in Western Australia wiping out massive areas of vegetation, crops, significant established housing and kilometres of poles and wires. It is becoming increasingly hazardous and costly to have poles and wires exposed to high temperatures and strong winds without any hope of having sufficient resources in personnel and airborne water bombers to control the devastating fire outbreaks before they cause millions of dollars of damage and destroy many peoples' livelihoods in the process. If, by assisting the further construction of local PV on roofs of dwellings, you save the need for augmented electricity supplies during summer heatwaves and avoid blackouts and loss of life for people dependent on critical electricity supplies for emergency equipment or life support, the value of solar power at a local level is greater than what might be generally considered. Where grid utilities are receiving the benefit of this solar generated electricity being fed back into the grid, it is reasonable to expect them to pay half the cost of what they turn around and sell it for. Obviously, they can make even more profit by achieving energy efficiencies in distribution and maintenance. e.g. Solar PV and wind withdraw up to 200 times less water than conventional power generation options including coal and natural gas. There are worldwide examples of the improved health outcomes of countries with solar PV, primarily as a response to the reduced health impact of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions . Also, as in the case against tobacco and asbestos, public health must always trump private profits.

Yours sincerely,

J. C. D. Hansen

Michael Marson 4870 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the investment made by solar panel system owners in reducing carbon emissions, reducing the need for additional electricity generation and reducing the need for additional distribution requirements as well as saving money for their families. A low feed in rate not only skews solar investment to return, but potentially puts future solar investors off buying solar as its not economical. This will result in more infrastructure requirements, more coal burning and challenging our carbon emission reduction targets.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Marson

Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

Harold Florence 4850 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

When we put in a solar system the Govt was paying .40cents to the power companies. We were being paid at a fair rate for the solar power we produced. I doubt if the cost is any less now and if anything were to change then the price a solar producer should get is the same price you would have to pay a power company.

Yours sincerely,

Harold Florence

Queensland 4850, Australia

DIANNE LOWIEN-PHILIPAS 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a renewable energy source which lessons the burden and dependency on non renewables (coal/gas). A greater feed back would be more of an incentive for installing solar on roof tops...making the affordability justified especially for those who are less financial.


Ian Rutherford 4510 Dear Commissioner,

I'd like to raise my voice to show that I don't believe the current 6-8kWhr feed in tariff for home solar users is a fair deal, nor do I believe that lowering the tariff will help Queensland economically or help it meet its international emission reduction obligations.

We as a state have an obligation to reduce our emissions, and Australia has some of the oldest electricity generation methods in the world. By encouraging more households to contribute to emission-free electricity generation we can reduce that footprint and make up for where we lack in other areas.

A higher feed-in tariff will encourage each home owner to invest in this smarter method of electricity generation. This will help boost local jobs growth and each home owner can contribute to reduce their emission footprint. If the cost of installation was higher, or the feed-in tariff is low, then your average home owner can no longer afford the opportunity to contribute like this. By assisting with rebates or by increasing the feed-in tariff then the investment becomes more affordable.

Right now I would like to contribute to reducing my emissions by installing solar but I don't believe I can afford it with the current feed-in tariff as low as it is.


Ian Rutherford

Rocksberg 4510

Wendy Rose 4115 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it enables people to achieve a smaller carbon footprint, which, in turn, enables a cleaner planet. Isn't this what the Government is trying to achieve with its carbon trading scheme?

Solar energy is clean, and should be made affordable.

Yours sincerely,

Wendy Rose

Brisbane QLD 4115, Australia

Brian Korner 4074 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we should be encouraging people to generate and utilise renewable energy so that we consume less fossil fuel.

Furthermore, the electricity retailers are exploiting the existing low feed-in tariff. If I want to buy green energy from my retailer it costs me a 15% premium over the standard tariff. In other words, they charge me about 30 cents per kWh. However when I generate the power from my solar panels and feed it back to the grid, I get less than one lousy seventh of that amount. The supply companies are making an exploitative 600% markup on the green energy which is being supplied to them.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Korner

Brisbane QLD 4074, Australia

Rayleen Beh 4814 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we put our money into buying these panels after being told we would get a good deal and also help the environment. Since then prices have gone up and on several occasions we have had to pay extra. How come the power suppliers have been able to put up the price of power so much in the last 3-4 years?

Rayleen Beh

Tracey Foley 4170 Dear Commissioner,

We live in a region that is able to produce a power source that isn't dirty, won't destroy the Great Barrier Reef and the source doesn't expect to subsidised or require ports, roads and destruction of the our beautiful environment.

People who are willing and able to sell energy back to the grid should be incentivised not discouraged. Please, for the sake of the future of this country and our kids, give people who are helping to keep our environment safe a reason to keep doing so.

Solar Citizens has permission to collate my comments and submit them on my behalf.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price and our future deserves a fair go.

Yours sincerely,

Tracey Foley

Brisbane QLD 4170, Australia


Robert Sellars 4560 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because roof-top solar power is produced very economically & reduces the need for provision of expensive infrastructure to deliver power generated by conventional power stations for large distances.And it is 100% renewable !!!!!!

Yours sincerely,

Robert Sellars

Sunshine Coast QLD 4560, Australia

Sheila O'Boyle 4053 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because this is really the way to go for the future. We provide the power for the grid but get a fair price for it which is not happening at the moment. Make this happen

greg stenner 4680 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…it is unfair to have to pay almost 4 times the price I get for what is fed in during daylight.for the power consumed during darkness..

Yours sincerely,

greg stenner

Queensland 4680, Australia

Cade Law 4670 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. We spent the money to invest in clean energy, there should be a fair feed in tariff to at least cover your power & recoup your outlay in the first 3 years, .44c was step in the right direction but with power climbing & the new fees associated it is starting to spiral out of control.

Yours sincerely,

Cade Law

Queensland 4670, Australia

June Brown 4226 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Householders were all encouraged to go solar now we are being penalised for trying to do the right thing.Now there is also a Solar meter charge on our electricity bills!!!! Where will it stop?

Yours sincerely,

June Brown

Gold Coast QLD 4226, Australia

RICHARD GOOCH 4561 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they had an initial capital cost in installing solar units to help with reducing the impact on electricity taken from the grid as well as helping the environment.


Richard Gooch


Marisa Strazzari 4017 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price, as it is required for a sustainable future for all of us!

Solar households in Queensland get just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

It's simply unfair. And when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders, the measly price paid to solar households is a slap in the face.

First off, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.*

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Marisa Strazzari

Brisbane QLD 4017, Australia

John Bristow 4070 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because they are helping the electricity generator in supplying power to the grid and helping to reduce the cost of building a new power station to supply the increasing load from increasing population. The 6 cents per KWH does not cover any cost recovery by the solar supplier… People on net metering are being offered 44 cents per KWH. which presumably the Government considered was a fair price. My system was paying me 20 cents per KWH which I believed was acceptable but either the electricity supplier or the government then decided 6 cents was to be the going rate very much different to the 44 cents offered to net metering clients with no apparent end date. I changed my system to net metering at a cost of $1000.00, costs I was not aware of as I had earlier been told the cost would be of the order of $200.00. After the change to Net Metering I was still only being offered 6 cents per KWH on any power going to the grid, which is farsical as the payment is a neglible amount. I consider the 20 cents I was previously paid was a fair price but is still greatly less than the 44 cents being offered to people who went straight on to a net metering situation.

Yours sincerely,

John Bristow

84 Esendon Road ANSTEAD. Brisbane QLD 4070, Australia

Bruce White 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. I signed an agreement in good faith to receive 44 cents until 2028 iexpect the government to honour this especially since I now pay 113.46 in surcharges on my last bill before even using any power this is a rort to get only 6 cents back means it's not worth going solar.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce White

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia

Elisabeth Francois 4895 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because renewable energies are clean, we need a Government which supports us in lowering our CO2 emissions dramatically and ASAP. Our environment struggles and will no longer support life if our government continues to choose profit before life.

Yours sincerely,

Elisabeth Francois

Queensland 4895, Australia

Shirley Beaty 4507 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….It wasn't easy to pay for them in the early days (2009) - the idea being to protect ourselves from increased costs as we aged.After all, we did have a contract to pay us the 44 cents for a specified time. We do not agree with others being paid so little, or even nothing. That being said, it would be fairer (and under duress) would agree to everyone being paid the same as that being charged from the grid. We must all share the load (no pun intended) and give up our 52 cents if it would help others to be rightly rewarded for their outlay. Interesting to note that not many panels are to be found in the richer areas!!!

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Beaty

Brisbane QLD 4507, Australia


Ben Pringle 4208 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because to make a ethical decision to a upfront cost of getting solar panels is substituted by pathetic rebates that make any solar scheme unviable.

We need realistic rebates to ensure we can sustainably power our homes

Yours sincerely,

Ben Pringle

Brisbane QLD 4208, Australia

Lise Blackgrove 4519 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is a major contributor to the grid now with around 1.5 million solar systems. Solar is one of the major renewable energies of the future and it deserves to be treated as such!

Yours sincerely,

Lise Blackgrove

Queensland 4519, Australia

Lynette Murray 4019 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because I paid $9,000 for my solar panels 3 yrs ago, because of the govt's poor stance on solar many companies went bankrupt including mine. I am 67 yrs old the guarantee that I would pay my solar off in 10 yrs via feed in tariff is now obsolute. The only way I can recoup the amt spent is by a genuinely fair return on my electricity generated by my solar panels back into the grid. Why should we be ripped off by the energy co's who have not invested one cent in my rooftop panels. We get four cents , they sell it for 22 cents, its highway robbery. We should be paid at least 20 cents per KIlo watt hour, with the 2 cents to cover whatever costs the energy co's endure.

Yours sincerely,

Lynette Murray

Brisbane QLD 4019, Australia

David Arthur 4650 Dear Commissioner,

A fair price for solar would be the same price as Ergon charges its customers, ie just have the meter run backwards when a house is exporting to the grid, and forwards when it is bringing power from the grid.

After, the power being exported is generally in a town or suburb, can be directly used by the customer next door without Ergon (or Energex, or whoever) having to do a thing - certainly, they don't need to buy more power from a generator, and they don't need to send power along a transmission line when the power is being produced right there in the town where it's being used.

If the big companies don't do the right thing by their customers, we're eventually going to see towns disconnect from the grid altogether - just cover every roof with solar panels and and install batteries. That'll see the big companies making no money whatsoever from all the "gold-plated" transmission lines they've been building.

The upshot is, the days when there was a Gigantic Generator and an Enormous Network laying down the law to all those Cowering Consumers is coming to an end. When everyone can be a power producer, sharing around the neighbourhood, the big companies might find themselves with no market.

Yours sincerely,

David Arthur

Queensland 4650, Australia

Jacqui Geary 4021 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because…. Solar households are only getting 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. Such a low rate.

Then to make things even worse, this very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies.

That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners. This is so unfair to the 1000's of people who've invested their own savings in solar panels.

Another point I raise is, rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money.

Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill !!!!!

Of course , the huge take up of solar pv's in Queensand has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

And the best bit is that rooftop solar power are 100% renewable which makes every single rooftop installation helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

This alone is worth providing more financial support for.

Yours sincerely,

Jacqui Geary

Brisbane QLD 4021, Australia


Mark Leggett 4812 Dear Commissioner,

The current pricing is unfair - a fair price for solar should at least be the same per KWh that we pay the utility

Yours sincerely,

Mark Leggett

Townsville QLD 4812, Australia

Patricia George 4671 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we want to leave a better world for our children and fossil fuels are not the way to go anymore. Australians who want to put out the initial outlay to install a more environmental power source should be rewarded in some small way by the Government by keeping the feed in prices as viable for us all.

Yours sincerely,

Patricia George

Sally Silvers 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….many like me are on GROSS meterage whereby ALL the power we produce from our relatively expensive solar systems is fed into the grid, for which we receive 6c per kw. The electricity companies then sell that electricity back to us (and others) for our consumption, at 25-30c per kw.

Solar power is a 'free' renewable source, which can be better taken advantage of if the pricing of the installation and the eventual selling price of the electricity produced warrant it, but at present there is little incentive for the increased uptake of solar systems by households.

Yours sincerely,

Sally Silvers

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia

Dale Miinchow 4740 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. In a free market economy, where a percentage of generated power comes from renewable energy sources, it is outrageous and completely unreasonable that surplus electricity, generated by rooftop solar and delivered back to the grid, for the supplier to on sell for a profit, should be given to said supplier for nothing or a price far less than it's real value. If a supplier on sells renewable energy at a higher premium, or even at the same price for col powered electricity, then the electricity they get from rooftop suppliers needs to be paid for fairly. The currant .08cents Kwh is totally unreasonable. If electricity is sold @ .23cents Kwh then something @ .15 to .18cents a Kwh for rooftop suppliers is reasonable. Indexed as prices rise.

Yours sincerely,

Dale Miinchow

Queensland 4740, Australia

Paul Calver 4220 Dear Commissioner,

Recent Solar panel system owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price of at least the same price of power from the grid because

a) this is simple and clearly equitable

b) a lesser amount would not take into account the huge environmental benefit

Yours sincerely,

Paul Calver

Gold Coast QLD 4220, Australia

Darrell Stark 4551 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we only had initially installed because it was an ongoing renewable source of electricity.I firmly believe that no one with solar panels should be paid less than the cost they are being charged for power, to pay any less is a total rip off.

Yours sincerely,

Darrell Stark

Sunshine Coast QLD 4551, Australia


Marilyn Livingstone 4854 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because roof top solar can help all electricity users save money.

Every home in Queensland should have roof top solar. This would create renewable energy jobs and should include rental and low income accommodation.

Yours sincerely,

Marilyn Livingstone

Queensland 4854, Australia

Col Thompson 4340 Dear Commissioner,

I note that your draft report regarding fair pricing for feed-in solar electricity simply falls short of the mark. The Solar Bonus Scheme must not be scrapped. Current and future development of the renewable power industry depends on it.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. These households in Queensland receive just 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies - price gouging by another name.

It's simply unfair when you consider the clear benefits that rooftop solar power provides to all Queenslanders. It is indeed a measly price to pay to solar households.

Rooftop solar power helps all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of the average electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as electricity from burning coal and gas before it’s used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

What’s more, the huge take up of solar PV has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders (Renew Economy, 2/7/14).

And of course, rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, environmentally sound and healthy future for our children and grandchildren. Instead of encouraging sustainable and renewable power generation, your report advocates preventing the rise of a significant new industry capable of employing thousands of people in high quality, skilful and meaningful jobs across the entire economy - research, manufacturing, design, installation and maintenance.

With reports such as your draft, de-connection from the grid is fast becoming an attractive proposition for it is now technically possible.

I might mention that Solar Citizens will also be collating my comments and submitting them on my behalf.

Yours sincerely,

Col Thompson

Steve Quilkey 4272 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because it is the most effective way to get our fossil fuel dependant nation(state) moving towards a sustainable future for all.

Yours sincerely,

Steve Quilkey

Gold Coast QLD 4272, Australia


K Bellamy 4214 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because the power companies are using the fed in power and on-selling it to consumers at a significantly higher price.

Solar households get on average 6c-8c/kWh for power they generate. This very same power is on-sold to others locally at a significantly higher price than the price paid by power companies to solar producing households.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up a substantial portion of a household power bill. This also saves the power company the costs of installing and maintaining further poles and wires.

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” and doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometres from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Not paying solar power household producers for the electricity put into the grid is stealing, similar to people illegally pumping water from a creek or river (i.e. stealing water from the government). If the power companies are unwilling to make a fair payment for power put into the grid it may also further encourage people to look into other options including the possibility of removing their house from the grid which reduces further power company profits (no extra feed ins to on-sell and no grid usage by a number of consumers).

My investment into solar was to assist in making a cleaner environment and a more sustainable future for next generations. Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy environment for future generations.

I signed up as an early solar investor, with higher initial set up costs, and the government made an agreement with me to continue a set payment amount per kWh for an agreed upon time period. Changing this now would be a breech of that agreement. I continue to abide by the rules of that agreement - so should the government and the power companies.

Yours sincerely,

K Bellamy

David williamson 4073 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because:

1) Solar owners have invested their capital and expect and deserve a resonable return

2) Solar owners are generating power during peak load times, assisting the national grid by reducing the sizing of infrastructure to cope with peak load

3) Solar owners are generating power where it is being used, resulting in decentralised distribution, reducing transmission loads on the national grid.

4) Power generated by Solar Owners has saved burning fossilised fuels to produce this power

5) In conjunction with an electric vehicle this Solar Owner is reducing petrol useage, carbon emissions to the environment, and foreign exchange in importing fuels.

6) Solar Power users who operate Electric Vehicles should be financially encouraged and rewarded for their investment, with discounts to vehicle registrations, and purchase prices.

Yours sincerely,

David williamson

Brisbane QLD 4073, Australia

Vicki Brogan 4818 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because rooftop solar power is 100% renewable energy. Encouraging the Adarni coal mine will only ensure that our workers will have a job for a short term. By providing workers with jobs in renewable energy such as solar will ensure long term jobs and a clean and healthy future for us all now and in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Vicki Brogan

Townsville QLD 4818, Australia

Dirt Bryant 4006 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because we only have one planet, and it's VERY small.

Yours sincerely,

Dirt Bryant

Brisbane QLD 4006, Australia


Daneil Geiger 4855 Dear Commissioner,

I entered into a contract for $20 000, based on the 44 cent per kwh return, I will be seeking legal action if the contract is reneged upon.

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because….

Yours sincerely,

Daneil Geiger

Queensland 4855, Australia

Dr Don Kinsey AM 4819 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because, regardless of the impact of domestic solar installations on the commercial supply companies, domestic solar is having a significant and extremely worthwhile influence on CO2 emissions and, therefore, climate change. We should not be penalised for this effort with a less than commercial equivalent value for our contributions to the grid.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Don Kinsey AM

Queensland 4819, Australia

Mary-Lou Bates 4069 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because as we all know climate change is here and needs to be addressed. Solar owners are propping up the aging and inefficient electrical system. Show some leadership and recommend that the use of solar be embraced and expanded by providing a fair price for our solar power. After all the will of the people is what puts people into power and can just as easily oust them.

Mark Counter 4563 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because of the significant personal costs borne in installing solar panels in the first place to both help save the planet and to assist Queensland to meet its power needs.

Already increasing connection and other charges are rapidly eating away any chance of recouping our costs in the installation, and if the tariff is reduced the whole concept of feeding into the grid will become nonviable. We have agreed that we will purchase batteries and go off grid if this occurs as it would be cheaper in long term.

We will consider it also a major breach of trust by the govt and vote for any party that honors the original commitments made to us.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Counter

Sunshine Coast QLD 4563, Australia

Bruce Henzell 4165 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because: 1.the world has to move to renewables - and fast - to mitigate the burden we are leaving our children and following generations for maybe centuries: 2. the introduction of rooftop solar has saved the state an estimated $2 billion in infrastructure spending; 3. it is consistent with the government's vision of doubling the numbers of rooftop solar.

I believe the remuneration should be at least equal to the present rate of charge, namely 22.238c/kWh. Anything less is manifestly unjust seeing there is a supply charge already on top of the usage charge.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Henzell

Queensland 4165, Australia

Judith Svensen 4564 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price. Worldwide, 90% of all new electricity generation is coming from renewable energy. Other countries that have less sunlight have proven that it is a cheap, clean source of energy. Australians are showing how important using renewable energy is to them by leading the world on rooftop solar. More than 1.5 million households are generating their own clean, power from the sun - that’s 15% of the entire population, the highest proportion in the world. Why can we not get a fair price?

Yours sincerely,

Judith Svensen

Sunshine Coast QLD 4564, Australia

Vicki Schilder 4575 Dear Commissioner,

Solar owners are getting a raw deal in Queensland. Solar deserves a fair price because Coal IS a dying industry, its warming our environment and its ruining the lives and landscape of our Country.

Solar households get 6c/kWh on average for power they generate. This very same power is sold to their neighbours at three times the price by big power companies. That’s around 12c/kWh that power companies are withholding from solar owners.

Rooftop solar power can help all Queensland electricity users save money. Solar rooftops reduce the need to expand the poles and wires, which make up as much as 50% of your electricity bill!

Rooftop solar power is “decentralised” - it doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as coal and gas before it is used in the home. This avoids the big energy losses (up to 20%) we see when electricity travels hundreds of kilometers from far-off power stations.

The huge take up of solar pv has led to greater competition and reduced the wholesale price of electricity for all Queenslanders.

Rooftop solar power is 100% renewable. Every single rooftop installation is helping to build a clean, healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

Yours sincerely,

Vicki Schilder

Sunshine Coast QLD 4575, Australia
