Study guide CA #2 (key)

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Transcript of Study guide CA #2 (key)

Name: ______________________ Date: ____________ Ntbk #: ______

Study Guide Common Assessment #2

I. Geography of EuropeA. On the blank map below, label the following political features:

-Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, & the U.K.B. Also, label and draw in the following physical features:

-Alps Mtns., Danube River, English Channel, European Plain, Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea, Pyrenees Mtns., Scandinavian Peninsula, & Ural Mtns.

II. Environmental IssuesA. Name the main environmental concern for each of the following places:

1. United Kingdom – Air pollution, causing smog2. Germany – Air pollution, causing acid rain3. Chernobyl, Ukraine – Dangerously high levels of radiation

B. What have been the causes of air pollution in the United Kingdom?Exhaust from factories and cars (used to be burning coal)

C. What have been the effects of air pollution in United Kingdom?Smog, which leads to blackened buildings, respiratory (lung) diseases

D. What have been the causes of air pollution in Germany?Exhaust from factories and cars

E. What have been the effects of air pollution in Germany?Acid rain, which can damage statues/buildings, hurt the environment, and has destroyed some of the Black Forest

F. What were some of the effects of the Chernobyl disaster?Many police/fire fighters died on the scene, tons of radiation filled the atmosphere, land and air was contaminated with radiation, animals/people/plant were born with deformities

G. Why were other nations concerned about the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl?Other countries were concerned that the radiation would spread to their countries, infecting their land and their people

III. Culture (Religion)A. What are the 3 main religions of Europe? List them in order from oldest to

newest: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

B. What 2 aspects do all three religions have in common?(1) All were founded in Southwest Asia, and (2) All are monotheistic, meaning they belief in one supreme God.

C. List the holy book for each of the 3 religions:1. Judaism – Torah2. Christianity – Bible3. Islam – Koran

IV. Literacy Rate & Standard of LivingA. Define:

1. Literacy rate – Percentage of people in a country, age 15 and up, who can read and write.

2. Standard of living – A measure of how comfortable a life someone or a group of people live.

B. How can literacy rate impact a country’s standard of living?Generally, the higher a country’s literacy rate, the higher the standard of living. Also, the lower the literacy rate, usually the lower the standard of living.

V. Locations, Climate, Where People Live, & Natural Resources of European Countries

United Kingdom Russia Italy Germany


Island off the coast of mainland Europe

Huge country that spans 2 continents – Asia and Europe

Boot-shaped peninsula that is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea

Located in north Central Europe


Mild climate with rainfall throughout the year.

Only 2 seasons – Summer and winter

Mild climate with regional differences. Warmer along the coasts, cooler in the mtns

West has more mild climate due to the Gulf Stream, East more extreme climate

Where People


90% of the UK’s people live in urban areas (cities)

Most people live West of the Ural Mtns in European Russia, better climate & soil

70% of Italians live in urban areas, 50% of people live in the northern 1/3 of Italy

85% of Germans live in urban areas


Prime location for trading due to its many ports and many trading partners close by

Has difficulty trading due to few ports (landlocked) and those ports being frozen most the year

Prime location for trade being on the Med. Sea, many ports and easy to get to Asia & Africa

Many cities and factories along the Rhine River makes it a good place for trading goods