Student Guide -...

Post on 18-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Student Guide -...

Student Guide �1

Student Guide �2

Dear Friends,

We are incredibly excited that you have taken this weekend to join us for our Follow summer retreat. Our prayer is that God uses this weekend to bring you closer to him and closer to one another – especially within your small group. I want you to know a few things as we begin.

First, the theme of the weekend is taken from Jesus’ primary command in Matthew’s gospel. It seems that every time Jesus turns around he is inviting someone to follow him, especially those who were considered outsiders. So if you’ve ever felt like an outsider, you are prime territory for God’s work! Before Jesus’ people were called Christians, they were simply followers.

Second, we believe that God has built and called a very special community that is Eastside Students. Each week I can hardly believe that God has allowed me to be a part of leading this tremendous team of small group leaders. At the forefront of the school year, this weekend is key to deepening the relationships within your group.

Third, we have prepared for your arrival here. This weekend has not been thrown together. Through our worship, through our speaker, through our small group conversations, and even through our games and free time, we believe God has something special for you. Will you take this weekend to pause, to turn the noise of everyday life off, and let Him in?

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” – Philippians 1:3

Dr. Joshua Rice Russ Snow

Student Guide �3

6th Boys: Tim McDaniel Alexei Kincer Caleb Baker

Chase Gravette Connor diLorenzo

Gabe Danner Jack Fraley

Ja’Von Broussard Marcus Romains Matthew Ward

6th Girls: Jennifer Lindsey Amethyst Shey Cassie Graham Leah Berryhill

Nicolle Correia Sophia Martinez-Rocha

Ava Bailey

7th Boys: Eric Bache

Jeramie Dalton Corbin Diaz

David Bushey Drew Reeves

Jared Dethose Liam Wendell Logan Carr Ryan Kelley

7th Girls: Jessica Dalton Mandy Hopkins

Ava Camp Erin Shaylor Sophia Rice

8th Boys: Bobby Lindsey

Brennan McDaniel Dakota Griffin

Matthew Caylor Rex Dunlap Taylor Bache

8th Girls: Johnna Rice

Caitlin Wendell Daniela Guthrie

Elizabeth Shaylor Isabel Dunlap

Noelle Hopkins Sarah Graves

9th Boys: Patrick Peters

Aaron Ward Chase Duvall

Clark diLorenzo Mikey Gravette

9th Girls: Lexi Bickford

Ashley Edmondson Courtney Kelley Kendall Warner

10th Boys: Jon Gentry

Jackson Bushey Jacob Peach

Joshua Guthrie Payne Austin Zac Adkins

10th Girls: Nicole Gentry Avery Williams Evelyn Graham Jovonte Branch Kaitlyn Branch Madysen White

11th/12th Boys: Marshall Sanders

Asher Graham Joel Dethose Zach Peters

11th/12th Girls: Maggie Snow Emma Dunlap Hallie Mullen Kara Gibby

Katie Benesh Keilah Diaz

Maddie Beckett Megan Day

Josh Rice Russ Snow

Brock McDaniel

Life Group Breakdown

Student Guide �4


Friday: Depart Student Center - 5:00 PM

Arrive at Camp Grace - 8:00 PM

Dinner – 8:15 PM

Session 1 – 9:00 PM

Small Groups – 10:15

Orientation – 10:45 PM

Lights Out – 11:30 PM

Saturday:Breakfast – 8:30 AM

Devotion – 9:15 AM

Session 2 – 9:45 AM

Small Groups: 10:45 AM

Olympics – 11:15 AM

Lunch – 12:00 PM

Sunday:Breakfast – 8:30

Session 4 (Communion) – 9:00 AM

Small Groups – 9:45 AM

Group Picture in Camp T-Shirts – 10:00 AM

Depart Camp Grace – 10:30 AM

Field & Lake Activities – 1:00 PM

Dinner – 7:00 PM

Devotion – 7:45 PM

Session 3 – 8:00 PM

Small Groups – 9:30 PM

Commercials – 10:00 PM

Lights Out – 11:30 P

Student Guide �5

Samer Massad is a graduate of the University of Georgia and of Dallas Theological Seminary, where he is currently pursing a second master of theology degree. During his time in Athens, Samer served at Athens Church (a North Point Community Church Strategic Partner) for four years. For two of those years he was a part of the Leadership Development Program where he served on staff with the student

ministry as the Small Groups and Events Coordinator. He is a huge proponent of small groups and believes life-change happens best within the context of community. Samer also communicated on a regular basis and has developed a passion for communicating the truth of God’s word in an engaging, relevant, and practical way.

Samer’s parents were born in Israel and he is proud of his Arabic heritage. Arabic is actually his first language. He places a high value on family and is one in a family of six. He considers his parents, Suhail and Marie, and his younger siblings to be five of his best friends. Samer is one of the most relational and fun-loving guys you will ever meet. He loves to laugh, loves jigsaw puzzles, and is quick to take advantage of any opportunity to get out on the soccer field or the basketball court.

OUR SPEAKER: Samer Massad


Student Guide �6

Camp CommercialsEach small group is given a product and should create a

funny commercial for the item. Commercials will be performed on Saturday night. The purpose is to build

community among your group.


• Small Group Leaders should act as facilitators, stepping out of the way as much as possible and allowing the students to create the finished product.

• Commercials can last from 1-5 minutes, and may incorporate any props, songs, etc.

• Commercials should include an original slogan or jingle.

• Commercials must incorporate everyone in the group, and no one from outside the group.

• Commercials will be judged by a panel of highly professional and impartial jurists.

Student Guide �7

SESSION 1: Jesus Says


Friday Night

Student Guide �8

SESSION 1: Jesus Says

Message Overview: When it comes to following Jesus, what comes to your mind? Many people think being a Christian or following Jesus is like a game of “Jesus says.” Jesus says to pray. Jesus says not to look over there. Jesus says to be nice to everyone. Jesus says to get up early and read your Bible. Lots of people think that Christianity is all about doing what Jesus says. But what if there is more? Regardless of what you believe and regardless of how you behave, Jesus invites you to follow.

Bottom Line: Following Jesus is not about rules and regulations. It’s about a relationship.

Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13

Discussion Questions:

1. What does the word “follow” immediately bring to your mind? 2. Why is it significant that following Jesus is not about rules and regulations but it’s about a

relationship? Why is the relational side of following Jesus so important? 3. How is the idea that Jesus wants everyone to follow him regardless of what they believe

or how they behave comforting? How is it challenging? 4. In the message, Samer said this about change, “Changing is not a prerequisite to

following Jesus. Changing is a result of following Jesus.” What is the significance of that statement? Where has Jesus changed your life? What areas of your life do you feel like you’re still growing?

5. What do you make of how the Pharisees responded to Jesus having dinner at Matthew’s house? Why is it easy as Christians to slip into the mindset of the Pharisees?

6. What are some things that make it difficult to follow Jesus? What holds you back? 7. Is there anything else that stuck out to you from the talk tonight?

Group Time

Student Guide �9

SESSION 2: Solid Foundation


Saturday Morning

Student Guide �10

Message Overview: It’s easy to say that you follow Jesus. It’s much more difficult to live like you follow Jesus. To often we show up to church, answer the questions, and sing the songs but then during the week at school or on a Friday night, all that Jesus taught us takes a back seat in the name of “fun”. But could it be true that choosing to apply all that Jesus taught makes life better and it makes us better at life? What if Jesus doesn’t want something from you but rather he wants something for you? Jesus want us to apply what he teaches so that we will begin to build our lives on solid foundation that will not crumble. Turns out that living as Jesus taught is what’s

Bottom Line: Outward expression is empty without obedient action.

Scripture: Luke 6:46-49

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the importance of actively living out and applying what Jesus taught? 2. What makes it difficult to apply what Jesus taught to our lives, relationships,

and friendships? 3. What have you challenged someone to live out that you don’t live out

yourself? 4. Do you surround yourself with people who only tell you what you want to hear?

How can you take steps to change that? 5. Why is it that we are often eager to express what we believe but are slow to

actually apply to our lives what we believe? Where’s the disconnect? What’s the point?

6. What areas of your life have you been stiff-arming Jesus out of? Why? What makes you so apprehensive?

7. What steps do you need to take to start building your house on rock rather than on sand?

8. What else stood out to you personally during the message?

SESSION 2: Solid Foundation

Group Time

Student Guide �11

SESSION 3: Journey of a Lifetime

Saturday Night


Student Guide �12

Message Overview: When we make decisions, we count the cost of that decision. We want to make sure that whatever decision we are making is “worth it.” The same is true when it comes to following Jesus. There are things that hold us back from fully committing to following Jesus. For a student maybe it is a habit, addiction, relationship, a life circumstance, or maybe even a past full of regret and shame. Wherever you are, Jesus’ death on the cross meets you where you are. Salvation is free. It costs nothing. Following Jesus will eventually cost something, but it is worth because in the end, choosing not to follow Jesus will cost much, much more.

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you agree that our culture places a higher value on leading than it does on following? Why? If yes, where do you see this playing out in your world? How does this attitude impact the idea of following Jesus?

2. What does it look like for you to personally “deny yourself”? 3. Where are you not willing to let go and let God? Where are you not willing to live and

do as God wants you to do? 4. Following is all about taking steps. What is the next step for you? How can you begin to

move your life more into alignment with Jesus’s life? 5. Tonight we learned that Jesus invites us to lose our lives with a purpose. What might that

purpose be for you? 6. How has this weekend redefined for you what it means to follow Jesus? How will this

year of following Jesus look like as a result? 7. What else stood out to you personally during the message?

Bottom Line: Jesus invites you to lose your life with a purpose.

Scripture: Mark 8:34-37

SESSION 3: Journey of a Lifetime

Group Time

Student Guide �13

Sunday Morning

SESSION 4: Light Of The World Notes

Student Guide �14

The S.O.A.P. Devotion Method S. – Scripture Saturday Morning Devotional Passage: Matthew 20:29-34

As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.

“Lord,” they answered, “we want our sight.”

Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.

Saturday Evening Devotional Passage: Luke 9:51-62

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem.  When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them[b]?”  But Jesus turned and rebuked them.  Then he and his disciples went to another village.

As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

He said to another man, “Follow me.”

But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”

Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Student Guide �15

O. – Observation What do you notice in the passage you read?  Who is speaking?  What is the context?  Who is the audience?  This often brings out details we would normally miss by just reading.

A. – Application Get personal.  How does this relate to me or my circumstances?  How is God speaking to me through this passage? As you begin to put the puzzle pieces together and gain understanding, write down what you feel God is telling you or what He wants you to do.

P. – Prayer Thank God for giving you these Words and speaking to you.  Ask Him for wisdom to help you understand and strength and courage to help you apply these truths.  I often pray it out loud after I finish writing it down.

The S.O.A.P. Devotion Method cont.

Student Guide �16

S.O.A.P Bible Study Notes Devotion 1: Matthew 20:29-24





what will I do about it? what do these verses ask me to do or change?

what do I feel God is showing me in this passage?

verse or verses that stand out to me.

thank Him and ask Him for wisdom to help you understand and strength and courage to help you apply these truths.

Student Guide �17

S.O.A.P Bible Study Notes Devotion 2: Luke 9:51-62


what will I do about it? what do these verses ask me to do or change?

what do I feel God is showing me in this passage?

verse or verses that stand out to me.



Prayer: thank Him and ask Him for wisdom to help you understand and strength and courage to help you apply these truths.

Student Guide �18

Spirituality is celebrating the dawn. Discipleship sings in the dark.

Spirituality is sitting in awe by the seashore. Discipleship joins the dolphins.

Spirituality is dreaming of flying. Discipleship walks the distance.

Spirituality is loving the good neighbor. Discipleship loves the enemy.

Spirituality is knowing God’s plan. Discipleship trusts when nothing makes sense.

Spirituality is turning life sunny side up. Discipleship turns the world upside down.

Spirituality is finding inner peace. Discipleship is making peace.

Spirituality is integrative. Discipleship is subversive.

Poem by David Augsburger: (in the book, Dissident Discipleship)