
Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Stylesheet

Style sheet

Masthead fontsI think this one would look quite good as a masthead because its easy to read but at the same time it looks like it got a little texture, which kind of fits with rock. I1m not sure if I like that it is a san serif font though.

I like the look of this one because it is easy to recognise however it is difficult to read which the masthead shouldn`t be.

I like that this one is quite easy to read but at the same time has as style that is quite easy to recognise, also it looks a little destroyed which fits good with the image that rock music has.

I like that it is really easy to recognise and looks a little elegant at the same time as it looks unique. It is really hard to read it though because it has quite a lot going on.

Article fontsI think this one might just have a little to much going on for being the font the text is written in. I think it would be hard to read a whole interview or article in this font.

I like that this one is a lot simpler and there for it looks a little more elegant. It is also easier to read because it only has small serifs at the end of each letter.

I also think this one looks quite elegant and easy to read. I also thinks it looks good as a head line font. I also like that it looks really simple and classic.

This one is quite easy to read, but I don`t feel like it would look nice as a head line, Because the font is quite thin. I also feel like the font is to thin to use for the main text. I think it doesn't look elegant enough for what I want.

I like the look of this one because it looks quite elegant but at the same time its really easy to read. How ever the problem is that it only has capital letters which won`t look good for in article.

Colours I quite like this colour scheme because it has both flashy and dark tones that I think would look on the kind of magazine I would like to make. Also these colours remind me of some of the Rock sound front covers.

This one is quite a classic combination for a rock magazine as it includes orange which is often connoted with danger but also a little with the rock industry. Kerrang often has a similar colour scheme.

This one is also a more usual colour scheme as the yellow colour is often used for warning signs. There are quite a few magazines with this colour scheme including NME

This one is a little different but I feel like some of the shades would look really nice against a white background. Also by using it on the front page it would probably be able to catch the audiences eyes because it looks different than the other Rock Magazines.

This one is again a more normal scheme for a rock magazine. As the red can be connoted with blood or danger. The rock music is also connoted with danger so there is a relation between the colour and the audience.

Pink is usualy not used within the rock genre apart form some exceptions like a few issues of Rock sound and a few of Kerrang`s issues. However since I want to make a magazine more directed to the female audience I would still consider using it.

Possible combinations Since the person I`m going to have on my front cover has red hair I think it’s a good idea that the colour scheme I chose will match the red colour of her hair. So instead of choosing one of the colour schemes I to try to combine them.

While these colours work quite nicely together I don`t think they would grab the audiences attention as much as I would like them to.

I don`t quite like how blue the purples look. Also because all of the colours are so settle. They won`t grab the attention of the audience as much as other colours would.

I feel like this one is quite well balanced between intense and settle colours. I also think the colours would work nicely with the rock genre/


These three fonts are the once I`m going to use for my magazine. As I feel like they look nicely together. I also feel like they emphasise the idea behind the magazine, which is supposed to be a more sophisticated and elegant rock magazine for a young female audience.


For the article

For the titles and eventually for the contents page

Colour scheme This the one I think is going to work the most on the front cover. I also think they are going to grab the audiences attention the quickest as they are a mix of usual and unusual colours to use on a rock magazine. I think these colour are going to compliment the hair colour of my front cover model the most. Since this colour scheme includes quite a girly colour, pink, I think it`s good that it also includes some darker shades like the wine/blood red. This creates a balance between the girly and the more rock inspired style.