Stuart MacFarlane on Relationship Counseling

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Stuart MacFarlane on Relationship Counseling

Key Benefits of Relationship Counseling

The idea of relationship counselling can seem frightening. But regardless of how long you’ve been with your spouse or the type of relationship you have, there is always room for improvement.

Anyone can benefit from relationship counselling, whether you and your spouse are experiencing problems or you’re engaged and want to get your marriage off to a good start with premarital counselling.

Well-respected therapist Stuart MacFarlane, who specializes in relationship counselling and holds 30 years of experience in the psychology field, provides a list of the key benefits couples will gain by attending relationship counselling.

One main advantage to couples counselling is it helps improve the way you communicate with each other.

You learn how to discuss your issues in a clear and open manner without anger. You learn how to communicate your needs without having to make demands or being offensive.

Better Communication with Each Other

Couples counselling offers a safe environment for expressing your feelings and thoughts and discussing issues. You also learn that as a couple, you are a team, and must work together. You will learn how to process and work through unresolved problems together as a team.

Work through Issues Together

Good couples counselling offers an objective perspective on your relationship and guidance about what you and your partner need to do differently to make it last. A counsellor can teach you skills needed to maintain a fulfilling relationship, monitor your progress, and provide feedback.

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