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Transcript of STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF USING ONLINE LEARNING MATERIALS A Descriptive … · 2020. 7. 1. ·...




(A Descriptive Qualitative Research in Muhammadiyah University of



Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of

English Department











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Makassar, 2020

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Makassar, 2020

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Hasnidar, 2019. Students’ Perception of Using Online Learning Materials (A

Descriptive Qualitative Research in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar).

Thesis of English Education Department.The Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.Supervised by Andi Tenri

Ampa and Firman.

The objectives of the research to find out the students’ perceptions of

using online learning materials at the Seventh Semester of English Department in

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in the year 2018/2019 from BG.VIIJ. The

researcher used a descriptive qualitative research as design method because it

was comparable to collect the data from students’ perception, and gave interview

to collecting the data. The data was collected from the seventh semester which

have been learned using online learning. The sample were 10 students selected

by purposive sampling which snowball sampling technique.

The findings of the research showed that results of the students’ interview

showed that mostly the students gave good perception about online learning.

They were improve their learning by online learning and got a new experience of

the new media applied by lecturer in media online learning. Whereas, some

students gave perception that online learning has obstacles that bad network, the

quality of mobile phone of the student itself and the capacity of the application

used in online learning.

Key words: Online Learning, Students’ Perception.



Hasnidar, 2019. Persepsi Siswa Tentang Menggunakan Materi Pembelajaran

Online (Penelitian Deskriptif Qualitataif Pada Semester 7 Jurusan Bahasa

Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Hj. Andi Tenri

Ampa dan Firman.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa

menggunakan materi pembelajaran online di Semeter Ketujuh Jurusan Bahasa

Inggris Univesitas Muhammadiyah Makassar pada tahun 2018/2019 di BG.VIIJ.

Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif sebagai metode desain

karena sebanding untuk mengumpulkan data dari persepsi siswa, dan memberikan

wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data. Data dikumpulkan dari semester tujuh

yang pernah belajar menggunakan pembelajaran online. Sample penelitian ini 10

siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan sampling purposif teknik snowball


Temuan penelitian menunjukkan hasil wawancara siswa menunjukkan

bahwa sebagian besar siswa memberikan persepsi yang baik mengenai

pembelajaran online. Mereka dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran dengan

menggunakan pembelajaran online dan mendapat pengalaman baru terhadap

media yang baru diterapkan oleh dosen yaitu media pembelajaran online. Selain

itu, sebagian siswa juga memberi persepsi bahwa pembelajaran online memiliki

hambatan yaitu jaringan yang buruk, kualitas handphone yang tidak mendukung

dari siswa itu sendiri dan kapasitas dari aplikasi yang digunakan dalam

pembelajaran online.

Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Online, Persepsi Siswa.



Let’s break the limits…!!!


Thanks to Allah SWT. The ruler of heaven and

earth and all its contents. Our messenger,

Muhammad SAW who has bring us from the

darkness to the brightness. For all he

achievement that I have now and especially of

this thesis I dedicated for my beloved parents

H.Dolo and Siloi, my family, my friends and all

the people who love and pray for me.

Thank you so bad.



TITTLE PAGE ………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………………..……ii

CONSELING SHEET …………………………………………….…..…iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN …………………………………………..…… vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN ……..……………………………………..……. vii

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………….…… viii

ABSTRAK …………………………………………………..…….……...ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………….……... x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………...... xii


A. Background .......................................................................................... 1

B. Problem of Statement ........................................................................... 6

C. Objective of the Research .................................................................... 6

D. Significant of the Research .................................................................. 6

E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 7


A. Online Learning ................................................................................... 8

1. Definition of Online Learning ........................................................ 8

2. Forms of Online Learning .............................................................. 10

3. Characteristics of Online Learning ................................................ 12

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning ...................... 13

5. Obstacles of Online Learning ............................. ………………..14


6. Benefits of Online Learning .......................................................... 15

B. Perception ............................................................................................. 16

1. Definition of Perception ................................................................. 16

2. Indicators of Perception ................................................................. 17

3. Types of Perception........................................................................ 20

4. Factors Influencing Perception ...................................................... 22

C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ 24


A. Research Design ................................................................................... 26

B. Research Subject .................................................................................. 26

C. Research Instrument ............................................................................. 27

D. Data Collection Technique ................................................................... 28

E. Data Analysis Technique ....................................................................... 29


A. Findings ............................................................................................... 31

B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 44


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 59

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 60






First of all, thanks to Allah SWT and all praises just to him, the lord of the

world and creator of universe who gives us blessing and mercy therefore I can

complete this thesis entitled “Students’ Perception of Using Online Learning

Materials (A Descriptive Research in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar).”

Shalawat and salam are upon the greatest Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family,

companions and adherents.

The researcher would like to express her deepest prost profound and

gratitude to her parents for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed. The

researcher realizes that many hands have given their helps and useful suggestion

for the completion of this thesis. Without the assistance of these people, the

researcher would never be able to finish this thesis without support, assistance,

encouragements, and aids of many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to

express her deepest gratitude to all of them.

The researcher’s highest appreciation goes to her lovely parents, H.Dolo

(father) and Siloi (mother). Thank you so much for the sacrifice, affection,

motivation, patience, and greatest prayer for her bright future.

The researcher’s greatest thanks to the first consultant Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri

Ampa, M. Hum and the second consultant Firman, S.Pd., M.Pd. who have given

their valuable time and guidance since the very beginning.


The researcher greatest thanks also to: (1) Prof. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim,

S.E, M.M as the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. (2) Erwin

Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D, as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. (3)

Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd, as a head of English Education Department.

Thanks are also to all of lecturers of FKIP Unismuh Makassar, especially to the

lecturer of English Education Department who taught her for many years.

The researcher sisters, Asnita S.E and Asriana without you, the researcher

wouldn’t handle everything, the researcher been going through right now. The

researcher have been stressed and even late to eat but you always by her side,

support her, remind her, and make her feel like she is not alone.

For all the researcher best friend in the big family of E (Edelweiss) class 015

English Department, specially to Lisnawati S.Pd already help and become

consultant 3 for the researcher, Thanks for being best partner ever Nur’ Ainun

Hasni, Ramlah and “Anak Sultan” (Vira Yuniar, Wahidah Harsono, Waode

Apriliana, Sam Pravita Sari, and Sasmita) who had fought with the researcher

every time and everywhere always in conduction this thesis. The last gratitude

also goes to all my friends from CIS Squad (Lisnawati, S.Pd, Ega Magfira S.Pd,

Arniati S.Pd, Mutmainna S.E, Ramlah, Sasmita, Sri Mutmainnah, Nurlatifah,

Asnawati, and Jumriani) thank you so much. In addition, for all people who

cannot be mentioned one by one Thanks for everything.

Makassar, November 2019

The Researcher




This chapter consists of background, problem statement, objective the

research, the significance of the research, and the scope of the research.

A. Background

English is learned everywhere because people have found out that knowledge

of English is a passport for better career, better pay, advanced knowledge, and for

communication with the entire world. English is also learned for the literature it

possesses, and for the variety and rich experience it provides because English is

important. Considering the importance of English, Indonesian government has

chosen English as the first foreign language and fundamental subject in our

educational system. English is taught as one of the main compulsory subjects

from primary to university.

In his book, Soedijarto (2008:1) said the progress of a nation is determined by

the quality of education. Therefore education as a means of educating the life of

the nation. Entering the 21st century world of education, with development of this

technology resulted in the development of science and various kinds of learning

media that can be used by teachers or lecturers. One of is the implementation of

Internet as learning media that can be accessed online or offline.

Learning Media is a very important element in the learning process. The

selection of appropriate learning media types will add students to be interest with

the subjects. According to Djamarah, et al (2010:121), Learning Media is any tool


that can be used as a distributor of messages to be achieved the purpose of the

learning. Hamalik (1994) said that the use of instructional media can arouse new

desires and interests, arouse students' motivation and self-stimulation in learning

activities. In addition, Ibrahim (1982: 12) functions or roles of the media in

teaching and learning include 1. Can avoid verbalizing, 2. Increase interest and

motivation, 3. Attract attention, 4. Overcome the limitations of space, time and

size and activate students in learning. The right selection of learning media is

consider from various foundations to make the selected media really correspond

with the level of understanding, thinking skills, and social condition of students.

The social condition of students nowadays has often interacted with the use of

computers associated with Internet, it is used for the game or use as a teaching

media. Based social condition students, It can be used as a consideration learning

media in teaching learning process.

The application of online learning at the elementary school to high school

level is still very minimal in the application of online learning but in contrast to

universities. The application of online learning in the teaching and learning

process has been applied by several campuses, especially in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Some educators or lecturers have implemented online

learning media. With the development of the learning process through information

and communication technology that introduces the use of electronic media such as

computers in spreading information makes lecturers or teachers who previously

played a very dominant role in the lecture hall, but now they can do the learning

process with distance by using online learning.


According to Naidu (2006) defining online learning is an intensity of the use

of information and communication technology networks in teaching and learning.

The term online learning itself has a very broad definition. In terminology, online

learning is pretty much put forward in various points of view, but it leads to the

same understanding. So online learning means learning by using media or

electronic device assistance services. In its implementation, online learning uses

audio, video, computer equipment, or a combination of the three.

Online Learning is a learning process carried out using the internet network,

with online learning can enable the delivery of information in the form of

activities or applications such as websites using Information and Communication

technology media in the form of internet and computer networks. Using online

learning in the form of activity through the media can be done anytime, anywhere.

Online learning has a characteristic that is superior that is not dependent on space

place and time.

Online learning is an activity of teaching and learning process carried out by

utilizing media such as applications or websites that can be accessed through an

internet network that is connected or connected simultaneously, making it

possible to exchange data and information between students and teachers. The

European Commission (2001) explains online learning as the use of new

multimedia technologies and the internet to increase learning quality by easing

access to facilities and services as well as distant exchanges and collaboration.

Many experts in the field of education argue and believe by applying online

learning is very beneficial and gives a lot of impact to the students.


According to Hardjito (2002), There are Three forms of online learning,

namely Web Course, Web-Centric Course and Web-Enhanced Course. The Web

Course is the use of the internet for learning purposes. All teaching materials such

as discussions, consultations on assignments, exercises, and exams are fully

delivered via the internet using the application namely Google Meet. The Web-

Centric Course, this web-centric course can be used by students as a place to send

assignments and attendance. Usually, lecturers also explain and give direction on

assignments to students by using the Google Classroom application. Then the

Web-Enhanced Course, the use of an application called EDX. In EDX it provides

very rich resources with the availability of various discussions on education,

technology, and so forth.

Although the results of research from The European Commission (2001) show

that online learning provides good benefits for students and some applications that

have the function of facilitating lecturers in the teaching and learning process as

well as students in receiving lessons and sending assignments. But in using some

of these applications, one of which is the use of the Google Meet application has

problems faced by students, when the lecturer conducts the teaching and learning

process using online learning in the form of Web Course. Where the web course is

learning is fully delivered via the internet but not all students can log into the

Google Meet application because the capacity of the application is only 25 people

who can join. So that other students do not have the opportunity to follow the

learning process. The next application utilization is Google Classroom which is

functioned as a place for sending tasks and attendance. Then the third form of


online learning is a Web-Enhanced Course, the use of the application is called

EDX. Google Classroom and EDX applications have problems because usually

students have difficulty in sending assignments, absenteeism, and log in to the

EDX application are caused because there are problems with the quota of students

themselves and also not all students have an android or laptop as a means and

infrastructure for the learning. With the application of online learning which is

accommodated by several applications, it turns out students have some problems

and challenges faced. That way, the lecturer does not know the students'

perceptions, problems, and challenges experienced when the lecturer using online

learning in teaching and learning process.

According to Kumar (2010) the important to know the students perception is

because perception as the process of how the information is acquired through

sensory receptor (e.g. eyes, ears, nose, and skin) which is transformed into a

perception of what we think, see, hear, smell, taste or touch. So that’s way

perception being an important thing to increase the lecturers’ motivation to teach

in learning process specially in online learning.

Based on the problem above, the researcher would find the students'

perception of using online learning specifically in each forms of online learning.

Based on the experience of researcher in Muhammadiyah University Makassar,

online learning has been carried out by several lecturers in the teaching and

learning process, especially in the seventh semester. Therefore, the researcher

chose this university with a descriptive qualitative research design and is


conducted to determine students' perceptions of using online learning in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

B. Research Question

Based on the background above, the question of the research is What are the

students’ perceptions of using online learning consisting of three forms which are:

Web-Course (using Google meet application), Web-Centric Course (using Google

classroom application), and Web-Enhanced Course (using Edx application) at the

seventh semester which have been learned using online learning in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar?

C. The Objective of the Research

Based on the research question above, the objective is to find out the students’

perception of using online learning consisting of three forms which are: Web-

Course (using Google meet application), Web-Centric Course (using Google

classroom application), and Web-Enhanced Course (using Edx application) at the

seventh semester which have been learned using online learning in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

D. The Significance of the Research

1. The Lecturer

This research expects that the lecturers can see whether online learning

is effective or ineffective to be used for lecturer to teaching and learning



2. For Students

The result of this research for the students is to promote motivation to

learn English using online learning.

3. For Future Researchers

The result of this research hopefully can be used as references for other

Researcher which are related to this topic. Because this research focuses

on students’ perception of using online language materials.

E. The Scope of the Research

In this research, the researcher focused to find out the students’ perception

of using online learning materials in teaching and learning process. According to

Hardjto (2002), There are three forms of online learning, they are Web Course

(using Google meet application), Web-Centric Course (using Google classroom

application) and Web- Enhanced Course (using Edx application) to be searched

and researcher would find the students’ perception of the forms online learning.




In this chapter would discuss some related theories to support this study. The

theories would be use for the underlying requirement to solve the problems. This

study would present some theories about the definition of Online Learning, some

theories about Perception, and conceptual framework.

A. Online Learning

1. Definition of Online Learning

According to Rossett (2002), Online Learning has many promises, but

it requires commitment and resources and must be done correctly. Doing it

right means that online learning material must be properly designed, with

learners and learning in focus and that adequate support must be provided.

Ring and Mathieux (2002) suggest that online learning must have high

authenticity (students must learn in the context of the workplace), high

interactivity, and high collaboration.

Khan (1997) defines online instruction as an innovative approach to

convey instruction to a remote audience, using the Web as a medium.

Online learning, however, involves more than just presentation and

delivery of material using the Web: students and the learning process must

be the focus of online learning. Carliner (1999) defines online learning as

an educational material presented on a computer.


According to Ally (2008, p7) Online Learning as the use of the

Internet to access learning materials; to interact with content, instructors,

and other students; and to get support during the learning process, to gain

knowledge, to build personal meaning, and to grow from learning


According to Collins (2002), Online Learning is defined as the

creation and proliferation of personal computers, the globalization of other

human ideas and actions, and the use of technology in exchanging ideas

and providing access to more people. Audio, video, computer, and

network technologies are often combined to create diverse instructional

delivery systems. The basic method for uniting distance learning

instructors with remote students is networking.

Thomson (2010) found that online learning is also suitable for gifted

students because the approach is more individualized and more student-

centered. Overall, most studies of the effectiveness of internet and

internet-based language learning materials highlight the findings that they

create a new, conducive and encouraging environment for students.

Dabbagh and Ritland (2005:15) said online learning is an open

learning environment and distributed pedagogic tools, the internet,

network-based technology, to facilitate learning and build knowledge

through action and interaction. Online learning is learning that can be done

anywhere and anytime, depending on the needs of human resources


(instructors, lecturers, instructors, and students) who carry out these online

learning activities.

All terms imply that students are far from tutors or instructors, that

students use several forms of technology (usually computers) to access

learning materials, that students use technology to interact with teachers or

instructors and with other students, and that some form of support is given

to learners.

To sum up, Online Learning is learning done electronically using the

computer and network-based media. Online learning is also known as

electronic learning, e-learning, online learning, internet-based learning,

virtual learning, or web-based learning.

2. Forms of Online Learning

a. According to Hardjito (2002)

There are three forms of online learning as the basis for developing

learning systems by utilizing the internet, namely:

1) Web Course

Web Course is the use of the internet for learning purposes, all

teaching materials, discussions, consultations, assignments,

exercises, and examinations are fully delivered via the internet.

2) Web-Centric Course

Web-Centric Course is learning with some learning materials

and exercises delivered through the internet while examinations


and some consultations, discussions, and exercises are conducted

face to face.

3) Web-Enhanced Course

Web-Enhanced Course is the use of the internet for education

to support the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning

activities in the classroom, in this form the main learning activities

are face-to-face activities in class. The role of the internet in the

Web-Enhanced Course is to provide very rich resources by giving

addresses or making connections to various suitable learning

resources that can be accessed online, to increase the quantity and

expand communication opportunities between teachers and

students reciprocally.

b. According to Kaye (2003)

1) Web Supported Online Learning

Web Supported Online Learning is done face-to-face and

supported by the use of websites that contain summaries, learning

objectives, learning materials, assignments, and short tests.

2) Blended or mixed Online Learning

Blended or mixed Online Learning that is part of the learning

process is done face-to-face and partly done online.

3) Fully Online Learning format

Fully online Learning format which is the entire learning

process carried out online including face-to-face meetings between


educators and students which are also conducted online,

teleconference technology is usually an option.

3. Characteristics of Online Learning

The following are the characteristics of Online Learning proposed by

Rudi and Riyana (2007):

a. The students' capture of learning material does not depend on the

instructor/teacher, because students construct their own knowledge

through teaching materials delivered through the website interface;

b. The source of knowledge is everywhere and can be easily accessed by

everyone. This is due to the global nature of Internet media and can be

accessed by anyone connected to it;

c. Teachers / educational institutions function as mediators / mentors;

d. Restructuring is needed for education system, curriculum, and

management policies that can support the utilization of Information

and Communication Technology for optimal education.

The four characteristics above are the things that distinguish online

learning from conventional learning activities. In online learning,

students' capture of learning material is no longer dependent on

instructors/instructors, because students build their own knowledge

through teaching materials delivered through online learning. In online

learning too, knowledge sources are spread everywhere and can be

easily accessed by everyone.


4. Advantages and Disadvantage of Online Learning

The advantages of online learning are providing flexibility,

interactivity, speed, visualization through various advantages of each

media (Sudjana, 2005: 253). According to L. Tjokro (2009: 187), Online

learning has many advantages, namely:

a. It is easier to absorb, meaning that it uses multimedia facilities in the

form of images, text, animation, sound, and also videos.

b. Much more effective in costs, meaning that there is no need for an

instructor, no need for a minimum audience, anywhere, and so on.

c. Much more concise, meaning that it does not contain a lot of class

formalities, directly into a subject, subjects that fit your needs.

d. Available in 24 hours per day, meaning that mastery in a material

depends on enthusiasm and also the absorption of students, can be

monitored, can be tested by e-test.

The disadvantages of Online Learning described by Nursalam

(2008: 140) include the following:

a. The lack of interaction between learners and students or also even

between students themselves.

b. This tendency can ignore academic aspects as well as social aspects

and vice versa make the growth of aspects of business or also


c. The teaching and learning process tends towards training rather than

education itself.


d. Changing a learning role from the original masters of conventional

learning techniques is now also required to be able to know the

learning techniques using ICT (information, communication, and also


e. Not all internet facilities are available in all places.

f. The lack of a human resource that understands the internet

g. Lack of mastery in computer languages.

h. Access on an adequate computer can be a problem for students.

i. These students may be frustrated if they cannot access graphics,

images, and videos because of inadequate equipment (software and


j. Availability of an infrastructure that can be fulfilled.

k. This information varies in quality and also accuracy so guidance and

also question features are needed.

l. These students can feel isolated.

5. Obstacles of Online Learning

Obstacles in the implementation of online learning, are (Effendi,


a. Investigation

Although online learning can ultimately save on education costs, it

requires a very large investment at the outset.


b. Culture

The use of online learning requires a culture of independent

learning and the habit of learning or the following learning through


c. Technology and infrastructur

Online learning requires computer devices, reliable networks, and

the right technology.

d. Material design

Submission of material through e-learning needs to be packaged in

a learner-centric form. Currently, there are very few instructional

designers who are experienced in making an adequate package of e-

learning lessons.

6. Benefits of Online Learning

Simmons (2002) states that gradually, many organizations have

adopted online learning as the main delivery method for training

employees. Although the use of online learning systems is relatively

expensive, a huge benefit can be drawn from these strategies for both

students and educators. In Asynchronous Online Learning, students can

access subject matter at any time, while Synchronous Online learning

enables real-time interaction between students and instructors (Ally,

2007). Students can use the internet to access new and relevant material

and can communicate with educators in the field they are studying. Thus

students can learn or access subject material without being limited in time


and place, allow real interaction with educators and other students and can

contextualize learning. For educators also get the same benefits that can be

done learning at any time and from anywhere, can update material that can

be immediately known by students, direct students to information

according to their needs, and if designed appropriately can be used to

determine needs and levels students' expertise and provide appropriate

material to students to be selected in order to achieve the desired outcome.

B. Perception

1. Definition of Perception

The Perception from the Latin percipio is the organization,

identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to

represent and understand the environment. Goldstein (2009) all perception

involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn result

from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system. For example,

vision involves light striking the retina of the eye, smell is mediated by

odor molecules, and hearing involves pressure waves.

Barry (1998: 48) in his study reveals that perception is the set of the

process by which we recognize, organize, response and make stimuli in

our environment. The sky distinction between the two main theories of

perception is emphasizing each gives to the role of sensation and higher

cognitive process perception.

Slameto (2003:12) found that perception process to input message or

information to the human brain by the human perception that continuously


makes relation with the environment. This relation is done by the five

senses those are senses of sight, sense of feeling, sense of smell, and sense

of touch.

Perception is defined variously by different scholars as Chee and Phaik

(2002) has stated that the perception of stimuli that can be influenced by

an individual's mental awareness, past experience, knowledge, motivation,

and social interactions. The perceptions of an individual eventually give

rise to an individual’s attitudes. Millikan (2004) also states that perception

is a way of understanding natural signs or, better of translating natural

signs into intentional signs.

Lindsay and Norman (1977) state that perception as the process by

which organism interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful

experience of the world. Sensation usually refers to the immediate,

relatively unprocessed result of stimulation of sensory receptors in the

eyes, ears, noses, tongue, or skin.

From the definitions above, the researcher concludes that all of them

have certain things in common. All the definitions describe perception as

the process or phenomenon by which a person perceives any object and

interprets it. This involves our five sense organs and the brain, which help

in interpreting and organizing the whole process.

Thus, all the definitions commonly define Perception as the process in

which an individual receives information through the sense organs. The

incoming stimuli interact with the stored information in brain (memory) to


give rise to perception. It is the process by which an individual interprets

various stimuli received and forms a picture of the world. The stimuli are

received through the sense organs namely eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin

and are organized by brain. It is then stored as information. While doing so

the individuals brain colours and tags the information using its own logic

and previous memory and experience, if any.

2. Indicators of Perception

a. According to Robbin (2003: 124-130)

There are three kinds of perception indicators, namely:

1) Acceptance

The process of acceptance or reabsorption is indicator of

perception in physiology stage; it is about the function of the five

senses in grasping external stimulus. This means that the

information submitted by individuals to another will be absorbed

or accepted by the five senses, both sight, hearing, smell, and

tasting individually or together.

2) Understanding

It means as the results of analysis which is subjective, or

different for each individuals.

3) Evaluation

Evaluation is stimulus from the outside that has been grasped

by the senses, and then evaluated by individuals. This evaluation is

very subjective. It will be different perception of each person in


environment. One individual assesses a stimulus as difficult and

boring but other individuals judge the same stimuli as good and


b. According to Bimo Walgito (1990: 54-55)

1) Absorption of stimuli or objects from outside the individual

These stimuli or objects are absorbed or received by the five

senses, both vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, individually or

together. From the results of absorption or reception by sensory

devices would get a picture, response, or impression in the brain.

These images can be single or plural, depending on the object of

perception observed. Inside the brain, there are images or

impressions, both old and newly formed. Clear whether or not the

picture depends on whether or not stimulation is clear, sensory

normality and time, just or long ago.

2) Understanding

After the images or impressions occur in the brain, the picture

is organized, classified (classified), compared, interpreted, so that

understanding or understanding is formed. The process of

understanding or understanding is very unique and fast. The

definition formed depends also on the old images that have been

owned by the individual before (called apperception).


3) Assessment or evaluation

After understanding or is formed, there is an assessment of the

individual. Individuals compare the understanding or

understanding that has just been obtained with the criteria or norms

that individuals have subjectively. Individual judgments are

different even though the object is the same. Therefore perception

is individual.

3. Types of Perception

There are many types of perception according to Zaden (1984:109)

there are person perception, social perception, and situation perception.

a. Person Perception

Person perception refers to those processes by which we come to

know and think about others, their characteristics, qualities, and inner

state. We construct an image of other ways that serve to stabilize,

make predictable, and render our manageable view of the social world

to the extent to which we attribute stable straits and enduring

disposition to others people. We feel that we are better able to

understand their behavior and predicted their future actions and we use

their nations to guide our interaction which them.

A person without sight may perceive sound different that

somebody with the ability to see. Each person’s individual perception

is based on that people perceive life experience and with that being the


case no two people perception of the same situation is likely to be

exactly the same.

In these types, it has a correlation to students who have personal

perception or ow perception. Every student has a different perception

to think about the characteristic of the teacher, the way teacher to

teach, the quality of a teacher, even the instructional media used

teacher in teaching and learning process. Every student also has a

different perception of what the material is taught by the teacher. So it

could be concluded that person perception refers to a general tendency

to form impressions of other people, the different conclusion we make

about other people based on our impressions.

b. Situation Perception

Social psycholinguistics views a situation as all the social factors

that influence a persons' experience or behavior a given time and given

a place. It is an interaction of time and space within which we act in

specific ways. The situational contest in which stimuli occur has

consequences for their interpretation. Anyone of multiple words may

emerge. Depending on which stimuli we register. The linkage we make

among these stimuli in our interpretation of the stimuli.

This typically means that people perceive are different based on the

situation. The students' attitude in the past is different students' attitude

now. It is because the social factors that influence a person behavior


and it also about the difference of knowledge students that flow the

information and technology, thereby affecting the students' thought.

c. Social Perception

Social perception means that trying o understand people whether

they are professional athletes, political, criminal, leader, entertainer, or

loved and closer to home is not an easy task. Knowing that other

people have thoughts, beliefs, emotions, intentions, and desires, being

able to read other people's inner states based on their words, behavior,

and facial expression. Social perception is a complex process; people

observe other people's behavior carefully until they get a complete

analysis of the person, situation, and behavior. This means that people

perceive something to depend on the quality would give good

perception. They are able to read other people's perception of a

different activity.

4. Factors Influencing Perception

There are two factors that influencing perception, According to

Jalaludin Rahmat these two factors include:

a. Functional Factor

Functional factors come from needs, past experiences and other

things that are included in personal factors, which determine

perception not the type or form of stimuli, but the characteristics of

people who respond to the stimuli.


b. Structural Factor

Structural factors originate solely from the nature of physical

stimuli and the neural effects that they have on the individual nervous

system. The point here is that in understanding an event one cannot

examine separate facts but must look at them in the overall

relationship, see them in their context. In their environment and the

problems they face.

In this research, those factors influencing perception are important

to be used as the basis information of implementation toward the

students’ perception of using online learning.


C. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Teaching and Learning Process

Using Online Learning

Web Course Web-Centric Course Web-Enhanced Course

Students’ Perception

1. Understanding

2. Recognize

3. Make Stimuli

4. Knowledge

5. Motivation

6. Social Interactions

7. Acceptance

8. Experiences

9. Responses

10. Responses


This conceptual framework is the representation of this research. This research

would conduct in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in the seventh semester

of BG 7J which have been learned of online leaning. The researcher would focus

on the students' perception of using online learning which are Web course, web

centric course and web enhanced course. The students would be asked about their

perception on the use of online learning through Interview.




This chapter presents research design, subject of the research, research

instrument, data collection and data analysis:

A. Research Design

The method of this research used A Descriptive Qualitative methodology. A

Descriptive qualitative research methods were used to examine question that can

best y verbally describing how participants in a study perceive and interpret

various aspects of their environment. A descriptive qualitative research refers to

process-oriented methods use to understand, interpret, describe, and develop a

theory on a phenomena or setting. It is a systematic, subjective approach used to

describe life experiences and give them meaning.

In this study, the researcher investigated students’ perception of using online

learning, it is along with the objective of the research to find out students’

perception of using online learning consisting of three forms which are: Web-

Course, Web-Centric Course and Web-Enhanced Course by doing interview to

collect the data.

B. Research Subject

In descriptive qualitative research, selecting the sample is the process of

selecting data small number of individuals for a study so that the individual

choose would be able to help the researcher understand the perception about using

online learning. The purpose is to choose participants who would be good


informants who had the ability to interpret their thoughts and also to communicate

effectively with the researcher.

The participants of this research was the Seventh Semester of BG 7J English

Education Department Students in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar which

have been learned using online learning. In this research, the sample were 10

students selected by purposive sampling which snowball sampling technique.

Snowball sampling technique is a technique that is used the first sample as

information to find out the other samples that meets the criteria. Criteria specified

by researcher were students an active role and always follow the process online

learning for progress so that can be selected 10 students due to meet these criteria.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument of the research was interview guidelines. It was used to help

researcher conduct the interview. Generally, the interview guidelines can be

broadly divided into three stages such as the interview preparation, interview

process, and evaluation, including the problems that usually arise in research

which was using interview techniques. The interview of the research was

contained 10 questions about several problems that related to the case of research.

In this analysis, the research instrument was using structural interview which is

very important to exchange the information between researcher and informant. It

is necessary to conduct in order to collect data as the results of the observation

related to the thesis in particular. Based on this research, the subject that the

researcher need to interview was students seventh semester which have been


learned using online learning in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. This

instrument was concern with types of data that the researcher needs to require.

D. Data Collection Technique

Technique of collecting data was used by researcher in order to find the result

of the study Based on the research subject as a source of information. In this

regard, the technique of collecting data in this research was provide by an

interview. The statements of the interviewees were considered as supporting

factors which is used in this analysis. Then it comes as results that would be

collected. The questions were given by researcher and then the interviewees

would answer based on their understanding and experiences related to the

research. The questions of the instrument were semi-structure and it was including

in-depth interview which chosen by the researcher which contained a topic that

related to the field of study. In addition, the researcher was used an audio recorder

to measure the data accuracy.

The collective of data was employed interview guidelines which was

contained several questions related to the objective of the study. The researcher

was classified every answer from the informant to finally know the result of the

analysis. For instance, the researcher would describe the steps of collecting data as


1. Before the researching

a. The selection of informants are choose by the researcher in order to aim

the objective of study.


2. During the researching

a. The researcher was set the time of interview and giving the information to

the subjects about the contents of the interview related to the study.

b. The interview section begins for more or less the week in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. After the researching

a. The researcher was classifying the result of the interview in form of note


b. Taking the evidence in form of transcript and audio recorder.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis technique used in this research was an interactive model of

analysis. According to Miles and Huberman (1992:16) defined there are four

concurrent verification flow of activity in the model: data collection, data

reduction, data display, and data conclusion drawing and verification.

1. Data Collection

After identifying the problem, the researcher collected the data by

interviewing students as information and observing the teaching and learning

process to gain more supporting data. All the recording data and observation

checklist were collected and then the researcher wrote the transcription of the

recording from the transcription, the researcher get data. At this stage, the

researcher to find out students’ perception of using online learning in teaching

and learning process.


2. Data Reduction

It is process of minimizing the amount of the data that needs to be stored in a

data storage environment. In this research, the researcher select data obtain at the

time of research regarding the user students’ perception about online learning and

then the data classifies and choose simply.

3. Data Display

In this step, the researcher made describe and discusses the finding of the

researcher in the form systematically. Therefore, it is easy to be analyzed.

Display the data means to present data into organization.

4. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The last step, the researcher made conclusion and suggestion based on the

data analysis.




In this chapter, the result of the study are presented. The chapter is divided

into two main sections; they are findings and the discussion of the research. The

findings presented the result of data analysis collected through interview. The

discussion deals with the interpretation of the findings in the research.

A. Findings

Learning media is a learning component that includes materials and

equipment. With the entry of various theories and technologies, learning media

continues to experiences and appear in various types. Rusman (2012) in his book

“Belajar dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer” classifying learning media into

three parts, namely: (1) visual media, (2) audio media, and (3) audio-visual media.

Visual media is media that can be seen using the sense of sight. Audio media is

media that can only be heard using the sense of hearing alone. This media

contains an message so that it can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention,

creativity and innovative learners but requires the ability to listen to students. And

the third is a combination of the two types of media that is audio-visual media is a

tool that can be used through hearing and vision. The application of computer-

based learning has now been applied in various places, one of which is the

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, wrong only one is Online Learning


Online learning is a type of teaching and learning concept that uses electronic

applications to support teaching and learning using internet media. In using online


learning media, it should be well known in student perceptions about online

learning used by lecturers in the teaching and learning process. In finding

students' perceptions, there are several indicators to find out perception including

Recognize, Make Stimuli, Experiences, Knowledge, Motivation, Social

Interaction, Understanding, Acceptance, Responses and Future Solutions

regarding online learning itself. Indicators of perception is taken from some of the

definition of perception by experts. All that would be discussed following the

results of interviews conducted by researcher on 10 students BG 7J in seventh

semesters which have been learned using online learning in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

1. Understanding

To find out someone's perception about online learning, the respondent

who would answer the researcher question should understand what online

learning. Because, when the respondent does not understand, then

automatically the respondent or student is unable to provide an explanation or

answer to the questions raised by the researcher.

However in research conducted by researcher, 10 students meet the criteria

used as samples in this research. The intended criteria were students who play

an active role or always follow the online learning process throughout. In that

study, the researcher asked the first question about:

"Bagaimana pemahaman anda tentang pembelajaran online?"

In the research question above, students can provide answers to question

raised by researcher. From the answers given by students have diversity but


have the same intention or understanding of online learning itself. Among the

student, responses can be seen in Appendices with code S.2.1, S.3.1, S.5.1,

S.6.3, S.7.1, S.9.4, S.10.3. From the results of the interview, it can be

concluded that online learning is distance learning between lecturers and

students who use the application and can be accessed using the network.

2. Recognize

In online learning, there are several applications used in the learning

process, including the Google Meet application, the Google Classroom

application, and the Edx application. In using the application, it has different

functions. The Google Meet application is used as a media when describing or

explaining material explained by lecturers where the place between lecturer

and student is different. The google meet application can be used by students

in making a presentation of material that can be seen and heard by other

friends. Then from the percentage, students can also give questions,

suggestions to friends who make a presentation through the comments column

available on the Google Meet application. Then the Google Classroom

application, on google classroom has the benefit very much. Among the

lecturer can explain the material or assignments intended for students through

the google classroom application. Besides, students can also fill in the

attendance list through the google classroom application. The application is

able to make students disciplined in doing their assignments because the

lecturer provides a short time limit for the assignment. So that when students

pass the specified time limit, then automatically the assignment is not


collected. Then the Edx application, in the application provides articles on

technology, education, environment and so forth. With this Edx application, it

can facilitate students when searching for articles because in the application

there are so many available, just how students sort out what articles were

appropriate or what they were looking for.

With the use of applications used by lecturer in online learning, students

already recognize how to use and benefit from these applications and were not

only felt by students but also with lecturer. In this indicator, the researcher

asks students questions about:

"Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik penggunaan aplikasi-aplikasi (Google

Meet, Google Classroom dan Aplikasi Edx) yang digunakan oleh dosen dalam

pembelajaran online?"

The results of interview by researcher were contained in the Appendices

with the following code: S.1.4, S.4.5, S.5.2, S.6.4, S.7.2, S.9 .5. Here is one of

the results interview of researcher at the students’ seventh semester of BG 7J

in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar:

Extract 1

S.1:4: "Google meet is an application in which we can learn through video

calls. Google classroom we learn without face to face and can send

assignments and even lecturers can also explain learning material through

google classroom as well as absent can be done through google classroom.

Then Edx applications in it have good articles about technology, education

and so forth. Initially, it was very difficult but gradually I already understood

how to use the application"


The conclusion of the interview results is of the three Google meet

applications, Google classroom and Edx applications used in online learning

have different uses and benefits for lecturers and students.

3. Make Stimuli

An educator should use techniques or media in the learning process

because using media or techniques can stimulate or foster students' interest

in participating in the learning process. In this indicator, researcher give

questions to students, namely:

"Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?"

Based on experienced by students of BG 7J English in Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar, has a response that by applying online learning

media can stimulate themselves or foster a sense of interest in participating

in the learning process. But in online learning, some students also gave

feedback that there are constraints experienced by the students themselves.

But the majority of students respond that online learning can stimulate

themselves or foster a sense of interest in following the learning process,

student responses can be seen in the Appendices by looking at the following

code: S. 1.5, S.2.3, S.3.3, S .6.5, S. 10.5.

Based on the results of interview conducted by researcher, it can be

concluded that by using online learning, students feel motivated to follow

the learning process, especially when lecturers use media, especially online


learning media. Students feel enthusiastic because online learning media is

new and with the experience students get, they will apply various

applications used in online learning when becoming an educator in their

respective areas.

4. Knowledge

Based on students' answers to the question raised by researcher about

online learning, it can be seen that their knowledge of online learning is no

doubt meaning that students already understand how the rules and

procedures in online learning. In this indicator, the researcher asks the

following questions:

"Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?”

Based on the questions above, the following are students' responses

regarding these questions that can be seen in the Appendices by looking at

the code as follows: S.1.6, S.6.6, S.7.4, S.9.7, S.10.6.

In this online learning, students feel interested to take part in online

learning but on the other hand, there are also obstacles experienced by

students as follows:

Extract 2

S.9.7: "When the lecturer explains materials, sometimes the voice of the

lecturer is not heard due to network problems. Then from Google meet

application capacity only 25 people who can log in to the application "


Extract 3

S.10.6: "There are some obstacles such as networks. So when the lecturer

explains, sometimes we are confused because the lecturers' voices are

choked up, so that is the obstacle "

From the responses above, it can be concluded that the application of

online learning not only has a positive impact but also has a negative impact

experienced by students. From online learning, students were constrained in

terms of networking. So when the network on students' smartphones is not

good, students would difficulties such as listening to explanations of

material explained by the lecturer through the Google Meet application and

sending assignments through the Google classroom application used in

online learning. Not only that, but it is also related to the Google meet

application used in online learning. The capacity of the Google Meet

application is only able to load 25 participants so that other students can

miss the material explained by the lecturer.

5. Motivation

In this indicator, the researcher ask the following question:

"Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi anda untuk

lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajara mengajar? Mengapa?”

From the results of several student interview, they responded that online

learning is a new medium that makes a person more interested in following

the teaching and learning process. Although there are one or two students

who give different answers, overall the answers given can be concluded that


from online learning students feel more interested in following the learning

process. Following is one of the students' responses:

Extract 4

S.2.5: " Using Online learning motivates to be more interested in following

the teaching and learning process because online learning is a center of

activity where students can add abilities, read the material, search for

information, and interact in groups where students interact with each other

to discuss the material "

And for other responses, can be seen in the Appendices by looking at the

code as follows: S.1.7, S.2.5, S.5.6, S.10.

6. Social Interactions

In online learning, the interaction between lecturers and students,

students and other students are woven through the applications used in

online learning. So it can be said that in online learning, these applications

can build interactions with lecturers and students to other students. The

interaction occurs when students really pay attention and then respond when

there are things that are not understood or unknown to what is explained by

the lecturer. Responses or questions can be included in the comments

column available on applications used in online learning. The researcher

questions on this indicator are:

"Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun ineraksi antara

mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?”


Based on the above question, some student responses can be seen in the

Appendices by looking at the code as follows: S.1.8, S.6.8, S.9.9. One

response was:

Extract 5

S.1.8: "Interaction of students depends on when responding to what my

friends tell in online learning, how they respond to friends who are

percentages and how students criticize what must be criticized when

another friend describes a material. Actually, interaction arises when they

are not ignorant of what is conveyed by friends "

Interaction can be developed between lecturers, students, and other

students when students are not indifferent to what is conveyed by the

lecturer. Because interaction can be established when they can pay close

attention to what is presented, not only by the lecturer but also by students

who make a presentation.

7. Acceptance

In this indicator, the researcher ask the following question:

"Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen dengan baik

ktika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?"

In the question above, several responses were generated from students,

one of them is as follows:

Extract 6

S.2.7: "The main obstacle is the network, so when a network problem that

students forget some of the material"

Some other student responses can be seen in the Appendices by looking

at the code as follows: S.1.8, S.2.7, S.4.10, S.6.10, S.9.10, S.10.7.


Based on student responses, most of all- students said that constraints on

online learning are the network and applications used in online learning.

Especially the Google meet application that only contains 25 participants

when used in the teaching and learning process, while the number of students

in BG 7J English Education Department in Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar amounted to 32 students. So that student who cannot log in to the

Google Meet application lag behind the material.

Then the researcher also found that one student chose face-to-face

learning or directly compared to online learning. This is caused by obstacles

experienced by students when online learning takes place. Here are the


Extract 7

S.5.8: "face-to-face learning is more effective than learning online learning"

Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that students

found difficult to accept material using online learning when the network of

students themselves is bad.

8. Experience

The application of online learning in elementary school, junior high

school, and senior high school is very minimal so that many students think

that online learning is a new. In this indicator, the researcher ask the

following question:

"Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran online?"


Based on the above question conducted by researcher on students

seventh semester BG 7J in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar who

have used online learning, responds as follows:

Extract 8

S.911: "Applications used in online learning are new, interesting and have

benefits when used in the learning process"

Some of the responses students more about questions above can be

found in the Appendices that code as follows: S.3.8, S.4.11, S.5.9, S.6.11,

S.9.11. So it can be concluded that several applications in online learning

can produce new experiences for students and so students can apply some of

these applications as a medium in the learning process later.

9. Response

Researcher question on this indicator were as follows:

"Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan disemua

mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran di dalam kelas atau tatap muka?"

In the question above generate responses from students themselves,

including the following:

Extract 9

S.1.10: "For the application of online learning it should be applied to

certain learning subjects"

Extract 10

S.2.9: "Online learning is less efficient when applied to all learning



For some other student responses regarding the above questions can be

seen in the Appendices by looking at the following code that has links to the

questions above: S.1.10, S.2.9, S.3.9, S.5.10, S.6.12, S.9.12, S.10.9.

It can be concluded from some of the students' responses regarding the

application of online learning, it is good to apply to certain learning subjects

such as the subject of CALL which was conducted in seventh semester of

BG 7J because it does have an appropriate relation on the subject of the


10. Solutions for online learning going forward

Online learning is a source of knowledge everywhere and can be easily

accessed by everyone. As Hardjito (2002) said, there were 3 forms of online

learning, namely Web Course, Web-Centric Course, and Web-Enhanced

Course. In applying online learning in the 7th semester of BG 7J class in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, there were several applications

used in it such as Google Meet application, Google Classroom, and Edx

Application. Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers, all

students provide suggestions regarding online learning going forward,

including the following:

Extract 11

S .1.11: "Apply according to the place, such as online learning that is

applied to the subject of CALL and the Google meet application should

not only have 25 participants, if possible without limitations”


Extract 12

S.2.10: " Before the media at the start of online learning, should be

facilitated by the network a strong"

And for some the other student responses regarding solution to stab be

disable in-line in the future can be seen in the Appendices to view the code

as follows: S.1.11, S.2.10, S.3.10, S.5.11, S.6.13, S.9.13 S.10.10. From the

interview results of the researcher, it produced several responses which can

be concluded that online learning is a learning medium that can foster a

student’s desire to learn. Then the solution regarding online learning from

student responses hopefully can be used as a reference for the application of

online learning so that it is even better for subsequent application of online



The main research objective of this study was about Students' perception of

using online learning at the seventh semester of BG 7J English Education

Department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Then the researcher

formulated one researcher question the students' perception of using online

learning consisting of three forms which were: Web-courses, Web-centric courses

and web-enhanced courses. In finding students' perceptions, there were several

indicators to determine perceptions including Understanding, Recognize, Make

Stimuli, Knowledge, Motivation, Social Interactions, Acceptance, Experience,

Response and Solutions for online learning going formard. The researcher gives

further interpretation and discussion as follows:


1. Understanding

Indicators of perception is taken from some of the definitions of

perception by experts. As in the first indicator, namely Understanding. The

indicator is taken through the theory from Millikan (2004) said perception is a

way of understanding natural signs or, better than translating natural signs into

intentional signs. So based on the definition of Perception from Millikan

(2004) it becomes a reference so that the Understanding indicator exists.

Based on the results of students' analysis of perception of using online

learning, it can be seen that students have understood what is meant by online

learning. That was evidenced through the results of interviews that have been

obtained by researcher. Based on the data in Appendices code S.2.1 responds

that “Pembelajaran online adalah pembelajaran yang disampaikan

mengggunakan computer atau berbasis computer biasanya diakses oleh

sebuah jaringan”. Further responses can be seen in the appendices code S.9.4,

that “Pembelajaran online yaitu pembelajaran yang di lakukan berjarak

maksudnya dosen atau mahasiswa toh berbeda tempat ki, terus pembelajaran

online itu menggunakan aplikasi yang menguhubungkan mahasiswa dengan


From the responses of students have links with the theory of Collins

(2002) which states that Online Learning is distance learning that connects

teachers and students in the learning process using audio, video, computer,

and network technology . Not only that, the theory from Naidu (2006) defines

online learning as the intensity of the use of information and communication


technology networks in the teaching and learning process, from the theory also

has a link between the results of researcher.

2. Recognize

According to Barry (1998: 48) in his study reveals that perception is the

set of processes by which we recognize, organize, respond and make stimuli in

our environment. The sky distinction between the two main theories of

perception is emphasizing each giving to the role of sensation and higher

cognitive process perception. From the theory advanced by Barry (2004) takes

precedence researcher on indicators both Recognize.

In online learning has a series of processes that must be recognized and

then understood. Particularly the use of several applications used in the online

learning process such as Google Meet, Google Classroom, and Edx

applications is a must for students to recognize and then know how to operate

the applications used. Based on the interview results of researcher in the

appendices with code S.1.4 , said that “eee okey google meet itu dimana itu

adalah sebuah aplikasi dimana kita dapat belajar melalui ee video call, terus

google classroom itu kita belajar tanpa face to face tapi kita dapat mengirim

tugas-tugas dari dalam situ bahkan bisa menjelaskan pembelajaran. Dosen

memberikan penjelasan lewat itu bahkan kita bisa di absen lewat itu juga, yah

secara online. Edx itu sendiri ee sesuatu yang dimana kita ee ada beberapa

macam di dalamnya ee artikel di dalamnya terus dapat membantu memahami

kita untuk mengetahui artikel artikel tersebut melalui aplikasi Edx itu sendiri.

Berbicara tentang pemahaman saya kira awalnya saya sempat nggak tau juga


yah, pasti ini apa sih ini, gitu kan. Tapi lama kelamaan karena kita memang

di tuntut untuk tau, di tuntut harus mengerti dan apa yang dosen inginkan, yah

dia menerapkan aplikasi itu yah otomatis kita jadi tau sendiri ee. Memang

awalnya agak kurang paham juga cara penggunaanya, tapi seiring

berjalannya waktu yah bahkan sekarang saya ahli dalam bidang itu. Saya

kira seperti itu”. The results of other interviews can be seen in Appendices

code S.6.4, said that “Yah saya mengenali aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut di

antaranya google meet, google classroom, dan edx. Kemudian cara

penggunaanya yang kurang saya pahami adalah google meet karena memiliki

tahapan yang begitu banyak tapi lambat laun saya bisa dengan gampang

menggunakan aplikasi itu sendiri”.

Based on the results of the researcher interviews, it can be concluded that

the use of several applications in online learning has benefits not only for

lecturers but also for students. With these applications facilitate students in the

learning process, sending assignments and so forth.

According to Ally (2007) Online learning, namely students can access

subject matter at any time, students can access material that is new and

relevant , and can communicate with educators in the fields they are learning.

This theory has a relationship between the results of research conducted by

researcher on 7th semester students of BG 7J English Education Department

who found that the use of several applications in online learning provides

benefits and convenience for students. Not only for students, but also felt by

educators or lecturers themselves. With online learning, Educators can


conduct learning at any time and anywhere, can update material immediately,

and can easily direct students to the material to be explained.

3. Make Stimuli

In this third indicator, researcher use the theory of Barry (1998: 48) to

serve as a reference to make indicators in finding students' perceptions of

online learning. Barry (1998: 48) in his study reveals that perception is the set

of processes by which we recognize, organize, respond and make stimuli in

our environment. The sky distinction between the two main theories of

perception is emphasizing each giving to the role of sensation and higher

cognitive process perception. The use of media in the learning process is

mandatory for educators to do because the presence of the media used can

create stimuli or foster a student's sense of interest in the subject explained by

the educator. According to Hamalik (1994 ), it is suggested that the use of

instructional media in the learning process can arouse new desires and

interests, arouse students' motivation and self- stimulation in learning

activities, and even psychological influences on students.

Here the results of researcher interviews about whether the application of

online learning media can stimulate students to be more interested in

participating in learning, student responses can be seen in the appendices with

code S.1.5, said that “Sebenarnya sih tanpa dirangsang sendiri saya sudah

tertarik yah, kita di tantang gitu. Sesuatu yang baru ini mudah banget.

Bahkan kita bisa belajar dalam keadaan mungkin sedang makan, belum

mandi, gak usah buru-buru ke kampus terus mandi dan sebagainya bisa


terlambat di kelas. Kan itu sih sebenarnya nggak usah di rangsang karena

sudah tertarik sendiri sih. Karena sesuatu memang hal yang baru jadi sangat

membantu juga .saya kira gitu sih”. Other responses can be seen in the

appendices code S.10.5 , “Ini toh pembelajaran online tertarik ka karena

media pembelajaran baru, kan biasanya itu pakai jaki google classroom untuk

ngiirm tugas sama mengabsen toh tapi ini ada lagi aplikasi baru yang bisa na

pake dosen menjelaskan materi. Maksudnya itu aplikasi bagus ki, jadi biar

nda kekampus ki kuliah, bisa jaki juga kuliah atau belajar di kos masing-

masing dan hadir jaki juga di mata kuliah itu”.Based on the results of

interviews, it can be concluded that the use of media in the learning process

has an impact that can stimulate students to be interested in participating in the

learning process. This is related with the theory by Hamalik (1994) that the

use of learning media can arouse new desires and interests, arouse students'

motivation and self-stimulation in learning activities.

4. Knowledge

Chee and Phaik (2002) has stated that the perception of stimuli that can be

influenced by an individual's mental awareness, past experience, knowledge,

motivation, and social interactions. From the theory put forward by Chee and

Phaik (2002) the researcher references the fourth indicator by choosing the

word Knowledge. on this indicator, produce student responses, which are as

follows: code S.9.7“Yah berdasarkan yang saya bilang tadi, kalau tentang

paham yah begitu mi karena yang masalah disini adalah jaringan. Ketika

dosen toh sementara menjelaskan, kadang putus-putus ku suaranya karena itu


yah jaringan. Terus kapasitas dari aplikasi itu, tidak semua teman-teman bisa

log in karena Cuma 25 ji orang yang bisa masuk. Jadi itu mi kendalanya”.

Next, the code S.10.6 “Aduh kalau secara mudah yah nda tonji iya, karena

ada beberapa kendala toh yah seperti jaringan. Jadi kalau dosen

menjelaskkan kadang ka bingung karena putus-putus ki suaranya dosen, jadi

itumi kendalanya” .Then the responses regarding the fourth indicator can be

seen on the data display.

Based on the results of interviews conducted by researcher, in the

application of online learning students also experience obstacles or problems

encountered in the online learning process. This is related to Effendi's theory

(2005), which says that in online learning, although it saves costs and time, in

the end, it requires a large investment initially because students must prepare

all the devices used in online learning so that it remains an obstacle for

students. Not only that, other obstacles such as poor networking, the quality of

mobile phones that do not support the students themselves and the capacity of

the applications used when online learning are not able to accommodate a

large number of participants.

5. Motivation

In the fifth indicator, the researcher takes the same theory as the previous

indicator, namely the theory of Chee and Phaik (2002) has stated that the

perception of stimuli that can be influenced by an individual's mental

awareness, past experience, knowledge, motivation, and social interactions.


But having different words, the fifth indicator of researchers focused on the

word Motivation.

Media is the process of learning to build motivation to students in

participating in the learning process. The following are students' responses

regarding the use of instructional media in the learning process. Code S.2.5

“Ya dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi saya untuk lebih

tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar karena pembelajaran

online ini pusat kegiatan dimana siswa dapat menambah kemampuan,

membaca materi, mencari informasi, dan interaksi dalam grup dimana siswa

dapat berinteraksi satu sama lain untuk mendiskusikan materi-materi yang di

berikan oleh dosen dan dosen ini dapat hadir untuk memberikan sedikit

penjelasan mengenai materi yang di berikan”.

Other responses also explained that now people have to buffer control,

especially students whose names technology not left times, said the code S.1.7

“Masalah dalam ketertarikan sesuatu itu perlu waktu sebenarnya, maksudnya

gini ee untuk langsung tertarik sama ini nggak perlu waktu juga maksudnya

perlu ini juga perlu pengenalan, proses juga nggak mesti langsung bilang

wah ini keren, nggak usah ketemu dosennya ini aja, maksudnya ada saja si

dampak positif dan dampak negative daripada yang di terapkan itu ada saja,

jadi kalau untuk tertarik yah sejauh ini boleh lah yah karena memang

sekarang jamannya tehnologi semakin canggih 4.0 kita harus bisa

mengendalikan tehnologi sebagaimana yang ada sehingga kita nda terlalu

gaptek, keterbelakangan gitu. Jadi yah memang sih bagus.”


Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers , has a link

between the theories put forward by Ibrahim (1982: 12) the function or role of

the media in the teaching and learning process, among others: 1. Can avoid

verbalise, 2. Increase interest and motivation, 3. Attract attention, 4.

Overcome the limitations of space, time and size and activate students in


6. Social Interactions

On this indicator still focuses on the theory conveyed by Chee and Phaik

(2002) has stated that the perception of stimuli that can be influenced by an

individual's mental awareness, past experience, knowledge, motivation, and

social interactions. Researcher still use the theory above as a reference in

making indicators of social interactions. In online learning are actors as well

as material that mutually support each other. The main online learners are

teachers and students. Interaction between actors in carrying out online

learning through applications that are used in online learning.

Based on the results of interviews conducted by researcher, there is as

follows with code S.1.8 “Interaksi mahasiswa sebenarnya tergantung ketika

merespon apa yang teman-teman sampaikan didalam pembelajaran online,

bagaimana mereka merespon teman-teman yang sedang presentase dan

bagaimana siswa mengkritisi apa yang harus dikritisi ketika teman yang lain

menjelaskan sebuah materi. Sebenarnya interkasi terbangun ketika mereka

tidak masa bodoh terhadap apa yang disampaikan oleh teman-teman”. Then

the response with code S.6.8 , “Yah menurut saya itu ee pembelajaran online


dapat memebangun interaksi antara mahasiswa yang satu dengan mahasiswa

yang lainnya karena didalam google meet, google classroom tersedia kolom

komentar yang di jadikan sebagai interaksi terhadap teman-teman yang lain.

Jadi kita bisa bertukar pikiran dan memberi saran ketika ada hal yang ingin

di tanyakan”.

From the interview results above shows that by applying several

applications in online learning as a tool between teachers and students to build

interactions in the online learning process. Interaction between students and

teachers in online learning can be done in various formats, both direct and

indirect communication. Teachers are able to directly interact with the learner

to use the facilities of the applications that have been applied in distance

online learning, also indirectly where enough teachers providing material are

structured so that learners can download the material.

7. Acceptance

According to Robbin (2003: 124-130) Acceptance is the process of

acceptance or reabsorption is an indicator of perception in the physiology

stage; it is about the function of the five senses in grasping external stimulus.

This means that information submitted by individuals to another will be

absorbed or accepted by the five senses, both sight, hearing, smell, and tasting

individually or together. From the above theory is used as a reference by

researcher in making bindicator Acceptance.

In accepting material using online learning, generates several responses

that refer to the obstacles experienced by students when the lecturer applies


online learning media. Response that can be viewed with code S.2.7 “Ya, saya

dapat menerima materi yang di sampaikan oleh dosen dengan baik ketika

jaringan saya mendukung tapi ketika jaringan saya hilang hilang, materinya

juga ikut hilang hilang. So, saya ketinggalan beberapa materi ketika jaringan

saya jelek”. Next with the code S.1.8 “Yah sebelumnya bagaimana sih

hambatan dari goole meet ini, google classroom yah networknya yah kadang

buat kita sometimes apasih yang di jelaskan gitu kadang hilang-hilang,

kemudian dalam google meet itukan juga terbatasi nggak semua 42 orang

bisa masuk ke dalam aplikasi tersebut hanya beberapa batasan sampai 25,

jadi itu hambatan banget buat mahasiswa karena kita nggak bisa gabung

secara keseluruhan jadi yah apa yang mau di pahami kalau seandainya saya

nggak masuk, yah apasih yang di jelaskan sementara ada waktunya misal jam

9 kuliah online yah sampai satu setengah jam ke depan yah gue belum beli

data lagi,, yah itu bagaimana pemahaman kita bagaimana kita mencari

materi yang di sampaikan padahari itu. Bisa saja kita Tanya teman atau

nggak mungkin kan dosen kita suruh peresentase ulang. Sebenarnya pintar-

pintarnya kita saja sih”. Response with code S.4.10 “Kalau saya sih nda

terlalu sreg gitu ee kalau dosen menjelaskan lewat pembelajaran online.

Karna biasa juga tergantung dari jaringan, kalau jaringannya kurang baik,

suara dosen itu kayak bagaimana gitu, yah putus putus. Tapi kalau

pemeblajaran langsung itu kita bisa memahaminya secara detail karena

dosen juga menjelaskan secara detail dari yang tidak ketahui menjadi tahu.

Jai face to face lebih baik dan bagus juga”. Based on the results of interviews


conducted by researcher, in the use of online learning students are sometimes

difficult to accept material delivered by lecturers because their experience

problems. It related associated with the theory Nursalam (2008: 140)

concerning damages of online learning is not all facilities int ernet is available

in all places and students may be frustrated if they can not access the graphics,

pictures, and videos because the equipment was not adequate ( software and

hardware). That way students would miss the subject of the subject explained

by the lecturer.

8. Experience

In the Experience indicator, researcher use the theory of Chee and Phaik

(2002) as a reference in the indicator with the use of the word Experience.

Chee and Phaik (2002) has stated that the perception of stimuli that can be

influenced by an individual's mental awareness, past experience, knowledge,

motivation, and social interactions.

Advances in technology now bring up various kinds of media used in the

learning process, one of which is the application of online learning. As felt by

students of BG 7J English Education Department at Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar who have implemented what is called online learning

media. Various student responses regarding their experience while

participating in online learning are as follows with code S.9.11 “Yah dari

mengikuti pembelajaran online banyak ku dapat pengalaman baru, ternyata

banyak aplikasi yang bisa di jadikan sebagai media untuk proses belajar

mengajar, seperti google meet itu bagus ki tapi itu sedikit ji oaring bisa log in,


sama google classroom bagus ki juga dan edx juga bagus ki tawwa”. Not

only that, code S.6.11 “Yah dari pembelajaarn online ini saya dapat

menemukan beberapa aplikasi baru yang ternyata dapat di gunakan sebagai

media untuk proses pembelajaran”.Code S.5.9 also responded that “Yah

pengalamannya itu saya lebih tau bahwa ternyata ada aplikasi yang di

gunakan selain e-mail untuk proses pembelajaran. Disini saya baru tahu

bahwa banyak sekali aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat kita gunakan dalam proses

pembelajaran tersebut. Saya rasa itu baik yah untuk memudahkan lagi eee

sebagian dosen yang tidak sempat hadir dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas

dan memaksimalkan proses pembelajaran tersebut dengan online tersebut”.

From some of the above student responses it can be concluded that by

applying online learning students have so far gained new experiences about

media that can be used as learning media.

9. Response

In the Response indicator, the researcher uses the theory from Barry

(1998: 48) which is used as a reference in the Response indicator. Barry

(1998: 48) in his study reveals that perception is the set of processes by which

we recognize, organize, respond and make stimuli in our environment. The

sky distinction between the two main theories of perception is emphasizing

each giving to the role of sensation and higher cognitive process perception

From this indicator, student answers regarding the application of online

learning for all learning subjects produce the following responses with code

S.9.12 “Aduhh, menurutku jangan mi. nda efektif banget ki. Bagus ji iya


memang itu aplikasi, tapi kalau pakai online semua dosen, aduh jangan mi.

cukup 1 mo setiap semester yang pakai itu pembelajaran online”. code S.1.10

“Hmmmm, kalau setiap harinya nggak usah yah. Kalau misalnya setiap

pertemuan online lagi, apalagi semua subjek pembelajaran atau mata kuliah

wah dosen enak-enak dong yah. Padahal mereka di gaji. Maksudnya gini

mungkin di terapkan satu kali dua kali tig kali bolehlah, untuk satu mata

pelajaran bolehlah. Kalau untuk semuanya harus online online online yah

bangkrut juga yah mahasiswa beli data. Dan itu pakai data juga dan tinggi

banget sebenarnya MBnya apalagi kebanyakan mahasiswa sekarang itu yah

pakai unlimited untuk chat doang. Tapi yah untuk di terapkan boleh tapi

jangan setiap harinya menggunakan online. Bedakan untuk mata kuliah CALL

itukan bagusnya memang menggunakan online. Yah nggak apa-apalah

menggunakan untuk satu mata kuliah tapi kalau sepertinya Structure online,

waduh gimana lagi grammarnya mau di jelaskan apa ini. Yah bolehlah untuk

satu dua kali dan nggak semua harus di terapkan di semua mata pelajaran

karena kita juga perlu untuk ketemu langsung dengan dosennya. Kita lebih

dapat ilmunya, lebih dapat feelnya karena social kita itu harus juga di

increase kan. Sementara lebih baiknya memang ketemu. Saya kira itusih” .

Furthermore S.2.9 “Menurut saya pembelajaran online ini kurang efisien jika

di terapka di semua mata kuliah karena pembelajaran online ini hanya bisa

digunakan di beberapa mata kuliah saja seperti CALL”. It can be concluded

that the application of online learning for all learning subjects should not be


applied sufficiently to certain learning subjects such as the subject of CALL

learning itself.

10. Solutions for online learning going forward

From the results conducted by researcher found feedback student

regarding online learning solutions for the future, as follows: code S.1.11 “Oh

ya solusinya adalah khmm karena sekarang memang sudah canggiih

tehnologi sehingga lebih memudahkan kita untuk berkomunikasi lewat online

tapi tidak semua harus di online kan. Jadi solusinya dari saya, memang

terapkan lah yang memang harus di terapkan di subjek itu di mata kuliahnya,

important memang, tapi it’s okeylah. Mudah-mudahan banyak aplikasi yang

dapat di gunakan, jadi lebih canggih lagi aplikasi google meetnya bukan

hanya beberapa orang yang bisa masuk di dalam tapi semua daripada yah

tanpa batasan kalau perlu satu Indonesia. Itu saja sih, mudah-mudahan lebih

canggih kedepannya”. Code S.2.10 “Menurut saya solusi dalam metode

pembelajaran online ini, sebelum media pembelajaran online ini di mulai kita

harus di fasilitas dengan jaringan yang kuat agar proses pembelajaran

berjalan dengan lancar tanpa ada hambatan seperti jaringan lalod”. Code

S.9.13 “Ooh itu google meet bagus kalau tidak 25 ji bisa log in, tapi

maksimal 100 siswa kah atau 200. Supaya kalau menjelaskan dosen bisa na

dengar semua kodong teman-teman. Terus dari kampus bagus kalau na

fasilitasi toh jaringan sebelum pakai ki media pembelajaran online”.

Based on the data above it can be concluded that the suggestions and

expectations of students for online learning in the future were in terms of


infrastructure such as the provision of supporting networks and the quality of

the applications used in online learning.




This chapter consists of two sections, the first section dealt with the

conclusion on findings of the research and the other one deal with suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher

drew the conclusion as follow:

Students' perception of using online learning in the seventh semester of BG

7J English Education Department in Muhammadiyah University Makassar have a

perception that online learning can be said to be an effective learning resource

when supported by adequate infrastructure such as good networks. Then online

learning can motivate students to improve their learning using online learning and

generate new experiences for students themselves.

B. Suggestions

From the findings presented in chapter four, there are a number of

suggestions as follows:

1. Lecturers are expected to be able to apply effective learning techniques and

are supported by adequate infrastructure such as good networks, mobile

phones that support applications from online learning and so on.

2. Students must increase their knowledge in the online learning process and

better understand the media used by the teaching teacher.


3. The results of this study may be used as a reference for other researchers

related to online learning because this research focuses on students'

perception of online learning by using interview research instruments.



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The Questions that will be Interview:

1. Bagaimana pemahaman anda mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What is your understanding about online learning?)

2. Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-

aplikasi dari ketiga bentuk pembelajaran online (Google Meet

application, Google Classroom application, Edx Application) yang

digunakan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran online?

(Do you recognize well how to use applications from forms of online

learning (Google Meet application, Google Classroom application,

Edx Application) used by lecturers in online learning?)

3. Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

4. Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the material

with easily? Why?)

5. Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi anda

untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar?


(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

6. Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

sosial antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?

(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students

and other students? Why?)

7. Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen dengan

baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly

when using online learning? Why?)

8. Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How was your experience during online learning?)

9. Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran didalam kelas/ tatap


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all subjects

than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

10. Apa solusi anda mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannnya?

(What is your solution about online learning the future?)

Adopted from various of indicators perception



1. Description of Informant:

S.1 : Student

R.1 : Researcher

R.1.1: Assalamualaikum kak.

(Assalamualaikum Kak).

S.1.1: Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

(Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh).

R.1.2: Perkenalkan saya Hasnidar,ee begini kak mohon maaf sebelumnya saya

mengganggu. Saya akan menginterview kaka mengenai ee judul saya

tentang pembelajaran online. Disini ada beberapa pertanyaan kak yang

akan saya tanyakan pada kaka. Mohon jawabannya berdasarkan

pengalamannya. Okey yang pertama itu ee oh ya, nama siapa?

(Let me Introduce my self, my name is Hasnidar. Sorry for disturbing the

time. I will interview about my research is online learning. Here I have a

few questions, please answer based on your experience. Previously

introduce yourself?

S.1.2: Okey, nama saya Lisnawati. You can call me lisna.

(Okey, my name Lisnawati, you can call me Lisna).

R.1.3: Okey pertanyaan pertama kak, bagaimana sih pemahaman anda tentang

pembelajaran online?

(The first question, how are your understanding about online learning?)

S.1.3: Pemahaman saya tentang pembelajaran online, yah sebagaimana saya

ketahui yah dimana kita belajar melalui tehnologi. Online itu

memudahkan kita, memudahkan mahasiswa khususnya yang sudah

belajar mengenai mata kuliah online kan kemarin. Itu memudahkan kita

dalam segala hal. Maksudnya begini, ketika misal dosen berhalangan

datang, kita bisa belajar melalui online yah di sebut online learning.

Kemudian ketika dosen memberikan kita tugas, lantas kemudian kita

tidak bisa face to face untuk bertemu terus kemudian mengumpulkan

tugasnya maka kita bisa menggunakan dengan beberapa aplikasi yang di sediakan. Online learning itu yah sangat membantu kita dalam belajar.

Yah itu aja sih.

(I think online learning is learning through technology. Online makes it

easy for us, makes it easy for students, make it easy for everything. That

is when lecturers are unable come to give lectures, we can learn through

online. Then when the lecturer gives an assignment, then we cannot

collect the assignment directly, then we can use several applications to

send the assignment).

R.1.4: Okey, kemudian yang kedua kak, ee apakah anda memahami atau

mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan- penggunaan aplikasi tersebut

seperti google meet, google classroom, edx itu sendiri, maksudnya anda

mudaah menggunakannya atau ada kendala begitu ee?

(The second question. Do you recognize and know the use of applications

such as Google Meet, Google Classroom, and EDX applications?

S.1.4: Eee, okey google meet itu dimana itu adalah sebuah aplikasi dimana kita

dapat belajar melalui ee video call, terus google classroom itu kita

belajar tanpa face to face tapi kita dapat mengirim tugas-tugas dari

dalam situ bahkan bisa menjelaskan pembelajaran. Dosen memberikan

penjelasan lewat itu bahkan kita bisa di absen lewat itu juga, yah secara

online. Edx itu sendiri ee sesuatu yang dimana kita ee ada beberapa

macam di dalamnya ee artikel di dalamnya terus dapat membantu

memahami kita untuk mengetahui artikel artikel tersebut melalui aplikasi

Edx itu sendiri. Berbicara tentang pemahaman saya kira awalnya saya

sempat nggak tau juga yah, pasti ini apa sih ini, gitu kan. Tapi lama

kelamaan karena kita memang id tuntut untuk tau, di tuntut harus

mengerti dan apa yang dosen inginkan, yah dia menerapkan aplikasi itu

yah otomatis kita jadi tau sendiri ee. Memang awalnya agak kurang

paham juga cara penggunaanya, tapi seiring berjalannya waktu yah

bahkan sekarang saya ahli dalam bidang itu. Saya kira seperti itu.

(Eee, google meet is an application in which we can learn through video

calls. Google classroom we learn without face to face and can send

assignments and even lecturers can also explain learning material through

google classroom as well as absent can be done through google

classroom. Then Edx applications in it have good articles about

technology, education and so forth. Initially it was very difficult but

gradually I already understood how to use the application).

R.1.5: Kemudian pertanyaan ketiga kak, bagaimana cara anda merangsang diri

anda agar lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran online itu?

(Then the third question, how do how to stimulate yourself to be more

interested in participating online learning?)

S.1.5: Sebenarnya sih tanpa dirangsang sendiri saya sudah tertarik yah, kita di

tantang gitu. Sesuatu yang baru ini mudah banget. Bahkan kita bisa

belajar dalam keadaan mungkin sedang makan, belum mandi, gak usah

buru-buru ke kampus terus mandi dan sebagainya bisa terlambat di

kelas. Kan itu sih sebenarnya nggak usah di rangsang karena sudah

tertarik sendiri sih. Karena sesuatu memang hal yang baru jadi sangat

membantu juga .saya kira gitu sih.

(Actually without being stimulated I was already interested because this

learning is learning new things. Even in a state of eating, sleep, learning

can be done).

R.1.6: Okey, ee kemudian dengan pembelajaran online ini apakah anda lebih

mampu memahami dengan cepat materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen?

(Okey, Is online learning you are able to know and understand the

material with easily? Why?)

S.1.6: It’s depend sih sebenarnya, how the teachers tell us, how the teachers

understand us. sebenarnya apa sih yang mereka ee apasih yang dosen

sampaikan ke kita-kita sebenarnya itu nggak bergantung pada cepat tau

tidaknya kita memahami tapi bagaimana pada saat pembelajaran online

itu bagaimana kita memang fokus mendengarkan, bagaimana kita

memang fokus belajar saat itu, ee dan misalnya mau dibandingkan

antara di kelas sama daripada online learning ini yang mana si lebih

cepat gitu ee, lebih cepat ku pahami antara online learning aau face to

face di kelas. Sebenarnya sih memang baiknya face to face karena kita

bisa ee bertanya secara langsung gitu, kita bisa tau bagaimana ekspresi

dosen secaraa langsung dan kalau misalnya dari online learning itu

sendiri memang sih agak paham juga tapi biasanya ada beberapa

kendala ketika kita ini di terapkan, misalnya jaringan nda

memungkinkan, itu menjadi terkendala juga dalam menjelaskan. Sempat

juga kan ketika menjelaskan terus data saya habis kan, giman si tadi,

sampai mana sih tadi penjelasannya beda juga sih sebenanrya ketika kita

face to face tapi sejauh ketika kita fokus, sejauh ketika dosen itu

menjelaskan dengan baik, yah saya rasa fine-fine aja sih

pembelajarannya itu.

(Actually it depends on the lecturers themselves how they explain the

material and then the students themselves. Does the student focus on

listening or not. When compared indeed, direct learning is better than

online learning itself. Likewise with online learning, sometimes we are

constrained in the network. So the lecturers’ voice falters so we do not

understand when lecturers explain the material).

R.1.7: Kemudian pembelajaran online ini memotivasi anda atau membuat anda

lebih tertarik dalam pembelajaran online?

(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

S.1.7: Masalah dalam ketertarikan sesuatu itu perlu waktu sebenarnya,

maksudnya gini ee untuk langsung tertarik sama ini nggak perlu waktu

juga maksudnya perlu ini juga perlu pengenalan, proses juga nggak

mesti langsung bilang wah ini keren, nggak usah ketemu dosennya ini

aja, maksudnya ada saja si dampak positif dan dampak negative

daripada yang di terapkan itu ada saja, jadi kalau untuk tertarik yah

sejauh ini boleh lah yah karena memang sekarang jamannya tehnologi

semakin canggih 4.0 kita harus bisa mengendalikan tehnologi

sebagaimana yang ada sehingga kita nda terlalu gaptek,

keterbelakangan gitu . Jadi yah memang sih bagus.

(Regarding my interest about online learning I am interested. But on the

other hand it has positive impacts and negative impacts. But nowadays

technology is more sophisticated where we have to be able control

technology so that we are not retarded).

R.1.8: Kan biasanya kalau belajar face to face kita dapat berinteraksi dengan

teman-teman yang lain, lalu bagaimana dengan pembelajaran online ini,

kan kalau pembelajaran online, teman disana, kita dsini maksudnya


(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students and

other students? Why?)

S.1.8: Bagaimana sih interaksi mahasiswa yang satu dengan mahasiswa

lainnya, iyakan. Bagaimana sih interaksi saya dengan teman yang

lainnya kan nggak ketemu? Ee sebenarnya sih ada saja gitu, di aplikasi

google meet itu, kan kita face to face sebenarnya dan di dalam aplikasi

itu memang kita masuk disitu, kita masuk di akun kita. Sempat teman-

teman kemarin persentase melalui google meet, bahkan kita sempat

melihat apa yang mereka jelaskan ada di layar handphone kita masing-

masing. Terus yang itu juga masuk di dalam, terus mereka juga melihat,

ada suaranya, ada gambarnya yang di tampilkan. Jadi interaksi antar

mahasiswa itu sebenarnya tergantung ketika mereka merespon apa yang

teman-teman sampaikan di dalam pembelajaran itu. Ada sih yang

beberapa saja oh iyayah, maksudnya cuman ngelihat saja tanpa

mengkritisi atau bertanya atau yah sekedar liat saja yang penting saya

sudah dong, saya sudah hadir dalam pembelajaran ini tapi ini sebenarya

membantu juga layaknya google classroom, google classroom itu ada

beberapa ada di siapkan komentar disitu, kolom komentar untuk

mahasiswa yang hadir pada saat itu belajar yah sebenarnya bagaimana

kita mahasiswa menampilkan aksi mereka untuk teman-teman,

bagaimana mereka merespon teman-teman persentase, bagaimana dia

mengkritisi apa yang harus di kritisi ketika teman-teman juga ee

persentase dan mencamtumkan kolom komentar dari teman-teman itu

sendiri. Sebenarnya iu lebih mudah saja sih karena ee interaksi daripada

itu terbangun ketika mereka tidak masa bodoh sama apa yang

disampaikan oleh teman-teman. Depends on the studentsnya aja siih.

(Actually we interact, especially in the Google Meet application. Because

when friends make a presentation via google meet, we can see pictures

and listen to the voice of friends who are presentations. Then from that

presentation we can interact with friends. When friends ask about the

material being explained, refute or give advice to those who make a

presentation via the comments column available by the Google Meet

application. So basically the interaction occurs when friends pay close

attention to what is explained by the lecturer or friends who make a

percentage. Depends on the students).

R.1.8: Eee kemudian ketika dosen menjelaskan melalui pembelajaran online,

apakah anda mampu memahaminya dengan baik?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly when

using online learning? Why?)

S.1.8: Yah sebelumnya bagaimana sih hambatan dari goole meet ini, google

classroom yah networknya yah kadang buat kita sometimes apasih yang

di jelaskan gitu kadang hilang-hilang, kemudian dalam google meet

itukan juga terbatasi nggak semua 42 orang bisa masuk ke dalam

aplikasi tersebut hanya beberapa batasan sampai 25, jadi itu hambatan

banget buat mahasiswa karena kita nggak bisa gabung secara

keseluruhan jadi yah apa yang mau di pahami kalau seandainya saya

nggak masuk, yah apasih yang di jelaskan sementara ada waktunya

misal jam 9 kuliah online yah sampai satu setengah jam ke depan yah

gue belum beli data lagi,, yah itu bagaimana pemahaman kita

bagaimana kita mencari materi yang di sampaikan padahari itu. Bisa

saja kita Tanya teman atau nggak mungkin kan dosen kita suruh

peresentase ulang. Sebenarnya pintar-pintarnya kita saja sih.

(Regarding the reception of material presented by the lecturer, I feel it is

less effective. Because it has some obstacles like networks. So when the

lecturer explains the material, the obstacle is voice of the lecturer falters

and sometimes the students don't understand what is conveyed. Then the

capacity to log in to the google meet application is only 25 people, so not

all classmates can attend the course).

R.1.9: Kemudian pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran online itu?

(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.1.9: Pengalaman saya sih selama yah Cuma beberapa semester aja yah, kalau

google classroom yah sudah bebearpa semester tapi Edx application dan

Google Meet itu baru 2 semester yah, pengalaman yah belum

memuaskan yah, kayaknya perlu pemahaman gitu yah, penggalian

tentang apliaksi ini. Berharapnya sih ee ini kita seharusnya lebih cari tau

lagi dong bagaimana penggunaan aplikasi tersebut. Ada beberapa tahap

sih yang dilakukan oleh dosen itu sendiri, dan itu kayaknya nggak mudah

karena kita di siapkan g-mail sendiri, kita disiapkan password sendiri.

Jadi untuk pemahaman lebih banget itu, I am not more understanding

gitu. Perlu lagi sedikit. Tapi ahlinya memang pi yang tau banget itu.

(Regarding the experience of online learning that is not satisfactory. We

need more understanding of the application).

R.1.10: Kemudian kak, apa tanggapan ketika pembelajaran online di terapkan

di setiap mata kuliah di terapkan oleh semua dosen?

(Then, How do you respond when online learning is applied in all

subjects than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

S.1.10: Hmmmm, kalau setiap harinya nggak usah yah. Kalau misalnya setiap

pertemuan online lagi, apalagi semua subjek pembelajaran atau mata

kuliah wah dosen enak-enak dong yah. Padahal mereka di gaji.

Maksudnya gini mungkin di terapkan satu kali dua kali tig kali

bolehlah, untuk satu mata pelajaran bolehlah. Kalau untuk semuanya

harus online online online yah bangkrut juga yah mahasiswa beli data.

Dan itu pakai data juga dan tinggi banget sebenarnya MBnya apalagi

kebanyakan mahasiswa sekarang itu yah pakai unlimited untuk chat

doang. Tapi yah untuk di terapkan boleh tapi jangan setiap harinya

menggunakan online. Bedakan untuk mata kuliah CALL itukan

bagusnya memang menggunakan online. Yah nggak apa-apalah

menggunakan untuk satu mata kuliah tapi kalau sepertinya Structure

online, waduh gimana lagi grammarnya mau di jelaskan apa ini. Yah

bolehlah untuk satu dua kali dan nggak semua harus di terapkan di

semua mata pelajaran karena kita juga perlu untuk ketemu langsung

dengan dosennya. Kita lebih dapat ilmunya, lebih dapat feelnya karena

social kita itu harus juga di increase kan. Sementara lebih baiknya

memang ketemu. Saya kira itusih.

(I don't think it's necessary, just one course applying the online learning

media. So if everything is based online, students can go bankrupt to buy

data. But it is better if learning directly or face to face. We can get more

knowledge, and so on).

R.1.11: Oke, the last question kak, apa solusi anda tentang pembelajaran online


(Okey, the last question. What is your solution about online learning the


S.1.11: Oh ya solusinya adalah khmm karena sekarang memang sudah canggiih

tehnologi sehingga lebih memudahkan kita untuk berkomunikasi lewat

online tapi tidak semua harus di online kan. Jadi solusinya dari saya,

memang terapkan lah yang memang harus di terapkan di subjek itu di

mata kuliahnya, important memang, tapi it’s okeylah. Mudah-mudahan

banyak aplikasi yang dapat di gunakan, jadi lebih canggih lagi aplikasi

google meetnya bukan hanya beberapa orang yang bisa masuk di dalam

tapi semua daripada yah tanpa batasan kalau perlu satu Indonesia. Itu

saja sih, mudah-mudahan lebih canggih kedepannya.

2. Description of Informant:

S.2 : Student

R.2 : Researcher

R.2.1: Bagaimana pemahaman anda mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What is your understanding about online learning?)

S.2.1: Pemahaman saya mengenaii pembelajaran online yaitu

pembelajaran yang di sampaikan menggunakan computer atau

berbasis komputer biasanya di akses oleh sebuah jaringan.

(My understanding about online learning is learning delivered

using a computer and usually accessed by a network).

R.2.2: Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-

aplikasi (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Edx Application) yang

digunakan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran online?

(Do you recognize well how to use applications (Google Meet,

Google Classroom, Edx Application) used by lecturers in online


S.2.2: Ya saya mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi seperti

google meet, google classroom karena kita pernah


(Yes, I know well how to use applications such as Google Meet,

Google Classroom because we have used it).

(Because now everything is so sophisticated that it makes it easier for us

to communicate via online. So my solution is to apply what is really

needed to be applied in that subject or in the course, and hopefully in the

future there will be many applications that can be used or made as

learning media. Then for the google meet application, not only a few

people can enter the application, but all or without restrictions can enter

if you need one Indonesia).

R.1.12: Oke, terimakasih kak atas waktunya

(Okey, thank you so much).

S.1.12: Iya terimakasih juga, sama-sama.

(Yes, thank you. You’re welcome).

R.1.13: Assalamualaikum


S.1.13: Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

(Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh).

R.2.3: Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

S.2.3: Menurut saya kita harus sadar sekarang kita sudah ada di era

digital yang serba canggih, so kita harus mengikuti perkembangan

zaman agar kita tidak tertinggal dari negara-negara lain.

(In my opinion, we must realize that we are now in a digital era that

is very sophisticated, so we must keep abreast of the times so that

we are not left behind from other countries).

R.2.4: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the

material with easily? Why?)

S.2.4: Ya, dengan pembelajaran online saya dapat mengetahui dan

mamahami materi secara mudah karena sejauh mana saya

memiliki kesempatan untuk berbagi dan berkolaborasi dengan

dosen dan teman yang lain juga strategi pembelajaran yang di

pilih yang dapat memberikan peluang untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berfikiri kritis dan saya dapat menjadi pembelajar

yang self great.

(Yes, with the estab b e disable in-line I can know and

understanding the material easily because of the extent to which

ssaya have the opportunity to share and collaborate with faculty

and other friends also learning strategies in select who can provide

an opportunity to improve the ability berfikiri critical and I can be

a great self learner).

R.2.5: Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi

anda untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar

mengajar? Mengapa?

(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

S.2.5: Ya dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi saya

untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar

karena pembelajaran online ini pusat kegiatan dimana siswa dapat

menambah kemampuan, membaca materi, mencari informasi, dan

interaksi dalam grup dimana siswa dapat berinteraksi satu sama

lain untuk mendiskusikan materi-materi yang di berikan oleh dosen

dan dosen ini dapat hadir untuk memberikan sedikit penjelasan

mengenai materi yang di berikan.

(Yes, using online learning motivates me to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process because online learning

is a center of activity where students can add abilities, read

material, search for information, and interact in groups where

students can interact with each other to discuss material given by

the lecturer and the lecturer can be present to give a little

explanation about the material given).

R.2.6: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?

(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students

and other students? Why?)

S.2.6: Ya, but sometimes ee pembelajaran online ini tidak bisa

membangun inteaksi antara mahasiswa dengan semua mahasiswa

lainnya karena semua mahasiswa tidak mempunyai jaringan yang

bagus ketika salah satu dari mahasiswa jaringannya buruk atau

jelek, so mereka tidak efisien ini untuk di gunakan. I think like that.

(Yes, but sometimes ee online learning can not build interaction

between students and all other students because all students do not

have a good network when one of the student network is bad or bad,

so they are inefficient to use. I think like that).

R.2.7: Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen

dengan baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly

when using online learning? Why?)

S.2.7: Ya, saya dapat menerima materi yang di sampaikan oleh dosen

dengan baik ketika jaringan saya mendukung tapi ketika jaringan

saya hilang hilang, materinya juga ikut hilang hilang. So, saya

ketinggalan beberapa materi ketika jaringan saya jelek.

(Yes, I can accept the material delivered by the lecturer well when

my network supports but when my network is lost, the material is

lost too. So, I missed several minutes when my network was bad)

R.2.8: Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran


(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.2.8: Pembelajaran online ini betul betul menguji kesabaran saya ketika

the network is bad. Dan sebenarnya pengalaman positif dan

negative dalam pembelajaran online ini akan terbentuk beberapa

factor seperti bagaimana materinya di sampaikan dan di sajikan,

misalnya animasi yang digunakan itu menarik dan kekayaan

aktifitas komunikasi ataupun sejauh mana siswa memiliki

kesempatan untuk berbagi dan berkolaborasi dengan dosen ataupun

dengan teman yang lain.

(This online learning really tests my patience when the network is

bad. And actually positive and negative experiences in online

learning will be formed by several factors such as how the material

is conveyed and presented, for example the animation used is

interesting and the wealth of communication activities or the extent

to which students have the opportunity to share and collaborate with

lecturers or with other friends).

R.2.9: Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran didalam kelas/ tatap


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all

subjects than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

S.2.9: Menurut saya pembelajaran online ini kurang efisien jika di terapka

di semua mata kuliah karena pembelajaran online ini hanya bisa

digunakan di beberapa mata kuliah saja seperti CALL.

(In my opinion online learning is less efficient if applied in all

subjects because online learning can only be used in a few subjects

such as CALL).

R.2.10: Apa solusi anda mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannnya?

(What is your solution about online learning the future?)

S.2.10: Menurut saya solusi dalam metode pembelajaran online ini,

sebelum media pembelajaran online ini di mulai kita harus di

fasilitas dengan jaringan yang kuat agar proses pembelajaran

berjalan dengan lancar tanpa ada hambatan seperti jaringan lalod.

(In my opinion the solution in this online learning method, before

this online learning media starts we must be in facilities with a

strong network so that the learning process runs smoothly without

any obstacles such as slow networks).

3. Description of Informant:

S.3 : Student

R.3 : Researcher

R.3.1: Bagaimana pemahaman anda mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What is your understanding about online learning?)

S.3.1: Pemahaman saya terkait pembelajaran online adalah suatu

pembelajaran melalui media atau via online yang dimana kita

menggunakan aplikasi untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran, jadi

proses pembelajarannya itu tidak secara nyata face to face antara

pengajar dan peserta didik melainkan kita pembelajaran online

yang tempat berbeda ee tetapi proses pembelajaran tetap berjalan

melalui ee media media online yang di gunakan untuk proses


(My understanding about online learning is a learning through the

media or via online where we use the application to do learning

process, so the learning process is not real face to face between the

instructor and students, but we do online learning which is

different place but the learning process remains walk through

media online that are used for the learning process).

R.3.2: Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-

aplikasi (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Edx Application) yang

digunakan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran online?

(Do you recognize well how to use applications (Google Meet,

Google Classroom, Edx Application) used by lecturers in online


S.3.2: Terkait dengan aplikasi google meet, google classroom insya Allah

kami mengenali aplikasi tersebut eek arena kami pernah

melakukan proses pembelajaran menggunakan media tersebut

seperti google classroom dan kami sempat beberapa semester

menggunakan aplikasi tersebut sehingga kami mengetahui sedikit

terait dengan aplikasi- aplikasi seperti google meet, google


(Regarding the google meet application, google classroom, we

recognize the application, we once did a learning process using the

media such as google classroom and we had a few semesters using

the application so that we know a little bit about applications such

as google meet, google classroom).

R.3.3: Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

S.3.3: Yah cara untuk merangsang diri agar tertarik dalam mengikuti

pembelajaran online adalah dengan memahami secara detail

aplikasi pembelajaran online tersebut sehingga kita dapat

menikmati proses pembelajaran online karena kita paham dengan

aplikasi tersebut jadi ketika kami di Tanya bagaimana cara

merangsang diri untuk tertarik dalam media pembelajaran online

yah tentunya dengan ee mempelajari media tersebut dan

memahami media tersebut secara detail sehingga proses

penggunaan media pemeblajaran online tersebut dapat membuat

kami tertarik menggunakannya.

(Well the way to stimulate yourself to be interested in

participating in online learning is to understand in detail the online

learning application so that we can enjoy the online learning

process because we understand the application so when we are

asked how to stimulate ourselves to be interested in online

learning media, of course by studying the media and

understanding the media in detail so that the process of using the

online learning media can make us interested in using it).

R.3.4: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the

material with easily? Why?)

S.3.4: Kalau menurut saya pribadi sejauh ini, karena beberapa semester

menggunakan pembelajaran media online saya pribadi merasa ee

masih kurang memahami ee secara mendetail terkait dengan

materi-materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen melalui via online

ketika di bandingkan dengan proses pembelajaran di kelas dan di

online untuk saat ini saya merasa bahwa saya lebih mengerti

ketika pembelajaran tersebut ee di lakukan di kelas di bandingkan

dengan ee via online. Tapi bukan berarti nahwa proses

pembelajaran online itu ee buruk atau tidak baik, mungkin hanya

saja karena kami belum terbiasa dan masih proses pengenalan

denagn proses pembelajaran online sehingga untuk sekarang

kami masih belum ee maksimal ee dalam proses pemeblajaran

online ee kemudian kalau terkait dengan pemahaman materi

secara mudah ee insya Allah kami bisa memahami materi yang di

sampaikan oleh dosen melalui dengan pembelajaaran online tapi

ketika di bandingkan dengan proses pembelajaran di kelas kami

masih memilih untuk ee lebih mudah proses pembelajaran ketika

di kelas bertemu scara langsung oleh dosen, bertatap muka di


(In my opinion personally so far, because of the several semesters

using online media learning I personally feel that you still lack

understanding of ee in detail related to the material delivered by

lecturers via online when compared with the learning process in

class and online for now I feel that I understand better when

learning is done in class compared to ee via online. But that does

not mean that the online learning process is bad or not good,

maybe it's just because we are not used to it and it is still an

introduction to the online learning process so that for now we are

still not maximally ee in the online learning process. ee God

willing, we can understand the material delivered by lecturers

through online learning but when compared with the learning

process in class we still choose to ee the learning process easier

when in class meet directly by the lecturer, face to face in class).

R.3.5: Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi

anda untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar

mengajar? Mengapa?

(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

S.3.5: Ee menurut kami untuk sekarang sama saja, terkait dengan

motivasi mengikuti proses belajar mengajar sama saja motivasinya

media online maupun media ee secara langsung, insya Allaah

motivasinya sama saja, karena sama sama belajar.

(Ee in our opinion for the same now , related to the motivation to

follow the teaching and learning process is the same motivation

online media and ee media directly, God willing, the motivation is

the same, because the same as learning).

R.3.6: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?

(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students

and other students? Why?)

S.3.6: Ee menurut kami ee tidak terlalu membangun interaksi antara

mahasiswa yang satu dengan mahasiswa lainnya karena ee

sebagaimana yang kita ketahui bahwa media online itu kita tidak

berttap langsung, kita tidak bersebelahan dengan teman kita, kita

berada di tempat yang berbeda sehingga menurut kami ee untuk

membangun interaksi dengan mahasiswa yang satu dengan

mahasiswa lainnya melalui proses pemeblajaran online itu ee tidak

maksimal ketika di bandingkan dengan proses pembelajaran di


(We think that we don't really build interactions between students

because we know that online media are not direct, we are not next

to our friends, we are in different places so we think that we are

able to build interactions with one student with other students

through the online learning process ee is not optimal when

compared with the learning process in class).

R.3.7: Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen

dengan baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly

when using online learning? Why?)

S.3.7: Insya Allah materi-materi yang disampaikan oleh deosen malalui

proses pemeblajaran online kami pahami tapi selama dua semester

kami belajar menggunakan media pembelajaran online insya Allah

kami paham tapi tidak ee secara total memahami, secara mendetail

ee , insya Allah kami paham tapi tidak mendetail karena ada

keterbatasan ee respon antara siswa dan pengajar. Jadi melalui

proses pembelajaran online ee interaksi antara ee dosen dengan

mahasiswa itu tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga agak sulit

ketika ada sesuaut yang tidak di pahami oleh ee mahasiswa itu

sulit untuk di komunikasikan dengan ee dosen ketika proses

pembelajarannya menggunakan media online.

(God willing, the material delivered by the deocene through the

online learning process we understand, but for two semesters we

learn to use online learning media, God willing, we understand but

not totally understand, in detail ee, God willing, we understand but

not in detail because there are limitations ee response between

students and instructors. So through the online learning process, the

interaction between the lecturer and the student doesn't go well, so

it is rather difficult when there is something that is not understood

by the student, which is difficult to communicate with the lecturer

when the learning process uses online media).

R.3.8: Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran


(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.3.8: Yah pengalaman kami selama mengikuti proses pembelajaran

online tersebut ee kalau kami pribadi karena ini mungkin adalah

karena ini proses pembelajaran yang baru karena selama kami SD,

SMP, SMA proses pemeblajaran secara face to face do kelas,

namun ketika kami di perhadapkan dengan proses pembelajaran

media online karena ini pengenalan ee untuk awal-awal ini kami

masih merasa belum familiar dengan media pembelajaran online.

Pengalaman kami ee ini merupakan suatu bentuk ee proses

pembelajaran kekinian melihat juga kita berada di zaman yang

mengaharuskan kita untuk memang harus mampu melakukan

media proses pembelajaran online ee inya Allah kami untuk

sekarang belum tapi kedepannya mungkin kami akan enjoy and

have fun dengan proses pembelajaran online. Mungkin kami hanya

butuh ee pembiasaan dengan menggunakan proses pembelajaran


(Well our experience during the online learning process is that we

are personally because this is probably because this is a new

learning process because during our elementary, junior high, high

school learning process is face to face do class, but when we are

confronted with the online media learning process because this ee

introduction for the early days we still feel unfamiliar with online

learning media. Our experience, this is a form of current learning

process, seeing that we are in an era that requires us to be able to do

our online learning media, God willing, we have not yet, but in the

future we may enjoy and have fun with online learning. Maybe we

just need to get used to using the online learning process).

R.3.9: Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran didalam kelas/ tatap


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all

subjects than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

S.3.9: Yah tanggapan kami mengenai ini untuk sekarang kami merasa

belum sepakat ketika proses pembelajaran ini hanya melalui media

online karena berbeda feelnya ketika kita melakukan proses

pembelajaran melalui via online maupun via tatap muka. Proses

komunikasi yang terbangun dalam proses pembelajaran online itu

ee tidak terlalu efektif ketika di bandingkan dengan proses

pembelajaran dalam kelas sehingga ketika di Tanya mengenai

apakah tanggapan kita mata kuliah itu ee media online itu di

rterapkan di semua mata kuliah kami belum sepakat kecuali

mugkin beberapa tahhun kedepan, mungkin iya tapi kalau

sekarang kita masih butuh proses pembiasaan ee, proses

pengenalan orientasi dan media-media pemeblajaran online

sehingga kami belum sepakat ketika pembelajaran online di semua

mata kuliah.

(Well, our response to this is that for now we feel that we have not

agreed when the learning process is only through online media

because it feels different when we do the learning process via

online or via face to face. The communication process that is built

up in the online learning process is not very effective when

compared with the learning process in the classroom so when asked

about whether our responses to the course ee online media is

applied in all courses we have not agreed except maybe a few years

ahead, maybe yes, but if now we still need the process of

habituation, the process of introducing orientation and online

learning media so we have not agreed when studying online in all


R.3.10: Apa solusi anda mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannnya?

(What is your solution about online learning the future?)

S.3.10: Yah ee solusi kami mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannya

bagaimana pembelajaran online ini di awal sebaiknya terlebih

dahulu ada proses pengenalan atau proses kajian awal terkait

dengan media-media online yang akan di gunakan dalam proses

pembelajaran online karena akan sulit bagi seorang siswa

melakukan proses pembelajaran onlineketika mahasiswa tersebut

belum mengenali pemeblajaran online apalagi aplikasi aplikasi

yang I gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran online. Jadi solusi

kami bagaimana ee sebaiknya di awal ada dulu pengenalan,

orientasi, pembiasaan mengenai proses pembelajaran online baik

itu penggunaannya, aplikasinya ee dan segalanya yang terkait

dengan proses pembelajaran online agar tercipta proses

pembelajaran yang efektif yang sama keitka di kelas ataupun di

online. Jadi ada kesamaan, hari ini kenapa kami pribadi masih

merasa lebih baik belajar di kelas di bandingkan media online

Karena kami belu familiar, kami belum tau penggunaan

aplikasinya secara mendetail hanya secara garis besarnya. Jadi

solusinya ke depan bagaimana agar ada pengenalan terlebih

dahulu terhadap mahasiswa yang akan menggunakan proses

pembelajaran media online khususnya aplikasis-aplikasi yang

akan di gunakan sepertin google meet, google classroom, dan

aplikasi lainnya.

(Well, our solution regarding online learning in the future, how is

online learning in the beginning, should there be an introduction

process or an initial review process related to online media that

will be used in the online learning process because it will be

difficult for a student to do the online learning process when the

student is do not recognize online learning let alone applications

that I use in the online learning process. So our solution is how

you should first have an introduction, orientation, habituation of

the online learning process both its use, ee application and

everything related to the online learning process to create an

effective learning process that is the same in class or online. So

there are similarities, today why we personally still feel better

learning in class than online media Because we are not familiar,

we do not know the use of the application in detail only in outline.

So the solution in the future is how to have a first introduction to

students who will use the online media learning process,

especially applications that will be used such as Google Meet,

Google Classroom, and other applications).

4. Description of Informant:

S.4 : Student

R.4 : Researcher

R.4.1: Assalamu alaikum kak.

(Assalamu alaikum kak).

S.4.1: Waalaikumussalam warahmaullahi wabarakatuh.

(Waalaikumussalam warahmaullahi wabarakatuh).

R.4.2: Mohon maaf kak mengganggu waktunya, disini saya melakukan

penelitian kak mengenai pembelajaran online berdasarkan

pengelaman kita di salah satu mata kuliah ketika semester 7. Jadi

penelitian saya itu mengenai pembelajaran online, mohon maaf

sebelumnya, namanya siapa?

(Sorry to interrupt your time, here I am doing research about online

learning based on our experience. So my research is about online

learning. Apologize in advance, what is your name?)

S.4.2: Nama saya Jumriani.

(My name is Jumriani).

R.4.3: Jadi disini ada beberapa pertanyaan kak, yang pertama bagaimana

sih pemahaman anda tentang pembelajaran online tersebut?

(So here are a few questions, first how do you understanding about

online learning?)

S.4.3: Menurut saya pembelajaran online itu sangat bagus karena yah

cukup bagus menurut saya.

(I think online learning is very good).

R.4.5: Lalu di waktu semester 7 kan kita ada beberapa aplikasi yah

diantaranya google meet, google classroom, dan edx itu sendiri,

kemudian apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan

aplikasi tersebut yang di terapkan oleh dosen itu sendiri?

(Then in semester 7 we use several applications, including google

meet, google classroom, and edx eapplication. Then do you

recognize well how to use the application applied by the lecturer?)

S.4.5: Penggunaan dari ketiga aplikasi itu google meet, google classroom,

dan edx itu, semuanya sudah saya pelajari. Seperti goole meet, kita

kayak video call dengan dosen tapi dalam video call itu siswanya

tidak na muat semua dalam satu kelas, biasanyakan dalam satu

kelas ada 30 Tapi di dalam google meet itu hanya 25 saja. Terus

kalau google classroom, disitu biasanya kita di bagaikan materi apa

apa yang akan di pelajari terus di edx application itu kita mendapat

menemukan beberapa materi pendidikan dan tehnologi.

(The use of the three applications that google meet, google

classroom, and edx applications have all been used. Like google

meet, in the google meet the lecturer explained the material online

through the google meet application and in the google meet that only

25 people were able to log in to the application so that it became an

obstacle when using the google meet application. Then google

classroom, in google classroom we get material by lecturers about

the material that will be studied for the next meeting. Then in the

edx application we find various articles on education, technology

and others)

R.4.5: Selanjutnya kak, bagaimana cara kaka merangsang diri agar lebih

tertarik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran tersebut?

(Furthermore, what a way to stimulate themselves to be more

interested in participating online learning?)

S.4.5: Kalau saya sih, saya ikuti semua dari awal sampai selesai. Dari

pertemuan pertama kita memang mulai video call sama dosen,

karena dosen yah begitulah kalau dosen.

(In my opinion, from the beginning to the end of online learning I

followed. So that's what makes me interested in online learning


R.4.6: Kemudian apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu

mengetahui dan memahami materi secara mudah?

(Then is online learning you are able to know and understand the

material easily?)

S.4.6: Memahami materinya itu, memahami iya tapi nda terlalu sreg gitu

beda dengan pembelajaran secara langsung, beda dengan face to

facenya kan kalau pembelajaran online dosen tidak menejlaskan

secara tatap muka.

(When it comes to understanding, yeah, I understand, but it's not too

meaningful, nor does it understand it easily. In contrast to direct

learning or face to face we are able to understand the material


R.4.7: Selanjutnya apakah pembelajaran online ini memotivasi kaka untuk

lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti mata kuliah tersebut?

(Furthermore, does online learning motivate you to be more

interested in participating in the learning process?)

S.4.7: Awalnya saya juga agak bingung, apa itu google meet tapi setelah

dosen mengajar kita berkaitan dengan yang itu video call dan disitu

saya mulai tertarik karena dimanapun saya bisa belajar, bahkan di

tempat tidur pun kita bisa belajar.

(The beginning was also a bit confused what the google meet

application was, but after the lecturer taught and explained how to

use it, there I began to be interested because with online learning I

could study anywhere even lying down).

R.4.8: Jadi ini memotivasi kaka gitu?

(So this motivates you?)

S.4.8: Yah, memotivasi banget.

(Yeah, very motivating).

R.4.9: Kemudian, apakah pembelajaran online mampu membangun

interaksi antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa yang lainnya,

karena kita keetahui kan kalau di face to face itu kita pasti

berinteraksi dengan yang lain, lalu baagimana dengan pemeblajara


(Then is online learning able to build interaction between students

and other students? Because we know if direct learning or face to

face we definitely interact with other friends, then what about online


S.4.9: Kalau saya sih, pembelajaran online, kita disini tidak terlalu

berinteraksi sama sekali karena disini kita kan kayak terpisah nda

kayak di dalam kelas bisaki disitu bertukar pikiran. Kalau di

pembelajaran online minim sekali ki berinteraksi sama teman,

bertukar pikiran sama teman, saya rasa itu.

(In my opinion, online learning here we do not really interact with

friends and are very minimal to interact with friends as well as by

exchanging ideas with friend sult to do).

R.4.10: Apakah anda menerima materi dengan baik oleh dosen?

Maksudnya anda gampang paham gitu ee?

(Do you receive material well by lecturers when using online


S.4.10: Kalau saya sih nda terlalu sreg gitu ee kalau dosen menjelaskan

lewat pembelajaran online. Karna biasa juga tergantung dari

jaringan, kalau jaringannya kurang baik, suara dosen itu kayak

bagaimana gitu, yah putus putus. Tapi kalau pemeblajaran

langsung itu kita bisa memahaminya secara detail karena dosen

juga menjelaskan secara detail dari yang tidak ketahui menjadi

tahu. Jai face to face lebih baik dan bagus juga.

(In my opinion, it is not too "comfortable" when the lecturer

explains through online learning because it is constrained by the

network. When the network is not good, the sound of the material

explanation by lecturers is difficult to understand or even not

understand. In contrast to direct learning or face to face, we can

understand it in detail because the lecturer also explains in detail

and does not have constraints like a network. So learning is better).

R.4.11: Bagaimana pengalaman kaka selama mengikuti pembelajaran


(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.4.11: Kalau pengalaman begitu banyak karena kalau pemeblajaran

online dimanapu kita bisa belajar terus kita bisa juga mengetahui

ternyata ada hal hal yang baru bisa kita pelajari, bisa di tempat

dari kejauhan toh kita bisa belajar tidak harus terikat dengan

tempat, waktu dan keadaan.

(Regarding the experience of online learning is very much because

I can find out the new applications that are made as a medium in the

teaching and learning process. Then from online learning we can

anywhere and anytime without having to be bound by place, time

and circumstances).

R.4.12: Apa tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online di terapkan di

semua mata kuliah maksudnya pembelajaran tatap muka itu di


(What is your response when online learning is applied in all

subjects or applied by all lecturers?)

S.4.12: Saya rasa itu lebih bagus lagi jika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah karena pasti kebanyakan

siswa yang merasa senang karena pembelajaran yang santai dan

mengefisienkan waktu.

(I think it's even better if online learning is applied in all courses

because surely most students feel happy because learning is relaxed

and time-efficient).

R.4.13: Apa solusinya mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannya?

(What is your solution for online learning going forward?)

S.4.13: Saya rasa solusi saya semoga kedepannya pembelajaran online

lebih di tingkatkan lagi dan tidak hanya satu atau dua dosen saja

yang menerapkan pembelajaran online, kalau bisa semua dosen

karena ini bagus juga tapi semua pembelajaran kana da sisi positif

dan negatifnya, jadi kalau bisa ambil dari sisi positifnya saja. Sisi

negatifnya yaitu jaringan dan kapasitas. Oke, terimakasih.

(I think hopefully online learning will be improved in the future and

not only one or two lecturers who apply online learning, but if

possible all lecturers apply the online learning. Likewise with

online learning has positive and negative impacts as well. For

negative impacts, namely the network and capacity of the Google

Meet application).

R.4.14: Okey, jadi begitu yah kak. Terimakasih atas waktunya.

Assalamualaaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

(Okey, thanks for the time. Assalamualaaikum warahmatullahi


S.4.15: Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

(Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh).

5. Description of Informant:

S.5 : Student

R.5 : Researcher

R.5.1: Bagaimana pemahaman anda mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What is your understanding about online learning?)

S.5.1: Pembelajaran online adalah pembelajaran yang di lakukan jarak jauh

antara dosen dan mahasiswa yang dapat memudahkan dosen dalam

mengajar jika mereka mempunyai kesibukan yang lain sehingga tidak

bisa hadir dalam kelas dan bisa melakukan pembelajaran secara


(Online learning is learning that is done remotely between lecturers

and students which can facilitate lecturers in teaching if they have

other activities so they cannot be present in class and can do through

online learning).

R.5.2: Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-

aplikasi (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Edx Application) yang

digunakan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran online?

(Do you recognize well how to use applications (Google Meet, Google

Classroom, Edx Application) used by lecturers in online learning?)

S.5.2: Sebenarnya jika mengenali secara baik tidak terlalu baik Cuma karena

semua aplikasi tersebut sudah saya gunakan dalam proses

pembelajaran jadi setidaknya saya mengenal tentang ketiga aplikasi


(Actually if you recognize well it's not good but because I have used all

the applications in the learning process so at least I am familiar with

the three applications).

R.5.3: Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

S.5.3: Sebenarnya untuk tertarik, saya tidak terlalu tertarik dengan

pembelajaran online tersebut karena menurut saya ee saya sangat

susah mengerti apa yang di jelaskan dosen ketika pembelajaran online

berlangsung. Tapi saya juga tertarik adalah ee aplikasi tersebut saya

belum pernah mendapatkan aplikasi yang dapat di gunakan sebagai

pembelajaran online kecuali dengan menggunakan e-mail dalam

mengirim tugas dan dengan menggunakan beberapa aplikasi tersebut

maka saya belajar untuk mengetahui bagaimana menggunakannya

kelak saya juga bisa mengaplikasikannya ktika menjadi guru.

(Actually to be interested, I am not too interested in online learning

because in my opinion ee I am very difficult to understand what is

explained by the lecturer when online learning takes place. But I am

also interested in that ee application. I have never gotten an application

that can be used as online learning except by using e-mail in sending

assignments and by using some of these applications, I learned to know

how to use it later, I can also apply it when I become a teacher).

R.5.4: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the material

with easily? Why?)

S.5.4: Menurut saya itu adalah tidak yah, karena jujur saya tidak menyukai,

bukan tidak menyukai tapi saya tidak terlalu paham jika dosen

menjelaskan secara online apalagi saya ee sendiri lebih memahami

pembelajaran tersebut jika di sampaikan secara langsung oleh dosen

tersebut dan kalau misalnya ada di jelaskan melalui via online

tersebut, saya pribadi tetap tidak mengerti apa yang di jelaskan oleh

dosen tersebut.

(I think is not well, because honestly I do not like, not tid ak liked but I

do not really know if the professor explains in online Apala gi i ee

itself more comprehend mi learning if transmitted directly by the

lecturer and if for example there explained through via online, I

personally still do not understand what is explained by the lecturer).

R.5.6: Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi anda

untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar?


(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

S.5.6: Sebenarnya untuk memotivasi lebih tertarik mengikuti pembelajaran

sebenarnya tidak juga, seperti yang saya katakan bahwa saya tidak

terlalu paham dengan pembelajaran online tapi untuk mengetahui

bagaimana pengaplikasiannya dari ee pembelajaran online tersebut

yah saya sangat tertarik.

(Actually, to motivate more interested in participating in learning

actually is not too, as I said that I am not too familiar with online

learning but to find out how it is applied from the ee online learning

well I'm very interested).

R.5.7: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?

(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students and

other students? Why?)

S.5.7: Saya rasa untuk membangun interaksi melalui proses pembelajaran

online itu juga ada Cuma tidak terlalu baik yah Karena kadang dalam

proses pembelajaran yang di jelaskan memalui google meet itukan ee

hanya dosen yang bisa menjelaskan dan kita bisa bertanya namun

interaksi antara siswa itu tidak terlalu baik karena hanya dosen yang

bisa menjelaskan, tapi bisa ji juga iya mahasiswa menjelaskan Cuma

ee denagn mengajukan pertanyaan –pertayaan. Saya rasa

pembelajaran di kelas lebih ee menarik sehingga terjadi interaksi lebih

baik lagi ketika pemeblajaran di kelas.

(I feel like to build interaction through online learning processes, there

are also not too good, because sometimes in the learning process that is

explained through google meet, it is only lecturers who can explain and

we can ask questions, but interactions between students are not too good

because only the lecturer can explain, but can also if the student

explains only by asking questions. I think learning in the classroom is

more interesting so that interactions occur even better when learning in


R.5.8: Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen dengan

baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly when

using online learning? Why?)

S.5.8: Untuk proses pembelajaran tersebut saya rasa tidak terlalu paham yah

karena ee dalam proses apalagi di google meet hanya menampung 25

orang sementara kita itu di kelas ada sekitar 30 lebih. Jadi saya rasa

itu, saya tidak menerima proses pembelajaran dengan baik yah, saya

tidak terlalu paham dengan apa yang di jelaskan oleh dosen, dan

mungkin sebagian teman-teman juga tidak paham mengenai itu. Jadi

saya rasa pemeblajaran tatap muka itu lebih efektif yah di banding

proses pembelajaran online, itu saya pribadi.

(For the learning process, I don't think I really understand, because in

the process, especially in Google Meet, it only accommodates 25

people while we have about 30 more people in class. So I guess that, I

didn't accept the learning process well, I didn't really understand what

the lecturer explained, and maybe some of my friends didn't understand

that either. So I think face-to-face learning is more effective than the

online learning process, that is me personally)

R.5.9: Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.5.9: Yah pengalamannya itu saya lebih tau bahwa ternyata ada aplikasi

yang di gunakan selain e-mail untuk proses pembelajaran. Disini saya

baru tahu bahwa banyak sekali aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat kita

gunakan dalam proses pembelajaran tersebut. Saya rasa itu baik yah

untuk memudahkan lagi eee sebagian dosen yang tidak sempat hadir

dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas dan memaksimalkan proses

pembelajaran tersebut dengan online tersebut.

(Well, my experience is I know that in fact there are applications that

are used in addition to e-mail for the learning process. Here I just

learned that there are a lot of applications that we can use in the

learning process. I think it's good to make it easier for some lecturers

who didn't have time to attend the learning process in class and

maximize the learning process online).

R.5.10: Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran didalam kelas/ tatap


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all subjects

than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

S.5.10: Yah itu saya katakana bahwa mungkin kurang efektif, ada yang

sebagian siswa yang tahu tentang ee lebih paham jika face to face

dan ada yang juga paham ketika banyaknya praktik-praktik yang di

berikan oleh dosen tersebut dan ada yang lebih paham ketika tentang

ee pembelajaran online. Jadi lebih baik di mix saja yah supaya seua


(Well, I say that it might be less effective, there are some students

who know about ee better understand if face to face and there are also

those who understand when many practices are given by the lecturer

and there are those who are more understanding when ee online

learning. So it is better to just mix it so that everything is evenly


R.5.11: Apa solusi anda mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannnya?

(What is your solution about online learning the future?)

S.5.11: Jadi solusinya itu adalah seorang dosen harus mampu

menyeimbangkan antara pertemuan tatap muka dan pertemuan

online. Karena saya rasa ada sebagian siswa belum paham tentang

penjelasan secara online contohnya itu saya, dan ada sebagaian yang

mengerti melalui lewat online. Jadi menurut saya lebih

mengoptimalkan ee materi yang kita bawakan agar mahasiswa

paham dengan materi yang kita ajarkan saya rasa untuk

menyeimbangkan antara pertemuan online dan pertemuan tatap

muka, saya rasa itu solusinya.

(So the solution is that a lecturer must be able to balance between

face-to-face meetings and online meetings. Because I think there are

some students who do not understand about online explanations, for

example it is me, and there are some who understand through online.

So I think more optimizing the material we bring so that students

understand the material we teach, I think to balance between online

meetings and face-to-face meetings, I think that's the solution).

6. Description of Informant:

S6 : Student

R6 : Researcher

R.6.1: Assalamualaikum kak

(Assalamualaikum kak)

S.6.1: Yah, Waalaikumussalam.


R.6.2: Mohon maaf kak, menggangu waktunya, ee tapi sebelumnya

perkenalkan nama dulu kak.

(Sorry to disturb the time, before introducing your name).

S.6.2: Baik perkenalkan nama saya Asnawati usia 21 tahun.

(Okey, my name is Asnawati, 21 years old).

R.6.3: Oh ya, begini kak ee disini saya itu meneliti tentang pembelajaran

online itu sendiri, yah berdasarkan pengalaman kita di semester 7 di

salah satu mata kuliah kita menggunakan pembelajaran online kan,

jadi begini kak saya akan Tanya kaka dengan beberapa pertanyaan

mengenai pembelajaran online itu sendiri. Jadi yang pertama kak ee

bagaimana sih pemahaman kak tentang pembelajaran online?

(Here my research about online learning based on our experience in

semester 7 in one of the lectures that uses online learning. So the first

question, how is your understanding about online learning?

S.6.3: Menurut saya pembelajaran online iu sendiri adalah pembelajaran

yang berjarak dan tidak di lakukan di dalam kelas dan menggunakan

suatu aplikasi.

(In my opinion online learning is distance learning that is not do in

class and uses an application).

R.6.4: Ooo jadi begitu ya kak pemahamannya kaka tentang pembelajaran

online. Pertanyaan selanjutnya yaitu apakah kaka mengenali dengan

baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-aplikasi yang di gunakan oleh dosen

dalam pemeblajaran online, kemudian kita ketahui bahwa aplikasi

tersebut adalah google meet, google classroom, dan edx itu sendiri,

bagaimana kak?

(Okay, so that is your understanding of online learning. The next

question is whether you recognize well the use of applications used by

lecturers in online learning such as Google Meet, Google Classroom

and EDX applications?)

S.6.4: Yah saya mengenali aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut di antaranya google

meet, google classroom, dan edx. Kemudian cara penggunaanya yang

kurang saya pahami adalah google meet karena memiliki tahapan

yang begitu banyak tapi lambat laun saya bisa dengan gampang

menggunakan aplikasi itu sendiri.

(Yes, I recognize these applications including google meet, google

classroom, and edx applications. Then how to use the application that I

do not understand. Ie the google meet application because it has so

many stages but gradually I can easily use the application).

R.6.5: Kemudian nih kak pertanyaan selanjutnya, bagaimana cara anda

merangsang diri anda begitu agar lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti

pembelajaran onlilne ini?

(Next question. How does the way you merangang themselves to be

more interested in participating in online learning?)

S.6.5: Yah saya tertarik karena pembelajaran ini lebih berbeda daripada

pembelajaran pada umumnya karena pembelajaran ini berbasis online

dimana kita menggunakan aplikasi di dalamnya.

(Yes, I am interested in online learning because it is different from

learning in general and in this online learning we use several


R.6.6: Okey, kemudian pertanyaan ke4 kak. Apakah dengan pembelajaran

online ini ee anda mampu mengetahui dan memahami materi dengan


(Fourth question. Is online learning you are able to know and

understand the material easily?)

S.6.6: Yah menurut saya dengan pembelajaran online ini yang saya terima itu

kurang efektif karena ee ketika pembelajaran di lakukan secara online

otomatis dalam proses pembelajaran itu kita lebih tidak fokus

mendengarkan materi, kita lebih fokus mengerjakan ee hal hal yang

lebih menyenangkan karena kita tidak terlihat, karena kita hanya

mendengar suara tentang materi yang di jelaskan oleh dosen.

(In my opinion online learning is less effective because when learning

is done online, sometimes do not focus on listening to the material

conveyed by the lecturer, I am more focused on doing other things

because the lecturer does not see what we are doing because only the

lecturer's voice is only heard by us).

R.6.7: Ee jadi pertanyaan selanjutnya kak, yang kelima. Apakah dengan

menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi kaka lebih tertarik

dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar?

(The next question, does using online learning motivate you to be more

interested in following the teaching and learning process?)

S.6.7: Yah saya termotivasi dalam pembelajaran online tapi kita perlu tahu

ada 2 sisi positif dan negativenya. Dimana sisi posiifnya kita dapat

mengetahui media pembelajaran yang baru seperti ada google meet

tadi, google classroom dan edx yah dimana itu pemeblajaran baru

memilik dampak yang baik kepada mahasiswa, tapi sisi lain ada

dampak negatifnya juga dimana seorang mahasiswa melakukan

pembelajaran secara online tapi materi –materi yang di sampaikan

secara online tersebut kami sebagai mahasiswa itu terkadang lebih

tertarik kepada hal lain dan menagabaikan materi yang di paparkan

oleh dosen.

(Yes, I am motivated in online learning but from online learning it has

a positive and negative impact. The positive impact is that we can find

a variety of applications that can be made into learning media such as

Google Meet, Google Classroom and EDX applications. Of the three

applications have a good impact on students. Then in terms of the

negative impact of students sometimes ignore the exposure of the

material by lecturers by doing things that are not important and it

causes us to sometimes not understand the material delivered by the


R.6.8: Selanjutnya apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun

interaksi kaka dengan mahsiswa yang satu dengan mahasiswa

lailnnya? Kan berbeda ketika dosen memaparkan materi secara

langsung di kelas, kan kalau di kelas itu berinteraksi denga teman-

teman, lalu bagaimana dengan pembelajaran online?

(Furthermore, is online learning able to build interaction between

students and other students? Different when learning directly, in the

classroom students can interact directly with other friends).

S.6.8: Yah menurut saya itu ee pembelajaran online dapat memebangun

interaksi antara mahasiswa yang satu dengan mahasiswa yang

lainnya karena didalam google meet, google classroom tersedia

kolom komentar yang di jadikan sebagai interaksi terhadap teman-

teman yang lain. Jadi kita bisa bertukar pikiran dan memberi saran

ketika ada hal yang ingin di tanyakan.

(In my opinion in online learning we can build interaction between

students with other students because in Google Meet, Google

Classroom has a comment column that can be used as an interaction

with other friends. So through the comments column provided, we can

exchange ideas and give suggestions when things are not understood).

R.6.9: Kemudian nih, apakah dengan menerima dengan baik materi yang di

sampaikan oleh dosen?

Then, do you receive the material well when the lecturer uses online


S.6.10: Yah terkadang saya tidak menerima secara detail materi yang di

sampaikan oleh dosen karena ee memang terkadang dari jaringan

dari handphone bermasalah.

(Sometimes I do not receive in detail the material conveyed by the

lecturer because sometimes it has constraints such as the network on

the handphone).

R.6.11: Okey, lalu bagaimana pengalaman kaka selama mengikuti

pemeblajaran online itu sendiri?

(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.6.11: Yah dari pembelajaarn online ini saya dapat menemuksn beberapa

aplikasi baru yang ternyata dapat di gunakan sebagai media untuk

proses pembelajaran.

(From online learning, I can find several new applications that can be

used as media for the learning process).

R.6.12: Apa tanggapan kaka ketika pembelajaran online di terapkan di semua

mata kuliah atau semua dosen?

(What is your response when online learning is applied in all subjects

or all lecturers who apply?)

S.6.12: Jadi menurut saya tidak perlu, cukup satu atau dua mungkin dosen

yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis online ini.

(In my opinion it is not necessary, just one or two lecturers who apply

online-based learning).

R.6.13: Okey, jadi apa solusi kedepannya mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What are the future solutions regarding of online learning?)

S.6.13: Yah mungkin ketika dosen ingin melakukan pembelajaran online, ada

baiknya sebelum menerapkan media online tersebut kita sebagai

mahasiswa harus di barikan maksudnya di fasilitasu jaringan agar

ketika menjelaskan materi itu tidak putus-putus atau lebih lancar


(Maybe when a lecturer wants to do online learning, it is a good idea

before applying the online media we as students should be given the

meaning in network facilitation so that when explaining the material it

is not interrupted or smoother so).

R.6.14: Okey, terimakasih banyak kak atas waktunya.

(Okay, thank you very much for the time).

S.6.14: Yah terimakasih.

(Thank you).

R.6.15: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

(Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh).

S.6.15: Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

(Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh).

7. Description of Informant:

S.7 : Student

R.7 : Researcher

R.7.1: Bagaimana pemahaman anda mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What is your understanding about online learning?)

S.7.1: Yang saya ketahui pembelajaran online adalah suatu proses belajar

mengajar melalui aplikasi yang menggunakan jaringan internet

dimana ee yang mengajar dan belajar atau dosen dan mahasiswa tidak

melakukan atau pertemuan tatap muka secara langsung.

(Online learning is a process of teaching and learning through

applications that use the internet network where ee who teaches and

learns or lecturers and students do not conduct meetings face-to-face).

R.7.2: Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-

aplikasi (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Edx Application) yang

digunakan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran online?

(Do you recognize well how to use applications (Google Meet, Google

Classroom, Edx Application) used by lecturers in online learning?)

S.7.2: Ya saya mengenali dengan baik karena sebelumnya sudah ada petunjuk

dan arahan dari dosen bagaimana penggunaannya. Disini saya

mengetahui bagaimana cara penggunaan google classroom.

(Yes, I recognize it well because beforehand there have been

instructions and directions from the lecturer on how to use it. Here I

know how to use google classroom).

R.7.3: Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

S.7.3: Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

R.7.3: Dengan cara membangun interaksi antara Dosen dan mahasiswa. Jadi

saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung mahasiswa bisa bertanya

kapan saja kepada dosen layaknya seperti ee pembelajaran dalam

ruang kelas, bukan mahasiswa harus menunggu dosen selesai

menjelaskan baru bisa bertanya, maksudnya harus ada feedback

antara mahasiswa dan dosen karena berdasarkan pengalaman saya

saat mengikuti system pembelajaran online kami tidak bisa bertanya

saat dosen masih sementara menjelaskan. Jadi kurang untuk

menangkap materi yang di berikan oleh dosen, jadi saya tidak tertarik

dengan itu, itu membosankan buat saya.

(The way of establishing interaction between lecturers and students. So

when the learning process takes place students can ask whenever the lecturer is like ee learning in the classroom, not students must wait for

lecturers to finish explaining and then can ask questions, meaning that

there must be feedback between students and lecturers because based

on my experience when participating in our online learning system can

ask when the lecturer is still temporarily explaining. So it's not enough

to capture the material given by the lecturer, so I'm not interested in

that, it's boring for me).

R.7.4: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the material

with easily? Why?)

S.7.4: Tidak, saya tidak memahami materi yang di jelaskan oleh dosen karena

ada beberapa kendala yang biasanya terjadi yaitu masalah jaringan

internet ee, saat jaringan internet tidak baik maka ee suara dosen akan

terputus-putus atau saya keluar dari aplikasi itu. Jadi harus masuk

kembali dengan memasukkan kode dan itu membuat saya tertinggal

dengan materi yang di jelaskan oleh dosen.

(No, I don’t understood the material explained by the lecturer because

there are some obstacles that usually occur is network problems, when

the network is bad, the voice of lecturer will falter or I exit form the

application. So I had to go back in by entering the code and make me

behind with the material explained by the lecturer).

R.7.5: Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi anda

untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar?


(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

S.7.5: Tidak, belajar dengan system online memiliki banyak kekurangan

dimana tidak ada inteaksi langsung dari mahasiswa dan dosen.

Menurut saya ini tidak sistematis ee saya lebih memilih pemeblajaran

manual dimana disini dapat membangun interaksi dan tali silaturahmi

antara mahasiswa, mahasiswa lainnya dan dosen.

(No, learning with an online system has many drawbacks where there

is no direct interaction from students and lecturers. In my opinion this

is not systematic ee I prefer manual learning where here can build

interactions and relationships between students, other students and


R.7.6: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?

(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students and

other students? Why?)

S.7.6: Menurut saya dengan menggunakan system pembelajaran online itu

ttidak dapat membangun interaksi antara mahasiswa dengan

mahasiswa lainnya karena pada saat proses pembelajaran

berlangsung mereka tidak saling bertemu, tidak berkomunikasi tentang

sesuatu hal apabila ada sesuaut yang tidak mereka tidak pamai atau

mereka tidak bisa tangkap dari materi yang di ajarkan oleh dosen.

(In my opinion, using the online learning system cannot build

interaction between students and other students because when the

learning process takes place they do not meet each other, do not

communicate about something if there is something they are not

familiar with or they cannot capture from the material in teach by the


R.7.7: Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen dengan

baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly

when using online learning? Why?)

S.7.7: Tidak, saya tidak menerima materi yang di sampaikan ole dosen

dengan baik karena ee dari pengalaman saya dosen menginput materi

yang di jelaskan ee tulisan dari materi tersebut tidak jelas dan ada

beberapa yang saya tidak pahami dan saya tidak bertanya pada dosen

saya karena dosen sibuk menjelaskan dan ada waktu dimana kita

harus bertanya.

(No, I did not accept the material conveyed well by the lecturer

because from my experience the lecturer inputed the material that was

explained ee the writing of the material was unclear and there were

some that I did not understand and I did not ask my lecturer because

the lecturer was busy explaining and there are times when we have to


R.7.8: Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.7.8: Pengalaman saya setelah mengikuti pembelajaran online yaitu ee saya

tidak menerima banyak materi, saya tidak banyak menerima ilmu dari

dosen da nee komukasi anatara saya dan teman kurang, interaksi

antara saya dan dosen tidak banyak kami tidak bertemu, kami hanya

saling menjawab salam dari dosen kemudian mengabsen diri,

kemudian proses pemeblajaran selesai. Tidak banyak yang saya

dapatkan dari pemeblajaran online.

My experience after participating in online learning that is ee I did not

receive a lot of material, I have not received a lot of knowledge from

lecturers da nee commucation anatara my friend and less, the

interaction between me and the professor was not much we did not bert

emu, we just looked at each answered Sal am of lecturers then absent

themselves, then the learning process is complete. Not much I get from

online learning).

R.7.9: Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran didalam kelas/ tatap


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all subjects

than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

S.7.9: Saya tidak setuju. Saya benar-benar tidak setuju jika pembelajaran

online di terapkan di semua mata kuliah karena ee tatap muka dengan

dosen itu lebih baik menurut saya karena kita bisa kenal dengan dosen,

kita bisa berkomunikasi langsung dengan dosen dengan teman-teman

dan kita memiliki banyak pengalaman yang akan di dapatkan dari

pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Jadi kalau di suru memilih, saya lebih

memilih pembelajaran tatap muka.

(I do not agree. I really do not agree if online learning is applied in all

courses because ee face to face with the lecturer is better in my opinion

because we can get to know the lecturer, we can communicate directly

with the lecturer with friends and we have a lot of experience that will

obtained from learning in the classroom. So when asked to choose, I

prefer face to face learning).

R.7.10: Apa solusi anda mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannnya?

(What is your solution about online learning the future?)

S.7.10: Solusi saya, sebagai dosen kita harus bisa mengontrol siswa dari

proses pembelajaran dan saya berharap agar dosen memberikan

kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mananyakan langsung apa yang

tidak di ketahui saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Jangan saat

di akhir pembelajaran dan lebih baik jangan hanya suara yang di

perdenganrkan, bisa di perlihatkan juga dirinya dosen, seperi video

itu lebih jelas di bandingkan dengan hanya suara saja.

(My solution, as lecturers, we must be able to control students from

the learning process and I hope that the lecturer will provide an

opportunity for students to ask directly what is not known during the

learning process. Do not be at the end of the lesson and it is better not

only to hear the sound, it can also show itself as a lecturer, like the

video is clearer compared to just the sound).

8. Description of Informant:

S8 : Student

R8 : Researcher

R.8.1: Bagaimana pemahaman anda mengenai pembelajaran online?

(What is your understanding about online learning?)

S.8.1: Ada sisi negaif dan positif, kalau sisi negatifnya itu belajar online biasa

malas-malasan jaki contohnya itu saya yang merasakan, malasja ikuti

ini pelajaran karena nda tau apa na bilang, tersendak-sendak sama

jaringan kadang keluar ki dari aplikasi terus kalau sisi positifnya itu

mengurangi biaya transportasi ke kampus karena yah bisa jaki

belajar, bisa jaki absen di google classroom.

(My understanding of online learning is that there are negative and

positive impacts. From the negative impact that we are sometimes lazy

for example I sometimes feel that. I feel lazy because I don't know

what the lecturer is saying, the lecturer's voice falters in the network.

Sometimes we also log out of the Google Meet application because of

network expectations. Then from the positive side, the cost of

transportation to campus is reduced because online learning and

absence can be done in Google classroom).

R.8.2: Apakah anda mengenali dengan baik cara penggunaan aplikasi-

aplikasi (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Edx Application) yang

digunakan oleh dosen dalam pembelajaran online?

(Do you recognize well how to use applications (Google Meet, Google

Classroom, Edx Application) used by lecturers in online learning?)

S.8.2: Tidak, kadang ada yang tidak ku tau cara penggunaanya, jadi bertanya

sama Sir, bagaimana ini? Jadi kalau pembelajaran online banyak


(No, because sometimes there are things that I don't know about, and I

immediately convey it to the lecturer and from online learning, there

are so many grievances).

R.8.3: Bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik dalam

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How do you make stimulate yourself to be more interested in

participating in online learning?)

S.8.3: Kalau saya sih toh nda ku tau, karena malas ja, malaska dengarkan

penjelasannya kadang itu pi ku aktif kalau pembagian tugas atau

deadline pi, kalau saya.

(I do not know because I am indeed lazy to follow this online learning,

and even then I log in to the application when there are assignments

and so on).

R.8.4: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online anda mampu mengetahui dan

memahami materi secara mudah? Mengapa?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the material

with easily? Why?)

S.8.4: Tidak karena terkendala ki toh sama jaringan sama kapasitas dari

aplikasi google meet itu 25 ji orang bisa na muat.

(Not because it is constrained by the network and capacity of the

google application that only contains 25 participants).

R.8.5: Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi anda

untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar?


(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process? Why?)

S.8.5: Tidak, tidak sama sekali karena itu tadi ku bilang lebih banyak malasku

dari pada memperhatikan dosen menjelaskan kecuali ada kuis-kuis

begitu ee, baru ka yah liat ki, yah kalau mau memang ki nilai.

(No, well that's why I feel lazy. I watched the lecturer explain when the

quiz would be conducted by the lecturer).

R.8.6: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya? Mengapa?

(Is online learning able to build social interaction between students and

other students? Why?)

S.8.6: Tidak, karena di situ aplikasi di off ki mic nya, nanti kalau mau maki

bertanya atau di beri suggestion, jadi bagaimana ki mau berinteraksi,

jadi menurutku lebih efisien ki kalau secara tatap muka saja.

(No, because from the application the student's mic is turned off, so

when we want to give a suggestion or something like that it can't be

done. So I think direct learning is more effective).

R.8.7: Apakah anda menerima materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen dengan

baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online? Mengapa?

(Do you acceptance the material delivered by the lecturer properly

when using online learning? Why?)

S.8.7: Tidak, karena kalau secara online itu yang di kejar absennya ji. Karena

yang lihat dosen onlinenya ji ada nama ta disiu, jadi biar ki baring-


(No, because in my opinion, what we are after is just absenteeism. So

when the lecturer sees that our name is online, it is safe).

R.8.8: Bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.8.8: Yah nda adaji bagaimana- bagaimana, tapi ituji pengerjaan tugasnya

kadang ki berpacu sama waktu karena kadang ki di kasi hari ini, terus

deadlinenya jam 12 malam, jadi itusih pengalaman ku selama belajar


(It's normal, but in doing our assignments we are always racing against

time because sometimes the lecturer gives assignments in the

afternoon, then the deadline for the collection of assignments arrives at

exactly 12pm).

R.8.9: Bagaimana tanggapan anda ketika pembelajaran online diterapkan

disemua mata kuliah daripada pembelajaran didalam kelas/ tatap


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all subjects

than learning in the classroom/ face to face?)

S.8.9: Kalau ini di terapkan di kampus, tidak adami fungsinya ini kampus,

tinggal maki saja itu di rumah. Ilmu juga tidak ada yang masuk.

(In my opinion when online learning is implemented on campus the

function of the campus is gone).

R.8.10: Apa solusi anda mengenai pembelajaran online kedepannnya?

(What is your solution about online learning the future?)

S.8.10: Yah itu sih kapasitasnya mahasiswa, harus ki full jangan setengah kah

kalau begitu toh ada yang hadir dan ada yang tidak hadir. Kalau

adami yang egois tidak mau keluar, ini yang tidak masuk, tidak

masuk- masuk mi.

(Well regarding the capacity of the google meet application, it is

endeavored to be able to load all classmates not just 25 people).

9. Description of Informant:

S9 : Student

R9 : Researcher

R.9.1: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

(Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh).

S.9.1: Yah, Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

(Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh).

R.9.2: Mohon maaf di menggangu waktunya. Mau ka wawancari ki tentang

peneliatiaan mengenai pembelajaran online. Bisa ji?

(Sorry to interrupt the time, I will interview you about my research

online learning. May i?)

S.9.2: Iye bisa ji.

(Yes, can).

R.9.3: Tapi sebelum ku wawancara ki, perkenalkan dulu nama ta?

(But before I interview you, introduce your name?)

S.9.3: Oh iye, nama saya Ramlah.

(Yes, my name is Ramlah).

R.9.4: Okey, jadi pertanyaan pertama di, bagaimana pemahaman ta tentang

pembelajaran online?

(Okay, first question. What is your understanding about online


S.9.4: Oh pembelajaran online di, jadi menurutku pembelajaran online yaitu

pembelajaran yang di lakukan berjarak maksudnya dosen dan

mahasiswa toh berbeda tempat ki terus pembelajaran online itu

menggunakan aplikasi yang menghubungkan mahasiswa dengan dosen

(Oh, in my opinion online learning is learning done in a distance that

means lecturers and students are in different places and then use an

application that connects students with lecturers).

R.9.5: Hmmm, okey. Lanjut di ke pertanyaan kedua. Berdasarkan

pengalaman di semester tujuh ketika pembelajaran online kita

menggunakan google meet, google classroom, dan edx, jadi

pertanyaanku apakah di kenali dengan baik ki cara penggunaan

aplikasi tersebut?

(Ok, go to the second question. Based on experience in the 7th

semester using several applications, namely google meet, google

classroom, and edx applications. So my question is do you recognize

how to use the application?)

S.9.5: Ohh iye ku tau ki, tapi di google meet memang aplikasi yang ribet ki,

karena untuk log in ke aplikasi itu harus ki pake password dari dosen.

Jadi nda bisa ki di pake ini aplikasi google meet kalau nda ada

password dari dosen. Terus google classroom, ini aplikasi bagus ki

karena setau ku toh kalau mau kirim tugas itu Cuma pake e-mail jaki

tapi ternyata bisa juga ini pakai google classroom, terus bagus ki,

karena di situ toh ada jangka waktu na simpan dosen jadi termotovasi

ki kerjakan itu tugas. Terus kalau edx baggus ki juga, meringakan

beban mahasiswa, karena disitu toh banyak ki artikel dan link atau

website tentang education, technology dan yah banyak ki.

(Yes, I know. But in Google Meet application it is rather difficult

because to log in to the application, we must use a password that is

shared by the lecturer. Then google classroom, this application has

good benefits because previously I knew that to send assignments only

via e-mail, it turned out that it could also be through the google

classroom application. Then in this google classroom to work on

assignments from lecturers, we are given a period of time so that the

time is used as a reference and our motivation to complete the

assignment. If the edx application, there are several articles on

technology and education that are easily accessed).

R.9.5: Jadi ketiga aplikasi tersebut memiliki banyak manfaat di?

(So the three applications have many benefits?)

S.9.5: Iye banyak manfaatnya

(Yes many benefits).

R.9.6: Okey, lanjut di. Bagaimana cara ta merangsang diri untuk tertarik

mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(Okay we continue. How does the way you stimulate yourself to be

interested in online learning?)

S.9.6: Untuk masalah merangsang diri supaya tertarik, menurut ku nda tonji

bilang tertarik gimana ka, cuman karena ini toh pembelajaran baru ki

ku dapat, maksudnya berbeda, jadi agak ambisius ka gitu waktu

pertemuan awala, tapi setalah kayak pertemuan ke5 dan seterusnya

agak bosan ma karena itu agak nda paham ka kalau dosen

menjelaskan mi karena agak ada masalah gitu ee. Yah jadi awal-

awalnya memang ji tertarik sekali ka.

(To stimulate yourself to be interested well not too. It's just because

online learning is a new learning that I got so I was ambitious when I

first did online learning. But after the fifth meeting and so on, I was a

bit bored because I did not understand when the lecturer explained the

cause of network constraints. When I first learned I was very


R.9.7: Ooo begitu di, terus apakah dengan pembelajaran online ini mampu ki

mengetahui dan memahami materi dengan mudah?

(Then is online learning that you are able to know and understand the

material easily?)

S.9.7: Yah berdasarkan yang saya bilang tadi, kalau tentang paham yah

begitu mi karena yang masalah disini adalah jaringan. Ketika dosen

toh sementara menjelaskan, kadang putus-putus ku suaranya karena

itu yah jaringan. Terus kapasitas dari aplikasi itu, tidak semua teman-

teman bisa log in karena Cuma 25 ji orang yang bisa masuk. Jadi itu

mi kendalanya.

(Based on what I said before, to understand, it's pretty good to

understand because the problem is the network. When the lecturer is

explaining, sometimes the voice of the lecturer is not heard due to

network problems. Then from google meet application capacity only

25 people who can log in to the application).

R.9.8: Apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi anda

untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar?

(Does using online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process?)

S.9.8: Kalau memotivasi biasa aja yah, karena itu mi ku bilang awal-awalnua

ji ini pemeblajaran online menggebu-gebu ka ikuti tapi setelah

pertemuan ke5 dan seterusnya agak bosan ma karena itu materi atau

pengetahuan yang di dapat nda ngeh banget ki karena itu yah kadang ki

nda fokus dengarkan dosen menjelaskan karena lani mi di perhatikan

yah sama jaringan juga.

R.9.9: Apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun interaksi

antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya?

(Is online learning able to build interaction between students and other


S.9.9: Kalau membangun interaksi yah paling efektif itu kalau bertemu

secara langsung maksudnya pembelajaran bertatap muka secara

langsung begitu ee. Kalau di pembelajaran online sih lumayan

membangun interaksi karena kalau ada teman yang persentase

kemudian kita perhatikan ji dengan baik, maka aka nada interaksi

dengan teman yang persentase dengan cara bertanya, memberi solusi

atau memberi sanggahan pada apa yang na persentasekan begitu ee.

(If motivating just ordinary. Based on what I said just at the beginning

of the lesson I was very enthusiastic but after the fifth meeting onwards

I started to get bored because the knowledge that was obtained was not

comfortable because we did not focus on listening when the lecturer

explained and also due to poor networking).

R.9.10: Apakah anda menerima materi yang di sampaikan oleh dosen dengan

baik ketika pembelajaran online?

(Did you receive the material delivered by the lecturer well when

learning online?)

S.9.10: Aduhh, yang ku bilang tadi toh nda efektif bangetki karena itu

jaringan ee sama tidak semua teman bisa log in karena 25 ji yang

bisa masuk sedangkan kita 1 kelas ada 30 orang lenih. Jadi

bagaimana mi kodng teman yang nda masuk ke aplikasi itu? Nda na

pahami itu materi dong.

(Ooooo, in online learning this is not effective because it is

constrained by the network and capacity of the google meet

application, only 25 participants can log in while we have 1 person in

one class. So what about friends who can't log in to the application).

R.9.11: Terus bagaimana pengalaman anda selama mengikuti pembelajaran


(How was your experience during online learning?)

S.9.11: Yah dari mengikuti pembelajaran online banyak ku dapat pengalaman

baru, ternyata banyak aplikasi yang bisa di jadikan sebagai media

untuk proses belajar mengajar, seperti google meet itu bagus ki tapi

itu sedikit ji oaring bisa log in, sama google classroom bagus ki juga

dan edx juga bagus ki tawwa.

(From this online learning I gained new experience, it turns out that

many applications can be made as a medium for the teaching and

learning process, such as Google Meet, Google Classroom and EDX

applications which have a million benefits).

R.9.12: Lalu bagaimana tanggapan ta ketika pembelajaran online di terapkan

di semua mata kuliah atau semua dosen pakai pembelajaran online?

(Then how do you respond when online learning is applied in all

courses or all lecturers who apply it?)

S.9.12: Aduhh, menurutku jangan mi. nda efektif banget ki. Bagus ji iya

memang itu aplikasi, tapi kalau pakai online semua dosen, aduh

jangan mi. cukup 1 mo setiap semester yang pakai itu pembelajaran


(In my opinion it is not necessary, because it is very ineffective.

These applications do have benefits, but I think there is only one

lecturer for one semester who applies online learning).

R.9.13: Kemudian apa solusi ta tentang pembelajaran online ke depannya?

(What is your solution about online learning going forward?)

S.9.13: Ooh itu google meet bagus kalau tidak 25 ji bisa log in, tapi maksimal

100 siswa kah atau 200. Supaya kalau menjelaskan dosen bisa na

dengar semua kodong teman-teman. Terus dari kampus bagus kalau

na fasilitasi toh jaringan sebelum pakai ki media pembelajaran


(For the Google Meet application, I hope to add capacity to log in up

to one hundred students or two hundred. So that when the lecturer

explains, everyone can hear what is explained by the lecturer and for

the campus it should facilitate networking before using online


R.9.14: Ohh iye, terimakasih atas waktunya.

(Thank you)

S.9.14: Iye sama-sama. Masih ada?

(Yes, you are welcome. Is it still there?)

R.9.15: Ahahaa, nda ada mi kak. Terimakasih. Assalamualaikum

(Ahaha, it's up. Thanks. Assalamualaikum).

S.9.15: Hahaha, iye. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

(hahaha, yes. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh).

10. Description of Informant:

S10 : Student

R10 : Researcher

R.10.1: Permisi kak, mohon maaf menggangu waktunya. Jadi disini kak ada

beberapa pertanyaan saya mengenai penelitian tentang pembelajaran

onlilne. Iye jadi saya mulai mi di?

(Excuse me, sorry to disturb. So I will interview you about my

research online learning. So, do I start?

S.10.1: Iye.


R.10.2: Oke, jadi sebelumnya perkenalkan nama ta?

(Previously introduce your name.)

S.10.2: Oke, jadi nama saya Mutmainna.

(My name is Mutmainna)

R.10.3: Jadi pertanyaan pertama, bagaimana pemahaman ta tentang

pembelajaran online?

(The first question, how is your understanding of online learning?)

S.10.3: Yah pembelajaran jarak jauh toh menggunakan aplikasi.

(Online learning is distance learning using applications).

R.10.4: Iye, jadi di tau ki kah cara penggunaan aplikasi itu yang google meet,

google classroom, dan edx kak?

(Do you know how to use the google mee application, google

classroom, and edx application?)

S.10.4: Lumayan sih, karena pernah toh di pake di semester yah di beberapa

semester lah, tapi awalawalnya memang sih susah ki, ribet ki karena

banyak embel-embelnya tapi lambat laun ku tau mi yah karena ada ji

dosen toh di tempati bertanya, jadi bagus ji.

(Not bad, because previously it was used in the previous semester, but

initially it was rather difficult, complicated but gradually I knew

because I asked the lecturer).

R.10.5: Iye, jadi bagaimana cara merangsang diri anda agar lebih tertarik

dalam mengikuti pembelajaran online?

(How ways to stimulate yourself to be more interested in participating

in online learning?)

S.10.5: Ini toh pembelajaran online tertarik ka karena media pembelajaran

baru, kan biasanya itu pakai jaki google classroom untuk ngiirm

tugas sama mengabsen toh tapi ini ada lagi aplikasi baru yang bisa

na pake dosen menjelaskan materi. Maksudnya itu aplikasi bagus ki,

jadi biar nda kekampus ki kuliah, bisa jaki juga kuliah atau belajar di

kos masing-masing dan hadir jaki juga di mata kuliah itu.

(I am interested in online learning because this is a new learning

medium. Usually we need to use google classroom to send

assignments and do attendance but apparently there are other

applications that can be used by lecturers when explaining the

material. The application is good because we can study at each

boarding house).

R.10.6: Okey jadi apakah dengan pembelajaran online ini mampu ki

mengetahui dan memahami materi secara mudah?

(Is online learning you are able to know and understand the material


S.10.6: Aduh kalau secara mudah yah nda tonji iya, karena ada beberapa

kendala toh yah seperti jaringan. Jadi kalau dosen menjelaskkan

kadang ka bingung karena putus-putus ki suaranya dosen, jadi itumi


(If it is not easy, it's also not because there are some obstacles such as

networks. So when lecturer explain, sometimes we are confused

because the lecturers' voices are choked up, so that is obstacle).

R.10.7: Terus apakah dengan menggunakan pembelajaran online memotivasi

anda untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti proses belajar?

(Does online learning motivate you to be more interested in

following the teaching and learning process?)

S.10.7: Beuhh, kalau memotivasi yah nda ji juga, tapi kalau tertarik yah

tertarik ka karena nda pernah pi ku dapat toh selama sekolah, kuliah

ki baru di dapat.

(If you motivate, well, not really, but if you are interested, you are

indeed interested because you have never gotten it before during

school. We got obline learning at the university).

R.10.8: Terus apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun

interaksi antara mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa lainnya?

(Is online learning able to build interaction between students and other


S.10.8: Menurutku kurang ki, beda sama pembelajaran tatap muka kalau di

kelas. Karena bisa ki interaksi langsung sama teman dan dosen juga,

jadi lebih baguslah kalau tatap muka saja.

(Not bad but different from direct learning because we can interact

directly with eman and lecturers. So even better when learning

directly or face to face).

R.10.7: Iye, apakah anda menerima materi yang di sampaikan oleh dosen

dengan baik ketika menggunakan pembelajaran online?

(Do you receive material that is taught by lecturers well when using

online learning?)

S.10.7: Nda ji juga, yah lumayan lah. Katena itu kendalnya jaringan ee.

(Not bad because it is constrained by the network).

R.10.8: Lalu bagaimana pengalaman ta selama menggunakan pemeblajaran


(How was your experience using online learning?)

S.10.8: Jadi pembelajaran online itu penting ki juga iiya, karena zaman

sekarang toh serba tehnologi mi, canggih mi begitu ee. Ini juga bagus

ji pembelajaran online tapi baiknya sebelum ki di mulai untuk mata

kuliah pembelajaran online, di fasilitasi ki jaringan begitu ee sama

dosen atau kampus.

(So online learning is also important. Because now is the age of all-

technology, already sophisticated. Online learning is also good but it

would be better when before doing online learning, we are facilitated

in advance by the campus network or the lecturers themselves).

R.10.9: Terus bagaimana tanggapan ta ketika pembelajaran online di

terapkan di semua mata kuliah atau semua dosen pakai pembelajaran


(How do you respond when online learning is applied in all courses or

all lecturers who apply?)

S.10.9: Aduhh kalau saya jangan mi, mungkin 10 tahun ke depan bolehlah

atau bisa mi di terapkan ketika infrastruktur kampus memadaai

banget mi begitu ee. Cukup mi itu kalau 1 dosen atau 1 mata kuliah

yang terapkan di setiap 1 semester.

(I don't think it's necessary. Maybe in the next 10 years it can be when

the campus infrastructure is adequate. I think there is only one lecturer

or one subject who applies it every semester).

R.10.10: Terus apa solusi ta tentang pembelajaran online kedepannya?

(What is your solution about online learning going forward?)

S.10.10: Yah mungkin dari dosen bagus kalau na ajari ki tentang aplikasi lain

lagi yang bisa di pakai sebagai media pembelajaran toh.

(From the lecturer it might be good to tell or teach about applications

that can be used as learning media.)

R.10.11: Okey, terimakasaih banyak di atas waktunya.

(Thank you very much for your time and participation.)

S.10.11: Iye sama- sama.

(Yes, you are welcome.)

R.10.12: Assalamualaikum


S.10.12: Waalaikumussalam.




HASNIDAR was born on February, 3rd

1997 in Tatae. She is

youngest child of H.Dolo and Siloi. She has two sisters and

one brother. She started her study at SDN 45 Tatae and

graduated in 2009. She continued her study at SMPN 1

Duampanua and graduated in 2012. Then she studied in SMAN 2 Pinrang and

finished in 2015. She was accepted at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as

A Student of English Education Department in 2015.

At the end of her study, she could finish with her thesis under the title “Students’

Perception of Using Online Learning Materials (A Decriptive Qualitative

Research in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar)