Submarine men with ethan and tom

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Submarine men with ethan and tom


Oliver TateOliver is the main character and narrative voice of the film, therefore

his representation is largely his own perception of himself. This is enlightening of his character in that it suggests that men are narcissistic, especially considering the mourning at his imaginary funeral. Not only this but Oliver wishes there ‘was a film crew following [his] every move’. This could be seen as coming from his insecurity and need to be seen as worthwhile by his family and Jordana. This insecurity manifests itself in the outlandish behaviour, especially notable in the phase scene, where he describes trying a hat, or smoking a pipe. He is very self aware, and has an idea of how things should be, such as the ‘cinema night’ scene where he wears a suit and cooks a romantic dinner because he believes that is what he needs to do to ‘woo’ Jordana.

Lloyd TateLloyd is Oliver’s father and at the start of the film he is seemingly the

antithesis of Oliver’s character, he is presented as comically dull, and as struggling with depression. While Oliver is shown to display outlandish behaviour Lloyd is forced only to reminisce about times like when he ‘ripped his vest off’. Oliver describes him best as emanating ‘eggshell’ as his colour. He represents Oliver's future in many ways, which is seen by how he becomes him briefly with the dressing gown and hot lemon.

In terms of representation of men Lloyd is largely similar to Oliver in that he shows men to be weak and timid. It is rare to see a film centre around men that are not masculine. Submarine also is one of few films to approach the issue of mental health, and that impacts the representation of men hugely especially in regard to Lloyd as he talks to Oliver about his depression in a very real unfunny way.

Graham PurvisGraham is an incredibly flamboyant mystic who is ,surprising, the most

masculine character. He is seen to have a way with the ladies that neither Oliver nor his father, Lloyd could match. He is seen as being very macho, with an incredibly confident persona. A significant plot point of the film is the way that Oliver's mother slowly drifts away from Lloyd and back into the arms of the mystic. He appears to show up Lloyd whenever he can. A notable example of this is the way that he makes Lloyd sit in the back of the van when they go on the group cinema trip. That the audience later learns that Lloyd didn't enjoy because if Graham's presence. Graham being the most masculine character is interesting, as a mystic would never be considered masculine in the 'real' world. But in the small welsh town setting that Submarine takes place in, he is the most masculine. In addition to being “Lucid” and “Delicious”.