Students’ Gifts in Students’ Hands Programmes/Depart… · It is with my sincere pleasure and...

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Transcript of Students’ Gifts in Students’ Hands Programmes/Depart… · It is with my sincere pleasure and...


Love SincerelyServeHumbly



Responsibly OUR VALUES

Students’ Gifts in Students’ Hands

St Hilda’s Primary SchoolGifted Education Department


St Hilda’s Primary School [SHPS] was recognised as one of the Gifted Education Centres in Singapore in 1998. Our commitment, in tandem with the Gifted Education Programme [GEP] goal, has always been to develop areas of strength in gifted students and to bring them to their full potential holistically. We provide them with the firm moral foundations to navigate an uncertain future and to lead meaningful lives. We know that if they are nurtured in the right environment, they can be the best that they can be and make a remarkable difference to those around them.

In the fifteen years journey of GEP@SHPS, our commitment to the above has not wavered but has in fact been strengthened by the dedication of our teachers and the unstinting support of our stakeholders. We have several achievements and innovations which testify to the quality of education that we provide in the GEP. Our students have distinguished themselves in many areas. In 2014, three of our students; Rachel Alyssa Abby, Zhang Zheting and Zhang Zheqing were awarded the Prime Minister Book Prize for their outstanding achievements in the languages. For the inaugural Kid’s Literature Quiz National Competition, organised by National Library Board, our two teams which participated emerged as the first and second runners-up in the finals.

We are constantly exploring new grounds to stay relevant and ensure that our teaching and learning practices maximise the potentials of our GEP students and prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. We have an ICT-enriched learning environment to allow for seamless personalised learning extending beyond the borders of the classroom. We hope for our students to always be at the forefront of innovation and work towards making a remarkable difference in the lives of those around them.

I would like to thank all teachers and officers from the GEP who have devoted years of passionate hard work because they believe that each child should be developed to his full potential. Not forgetting also our parents who worked together with us in this endeavour.

I wish the GEP students and fraternity every success in the near future.

Mdm Kew Mee YingPrincipalSt Hilda’s Primary School



It is with my sincere pleasure and delight, that I introduce our very own in-house publication of “Students’ Gifts in Students’ Hands”- a publication put together to showcase the innovative and creative works of our Gifted Education Programme [GEP] students in St Hilda’s Primary School [SHPS].

In this publication, you would get glimpses of the enriched learning experiences and journey that every student in the GEP went through. These enriched learning experiences were carefully designed and customised to meet the learning profile of the students and to ensure a holistic development. These activities could span from designing a game set for a Mathematics project, a creative composition written as part of an English Language task to embarking on a community involvement research project as part of their Individualised Research Study.

We categorised the students’ innovative and creative works based on the Hildan outcomes of Confident, Articulate, Innovative and Caring.

We hope for this publication, in a student’s hand, to act as a catalyst in triggering ideasand inspiring creativity.

On behalf of the department, I would like to thank all our GEP students for their innovative and creative works, our GEP teachers for their commitment to nurturing the students and our GEP parents for their support.

Mrs Zahira Mohd SedikHead of Department, Gifted Education ProgrammeSt Hilda’s Primary School



Chapter 1

Care to share

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

-Mother Teresa-

-P4 Individualised Research Study (Pages 5-10)

-P4 Social Studies (Pages 11-12)

-P5 Civic and Moral Education (Pages 13-14)








Social Studies Portfolio

My Home: Hopes and Dreams for the FutureOver the past few years, I have had opportunities to travel to many countries. Regardless of where I went, the feeling of homesickness was a constant companion. I missed the roti prata that usually starts my weekend, the nasi lemak and you tiao (fried fritters) that I usually eat for supper. I missed the Universal Studios, Botanic Gardens and Sentosa Adventure Cove Water Park where my family spent time bonding during the school holidays. Much to my surprise, I even missed the hot and humid weather which I usually complain about; at least it is less extreme, unlike in temperate regions where flight delays and cancellations are common in harsh winters.

Indeed, it was only when I started travelling that I realised what “home” means to me. Home is where I feel welcome and comfortable and where all my best friends and family members are. Home is where I can share my happiest and most unforgettable memories. It is where I am growing up and where I belong. In fact, my home has shaped me into who I am today. Like most Singaporeans, I do not eat to live but I live to eat. I am used to the secure and peaceful environment of Singapore which has become an important part of my life. I also have high expectations of the cleanliness and security of a country as I am growing up in a clean and safe place.

Home reminds me of the Lego bricks I always play with. Each brick has a role to play in order to form a structure such as a tower. When a brick is misplaced, the structure is less stable and may even collapse. Everyone plays an important role in the tower. We must all work together to make our tower more stable and stronger. Moreover, nobody owes us a living. We learnt this valuable lesson after the British surrendered to the Japanese in World War II. We had thought that the British were capable of protecting us, but we realised that our country’s fate depended on us, Singaporeans.

I hope that in the future, Singapore will continue to be safe. As Singapore is a very small country, we are vulnerable to attacks. Generations of Singaporeans who have not gone through the turbulent years of nation-building may take the peace and stability for granted. Therefore, the future generations must learn about Singapore’s history in schools like we do now. We must also teach our future generations values such as patience, humility, respect for differences so that we can maintain good relationships with other countries. We can start by preserving racial harmony and being more accepting of the many foreigners in our country.

In addition, I hope that life in Singapore will be less stressful. There is always too much to do but too little time. In schools, teachers can reduce the stress of the pupils by giving them a realistic amount of work so that the pupils will have enough time to rest. If the stress level cannot be reduced, I hope that at least there will be more greenery in the form of more spacious parks for people to relax and spend more time with family and friends. They can also go to parks to release pent-up stress.

Home is made up of its people. Its present and future is determined by what we have done and are willing to do. Everyone has a part to play. My role as a student is to learn as much as I can in school so that I can serve the nation better in the future.

Name: Gerrard Tai Class: P4/8 (2014)


Social Studies Portfolio

My Home: Hopes and Dreams for the FutureThe word “home” means more to me than its meaning in the dictionary, that is, “A house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household, the place in which one’s domestic affections are centered, or an institution for the homeless, sick”. Home, to me, means anywhere I feel welcomed, safe, protected, secure and loved.

I think home does not have to be a permanent place as I have experienced the feeling of ‘home’ in a place like a hotel or my uncle’s house. I feel at home because I am with the people who love, care, and protect me. Houses get bought and sold; a home stays with you always. These experiences have made me realise I don’t have to be ‘home’ to be home. I have been in my friend’s condominium in Ipoh, Malaysia, and I felt at home there. My friend’s parents were welcoming and during our stay, they watched over me when I was at the condominium’s public pool. On the last night, we bought durians and ate them sitting in a circle on the balcony of the house, like a tribe gathering around a fireplace. The adults left the best parts for me. I was grateful. I felt very cared for and touched and I stayed in the circle even after I had my fill. We had a good time there and left reluctantly.

On the same token, Singapore, my country, is my homeland. I have hopes that Singapore will continue to have economic prosperity, be a caring country, with our citizens having a world-class education. Unfortunately, the price of housing is currently increasing, and I wish that income would rise along with inflation; as I worry I might not even be able to afford a house when I grow up.

I hope that Singapore would adopt more environmentally-friendly practices. I, as a member of the human race, worry about climate change and will do my part by not wasting. Singapore must engage other countries to join this cause, as we alone cannot impact the world much. For example, there was, and still is, haze, which starts in June, the ‘haze season’. It originates from Sumatra, Indonesia, where slash-and-burn tactics are being employed to clear land for owners. This year, there is a high chance of an ‘El Nino’ weather pattern, which may cause severe drought and months of intense haze. So, the governments of ASEAN countries should come together to put a stop to this as it is contributing to climate change. Time might be running out. 2013 was the fourth hottest year since 1880, and 2014 could be even hotter! I hope that these temperatures will drop, as sea levels are rising by 15mm per year and Singapore will be no more than an ‘Atlantis’ by 2111 or even 2080, so we definitely should do our part.

I feel, and hope, that Singapore will be a happier place in the future and I will help to fulfill that by being more welcoming towards foreigners and immigrants, letting them feel more like a part of society that they are in, adding a sense of togetherness and making Singapore a much friendlier society.

The analogy that comes to mind when I think of home is a ship’s crew. My father, the head of the family, whom I look up to, is like the captain. I look up to him, as he is a good, positive, jovial, mischievous and upright person. I, in turn, am the young sailor training to be the captain someday. My memories and experiences of challenges and struggles, which I have faced and overcome, have moulded and shaped who I am today by helping me and guiding me through life. For example, I was a lazy person, but I am less lazy now. I hope to be a person of strong character and integrity, contributing to the growth of our society.

Name: Kayden Tan Class: P4/8 (2014)


P5 Values-In-Action Project 2014: Paying It Forward

“The point is not to pay back kindness, but to pass it on.” - Julia Albarez, Writer -

The message of making a difference by paying it forward resonated with our P5 classes as they took up the baton of service learning to pass on the gift of learning they enjoyed. Students took ownership of the entire process, from generating ideas to contacting their beneficiaries, from fund raising to gift making. Take a look at their awesome process!

Equipped with their personal devices, students researched on target audience to spread their

kindness to, and collaborate for ideas with their sister class.

Students led their own discussions to finalise ideas, developing not only ideas for fund raising and activities, but criteria to select ideas for implementation.


Employing their handicraft talents for the cause, students held a garage

sale fund raising with loom bands, origami products and a photo booth. In just 2 hours, students raised more

than $400 for their VIA efforts for their beneficiaries.

With the funds raised, the students made terrariums to allow children who are neglected to have a learning experience through the mini-ecological system. As students reflected on their gifts, they hope that the children who receive the terrariums will be edified by the learning, and that education will inspire their beneficiaries to dream big.


Out of the box

Chapter 2

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” - Steve Jobs-

-P6 Math (Page 16)-P5 Math (Pages 17-18)-P5 Innovation Programme (Pages 19-22)-P5 Financial Literacy (Pages 23-25)-P4 Science (Page 26)


GEP Alternative Assessment P6 (2014)The Alternative Assessment provides opportunities for students to engage in innovative and creative work using mathematical ideas or situations. It is a structured and guided research as well as an investigation and journal writing assignment which students work on individually. Students have to do research on the assignment chosen and use a variety of problem-solving heuristics and thinking skills to understand mathematical ideas or situations and solve investigative problems. In addition, they have to constantly reflect on their thinking and working processes.



Name of Project: Math UNO

Done by: Alexa Yeo, Noah Chia, Justin Thern

How was this project conceived?

Instead of diving headfirst into complicated and difficult-to-understand theorems, we decided to focus on honing our basic mathematical skills in this game. This would help to better comprehend and apply complex theorems like the Gauss’ Theorem and the Fibonacci numbers. We also wanted to incorporate the spirit of fun and competition into the game, while at the same time being able to strengthen our Mathematical foundation.


Name of Project: Mathemethod

Done by: Tricia Chong, Nicole Wong, Tan Xin En

How was this project conceived?

This game is based on the Scrabble game concept. Like Scrabble, Mathemethod uses tiles, tile stands and a board. However, modifications were made to make the game more original, challenging and interesting. We made a dummy set and experimented with it, improving the game as we progressed.

Name of Project: Math UNO

Done by:Angeline Lai, Sarah Ooi, Teo Shu’En

How was this project conceived?

Our group intended to create a game where players need to form Mathematical equations to win. Thus, we built on this idea to create our game. We printed numbers and symbols on the cards. The project was smooth-sailing as we were able to compromise our varied ideas and cooperated well. We enjoyed the process thoroughly as we had to be creative to complete this project.


Innovation Programme P5 (2013 and 2014)The Innovation Programme (IvP) provides a unique opportunity for pupils to develop their problem-solving and inventive skills.

IvP Prototype Write-Ups


This invention makes walking at night safer. It is for people who frequently walk at night and for those who return home from work late at night. It is worn on the shoe and it has a front torchlight to light up the path in front of the user. It also has a back blinking light which alerts any vehicles or people behind the user. The invention has a comfortable Velcro strap which is adjustable.

Inventors: Andrew Kyle David & Appana Jishnu


This invention helps to prevent food packages from hawker centres from toppling in a moving car. It is for those who buy food to take-away from hawker centres. It has a handle, Velcro straps and an absorbent cloth.

Inventors: Avigail Frances Chan XinYi, Ooi Li En Sarah, Jyotsna Ramakrishna

EZ Replacer

This invention makes it easier for those who need to replace fluorescent tubes. Anti-slip mats are glued to the Clip-cum-Holder (CcH) to improve grip and increase friction so that the tube can be rotated. The CcH would also serve to be a holder for the tube to be held in.

Inventors: Yeoh Han Yi, Kevin Tan, Shaunn Lim


The Better Board

This invention has a flap so it can hold A3-size paper. It also has a detachable pouch at the back to put stationery and a drawer with Post-its and a memo pad for notes. It is a multi-functional clipboard.

Inventors: Valerina Tjandra, Chang Yu Qing, Gayatri Menon


This invention picks up ping-pong balls fast and easily after every table-tennis practice session. It is for those who play table-tennis and have a hard time picking up ping-pong balls. It has an extendable tube made from two tubes, making the invention extendable and can store up to 50 ping pong balls. It has a sling for easy transportation and a rubber band, which is the main part for picking up ping-pong balls.

Inventors: Timothy Quek, Lai Yung Yan, Ryan Chin


This invention allows users to clean and dry a table effectively. There is a bottle containing water or a cleaning liquid which can be squeezed to wet the front portion of the cleaning cloth. As the user drags the cleaner on the table, the back dry portion of the cloth dries the table.

Inventors: Baddipadige Amith Reddy, Christopher Teng Jun Han, Yong Ray Kye Isaac


Rain Rain Go Away

This invention prevents housewives and maids from falling out of the windows when hanging the clothes out in high-rise flats. It has a motor to control sending clothes out to dry and also for keeping them, with a press of a button. It is quick and convenient and you could even leave the clothes unattended on a stormy day without having to worry about them as it keeps the clothes in when it detects rain.

Inventors: Evangeline Yeoh, Nicole Wong, Phee Shayne


Whenever you leave a bottle of dark sauce around, it always leave a stain on the surface as dark sauce flows down the side of the bottle slowly. By sticking the bottle in another slightly larger container, the problem is solved! It is also easy to clean the stain in the container by rinsing it with water.

Inventors: Soh Jing Yee, Celeste Chong Hao Yee, Yip Jing Han

Band & Tie

This invention is both a hairband to tidy up the fringe and also a rubber-band to tie a pony tail. It can also be used as a hairband and rubber-band at the same time, thus reducing the number of hair accessories to be carried around.

Inventors: Natasha Yeo Ting Yu, Arielle Yeo Hui Wen, Lim Jia-Yi Andrea



Whenever it rains heavily, it is almost impossible to be completely dry when the driver leaves the car or gets into the car, even with an umbrella. This invention attaches a fan-like plastic sheet from the car door to the car. When the driver opens the car door, the plastic sheet opens and acts like a shelter for the driver.

Inventors: Sophia Huan Shi Hui, Eda Chua Xing En, Sean Christophe Inglin

The Walkembrella

There are elderly people who use an umbrella as their walking stick. However, if it rains and they are on the road, it becomes difficult to use the umbrella to shelter from the rain as they need it as their walking stick. This invention attaches the umbrella to a walking stick and can be opened only when necessary.

Inventors: Muhammad Ismail B Mohd Salim, Avinash Keshav Veerayah, Sebastian Lau Yao Quan


Financial Literacy P4 (2013)Financial Literacy entails the ability to make informed judgments and to make effective decisions regarding the use and management of money. It helps our students to be more prudent when it comes to resource allocation.

The following photos feature our students in action during the Innovation and Enterprise (I&E) Carnival. Students develop creativity and soft skills in the process of conceptualising and running their class stalls.

Reflections and Take-aways from Students


I have learnt how to approach someone to promote a certain product and how to run a stall.

- Mahima Srinidhi Hari


I feel happy that I really could approach people to play the games at our stall because I am a little shy when with strangers.

– Selina Peh


I have learnt how to allocate roles and give thought to details.

- Tan Shannon

I have learnt how to attract customers to my stall. I also learnt that there should be teamwork for a stall to be set up. I cannot set up a stall alone.

- Banavali Varun Hanoj

Rallying customers to our self-designed game-- be an Ace Shooter so that Cookie Monster does not go hungry.

Arranging the props to ensure that the game stall is ready for the next customer.

About Financial Literacy in Schools. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2014, from



I have learnt how to set up our own stalls and that we must be innovative in order to have good business for the stall.

- Lee Yan Ern, Kathlyn

Saving Money

We must save money and not waste it on unnecessary things.

- Lim Jia-Yi Andrea

Business Insights

We should be confident when we speak to our customers so that they will be more willing to buy our product or participate in our activity. We should speak cheerfully but calmly. By promoting our stall, we can attract more customers. The place we pick and the game/product we are setting up/selling is also important as it determines how many customers we can attract.

- Natasha Yeo Ting Yu

Student’s Adaptation of Financial Literacy Concepts in ComicsFinancial Literacy Concepts can be encapsulated into Chinese proverbs/sayings.Cuison Jacob Dimaano (P5-9) selects a saying that he likes and presents it in cartoon format: 未雨绸缪\save for a rainy day


Global Enterprise Challenge (GEC)P5 (2014) The Global Enterprise Challenge is a business challenge event organised by Broadclyst Community Primary School. This extraordinary challenge connects schools and children across the world in one global education project. It helps students increase their awareness of cultural diversities and gain an understanding of world markets and currencies. It also hones their entrepreneurial skills and economic awareness. Students also develop an understanding of communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills and creativity is also encouraged through the use of technology.

In this challenge, our students worked in teams to develop and market a product to become the most successful and entrepreneurial company. This competition gave our P5 GEP students an opportunity to take part in collaborative learning in an authentic setting.

Students’ Creations on Pencil Toppers


THE TOY CAR THAT IS MOVED BY THE WINDP4 (2014)As part of the E2K curriculum, Primary 4 and 5 students designed and created toy cars moved by wind energy. In groups, they brainstormed on how best to capture wind energy to propel the toy car and put their ideas into tests. The pictures below depict the learning process.

Working in groups to design and create the toy cars

Testing out their toy cars


Have Faith

and never stop believing

Chapter 3

“What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.”

-Norman Vincent Pole-

-P5 Future Problem-Solving (Pages 28-40)-P5 Social Studies (Page 41)-P4 Science (Page 42)


THE BETTER MEBy Elizabeth Leong KyliPrimary 5/10 (2014)

My dry, cracked lips spread apart to form a wide grin. Even my dark eyes lit up, vaguely concealing the dark lines beneath. Stepping into school, the massive throngs of students in the hallway moved in cliques. Headphones were clasped to ears and eyes were affixed on the muted screens of gadgets. Obsession with technology was so ubiquitous in society that possession of paper-thin devices such as the ITouches and ICari had become a popular fad, especially in the lives of teenagers. Such gadgets consumed their every waking hour.

Cyber-nerds were in existence too. Rarely spotted with the latest gadgets, they had unwittingly chosen to stay out of the techno league because of financial issues. I was one of them albeit not by choice. A closet attention seeker, my inner yearning was to be at the forefront of technology. However, that could only be achieved with financial security and youthful looks. I did not belong to that privileged group. With little spare cash to indulge in the purchase of gadgets, I was set to be a failure from the start. It didn’t help that I had looks that could kill. No one paid attention to me. They didn’t have any reason to do so. Seeing so many others tread the road to popularity, I longed to join them, yet difficulties lined the path and I didn’t have the resources to overcome them. Life was a misery.

As I reached into my bag and pulled out my new AutoText9, it turned on automatically. The bright glow of its screen enveloped my face. Immediately, I surveyed my surroundings, craving for attention. I heard an audibly annoying snort from a boy next to me as he pulled out what looked like a newer model of the device. The embossed print ‘‘AutoText10’’ on the back of the device was screaming for attention. Still trying to digest the turn of events, I briskly hid my ‘‘new’’ gadget. How could that be possible? The order for this model had just arrived the night before. The AppMarket had bragged about it being the newest model. However, a nagging voice at the back of my mind jolted me back to reality – many versions of the same gadget could be launched in a day. I shook my head in incredulity. Still unable to comprehend what had happened, I stood still, letting the others surge past me. I was the last one in the crowd again. Technology was simply not the road to popularity for me.

Though challenges threatened at every turn, I was determined to find a way out. Brushing away tears of disillusionment, I managed to shuffle my way back to class. A slate-grey classroom with projections on the walls greeted me.

‘‘Good morning, Miss Davis. You are assigned to seat 34. Please do Science assignment 26,’’ a monotone voice droned on. I quickly slipped the device into my bag. I looked to my left. A slender, gray robot stood beside the whiteboard. According to animatronics research, our ‘‘teacher’’ was an advanced model, the ScanTech 5.0. However, everyone knew that ingenious computer technicians and educators were the ones framing the content delivered by the ‘‘teacher’’. As I settled down at my desk, the usual interactive screen appeared before me. Just a light touch on the Science Assignments menu directed me to the task. Upon reaching the finis of the assignment, pupils would be allowed to leave after their grades had been locked into the system via a central grading channel.


Looking at the online clock, I beamed with delight as a luminous A+ appeared on my screen, before disappearing into the interactive channel. Life was a bliss.


The next day, I departed from my house with AutoText9 in hand, browsing through the E-Topics for the upcoming test. Upon arriving in school, I heard burbling all around me. Even from afar, I could distinctly make out something about a newly-released device. I dismissed the chatter as something insignificant. Just as I was about to brush past a notorious rowdy clique, I noticed something peculiar. Unlike the usual sleep-deprived faces, most standing in that clique seemed youthful…to an unnatural extent. The warm glow from their faces was somewhat unreal. Such a drastic transformation could not have taken place overnight! After ruminating for a moment, I could only conclude that it had to be linked to the latest device that was the talk of the town. Shaking my head to clear my jumbled thoughts, I refocused and trudged towards that familiar ground of comfort – the slate-grey classroom where I could at least have control over my actions. Life would be a bliss once I stepped foot into that familiar territory.

The facile test was followed by an interval for students to reflect on their answers. I headed towards the E-Library, my thoughts deviating to the scene before the test. The desire to achieve that sublime state of appearance haunted me that day. Could this be my path to end life’s misery and gain popularity? I retrieved my AutoText9.

Searches for ‘‘Physical Changes’’ and ‘‘Beautification’’ did not provide much information to satisfy my interest. It was only after flicking through a myriad of cyber advertisements that FaceAugment jumped out of the screen. A newly invented beauty gadget, it boosted instantaneous guaranteed results. When scanned onto one’s face, a mould according to the sonogram of the user’s face would register facial transformation requested by the individual. No downtime. No pain. Presumably no side-effects. What a bliss!


The next morning, a closer look at the cliques in the hallway jolted me from my reverie. Many of the students seemed to have come alive. They no longer had addlepated expressions on their faces. I managed to pussyfoot closer to a group of girls deep in conversation, chit-chatting with the occasional high-pitched shrieks and gasps of excitement. The leader of the group, a slender girl with a dark tan, seemed so proud of her newfound ‘’beauty’’ that her obvious unnatural appearance did not seem to bother her. She, like the rest, had clearly gone through a certain degree of transformation. The radiant smiles, the sparkling teeth, the bright eyes looked so alluring. I just had to be part of that bliss!


After a few hours of studying, I sunk into my comfortable bed. My thoughts returned to FaceAugment. I sighed, considering the consequences of my decision.


My hands shook uncontrollably as I keyed in the details of my bank account at the website that sold second-hand products. The screen flashed, registering my order and completely draining my account. A few seconds later, the buzz of a mechanical drone propelled me involuntarily towards the window, just in time to see a parcel being delivered on the ledge. With a depleted bank account, I could only sense apprehension welling up in me. The satisfaction in becoming a part of the bliss seemed surreal.

I held the large, coccoid device directly above my face. When switched on, a shimmering red light brightened up the room. I redirected the focal point. With it perfectly balanced on the tip of my forehead, an invisible mask-like structure enveloped my face. Its unsuspectingly cool and tingling vibration titillated the sensory glands just below my eyes. I was thrilled yet I didn’t know what to expect. Would I be a step closer to being blissful like the rest?

As I sat up ramrod straight, the porcelain mask-like structure rolled off my face, smashing into smithereens on the floor. A cry of despair emanated from my lips as I attempted, in vain, to piece my prized possession together. I would have to read the fine print again. There had to be a warranty period for the device. However, I knew that the device would not be expected to last long and directed my thoughts towards my appearance. Curiosity overwhelmed me. Looking into the mirror, a satisfied smile widened across my lips. Would I be blissful like the rest? As I sashayed through the corridor, cliques that were originally chatting nineteen to the dozen halted their conversation and started making their way in my direction. I felt a sense of exhilaration bursting in me. It was happening. I could feel bliss. Sweet bliss. To my horror, I realised that the crowd wasn’t heading towards me; their attention was focused on the group of students behind me. In addition to their youthful looks, those students had the latest technology in their hands. I stood there, stunned, my thoughts whirling round in a confused jumble. I wasn’t a popular student, I couldn’t even be considered as a cyber-nerd. I was a mere closet attention seeker. Yet, with every second of wanting, the list of desires grew longer and even more complex. Tears started to trickle down my cheeks. This time, I did not bother to brush them away. Life was still a misery.


THE CHANGEBy Jacob Cuison DiaamoPrimary 5/9 (2014)4th position in National Scenario Writing Competition 2014


They steered clear of his inadequacies. The mere thought of being remotely associated with him seemed repugnant. He was Vasquez Schrod, a middle-aged i-migrant from the suburbs of Yaddan, an underdeveloped country. A self-taught chef, he had come to Rether, a technologically advanced land, in search of a better life.

Retherians despised his type – poor i-migrants whose bodily automation were outdated. Derts, individuals who belittled those deemed technologically less advanced than themselves, were common in Rether.

Vasquez’s ability to whip up sophisticated delicacies was the only reason for his existence in Rether.

Automatism, the act of converting a human body into that of a robot, was the latest rage in Rether. Human arms and legs were considered passé. Only those who relished being homo sapiens guarded the use of their non-automated limbs.

Coming from rural Yaddan, Vasquez only had Automaton3000 limbs. He and those like him, yearned for the lives of the Retherians who were reaping the benefits of Automaton9000 that was especially equipped with flight-enabled ‘JetBoots’.

Many who knew Vasquez disparaged him for being the embodiment of Automaton3000. It was a disgraceful state as the lack of turbo charge in Automaton3000 limbs often rendered one helpless while transiting from one place to another. During the programmable rainfalls, he could even get electrocuted. Social outcasts like him were not aware of the artificial weather schedule.

Even Vasquez’s only saving grace – his extraordinary culinary skills – did not offer him any form of leverage in his progression up the social ladder. From day one, he had felt ostracised. Assigned to a cramped, dingy underground chamber, leagues away from the state-of-the-art pods where the others with Automaton9000 resided, Vasquez could only look on with envy as the first class i-citizens lounged about in their mid-air apartments that could be turned to face the customisable sunset or rising sun. He longed for the same privilege.

* * *

Together with the less privileged ones and those who chose to remain as complete homo sapiens, Vasquez used the unpaved dirt roads while the socially acceptable ones travelled by airspace. Vasquez was used to others flying above him, mocking him and intentionally leaving dust in their wake.



Halfway through his journey home one day, random jets of sticky fluid suddenly squirted from his limbs, causing his Automaton body to stiffen in mid-step. Vasquez fumbled aimlessly, attempting to manoeuvre the gears but to no avail. No amount of willpower could propel them back into motion. Taking a much needed break from its overworked life, Automaton3000 had receded into the rest mode. Trapped in those sleeping limbs, Vasquez winced in agony and wished that someone would come to his aid. But what were the chances?

Many glided over him in their JetBoots, sniggering so hard that some were knocked out of their pre-set flight path. It was a strange sight as some even lumbered into the others and spiralled downwards like out-of-control boomerangs. In the commotion, many were seen snapping holographic pictures, known as HoloPics, and posting them on UniTis, a universe-wide social networking site. Instantaneously, six-dimensional images of Vasquez, trapped like a sitting duck, illuminated the i-screens. It wasn’t a pretty sight.Drained of his self-esteem, Vasquez finally reached his dwelling. He wished that he could revert to the good old days when muscles and veins were in control instead of the platinum microchip that now encoded his every move. However, there was no turning back. Almost everyone was obsessed with the presumed benefits of the cutting-edge technology.

Depression hit him like a bottomless pit. He felt weary. How could life get any better?


It was the red-letter day. Retherians were commemorating Automatism Day, the date that kick-started the country’s obsession with their state-of-the-art technology. Located near the first Automaton factory, the celebratory mood at the air pod was abruptly interrupted when Automaton9000s who were hovering about and partying suddenly crashed and lay wasted on the ground. It was as though something invisible had hit the core of their being. Writhing in unspeakable agony, their woeful looking eyes beseeched for help while others who seemed unaffected by the mysterious attack looked on in horror. Vasquez was the on-site chef. His gaze fell upon Professor Feinstein, Rether’s renowned technology guru, who was one of those affected by the sudden attack. The sight of his hero tumbling in a heap was unbearable. He knew that he had to do something. It was only right to help, even if many of them were Derts. Vasquez could do wonders with food.But he knew next to nothing about fixing Automatons, especially the modern Automaton9000.

Vasquez took a deep breath.

* * *

Grath, a senior researcher who had been labouring on the upgrading of Automaton9000 to Automaton1, snickered to himself. It was time for revenge. The Retherians had been an ungrateful lot. The accolade given to Feinstein was a mistake. Grath deserved to be


recognised and applauded for his extraordinary invention. It was he who had come up with the award-winning JetBoots. He was the rightful recipient.

After upgrading his system to Automaton1, Grath activated the worm that would wreak havoc on the Automaton9000 system.

* * *

The scene screamed of panic and pandemonium. While all the Automaton9000s lay strewn on the ground, the other less advanced Automatons and homo sapiens who were unaffected by the attack fled the scene. Unlike his cowardly counterparts, Vasquez had stood his ground. He knew that he had to conquer the root cause of the attack. Why were he and those cowardly few spared by the onslaught? How were THEY different? A bulb suddenly lit.

Single-handedly, he raided the nearby abandoned Automaton factory and found what he was looking for – crates full of obsolete Automaton fragments in an obscure corner of the store pod. He quickly wiped away the micro-dust and hauled his loot towards the air pod where Professor Feinstein was lying in a heap. Betraying his inexperience, Vasquez cagily took the Professor apart and reassembled him with a combination of the outdated parts. It was a gruelling task. Once done, he stepped back in awe as Professor Feinstein’s weary looking eyelids gradually fluttered open.

Vasquez could not be more pleased with himself. He had correctly guessed that the Automaton9000 technology had been hacked and that the solution was to replace the newer mechanism with the outmoded components.

Applying the same method, Feinstein and Vasquez set about fixing the other weakened Retherians around them.

* * *

Grath had hacked into SecureDrones, the floating devices that could record live footage like the CCTVs long ago. He witnessed how Vasquez had valiantly resuscitated the Retherians. Enraged that the puny i-migrant had foiled his plans, the seething and indomitable Grath hatched yet another evil plan. He turned his attention to the rain sprinklers. No one would be spared this time.


It was raining.

Vasquez became progressively weak. Dizzy.


One by one, the Retherians fell to the ground, unconscious. Vasquez sensed an unusual stench as a puddle of strangely oily raindrops formed near him.

The rain!


“With quick thinking, one man has saved a nation destined for extinction. His name is Vasquez Schrod and he is the reason for our survival,” Professor Feinstein announced. The statement was greeted by a standing ovation.

It had taken four days for the society to regroup and understand Grath’s actions. Headed by Professor Feinstein, a new government was elected.

“The attacks have awakened us to the danger of technology. Henceforth, Automatism and artificial weather will be abolished. For his contribution to society, Vasquez is sanctioned as the first rightful recipient of preserved human parts unravelled in archaeological excavations,” the Professor continued, “Derts are now banned from society. Henceforth, everyone will be treated as an equal.” Vasquez was no longer listening. He was smiling from ear to ear.


Post-human surgery. Vasquez connected his i-tablet to the Rethernet and posted updates about his much talked about surgery. Moments later, he was swamped by Unity Requests – similar to the ‘Friend Requests’ from his childhood days.

Still adapting to the precision of his muscular limbs, Vasquez savoured his newly acquired touch of humanity. The digits on his i-tablet soared as the well-wishes flooded in.

He could still recall the day of the weather attack. Mustering all the strength left in him, he had headed for the weather control centre which was located just above the air pod. Upon reaching the centre, Grath was spotted working feverishly on the controls. Creeping up on him, Vasquez knocked him out instantaneously and halted the rain with a press of the blinking Master Button that Feinstein had vaguely talked about while they were fixing the Automatons on the fateful day of the first attack. Thankfully, within minutes, the affected Retherians managed to regain consciousness.

Vasquez had rescued the day once again.

His valour had granted him societal acceptance.

Once an outcast, he is now a hero.

It was a welcoming change.


MISS. TAKEN IDENTITYBy Mahima Srinidhi HariPrimary 5/9 (2014)

14/8/2047 - 1100 hours

It was Ayame’s third day at Solton Varsity. The first two days had been programmed for virtual orientation.

Ayame recalled that her admission into the prestigious Solton was only because of her academic achievements and groundbreaking thesis on CryptoComputing. In the superficial era of idolatry where looks were all that mattered, normal selection into Solton was based on one’s genes and appearance rather than academic prowess.

Ayame was delighted to see her LearningPod. Here she would stay during school hours and view holographic lessons which were transmitted through LearningChips that were delivered to each pod on an hourly basis.

She spotted the latest model of the ZetaFlop TapPad lying on her desk. She eagerly placed her hand on the device and waited for it to recognize her palm print. She was logged onto MaiseKonnekt, the school-wide network that facilitated communication, four-dimensional images and messaging. Ayame browsed through the pages. She stopped at Primera’s page, which was significantly more noticeable than the rest because of its lengthy messages. Piqued with curiosity, she began to read Lana’s message to Primera.You’re such an ogre. I’m sure your pea-brain is as tiny as your ugly nose. I’m surprised they let such a dimwit study at Solton. Who would want to befriend you?

Shocked, she took a look at Primera’s profile picture and gasped.

Sporting an unusually large forehead, Primera’s oily pug-nose and scrunched up eyes reminded one of a bulldog. Her hair was limp, hanging in a thin curtain around her face. Mismatched teeth shone dully under thin lips that were stretched out in a grin.

Ayame glanced upwards at the reflective surface of the walls of her pod. A plump girl with sunken black eyes and thick lips stared back at her. Pimples dotted her nose and cheeks, blemishing her dark complexion.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shrill sound buzzing in her ears.

To ensure the perpetuity of real-time human interaction, students were mandated to vacate their pods for sixty minutes at 1339 hours; the exact mid-point of a normal school day. A piercing sound would emit from a microchip, which was embedded in the students’ ears upon admission into Solton, alerting them to the fact that the air supply in the pod would be cut off for an hour after the buzz had sounded. Ayame dreaded those moments. The thought of having to ‘socialise’ with the rest of the school population upfront and close frightened her. What would they think of her? Would they notice her shaky voice and sweaty palms? Would they pick on her flabby stomach? Would they make fun of her short stature? All her life, she had been ostracised. Would they do the same in Solton? She had tried reasoning with the principal to let her stay in her LearningPod throughout the break, during the orientation. He had stubbornly


refused to waive the rule just for her.

She shook her head to clear the thoughts, steeling herself to face reality and made her way outside.

20/8/2047 – 1441 hours

Ayame staggered back into her pod after the break and willed herself to ignore the torment. She was emotionally isolated and had become a nervous wreck. Rejected by every club and society, the breaks were becoming a nightmare. The derisive jeers were beyond her wildest imagination and the nasty words seemed to cut through her soul. The constant taunting reverberated in her mind.

“Give way to the bulldozer!”

“You have the intelligence of a rock!”

“Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental.”

“We heard that the last guy who dated you is now in an asylum!”

Ayame turned on her TapPad and logged onto MaiseKonnekt. She dimly registered the spiteful words on her page which were increasing by the second and felt the sharp prick of unshed tears behind her eyelids. “Is it my fault that I was born this way? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why’s the world so unfair?” she whispered, questions cascading like blood from a newly slit wrist.

As adversity loomed over her, her ‘Never Say Die’ attitude spurred her grey cells to think of a solution. The last insult, “You’re as ugly inside as you are outside!” fired at her sparked an ingenious idea.

MaiseKonnekt was after all but another network, one that she could easily penetrate surreptitiously.

Ayame turned the idea over in her mind a few times before deciding that it was the best way forward. Here was her chance and she was ready to take it, for her image was all that mattered.

13/9/2047 – 1138 hours

Ayame grinned. Using her knowledge of CryptoComputing, she had hacked into MaiseKonnekt and created a new identity with a picture of a stunning girl named Sakura.Sakura had flawless skin with rounded lips and a winning smile. Her bouncy hair accentuated her curves perfectly and her eyes shone with playfulness and radiated confidence. Ayame knew that “Sakura” would be her bridge to the world. Her beauty would be all that mattered.

Tapping the ‘NewMessage’ button, she typed in, “Hey everyone, I’m Sakura. Can we Konnekt?”


Instantly, a message popped up. “Hey, Sakura, my name’s Juena and I’m the President of BlissClub. We’re the most prominent people on MaiseKonnekt. You’re beautiful. Accept my KonnektRequest?”

Ayame was thrilled. Just the first minute into her new identity and she was already given a friend request by one of the most influential people on MaiseKonnekt! Her plan was working. She would finally be accepted.

16/12/2047 – 1445 hours

Ayame paced hurriedly to her LearningPod after the break, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. Though deemed a misfit by a condemning many, including those whom she had befriended on MaiseKonnekt as Sakura, she knew that she was anything but “incompetent and uncool”. She settled into her chair, which gently massaged her at the tap of a button. Logging onto MaiseKonnekt, she looked at her profile picture that reminded her of her ‘beauty’.

Since accepting Juena’s friend request, it was only a matter of time before everyone in BlissClub became her MaiseFwen. No one knew who she was in reality but that was insignificant. Now in her fourth month at Solton, she was living two lives, one of an ugly outcast and the other of a beautiful socialite. Her clever comments and witty, satirical jokes increased the number of KonnektRequests that she received. She kept herself invisible by not meeting any of her MaiseFwens during the breaks.

Feeling jaded, she lazily tapped the ‘NewMessage’ button and typed, “Hey everyone, let’s have a party this weekend!”

“Sure, Sakura, we’re dying to meet you from the moment we saw your page! Where will we gather?” typed Innuetta, one of her MaiseFwens.

“Let’s go to Ullenza. Get all your friends! And @Ullenza – patience, Blisser!” Ayame responded. She did intend to go but was not planning on revealing who she was. After all, she was supposed to be one of the most popular people and she did not want that image to be ruined after all the hard work, for that was all that mattered.

19/12/2047 – 1450 hours

Ayame was on her way to the Indagatio Room in the Library for her research, when she heard a soft sob.

Spinning around, she spotted a girl with her face buried in her arms. Overlooking her was another girl offering her words of comfort. Ayame noticed that the older girl with the pug nose and limp hair looked vaguely familiar.

Suddenly, she remembered. It was Primera.

Ayame had always assumed that Primera would be what Lana had written: selfish, ugly and incompetent. But she had an infectious smile and a friendly demeanour. She did not appear to be affected by the snide comments about her looks. Judging by the way


the crying girl was calming down, Primera was truly a compassionate person. Ayame squirmed uneasily as her eyes widened, realising her dreadful mistake.

19/12/2047 – 1632 hours

Ayame stared at the page. She could not believe that she had missed it. Right below those significant words was Primera’s own.

Lana, I think I am beautiful. As they say, beauty is only skin-deep. I have values, morals and true friends. It is not my fault that I was born with a billboard forehead and small nose, but I would never have it any other way, for this is who I truly am.

Ayame was stunned. She had really been an impulsive and impatient idiot.

21/12/2047 – 1956 hours

Ayame was standing outside Ullenza. Sakura had invited everybody through MaiseKonnekt. It was the perfect opportunity to set things right.

Ayame took a deep breath and composed herself. She stepped closer to the door and it slid open with a low hiss. She bravely strode in with her head held high. She knew that people like Juena and Innuetta would shun her, after knowing who she really was, but she did not care. All that mattered was her.


PRISONBy Elizabeth KyliPrimary 5/10 (2014)

‘‘Processing…please do not attempt to lift or move the selected body parts. Surgery starts in 3…..2…..’’

A muffled scream could be heard from the machine before me. It was going to be my turn soon and I looked at my own right leg for the last time. A white mechanical leg lay before me on the table. Soon, it would be attached to me forever. Would I ever get used to it? My mind kept telling me the opposite.

‘‘Surgery completed. Please lift the patient onto the bed. Next patient,’’ the monotonous voice announced.

The machine looked like a coffin, a rectangular box, except there were many “arms’’ attached that were used to perform the complicated task of replacing my leg with the mechanical one. The cover of the machine opened, allowing me to lie down inside. As I saw the cover closing, all I could see was darkness everywhere.

I knew not to fidget. After a minute or so, I heard a voice. ‘‘Surgery to start in 3……2…..’’ All I felt was a sharp jab on my arm and I knew not what happened after that.

‘‘Good evening, Miss Williams. If you would step over here,’’ the doctor beckoned to me from the other side of the white room.

With difficulty, I managed to get out of the bed that I had been lying on. What was happening? My right leg was pulling me down. As I looked down, a gasp emanated from my mouth. My slender leg was nowhere to be seen. A white prototype had taken its place. Curiously, I raised it. It responded immediately in less than a second and lit up. I was so in awe of the advanced technology that I did not notice the doctor until I heard him clearing his throat loudly. I apologized a few times and proceeded to walk briskly towards him. The “check’’ consisted mainly of some simple leg movements. After footing the bill, I was free to go.

To get home, I had to take the MRT, which didn’t bother me as it went so fast that the landscape was a blur. However, one could still notice all the 350-storey high apartment buildings and the floating bus stops. Due to a recent breakthrough, architects were even able to make buildings levitate in the air with special magnets that could only repel each other, freeing up space for other structures. All around me, I spotted people on their Cyber-Galaxies, the latest phone that could do almost anything if you had the right applications. Screens lighted up faces with projected images of the latest episode of the late-night drama, while some simply watched movies that had just been released. I activated my IMusika 4, the latest music chip that could be carried about easily. It allowed one to listen to any song that was only audible to that person. Bobbing my head to the music, I leaned back on my seat and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I couldn’t hear a thing.


Opening my eyes, I discovered that everything was dark. The train had stopped abruptly, jolting all of us out of our seats. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Slowly, using my new leg to support myself, I attempted to get up. Nothing happened. Only then did I realise that my leg wasn’t lit up. A scream echoed through the train. I realised that it was my scream as my hand was involuntarily covering my mouth. My scream seemed to throw everyone into a state of panic. Amidst all the chaos, my eyes flickered shut due to the medical drugs I had taken earlier.

Looking around, I soon realised that it was a hospital ward. Reaching down instinctively to check that I wasn’t injured, I felt a cast where my right leg should have been. In a panic, I managed to lift myself out of my bed, grab the crutches lying beside it and hobble towards the door.

Coming out of the entrance, aka my dreamland, I felt free. Free of technology and its prison that I had unknowingly entered. Opening my eyes, I ignored the vibrating phone that was beeping a new text message. I stared at the remaining left leg, thankful that I had at least managed to salvage that.


P5 Social Studies 2014: Ancient Civilisations

The new Social Studies syllabus is one that covers a range of topics students are absolutely passionate about: Ancient Civilisations! Students delve into the world of the ancients, unraveling the mystery of Sumeria, the granduer of Egypt, the sophistication of Greece, the strength of Rome, the majesty of China, and the wonders of India.

Throughout the year, students are immersed in an environment that overflows with experiential activities, Socratic discussions and ICT-based lessons, all in a collective pursuit for the knowledge: to explore the Ancients’ way of life and understanding their legacies for us today!

Take a look at us!

We are Roman Legionnaires! Fear us!

Guess who we are?


Learning Journey to Science CentreP4 pupils attended the DNA Basics Workshop.

P4 Pupils were introduced to DNA as the most important molecule of life and made aware of the role of DNA in their lives. They made a DNA model and extracted some DNA from bacteria cells.


Clarity and


Chapter 4

“Brevity is the soul of wit.” - William Shakespeare -

-P4 and P5 Chinese (Pages 44-50)-P4 Social Studies (Pages 51-52)-P5 Science (Pages 53-54)


我爱新加坡I Love Singapore

Synopsis: The author shares about the beautiful island country.



































2014_SHPS_P4/8 刘驰慜


慢慢漂浮着。阳光像细小的金箭, 从天边射下来。这是一个









































新加坡第八届 YMCA 华语演讲比赛(铜奖)


2014_SHPS_P4/8 曾威杰


































献的一切, 就足以让我感到无比的自豪。

她就是我心目中永远的英雄! 谢谢大家。




“妈妈!我怎样才能享受快乐呢?”我好奇地问。“你去找快乐吧!每一个人都有自己的快乐。” 妈妈微笑着回答。好吧!我就找来快了吧!






“咚咚咚!”我敲了敲凯琪的门。凯琪打开了门,说: “我现在正做功课。等一会儿,我就和你玩。”



这时妹妹走进我的房间,说:“你可以跟我玩吗?我好闷啊!” 我知道妹妹不喜欢闷,便答应了。我们一起玩小娃娃,玩追逐游戏,画画等。



新加坡第二十届(2014年)全国小学现场华文创作比赛白月宁 P5-9


Soccer DreamsGerrard TaiP4/8 (2014)

I have always wanted to be the goalkeeper of the school soccer team. Last week, my dream was fulfilled. It was time for the soccer tryouts. I immediately sprinted to the field to get ready. I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. During the tryouts, my coach, Mr Fields, asked me to be the goalkeeper first. He then assigned the rest of them positions. I saved fifteen balls but missed thirteen. I was pretty sure I did quite badly. On the day of the results of the soccer tryouts, I was surprised and elated to find myself chosen to be the lead goalkeeper.

That day during practice, Mr Fields taught us how to play our roles properly. After a lecture, we played a match among ourselves. During the match, I found that my goalkeeping skills had improved. I saved three balls and only missed one! I was over the moon and immediately rushed home after the practice to tell my parents the good news. During recess every day, I also played soccer with my friends and that helped to improve my goalkeeping skills. After twenty sessions, my goalkeeping skills were superb.

The next session, Mr Fields said,” Our school is taking part in the inter-school football tournament!” For a few moments, the air was very still while everyone digested the information. It was so quiet that we could have heard a pin drop.

Then suddenly, everyone was talking incessantly, bursting with excitement! We were abruptly silenced when Mr Fields’ raised his hand to get our attention. He continued, “Our first match is against Grasswood School next Friday.” After the announcement, we were finally released by Mr Fields.

During recess the next day, I asked my friend,” Do you think our school will win the first match?”

“Yes! Our school has beaten Grasswood countless times. I am sure it will be no exception in this tournament!” my friend answered. I was still dwelling on whether our school would emerge as the champion when suddenly the bell rang, signalling the end of recess.

Finally, the awaited day arrived! After a few minutes of heated discussion on our strategy, we rushed onto the field, getting into our positions. Not long after, the referee’s whistle pierced through the air, initiating the start of the match. Our team scored first. The ball was then passed to the Grasswood’s striker. Their striker broke through our defence and shot a powerful ball, almost as powerful as a blazing meteorite from space. The ball slipped through my fingers and flew into the goal. “GOAL!” cheered the Grasswood supporters. The score was one goal for both teams. After a few minutes, the game ended and it was time for the penalty kicks.

The Grasswood striker kicked first. I jumped as if empowered with wings and managed to catch the ball. “Yes!” I exclaimed, followed by a victorious cry from my


team. Next, our striker kicked the ball, sending it flying in a wild arc. The goalkeeper tried with all his might but he failed to catch the ball in time.

By the fourth goal, it was two goals for both teams. Their striker did the most awesome kick! At the last moment, I dived in the other direction, saving the ball just in time! Next, our striker delivered probably the most powerful kick. The ball landed on the Grasswood goalkeeper’s chest with a loud thud. The impact of the ball sent him plunging straight into the net, helpless to do anything. “GOAL!” our team and our supporters cried. Our team won!

After the heart-pounding match, we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant to celebrate. We ordered chicken wings and burgers. Someone even asked for my autograph! It was the best day of my life!


The Life of a Drop of BloodName: Tan Shannon Class: P5/10 (2014)

My life is a meaningful cycle, each journey giving life to The Owner. Every cycle begins at The Heart, the muscle companion to us known to be as large as The Owner’s fist. The Heart is split into four important chambers, The Right Ventricle and The Left Ventricle along with The Right Atrium and The Left Atrium.

Let’s start at The Right Atrium. I have just returned from a long and exhausting trip collecting carbon dioxide and have arrived at The Right Atrium. It is of terribly low pressure here, as low as it can get! I take a slow trip through The Right Ventricle and The Pulmonary Artery (the ONLY artery containing deoxygenated blood) out of the heart towards the lungs. Finally, I reached the capillaries surrounding The Alveoli where I pick up all the oxygen I need and drop off the heavy load of carbon dioxide.

Eager to start another cycle, I rush into the Left Atrium through The Pulmonary Vein (the ONLY vein containing oxygenated blood) then into The Left Ventricle. I then leave the heart at a high pressure through The Aorta to the rest of the body parts out there for me to discover.

The Aorta then splits into arteries which split into even smaller arterioles and into the tiniest of them all, the capillaries. I pick up nutrients from digested food as I pass through the capillaries around the small intestines. As I continue my journey around the tiny capillaries, I drop off oxygen and nutrients for the rest of the body to use and pick up carbon dioxide which will have to be exterminated by the lungs soon.

Once all my oxygen and nutrients are depleted and I am abundant with carbon dioxide, I enter the venules which are capillaries joined together. It is here that the pressure lowers slightly. The venules then join together to form larger veins. I start going up, up and up. Just when I think I’m going to fall back in the wrong direction, The Valves push me forward. The veins from all the different directions join to form the superior vena cava, where I enter The Right Atrium and the cycle repeats itself again and again. The other 30 trillion red blood cells like me go through this journey 24/7 just to allow The Owner never to run out of oxygen or nutrients and to rid him of carbon dioxide.


The Journey of BloodName: Kathlyn Lee Class: P5/9 (2014)

My life is a continuous cycle, but it is a meaningful one. Every cycle begins with the heart, a muscle chamber. The heart consists of four important chambers, the right ventricle, left ventricle and the right and left atriums.

At the RIGHT atrium, I have just travelled there after collecting carbon dioxide from cells all over my master’s body. Here, I move the slowest due to the extremely low pressure here. I “crawl” at a snail’s pace to the lungs through the right ventricle and pulmonary artery (only artery containing deoxygenated blood). After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reached the alveoli in the lungs, where I release all the carbon dioxide in me and take in the maximum amount of oxygen I can contain.

Excited to start another cycle, I speed through the left atrium through the pulmonary vein (only vein containing oxygenated blood). Then I leave through the aorta to the rest of the body parts under extremely high pressure.

The aorta then splits into even smaller arteries, which split into tinier arterioles. Eventually, I reach the capillaries, which are one-cell thick. Once again, I collect carbon dioxide from other cells and deposit oxygen to them. The cycle renews once again.

Once all the oxygen is used up, I travel upwards towards the heart again. The pressure here lowers slightly. At the moment when I feel I am falling backwards, the valves push me and my fellow friends upwards. I enter the powerful and superior vena cava to the right atrium once again. 24 hours a day, for my master’s whole life, 30 trillion red blood cells, similar to me, just to sustain my master’s life.


My Reflection

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