Study of mark 10 12

Post on 27-May-2015

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Gospel of Mark, Study of Mark, Bible Study, Mark 10-12

Transcript of Study of mark 10 12

Mark 10:1-12:44

By: Jean SmithBased the teachings of Father Al Lauer

of Presentation Ministries

Mk 10  —  BLIND, BLINDER, AND BLINDEST "The Son of Man has not come to be served but to serve

— to give His life in ransom for the many." —Mark 10:45 Jesus tried one more time to communicate the message of the

cross. He began by shocking His disciples with new revelations on marriage, celibacy, children, and money. Then He spoke of His passion, death, and resurrection. The disciples, blinded by ambition and jealousy, missed it again. In conclusion, Jesus healed blind Bartimaeus as a sign that one day His disciples would be healed of spiritual blindness.

Prayer: Lord, "I want to see" (10:51).Promise: "Jesus fixed His gaze on them and said, 'For man it is impossible but not for God. With God all things are possible.' " —10:27

Jesus’ Travels Mark 10:1

“ In rising up from there, he went into the territory of Judah” “Crowds traveled together with him and he was accustomed again he kept teaching them”

Marriage and Divorce Mark 10:1-9

The Pharisees wanted to Jesus to give a self-incriminating answer that would provoke opposition to Him.

According to the Laws of Moses, the Pharisees believed this Old Testament passage permitted divorce, that only a husband could initiate it, and divorce implied the right to remarry.

They disagreed on the grounds of divorce.

If Jesus took sides in this dispute He would divide his followers.

Even today people are arguing over this same issue.

Marriage is a Work of God

Mark 10:12

And in the house the Disciples asked Him about this matter and He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, committs adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another she committs adultery”

Jesus and the ChildrenMark 10:13-16

“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them; for such belongs to the kingdom of God”

“Truly ; I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it”

“Whoever receives one such child in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me:

God give me the heart of a child and the awesome courage to live it out”

Kathryn Daugherty

Mark 10:17-22

Mark 10:25

Mark 10:27-31

Third Prophesy of the Passion Mark 10:32-34

Mark 10:35-37

Mark 10:39-45

Mark 10:46-52 The Blind Bartimaeus• They came to Jericho• Just like the woman

Tyre, Bartimaeus persisted

• Bartimaeus may have been blind but he was the only one in the crowd that truly saw Jesus as his Savior

“Jesus, have mercy on me”


The Messiah Enters Jerusalem Mk 11:1-11

Mark 11: 12-14The Barren Fig Tree

Mark 11:15-19 The Expulsion of the Money


Mark 20-25 The Withered Fig Tree

Mark 11: 27-35 The Authority of Jesus

Mark 12:1-12 The Parable of the TenantsThe rejection of the owner’s son looks to the certification of Jesus & the reaction of the owner.

This points to the resurrection, when God vindicates Jesus’ death

Matthew 12

Have you not read the Scripture: 'The Stone rejected by the builders has

become the head of the corner; This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes:”

—Mark 12:10-11


Mark 12:13-17 On Tribute to Ceaser

”Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the thing that are


Mark 12:18-27 The Resurrection of the

DeadWhen Jesus was asked by the Sadducees whose wife would the woman be after marrying the seven siblings when she was still alive He makes them realize that they are wrong by pointing out they did not know-

• Scripture• Power of God• God is of the living, not of the dead

Mark 12:28-34 The Greatest Commandment of


Mark 12:35-37 Christ the Son & Lord of David

Mark 12:38-40 Jesus Censures the Scribes

“Beware of the scribes!• That go about in long robes• Who crave salutations in the market

places• That need to have best seats in the

synagogues• Require places of honor at Feasts• Who devour widows houses• For a pretense make long prayers

Mark 12:41-44 The Widow’s Mite

“Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury”