STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY Volume 12 … · copy a chapter for use in teaching or research. ......

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Transcript of STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY Volume 12 … · copy a chapter for use in teaching or research. ......

Problems in Mathematical Analysis II Continuity and Differentiation

W. J. KaczorM. T. Nowak


Selected Titles in This Series

12 W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak, Problems in mathematical analysisII: Continuity and differentiation, 2001

11 Michael Mesterton-Gibbons, An introduction to game-theoreticmodelling, 2000

10 John Oprea, The mathematics of soap films: Explorations with Maple r©,


9 David E. Blair, Inversion theory and conformal mapping, 2000

8 Edward B. Burger, Exploring the number jungle: A journey intodiophantine analysis, 2000

7 Judy L. Walker, Codes and curves, 2000

6 Gerald Tenenbaum and Michel Mendes France, The prime numbersand their distribution, 2000

5 Alexander Mehlmann, The game’s afoot! Game theory in myth andparadox, 2000

4 W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak, Problems in mathematical analysisI: Real numbers, sequences and series, 2000

3 Roger Knobel, An introduction to the mathematical theory of waves,2000

2 Gregory F. Lawler and Lester N. Coyle, Lectures on contemporaryprobability, 1999

1 Charles Radin, Miles of tiles, 1999

Problems in Mathematical Analysis II Continuity and Differentiation

Problems in Mathematical Analysis II Continuity and Differentiation

W. J. Kaczor M. T. Nowak


Editorial Board

David BressoudRobert Devaney, Chair

Carl PomeranceHung-Hsi Wu

Originally published in Polish, asZadania z Analizy Matematycznej. Cze�sc Druga

Funkcje Jednej Zmiennej—Rachunek Rozniczowy

c© 1998, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie–Sk�lodowskiej, Lublin.

Translated, revised and augmented by the authors.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 00A07;Secondary 26A06, 26A15, 26A24.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kaczor, W. J. (Wieslawa J.), 1949–[Zadania z analizy matematycznej. English]Problems in mathematical analysis. I. Real numbers, sequences and series /

W. J. Kaczor, M. T. Nowak.p. cm. — (Student mathematical library, ISSN 1520-9121 ; v. 4)

Includes bibliographical references.ISBN 0-8218-2050-8 (softcover ; alk. paper)1. Mathematical analysis I. Nowak, M. T. (Maria T.), 1951– II. Title.

III. Series.QA300K32513 2000515′.076–dc21 99-087039

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Preface xi

Notation and Terminology xiii


Chapter �� Limits and Continuity

���� The Limit of a Function �

���� Properties of Continuous Functions �

���� Intermediate Value Property ��

���� Semicontinuous Functions ��

��� Uniform Continuity ��

��� Functional Equations ��

���� Continuous Functions in Metric Spaces ��

Chapter �� Di�erentiation

���� The Derivative of a Real Function ��

���� Mean Value Theorems �

���� Taylor s Formula and L Hospital s Rule �

���� Convex Functions �


viii Contents

��� Applications of Derivatives �

��� Strong Di�erentiability and Schwarz Di�erentiability ��

Chapter �� Sequences and Series of Functions

���� Sequences of Functions� Uniform Convergence ��

���� Series of Functions� Uniform Convergence ��

���� Power Series �

���� Taylor Series ���


Chapter �� Limits and Continuity

���� The Limit of a Function ���

���� Properties of Continuous Functions ���

���� Intermediate Value Property ��

���� Semicontinuous Functions ��

��� Uniform Continuity ���

��� Functional Equations ���

���� Continuous Functions in Metric Spaces ���

Chapter �� Di�erentiation

���� The Derivative of a Real Function ���

���� Mean Value Theorems ���

���� Taylor s Formula and L Hospital s Rule ��

���� Convex Functions ��

��� Applications of Derivatives ��

��� Strong Di�erentiability and Schwarz Di�erentiability ���

Chapter �� Sequences and Series of Functions

���� Sequences of Functions� Uniform Convergence ���

���� Series of Functions� Uniform Convergence ��

���� Power Series �

Contents ix

���� Taylor Series ���

Bibliography � Books ���

Index ���


This is the second volume of a planned series of books of problems in

mathematical analysis� The book deals with real functions of one real

variable� except for Section ��� where functions in metric spaces are

discussed� Like the �rst volume� Problems in Mathematical Analysis

I� Real Numbers� Sequences and Series� the book is divided into two

parts� The �rst part is a collection of exercises and problems� and

the second contains their solutions� Although often various solutions

of a given problem are possible� we present here only one� Moreover�

problems are divided into sections according to the methods of their

solutions� For example� if a problem is in the section Convex Func�

tions it means that in its solution properties of convex functions are

used� While each section begins with relatively simple exercises� one

can still �nd quite challenging problems� some of which are actually

theorems� Although the book is intended mainly for mathematics

students� it covers material that can be incorporated by teachers into

their lectures or be used for seminar discussions� For example� follow�

ing Steven Roman �Amer� Math� Monthly� � ����� pp� � ����

we present a proof of the well known Fa�a di Bruno formula for the nth

derivative of the composition of two functions� Applications of this

formula to real analytic functions given in Chapter � are mainly bor�

rowed from the book A Primer of Real Analytic Functions by Steven

G� Krantz and Harold R� Parks� In fact� we found this book so stimu�

lating that we could not resist borrowing a few theorems from it� We


xii Preface

would like also to mention here a generalization of Tauber�s theorem

due to Hardy and Littlewood� The proof of this result that we give

is based on Karamata�s paper �Math� Zeitschrift� � ������

Many problems have been borrowed freely from problem sections

of journals like the American Mathematical Monthly� Mathematics

Today �Russian� and Delta �Polish�� and from many textbooks and

problem books� The complete list of books is given in the bibliog�

raphy� As in the �rst volume� it was beyond our scope to trace all

original sources� and we o�er our sincere apologies if we have over�

looked some contributions�

All the notations and de�nitions used in this volume are stan�

dard� However� in an e�ort to make the book consistent and to avoid

ambiguity� we have included a list of notations and de�nitions� In

making references we write� for example� ������ or I� ������� which

denotes the number of the problem in this volume or in Volume I�


We owe much to many friends and colleagues with whom we have

had many fruitful discussions� Special mention should be made� how�

ever� of Tadeusz Kuczumow for suggestions of several problems and

solutions� and of Witold Rzymowski for making his manuscript ���

available to us� We are very grateful to Armen Grigoryan� Ma�lgorzata

Koter�M�orgowska� Stanis�law Prus and Jadwiga Zygmunt for drawing

the �gures and for their help with incorporating them into the text�

We are deeply indebted to Professor Richard J� Libera� University of

Delaware� for his unceasing help with the English translation and for

his valuable suggestions and corrections which we feel have greatly

improved both the form and the content of the two volumes� Fi�

nally� we would like to thank the sta� at the AMS for their dedicated

assistance �via e�mail� in bringing our work to fruition�

W� J� Kaczor� M� T� Nowak

Notation andTerminology

This is a supplement to the notation and terminology of Problems in

Mathematical Analysis I� Real Numbers� Sequences and Series�

If �X� d� is a metric space� x � X and A is a nonempty subset of X�


� Ac � X nA is the complement of the set A�

� BX�x� r�� BX�x� r� denote the open and the closed ball cen�

tered at x and of radius r � �� respectively� If X is xed we

omit the index and simply write B�x� r� or B�x� r��

� A� is the interior of A in the metric space �X� d��

� A denotes the closure of A in the metric space�

� �A � A �X nA is the boundary of A�

� diam�A� � supfd�x� y� x� y � Ag denotes the diameter of

the set A�

� dist �x�A� � inffd�x� y� y � Ag denotes the distance be�

tween x and the set A�

� A is of type F� if it is a union of countably many sets which

are closed in �X� d��

� A is of type G� if it is an intersection of countably many sets

which are open in �X� d��


xiv Notation and Terminology

� X is said to be connected if there do not exist two nonempty

disjoint open subsets B and C of X such that X � B �C�

�A�x� �

�� if x � A�

� if x � �X nA�

is the characteristic function of A�

� if A � X and if f is a function dened on X� then fjA denotes

the restriction of f to A�

If f and g are real functions of a real variable� then

� f�a�� and f�a�� denote the right�hand and the left�hand limit

of f at a� respectively�

� if the quotient f�x��g�x� tends to zero �or remains bounded�

as x� x�� then we write f�x� � o�g�x�� �or f�x� � O�g�x����

� C�A� � the set of all continuous functions on A�

� C�a� b� � the set of all continuous functions on an open interval

�a� b��

� f �n� � the nth derivative of f �

� Cn�a� b� � the set of all functions n times continuously di�er�

entiable on �a� b��

� f ���a�� f���a� � the right� and the left�hand derivative of f at

a� respectively�

� C�� a� b�� denotes the set of all functions continuously di�eren�

tiable on a� b�� where at the endpoints the derivative is right�

or left�hand� respectively� The set Cn� a� b�� of all functions

n times continuously di�erentiable on a� b� is dened induc�


� C��a� b�� C�� a� b�� � the set of functions innitely di�eren�

tiable on �a� b� and a� b�� respectively�

Bibliography � Books


��� J� Bana�s� S� W�edrychowicz� Zbi�or zada�n z analizy matematycznej� Wy�dawnictwa Naukowo�Techniczne� Warszawa� ��

��� V� I� Bernik� O�V� Melnikov� I� K� �Zuk�� Sbornik olimpiadnych zada�cpo matematike� Narodnaja Asveta� Minsk� � ��

��� P� Biler� A� Witkowski� Problems in Mathematical Analysis� MarcelDekker� Inc� New York and Basel� ���

�� T� J� Bromwich� An Introduction to the Theory of In�nite Series�Macmillan and Co�� Limited� London� ��

��� R� P� Boas� A Primer of Real Analytic Functions� Birkh�auser Verlag�Basel Boston Berlin� ���

��� L� Carleson� T� W� Gamelin� Complex Dynamics� Springer�Verlag�New York Berlin Heidelberg� ���

��� B� P� Demidovi�c� Sbornik zada�c i upra�znenij po matemati�ceskomu anal�izu� Nauka� Moskva� ���

� � J� Dieudonn�e� Foundations of Modern Analysis� Academic Press� NewYork San Francisco London� ���

�� A� J� Dorogovcev� Matemati�ceskij analiz� Spravo�cnoe posobe� Vy�s�caja�Skola� Kiev� � ��

���� A� J� Dorogovcev�Matemati�ceskij analiz� Sbornik zada�c� Vy�s�caja �Skola�Kiev� � ��

���� G� M� Fichtenholz� Di�erential�und Integralrechnung� I� II� III� V�E�B�Deutscher Verlag Wiss�� Berlin� ������ �


��� Bibliography � Books

���� B� R� Gelbaum� J� M� H� Olmsted� Theorems and Counterexamples inMathematics� Springer�Verlag� New York Berlin Heidelberg� ���

���� E� Hille� Analysis Vol�I� Blaisdell Publishing Company� New YorkToronto London� ���

��� W� J� Kaczor� M� T� Nowak� Problems in Mathematical Analysis I�Real Numbers� Sequences and Series� American Mathematical Society�Providence� RI� �����

���� G� Klambauer�Mathematical Analysis� Marcel Dekker� Inc�� New York�����

���� G� Klambauer� Problems and Propositions in Analysis� Marcel Dekker�Inc�� New York and Basel� ���

���� K� Knopp� Theorie und Anwendung der Unendlichen Reihen� Springer�Verlag� Berlin and Heidelberg� ���

�� � S� G� Krantz� H� R� Parks� A Primer of Real Analytic Functions�Birkh�auser Verlag� ���

��� L� D� Kudriavtsev� A� D� Kutasov� V� I� Chejlov� M� I� Shabunin�

Problemas de An�alisis Matem�atico� L�imite� Continuidad� Derivabili�dad Spanish� Mir� Moskva� � �

���� K� Kuratowski� Introduction to Calculus� Pergamon Press� Oxford�Edinburgh�New York� Polish Scienti�c Publishers� Warsaw� ���

���� S� �Lojasiewicz� An Introduction to the Theory of Real Functions� AWiley�Interscience Publication� John Wiley � Sons� Ltd�� Chichester�� �

���� D� S� Mitrinovi�c� Elementary Inequalities� P� Noordho� Ltd�� Gronin�gen� ���

���� G� P�olya� G� Szeg�o� Problems and theorems in analysis I� Spriger�Verlag� Berlin Heidelberg New York� �� �

��� R� Remmert� Theory of Complex Functions� Springer�Verlag� NewYork Berlin Heidelberg� ���

���� J�I� Rivkind� Zada�ci po matemati�ceskomu analizu� Vy�sej�saja �Skola�Mi�nsk� ����

���� W� I� Rozhov� G� D� Kurdevanidze� N� G� Pan�lov� Sbornik zada�cmatemati�ceskich olimpiad� Izdat� Univ� Druzhby Narodov� Moskva�� ��

���� W� Rudin� Principles of Mathematical Analysis� McGraw�Hill BookCompany� New York� ���

�� � W� Rzymowski� Convex Functions� preprint�

Bibliography � Books ���

��� W� A� Sadovni�cij� A� S� Podkolzin� Zada�ci studen�ceskich olimpiad pomatematike� Nauka� Moskva� �� �

���� R� Sikorski� Funkcje rzeczywiste� PWN� Warszawa� �� �

���� H� Silverman� Complex variables� Houghton Mi�in Company� Boston�����

���� E�C� Titchmarsh� The Theory of Functions� Oxford University Press�London� ��

���� G� A� Tonojan� W� N� Sergeev� Studen�ceskije matemati�ceskije olimpia�dy� Izdatelstwo Erevanskogo Universiteta� Erevan� � ��


Abel test for uniform convergence� ��Abel theorem� ��approximation theorem of Weierstrass�


Baire property� ��Baire theorem� ��Bernstein polynomial� ��Bernstein theorem� �

Cantor set� ���Cauchy criterion for uniform conver

gence� ��Cauchy functional equation� ��Cauchy theorem� �continuous convergence� ��convergence in the Ces�aro sense� �

deleted neighborhood� �Dini derivative� ���Dini theorem� ��Dirichlet series� ��Dirichlet test for uniform convergence�


equicontinuity� ��extended real number system� ��

Fa�a di Bruno formula� ���xed point� �functionconcave� ��continuous in the Ces�aro sense� �convex� ��� ��decreasing� ��rst Baire class� ��

increasing� �midpoint convex� ��monotone� �piecewise strictly monotone� ��real analytic� �semicontinuous� ��strictly convex� ��strictly decreasing� �strictly increasing� �strictly monotone� �subadditive� ��uniformly continuous� ��uniformly di�erentiable� ��

fundamental period� ��

Hamel basis� ���Hardy and Littlewood theorem� ��H�older inequality� �

incommensurate� ��intermediate value property� ��iterate� �

Jensen equation� ��Jensen inequality� ��

logarithmic mean� ��

Minkowski inequality� �generalized� ��

modulus of continuity� ��

Newton binomial formula� ��Newton method� ��


��� Index

oscillation� ��� ��

power mean� ��

radius of convergence� ��remainder term of Taylor seriesCauchy form� �integral form� �Lagrange form� �Peano form� �Schl�omilch Roche form� �

residual set� ��Riemann zeta function� ��

Schwarz derivative� ��lower� ��uniform� ��upper� ��

strong derivative� ��lower� ��upper� ��

symmetric derivative� ��

Tauber theorem� �

uniform convergence� ��

Weierstrass function� ��


Problems in Mathematical Analysis IIContinuity and Differentiation

W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak

We learn by doing. We learn mathematics by doing prob-lems. And we learn more mathematics by doing more problems. This is the sequel to Problems in Mathematical Analysis I (Volume 4 in the Student Mathematical Library series). If you want to hone your understanding of contin-uous and differentiable functions, this book contains hundreds of problems to help you do so. The emphasis here is on real functions of a single variable.

The book is mainly geared toward students studying the basic principles of analysis. However, given its selection of problems, organization, and level, it would be an ideal choice for tutorial or problem-solving seminars, particularly those geared toward the Putnam exam. It is also suitable for self-study. The presentation of the material is designed to help student comprehension, to encourage them to ask their own questions, and to start research. The collection of prob-lems will also help teachers who wish to incorporate problems into their lectures. The problems are grouped into sections according to the methods of solution. Solutions for the problems are provided.

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