Students for Sensible Drug Policy Welcome to SSDP 101.

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Students for Sensible Drug Policy Welcome to SSDP 101.

Students for Sensible Drug


Welcome to SSDP 101

What is SSDP• We are an international grassroots network of students

who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on our communities, but who also know that the War on Drugs is failing our generation and our society.

• SSDP mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future, while fighting back against counterproductive Drug War policies, particularly those that directly harm students and youth.

Values• Students for Sensible Drug Policy neither encourages nor condemns drug use. Rather, we seek to reduce the harms caused by drug abuse and drug policies. As young people, we strive toward a just and compassionate society where drug abuse is treated as a health issue instead of a criminal justice issue.

• We recognize that the very real harms of drug abuse are not adequately addressed by current policies and we advocate measures that would effectively help those who develop drug problems. Yet, we also believe that individuals must ultimately be allowed to make decisions for themselves as long as their actions do not infringe upon anyone else’s freedoms or safety.

But what does that mean? • We are a international grassroots based network of

individual chapters at colleges, universities, and High Schools.

• Our chapter network is autonomous, and works to achieve sensible policy changes that address counterproductive drug war policies in their communities.

• We have a 6 member national staff that work in DC and Mexico City.

• We work on a local, state, and national level to help enact changes in drug policies.

Where are we?

•US•Mexico•UK •Poland

•Nigeria •Australia •Colombia•Canada

What is a sensible drug policy? • An alternative to our current drug policies grounded in

science, reason, compassion, and justice.

• A policy that seeks to address drug use, abuse, and addiction as a public health issue instead of a criminal justice issue

• Works to enable treatment for addiction instead of incarceration

• Policies that use Harm Reduction methods to lessen the impact drugs have on our society

• Eliminates wasteful government spending on an impossible strategy

• Policies that work to help create a safer America grounded in education, regulation, and taxation of illicit drugs in a similar manner to alcohol

So, what sensible things have we done

lately?• Just last March, 400 SSDPers converged on capitol hill to lobby congress for cutting the ONDCP Anti-drug Youth Media Campaign

• 4 months later, a house budget committee cut all funding to the campaign. Over 45 million dollars!

How do I get involved?

•Join one of our 200 chapters nationwide or internationally

•Start a new chapter!

What do SSDP Chapters do?

• Promote discussion in the community about drug policy reform by:Promote discussion in the community about drug policy reform by:

• Hosting debates and discussion forumsHosting debates and discussion forums

• Bringing speakers from other organizations Bringing speakers from other organizations

• Screening documentaries on campusScreening documentaries on campus

• Changing PoliciesChanging Policies

• Lobby your representatives on issues and legislation that your Lobby your representatives on issues and legislation that your chapter cares aboutchapter cares about

• Change policies on your campusChange policies on your campus


Why? • In federal prisons, 55% of inmates are In federal prisons, 55% of inmates are

incarcerated on drug offenses. incarcerated on drug offenses.

• The U.S. has 5% of the world’s population The U.S. has 5% of the world’s population but houses 25% of the world’s prisoners.but houses 25% of the world’s prisoners.

• More than $50 Billion is spent More than $50 Billion is spent every year on the failed “War on Drugs.”every year on the failed “War on Drugs.”

The War on Drugs is a war on students

• Under the HEA Aid Elimination Penalty, students Under the HEA Aid Elimination Penalty, students convicted of a drug crime, even first time convicted of a drug crime, even first time possession of marijuana, are denied federal possession of marijuana, are denied federal financial aid for aid for school.

• The Office of National Drug Control Policy has The Office of National Drug Control Policy has pushed for invasive random student drug testing pushed for invasive random student drug testing to take place in public high schools - despite no to take place in public high schools - despite no evidence to support drug testing as a deterrent to evidence to support drug testing as a deterrent to drug use. drug use.

• One person is arrested for marijuana every 36 seconds.

Recruitment•What are some methods that work

on your campus?

•Where have you been successful on your campuses?

•What hasn’t worked?

Recruitment Channels

• Coalition Building

• Event Planning

• Outreach

• Public Relations

• Social Networking

Coalition Building• Reach out to other like minded organizations on

campus (social, political, cultural, service orgs)

• The drug war intersects with everything!

• Having co-hosted events, social gatherings, or even just attending meetings.

• Collaboration is key!

Event Planning • Create and plan events that

• Work to help spread awareness

• Help a campaign

• Raise money for your chapter

• Gather diverse crowds of people

• Educate audience about the harms of the drug war

Outreach• Reach out to your campus and let them know

that you exist!

• Tabling, chalking, and flyering campus

• Consider your chapter a business, and you must advertise

• Create merchandise (t-shirts, buttons, bags)

• Share your message

Public Relations • How the public eyes see your chapter

• Reaching out to media through press releases, Op-eds, and LTE’s

• Getting interviewed by local tv, radio, and internet news

• Keeping a chapter blog/maintaining website

Social Networking • How many chapters have a Facebook Page or


• How many Chapters have a Twitter account?

• How many chapters have a Tumblr page?

• Social networking is the free and easy way to get your message out!


Meetings• Having a regular weekly meeting time/location

is best.

• Use this time to plan events, organize campaigns, hold discussions, educate each other, and share ideas.

• Create an open forum, encourage people to share ideas, and remain respectful to others.

• Share current drug policy news, updates, and current events

Want to start a chapter or help strengthen your current chapter?

•Contact an SSDP Outreach Director

• (MW, NE, W)

• (S, MA, MP)


