Studio presentation

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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Documentation of course work done in the studio course-foundation year

Transcript of Studio presentation

StudioBook binding,datavisualization & more...

Raj Palan

Data visualization

For the data visualization assignment i chose to find out how the number of people taking the various modes of transport changes during the various days of the week.This led to the finding that the rickshaw use increases drastically on mondays.

This assignment exposed me to the beauty of data visualization and also made me explore an area which i would not have looked into otherwise.

Book binding

The book binding course for me wasn’t that interesting as we were taught only basic book binding techniques.I would have liked it if the duration of the was at least a full day. I was expecting to learn something more than what was taught.

Text + Image

The iterations were pretty fun to do and i enjoyed this exercise.

The reason why i have chosen this image is that i really like how the character(Homer) is lifting the donut which is a part of the text.The donut has left stains on the original text which is a beautiful detail.

The reason why i have chosen this image is that the combination of the image and text in this photograph produces a very dramatic effect and coveys the message in a very powerful manner.

The reason why i have chosen this image is that i like the fact that the combination of text and image in this photograph produces a completely differentimage which is that of a switch.

Typographic sculpture

Plug It InFor this project we pasted incomplete letters below various sockets in srishti.When a charger is plugged into the socket the letters are completed which when put together form the sentence "PLUG IT IN".

Book Cover

For the book cover i played with the concept that culture jammers usually modify existing billboardsand logos and to convey a message.Similarly on the book cover i have pasted the titleon already existing text.

a tactic used by many consumer social movements

A commentary on how social jamming

plays a role in transforming the media

“A must read”-The Daily Herald



Ron English

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

elit. Maecenas in nisl eros. Ut sed sapien turpis, ac

convallis risus. Nulla vel suscipit ipsum. Etiam ullam

corper auctor consectetur. Donec bibendum, dui in

auctor hendrerit, sem ante vehicula quam, eu posuere

mauris justo at sapien. Duis semper aliquam magna,

id vehicula arcu facilisis ut. Morbi in odio non dui

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ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere

cubilia Curae; Suspendisse iaculis libero id ipsum feugiat

vel suscipit orci tristique. Quisque auctor auctor est, ut

fermentum nulla semper quis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

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cursus felis. Fusce faucibus est turpis, nec tincidunt metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Vivamus a lacinia mauris.

Praesent pulvinar erat at nibh adipiscing

dignissim. Quisque a mattis leo. Nunc at

dui tortor. Etiam convallis, odio a mattis

commodo, quam lacus hendrerit est, in lacinia

dui risus egestas urna. Maecenas scelerisque

metus iaculis orci convallis auctor. Cras tristique,

eros et tempus sodales, mi massa semper neque,

sed semper ipsum mauris eget lectus. Vivamus in

justo nulla. Curabitur pellentesque variusest, et

iaculis velit dapibus et. Morbi eget viverra eros.

Nulla ante dolor, imperdiet sed lobortis ac quam.

Thank You!