"Student Assistant" DC89

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Payapaya, Cahatol, Valduheusa,

Transcript of "Student Assistant" DC89

F/4.5 1/50sec. ISO-800 THE INTENSE OF TIME


01 Contents 02 “SA”Qoutes 03 • Introduction

• Objectives • Clear statement of photo essay • Purpose of the photo essay 04-24 Their story’s (SA)

25-26 References

F/4.5 1/25sec. ISO-800 1.

“Students Assistant”, no matter how busy I am, I can still spend time with him.”

F/4.5 1/13sec. ISO-800 2.

INTRODUCTION: This e book aims to show the life of Student Assistant. To make the readers understand and feel the feelings of being intense with the time to come up with multiple tasks. This photo essay is made to inform the people of how was the life of being a student assistant. We want the readers, especially the students that after reading this they might be encourage to give more respect of the student assistants.

F/4.5 1/60sec. ISO-800 3.

“The time which you can relax with someone who can make you happy and to share the difficulties of the task has done.” F/4.5 1/400sec. ISO-800 4.

”Photocopy of some important documents for their study purpose.”

F/4.5 1/320sec. ISO-800 5.

“Researching at the same time having past time” Some SA spend their free time at the internet lab(library)” F/4.5 1/40sec. ISO-800 6.

“That SA wearing red bag is getting his estimated tuition fee at finance office” F/4.5 1/125sec. ISO-800 7.

“Most of SA always goes to the finance to check their school fees” F/4.5 1/40sec. ISO-800 8.

“If you visit DSA office you will see many SA their doing their responsibilities, they do like Assisting violations with co-student”

F/4.5 1/160sec. ISO-800 9.

“When they get bored some SA goes here with their friends were they can surf the internet world using their phone’s wifi” F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800 10.

F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800 “This SA is assigned to be the ID checker of any students who would enter library” 11-12.

“ They are talking inside at CISO office, while they don’t have any task to do in that time” F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800 13-14

“They are busy entertaining the students who wants to borrow books from the library” F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800 15-16.

“From office to his classroom” F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800 17-18.

“This SA is asked to go to the biology office” F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800 19-20.

“At 4th floor

at the library,

staffs are

doing their

job as SA”





“This SA is studying at the library like

the other students”

F/4.5 1/150sec ISO-800



Zeniel A. Cahatol

Raul C. Payapaya

Ron Valduesa

Especial participation of Dan David Tan
